MD5 校验值:8d01bad3385dcb060a6dcda2da0f8dbf 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package a6; import; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; import; import com.pichillilorenzo.flutter_inappwebview_android.R; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import l7.a0; import l7.n0; import l7.s; import l7.v; import l7.w; import p5.j; import p5.s1; import p5.z2; import r5.a; import t5.m; import u5.b0; import u5.e0; import u5.f0; import u5.l; import u5.m; import u5.n; import u5.q; import u5.r; public class e implements l { public static final r f464c0 = new r() { @Override public final l[] b() { l[] A; A = e.A(); return A; } @Override public l[] c(Uri uri, Map map) { return q.a(this, uri, map); } }; private static final byte[] f465d0 = {49, 10, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 44, 48, 48, 48, 32, 45, 45, 62, 32, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 44, 48, 48, 48, 10}; private static final byte[] f466e0 = n0.k0("Format: Start, End, ReadOrder, Layer, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text"); private static final byte[] f467f0 = {68, 105, 97, 108, 111, 103, 117, 101, 58, 32, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 44, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 44}; private static final byte[] f468g0 = {87, 69, 66, 86, 84, 84, 10, 10, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 46, 48, 48, 48, 32, 45, 45, 62, 32, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 58, 48, 48, 46, 48, 48, 48, 10}; private static final UUID f469h0 = new UUID(72057594037932032L, -9223371306706625679L); private static final Map<String, Integer> f470i0; private long A; private long B; private s C; private s D; private boolean E; private boolean F; private int G; private long H; private long I; private int J; private int K; private int[] L; private int M; private int N; private int O; private int P; private boolean Q; private long R; private int S; private int T; private int U; private boolean V; private boolean W; private boolean X; private int Y; private byte Z; private final a6.c f471a; private boolean f472a0; private final g f473b; private n f474b0; private final SparseArray<c> f475c; private final boolean f476d; private final a0 f477e; private final a0 f478f; private final a0 f479g; private final a0 f480h; private final a0 f481i; private final a0 f482j; private final a0 f483k; private final a0 f484l; private final a0 f485m; private final a0 f486n; private ByteBuffer f487o; private long f488p; private long f489q; private long f490r; private long f491s; private long f492t; private c f493u; private boolean f494v; private int f495w; private long f496x; private boolean f497y; private long f498z; private final class b implements a6.b { private b() { } @Override public void a(int i10) { e.this.o(i10); } @Override public int b(int i10) { return e.this.u(i10); } @Override public boolean c(int i10) { return e.this.z(i10); } @Override public void d(int i10, String str) { e.this.H(i10, str); } @Override public void e(int i10, double d10) { e.this.r(i10, d10); } @Override public void f(int i10, long j10, long j11) { e.this.G(i10, j10, j11); } @Override public void g(int i10, long j10) { e.this.x(i10, j10); } @Override public void h(int i10, int i11, m mVar) { e.this.l(i10, i11, mVar); } } public static final class c { public byte[] N; public f0 T; public boolean U; public e0 X; public int Y; public String f500a; public String f501b; public int f502c; public int f503d; public int f504e; public int f505f; private int f506g; public boolean f507h; public byte[] f508i; public e0.a f509j; public byte[] f510k; public t5.m f511l; public int f512m = -1; public int f513n = -1; public int f514o = -1; public int f515p = -1; public int f516q = 0; public int f517r = -1; public float f518s = 0.0f; public float f519t = 0.0f; public float f520u = 0.0f; public byte[] f521v = null; public int f522w = -1; public boolean f523x = false; public int f524y = -1; public int f525z = -1; public int A = -1; public int B = 1000; public int C = 200; public float D = -1.0f; public float E = -1.0f; public float F = -1.0f; public float G = -1.0f; public float H = -1.0f; public float I = -1.0f; public float J = -1.0f; public float K = -1.0f; public float L = -1.0f; public float M = -1.0f; public int O = 1; public int P = -1; public int Q = 8000; public long R = 0; public long S = 0; public boolean V = true; private String W = "eng"; protected c() { } public void f() { l7.a.e(this.X); } private byte[] g(String str) { byte[] bArr = this.f510k; if (bArr != null) { return bArr; } throw z2.a("Missing CodecPrivate for codec " + str, null); } private byte[] h() { if (this.D == -1.0f || this.E == -1.0f || this.F == -1.0f || this.G == -1.0f || this.H == -1.0f || this.I == -1.0f || this.J == -1.0f || this.K == -1.0f || this.L == -1.0f || this.M == -1.0f) { return null; } byte[] bArr = new byte[25]; ByteBuffer order = ByteBuffer.wrap(bArr).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); order.put((byte) 0); order.putShort((short) ((this.D * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.E * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.F * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.G * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.H * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.I * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.J * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) ((this.K * 50000.0f) + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) (this.L + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) (this.M + 0.5f)); order.putShort((short) this.B); order.putShort((short) this.C); return bArr; } private static Pair<String, List<byte[]>> k(a0 a0Var) { try { a0Var.U(16); long w10 = a0Var.w(); if (w10 == 1482049860) { return new Pair<>("video/divx", null); } if (w10 == 859189832) { return new Pair<>("video/3gpp", null); } if (w10 != 826496599) { l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", "Unknown FourCC. Setting mimeType to video/x-unknown"); return new Pair<>("video/x-unknown", null); } byte[] e10 = a0Var.e(); for (int f10 = a0Var.f() + 20; f10 < e10.length - 4; f10++) { if (e10[f10] == 0 && e10[f10 + 1] == 0 && e10[f10 + 2] == 1 && e10[f10 + 3] == 15) { return new Pair<>("video/wvc1", Collections.singletonList(Arrays.copyOfRange(e10, f10, e10.length))); } } throw z2.a("Failed to find FourCC VC1 initialization data", null); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) { throw z2.a("Error parsing FourCC private data", null); } } private static boolean l(a0 a0Var) { try { int y10 = a0Var.y(); if (y10 == 1) { return true; } if (y10 != 65534) { return false; } a0Var.T(24); if (a0Var.z() == e.f469h0.getMostSignificantBits()) { if (a0Var.z() == e.f469h0.getLeastSignificantBits()) { return true; } } return false; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) { throw z2.a("Error parsing MS/ACM codec private", null); } } private static List<byte[]> m(byte[] bArr) { int i10; int i11; try { if (bArr[0] != 2) { throw z2.a("Error parsing vorbis codec private", null); } int i12 = 0; int i13 = 1; while (true) { i10 = bArr[i13]; if ((i10 & 255) != 255) { break; } i12 += 255; i13++; } int i14 = i13 + 1; int i15 = i12 + (i10 & 255); int i16 = 0; while (true) { i11 = bArr[i14]; if ((i11 & 255) != 255) { break; } i16 += 255; i14++; } int i17 = i14 + 1; int i18 = i16 + (i11 & 255); if (bArr[i17] != 1) { throw z2.a("Error parsing vorbis codec private", null); } byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i15]; System.arraycopy(bArr, i17, bArr2, 0, i15); int i19 = i17 + i15; if (bArr[i19] != 3) { throw z2.a("Error parsing vorbis codec private", null); } int i20 = i19 + i18; if (bArr[i20] != 5) { throw z2.a("Error parsing vorbis codec private", null); } byte[] bArr3 = new byte[bArr.length - i20]; System.arraycopy(bArr, i20, bArr3, 0, bArr.length - i20); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(2); arrayList.add(bArr2); arrayList.add(bArr3); return arrayList; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) { throw z2.a("Error parsing vorbis codec private", null); } } public boolean o(boolean z10) { return "A_OPUS".equals(this.f501b) ? z10 : this.f505f > 0; } public void i(n nVar, int i10) { char c10; List<byte[]> singletonList; StringBuilder sb2; int Z; String str; String str2; List<byte[]> list; String str3; int i11; int i12; String str4; s1.b bVar; int i13; int i14; int i15; m7.d a10; String str5 = this.f501b; str5.hashCode(); switch (str5.hashCode()) { case -2095576542: if (str5.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/AP")) { c10 = 0; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -2095575984: if (str5.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/SP")) { c10 = 1; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1985379776: if (str5.equals("A_MS/ACM")) { c10 = 2; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1784763192: if (str5.equals("A_TRUEHD")) { c10 = 3; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1730367663: if (str5.equals("A_VORBIS")) { c10 = 4; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1482641358: if (str5.equals("A_MPEG/L2")) { c10 = 5; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1482641357: if (str5.equals("A_MPEG/L3")) { c10 = 6; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1373388978: if (str5.equals("V_MS/VFW/FOURCC")) { c10 = 7; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -933872740: if (str5.equals("S_DVBSUB")) { c10 = '\b'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -538363189: if (str5.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/ASP")) { c10 = '\t'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -538363109: if (str5.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC")) { c10 = '\n'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -425012669: if (str5.equals("S_VOBSUB")) { c10 = 11; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -356037306: if (str5.equals("A_DTS/LOSSLESS")) { c10 = '\f'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 62923557: if (str5.equals("A_AAC")) { c10 = '\r'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 62923603: if (str5.equals("A_AC3")) { c10 = 14; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 62927045: if (str5.equals("A_DTS")) { c10 = 15; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 82318131: if (str5.equals("V_AV1")) { c10 = 16; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 82338133: if (str5.equals("V_VP8")) { c10 = 17; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 82338134: if (str5.equals("V_VP9")) { c10 = 18; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 99146302: if (str5.equals("S_HDMV/PGS")) { c10 = 19; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 444813526: if (str5.equals("V_THEORA")) { c10 = 20; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 542569478: if (str5.equals("A_DTS/EXPRESS")) { c10 = 21; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 635596514: if (str5.equals("A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE")) { c10 = 22; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 725948237: if (str5.equals("A_PCM/INT/BIG")) { c10 = 23; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 725957860: if (str5.equals("A_PCM/INT/LIT")) { c10 = 24; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 738597099: if (str5.equals("S_TEXT/ASS")) { c10 = 25; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 855502857: if (str5.equals("V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC")) { c10 = 26; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1045209816: if (str5.equals("S_TEXT/WEBVTT")) { c10 = 27; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1422270023: if (str5.equals("S_TEXT/UTF8")) { c10 = 28; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1809237540: if (str5.equals("V_MPEG2")) { c10 = 29; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1950749482: if (str5.equals("A_EAC3")) { c10 = 30; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1950789798: if (str5.equals("A_FLAC")) { c10 = 31; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1951062397: if (str5.equals("A_OPUS")) { c10 = ' '; break; } c10 = 65535; break; default: c10 = 65535; break; } int i16 = 4096; String str6 = "audio/raw"; switch (c10) { case 0: case 1: case '\t': byte[] bArr = this.f510k; singletonList = bArr == null ? null : Collections.singletonList(bArr); str6 = "video/mp4v-es"; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null && (a10 = m7.d.a(new a0(this.N))) != null) { str2 = a10.f18067c; str6 = "video/dolby-vision"; } str4 = str6; int i17 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { bVar.J(this.O).h0(this.Q).a0(i11); i13 = 1; } else if (v.s(str4)) { if (this.f516q == 0) { int i18 = this.f514o; i14 = -1; if (i18 == -1) { i18 = this.f512m; } this.f514o = i18; int i19 = this.f515p; if (i19 == -1) { i19 = this.f513n; } this.f515p = i19; } else { i14 = -1; } float f10 = -1.0f; if (this.f514o != i14 && (i15 = this.f515p) != i14) { f10 = (this.f513n * r5) / (this.f512m * i15); } m7.c cVar = this.f523x ? new m7.c(this.f524y, this.A, this.f525z, h()) : null; if (this.f500a != null && e.f470i0.containsKey(this.f500a)) { i14 = ((Integer) e.f470i0.get(this.f500a)).intValue(); } if (this.f517r == 0 &&, 0.0f) == 0 &&, 0.0f) == 0) { if (, 0.0f) == 0) { i14 = 0; } else if (, 90.0f) == 0) { i14 = 90; } else if (, -180.0f) == 0 ||, 180.0f) == 0) { i14 = 180; } else if (, -90.0f) == 0) { i14 = 270; } } bVar.n0(this.f512m).S(this.f513n).c0(f10).f0(i14).d0(this.f521v).j0(this.f522w).L(cVar); i13 = 2; } else { if (!"application/x-subrip".equals(str4) && !"text/x-ssa".equals(str4) && !"text/vtt".equals(str4) && !"application/vobsub".equals(str4) && !"application/pgs".equals(str4) && !"application/dvbsubs".equals(str4)) { throw z2.a("Unexpected MIME type.", null); } i13 = 3; } if (this.f500a != null && !e.f470i0.containsKey(this.f500a)) { bVar.W(this.f500a); } s1 G = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10; b10.e(G); return; case 2: if (!l(new a0(g(this.f501b)))) { sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append("Non-PCM MS/ACM is unsupported. Setting mimeType to "); sb2.append("audio/x-unknown"); l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", sb2.toString()); singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "audio/x-unknown"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102; b102.e(G2); return; } Z = n0.Z(this.P); if (Z == 0) { sb2 = new StringBuilder(); str = "Unsupported PCM bit depth: "; sb2.append(str); sb2.append(this.P); sb2.append(". Setting mimeType to "); sb2.append("audio/x-unknown"); l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", sb2.toString()); singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "audio/x-unknown"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { str2 = a10.f18067c; str6 = "video/dolby-vision"; break; } str4 = str6; int i1722 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { bVar.W(this.f500a); break; } s1 G22 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022; b1022.e(G22); return; } i11 = Z; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222; b10222.e(G222); return; case 3: this.T = new f0(); str6 = "audio/true-hd"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222; b102222.e(G2222); return; case 4: i16 = 8192; singletonList = m(g(this.f501b)); str6 = "audio/vorbis"; str2 = null; i12 = i16; i11 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222; b1022222.e(G22222); return; case 5: str6 = "audio/mpeg-L2"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i12 = i16; i11 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222; b10222222.e(G222222); return; case 6: str6 = "audio/mpeg"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i12 = i16; i11 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222; b102222222.e(G2222222); return; case 7: Pair<String, List<byte[]>> k10 = k(new a0(g(this.f501b))); str6 = (String) k10.first; singletonList = (List) k10.second; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222; b1022222222.e(G22222222); return; case '\b': byte[] bArr2 = new byte[4]; System.arraycopy(g(this.f501b), 0, bArr2, 0, 4); singletonList = x.B(bArr2); str6 = "application/dvbsubs"; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222; b10222222222.e(G222222222); return; case '\n': m7.a b11 = m7.a.b(new a0(g(this.f501b))); list = b11.f18048a; this.Y = b11.f18049b; str3 = b11.f18053f; str6 = "video/avc"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; List<byte[]> list2 = list; str2 = str3; singletonList = list2; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222; b102222222222.e(G2222222222); return; case 11: singletonList = x.B(g(this.f501b)); str2 = null; str6 = "application/vobsub"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222; b1022222222222.e(G22222222222); return; case '\f': str6 = "audio/vnd.dts.hd"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222; b10222222222222.e(G222222222222); return; case '\r': singletonList = Collections.singletonList(g(this.f501b)); a.b e10 = r5.a.e(this.f510k); this.Q = e10.f21696a; this.O = e10.f21697b; str2 = e10.f21698c; str6 = "audio/mp4a-latm"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222; b102222222222222.e(G2222222222222); return; case 14: str6 = "audio/ac3"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222; b1022222222222222.e(G22222222222222); return; case 15: case 21: str6 = "audio/vnd.dts"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222; b10222222222222222.e(G222222222222222); return; case 16: str6 = "video/av01"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222; b102222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222); return; case 17: str6 = "video/x-vnd.on2.vp8"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222; b1022222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222); return; case 18: str6 = "video/x-vnd.on2.vp9"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222); return; case 19: singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "application/pgs"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222); return; case 20: str6 = "video/x-unknown"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222); return; case 22: if (this.P == 32) { singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = 4; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222222); return; } sb2 = new StringBuilder(); str = "Unsupported floating point PCM bit depth: "; sb2.append(str); sb2.append(this.P); sb2.append(". Setting mimeType to "); sb2.append("audio/x-unknown"); l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", sb2.toString()); singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "audio/x-unknown"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222222); return; case 23: int i20 = this.P; if (i20 == 8) { singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = 3; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222222); return; } if (i20 == 16) { Z = 268435456; i11 = Z; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222222222); return; } sb2 = new StringBuilder(); str = "Unsupported big endian PCM bit depth: "; sb2.append(str); sb2.append(this.P); sb2.append(". Setting mimeType to "); sb2.append("audio/x-unknown"); l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", sb2.toString()); singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "audio/x-unknown"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222222222); return; case 24: Z = n0.Z(this.P); if (Z == 0) { sb2 = new StringBuilder(); str = "Unsupported little endian PCM bit depth: "; sb2.append(str); sb2.append(this.P); sb2.append(". Setting mimeType to "); sb2.append("audio/x-unknown"); l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", sb2.toString()); singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "audio/x-unknown"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222222222); return; } i11 = Z; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222222222222); return; case 25: singletonList = x.C(e.f466e0, g(this.f501b)); str2 = null; str6 = "text/x-ssa"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222222222222); return; case 26: m7.f a11 = m7.f.a(new a0(g(this.f501b))); list = a11.f18082a; this.Y = a11.f18083b; str3 = a11.f18090i; str6 = "video/hevc"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; List<byte[]> list22 = list; str2 = str3; singletonList = list22; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222222222222); return; case 27: singletonList = null; str2 = null; str6 = "text/vtt"; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222222222222222); return; case 28: str6 = "application/x-subrip"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222222222222222); return; case 29: str6 = "video/mpeg2"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222222222222222); return; case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeTheme: str6 = "audio/eac3"; singletonList = null; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i17222222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G222222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i17222222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b10222222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b10222222222222222222222222222222222; b10222222222222222222222222222222222.e(G222222222222222222222222222222222); return; case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeWebSearchDrawable: singletonList = Collections.singletonList(g(this.f501b)); str6 = "audio/flac"; str2 = null; i11 = -1; i12 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i172222222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G2222222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i172222222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b102222222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b102222222222222222222222222222222222; b102222222222222222222222222222222222.e(G2222222222222222222222222222222222); return; case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionOverflowButtonStyle: i16 = 5760; singletonList = new ArrayList<>(3); singletonList.add(g(this.f501b)); ByteBuffer allocate = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; singletonList.add(allocate.order(byteOrder).putLong(this.R).array()); singletonList.add(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(byteOrder).putLong(this.S).array()); str6 = "audio/opus"; str2 = null; i12 = i16; i11 = -1; if (this.N != null) { } str4 = str6; int i1722222222222222222222222222222222222 = (!this.U ? 2 : 0) | (this.V ? 1 : 0) | 0; bVar = new s1.b(); if (!v.o(str4)) { } if (this.f500a != null) { } s1 G22222222222222222222222222222222222 = bVar.T(i10).g0(str4).Y(i12).X(this.W).i0(i1722222222222222222222222222222222222).V(singletonList).K(str2).O(this.f511l).G(); e0 b1022222222222222222222222222222222222 = nVar.b(this.f502c, i13); this.X = b1022222222222222222222222222222222222; b1022222222222222222222222222222222222.e(G22222222222222222222222222222222222); return; default: throw z2.a("Unrecognized codec identifier.", null); } } public void j() { f0 f0Var = this.T; if (f0Var != null) { f0Var.a(this.X, this.f509j); } } public void n() { f0 f0Var = this.T; if (f0Var != null) { f0Var.b(); } } } static { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("htc_video_rotA-000", 0); hashMap.put("htc_video_rotA-090", 90); hashMap.put("htc_video_rotA-180", 180); hashMap.put("htc_video_rotA-270", 270); f470i0 = Collections.unmodifiableMap(hashMap); } public e() { this(0); } public e(int i10) { this(new a6.a(), i10); } e(a6.c cVar, int i10) { this.f489q = -1L; this.f490r = -9223372036854775807L; this.f491s = -9223372036854775807L; this.f492t = -9223372036854775807L; this.f498z = -1L; this.A = -1L; this.B = -9223372036854775807L; this.f471a = cVar; cVar.b(new b()); this.f476d = (i10 & 1) == 0; this.f473b = new g(); this.f475c = new SparseArray<>(); this.f479g = new a0(4); this.f480h = new a0(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(-1).array()); this.f481i = new a0(4); this.f477e = new a0(w.f17640a); this.f478f = new a0(4); this.f482j = new a0(); this.f483k = new a0(); this.f484l = new a0(8); this.f485m = new a0(); this.f486n = new a0(); this.L = new int[1]; } public static l[] A() { return new l[]{new e()}; } private boolean B(u5.a0 a0Var, long j10) { if (this.f497y) { this.A = j10; a0Var.f25485a = this.f498z; this.f497y = false; return true; } if (this.f494v) { long j11 = this.A; if (j11 != -1) { a0Var.f25485a = j11; this.A = -1L; return true; } } return false; } private void C(m mVar, int i10) { if (this.f479g.g() >= i10) { return; } if (this.f479g.b() < i10) { a0 a0Var = this.f479g; a0Var.c(Math.max(a0Var.b() * 2, i10)); } mVar.readFully(this.f479g.e(), this.f479g.g(), i10 - this.f479g.g()); this.f479g.S(i10); } private void D() { this.S = 0; this.T = 0; this.U = 0; this.V = false; this.W = false; this.X = false; this.Y = 0; this.Z = (byte) 0; this.f472a0 = false; this.f482j.P(0); } private long E(long j10) { long j11 = this.f490r; if (j11 != -9223372036854775807L) { return n0.M0(j10, j11, 1000L); } throw z2.a("Can't scale timecode prior to timecodeScale being set.", null); } private static void F(String str, long j10, byte[] bArr) { byte[] s10; int i10; str.hashCode(); char c10 = 65535; switch (str.hashCode()) { case 738597099: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/ASS")) { c10 = 0; break; } break; case 1045209816: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/WEBVTT")) { c10 = 1; break; } break; case 1422270023: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/UTF8")) { c10 = 2; break; } break; } switch (c10) { case 0: s10 = s(j10, "%01d:%02d:%02d:%02d", 10000L); i10 = 21; break; case 1: s10 = s(j10, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", 1000L); i10 = 25; break; case 2: s10 = s(j10, "%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d", 1000L); i10 = 19; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } System.arraycopy(s10, 0, bArr, i10, s10.length); } private int I(m mVar, c cVar, int i10, boolean z10) { int i11; if ("S_TEXT/UTF8".equals(cVar.f501b)) { J(mVar, f465d0, i10); } else if ("S_TEXT/ASS".equals(cVar.f501b)) { J(mVar, f467f0, i10); } else { if (!"S_TEXT/WEBVTT".equals(cVar.f501b)) { e0 e0Var = cVar.X; if (!this.V) { if (cVar.f507h) { this.O &= -1073741825; if (!this.W) { mVar.readFully(this.f479g.e(), 0, 1); this.S++; if ((this.f479g.e()[0] & 128) == 128) { throw z2.a("Extension bit is set in signal byte", null); } this.Z = this.f479g.e()[0]; this.W = true; } byte b10 = this.Z; if ((b10 & 1) == 1) { boolean z11 = (b10 & 2) == 2; this.O |= 1073741824; if (!this.f472a0) { mVar.readFully(this.f484l.e(), 0, 8); this.S += 8; this.f472a0 = true; this.f479g.e()[0] = (byte) ((z11 ? 128 : 0) | 8); this.f479g.T(0); e0Var.d(this.f479g, 1, 1); this.T++; this.f484l.T(0); e0Var.d(this.f484l, 8, 1); this.T += 8; } if (z11) { if (!this.X) { mVar.readFully(this.f479g.e(), 0, 1); this.S++; this.f479g.T(0); this.Y = this.f479g.G(); this.X = true; } int i12 = this.Y * 4; this.f479g.P(i12); mVar.readFully(this.f479g.e(), 0, i12); this.S += i12; short s10 = (short) ((this.Y / 2) + 1); int i13 = (s10 * 6) + 2; ByteBuffer byteBuffer = this.f487o; if (byteBuffer == null || byteBuffer.capacity() < i13) { this.f487o = ByteBuffer.allocate(i13); } this.f487o.position(0); this.f487o.putShort(s10); int i14 = 0; int i15 = 0; while (true) { i11 = this.Y; if (i14 >= i11) { break; } int K = this.f479g.K(); if (i14 % 2 == 0) { this.f487o.putShort((short) (K - i15)); } else { this.f487o.putInt(K - i15); } i14++; i15 = K; } int i16 = (i10 - this.S) - i15; int i17 = i11 % 2; ByteBuffer byteBuffer2 = this.f487o; if (i17 == 1) { byteBuffer2.putInt(i16); } else { byteBuffer2.putShort((short) i16); this.f487o.putInt(0); } this.f485m.R(this.f487o.array(), i13); e0Var.d(this.f485m, i13, 1); this.T += i13; } } } else { byte[] bArr = cVar.f508i; if (bArr != null) { this.f482j.R(bArr, bArr.length); } } if (cVar.o(z10)) { this.O |= 268435456; this.f486n.P(0); int g10 = (this.f482j.g() + i10) - this.S; this.f479g.P(4); this.f479g.e()[0] = (byte) ((g10 >> 24) & 255); this.f479g.e()[1] = (byte) ((g10 >> 16) & 255); this.f479g.e()[2] = (byte) ((g10 >> 8) & 255); this.f479g.e()[3] = (byte) (g10 & 255); e0Var.d(this.f479g, 4, 2); this.T += 4; } this.V = true; } int g11 = i10 + this.f482j.g(); if (!"V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC".equals(cVar.f501b) && !"V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC".equals(cVar.f501b)) { if (cVar.T != null) { l7.a.f(this.f482j.g() == 0); cVar.T.d(mVar); } while (true) { int i18 = this.S; if (i18 >= g11) { break; } int K2 = K(mVar, e0Var, g11 - i18); this.S += K2; this.T += K2; } } else { byte[] e10 = this.f478f.e(); e10[0] = 0; e10[1] = 0; e10[2] = 0; int i19 = cVar.Y; int i20 = 4 - i19; while (this.S < g11) { int i21 = this.U; if (i21 == 0) { L(mVar, e10, i20, i19); this.S += i19; this.f478f.T(0); this.U = this.f478f.K(); this.f477e.T(0); e0Var.b(this.f477e, 4); this.T += 4; } else { int K3 = K(mVar, e0Var, i21); this.S += K3; this.T += K3; this.U -= K3; } } } if ("A_VORBIS".equals(cVar.f501b)) { this.f480h.T(0); e0Var.b(this.f480h, 4); this.T += 4; } return q(); } J(mVar, f468g0, i10); } return q(); } private void J(m mVar, byte[] bArr, int i10) { int length = bArr.length + i10; if (this.f483k.b() < length) { this.f483k.Q(Arrays.copyOf(bArr, length + i10)); } else { System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, this.f483k.e(), 0, bArr.length); } mVar.readFully(this.f483k.e(), bArr.length, i10); this.f483k.T(0); this.f483k.S(length); } private int K(m mVar, e0 e0Var, int i10) { int a10 = this.f482j.a(); if (a10 <= 0) { return e0Var.c(mVar, i10, false); } int min = Math.min(i10, a10); e0Var.b(this.f482j, min); return min; } private void L(m mVar, byte[] bArr, int i10, int i11) { int min = Math.min(i11, this.f482j.a()); mVar.readFully(bArr, i10 + min, i11 - min); if (min > 0) { this.f482j.l(bArr, i10, min); } } private void g(int i10) { if (this.C == null || this.D == null) { throw z2.a("Element " + i10 + " must be in a Cues", null); } } private void j(int i10) { if (this.f493u != null) { return; } throw z2.a("Element " + i10 + " must be in a TrackEntry", null); } private void k() { l7.a.h(this.f474b0); } private b0 m(s sVar, s sVar2) { int i10; if (this.f489q == -1 || this.f492t == -9223372036854775807L || sVar == null || sVar.c() == 0 || sVar2 == null || sVar2.c() != sVar.c()) { return new b0.b(this.f492t); } int c10 = sVar.c(); int[] iArr = new int[c10]; long[] jArr = new long[c10]; long[] jArr2 = new long[c10]; long[] jArr3 = new long[c10]; int i11 = 0; for (int i12 = 0; i12 < c10; i12++) { jArr3[i12] = sVar.b(i12); jArr[i12] = this.f489q + sVar2.b(i12); } while (true) { i10 = c10 - 1; if (i11 >= i10) { break; } int i13 = i11 + 1; iArr[i11] = (int) (jArr[i13] - jArr[i11]); jArr2[i11] = jArr3[i13] - jArr3[i11]; i11 = i13; } iArr[i10] = (int) ((this.f489q + this.f488p) - jArr[i10]); long j10 = this.f492t - jArr3[i10]; jArr2[i10] = j10; if (j10 <= 0) { l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", "Discarding last cue point with unexpected duration: " + j10); iArr = Arrays.copyOf(iArr, i10); jArr = Arrays.copyOf(jArr, i10); jArr2 = Arrays.copyOf(jArr2, i10); jArr3 = Arrays.copyOf(jArr3, i10); } return new u5.d(iArr, jArr, jArr2, jArr3); } private void n(c cVar, long j10, int i10, int i11, int i12) { String str; f0 f0Var = cVar.T; if (f0Var != null) { f0Var.c(cVar.X, j10, i10, i11, i12, cVar.f509j); } else { if ("S_TEXT/UTF8".equals(cVar.f501b) || "S_TEXT/ASS".equals(cVar.f501b) || "S_TEXT/WEBVTT".equals(cVar.f501b)) { if (this.K > 1) { str = "Skipping subtitle sample in laced block."; } else { long j11 = this.I; if (j11 == -9223372036854775807L) { str = "Skipping subtitle sample with no duration."; } else { F(cVar.f501b, j11, this.f483k.e()); int f10 = this.f483k.f(); while (true) { if (f10 >= this.f483k.g()) { break; } if (this.f483k.e()[f10] == 0) { this.f483k.S(f10); break; } f10++; } e0 e0Var = cVar.X; a0 a0Var = this.f483k; e0Var.b(a0Var, a0Var.g()); i11 += this.f483k.g(); } } l7.r.i("MatroskaExtractor", str); } if ((268435456 & i10) != 0) { if (this.K > 1) { this.f486n.P(0); } else { int g10 = this.f486n.g(); cVar.X.d(this.f486n, g10, 2); i11 += g10; } } cVar.X.a(j10, i10, i11, i12, cVar.f509j); } this.F = true; } private static int[] p(int[] iArr, int i10) { return iArr == null ? new int[i10] : iArr.length >= i10 ? iArr : new int[Math.max(iArr.length * 2, i10)]; } private int q() { int i10 = this.T; D(); return i10; } private static byte[] s(long j10, String str, long j11) { l7.a.a(j10 != -9223372036854775807L); int i10 = (int) (j10 / 3600000000L); long j12 = j10 - ((i10 * 3600) * 1000000); int i11 = (int) (j12 / 60000000); long j13 = j12 - ((i11 * 60) * 1000000); int i12 = (int) (j13 / 1000000); return n0.k0(String.format(Locale.US, str, Integer.valueOf(i10), Integer.valueOf(i11), Integer.valueOf(i12), Integer.valueOf((int) ((j13 - (i12 * 1000000)) / j11)))); } private static boolean y(String str) { str.hashCode(); char c10 = 65535; switch (str.hashCode()) { case -2095576542: if (str.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/AP")) { c10 = 0; break; } break; case -2095575984: if (str.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/SP")) { c10 = 1; break; } break; case -1985379776: if (str.equals("A_MS/ACM")) { c10 = 2; break; } break; case -1784763192: if (str.equals("A_TRUEHD")) { c10 = 3; break; } break; case -1730367663: if (str.equals("A_VORBIS")) { c10 = 4; break; } break; case -1482641358: if (str.equals("A_MPEG/L2")) { c10 = 5; break; } break; case -1482641357: if (str.equals("A_MPEG/L3")) { c10 = 6; break; } break; case -1373388978: if (str.equals("V_MS/VFW/FOURCC")) { c10 = 7; break; } break; case -933872740: if (str.equals("S_DVBSUB")) { c10 = '\b'; break; } break; case -538363189: if (str.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/ASP")) { c10 = '\t'; break; } break; case -538363109: if (str.equals("V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC")) { c10 = '\n'; break; } break; case -425012669: if (str.equals("S_VOBSUB")) { c10 = 11; break; } break; case -356037306: if (str.equals("A_DTS/LOSSLESS")) { c10 = '\f'; break; } break; case 62923557: if (str.equals("A_AAC")) { c10 = '\r'; break; } break; case 62923603: if (str.equals("A_AC3")) { c10 = 14; break; } break; case 62927045: if (str.equals("A_DTS")) { c10 = 15; break; } break; case 82318131: if (str.equals("V_AV1")) { c10 = 16; break; } break; case 82338133: if (str.equals("V_VP8")) { c10 = 17; break; } break; case 82338134: if (str.equals("V_VP9")) { c10 = 18; break; } break; case 99146302: if (str.equals("S_HDMV/PGS")) { c10 = 19; break; } break; case 444813526: if (str.equals("V_THEORA")) { c10 = 20; break; } break; case 542569478: if (str.equals("A_DTS/EXPRESS")) { c10 = 21; break; } break; case 635596514: if (str.equals("A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE")) { c10 = 22; break; } break; case 725948237: if (str.equals("A_PCM/INT/BIG")) { c10 = 23; break; } break; case 725957860: if (str.equals("A_PCM/INT/LIT")) { c10 = 24; break; } break; case 738597099: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/ASS")) { c10 = 25; break; } break; case 855502857: if (str.equals("V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC")) { c10 = 26; break; } break; case 1045209816: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/WEBVTT")) { c10 = 27; break; } break; case 1422270023: if (str.equals("S_TEXT/UTF8")) { c10 = 28; break; } break; case 1809237540: if (str.equals("V_MPEG2")) { c10 = 29; break; } break; case 1950749482: if (str.equals("A_EAC3")) { c10 = 30; break; } break; case 1950789798: if (str.equals("A_FLAC")) { c10 = 31; break; } break; case 1951062397: if (str.equals("A_OPUS")) { c10 = ' '; break; } break; } switch (c10) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case '\b': case '\t': case '\n': case 11: case '\f': case '\r': case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeTheme: case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeWebSearchDrawable: case R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionOverflowButtonStyle: return true; default: return false; } } protected void G(int i10, long j10, long j11) { k(); if (i10 == 160) { this.Q = false; this.R = 0L; return; } if (i10 == 174) { this.f493u = new c(); return; } if (i10 == 187) { this.E = false; return; } if (i10 == 19899) { this.f495w = -1; this.f496x = -1L; return; } if (i10 == 20533) { t(i10).f507h = true; return; } if (i10 == 21968) { t(i10).f523x = true; return; } if (i10 == 408125543) { long j12 = this.f489q; if (j12 != -1 && j12 != j10) { throw z2.a("Multiple Segment elements not supported", null); } this.f489q = j10; this.f488p = j11; return; } if (i10 == 475249515) { this.C = new s(); this.D = new s(); } else if (i10 == 524531317 && !this.f494v) { if (this.f476d && this.f498z != -1) { this.f497y = true; } else { this.f474b0.q(new b0.b(this.f492t)); this.f494v = true; } } } protected void H(int i10, String str) { if (i10 == 134) { t(i10).f501b = str; return; } if (i10 != 17026) { if (i10 == 21358) { t(i10).f500a = str; return; } else { if (i10 != 2274716) { return; } t(i10).W = str; return; } } if ("webm".equals(str) || "matroska".equals(str)) { return; } throw z2.a("DocType " + str + " not supported", null); } @Override public void a(long j10, long j11) { this.B = -9223372036854775807L; this.G = 0; this.f471a.reset(); this.f473b.e(); D(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f475c.size(); i10++) { this.f475c.valueAt(i10).n(); } } @Override public final void c(n nVar) { this.f474b0 = nVar; } @Override public final int h(m mVar, u5.a0 a0Var) { this.F = false; boolean z10 = true; while (z10 && !this.F) { z10 = this.f471a.a(mVar); if (z10 && B(a0Var, mVar.getPosition())) { return 1; } } if (z10) { return 0; } for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f475c.size(); i10++) { c valueAt = this.f475c.valueAt(i10); valueAt.f(); valueAt.j(); } return -1; } @Override public final boolean i(m mVar) { return new f().b(mVar); } protected void l(int i10, int i11, m mVar) { c cVar; int i12; c cVar2; c cVar3; long j10; long j11; int i13; int i14; int i15; int i16 = 0; int i17 = 1; if (i10 != 161 && i10 != 163) { if (i10 == 165) { if (this.G != 2) { return; } w(this.f475c.get(this.M), this.P, mVar, i11); return; } if (i10 == 16877) { v(t(i10), mVar, i11); return; } if (i10 == 16981) { j(i10); byte[] bArr = new byte[i11]; this.f493u.f508i = bArr; mVar.readFully(bArr, 0, i11); return; } if (i10 == 18402) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i11]; mVar.readFully(bArr2, 0, i11); t(i10).f509j = new e0.a(1, bArr2, 0, 0); return; } if (i10 == 21419) { Arrays.fill(this.f481i.e(), (byte) 0); mVar.readFully(this.f481i.e(), 4 - i11, i11); this.f481i.T(0); this.f495w = (int) this.f481i.I(); return; } if (i10 == 25506) { j(i10); byte[] bArr3 = new byte[i11]; this.f493u.f510k = bArr3; mVar.readFully(bArr3, 0, i11); return; } if (i10 != 30322) { throw z2.a("Unexpected id: " + i10, null); } j(i10); byte[] bArr4 = new byte[i11]; this.f493u.f521v = bArr4; mVar.readFully(bArr4, 0, i11); return; } if (this.G == 0) { this.M = (int) this.f473b.d(mVar, false, true, 8); this.N = this.f473b.b(); this.I = -9223372036854775807L; this.G = 1; this.f479g.P(0); } c cVar4 = this.f475c.get(this.M); if (cVar4 == null) { mVar.i(i11 - this.N); this.G = 0; return; } cVar4.f(); if (this.G == 1) { C(mVar, 3); int i18 = (this.f479g.e()[2] & 6) >> 1; byte b10 = 255; if (i18 == 0) { this.K = 1; int[] p10 = p(this.L, 1); this.L = p10; p10[0] = (i11 - this.N) - 3; } else { int i19 = 4; C(mVar, 4); int i20 = (this.f479g.e()[3] & 255) + 1; this.K = i20; int[] p11 = p(this.L, i20); this.L = p11; if (i18 == 2) { int i21 = (i11 - this.N) - 4; int i22 = this.K; Arrays.fill(p11, 0, i22, i21 / i22); } else if (i18 == 1) { int i23 = 0; int i24 = 0; while (true) { i13 = this.K; if (i23 >= i13 - 1) { break; } this.L[i23] = 0; do { i19++; C(mVar, i19); i14 = this.f479g.e()[i19 - 1] & 255; int[] iArr = this.L; i15 = iArr[i23] + i14; iArr[i23] = i15; } while (i14 == 255); i24 += i15; i23++; } this.L[i13 - 1] = ((i11 - this.N) - i19) - i24; } else { if (i18 != 3) { throw z2.a("Unexpected lacing value: " + i18, null); } int i25 = 0; int i26 = 0; while (true) { int i27 = this.K; if (i25 >= i27 - 1) { cVar2 = cVar4; this.L[i27 - 1] = ((i11 - this.N) - i19) - i26; break; } this.L[i25] = i16; i19++; C(mVar, i19); int i28 = i19 - 1; if (this.f479g.e()[i28] == 0) { throw z2.a("No valid varint length mask found", null); } int i29 = i16; while (true) { if (i29 >= 8) { cVar3 = cVar4; j10 = 0; break; } int i30 = i17 << (7 - i29); if ((this.f479g.e()[i28] & i30) != 0) { int i31 = i19 + i29; C(mVar, i31); cVar3 = cVar4; long j12 = (~i30) & this.f479g.e()[i28] & b10; int i32 = i28 + 1; while (true) { j11 = j12; if (i32 >= i31) { break; } j12 = (j11 << 8) | (this.f479g.e()[i32] & b10); i32++; i31 = i31; b10 = 255; } int i33 = i31; if (i25 > 0) { j11 -= (1 << ((i29 * 7) + 6)) - 1; } j10 = j11; i19 = i33; } else { i29++; i17 = 1; b10 = 255; } } if (j10 < -2147483648L || j10 > 2147483647L) { break; } int i34 = (int) j10; int[] iArr2 = this.L; if (i25 != 0) { i34 += iArr2[i25 - 1]; } iArr2[i25] = i34; i26 += i34; i25++; cVar4 = cVar3; i16 = 0; i17 = 1; b10 = 255; } } } cVar2 = cVar4; this.H = this.B + E((this.f479g.e()[0] << 8) | (this.f479g.e()[1] & 255)); cVar = cVar2; this.O = (cVar.f503d == 2 || (i10 == 163 && (this.f479g.e()[2] & 128) == 128)) ? 1 : 0; this.G = 2; this.J = 0; i12 = 163; } else { cVar = cVar4; i12 = 163; } if (i10 == i12) { while (true) { int i35 = this.J; if (i35 >= this.K) { this.G = 0; return; } else { n(cVar, ((this.J * cVar.f504e) / 1000) + this.H, this.O, I(mVar, cVar, this.L[i35], false), 0); this.J++; } } } else { while (true) { int i36 = this.J; if (i36 >= this.K) { return; } int[] iArr3 = this.L; iArr3[i36] = I(mVar, cVar, iArr3[i36], true); this.J++; } } } protected void o(int i10) { k(); if (i10 == 160) { if (this.G != 2) { return; } c cVar = this.f475c.get(this.M); cVar.f(); if (this.R > 0 && "A_OPUS".equals(cVar.f501b)) { this.f486n.Q(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putLong(this.R).array()); } int i11 = 0; for (int i12 = 0; i12 < this.K; i12++) { i11 += this.L[i12]; } int i13 = 0; while (i13 < this.K) { long j10 = this.H + ((cVar.f504e * i13) / 1000); int i14 = this.O; if (i13 == 0 && !this.Q) { i14 |= 1; } int i15 = this.L[i13]; int i16 = i11 - i15; n(cVar, j10, i14, i15, i16); i13++; i11 = i16; } this.G = 0; return; } if (i10 == 174) { c cVar2 = (c) l7.a.h(this.f493u); String str = cVar2.f501b; if (str == null) { throw z2.a("CodecId is missing in TrackEntry element", null); } if (y(str)) { cVar2.i(this.f474b0, cVar2.f502c); this.f475c.put(cVar2.f502c, cVar2); } this.f493u = null; return; } if (i10 == 19899) { int i17 = this.f495w; if (i17 != -1) { long j11 = this.f496x; if (j11 != -1) { if (i17 == 475249515) { this.f498z = j11; return; } return; } } throw z2.a("Mandatory element SeekID or SeekPosition not found", null); } if (i10 == 25152) { j(i10); c cVar3 = this.f493u; if (cVar3.f507h) { if (cVar3.f509j == null) { throw z2.a("Encrypted Track found but ContentEncKeyID was not found", null); } cVar3.f511l = new t5.m(new m.b(j.f20382a, "video/webm", this.f493u.f509j.f25507b)); return; } return; } if (i10 == 28032) { j(i10); c cVar4 = this.f493u; if (cVar4.f507h && cVar4.f508i != null) { throw z2.a("Combining encryption and compression is not supported", null); } return; } if (i10 == 357149030) { if (this.f490r == -9223372036854775807L) { this.f490r = 1000000L; } long j12 = this.f491s; if (j12 != -9223372036854775807L) { this.f492t = E(j12); return; } return; } if (i10 == 374648427) { if (this.f475c.size() == 0) { throw z2.a("No valid tracks were found", null); } this.f474b0.i(); } else { if (i10 != 475249515) { return; } if (!this.f494v) { this.f474b0.q(m(this.C, this.D)); this.f494v = true; } this.C = null; this.D = null; } } protected void r(int i10, double d10) { if (i10 == 181) { t(i10).Q = (int) d10; return; } if (i10 == 17545) { this.f491s = (long) d10; return; } switch (i10) { case 21969: t(i10).D = (float) d10; return; case 21970: t(i10).E = (float) d10; return; case 21971: t(i10).F = (float) d10; return; case 21972: t(i10).G = (float) d10; return; case 21973: t(i10).H = (float) d10; return; case 21974: t(i10).I = (float) d10; return; case 21975: t(i10).J = (float) d10; return; case 21976: t(i10).K = (float) d10; return; case 21977: t(i10).L = (float) d10; return; case 21978: t(i10).M = (float) d10; return; default: switch (i10) { case 30323: t(i10).f518s = (float) d10; return; case 30324: t(i10).f519t = (float) d10; return; case 30325: t(i10).f520u = (float) d10; return; default: return; } } } @Override public final void release() { } protected c t(int i10) { j(i10); return this.f493u; } protected int u(int i10) { switch (i10) { case 131: case 136: case 155: case 159: case 176: case 179: case 186: case 215: case 231: case 238: case 241: case 251: case 16871: case 16980: case 17029: case 17143: case 18401: case 18408: case 20529: case 20530: case 21420: case 21432: case 21680: case 21682: case 21690: case 21930: case 21945: case 21946: case 21947: case 21948: case 21949: case 21998: case 22186: case 22203: case 25188: case 30114: case 30321: case 2352003: case 2807729: return 2; case 134: case 17026: case 21358: case 2274716: return 3; case 160: case 166: case 174: case 183: case 187: case 224: case 225: case 16868: case 18407: case 19899: case 20532: case 20533: case 21936: case 21968: case 25152: case 28032: case 30113: case 30320: case 290298740: case 357149030: case 374648427: case 408125543: case 440786851: case 475249515: case 524531317: return 1; case 161: case 163: case 165: case 16877: case 16981: case 18402: case 21419: case 25506: case 30322: return 4; case 181: case 17545: case 21969: case 21970: case 21971: case 21972: case 21973: case 21974: case 21975: case 21976: case 21977: case 21978: case 30323: case 30324: case 30325: return 5; default: return 0; } } protected void v(c cVar, u5.m mVar, int i10) { if (cVar.f506g != 1685485123 && cVar.f506g != 1685480259) { mVar.i(i10); return; } byte[] bArr = new byte[i10]; cVar.N = bArr; mVar.readFully(bArr, 0, i10); } protected void w(c cVar, int i10, u5.m mVar, int i11) { if (i10 != 4 || !"V_VP9".equals(cVar.f501b)) { mVar.i(i11); } else { this.f486n.P(i11); mVar.readFully(this.f486n.e(), 0, i11); } } protected void x(int i10, long j10) { if (i10 == 20529) { if (j10 == 0) { return; } throw z2.a("ContentEncodingOrder " + j10 + " not supported", null); } if (i10 == 20530) { if (j10 == 1) { return; } throw z2.a("ContentEncodingScope " + j10 + " not supported", null); } switch (i10) { case 131: t(i10).f503d = (int) j10; return; case 136: t(i10).V = j10 == 1; return; case 155: this.I = E(j10); return; case 159: t(i10).O = (int) j10; return; case 176: t(i10).f512m = (int) j10; return; case 179: g(i10); this.C.a(E(j10)); return; case 186: t(i10).f513n = (int) j10; return; case 215: t(i10).f502c = (int) j10; return; case 231: this.B = E(j10); return; case 238: this.P = (int) j10; return; case 241: if (this.E) { return; } g(i10); this.D.a(j10); this.E = true; return; case 251: this.Q = true; return; case 16871: t(i10).f506g = (int) j10; return; case 16980: if (j10 == 3) { return; } throw z2.a("ContentCompAlgo " + j10 + " not supported", null); case 17029: if (j10 < 1 || j10 > 2) { throw z2.a("DocTypeReadVersion " + j10 + " not supported", null); } return; case 17143: if (j10 == 1) { return; } throw z2.a("EBMLReadVersion " + j10 + " not supported", null); case 18401: if (j10 == 5) { return; } throw z2.a("ContentEncAlgo " + j10 + " not supported", null); case 18408: if (j10 == 1) { return; } throw z2.a("AESSettingsCipherMode " + j10 + " not supported", null); case 21420: this.f496x = j10 + this.f489q; return; case 21432: int i11 = (int) j10; j(i10); if (i11 == 0) { this.f493u.f522w = 0; return; } if (i11 == 1) { this.f493u.f522w = 2; return; } else if (i11 == 3) { this.f493u.f522w = 1; return; } else { if (i11 != 15) { return; } this.f493u.f522w = 3; return; } case 21680: t(i10).f514o = (int) j10; return; case 21682: t(i10).f516q = (int) j10; return; case 21690: t(i10).f515p = (int) j10; return; case 21930: t(i10).U = j10 == 1; return; case 21998: t(i10).f505f = (int) j10; return; case 22186: t(i10).R = j10; return; case 22203: t(i10).S = j10; return; case 25188: t(i10).P = (int) j10; return; case 30114: this.R = j10; return; case 30321: j(i10); int i12 = (int) j10; if (i12 == 0) { this.f493u.f517r = 0; return; } if (i12 == 1) { this.f493u.f517r = 1; return; } else if (i12 == 2) { this.f493u.f517r = 2; return; } else { if (i12 != 3) { return; } this.f493u.f517r = 3; return; } case 2352003: t(i10).f504e = (int) j10; return; case 2807729: this.f490r = j10; return; default: switch (i10) { case 21945: j(i10); int i13 = (int) j10; if (i13 == 1) { this.f493u.A = 2; return; } else { if (i13 != 2) { return; } this.f493u.A = 1; return; } case 21946: j(i10); int c10 = m7.c.c((int) j10); if (c10 != -1) { this.f493u.f525z = c10; return; } return; case 21947: j(i10); this.f493u.f523x = true; int b10 = m7.c.b((int) j10); if (b10 != -1) { this.f493u.f524y = b10; return; } return; case 21948: t(i10).B = (int) j10; return; case 21949: t(i10).C = (int) j10; return; default: return; } } } protected boolean z(int i10) { return i10 == 357149030 || i10 == 524531317 || i10 == 475249515 || i10 == 374648427; } }