TopTV v3.0.1版本的 MD5 值为:0fc1b9ce94885bc92edd11a6ee3e5932

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package c.f.a.c.k.b;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
public final class d7 implements Runnable {
    public final boolean f13395b;
    public final Uri f13396c;
    public final String f13397d;
    public final String f13398e;
    public final e7 f13399f;

    public d7(e7 e7Var, boolean z, Uri uri, String str, String str2) {
        this.f13399f = e7Var;
        this.f13395b = z;
        this.f13396c = uri;
        this.f13397d = str;
        this.f13398e = str2;

    public final void run() {
        Bundle j0;
        Bundle bundle;
        e7 e7Var = this.f13399f;
        boolean z = this.f13395b;
        Uri uri = this.f13396c;
        String str = this.f13397d;
        String str2 = this.f13398e;
        try {
            f z2 = e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z();
            l3<Boolean> l3Var = m3.e0;
            if (z2.w(null, l3Var) || e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.g0) || e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.f0)) {
                ea G = e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.G();
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                    if (str2.contains("gclid") || str2.contains("utm_campaign") || str2.contains("utm_source") || str2.contains("utm_medium")) {
                        j0 = G.j0(Uri.parse(str2.length() != 0 ? "".concat(str2) : new String("")));
                        if (j0 != null) {
                            j0.putString("_cis", "referrer");
                        if (z) {
                            bundle = null;
                        } else {
                            bundle = e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.G().j0(uri);
                            if (bundle != null) {
                                bundle.putString("_cis", "intent");
                                if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, l3Var) && !bundle.containsKey("gclid") && j0 != null && j0.containsKey("gclid")) {
                                    bundle.putString("_cer", String.format("gclid=%s", j0.getString("gclid")));
                                e7Var.f13409b.X(str, "_cmp", bundle);
                                if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.D0)) {
                                    e7Var.f13409b.f13455n.b(str, bundle);
                        if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.g0) && !e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.f0) && j0 != null && j0.containsKey("gclid") && (bundle == null || !bundle.containsKey("gclid"))) {
                            e7Var.f13409b.c0("auto", "_lgclid", j0.getString("gclid"), true);
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                            e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.c().v().b("Activity created with referrer", str2);
                            if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.f0)) {
                                if (j0 != null) {
                                    e7Var.f13409b.X(str, "_cmp", j0);
                                    if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.D0)) {
                                        e7Var.f13409b.f13455n.b(str, j0);
                                } else {
                                    e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.c().v().b("Referrer does not contain valid parameters", str2);
                                e7Var.f13409b.c0("auto", "_ldl", null, true);
                            } else if (!str2.contains("gclid") || (!str2.contains("utm_campaign") && !str2.contains("utm_source") && !str2.contains("utm_medium") && !str2.contains("utm_term") && !str2.contains("utm_content"))) {
                                e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.c().v().a("Activity created with data 'referrer' without required params");
                            } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                            } else {
                                e7Var.f13409b.c0("auto", "_ldl", str2, true);
                    G.f13980a.c().v().a("Activity created with data 'referrer' without required params");
            j0 = null;
            if (z) {
            if (e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.z().w(null, m3.g0)) {
                e7Var.f13409b.c0("auto", "_lgclid", j0.getString("gclid"), true);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            e7Var.f13409b.f13980a.c().o().b("Throwable caught in handleReferrerForOnActivityCreated", e2);