QR Scanner v2.8.7版本的 MD5 值为:9dcdcf654454b02f97d5fcd68f9f4629

以下内容为反编译后的 a.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package c5;

import com.github.appintro.BuildConfig;
import com.github.appintro.R;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class a {
    private static final Map f4051a;
    private static final Map f4052b;

    static {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        f4051a = hashMap;
        HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
        f4052b = hashMap2;
        hashMap.put(-1, "The requesting app is unavailable (e.g. unpublished, nonexistent version code).");
        hashMap.put(-2, "The requested pack is not available.");
        hashMap.put(-3, "The request is invalid.");
        hashMap.put(-4, "The requested download is not found.");
        hashMap.put(-5, "The Asset Delivery API is not available.");
        hashMap.put(-6, "Network error. Unable to obtain the asset pack details.");
        hashMap.put(-7, "Download not permitted under current device circumstances (e.g. in background).");
        hashMap.put(-10, "Asset pack download failed due to insufficient storage.");
        hashMap.put(-11, "The Play Store app is either not installed or not the official version.");
        hashMap.put(-12, "Tried to show the cellular data confirmation but no asset packs are waiting for Wi-Fi.");
        hashMap.put(-13, "The app is not owned by any user on this device. An app is \"owned\" if it has been acquired from Play.");
        hashMap.put(-100, "Unknown error downloading an asset pack.");
        hashMap2.put(-1, "APP_UNAVAILABLE");
        hashMap2.put(-2, "PACK_UNAVAILABLE");
        hashMap2.put(-3, "INVALID_REQUEST");
        hashMap2.put(-4, "DOWNLOAD_NOT_FOUND");
        hashMap2.put(-5, "API_NOT_AVAILABLE");
        hashMap2.put(-6, "NETWORK_ERROR");
        hashMap2.put(-7, "ACCESS_DENIED");
        hashMap2.put(-10, "INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE");
        hashMap2.put(-11, "PLAY_STORE_NOT_FOUND");
        hashMap2.put(-12, "NETWORK_UNRESTRICTED");
        hashMap2.put(-13, "APP_NOT_OWNED");
        hashMap2.put(-100, "INTERNAL_ERROR");

    public static String a(int i10) {
        Map map = f4051a;
        Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(i10);
        if (map.containsKey(valueOf)) {
            String str = (String) map.get(valueOf);
            String str2 = (String) f4052b.get(valueOf);
            int length = String.valueOf(str).length();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length + R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle + String.valueOf(str2).length());
            sb.append(" (https://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/play/core/assetpacks/model/AssetPackErrorCode.html#");
            return sb.toString();
        return BuildConfig.FLAVOR;