GOUTY SSH V2 🌐 v4.2.5版本的 MD5 值为:635449b1ebcf1b9e08b24bdcbf1c404a

以下内容为反编译后的 c.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package c0;

import a0.r0;
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipDescription;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.net.ConnectivityManager;
import android.net.NetworkInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView;
import com.google.firebase.crashlytics.CrashlyticsRegistrar;
import d0.k;
import d6.i;
import f7.e0;
import f7.f0;
import f7.g0;
import f7.v;
import i.a4;
import i6.a0;
import i6.o;
import i6.q;
import i6.r;
import i6.u;
import i6.x;
import i6.z;
import i7.t;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import l5.g4;
import m4.m;
import n4.h;
import n4.j;
import n4.l;
import p5.p;
import u4.n;

public final class c implements k, o4.b, j, z6.a, p5.a, e4.d, c6.f, p5.d {

    public final int f2170w;

    public final Object f2171x;

    public c(int i10, Object obj) {
        this.f2170w = i10;
        this.f2171x = obj;

    public Object a(Object obj) {
        return null;

    public Object b() {
        int i10 = this.f2170w;
        int i11 = 0;
        Object obj = this.f2171x;
        switch (i10) {
            case 3:
                l lVar = (l) ((n4.d) obj);
                return Integer.valueOf(((Integer) lVar.e(new n4.f(lVar, ((p4.b) lVar.f7821x).a() - lVar.f7823z.f7801d))).intValue());
            case 4:
                l lVar2 = (l) ((m4.k) obj).f7603i;
                lVar2.e(new h(lVar2, i11));
                return null;
            case 5:
                l lVar3 = (l) ((n4.c) obj);
                int i12 = k4.a.f6286e;
                v vVar = new v(6);
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                SQLiteDatabase a10 = lVar3.a();
                try {
                    k4.a aVar = (k4.a) l.V(a10.rawQuery("SELECT log_source, reason, events_dropped_count FROM log_event_dropped", new String[0]), new l4.b(4, lVar3, hashMap, vVar));
                    return aVar;
                } finally {
                m mVar = (m) obj;
                l lVar4 = (l) mVar.f7609b;
                Iterator it = ((Iterable) lVar4.e(new i(2))).iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    ((m4.d) mVar.f7610c).a((h4.j) it.next(), 1, false);
                return null;

    public void c(z6.c cVar) {
        f6.b bVar = (f6.b) this.f2171x;
        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
            Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Crashlytics native component now available.", null);
        bVar.f4157b.set((f6.a) cVar.get());

    public Object d(a4 a4Var) {
        String format;
        Throwable th;
        String num;
        p pVar;
        p h10;
        boolean z10;
        i6.a aVar;
        boolean z11;
        ExecutorService executorService;
        m4.l lVar;
        String str;
        boolean z12;
        m6.b bVar;
        j6.c cVar;
        boolean exists;
        o oVar;
        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler;
        boolean z13;
        Future<?> submit;
        String str2;
        Resources resources;
        o6.a e10;
        long longVersionCode;
        int i10 = this.f2170w;
        Object obj = this.f2171x;
        switch (i10) {
            case 0:
                int i11 = CrashlyticsRegistrar.f3027a;
                ((CrashlyticsRegistrar) obj).getClass();
                w5.g gVar = (w5.g) a4Var.a(w5.g.class);
                z6.b i12 = a4Var.i(f6.a.class);
                z6.b i13 = a4Var.i(y5.a.class);
                a7.e eVar = (a7.e) a4Var.a(a7.e.class);
                i7.o oVar2 = (i7.o) a4Var.a(i7.o.class);
                Context context = gVar.f10616a;
                String packageName = context.getPackageName();
                Log.i("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.4.3 for " + packageName, null);
                m6.b bVar2 = new m6.b(context);
                u uVar = new u(gVar);
                x xVar = new x(context, packageName, eVar, uVar);
                f6.b bVar3 = new f6.b(i12);
                e6.b bVar4 = new e6.b(i13);
                ExecutorService k10 = com.bumptech.glide.e.k("Crashlytics Exception Handler");
                i6.k kVar = new i6.k(uVar, bVar2);
                j7.c cVar2 = j7.c.f6043a;
                j7.d dVar = j7.d.CRASHLYTICS;
                j7.a a10 = j7.c.a(dVar);
                if (a10.f6041b != null) {
                    Log.d("SessionsDependencies", "Subscriber " + dVar + " already registered.");
                } else {
                    a10.f6041b = kVar;
                    ((rc.d) a10.f6040a).e(null);
                Log.d("FirebaseSessions", "Registering Sessions SDK subscriber with name: " + dVar + ", data collection enabled: " + uVar.a());
                Object obj2 = oVar2.f5744c.B;
                if (((t) obj2) != null) {
                    t tVar = (t) obj2;
                    if (tVar == null) {
                        throw null;
                    kVar.b(new j7.e(tVar.f5752a));
                r rVar = new r(gVar, xVar, bVar3, uVar, new e6.a(bVar4), new e6.a(bVar4), bVar2, k10, kVar);
                String str3 = gVar.f10618c.f10627b;
                String g10 = i6.h.g(context);
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int j10 = i6.h.j(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_lib", "array");
                int j11 = i6.h.j(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_arch", "array");
                int j12 = i6.h.j(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_build_id", "array");
                if (j10 == 0 || j11 == 0 || j12 == 0) {
                    format = String.format("Could not find resources: %d %d %d", Integer.valueOf(j10), Integer.valueOf(j11), Integer.valueOf(j12));
                } else {
                    String[] stringArray = context.getResources().getStringArray(j10);
                    String[] stringArray2 = context.getResources().getStringArray(j11);
                    String[] stringArray3 = context.getResources().getStringArray(j12);
                    if (stringArray.length != stringArray3.length || stringArray2.length != stringArray3.length) {
                        format = String.format("Lengths did not match: %d %d %d", Integer.valueOf(stringArray.length), Integer.valueOf(stringArray2.length), Integer.valueOf(stringArray3.length));
                    } else {
                        for (int i14 = 0; i14 < stringArray3.length; i14++) {
                            arrayList.add(new i6.e(stringArray[i14], stringArray2[i14], stringArray3[i14]));
                    th = null;
                String x10 = h4.a.x("Mapping file ID is: ", g10);
                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                    Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", x10, th);
                Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    i6.e eVar2 = (i6.e) it.next();
                    String format2 = String.format("Build id for %s on %s: %s", eVar2.f5587a, eVar2.f5588b, eVar2.f5589c);
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                        Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", format2, null);
                i4.e eVar3 = new i4.e(context, 20);
                try {
                    String packageName2 = context.getPackageName();
                    String c10 = xVar.c();
                    PackageInfo packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName2, 0);
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
                        longVersionCode = packageInfo.getLongVersionCode();
                        num = Long.toString(longVersionCode);
                    } else {
                        num = Integer.toString(packageInfo.versionCode);
                    String str4 = num;
                    String str5 = packageInfo.versionName;
                    if (str5 == null) {
                        str5 = "0.0";
                    String str6 = str5;
                    i6.a aVar2 = new i6.a(str3, g10, arrayList, c10, packageName2, str4, str6, eVar3);
                    String x11 = h4.a.x("Installer package name is: ", c10);
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 2)) {
                        Log.v("FirebaseCrashlytics", x11, null);
                    ExecutorService k11 = com.bumptech.glide.e.k("com.google.firebase.crashlytics.startup");
                    e5.j jVar = new e5.j(19);
                    String c11 = xVar.c();
                    e5.j jVar2 = new e5.j(17);
                    o6.b bVar5 = new o6.b(jVar2);
                    o6.b bVar6 = new o6.b(bVar2);
                    Locale locale = Locale.US;
                    a3.a aVar3 = new a3.a(String.format(locale, "https://firebase-settings.crashlytics.com/spi/v2/platforms/android/gmp/%s/settings", str3), jVar);
                    String str7 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
                    String str8 = x.f5683h;
                    String format3 = String.format(locale, "%s/%s", str7.replaceAll(str8, ""), Build.MODEL.replaceAll(str8, ""));
                    String replaceAll = Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL.replaceAll(str8, "");
                    String replaceAll2 = Build.VERSION.RELEASE.replaceAll(str8, "");
                    String[] strArr = {i6.h.g(context), str3, str6, str4};
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                    int i15 = 0;
                    while (i15 < 4) {
                        String str9 = strArr[i15];
                        String[] strArr2 = strArr;
                        if (str9 != null) {
                            arrayList2.add(str9.replace("-", "").toLowerCase(Locale.US));
                        strArr = strArr2;
                    StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                    Iterator it2 = arrayList2.iterator();
                    while (it2.hasNext()) {
                        sb2.append((String) it2.next());
                    String sb3 = sb2.toString();
                    m4.l lVar2 = new m4.l(context, new o6.c(str3, format3, replaceAll, replaceAll2, xVar, sb3.length() > 0 ? i6.h.o(sb3) : null, str6, str4, h4.a.d(c11 != null ? 4 : 1)), jVar2, bVar5, bVar6, aVar3, uVar);
                    if ((!((Context) lVar2.f7604w).getSharedPreferences("com.google.firebase.crashlytics", 0).getString("existing_instance_identifier", "").equals((String) ((o6.c) lVar2.f7605x).f8187g)) || (e10 = lVar2.e(1)) == null) {
                        o6.a e11 = lVar2.e(3);
                        if (e11 != null) {
                            ((AtomicReference) lVar2.D).set(e11);
                            ((p5.j) ((AtomicReference) lVar2.E).get()).c(e11);
                        u uVar2 = (u) lVar2.C;
                        p pVar2 = uVar2.f5676f.f8373a;
                        synchronized (uVar2.f5672b) {
                            pVar = uVar2.f5673c.f8373a;
                        ExecutorService executorService2 = a0.f5581a;
                        p5.j jVar3 = new p5.j();
                        z zVar = new z(0, jVar3);
                        pVar2.b(k11, zVar);
                        pVar.b(k11, zVar);
                        h10 = jVar3.f8373a.h(k11, new o6.b(lVar2));
                    } else {
                        ((AtomicReference) lVar2.D).set(e10);
                        ((p5.j) ((AtomicReference) lVar2.E).get()).c(e10);
                        h10 = com.bumptech.glide.d.j(null);
                    h10.b(k11, new e5.j(14));
                    v vVar = rVar.f5656m;
                    m6.b bVar7 = rVar.f5652i;
                    Context context2 = rVar.f5644a;
                    if (context2 != null && (resources = context2.getResources()) != null) {
                        int j13 = i6.h.j(context2, "com.crashlytics.RequireBuildId", "bool");
                        if (j13 > 0) {
                            z10 = resources.getBoolean(j13);
                        } else {
                            int j14 = i6.h.j(context2, "com.crashlytics.RequireBuildId", "string");
                            if (j14 > 0) {
                                z10 = Boolean.parseBoolean(context2.getString(j14));
                        if (z10) {
                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 2)) {
                                Log.v("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Configured not to require a build ID.", null);
                            aVar = aVar2;
                        } else {
                            aVar = aVar2;
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f5574b)) {
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  | ");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".   \\ |  | /");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".    \\    /");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     \\  /");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".      \\/");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when the Crashlytics Gradle plugin is missing from your app's build configuration. Please review the Firebase Crashlytics onboarding instructions at https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?platform=android#add-plugin");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".      /\\");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     /  \\");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".    /    \\");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".   / |  | \\");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                                Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                                z11 = false;
                                if (!z11) {
                                    throw new IllegalStateException("The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when the Crashlytics Gradle plugin is missing from your app's build configuration. Please review the Firebase Crashlytics onboarding instructions at https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?platform=android#add-plugin");
                                new i6.f(rVar.f5651h);
                                String str10 = i6.f.f5591b;
                                try {
                                    int i16 = 24;
                                    rVar.f5649f = new i4.e("crash_marker", i16, bVar7);
                                    rVar.f5648e = new i4.e("initialization_marker", i16, bVar7);
                                    bVar = new m6.b(str10, bVar7, vVar);
                                    cVar = new j6.c(bVar7);
                                    executorService = k11;
                                } catch (Exception e12) {
                                    e = e12;
                                    executorService = k11;
                                try {
                                    try {
                                        try {
                                            rVar.f5650g = new o(rVar.f5644a, rVar.f5656m, rVar.f5651h, rVar.f5645b, rVar.f5652i, rVar.f5649f, aVar, bVar, cVar, m6.b.h(rVar.f5644a, rVar.f5651h, rVar.f5652i, aVar, cVar, bVar, new s.c(new p6.a[]{new e5.l(10, 2)}), lVar2, rVar.f5646c, rVar.f5657n), rVar.f5658o, rVar.f5654k, rVar.f5657n);
                                            i4.e eVar4 = rVar.f5648e;
                                            m6.b bVar8 = (m6.b) eVar4.f5567y;
                                            String str11 = (String) eVar4.f5566x;
                                            exists = new File((File) bVar8.f7625c, str11).exists();
                                            try {
                                                Boolean.TRUE.equals((Boolean) a0.a(vVar.u(new q(rVar, 1))));
                                            } catch (Exception unused) {
                                            oVar = rVar.f5650g;
                                            defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
                                            oVar.f5628e.u(new g4(oVar, 3, str10));
                                            lVar = lVar2;
                                        } catch (Exception e13) {
                                            e = e13;
                                            str = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                            lVar = lVar2;
                                        try {
                                            i6.t tVar2 = new i6.t(new n4.e(8, oVar), lVar, defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, oVar.f5633j);
                                            oVar.f5637n = tVar2;
                                        } catch (Exception e14) {
                                            e = e14;
                                            str = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                            Log.e(str, "Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
                                            rVar.f5650g = null;
                                            z12 = false;
                                            com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                            return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                    } catch (Exception e15) {
                                        e = e15;
                                        lVar = lVar2;
                                } catch (Exception e16) {
                                    e = e16;
                                    lVar = lVar2;
                                    str = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                    Log.e(str, "Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
                                    rVar.f5650g = null;
                                    z12 = false;
                                    com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                    return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                if (exists) {
                                    if (context2.checkCallingOrSelfPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE") == 0) {
                                        NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = ((ConnectivityManager) context2.getSystemService("connectivity")).getActiveNetworkInfo();
                                        if (activeNetworkInfo != null) {
                                            if (activeNetworkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {
                                        z13 = false;
                                        if (z13) {
                                            str = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                            try {
                                                if (Log.isLoggable(str, 3)) {
                                                    Log.d(str, "Crashlytics did not finish previous background initialization. Initializing synchronously.", null);
                                                submit = rVar.f5655l.submit(new i.j(rVar, 29, lVar));
                                                if (Log.isLoggable(str, 3)) {
                                                    Log.d(str, "Crashlytics detected incomplete initialization on previous app launch. Will initialize synchronously.", null);
                                            } catch (Exception e17) {
                                                e = e17;
                                                Log.e(str, "Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
                                                rVar.f5650g = null;
                                                z12 = false;
                                                com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                                return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                            try {
                                                submit.get(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                            } catch (InterruptedException e18) {
                                                e = e18;
                                                str2 = "Crashlytics was interrupted during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str, str2, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                                return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                            } catch (ExecutionException e19) {
                                                e = e19;
                                                str2 = "Crashlytics encountered a problem during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str, str2, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                                return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                            } catch (TimeoutException e20) {
                                                e = e20;
                                                str2 = "Crashlytics timed out during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str, str2, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                                return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                            z12 = false;
                                            com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                            return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                                    z13 = true;
                                    if (z13) {
                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                                    Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Successfully configured exception handler.", null);
                                z12 = true;
                                com.bumptech.glide.d.c(executorService, new n(1, rVar, lVar, z12));
                                return new e6.c(0, rVar);
                        z11 = true;
                        if (!z11) {
                    z10 = true;
                    if (z10) {
                    z11 = true;
                    if (!z11) {
                } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e21) {
                    Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Error retrieving app package info.", e21);
                    return null;
                return new x6.c((Context) a4Var.a(Context.class), ((w5.g) a4Var.a(w5.g.class)).c(), a4Var.n(x6.d.class), a4Var.d(h7.b.class), (Executor) a4Var.b((c6.u) obj));

    public void e(p5.i iVar) {
        int i10 = this.f2170w;
        Object obj = this.f2171x;
        switch (i10) {
            case 0:
                e0.b((Intent) obj);
            case 1:
                int i11 = f0.f4205b;
                ((g0) obj).f4210b.c(null);
                ((ScheduledFuture) obj).cancel(false);

    public void f(NestedScrollView nestedScrollView) {
        NestedScrollView nestedScrollView2;
        NestedScrollView nestedScrollView3;
        y3.q qVar = (y3.q) this.f2171x;
        int i10 = y3.q.f11257u0;
        o9.f.l("this$0", qVar);
        int i11 = 0;
        SharedPreferences.Editor edit = qVar.L().getSharedPreferences("scroll_position", 0).edit();
        j3.i iVar = qVar.f11258o0;
        edit.putInt("scroll_position_x", (iVar == null || (nestedScrollView3 = iVar.f5964u) == null) ? 0 : nestedScrollView3.getScrollX());
        j3.i iVar2 = qVar.f11258o0;
        if (iVar2 != null && (nestedScrollView2 = iVar2.f5964u) != null) {
            i11 = nestedScrollView2.getScrollY();
        edit.putInt("scroll_position_y", i11);

    public boolean g(e6.c cVar, int i10, Bundle bundle) {
        View view = (View) this.f2171x;
        int i11 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i11 >= 25 && (i10 & 1) != 0) {
            try {
                ((g) cVar.f3888x).d();
                Parcelable parcelable = (Parcelable) ((g) cVar.f3888x).b();
                bundle = bundle == null ? new Bundle() : new Bundle(bundle);
                bundle.putParcelable("androidx.core.view.extra.INPUT_CONTENT_INFO", parcelable);
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                Log.w("InputConnectionCompat", "Can't insert content from IME; requestPermission() failed", e10);
                return false;
        ClipDescription description = ((g) cVar.f3888x).getDescription();
        g gVar = (g) cVar.f3888x;
        ClipData clipData = new ClipData(description, new ClipData.Item(gVar.c()));
        a0.f eVar = i11 >= 31 ? new a0.e(clipData, 2) : new a0.g(clipData, 2);
        return r0.f(view, eVar.a()) == null;

    public void h(String str, byte[] bArr) {
        boolean z10;
        d8.l lVar = (d8.l) this.f2171x;
        o9.f.l("this$0", lVar);
        int i10 = h8.c.f5074a;
        m8.b bVar = new m8.b();
        Iterator it = p8.e.f8401a.iterator();
        while (true) {
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                if (((p8.d) it.next()).f8399b.equals(str)) {
                    z10 = true;
            } else {
                z10 = false;
        if (!z10) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(h4.a.x("Unknown key type ", str));
        if (bArr == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostkey is null");
        bVar.l(bArr, bArr.length);
        byte[] bArr2 = new byte[16];
        char[] charArray = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i11 = 0; i11 < 16; i11++) {
            if (i11 != 0) {
            int i12 = bArr2[i11] & 255;
            sb2.append(charArray[i12 >> 4]);
            sb2.append(charArray[i12 & 15]);
        lVar.f3520b.c("LBL_FINGERPRINT", sb2.toString());

    public Object l(p5.i iVar) {
        Object obj;
        boolean z10;
        switch (this.f2170w) {
            case 11:
                ((m6.b) this.f2171x).getClass();
                if (iVar.g()) {
                    i6.b bVar = (i6.b) iVar.e();
                    x4.l lVar = x4.l.I;
                    lVar.T0("Crashlytics report successfully enqueued to DataTransport: " + bVar.f5583b);
                    File file = bVar.f5584c;
                    if (file.delete()) {
                        lVar.T0("Deleted report file: " + file.getPath());
                    } else {
                        lVar.j1("Crashlytics could not delete report file: " + file.getPath(), null);
                    z10 = true;
                } else {
                    Log.w("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Crashlytics report could not be enqueued to DataTransport", iVar.d());
                    z10 = false;
                return Boolean.valueOf(z10);
            case 12:
                CountDownLatch countDownLatch = (CountDownLatch) this.f2171x;
                ExecutorService executorService = a0.f5581a;
                return null;
                ((m6.b) this.f2171x).getClass();
                p pVar = (p) iVar;
                synchronized (pVar.f8388a) {
                    com.bumptech.glide.c.p("Task is not yet complete", pVar.f8390c);
                    if (pVar.f8391d) {
                        throw new CancellationException("Task is already canceled.");
                    if (IOException.class.isInstance(pVar.f8393f)) {
                        throw ((Throwable) IOException.class.cast(pVar.f8393f));
                    Exception exc = pVar.f8393f;
                    if (exc != null) {
                        throw new p5.g(exc);
                    obj = pVar.f8392e;
                Bundle bundle = (Bundle) obj;
                if (bundle == null) {
                    throw new IOException("SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE");
                String string = bundle.getString("registration_id");
                if (string != null || (string = bundle.getString("unregistered")) != null) {
                    return string;
                String string2 = bundle.getString("error");
                if ("RST".equals(string2)) {
                    throw new IOException("INSTANCE_ID_RESET");
                if (string2 != null) {
                    throw new IOException(string2);
                Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Unexpected response: " + bundle, new Throwable());
                throw new IOException("SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE");