MD5 校验值:61e58c10a11e4adec8760ee3854e996a 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package B0; import I2.InterfaceC0061x; import I2.L0; import I2.N0; import I2.O0; import L2.J; import M.AbstractC0111y; import M.Q; import R0.z; import a0.C0210a; import a1.C0224c; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import b5.C0282b; import b5.C0284d; import c3.InterfaceC0304c; import; import; import; import d1.AbstractC1719b; import f0.AbstractC1761a; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import music.downloader.mp3player.downloadmusic.DeviceAudioFragment; import music.downloader.mp3player.downloadmusic.PlaylistFragment; import n4.AbstractC2102e; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mozilla.classfile.ByteCode; public final class v implements Runnable { public final int f240b; public final Object e; public v(Object obj, int i5) { this.f240b = i5; this.e = obj; } private final void a() { c4.c cVar = (c4.c) this.e; if (cVar.d != 10) { com.bumptech.glide.d.q(cVar, "High concurrent cause, this task %d will not start, because the of status isn't toLaunchPool: %d", Integer.valueOf(cVar.a()), Byte.valueOf(cVar.d)); return; } c4.b bVar = cVar.f5672c; bVar.getClass(); c4.q c7 = c4.n.f5697a.c(); try { if (!c7.a(bVar)) { synchronized (cVar.f5671b) { try { if (cVar.d != 10) { com.bumptech.glide.d.q(cVar, "High concurrent cause, this task %d will not start, the status can't assign to toFileDownloadService, because the status isn't toLaunchPool: %d", Integer.valueOf(cVar.a()), Byte.valueOf(cVar.d)); } else { cVar.d = ByteCode.T_LONG; A1.f fVar = c4.e.f5678a; fVar.a(bVar); int a6 = bVar.a(); String str = bVar.e; boolean z6 = bVar.f5661g; String str2 = bVar.f5660f; int i5 = AbstractC2102e.f17557a; if (str != null) { if (z6) { if (str2 != null) { str = AbstractC2102e.c(str, str2); } } if (com.bumptech.glide.c.h(a6, str, false, true)) { C0224c c0224c = c4.i.f5688a; String str3 = bVar.d; String str4 = bVar.e; boolean z7 = bVar.f5661g; int i6 = bVar.f5664j; int i7 = bVar.f5665k; cVar.f5672c.getClass(); boolean t02 = ((c4.p) c0224c.e).t0(i6, i7, str3, str4, z7); if (cVar.d == -2) { com.bumptech.glide.d.q(cVar, "High concurrent cause, this task %d will be paused,because of the status is paused, so the pause action must be applied", Integer.valueOf(cVar.a())); if (t02) { c0224c.X(cVar.a()); } } else if (!t02) { if (!c7.a(bVar)) { j4.p e = cVar.e(new RuntimeException("Occur Unknown Error, when request to start maybe some problem in binder, maybe the process was killed in unexpected.")); ArrayList arrayList = fVar.f62a; if (arrayList.isEmpty() || !arrayList.contains(bVar)) { c7.b(bVar); fVar.a(bVar); } fVar.f(bVar, e); } } else { c7.b(bVar); } } } str = null; if (com.bumptech.glide.c.h(a6, str, false, true)) { } } } finally { } } } } catch (Throwable th) { th.printStackTrace(); c4.e.f5678a.f(bVar, cVar.e(th)); } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { switch (this.f240b) { case 26: if (!super.equals(obj) && obj != ((c4.c) this.e)) { return false; } return true; default: return super.equals(obj); } } @Override public final void run() { j jVar; boolean z6; View d; int width; int i5; Object obj; String str; ?? r22 = 0; switch (this.f240b) { case 0: Worker worker = (Worker) this.e; try { worker.f5429l.j(worker.doWork()); return; } catch (Throwable th) { worker.f5429l.k(th); return; } case 1: InterfaceC0061x interfaceC0061x = ((L0) this.e).f1144b.f1145b; if (interfaceC0061x != null) { try { interfaceC0061x.D(1); return; } catch (RemoteException e) { M2.h.j("Could not notify onAdFailedToLoad event.", e); return; } } return; case 2: InterfaceC0061x interfaceC0061x2 = ((N0) this.e).f1147b; if (interfaceC0061x2 != null) { try { interfaceC0061x2.D(1); return; } catch (RemoteException e7) { M2.h.j("Could not notify onAdFailedToLoad event.", e7); return; } } return; case 3: InterfaceC1496v9 interfaceC1496v9 = ((O0) this.e).f1148b; if (interfaceC1496v9 != null) { try { interfaceC1496v9.o2(Collections.emptyList()); return; } catch (RemoteException e8) { M2.h.j("Could not notify onComplete event.", e8); return; } } return; case 4: InterfaceC1554wc interfaceC1554wc = (InterfaceC1554wc) this.e; if (interfaceC1554wc != null) { try { interfaceC1554wc.D(1); return; } catch (RemoteException e9) { M2.h.k("#007 Could not call remote method.", e9); return; } } return; case 5: ((K2.b) this.e).q(); return; case 6: Thread.currentThread(); A.s sVar = (A.s) this.e; sVar.getClass(); sVar.u(); return; case 7: ((J) this.e).r(); return; case 8: ConstraintTrackingWorker constraintTrackingWorker = (ConstraintTrackingWorker) this.e; String b7 = constraintTrackingWorker.getInputData().b(""); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(b7)) { n.e().d(ConstraintTrackingWorker.f5460q, "No worker to delegate to.", new Throwable[0]); jVar = new j(); } else { ListenableWorker a6 = constraintTrackingWorker.getWorkerFactory().a(constraintTrackingWorker.getApplicationContext(), b7, constraintTrackingWorker.f5461l); constraintTrackingWorker.f5465p = a6; if (a6 == null) { n.e().c(ConstraintTrackingWorker.f5460q, "No worker to delegate to.", new Throwable[0]); jVar = new j(); } else { K0.i h6 = C0.l.B(constraintTrackingWorker.getApplicationContext()).f388c.n().h(constraintTrackingWorker.getId().toString()); if (h6 == null) { constraintTrackingWorker.f5464o.j(new j()); return; } G0.c cVar = new G0.c(constraintTrackingWorker.getApplicationContext(), constraintTrackingWorker.getTaskExecutor(), constraintTrackingWorker); cVar.b(Collections.singletonList(h6)); if (cVar.a(constraintTrackingWorker.getId().toString())) { n.e().c(ConstraintTrackingWorker.f5460q, p4.r.n("Constraints met for delegate ", b7), new Throwable[0]); try { Z3.a startWork = constraintTrackingWorker.f5465p.startWork(); startWork.a(new Ix(constraintTrackingWorker, startWork, 17, r22), constraintTrackingWorker.getBackgroundExecutor()); return; } catch (Throwable th2) { n e10 = n.e(); String str2 = ConstraintTrackingWorker.f5460q; e10.c(str2, AbstractC1761a.h("Delegated worker ", b7, " threw exception in startWork."), th2); synchronized (constraintTrackingWorker.f5462m) { try { if (constraintTrackingWorker.f5463n) { n.e().c(str2, "Constraints were unmet, Retrying.", new Throwable[0]); constraintTrackingWorker.f5464o.j(new Object()); } else { constraintTrackingWorker.f5464o.j(new j()); } return; } finally { } } } } n.e().c(ConstraintTrackingWorker.f5460q, AbstractC1761a.h("Constraints not met for delegate ", b7, ". Requesting retry."), new Throwable[0]); constraintTrackingWorker.f5464o.j(new Object()); return; } } constraintTrackingWorker.f5464o.j(jVar); return; case 9: ((DeviceAudioFragment) this.e).f17224f0.w(); return; case 10: PlaylistFragment playlistFragment = (PlaylistFragment) this.e; playlistFragment.f17263e0.postDelayed(playlistFragment.f17264f0, playlistFragment.f17265g0); playlistFragment.c0(); return; case 11: Q.h hVar = (Q.h) this.e; if (hVar.f2385u) { boolean z7 = hVar.f2383s; Q.a aVar = hVar.f2372b; if (z7) { hVar.f2383s = false; aVar.getClass(); long currentAnimationTimeMillis = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis(); aVar.e = currentAnimationTimeMillis; aVar.f2368g = -1L; aVar.f2367f = currentAnimationTimeMillis; aVar.f2369h = 0.5f; } if ((aVar.f2368g > 0 && AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() > aVar.f2368g + aVar.f2370i) || !hVar.h()) { hVar.f2385u = false; return; } boolean z8 = hVar.f2384t; View view = hVar.f2373f; if (z8) { hVar.f2384t = false; long uptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); MotionEvent obtain = MotionEvent.obtain(uptimeMillis, uptimeMillis, 3, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); view.onTouchEvent(obtain); obtain.recycle(); } if (aVar.f2367f != 0) { long currentAnimationTimeMillis2 = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis(); float a7 = aVar.a(currentAnimationTimeMillis2); long j5 = currentAnimationTimeMillis2 - aVar.f2367f; aVar.f2367f = currentAnimationTimeMillis2; Q.i.b(hVar.f2387w, (int) (((float) j5) * ((a7 * 4.0f) + ((-4.0f) * a7 * a7)) * aVar.d)); WeakHashMap weakHashMap = Q.f1895a; AbstractC0111y.m(view, this); return; } throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute scroll delta before calling start()"); } return; case 12: if (((z) this.e).d != null) { R0.x xVar = ((z) this.e).d; Object obj2 = xVar.f2790a; if (obj2 != null) { z zVar = (z) this.e; synchronized (zVar) { Iterator it = new ArrayList(zVar.f2793a).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((R0.v); } } return; } z zVar2 = (z) this.e; Throwable th3 = xVar.f2791b; synchronized (zVar2) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(zVar2.f2794b); if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { AbstractC1719b.c("Lottie encountered an error but no failure listener was added:", th3); } else { Iterator it2 = arrayList.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { ((R0.v); } } } return; } return; case 13: ((Q3.e) this.e).getClass(); throw null; case 14: ((T.e) this.e).p(0); return; case 15: U.e eVar = (U.e) this.e; int i6 = eVar.e.f3250o; int i7 = 3; int i8 = eVar.f3739b; if (i8 == 3) { z6 = true; } else { z6 = false; } ?? r9 = eVar.f3741j; if (z6) { d = r9.d(3); if (d != null) { i5 = -d.getWidth(); } else { i5 = 0; } width = i5 + i6; } else { d = r9.d(5); width = r9.getWidth() - i6; } if (d != null) { if (((z6 && d.getLeft() < width) || (!z6 && d.getLeft() > width)) && r9.g(d) == 0) { U.c cVar2 = (U.c) d.getLayoutParams(); eVar.e.s(d, width, d.getTop()); cVar2.f3733c = true; r9.invalidate(); if (i8 == 3) { i7 = 5; } View d4 = r9.d(i7); if (d4 != null) { r9.b(d4); } if (!r9.f4981w) { long uptimeMillis2 = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); MotionEvent obtain2 = MotionEvent.obtain(uptimeMillis2, uptimeMillis2, 3, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); int childCount = r9.getChildCount(); while (r22 < childCount) { r9.getChildAt(r22).dispatchTouchEvent(obtain2); r22++; } obtain2.recycle(); r9.f4981w = true; return; } return; } return; } return; case 16: C0210a c0210a = (C0210a) this.e; c0210a.f4508f.f4525j.remove(((Messenger) c0210a.d.e).getBinder()); return; case 17: try { androidx.activity.e.D((androidx.activity.e) this.e); return; } catch (IllegalStateException e11) { if (TextUtils.equals(e11.getMessage(), "Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState")) { return; } else { throw e11; } } case 18: AnimationAnimationListenerC0241d animationAnimationListenerC0241d = (AnimationAnimationListenerC0241d) this.e; animationAnimationListenerC0241d.f5105a.endViewTransition(animationAnimationListenerC0241d.f5106b); animationAnimationListenerC0241d.f5107c.d(); return; case 19: M.a(4, (ArrayList) this.e); return; case 20: DialogInterfaceOnCancelListenerC0248k dialogInterfaceOnCancelListenerC0248k = (DialogInterfaceOnCancelListenerC0248k) this.e; dialogInterfaceOnCancelListenerC0248k.c0.onDismiss(dialogInterfaceOnCancelListenerC0248k.f5129k0); return; case 21: ((E) this.e).x(true); return; case 22: synchronized (((androidx.lifecycle.r) this.e).f5248a) { obj = ((androidx.lifecycle.r) this.e).f5251f; ((androidx.lifecycle.r) this.e).f5251f = androidx.lifecycle.r.f5247k; } ((androidx.lifecycle.r) this.e).e(obj); return; case 23: androidx.viewpager2.adapter.d dVar = (androidx.viewpager2.adapter.d) this.e; dVar.f5402i = false; dVar.n(); return; case 24: C0284d c0284d = (C0284d) this.e; String str3 = "{}"; JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(); try { jSONObject.put("pkg", ""); str = jSONObject.toString(); } catch (JSONException e12) { e12.printStackTrace(); str = "{}"; } System.out.println("getSuggestTop !!!"); try { JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(Q5.b.s("", str)); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (int i9 = 0; i9 < jSONArray.length(); i9++) { if (!hashMap.containsKey(jSONArray.getJSONObject(i9).getString("name"))) { hashMap.put(jSONArray.getJSONObject(i9).getString("name"), Boolean.TRUE); String str4 = ""; if (!jSONArray.getJSONObject(i9).isNull("image")) { str4 = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i9).getString("image"); } arrayList2.add(new C0282b(jSONArray.getJSONObject(i9).getString("name"), str4)); } } c0284d.f5584b.clear(); c0284d.f5584b = arrayList2; } catch (JSONException e13) { e13.printStackTrace(); } JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject(); try { jSONObject2.put("pkg", ""); jSONObject2.put("region", ""); str3 = jSONObject2.toString(); } catch (JSONException e14) { e14.printStackTrace(); } try { JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray(Q5.b.s("", str3)); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < jSONArray2.length(); i10++) { arrayList3.add(jSONArray2.getJSONObject(i10).getString("name")); } c0284d.d.clear(); c0284d.d = arrayList3; } catch (JSONException e15) { e15.printStackTrace(); } try { c0284d.a(); } catch (Exception e16) { System.out.println("Exception saveDataSuggest: " + e16); } c0284d.getClass(); return; case 25: ((c4.h) this.e).a(); return; case 26: a(); return; case 27: com.bumptech.glide.n nVar = (com.bumptech.glide.n) this.e; nVar.f5885f.e(nVar); return; case 28: ((d3.n) this.e).e(); return; default: InterfaceC0304c interfaceC0304c = ((d3.n) ((N5.g) this.e).e).e; interfaceC0304c.d(interfaceC0304c.getClass().getName().concat(" disconnecting because it was signed out.")); return; } } }