MD5 校验值:fcd6d9842512eca2b9815c1e5f441ae3 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package c6; import a6.b0; import a6.c0; import a6.d0; import a6.h1; import a6.j0; import a6.j1; import a6.y0; import a6.z0; import c6.b; import c6.f; import c6.h; import c6.j; import c6.q; import e6.b; import f6.a; import f6.b; import io.grpc.internal.c1; import io.grpc.internal.d2; import io.grpc.internal.i2; import io.grpc.internal.k1; import io.grpc.internal.o2; import io.grpc.internal.q0; import io.grpc.internal.r; import io.grpc.internal.r0; import io.grpc.internal.s; import io.grpc.internal.v; import io.grpc.internal.v0; import io.grpc.internal.w0; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; public class i implements v, b.a, q.d { private static final Map<e6.a, j1> W = Q(); private static final Logger X = Logger.getLogger(i.class.getName()); private final SocketFactory A; private SSLSocketFactory B; private HostnameVerifier C; private Socket D; private int E; private final Deque<h> F; private final d6.b G; private c1 H; private boolean I; private long J; private long K; private boolean L; private final Runnable M; private final int N; private final boolean O; private final o2 P; private final w0<h> Q; private d0.b R; final c0 S; int T; Runnable U; f2.e<Void> V; private final InetSocketAddress f1767a; private final String f1768b; private final String f1769c; private final Random f1770d; private final a2.o<a2.m> f1771e; private final int f1772f; private final e6.j f1773g; private k1.a f1774h; private c6.b f1775i; private q f1776j; private final Object f1777k; private final j0 f1778l; private int f1779m; private final Map<Integer, h> f1780n; private final Executor f1781o; private final d2 f1782p; private final ScheduledExecutorService f1783q; private final int f1784r; private int f1785s; private e f1786t; private a6.a f1787u; private j1 f1788v; private boolean f1789w; private v0 f1790x; private boolean f1791y; private boolean f1792z; class a extends w0<h> { a() { } @Override protected void b() { i.this.f1774h.c(true); } @Override protected void c() { i.this.f1774h.c(false); } } public class b implements o2.c { b() { } } class c implements Runnable { final CountDownLatch f1795l; final c6.a f1796m; class a implements i7.n { a() { } @Override public long P(i7.c cVar, long j7) { return -1L; } @Override public void close() { } } c(CountDownLatch countDownLatch, c6.a aVar) { this.f1795l = countDownLatch; this.f1796m = aVar; } @Override public void run() { i iVar; e eVar; Socket S; try { this.f1795l.await(); } catch (InterruptedException unused) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } i7.e b8 = i7.g.b(new a()); SSLSession sSLSession = null; try { try { i iVar2 = i.this; c0 c0Var = iVar2.S; if (c0Var == null) { S = iVar2.A.createSocket(i.this.f1767a.getAddress(), i.this.f1767a.getPort()); } else { if (!(c0Var.b() instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { throw j1.f291t.q("Unsupported SocketAddress implementation " + i.this.S.b().getClass()).c(); } i iVar3 = i.this; S = iVar3.S(iVar3.S.c(), (InetSocketAddress) i.this.S.b(), i.this.S.d(), i.this.S.a()); } Socket socket = S; Socket socket2 = socket; if (i.this.B != null) { SSLSocket b9 = n.b(i.this.B, i.this.C, socket, i.this.W(), i.this.X(), i.this.G); sSLSession = b9.getSession(); socket2 = b9; } socket2.setTcpNoDelay(true); i7.e b10 = i7.g.b(i7.g.g(socket2)); this.f1796m.R(i7.g.e(socket2), socket2); i iVar4 = i.this; iVar4.f1787u = iVar4.f1787u.d().d(b0.f185a, socket2.getRemoteSocketAddress()).d(b0.f186b, socket2.getLocalSocketAddress()).d(b0.f187c, sSLSession).d(q0.f16179a, sSLSession == null ? h1.NONE : h1.PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY).a(); i iVar5 = i.this; iVar5.f1786t = new e(iVar5.f1773g.a(b10, true)); synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.D = (Socket) a2.k.o(socket2, "socket"); if (sSLSession != null) { i.this.R = new d0.b(new d0.c(sSLSession)); } } } catch (a6.k1 e8) { i.this.k0(0, e6.a.INTERNAL_ERROR, e8.a()); iVar = i.this; eVar = new e(iVar.f1773g.a(b8, true)); iVar.f1786t = eVar; } catch (Exception e9) { i.this.d(e9); iVar = i.this; eVar = new e(iVar.f1773g.a(b8, true)); iVar.f1786t = eVar; } } catch (Throwable th) { i iVar6 = i.this; iVar6.f1786t = new e(iVar6.f1773g.a(b8, true)); throw th; } } } class d implements Runnable { d() { } @Override public void run() { Runnable runnable = i.this.U; if (runnable != null) {; } i.this.f1781o.execute(i.this.f1786t); synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.E = Integer.MAX_VALUE; i.this.l0(); } f2.e<Void> eVar = i.this.V; } } class e implements b.a, Runnable { e6.b f1801m; private final j f1800l = new j(Level.FINE, (Class<?>) i.class); boolean f1802n = true; e(e6.b bVar) { this.f1801m = bVar; } private int a(List<e6.d> list) { long j7 = 0; for (int i8 = 0; i8 < list.size(); i8++) { e6.d dVar = list.get(i8); j7 += dVar.f14226a.z() + 32 + dVar.f14227b.z(); } return (int) Math.min(j7, 2147483647L); } @Override public void e(boolean z7, int i8, int i9) { v0 v0Var; long j7 = (i8 << 32) | (i9 & 4294967295L); this.f1800l.e(j.a.INBOUND, j7); if (!z7) { synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.f1775i.e(true, i8, i9); } return; } synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { v0Var = null; if (i.this.f1790x == null) { i.X.warning("Received unexpected ping ack. No ping outstanding"); } else if (i.this.f1790x.h() == j7) { v0 v0Var2 = i.this.f1790x; i.this.f1790x = null; v0Var = v0Var2; } else { i.X.log(Level.WARNING, String.format(Locale.US, "Received unexpected ping ack. Expecting %d, got %d", Long.valueOf(i.this.f1790x.h()), Long.valueOf(j7))); } } if (v0Var != null) { v0Var.d(); } } @Override public void f(int i8, e6.a aVar) { this.f1800l.h(j.a.INBOUND, i8, aVar); j1 e8 = i.p0(aVar).e("Rst Stream"); boolean z7 = e8.m() == j1.b.CANCELLED || e8.m() == j1.b.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED; synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { h hVar = (h) i.this.f1780n.get(Integer.valueOf(i8)); if (hVar != null) { j6.c.c("OkHttpClientTransport$ClientFrameHandler.rstStream", hVar.t().h0()); i.this.U(i8, e8, aVar == e6.a.REFUSED_STREAM ? r.a.REFUSED : r.a.PROCESSED, z7, null, null); } } } @Override public void g(int i8, long j7) { this.f1800l.k(j.a.INBOUND, i8, j7); if (j7 == 0) { if (i8 == 0) { i.this.f0(e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received 0 flow control window increment."); return; } else { i.this.U(i8, j1.f291t.q("Received 0 flow control window increment."), r.a.PROCESSED, false, e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, null); return; } } boolean z7 = false; synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { if (i8 == 0) { i.this.f1776j.g(null, (int) j7); return; } h hVar = (h) i.this.f1780n.get(Integer.valueOf(i8)); if (hVar != null) { i.this.f1776j.g(hVar.t().b0(), (int) j7); } else if (!i.this.c0(i8)) { z7 = true; } if (z7) { i.this.f0(e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received window_update for unknown stream: " + i8); } } } @Override public void h(boolean z7, boolean z8, int i8, int i9, List<e6.d> list, e6.e eVar) { j1 j1Var; int a8; this.f1800l.d(j.a.INBOUND, i8, list, z8); boolean z9 = true; if (i.this.N == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (a8 = a(list)) <= i.this.N) { j1Var = null; } else { j1 j1Var2 = j1.f286o; Locale locale = Locale.US; Object[] objArr = new Object[3]; objArr[0] = z8 ? "trailer" : "header"; objArr[1] = Integer.valueOf(i.this.N); objArr[2] = Integer.valueOf(a8); j1Var = j1Var2.q(String.format(locale, "Response %s metadata larger than %d: %d", objArr)); } synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { h hVar = (h) i.this.f1780n.get(Integer.valueOf(i8)); if (hVar == null) { if (i.this.c0(i8)) { i.this.f1775i.f(i8, e6.a.STREAM_CLOSED); } } else if (j1Var == null) { j6.c.c("OkHttpClientTransport$ClientFrameHandler.headers", hVar.t().h0()); hVar.t().j0(list, z8); } else { if (!z8) { i.this.f1775i.f(i8, e6.a.CANCEL); } hVar.t().N(j1Var, false, new y0()); } z9 = false; } if (z9) { i.this.f0(e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received header for unknown stream: " + i8); } } @Override public void i(boolean z7, e6.i iVar) { boolean z8; this.f1800l.i(j.a.INBOUND, iVar); synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { if (m.b(iVar, 4)) { i.this.E = m.a(iVar, 4); } if (m.b(iVar, 7)) { z8 = i.this.f1776j.f(m.a(iVar, 7)); } else { z8 = false; } if (this.f1802n) { i.this.f1774h.d(); this.f1802n = false; } i.this.f1775i.B(iVar); if (z8) { i.this.f1776j.h(); } i.this.l0(); } } @Override public void j() { } @Override public void k(boolean z7, int i8, i7.e eVar, int i9) { this.f1800l.b(j.a.INBOUND, i8, eVar.C(), i9, z7); h Z = i.this.Z(i8); if (Z != null) { long j7 = i9; eVar.f0(j7); i7.c cVar = new i7.c(); cVar.l(eVar.C(), j7); j6.c.c("OkHttpClientTransport$", Z.t().h0()); synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { Z.t().i0(cVar, z7); } } else { if (!i.this.c0(i8)) { i.this.f0(e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received data for unknown stream: " + i8); return; } synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.f1775i.f(i8, e6.a.STREAM_CLOSED); } eVar.o(i9); } i.D(i.this, i9); if (i.this.f1785s >= i.this.f1772f * 0.5f) { synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.f1775i.g(0, i.this.f1785s); } i.this.f1785s = 0; } } @Override public void l(int i8, e6.a aVar, i7.f fVar) { this.f1800l.c(j.a.INBOUND, i8, aVar, fVar); if (aVar == e6.a.ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM) { String E = fVar.E(); i.X.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("%s: Received GOAWAY with ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM. Debug data: %s", this, E)); if ("too_many_pings".equals(E)) {; } } j1 e8 = r0.h.s(aVar.f14216l).e("Received Goaway"); if (fVar.z() > 0) { e8 = e8.e(fVar.E()); } i.this.k0(i8, null, e8); } @Override public void m(int i8, int i9, int i10, boolean z7) { } @Override public void n(int i8, int i9, List<e6.d> list) { this.f1800l.g(j.a.INBOUND, i8, i9, list); synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { i.this.f1775i.f(i8, e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } @Override public void run() { j1 j1Var; String name = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName("OkHttpClientTransport"); while (this.f1801m.m0(this)) { try { if (i.this.H != null) { i.this.H.m(); } } catch (Throwable th) { try { i.this.k0(0, e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, j1.f291t.q("error in frame handler").p(th)); try { this.f1801m.close(); } catch (IOException e8) { e = e8; i.X.log(Level.INFO, "Exception closing frame reader", (Throwable) e); i.this.f1774h.a(); Thread.currentThread().setName(name); } } catch (Throwable th2) { try { this.f1801m.close(); } catch (IOException e9) { i.X.log(Level.INFO, "Exception closing frame reader", (Throwable) e9); } i.this.f1774h.a(); Thread.currentThread().setName(name); throw th2; } } } synchronized (i.this.f1777k) { j1Var = i.this.f1788v; } if (j1Var == null) { j1Var = j1.f292u.q("End of stream or IOException"); } i.this.k0(0, e6.a.INTERNAL_ERROR, j1Var); try { this.f1801m.close(); } catch (IOException e10) { e = e10; i.X.log(Level.INFO, "Exception closing frame reader", (Throwable) e); i.this.f1774h.a(); Thread.currentThread().setName(name); } i.this.f1774h.a(); Thread.currentThread().setName(name); } } private i(f.C0053f c0053f, InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress, String str, String str2, a6.a aVar, a2.o<a2.m> oVar, e6.j jVar, c0 c0Var, Runnable runnable) { this.f1770d = new Random(); this.f1777k = new Object(); this.f1780n = new HashMap(); this.E = 0; this.F = new LinkedList(); this.Q = new a(); this.T = 30000; this.f1767a = (InetSocketAddress) a2.k.o(inetSocketAddress, "address"); this.f1768b = str; this.f1784r = c0053f.f1747u; this.f1772f = c0053f.f1752z; this.f1781o = (Executor) a2.k.o(c0053f.f1739m, "executor"); this.f1782p = new d2(c0053f.f1739m); this.f1783q = (ScheduledExecutorService) a2.k.o(c0053f.f1741o, "scheduledExecutorService"); this.f1779m = 3; SocketFactory socketFactory = c0053f.f1743q; this.A = socketFactory == null ? SocketFactory.getDefault() : socketFactory; this.B = c0053f.f1744r; this.C = c0053f.f1745s; this.G = (d6.b) a2.k.o(c0053f.f1746t, "connectionSpec"); this.f1771e = (a2.o) a2.k.o(oVar, "stopwatchFactory"); this.f1773g = (e6.j) a2.k.o(jVar, "variant"); this.f1769c = r0.g("okhttp", str2); this.S = c0Var; this.M = (Runnable) a2.k.o(runnable, "tooManyPingsRunnable"); this.N = c0053f.B; this.P = c0053f.f1742p.a(); this.f1778l = j0.a(getClass(), inetSocketAddress.toString()); this.f1787u = a6.a.c().d(q0.f16180b, aVar).a(); this.O = c0053f.C; a0(); } public i(f.C0053f c0053f, InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress, String str, String str2, a6.a aVar, c0 c0Var, Runnable runnable) { this(c0053f, inetSocketAddress, str, str2, aVar, r0.f16219w, new e6.g(), c0Var, runnable); } static int D(i iVar, int i8) { int i9 = iVar.f1785s + i8; iVar.f1785s = i9; return i9; } private static Map<e6.a, j1> Q() { EnumMap enumMap = new EnumMap(e6.a.class); e6.a aVar = e6.a.NO_ERROR; j1 j1Var = j1.f291t; enumMap.put((EnumMap) aVar, (e6.a) j1Var.q("No error: A GRPC status of OK should have been sent")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.PROTOCOL_ERROR, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Protocol error")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.INTERNAL_ERROR, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Internal error")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Flow control error")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.STREAM_CLOSED, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Stream closed")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.FRAME_TOO_LARGE, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Frame too large")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.REFUSED_STREAM, (e6.a) j1.f292u.q("Refused stream")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.CANCEL, (e6.a) j1.f278g.q("Cancelled")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.COMPRESSION_ERROR, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Compression error")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.CONNECT_ERROR, (e6.a) j1Var.q("Connect error")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, (e6.a) j1.f286o.q("Enhance your calm")); enumMap.put((EnumMap) e6.a.INADEQUATE_SECURITY, (e6.a) j1.f284m.q("Inadequate security")); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(enumMap); } private f6.b R(InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress, String str, String str2) { f6.a a8 = new a.b().k("https").h(inetSocketAddress.getHostName()).j(inetSocketAddress.getPort()).a(); b.C0088b d8 = new b.C0088b().e(a8).d("Host", a8.c() + ":" + a8.f()).d("User-Agent", this.f1769c); if (str != null && str2 != null) { d8.d("Proxy-Authorization", d6.c.a(str, str2)); } return d8.c(); } public Socket S(InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress2, String str, String str2) { Socket socket = null; try { socket = inetSocketAddress2.getAddress() != null ? this.A.createSocket(inetSocketAddress2.getAddress(), inetSocketAddress2.getPort()) : this.A.createSocket(inetSocketAddress2.getHostName(), inetSocketAddress2.getPort()); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); socket.setSoTimeout(this.T); i7.n g8 = i7.g.g(socket); i7.d a8 = i7.g.a(i7.g.e(socket)); f6.b R = R(inetSocketAddress, str, str2); f6.a b8 = R.b(); a8.h0(String.format(Locale.US, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.1", b8.c(), Integer.valueOf(b8.f()))).h0("\r\n"); int b9 = R.a().b(); for (int i8 = 0; i8 < b9; i8++) { a8.h0(R.a().a(i8)).h0(": ").h0(R.a().c(i8)).h0("\r\n"); } a8.h0("\r\n"); a8.flush(); d6.j a9 = d6.j.a(g0(g8)); do { } while (!g0(g8).equals("")); int i9 = a9.f14047b; if (i9 >= 200 && i9 < 300) { socket.setSoTimeout(0); return socket; } i7.c cVar = new i7.c(); try { socket.shutdownOutput(); g8.P(cVar, 1024L); } catch (IOException e8) { cVar.h0("Unable to read body: " + e8.toString()); } try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException unused) { } throw j1.f292u.q(String.format(Locale.US, "Response returned from proxy was not successful (expected 2xx, got %d %s). Response body:\n%s", Integer.valueOf(a9.f14047b), a9.f14048c, cVar.v0())).c(); } catch (IOException e9) { if (socket != null) { r0.e(socket); } throw j1.f292u.q("Failed trying to connect with proxy").p(e9).c(); } } private Throwable Y() { synchronized (this.f1777k) { j1 j1Var = this.f1788v; if (j1Var != null) { return j1Var.c(); } return j1.f292u.q("Connection closed").c(); } } private void a0() { synchronized (this.f1777k) { this.P.g(new b()); } } private void d0(h hVar) { if (this.f1792z && this.F.isEmpty() && this.f1780n.isEmpty()) { this.f1792z = false; c1 c1Var = this.H; if (c1Var != null) { c1Var.o(); } } if (hVar.y()) { this.Q.e(hVar, false); } } public void f0(e6.a aVar, String str) { k0(0, aVar, p0(aVar).e(str)); } private static String g0(i7.n nVar) { i7.c cVar = new i7.c(); while (nVar.P(cVar, 1L) != -1) { if (cVar.n0(cVar.size() - 1) == 10) { return cVar.y0(); } } throw new EOFException("\\n not found: " + cVar.s0().v()); } private void i0() { synchronized (this.f1777k) { this.f1775i.F(); e6.i iVar = new e6.i(); m.c(iVar, 7, this.f1772f); this.f1775i.K(iVar); if (this.f1772f > 65535) { this.f1775i.g(0, r1 - 65535); } } } private void j0(h hVar) { if (!this.f1792z) { this.f1792z = true; c1 c1Var = this.H; if (c1Var != null) { c1Var.n(); } } if (hVar.y()) { this.Q.e(hVar, true); } } public void k0(int i8, e6.a aVar, j1 j1Var) { synchronized (this.f1777k) { if (this.f1788v == null) { this.f1788v = j1Var; this.f1774h.b(j1Var); } if (aVar != null && !this.f1789w) { this.f1789w = true; this.f1775i.i(0, aVar, new byte[0]); } Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, h>> it = this.f1780n.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, h> next =; if (next.getKey().intValue() > i8) { it.remove(); next.getValue().t().M(j1Var, r.a.REFUSED, false, new y0()); d0(next.getValue()); } } for (h hVar : this.F) { hVar.t().M(j1Var, r.a.MISCARRIED, true, new y0()); d0(hVar); } this.F.clear(); n0(); } } public boolean l0() { boolean z7 = false; while (!this.F.isEmpty() && this.f1780n.size() < this.E) { m0(this.F.poll()); z7 = true; } return z7; } private void m0(h hVar) { a2.k.u(hVar.t().c0() == -1, "StreamId already assigned"); this.f1780n.put(Integer.valueOf(this.f1779m), hVar); j0(hVar); hVar.t().f0(this.f1779m); if ((hVar.M() != z0.d.UNARY && hVar.M() != z0.d.SERVER_STREAMING) || hVar.O()) { this.f1775i.flush(); } int i8 = this.f1779m; if (i8 < 2147483645) { this.f1779m = i8 + 2; } else { this.f1779m = Integer.MAX_VALUE; k0(Integer.MAX_VALUE, e6.a.NO_ERROR, j1.f292u.q("Stream ids exhausted")); } } private void n0() { if (this.f1788v == null || !this.f1780n.isEmpty() || !this.F.isEmpty() || this.f1791y) { return; } this.f1791y = true; c1 c1Var = this.H; if (c1Var != null) { c1Var.q(); } v0 v0Var = this.f1790x; if (v0Var != null) { v0Var.f(Y()); this.f1790x = null; } if (!this.f1789w) { this.f1789w = true; this.f1775i.i(0, e6.a.NO_ERROR, new byte[0]); } this.f1775i.close(); } static j1 p0(e6.a aVar) { j1 j1Var = W.get(aVar); if (j1Var != null) { return j1Var; } return j1.f279h.q("Unknown http2 error code: " + aVar.f14216l); } public void T(boolean z7, long j7, long j8, boolean z8) { this.I = z7; this.J = j7; this.K = j8; this.L = z8; } public void U(int i8, j1 j1Var, r.a aVar, boolean z7, e6.a aVar2, y0 y0Var) { synchronized (this.f1777k) { h remove = this.f1780n.remove(Integer.valueOf(i8)); if (remove != null) { if (aVar2 != null) { this.f1775i.f(i8, e6.a.CANCEL); } if (j1Var != null) { h.b t7 = remove.t(); if (y0Var == null) { y0Var = new y0(); } t7.M(j1Var, aVar, z7, y0Var); } if (!l0()) { n0(); d0(remove); } } } } public a6.a V() { return this.f1787u; } String W() { URI b8 = r0.b(this.f1768b); return b8.getHost() != null ? b8.getHost() : this.f1768b; } int X() { URI b8 = r0.b(this.f1768b); return b8.getPort() != -1 ? b8.getPort() : this.f1767a.getPort(); } h Z(int i8) { h hVar; synchronized (this.f1777k) { hVar = this.f1780n.get(Integer.valueOf(i8)); } return hVar; } @Override public q.c[] a() { q.c[] cVarArr; synchronized (this.f1777k) { cVarArr = new q.c[this.f1780n.size()]; int i8 = 0; Iterator<h> it = this.f1780n.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { cVarArr[i8] =; i8++; } } return cVarArr; } @Override public void b(j1 j1Var) { synchronized (this.f1777k) { if (this.f1788v != null) { return; } this.f1788v = j1Var; this.f1774h.b(j1Var); n0(); } } public boolean b0() { return this.B == null; } @Override public Runnable c(k1.a aVar) { this.f1774h = (k1.a) a2.k.o(aVar, "listener"); if (this.I) { c1 c1Var = new c1(new c1.c(this), this.f1783q, this.J, this.K, this.L); this.H = c1Var; c1Var.p(); } c6.a X2 = c6.a.X(this.f1782p, this, 10000); e6.c U = X2.U(this.f1773g.b(i7.g.a(X2), true)); synchronized (this.f1777k) { c6.b bVar = new c6.b(this, U); this.f1775i = bVar; this.f1776j = new q(this, bVar); } CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); this.f1782p.execute(new c(countDownLatch, X2)); try { i0(); countDownLatch.countDown(); this.f1782p.execute(new d()); return null; } catch (Throwable th) { countDownLatch.countDown(); throw th; } } boolean c0(int i8) { boolean z7; synchronized (this.f1777k) { z7 = true; if (i8 >= this.f1779m || (i8 & 1) != 1) { z7 = false; } } return z7; } @Override public void d(Throwable th) { a2.k.o(th, "failureCause"); k0(0, e6.a.INTERNAL_ERROR, j1.f292u.p(th)); } @Override public j0 e() { return this.f1778l; } @Override public h h(z0<?, ?> z0Var, y0 y0Var, a6.c cVar, a6.k[] kVarArr) { a2.k.o(z0Var, "method"); a2.k.o(y0Var, "headers"); i2 h8 = i2.h(kVarArr, V(), y0Var); synchronized (this.f1777k) { try { try { return new h(z0Var, y0Var, this.f1775i, this, this.f1776j, this.f1777k, this.f1784r, this.f1772f, this.f1768b, this.f1769c, h8, this.P, cVar, this.O); } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; throw th; } } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; } } } @Override public void f(j1 j1Var) { b(j1Var); synchronized (this.f1777k) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, h>> it = this.f1780n.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, h> next =; it.remove(); next.getValue().t().N(j1Var, false, new y0()); d0(next.getValue()); } for (h hVar : this.F) { hVar.t().M(j1Var, r.a.MISCARRIED, true, new y0()); d0(hVar); } this.F.clear(); n0(); } } @Override public void g(s.a aVar, Executor executor) { long nextLong; synchronized (this.f1777k) { boolean z7 = true; a2.k.t(this.f1775i != null); if (this.f1791y) { v0.g(aVar, executor, Y()); return; } v0 v0Var = this.f1790x; if (v0Var != null) { nextLong = 0; z7 = false; } else { nextLong = this.f1770d.nextLong(); a2.m mVar = this.f1771e.get(); mVar.g(); v0 v0Var2 = new v0(nextLong, mVar); this.f1790x = v0Var2; this.P.b(); v0Var = v0Var2; } if (z7) { this.f1775i.e(false, (int) (nextLong >>> 32), (int) nextLong); } v0Var.a(aVar, executor); } } public void h0(h hVar) { this.F.remove(hVar); d0(hVar); } public void o0(h hVar) { if (this.f1788v != null) { hVar.t().M(this.f1788v, r.a.MISCARRIED, true, new y0()); } else if (this.f1780n.size() < this.E) { m0(hVar); } else { this.F.add(hVar); j0(hVar); } } public String toString() { return a2.f.b(this).c("logId", this.f1778l.d()).d("address", this.f1767a).toString(); } }