Live Football Updates v1.0.1版本的 MD5 值为:636649089335ebb37514551724606ad0

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package a4;

import a4.l2;
public final class i0<Key, Value> extends l2<Key, Value> {
    public int f432b;

    public final Key a(m2<Key, Value> m2Var) {
        throw null;

    public final Object c(l2.a aVar, mi.c cVar) {
        l0 l0Var;
        boolean z10 = aVar instanceof l2.a.c;
        if (z10) {
            l0Var = l0.REFRESH;
        } else if (aVar instanceof l2.a.C0014a) {
            l0Var = l0.APPEND;
        } else if (aVar instanceof l2.a.b) {
            l0Var = l0.PREPEND;
        } else {
            throw new qo1();
        if (this.f432b == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
            System.out.println((Object) "WARNING: pageSize on the LegacyPagingSource is not set.\nWhen using legacy DataSource / DataSourceFactory with Paging3, page size\nshould've been set by the paging library but it is not set yet.\n\nIf you are seeing this message in tests where you are testing DataSource\nin isolation (without a Pager), it is expected and page size will be estimated\nbased on parameters.\n\nIf you are seeing this message despite using a Pager, please file a bug:\n");
            int i = aVar.f489a;
            if (z10 && i % 3 == 0) {
                i /= 3;
            this.f432b = i;
        return cj.e.e(null, new h0(this, new s(l0Var, aVar.a()), aVar, null), cVar);