MD5 校验值:d47de9d0b292a5cbd7377502c33607ba 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package c6; import a9.y; import android.R; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Process; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.os.Trace; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Xml; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import androidx.lifecycle.l0; import c7.e0; import; import d.x; import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.OpenVPNService; import f8.c0; import f8.e1; import f8.g1; import f8.h0; import f8.i1; import f8.j1; import f8.m0; import f8.v0; import f8.w; import f8.y0; import h5.p0; import h5.u0; import i5.f5; import i5.m1; import i5.o5; import i5.q1; import i5.t3; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.Set; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import q6.b1; import q6.n0; import q6.o0; import q6.t0; import q6.v; import q6.x0; import t6.a1; import t6.s0; import t6.z0; import y6.i0; import y6.j0; import y6.k0; public abstract class i implements o5 { public static long f1444m; public static Method f1445n; public static final int[] f1446o = {, R.attr.tint, R.attr.height, R.attr.width, R.attr.alpha, R.attr.autoMirrored, R.attr.tintMode, R.attr.viewportWidth, R.attr.viewportHeight}; public static final int[] f1447p = {, R.attr.pivotX, R.attr.pivotY, R.attr.scaleX, R.attr.scaleY, R.attr.rotation, R.attr.translateX, R.attr.translateY}; public static final int[] f1448q = {, R.attr.fillColor, R.attr.pathData, R.attr.strokeColor, R.attr.strokeWidth, R.attr.trimPathStart, R.attr.trimPathEnd, R.attr.trimPathOffset, R.attr.strokeLineCap, R.attr.strokeLineJoin, R.attr.strokeMiterLimit, R.attr.strokeAlpha, R.attr.fillAlpha, R.attr.fillType}; public static final int[] f1449r = {, R.attr.pathData, R.attr.fillType}; public static final int[] f1450s = {R.attr.drawable}; public static final int[] f1451t = {, R.attr.animation}; public static final int[] f1452u = {R.attr.interpolator, R.attr.duration, R.attr.startOffset, R.attr.repeatCount, R.attr.repeatMode, R.attr.valueFrom, R.attr.valueTo, R.attr.valueType}; public static final int[] f1453v = {R.attr.ordering}; public static final int[] f1454w = {R.attr.valueFrom, R.attr.valueTo, R.attr.valueType, R.attr.propertyName}; public static final int[] f1455x = {R.attr.value, R.attr.interpolator, R.attr.valueType, R.attr.fraction}; public static final int[] f1456y = {R.attr.propertyName, R.attr.pathData, R.attr.propertyXName, R.attr.propertyYName}; public i() { } public static final boolean A(c0 c0Var, v0 v0Var, Set set) { q6.j jVar; List l9; x0 x0Var; boolean z9; boolean z10; if (com.bumptech.glide.e.h(c0Var.B0(), v0Var)) { return true; } q6.i f10 = c0Var.B0().f(); if (f10 instanceof q6.j) { jVar = (q6.j) f10; } else { jVar = null; } if (jVar == null) { l9 = null; } else { l9 = jVar.l(); } Iterable I0 = s5.p.I0(c0Var.A0()); if (!(I0 instanceof Collection) || !((Collection) I0).isEmpty()) { Iterator it = I0.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { s5.u uVar = (s5.u); int i10 = uVar.f8050a; y0 y0Var = (y0) uVar.f8051b; if (l9 == null) { x0Var = null; } else { x0Var = (x0) s5.p.o0(i10, l9); } if (x0Var != null && set != null && set.contains(x0Var)) { z9 = true; } else { z9 = false; } if (!z9 && !y0Var.c()) { c0 type = y0Var.getType(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("argument.type", type); z10 = A(type, v0Var, set); } else { z10 = false; } if (z10) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean B(File file, Resources resources, int i10) { InputStream inputStream; try { inputStream = resources.openRawResource(i10); try { boolean C = C(file, inputStream); p(inputStream); return C; } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; p(inputStream); throw th; } } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; inputStream = null; } } public static boolean C(File file, InputStream inputStream) { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream; StrictMode.ThreadPolicy allowThreadDiskWrites = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWrites(); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream2 = null; try { try { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file, false); } catch (IOException e10) { e = e10; } } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; fileOutputStream = fileOutputStream2; } try { byte[] bArr = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int read =; if (read == -1) { p(fileOutputStream); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(allowThreadDiskWrites); return true; } fileOutputStream.write(bArr, 0, read); } } catch (IOException e11) { e = e11; fileOutputStream2 = fileOutputStream; Log.e("TypefaceCompatUtil", "Error copying resource contents to temp file: " + e.getMessage()); p(fileOutputStream2); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(allowThreadDiskWrites); return false; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; p(fileOutputStream); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(allowThreadDiskWrites); throw th; } } public static final ArrayList D(ArrayList arrayList, List list, q6.b bVar) { c0 c0Var; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("oldValueParameters", list); com.bumptech.glide.e.m("newOwner", bVar); arrayList.size(); list.size(); ArrayList J0 = s5.p.J0(arrayList, list); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(s5.m.b0(J0, 10)); Iterator it = J0.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { r5.e eVar = (r5.e); a7.i iVar = (a7.i) eVar.f7732m; r6.a aVar = (b1) eVar.f7733n; z0 z0Var = (z0) aVar; int i10 = z0Var.f8346r; r6.h n9 = ((r6.b) aVar).n(); o7.f p9 = ((t6.q) aVar).p(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("", p9); c0 c0Var2 = iVar.f117a; boolean z9 = iVar.f118b; boolean z10 = z0Var.f8348t; boolean z11 = z0Var.f8349u; if (z0Var.f8350v != null) { c0Var = v7.e.j(bVar).d().g(iVar.f117a); } else { c0Var = null; } t0 c4 = ((t6.r) aVar).c(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("oldParameter.source", c4); arrayList2.add(new z0(bVar, null, i10, n9, p9, c0Var2, z9, z10, z11, c0Var, c4)); } return arrayList2; } public static void D0(Context context, n3.a aVar, j3.d dVar) { if (VpnService.prepare(context) != null) { g5.a.b(context, dVar.b("LBL_VPN_NOT_PREPARED", "VPN não preparada").f4855b).show(); return; } try { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("SSH", new n3.b(context, 1)); hashMap.put("OVPN", new n3.b(context, 0)); hashMap.put(o2.e.V2RAY, new n3.b(context, 2)); n3.d dVar2 = (n3.d) hashMap.get(aVar.f6468a.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); if (dVar2 != null) { dVar2.f6472a = aVar.f6469b; dVar2.a(); LimiterAndroidService.e(context); return; } throw new n3.c(); } catch (Exception e10) { g5.a.b(context, e10.getMessage() + ": " + dVar.b("LBL_CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED", "").f4855b).show(); } } public static final m0 E(c0 c0Var, j1 j1Var, x0 x0Var) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("type", c0Var); if ((x0Var == null ? null : x0Var.y()) == j1Var) { j1Var = j1.INVARIANT; } return new m0(c0Var, j1Var); } public static final h6.a E0(h6.c cVar, int i10) { boolean z9; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", cVar); if (i10 > 0) { z9 = true; } else { z9 = false; } Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(i10); com.bumptech.glide.e.m("step", valueOf); if (z9) { if (cVar.f3467o <= 0) { i10 = -i10; } return new h6.a(cVar.f3465m, cVar.f3466n, i10); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Step must be positive, was: " + valueOf + '.'); } public static final Map F0(LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", linkedHashMap); Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) linkedHashMap.entrySet().iterator().next(); Map singletonMap = Collections.singletonMap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("with(entries.iterator().…ingletonMap(key, value) }", singletonMap); return singletonMap; } public static boolean G(Object obj, Object obj2) { return obj == obj2 || (obj != null && obj.equals(obj2)); } public static final void H(c0 c0Var, h0 h0Var, LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet, Set set) { q6.i f10 = c0Var.B0().f(); if (f10 instanceof x0) { if (!com.bumptech.glide.e.h(c0Var.B0(), h0Var.B0())) { linkedHashSet.add(f10); return; } for (c0 c0Var2 : ((x0) f10).getUpperBounds()) { com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBound", c0Var2); H(c0Var2, h0Var, linkedHashSet, set); } return; } q6.i f11 = c0Var.B0().f(); q6.j jVar = f11 instanceof q6.j ? (q6.j) f11 : null; List l9 = jVar == null ? null : jVar.l(); int i10 = 0; for (y0 y0Var : c0Var.A0()) { int i11 = i10 + 1; x0 x0Var = l9 == null ? null : (x0) s5.p.o0(i10, l9); if (!((x0Var == null || set == null || !set.contains(x0Var)) ? false : true) && !y0Var.c() && !s5.p.g0(linkedHashSet, y0Var.getType().B0().f()) && !com.bumptech.glide.e.h(y0Var.getType().B0(), h0Var.B0())) { c0 type = y0Var.getType(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("argument.type", type); H(type, h0Var, linkedHashSet, set); } i10 = i11; } } public static String H0(String str) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", str); if (!p8.m.W0("|")) { List m02 = o8.m.m0(o8.m.j0(p8.m.Z0(str, new String[]{"\r\n", "\n", "\r"}, false, 0), new s5.a(24, str))); int size = (m02.size() * 0) + str.length(); l0 l0Var = l0.A; int v9 = com.bumptech.glide.f.v(m02); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); int i10 = 0; for (Object obj : m02) { int i11 = i10 + 1; String str2 = null; if (i10 >= 0) { String str3 = (String) obj; if ((i10 != 0 && i10 != v9) || !p8.m.W0(str3)) { int length = str3.length(); int i12 = 0; while (true) { if (i12 < length) { if (!com.bumptech.glide.c.t(str3.charAt(i12))) { break; } i12++; } else { i12 = -1; break; } } if (i12 != -1 && p8.m.l1(i12, str3, "|", false)) { str2 = str3.substring("|".length() + i12); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)", str2); } if (str2 == null || (str2 = (String) l0Var.g(str2)) == null) { str2 = str3; } } if (str2 != null) { arrayList.add(str2); } i10 = i11; } else { com.bumptech.glide.f.U(); throw null; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size); s5.p.q0(arrayList, sb, "\n", null, null, null, 124); String sb2 = sb.toString(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("mapIndexedNotNull { inde…\"\\n\")\n .toString()", sb2); return sb2; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("marginPrefix must be non-blank string.".toString()); } public static final HashSet I(Iterable iterable) { HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); Iterator it = iterable.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Set f10 = ((y7.o); if (f10 == null) { return null; } s5.o.e0(f10, hashSet); } return hashSet; } public static final h6.c I0(int i10, int i11) { if (i11 <= Integer.MIN_VALUE) { h6.c cVar = h6.c.f3472p; return h6.c.f3472p; } return new h6.c(i10, i11 - 1); } public static p4.i K(OpenVPNService openVPNService) { List<InetAddress> list; ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) openVPNService.getSystemService("connectivity"); Network[] allNetworks = connectivityManager.getAllNetworks(); int length = allNetworks.length; int i10 = 0; while (true) { if (i10 < length) { Network network = allNetworks[i10]; if (connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo(network).isConnected()) { list = connectivityManager.getLinkProperties(network).getDnsServers(); break; } i10++; } else { list = null; break; } } if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { return new p4.i(1, list); } throw new Exception("no active network DNS resolver"); } public static final n6.k L(c0 c0Var) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", c0Var); n6.k d10 = c0Var.B0().d(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("constructor.builtIns", d10); return d10; } public static final Object N(p7.n nVar, p7.p pVar) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", nVar); com.bumptech.glide.e.m("extension", pVar); if (nVar.l(pVar)) { return nVar.k(pVar); } return null; } public static final Object O(p7.n nVar, p7.p pVar, int i10) { int size; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", nVar); nVar.p(pVar); p7.k kVar = nVar.f7415m; kVar.getClass(); p7.o oVar = pVar.f7423d; if (oVar.f7418o) { Object f10 = kVar.f(oVar); if (f10 == null) { size = 0; } else { size = ((List) f10).size(); } if (i10 < size) { nVar.p(pVar); if (oVar.f7418o) { Object f11 = kVar.f(oVar); if (f11 != null) { return pVar.a(((List) f11).get(i10)); } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("getRepeatedField() can only be called on repeated fields."); } return null; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("getRepeatedField() can only be called on repeated fields."); } public static void P(List list) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { a.a.r(; throw null; } } public static final String Q(q6.d dVar) { q6.d dVar2; o7.f fVar; o7.f fVar2; if (n6.k.A(dVar)) { dVar2 = R(dVar); } else { dVar2 = null; } if (dVar2 == null) { return null; } q6.d k10 = v7.e.k(dVar2); if (k10 instanceof o0) { n6.k.A(k10); q6.d b10 = v7.e.b(v7.e.k(k10), y6.k.f9402n); if (b10 == null || (fVar2 = (o7.f) y6.j.f9397a.get(v7.e.g(b10))) == null) { return null; } return fVar2.b(); } if (!(k10 instanceof s0)) { return null; } int i10 = y6.f.f9384m; LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap = y6.o0.f9424j; String z9 = z((s0) k10); if (z9 == null) { fVar = null; } else { fVar = (o7.f) linkedHashMap.get(z9); } if (fVar == null) { return null; } return fVar.b(); } public static final q6.d R(q6.d dVar) { boolean z9; b6.b bVar; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", dVar); if (!y6.o0.f9425k.contains(((t6.q) dVar).p()) && !y6.j.f9400d.contains(((t6.q) v7.e.k(dVar)).p())) { return null; } if (dVar instanceof o0) { z9 = true; } else { z9 = dVar instanceof n0; } if (z9) { bVar = i0.f9396n; } else { if (!(dVar instanceof s0)) { return null; } bVar = j0.f9401n; } return v7.e.b(dVar, bVar); } public static final q6.d S(q6.d dVar) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", dVar); q6.d R = R(dVar); if (R != null) { return R; } int i10 = y6.i.f9395m; o7.f p9 = ((t6.q) dVar).p(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("name", p9); if (y6.i.b(p9)) { return v7.e.b(dVar, k0.f9403n); } return null; } public static final e0 T(q6.g gVar) { e0 e0Var; q6.g gVar2; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", gVar); int i10 = v7.e.f8801a; Iterator it = gVar.k().B0().g().iterator(); while (true) { e0Var = null; if (it.hasNext()) { c0 c0Var = (c0); if (!n6.k.y(c0Var)) { q6.i f10 = c0Var.B0().f(); boolean z9 = true; if (!r7.f.n(f10, 1) && !r7.f.n(f10, 3)) { z9 = false; } if (z9) { if (f10 != null) { gVar2 = (q6.g) f10; } else { throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor"); } } } } else { gVar2 = null; break; } } if (gVar2 == null) { return null; } y7.o S = gVar2.S(); if (S instanceof e0) { e0Var = (e0) S; } if (e0Var == null) { return T(gVar2); } return e0Var; } public static ArrayList U(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList == null) { return null; } ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(arrayList.size()); Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return arrayList2; } a.a.r(; throw null; } public static final c0 V(x0 x0Var) { Object obj; List upperBounds = x0Var.getUpperBounds(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBounds", upperBounds); upperBounds.isEmpty(); List upperBounds2 = x0Var.getUpperBounds(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBounds", upperBounds2); Iterator it = upperBounds2.iterator(); while (true) { obj = null; if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } Object next =; q6.i f10 = ((c0) next).B0().f(); q6.g gVar = f10 instanceof q6.g ? (q6.g) f10 : null; if ((gVar == null || gVar.w() == 2 || gVar.w() == 5) ? false : true) { obj = next; break; } } c0 c0Var = (c0) obj; if (c0Var != null) { return c0Var; } List upperBounds3 = x0Var.getUpperBounds(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBounds", upperBounds3); Object l02 = s5.p.l0(upperBounds3); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBounds.first()", l02); return (c0) l02; } public static File W(Context context) { File cacheDir = context.getCacheDir(); if (cacheDir == null) { return null; } String str = ".font" + Process.myPid() + "-" + Process.myTid() + "-"; for (int i10 = 0; i10 < 100; i10++) { File file = new File(cacheDir, str + i10); if (file.createNewFile()) { return file; } } return null; } public static boolean Y(q6.d dVar) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("callableMemberDescriptor", dVar); if (!y6.j.f9400d.contains(((t6.q) dVar).p())) { return false; } if (!s5.p.g0(y6.j.f9399c, v7.e.c(dVar)) || !dVar.p0().isEmpty()) { if (!n6.k.A(dVar)) { return false; } Collection<q6.d> j10 = dVar.j(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("overriddenDescriptors", j10); if (j10.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (q6.d dVar2 : j10) { com.bumptech.glide.e.l("it", dVar2); if (Y(dVar2)) { } } return false; } return true; } public static final boolean Z(q6.g gVar, q6.d dVar) { boolean z9; boolean z10; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", gVar); com.bumptech.glide.e.m("specialCallableDescriptor", dVar); h0 k10 = ((q6.g) dVar.h()).k(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("specialCallableDescripto…ssDescriptor).defaultType", k10); while (true) { gVar = r7.f.j(gVar); boolean z11 = false; if (gVar == null) { return false; } if (!(gVar instanceof a7.c)) { h0 k11 = gVar.k(); if (k11 != null) { ArrayDeque arrayDeque = new ArrayDeque(); i1 i1Var = null; arrayDeque.add(new g8.o(k11, null)); v0 B0 = k10.B0(); while (true) { if (arrayDeque.isEmpty()) { break; } g8.o oVar = (g8.o) arrayDeque.poll(); c0 c0Var = oVar.f3048a; v0 B02 = c0Var.B0(); if (B02 != null) { if (B0 != null) { if (B02.equals(B0)) { boolean C0 = c0Var.C0(); while (true) { oVar = oVar.f3049b; if (oVar == null) { break; } c0 c0Var2 = oVar.f3048a; List A0 = c0Var2.A0(); boolean z12 = A0 instanceof Collection; j1 j1Var = j1.INVARIANT; if (!z12 || !A0.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = A0.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (((y0) != j1Var) { z9 = true; } else { z9 = false; } if (z9) { z10 = true; break; } } } z10 = false; if (z10) { c0Var = (c0) z0.i.a(e1.e(com.bumptech.glide.c.F(f8.x0.f2825b.f(c0Var2))).i(c0Var, j1Var)).f5732b; } else { c0Var = e1.e(f8.x0.f2825b.f(c0Var2)).i(c0Var, j1Var); } if (!C0 && !c0Var2.C0()) { C0 = false; } else { C0 = true; } } v0 B03 = c0Var.B0(); if (B03 != null) { if (B03.equals(B0)) { i1Var = g1.i(c0Var, C0); } else { throw new AssertionError("Type constructors should be equals!\nsubstitutedSuperType: " + r8.m.q(B03) + ", \n\nsupertype: " + r8.m.q(B0) + " \n" + B03.equals(B0)); } } else { y7.g.a(3); throw null; } } else { for (c0 c0Var3 : B02.g()) { com.bumptech.glide.e.l("immediateSupertype", c0Var3); arrayDeque.add(new g8.o(c0Var3, oVar)); } } } else { y7.g.a(4); throw null; } } else { y7.g.a(3); throw null; } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Argument for @NotNull parameter '%s' of %s.%s must not be null", "subtype", "kotlin/reflect/jvm/internal/impl/types/checker/TypeCheckingProcedure", "findCorrespondingSupertype")); } } } } public static final boolean a0(x0 x0Var, v0 v0Var, Set set) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("typeParameter", x0Var); List<c0> upperBounds = x0Var.getUpperBounds(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("typeParameter.upperBounds", upperBounds); if (upperBounds.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (c0 c0Var : upperBounds) { com.bumptech.glide.e.l("upperBound", c0Var); if (A(c0Var, x0Var.k().B0(), set) && (v0Var == null || com.bumptech.glide.e.h(c0Var.B0(), v0Var))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean b0(x0 x0Var, v0 v0Var, int i10) { if ((i10 & 2) != 0) { v0Var = null; } return a0(x0Var, v0Var, null); } public static boolean d0() { boolean isEnabled; try { if (f1445n == null) { isEnabled = Trace.isEnabled(); return isEnabled; } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | NoSuchMethodError unused) { } try { if (f1445n == null) { f1444m = Trace.class.getField("TRACE_TAG_APP").getLong(null); f1445n = Trace.class.getMethod("isTagEnabled", Long.TYPE); } return ((Boolean) f1445n.invoke(null, Long.valueOf(f1444m))).booleanValue(); } catch (Exception e10) { if (e10 instanceof InvocationTargetException) { Throwable cause = e10.getCause(); if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw ((RuntimeException) cause); } throw new RuntimeException(cause); } Log.v("Trace", "Unable to call isTagEnabled via reflection", e10); return false; } } public static List e0(Class cls, List list, ClassLoader classLoader, com.bumptech.glide.manager.o oVar) { boolean z9; ?? load; boolean c02; Object obj; int i10 = 1; try { Class.forName("", false, classLoader); z9 = true; } catch (Exception unused) { z9 = false; } if (z9) { load = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Class cls2 = (Class); try { obj = cls2.asSubclass(cls).getConstructor(new Class[0]).newInstance(new Object[0]); } catch (ClassCastException unused2) { obj = null; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ServiceConfigurationError(String.format("Provider %s could not be instantiated %s", cls2.getName(), th), th); } if (obj != null) { load.add(obj); } } } else { load = ServiceLoader.load(cls, classLoader); if (!load.iterator().hasNext()) { load = ServiceLoader.load(cls); } } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (Object obj2 : load) { switch (oVar.f1713m) { case 23: c02 = ((p0) obj2).I(); break; case 24: c02 = ((h5.t0) obj2).b(); break; default: c02 = ((h5.i1) obj2).c0(); break; } if (c02) { arrayList.add(obj2); } } Collections.sort(arrayList, Collections.reverseOrder(new u0(i10, oVar))); return Collections.unmodifiableList(arrayList); } public static final void f(Appendable appendable, Object obj, b6.b bVar) { CharSequence valueOf; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", appendable); if (bVar != null) { obj = bVar.g(obj); } else { if (!(obj == null ? true : obj instanceof CharSequence)) { if (obj instanceof Character) { appendable.append(((Character) obj).charValue()); return; } else { valueOf = String.valueOf(obj); appendable.append(valueOf); } } } valueOf = (CharSequence) obj; appendable.append(valueOf); } public static String f0(Context context, String str) { try { InputStream open = context.getAssets().open(str); byte[] bArr = new byte[open.available()]; int read =; open.close(); return new String(bArr, 0, read); } catch (IOException unused) { return ""; } } public static final m0 g(c0 c0Var) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", c0Var); return new m0(c0Var); } public static final int g0(int i10) { if (i10 < 0) { return i10; } if (i10 < 3) { return i10 + 1; } if (i10 < 1073741824) { return (int) ((i10 / 0.75f) + 1.0f); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } public static void h(String str, boolean z9) { if (!z9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } } public static final Map h0(r5.e eVar) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("pair", eVar); Map singletonMap = Collections.singletonMap(eVar.f7732m, eVar.f7733n); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("singletonMap(pair.first, pair.second)", singletonMap); return singletonMap; } public static final h7.r i0(c0 c0Var) { return (h7.r) com.bumptech.glide.e.P(c0Var, h7.e0.f3492k, m8.d.f6302n); } public static MappedByteBuffer j0(Context context, Uri uri) { try { ParcelFileDescriptor a10 = s.n.a(context.getContentResolver(), uri, "r", null); if (a10 == null) { if (a10 != null) { a10.close(); } return null; } try { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(a10.getFileDescriptor()); try { FileChannel channel = fileInputStream.getChannel(); MappedByteBuffer map =, 0L, channel.size()); fileInputStream.close(); a10.close(); return map; } finally { } } finally { } } catch (IOException unused) { return null; } } public static void k(l6.d dVar, Object[] objArr) { com.bumptech.glide.e.m("this", dVar); com.bumptech.glide.e.m("args", objArr); if (r8.m.x(dVar) == objArr.length) { return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Callable expects " + r8.m.x(dVar) + " arguments, but " + objArr.length + " were provided."); } public static void l(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Argument must not be null"); } } public static void l0(View view, EditorInfo editorInfo, InputConnection inputConnection) { if (inputConnection == null || editorInfo.hintText != null) { return; } for (ViewParent parent = view.getParent(); parent instanceof View; parent = parent.getParent()) { } } public static void p(Closeable closeable) { if (closeable != null) { try { closeable.close(); } catch (IOException unused) { } } } public static void q0(Context context, String str) { if (str.equals("")) { context.deleteFile(""); return; } try { FileOutputStream openFileOutput = context.openFileOutput("", 0); XmlSerializer newSerializer = Xml.newSerializer(); try { try { newSerializer.setOutput(openFileOutput, null); newSerializer.startDocument("UTF-8", Boolean.TRUE); newSerializer.startTag(null, "locales"); newSerializer.attribute(null, "application_locales", str); newSerializer.endTag(null, "locales"); newSerializer.endDocument(); Log.d("AppLocalesStorageHelper", "Storing App Locales : app-locales: " + str + " persisted successfully."); if (openFileOutput == null) { return; } } catch (Throwable th) { if (openFileOutput != null) { try { openFileOutput.close(); } catch (IOException unused) { } } throw th; } } catch (Exception e10) { Log.w("AppLocalesStorageHelper", "Storing App Locales : Failed to persist app-locales: ".concat(str), e10); if (openFileOutput == null) { return; } } try { openFileOutput.close(); } catch (IOException unused2) { } } catch (FileNotFoundException unused3) { Log.w("AppLocalesStorageHelper", String.format("Storing App Locales : FileNotFoundException: Cannot open file %s for writing ", "")); } } public static String r0(Context context) { String str = ""; try { FileInputStream openFileInput = context.openFileInput(""); try { try { XmlPullParser newPullParser = Xml.newPullParser(); newPullParser.setInput(openFileInput, "UTF-8"); int depth = newPullParser.getDepth(); while (true) { int next =; if (next == 1 || (next == 3 && newPullParser.getDepth() <= depth)) { break; } if (next != 3 && next != 4 && newPullParser.getName().equals("locales")) { break; } } } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException unused) { Log.w("AppLocalesStorageHelper", "Reading app Locales : Unable to parse through file"); } if (str.isEmpty()) { context.deleteFile(""); } else { Log.d("AppLocalesStorageHelper", "Reading app Locales : Locales read from file: , appLocales: ".concat(str)); } return str; } catch (Throwable th) { if (openFileInput != null) { try { openFileInput.close(); } catch (IOException unused2) { } } throw th; } } catch (FileNotFoundException unused3) { Log.w("AppLocalesStorageHelper", "Reading app Locales : Locales record file not found:"); return ""; } } public static final c0 s0(c0 c0Var, r6.h hVar) { return (c0Var.n().isEmpty() && hVar.isEmpty()) ? c0Var : c0Var.E0().H0(hVar); } public static final i1 t0(c0 c0Var) { h0 h0Var; i1 E0 = c0Var.E0(); if (E0 instanceof w) { w wVar = (w) E0; h0 h0Var2 = wVar.f2821n; if (!h0Var2.B0().h().isEmpty() && h0Var2.B0().f() != null) { List h10 = h0Var2.B0().h(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("constructor.parameters", h10); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(s5.m.b0(h10, 10)); Iterator it = h10.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(new m0((x0); } h0Var2 = f8.c.p(h0Var2, arrayList, null, 2); } h0 h0Var3 = wVar.f2822o; if (!h0Var3.B0().h().isEmpty() && h0Var3.B0().f() != null) { List h11 = h0Var3.B0().h(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("constructor.parameters", h11); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(s5.m.b0(h11, 10)); Iterator it2 = h11.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { arrayList2.add(new m0((x0); } h0Var3 = f8.c.p(h0Var3, arrayList2, null, 2); } h0Var = y.I0(h0Var2, h0Var3); } else if (E0 instanceof h0) { h0 h0Var4 = (h0) E0; boolean isEmpty = h0Var4.B0().h().isEmpty(); h0Var = h0Var4; if (!isEmpty) { q6.i f10 = h0Var4.B0().f(); h0Var = h0Var4; if (f10 != null) { List h12 = h0Var4.B0().h(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("constructor.parameters", h12); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(s5.m.b0(h12, 10)); Iterator it3 = h12.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { arrayList3.add(new m0((x0); } h0Var = f8.c.p(h0Var4, arrayList3, null, 2); } } } else { throw new null); } return f8.c.g(h0Var, E0); } public static final int w0(h9.r rVar, int i10) { int i11; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", rVar); int i12 = i10 + 1; int length = rVar.f3602q.length; int[] iArr = rVar.f3603r; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", iArr); int i13 = length - 1; int i14 = 0; while (true) { if (i14 <= i13) { i11 = (i14 + i13) >>> 1; int i15 = iArr[i11]; if (i15 < i12) { i14 = i11 + 1; } else { if (i15 <= i12) { break; } i13 = i11 - 1; } } else { i11 = (-i14) - 1; break; } } if (i11 < 0) { return ~i11; } return i11; } public static List x(ArrayList arrayList, ArrayList arrayList2) { if (arrayList == null) { return arrayList2; } if (arrayList2 == null) { return arrayList; } n.g gVar = new n.g(arrayList2.size() + arrayList.size()); gVar.addAll(arrayList); gVar.addAll(arrayList2); return new ArrayList(gVar); } public static String y(v vVar, int i10) { boolean z9; boolean z10; String b10; boolean z11 = false; if ((i10 & 1) != 0) { z9 = true; } else { z9 = false; } if ((i10 & 2) != 0) { z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", vVar); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (z10) { if (vVar instanceof q6.k) { b10 = "<init>"; } else { b10 = ((t6.q) vVar).p().b(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("name.asString()", b10); } sb.append(b10); } sb.append("("); t6.e X = vVar.X(); if (X != null) { c0 n02 = X.n0(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("it.type", n02); sb.append(i0(n02)); } Iterator it = vVar.p0().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { c0 q02 = ((a1) ((b1); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("parameter.type", q02); sb.append(i0(q02)); } sb.append(")"); if (z9) { if (!(vVar instanceof q6.k)) { c0 i11 = vVar.i(); com.bumptech.glide.e.j(i11); o7.f fVar = n6.k.f6496e; if (n6.k.E(i11, n6.o.f6527d)) { c0 i12 = vVar.i(); com.bumptech.glide.e.j(i12); if (!g1.f(i12)) { } } if (!z11) { sb.append("V"); } else { c0 i13 = vVar.i(); com.bumptech.glide.e.j(i13); sb.append(i0(i13)); } } z11 = true; if (!z11) { } } String sb2 = sb.toString(); com.bumptech.glide.e.l("StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()", sb2); return sb2; } public static final String z(q6.b bVar) { q6.g gVar; s0 s0Var; com.bumptech.glide.e.m("<this>", bVar); if (r7.f.o(bVar)) { return null; } q6.l h10 = bVar.h(); if (h10 instanceof q6.g) { gVar = (q6.g) h10; } else { gVar = null; } if (gVar == null || gVar.p().f6811n) { return null; } q6.b n02 = bVar.n0(); if (n02 instanceof s0) { s0Var = (s0) n02; } else { s0Var = null; } if (s0Var == null) { return null; } return i5.l.s(gVar, y(s0Var, 3)); } public abstract void A0(boolean z9); public abstract void B0(CharSequence charSequence); public g.c C0(x xVar) { return null; } public abstract void F(boolean z9); public abstract j5.j G0(); public abstract m1 J(); public abstract int M(); public abstract Context X(); @Override public boolean a() { return G0().e(); } @Override public void c(int i10) { j5.j G0 = G0(); G0.getClass(); q5.b.b(); synchronized (G0.f4943w) { try { q5.b.d(); q5.b.a(); try { G0.f4169a.c(i10); } finally { try { } finally { } } } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } } public boolean c0() { return false; } @Override public void e(h5.l lVar) { m1 J = J(); y0.b.l(lVar, "compressor"); J.e(lVar); } @Override public void flush() { if (J().f()) { return; } J().flush(); } public void k0() { } public boolean m() { return false; } public void m0() { } @Override public void n(InputStream inputStream) { y0.b.l(inputStream, "message"); try { if (!J().f()) { J().g(inputStream); } } finally { q1.b(inputStream); } } public abstract boolean n0(int i10, KeyEvent keyEvent); public boolean o0(KeyEvent keyEvent) { return false; } public boolean p0() { return false; } public abstract boolean r(); @Override public void t() { j5.j G0 = G0(); t3 t3Var = G0.f4172d; t3Var.f4543m = G0; G0.f4169a = t3Var; } public abstract boolean u0(f5 f5Var); public abstract void v0(f5 f5Var); public abstract void x0(boolean z9); public abstract void y0(boolean z9); public abstract void z0(); public i(int i10) { } }