MD5 校验值:9a3607a8b6a643c932183399cb0ea25c 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package G1; import G1.ComponentCallbacksC0547p; import G1.X; import G5.C0563g; import H1.a; import K1.a; import N1.a; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.AndroidRuntimeException; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import; import androidx.lifecycle.AbstractC0823k; import androidx.lifecycle.C0830s; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import q1.J; import s.C1761B; public final class L { public final C f3155a; public final W0.c f3156b; public final ComponentCallbacksC0547p f3157c; public boolean f3158d = false; public int f3159e = -1; public class a implements View.OnAttachStateChangeListener { public final View f3160h; public a(View view) { this.f3160h = view; } @Override public final void onViewAttachedToWindow(View view) { View view2 = this.f3160h; view2.removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(this); WeakHashMap<View, q1.U> weakHashMap = q1.J.f18323a; J.c.c(view2); } @Override public final void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View view) { } } public L(C c8, W0.c cVar, ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p) { this.f3155a = c8; this.f3156b = cVar; this.f3157c = componentCallbacksC0547p; } public final void a() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } Bundle bundle = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.N(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 3; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.C(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onActivityCreated()")); } if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto RESTORE_VIEW_STATE: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } View view = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; if (view != null) { Bundle bundle2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; SparseArray<Parcelable> sparseArray = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j; if (sparseArray != null) { view.restoreHierarchyState(sparseArray); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j = null; } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.f3209l.b(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k = null; } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.S(bundle2); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onViewStateRestored()")); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.b(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_CREATE); } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i = null; G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3079F = false; g8.f3080G = false; g8.f3086M.f3141g = false; g8.t(4); this.f3155a.a(false); } public final void b() { View view; View view2; W0.c cVar = this.f3156b; cVar.getClass(); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; ViewGroup viewGroup = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K; int i8 = -1; if (viewGroup != null) { int indexOf = ((ArrayList) cVar.f8858a).indexOf(componentCallbacksC0547p); int i9 = indexOf - 1; while (true) { if (i9 < 0) { while (true) { indexOf++; if (indexOf >= ((ArrayList) cVar.f8858a).size()) { break; } ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p2 = (ComponentCallbacksC0547p) ((ArrayList) cVar.f8858a).get(indexOf); if (componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3328K == viewGroup && (view = componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3329L) != null) { i8 = viewGroup.indexOfChild(view); break; } } } else { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p3 = (ComponentCallbacksC0547p) ((ArrayList) cVar.f8858a).get(i9); if (componentCallbacksC0547p3.f3328K == viewGroup && (view2 = componentCallbacksC0547p3.f3329L) != null) { i8 = viewGroup.indexOfChild(view2) + 1; break; } i9--; } } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K.addView(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L, i8); } public final void c() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto ATTACHED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n; L l7 = null; W0.c cVar = this.f3156b; if (componentCallbacksC0547p2 != null) { L l8 = (L) ((HashMap) cVar.f8859b).get(componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3350l); if (l8 == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p + " declared target fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n + " that does not belong to this FragmentManager!"); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n.f3350l; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n = null; l7 = l8; } else { String str = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o; if (str != null && (l7 = (L) ((HashMap) cVar.f8859b).get(str)) == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Fragment "); sb.append(componentCallbacksC0547p); sb.append(" declared target fragment "); throw new IllegalStateException(C0563g.g(sb, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o, " that does not belong to this FragmentManager!")); } } if (l7 != null) { l7.k(); } F f8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3364z = f8.f3108u; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3319B = f8.f3110w; C c8 = this.f3155a; c8.g(false); ArrayList<ComponentCallbacksC0547p.e> arrayList = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3344a0; Iterator<ComponentCallbacksC0547p.e> it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } arrayList.clear(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.b(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3364z, componentCallbacksC0547p.k(), componentCallbacksC0547p); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 0; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.F(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3364z.f3063j); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onAttach()")); } Iterator<J> it2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y.f3101n.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) {; } G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3079F = false; g8.f3080G = false; g8.f3086M.f3141g = false; g8.t(0); c8.b(false); } public final int d() { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y == null) { return componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h; } int i8 = this.f3159e; int ordinal = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3337T.ordinal(); if (ordinal == 1) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 0); } else if (ordinal == 2) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 1); } else if (ordinal == 3) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 5); } else if (ordinal != 4) { i8 = Math.min(i8, -1); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3358t) { if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3359u) { i8 = Math.max(this.f3159e, 2); View view = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; if (view != null && view.getParent() == null) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 2); } } else { i8 = this.f3159e < 4 ? Math.min(i8, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h) : Math.min(i8, 1); } } if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3356r) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 1); } ViewGroup viewGroup = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K; X.d dVar = null; if (viewGroup != null) { X f8 = X.f(viewGroup, componentCallbacksC0547p.r().F()); f8.getClass(); X.d d8 = f8.d(componentCallbacksC0547p); X.d dVar2 = d8 != null ? d8.f3223b : null; Iterator<X.d> it = f8.f3214c.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } X.d next =; if (next.f3224c.equals(componentCallbacksC0547p) && !next.f3227f) { dVar = next; break; } } dVar = (dVar == null || !(dVar2 == null || dVar2 == X.d.b.f3230h)) ? dVar2 : dVar.f3223b; } if (dVar == X.d.b.f3231i) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 6); } else if (dVar == X.d.b.f3232j) { i8 = Math.max(i8, 3); } else if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3357s) { i8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.B() ? Math.min(i8, 1) : Math.min(i8, -1); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3330M && componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h < 5) { i8 = Math.min(i8, 4); } if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "computeExpectedState() of " + i8 + " for " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } return i8; } public final void e() { Parcelable parcelable; boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto CREATED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3335R) { Bundle bundle = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; if (bundle != null && (parcelable = bundle.getParcelable("android:support:fragments")) != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.T(parcelable); G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3079F = false; g8.f3080G = false; g8.f3086M.f3141g = false; g8.t(1); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 1; return; } C c8 = this.f3155a; c8.h(false); Bundle bundle2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.N(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 1; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U.a(new r(componentCallbacksC0547p)); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3342Y.b(bundle2); componentCallbacksC0547p.G(bundle2); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3335R = true; if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onCreate()")); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U.f(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_CREATE); c8.c(false); } public final void f() { String str; ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3358t) { return; } if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto CREATE_VIEW: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } LayoutInflater L7 = componentCallbacksC0547p.L(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3334Q = L7; ViewGroup viewGroup = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K; if (viewGroup == null) { int i8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3321D; if (i8 == 0) { viewGroup = null; } else { if (i8 == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(C0548q.d("Cannot create fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " for a container view with no id")); } viewGroup = (ViewGroup) componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y.f3109v.A(i8); if (viewGroup == null) { if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3360v) { try { str = componentCallbacksC0547p.s().getResourceName(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3321D); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused) { str = "unknown"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No view found for id 0x" + Integer.toHexString(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3321D) + " (" + str + ") for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } } else if (!(viewGroup instanceof FragmentContainerView)) { a.b bVar = H1.a.f3577a; H1.a.b(new H1.b(componentCallbacksC0547p, viewGroup, 1)); H1.a.a(componentCallbacksC0547p).getClass(); Object obj = a.EnumC0048a.f3581k; if (obj instanceof Void) { } } } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K = viewGroup; componentCallbacksC0547p.T(L7, viewGroup, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); View view = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; if (view != null) { view.setSaveFromParentEnabled(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.setTag(, componentCallbacksC0547p); if (viewGroup != null) { b(); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3323F) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.setVisibility(8); } View view2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; WeakHashMap<View, q1.U> weakHashMap = q1.J.f18323a; if (view2.isAttachedToWindow()) { J.c.c(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L); } else { View view3 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; view3.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(new a(view3)); } componentCallbacksC0547p.R(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.t(2); this.f3155a.m(false); int visibility = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.getVisibility(); componentCallbacksC0547p.m().f3378l = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.getAlpha(); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K != null && visibility == 0) { View findFocus = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.findFocus(); if (findFocus != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.m().f3379m = findFocus; if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "requestFocus: Saved focused view " + findFocus + " for Fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.setAlpha(0.0f); } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 2; } public final void g() { ComponentCallbacksC0547p b8; boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom CREATED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } boolean z7 = true; boolean z8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3357s && !componentCallbacksC0547p.B(); W0.c cVar = this.f3156b; if (z8) { cVar.j(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3350l, null); } if (!z8) { I i8 = (I) cVar.f8861d; if (i8.f3136b.containsKey(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3350l) && i8.f3139e && !i8.f3140f) { String str = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o; if (str != null && (b8 = cVar.b(str)) != null && b8.f3325H) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n = b8; } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 0; return; } } A<?> a8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3364z; if (a8 instanceof androidx.lifecycle.Y) { z7 = ((I) cVar.f8861d).f3140f; } else { Context context = a8.f3063j; if (context instanceof Activity) { z7 = true ^ ((Activity) context).isChangingConfigurations(); } } if (z8 || z7) { ((I) cVar.f8861d).f(componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.k(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U.f(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_DESTROY); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 0; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3335R = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.I(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onDestroy()")); } this.f3155a.d(false); Iterator it = cVar.d().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { L l7 = (L); if (l7 != null) { String str2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3350l; ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p2 = l7.f3157c; if (str2.equals(componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3353o)) { componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3352n = componentCallbacksC0547p; componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3353o = null; } } } String str3 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o; if (str3 != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n = cVar.b(str3); } cVar.h(this); } public final void h() { View view; boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom CREATE_VIEW: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } ViewGroup viewGroup = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K; if (viewGroup != null && (view = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L) != null) { viewGroup.removeView(view); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.t(1); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { V v7 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V; v7.d(); if (v7.f3208k.f11641d.compareTo(AbstractC0823k.b.f11630j) >= 0) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.b(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_DESTROY); } } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 1; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.J(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onDestroyView()")); } androidx.lifecycle.X store = componentCallbacksC0547p.t(); kotlin.jvm.internal.l.f(store, "store"); a.b.C0071a factory = a.b.f5999c; kotlin.jvm.internal.l.f(factory, "factory"); a.C0060a defaultCreationExtras = a.C0060a.f4361b; kotlin.jvm.internal.l.f(defaultCreationExtras, "defaultCreationExtras"); K1.c cVar = new K1.c(store, factory, defaultCreationExtras); kotlin.jvm.internal.d a8 = kotlin.jvm.internal.y.a(a.b.class); String a9 = a8.a(); if (a9 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Local and anonymous classes can not be ViewModels".toString()); } C1761B<a.C0070a> c1761b = ((a.b) cVar.a("androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.DefaultKey:".concat(a9), a8)).f6000b; int f8 = c1761b.f(); for (int i8 = 0; i8 < f8; i8++) { c1761b.i(i8).getClass(); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3361w = false; this.f3155a.n(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3340W.k(null); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3359u = false; } public final void i() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom ATTACHED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = -1; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.K(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3334Q = null; if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onDetach()")); } G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; if (!g8.f3081H) { g8.k(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A = new F(); } this.f3155a.e(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = -1; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3364z = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3319B = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y = null; if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3357s || componentCallbacksC0547p.B()) { I i8 = (I) this.f3156b.f8861d; if (i8.f3136b.containsKey(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3350l) && i8.f3139e && !i8.f3140f) { return; } } if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "initState called for fragment: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.y(); } public final void j() { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3358t && componentCallbacksC0547p.f3359u && !componentCallbacksC0547p.f3361w) { if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto CREATE_VIEW: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } LayoutInflater L7 = componentCallbacksC0547p.L(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3334Q = L7; componentCallbacksC0547p.T(L7, null, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); View view = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L; if (view != null) { view.setSaveFromParentEnabled(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.setTag(, componentCallbacksC0547p); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3323F) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.setVisibility(8); } componentCallbacksC0547p.R(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L, componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.t(2); this.f3155a.m(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 2; } } } public final void k() { ViewGroup viewGroup; ViewGroup viewGroup2; ViewGroup viewGroup3; W0.c cVar = this.f3156b; boolean z7 = this.f3158d; ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (z7) { if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "Ignoring re-entrant call to moveToExpectedState() for " + componentCallbacksC0547p); return; } return; } try { this.f3158d = true; boolean z8 = false; while (true) { int d8 = d(); int i8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h; if (d8 == i8) { if (!z8 && i8 == -1 && componentCallbacksC0547p.f3357s && !componentCallbacksC0547p.B()) { if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "Cleaning up state of never attached fragment: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } ((I) cVar.f8861d).f(componentCallbacksC0547p); cVar.h(this); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "initState called for fragment: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.y(); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3333P) { if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null && (viewGroup = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K) != null) { X f8 = X.f(viewGroup, componentCallbacksC0547p.r().F()); boolean z9 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3323F; X.d.b bVar = X.d.b.f3230h; if (z9) { f8.getClass(); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "SpecialEffectsController: Enqueuing hide operation for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } f8.a(X.d.c.f3236j, bVar, this); } else { f8.getClass(); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "SpecialEffectsController: Enqueuing show operation for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } f8.a(X.d.c.f3235i, bVar, this); } } F f9 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3363y; if (f9 != null && componentCallbacksC0547p.f3356r && F.H(componentCallbacksC0547p)) { f9.f3078E = true; } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3333P = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.n(); } this.f3158d = false; return; } if (d8 <= i8) { switch (i8 - 1) { case -1: i(); break; case 0: g(); break; case 1: h(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 1; break; case 2: componentCallbacksC0547p.f3359u = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 2; break; case 3: if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3)) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null && componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j == null) { p(); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null && (viewGroup2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K) != null) { X f10 = X.f(viewGroup2, componentCallbacksC0547p.r().F()); f10.getClass(); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "SpecialEffectsController: Enqueuing remove operation for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } f10.a(X.d.c.f3234h, X.d.b.f3232j, this); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 3; break; case 4: r(); break; case 5: componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 5; break; case 6: l(); break; } } else { switch (i8 + 1) { case 0: c(); break; case 1: e(); break; case 2: j(); f(); break; case 3: a(); break; case 4: if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null && (viewGroup3 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3328K) != null) { X f11 = X.f(viewGroup3, componentCallbacksC0547p.r().F()); X.d.c c8 = X.d.c.c(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.getVisibility()); f11.getClass(); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "SpecialEffectsController: Enqueuing add operation for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } f11.a(c8, X.d.b.f3231i, this); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 4; break; case 5: q(); break; case 6: componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 6; break; case 7: n(); break; } } z8 = true; } } catch (Throwable th) { this.f3158d = false; throw th; } } public final void l() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom RESUMED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.t(5); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.b(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_PAUSE); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U.f(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_PAUSE); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 6; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.M(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onPause()")); } this.f3155a.f(false); } public final void m(ClassLoader classLoader) { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; Bundle bundle = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; if (bundle == null) { return; } bundle.setClassLoader(classLoader); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i.getSparseParcelableArray("android:view_state"); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i.getBundle("android:view_registry_state"); String string = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i.getString("android:target_state"); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o = string; if (string != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3354p = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i.getInt("android:target_req_state", 0); } boolean z7 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i.getBoolean("android:user_visible_hint", true); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3331N = z7; if (z7) { return; } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3330M = true; } public final void n() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto RESUMED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } ComponentCallbacksC0547p.c cVar = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3332O; View view = cVar == null ? null : cVar.f3379m; if (view != null) { if (view != componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L) { for (ViewParent parent = view.getParent(); parent != null; parent = parent.getParent()) { if (parent != componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L) { } } } boolean requestFocus = view.requestFocus(); if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("requestFocus: Restoring focused view "); sb.append(view); sb.append(" "); sb.append(requestFocus ? "succeeded" : "failed"); sb.append(" on Fragment "); sb.append(componentCallbacksC0547p); sb.append(" resulting in focused view "); sb.append(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.findFocus()); Log.v("FragmentManager", sb.toString()); } } componentCallbacksC0547p.m().f3379m = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.N(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.y(true); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 7; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.N(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onResume()")); } C0830s c0830s = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U; AbstractC0823k.a aVar = AbstractC0823k.a.ON_RESUME; c0830s.f(aVar); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.f3208k.f(aVar); } G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3079F = false; g8.f3080G = false; g8.f3086M.f3141g = false; g8.t(7); this.f3155a.i(false); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k = null; } public final void o() { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; K k7 = new K(componentCallbacksC0547p); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h <= -1 || k7.f3154t != null) { k7.f3154t = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i; } else { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); componentCallbacksC0547p.O(bundle); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3342Y.c(bundle); bundle.putParcelable("android:support:fragments", componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.U()); this.f3155a.j(false); if (bundle.isEmpty()) { bundle = null; } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { p(); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j != null) { if (bundle == null) { bundle = new Bundle(); } bundle.putSparseParcelableArray("android:view_state", componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j); } if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k != null) { if (bundle == null) { bundle = new Bundle(); } bundle.putBundle("android:view_registry_state", componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k); } if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3331N) { if (bundle == null) { bundle = new Bundle(); } bundle.putBoolean("android:user_visible_hint", componentCallbacksC0547p.f3331N); } k7.f3154t = bundle; if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o != null) { if (bundle == null) { k7.f3154t = new Bundle(); } k7.f3154t.putString("android:target_state", componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o); int i8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3354p; if (i8 != 0) { k7.f3154t.putInt("android:target_req_state", i8); } } } this.f3156b.j(componentCallbacksC0547p.f3350l, k7); } public final void p() { ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L == null) { return; } if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "Saving view state for fragment " + componentCallbacksC0547p + " with view " + componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L); } SparseArray<Parcelable> sparseArray = new SparseArray<>(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L.saveHierarchyState(sparseArray); if (sparseArray.size() > 0) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j = sparseArray; } Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.f3209l.c(bundle); if (bundle.isEmpty()) { return; } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k = bundle; } public final void q() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "moveto STARTED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.N(); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A.y(true); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 5; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.P(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onStart()")); } C0830s c0830s = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U; AbstractC0823k.a aVar = AbstractC0823k.a.ON_START; c0830s.f(aVar); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.f3208k.f(aVar); } G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3079F = false; g8.f3080G = false; g8.f3086M.f3141g = false; g8.t(5); this.f3155a.k(false); } public final void r() { boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 3); ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p = this.f3157c; if (isLoggable) { Log.d("FragmentManager", "movefrom STARTED: " + componentCallbacksC0547p); } G g8 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3318A; g8.f3080G = true; g8.f3086M.f3141g = true; g8.t(4); if (componentCallbacksC0547p.f3329L != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3339V.b(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_STOP); } componentCallbacksC0547p.f3338U.f(AbstractC0823k.a.ON_STOP); componentCallbacksC0547p.f3346h = 4; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.Q(); if (!componentCallbacksC0547p.f3327J) { throw new AndroidRuntimeException(C0548q.d("Fragment ", componentCallbacksC0547p, " did not call through to super.onStop()")); } this.f3155a.l(false); } public L(C c8, W0.c cVar, ClassLoader classLoader, C0556z c0556z, K k7) { this.f3155a = c8; this.f3156b = cVar; ComponentCallbacksC0547p a8 = c0556z.a(k7.f3142h); Bundle bundle = k7.f3151q; if (bundle != null) { bundle.setClassLoader(classLoader); } a8.Z(bundle); a8.f3350l = k7.f3143i; a8.f3358t = k7.f3144j; a8.f3360v = true; a8.f3320C = k7.f3145k; a8.f3321D = k7.f3146l; a8.f3322E = k7.f3147m; a8.f3325H = k7.f3148n; a8.f3357s = k7.f3149o; a8.f3324G = k7.f3150p; a8.f3323F = k7.f3152r; a8.f3337T = AbstractC0823k.b.values()[k7.f3153s]; Bundle bundle2 = k7.f3154t; if (bundle2 != null) { a8.f3347i = bundle2; } else { a8.f3347i = new Bundle(); } this.f3157c = a8; if (Log.isLoggable("FragmentManager", 2)) { Log.v("FragmentManager", "Instantiated fragment " + a8); } } public L(C c8, W0.c cVar, ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p, K k7) { this.f3155a = c8; this.f3156b = cVar; this.f3157c = componentCallbacksC0547p; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3348j = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3349k = null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3362x = 0; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3359u = false; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3356r = false; ComponentCallbacksC0547p componentCallbacksC0547p2 = componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3353o = componentCallbacksC0547p2 != null ? componentCallbacksC0547p2.f3350l : null; componentCallbacksC0547p.f3352n = null; Bundle bundle = k7.f3154t; if (bundle != null) { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i = bundle; } else { componentCallbacksC0547p.f3347i = new Bundle(); } } }