米多多 v3.0.1版本的 MD5 值为:f69e79dbe1787218a397ad907fb8f3ab

以下内容为反编译后的 b.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package c.l.a.e.d.b;

import android.content.Context;
import c.l.a.c;
import c.l.a.f.b0;
import c.l.a.f.r;
import c.l.a.f.t;
import c.l.a.f.y;
import c.l.a.f.z;
import com.tencent.bugly.proguard.ao;
import com.tencent.bugly.proguard.ap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public final class b {
    public static int f5876f = 1000;
    public static b f5877g;
    public static String f5878h;
    public final List<c> f5879a;
    public final y f5880b;
    public final c.l.a.e.d.b.a f5881c;
    public c.l.a.e.d.b.a f5882d = null;
    public Context f5883e;

    public class a extends Thread {
        public a() {

        public final void run() {
            try {
                Map<String, byte[]> o = r.j().o(b.f5876f, null, true);
                if (o != null) {
                    byte[] bArr = o.get("device");
                    byte[] bArr2 = o.get("gateway");
                    if (bArr != null) {
                        c.l.a.e.d.a.c.f(b.this.f5883e).o(new String(bArr));
                    if (bArr2 != null) {
                        c.l.a.e.d.a.c.f(b.this.f5883e).m(new String(bArr2));
                b.this.f5882d = b.k();
                if (b.this.f5882d != null) {
                    if (b0.x(b.f5878h) || !b0.J(b.f5878h)) {
                        b.this.f5882d.p = c.l.a.e.d.b.a.w;
                        b.this.f5882d.q = c.l.a.e.d.b.a.x;
                    } else {
                        b.this.f5882d.p = b.f5878h;
                        b.this.f5882d.q = b.f5878h;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                if (!z.d(th)) {
            b bVar = b.this;
            bVar.f(bVar.f5882d, false);

    public b(Context context, List<c> list) {
        String str;
        this.f5883e = context;
        if (c.l.a.e.d.a.c.f(context) != null) {
            String str2 = c.l.a.e.d.a.c.f(context).T;
            if ("oversea".equals(str2)) {
                str = "https://astat.bugly.qcloud.com/rqd/async";
            } else {
                str = "na_https".equals(str2) ? "https://astat.bugly.cros.wr.pvp.net/:8180/rqd/async" : "https://astat.bugly.cros.wr.pvp.net/:8180/rqd/async";
            c.l.a.e.d.b.a.w = str;
            c.l.a.e.d.b.a.x = str;
        this.f5881c = new c.l.a.e.d.b.a();
        this.f5879a = list;
        this.f5880b = y.a();

    public static synchronized b c() {
        b bVar;
        synchronized (b.class) {
            bVar = f5877g;
        return bVar;

    public static synchronized b d(Context context, List<c> list) {
        b bVar;
        synchronized (b.class) {
            if (f5877g == null) {
                f5877g = new b(context, list);
            bVar = f5877g;
        return bVar;

    public static c.l.a.e.d.b.a k() {
        byte[] bArr;
        List<t> m = r.j().m(2);
        if (m == null || m.size() <= 0 || (bArr = m.get(0).f6053g) == null) {
            return null;
        return (c.l.a.e.d.b.a) b0.f(bArr, c.l.a.e.d.b.a.CREATOR);

    public final void e(long j2) {
        this.f5880b.c(new a(), j2);

    public final void f(c.l.a.e.d.b.a aVar, boolean z) {
        z.h("[Strategy] Notify %s", c.l.a.e.c.c.class.getName());
        c.l.a.e.c.c.c(aVar, z);
        for (c cVar : this.f5879a) {
            try {
                z.h("[Strategy] Notify %s", cVar.getClass().getName());
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                if (!z.d(th)) {

    public final void g(ap apVar) {
        if (apVar == null) {
        c.l.a.e.d.b.a aVar = this.f5882d;
        if (aVar == null || apVar.f7940h != aVar.m) {
            c.l.a.e.d.b.a aVar2 = new c.l.a.e.d.b.a();
            aVar2.f5868c = apVar.f7933a;
            aVar2.f5870e = apVar.f7935c;
            aVar2.f5869d = apVar.f7934b;
            if (b0.x(f5878h) || !b0.J(f5878h)) {
                if (b0.J(apVar.f7936d)) {
                    z.h("[Strategy] Upload url changes to %s", apVar.f7936d);
                    aVar2.p = apVar.f7936d;
                if (b0.J(apVar.f7937e)) {
                    z.h("[Strategy] Exception upload url changes to %s", apVar.f7937e);
                    aVar2.q = apVar.f7937e;
            ao aoVar = apVar.f7938f;
            if (aoVar != null && !b0.x(aoVar.f7931a)) {
                aVar2.r = apVar.f7938f.f7931a;
            long j2 = apVar.f7940h;
            if (j2 != 0) {
                aVar2.m = j2;
            Map<String, String> map = apVar.f7939g;
            if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {
                Map<String, String> map2 = apVar.f7939g;
                aVar2.s = map2;
                String str = map2.get("B11");
                if (str != null && str.equals("1")) {
                    aVar2.f5871f = true;
                } else {
                    aVar2.f5871f = false;
                String str2 = apVar.f7939g.get("B3");
                if (str2 != null) {
                    aVar2.v = Long.valueOf(str2).longValue();
                int i2 = apVar.f7941i;
                aVar2.n = i2;
                aVar2.u = i2;
                String str3 = apVar.f7939g.get("B27");
                if (str3 != null && str3.length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(str3);
                        if (parseInt > 0) {
                            aVar2.t = parseInt;
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                        if (!z.d(e2)) {
                String str4 = apVar.f7939g.get("B25");
                if (str4 != null && str4.equals("1")) {
                    aVar2.f5873h = true;
                } else {
                    aVar2.f5873h = false;
            z.c("[Strategy] enableCrashReport:%b, enableQuery:%b, enableUserInfo:%b, enableAnr:%b, enableBlock:%b, enableSession:%b, enableSessionTimer:%b, sessionOverTime:%d, enableCocos:%b, strategyLastUpdateTime:%d", Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5868c), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5870e), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5869d), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5871f), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5872g), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5875k), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.l), Long.valueOf(aVar2.n), Boolean.valueOf(aVar2.f5873h), Long.valueOf(aVar2.m));
            this.f5882d = aVar2;
            if (!b0.J(apVar.f7936d)) {
                z.h("[Strategy] download url is null", new Object[0]);
                this.f5882d.p = "";
            if (!b0.J(apVar.f7937e)) {
                z.h("[Strategy] download crashurl is null", new Object[0]);
                this.f5882d.q = "";
            t tVar = new t();
            tVar.f6048b = 2;
            tVar.f6047a = aVar2.f5866a;
            tVar.f6051e = aVar2.f5867b;
            tVar.f6053g = b0.y(aVar2);
            f(aVar2, true);

    public final synchronized boolean i() {
        return this.f5882d != null;

    public final c.l.a.e.d.b.a j() {
        c.l.a.e.d.b.a aVar = this.f5882d;
        if (aVar != null) {
            if (!b0.J(aVar.p)) {
                this.f5882d.p = c.l.a.e.d.b.a.w;
            if (!b0.J(this.f5882d.q)) {
                this.f5882d.q = c.l.a.e.d.b.a.x;
            return this.f5882d;
        if (!b0.x(f5878h) && b0.J(f5878h)) {
            c.l.a.e.d.b.a aVar2 = this.f5881c;
            String str = f5878h;
            aVar2.p = str;
            aVar2.q = str;
        return this.f5881c;