MD5 校验值:d7f913ab91d7343430e85d5ce2e5aff0 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package com.adcolony.sdk; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.webkit.ConsoleMessage; import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface; import android.webkit.JsResult; import android.webkit.RenderProcessGoneDetail; import android.webkit.WebChromeClient; import android.webkit.WebMessage; import android.webkit.WebMessagePort; import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse; import android.webkit.WebSettings; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.adcolony.sdk.e; import com.ottplay.ottplay.epg.EpgSource; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import k4.k2; import k4.m2; import org.json.JSONException; @SuppressLint({"SetJavaScriptEnabled"}) public class v0 extends WebView implements k4.p0 { public static boolean f14661m0; public boolean A; public boolean B; public boolean C; public boolean W; public String f14662a; public boolean f14663a0; public String f14664b; public boolean f14665b0; public String f14666c; public boolean f14667c0; public String f14668d; public boolean f14669d0; public String f14670e; public f.s f14671e0; public String f14672f; public m2 f14673f0; public String f14674g; public m2 f14675g0; public String f14676h; public com.adcolony.sdk.i f14677h0; public String f14678i; public o f14679i0; public String f14680j; public ImageView f14681j0; public String f14682k; public k f14683k0; public int f14684l; public final Object f14685l0; public int f14686m; public int f14687n; public int f14688o; public int f14689p; public int f14690q; public int f14691r; public int f14692s; public int f14693t; public int f14694u; public int f14695v; public int f14696w; public int f14697x; public boolean f14698y; public boolean f14699z; public class a implements Runnable { public final String f14700a; public a(String str) { this.f14700a = str; } @Override public void run() { v0 v0Var = v0.this; if (v0Var.f14698y) { StringBuilder a10 ="NativeLayer.dispatch_messages(ADC3_update("); a10.append(this.f14700a); a10.append("), '"); a10.append(v0.this.f14682k); a10.append("');"); v0Var.p(a10.toString()); } } } public class b implements k4.o0 { public class a implements Runnable { public final o f14703a; public a(o oVar) { this.f14703a = oVar; } @Override public void run() { v0 v0Var = v0.this; o oVar = this.f14703a; Objects.requireNonNull(v0Var); if (y0.m(oVar.f14508b, "visible")) { v0Var.setVisibility(0); } else { v0Var.setVisibility(4); } if (v0Var.f14699z) { m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.o(m2Var, "success", true); y0.n(m2Var, "id", v0Var.f14694u); oVar.a(m2Var).b(); } } } public b() { } @Override public void a(o oVar) { if (v0.this.r(oVar)) { p0.s(new a(oVar)); } } } public class c implements k4.o0 { public class a implements Runnable { public final o f14706a; public a(o oVar) { this.f14706a = oVar; } @Override public void run() { v0.this.h(this.f14706a); } } public c() { } @Override public void a(o oVar) { if (v0.this.r(oVar)) { p0.s(new a(oVar)); } } } public class d implements k4.o0 { public class a implements Runnable { public final o f14709a; public a(o oVar) { this.f14709a = oVar; } @Override public void run() { v0.this.p(this.f14709a.f14508b.p("custom_js")); } } public d() { } @Override public void a(o oVar) { if (v0.this.r(oVar)) { p0.s(new a(oVar)); } } } public class e implements k4.o0 { public class a implements Runnable { public final o f14712a; public a(o oVar) { this.f14712a = oVar; } @Override public void run() { v0 v0Var = v0.this; boolean m10 = y0.m(this.f14712a.f14508b, "transparent"); boolean z10 = v0.f14661m0; v0Var.setBackgroundColor(m10 ? 0 : -1); } } public e() { } @Override public void a(o oVar) { if (v0.this.r(oVar)) { p0.s(new a(oVar)); } } } public class f implements Runnable { public f() { } @Override public void run() { v0.this.clearCache(true); v0 v0Var = v0.this; v0Var.C = true; v0Var.destroy(); } } public class g { public g(w0 w0Var) { } @JavascriptInterface public void dispatch_messages(String str, String str2) { if (str2.equals(v0.this.f14682k)) { v0.o(v0.this, str); } } @JavascriptInterface public void enable_reverse_messaging(String str) { if (str.equals(v0.this.f14682k)) { v0.this.W = true; } } @JavascriptInterface public String pull_messages(String str) { String str2; if (!str.equals(v0.this.f14682k)) { return "[]"; } str2 = "[]"; synchronized (v0.this.f14685l0) { if (v0.this.f14671e0.O() > 0) { v0 v0Var = v0.this; str2 = v0Var.f14698y ? v0Var.f14671e0.toString() : "[]"; v0.this.f14671e0 = y0.c(); } } return str2; } @JavascriptInterface public void push_messages(String str, String str2) { if (str2.equals(v0.this.f14682k)) { v0.o(v0.this, str); } } } public class h extends g { public h(w0 w0Var) { super(null); } @JavascriptInterface public void enable_event_messaging(String str) { if (str.equals(v0.this.f14682k)) { v0.this.f14663a0 = true; } } } public class i extends WebChromeClient { public i(w0 w0Var) { } @Override public boolean onConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage consoleMessage) { ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel messageLevel = consoleMessage.messageLevel(); String message = consoleMessage.message(); boolean z10 = message.contains("Viewport target-densitydpi is not supported.") || message.contains("Viewport argument key \"shrink-to-fit\" not recognized and ignored"); boolean z11 = messageLevel == ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.ERROR; boolean z12 = messageLevel == ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.WARNING; if (message.contains("ADC3_update is not defined") || message.contains("NativeLayer.dispatch_messages is not a function")) { v0 v0Var = v0.this; v0.k(v0Var, v0Var.f14679i0.f14508b, "Unable to communicate with AdColony. Please ensure that you have added an exception for our Javascript interface in your ProGuard configuration and that you do not have a faulty proxy enabled on your device."); } if (!z10 && (z12 || z11)) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder a10 = androidx.activity.result.c.a("onConsoleMessage: ", message, " with ad id: "); a10.append(v0.this.u()); sb2.append(a10.toString()); com.adcolony.sdk.h hVar = z11 ? com.adcolony.sdk.h.f14390f : com.adcolony.sdk.h.f14388d; com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, hVar.f14391a, sb2.toString(), hVar.f14392b); } return true; } @Override public boolean onJsAlert(WebView webView, String str, String str2, JsResult jsResult) { jsResult.confirm(); return true; } } public class j extends WebViewClient { public j(w0 w0Var) { } @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView webView, String str) { m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.n(m2Var, "id", v0.this.f14684l); y0.i(m2Var, EpgSource.EPG_URL, str); v0 v0Var = v0.this; if (v0Var.f14677h0 == null) { new o("WebView.on_load", v0Var.f14694u, m2Var).b(); } else { y0.i(m2Var, "ad_session_id", v0Var.f14670e); y0.n(m2Var, "container_id", v0.this.f14677h0.f14404j); new o("WebView.on_load", v0.this.f14677h0.f14405k, m2Var).b(); } v0 v0Var2 = v0.this; if ((v0Var2.f14698y || v0Var2.f14699z) && !v0Var2.B) { int i10 = v0Var2.f14695v; int i11 = i10 > 0 ? i10 : v0Var2.f14694u; if (i10 > 0) { float a10 = k4.g.a(); y0.n(v0.this.f14673f0, "app_orientation", p0.x(p0.C())); v0 v0Var3 = v0.this; y0.n(v0Var3.f14673f0, "x", p0.b(v0Var3)); v0 v0Var4 = v0.this; y0.n(v0Var4.f14673f0, "y", p0.n(v0Var4)); y0.n(v0.this.f14673f0, "width", (int) (r2.f14690q / a10)); y0.n(v0.this.f14673f0, "height", (int) (r2.f14692s / a10)); v0 v0Var5 = v0.this; y0.i(v0Var5.f14673f0, "ad_session_id", v0Var5.f14670e); } if (v0.this.f14694u == 1) { com.adcolony.sdk.j l10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l(); f.s sVar = new f.s(7); Objects.requireNonNull(l10); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (com.adcolony.sdk.e eVar : l10.f14424c.values()) { e.c cVar = eVar.f14327l; if (!(cVar == e.c.EXPIRED || cVar == e.c.SHOWN || cVar == e.c.CLOSED)) { arrayList.add(eVar); } } Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { com.adcolony.sdk.e eVar2 = (com.adcolony.sdk.e); m2 m2Var2 = new m2(); y0.i(m2Var2, "ad_session_id", eVar2.f14322g); String str2 = eVar2.f14323h; if (str2 == null) { str2 = ""; } y0.i(m2Var2, "ad_id", str2); y0.i(m2Var2, "zone_id", eVar2.f14324i); y0.i(m2Var2, "ad_request_id", eVar2.f14326k); sVar.L(m2Var2); } y0.h(v0.this.f14673f0, "ads_to_restore", sVar); } v0.this.f14682k = p0.d(); m2 f10 = y0.f(new m2(), v0.this.f14673f0); y0.i(f10, "message_key", v0.this.f14682k); v0 v0Var6 = v0.this; StringBuilder a11 = androidx.appcompat.widget.w0.a("ADC3_init(", i11, ","); a11.append(f10.toString()); a11.append(");"); v0Var6.p(a11.toString()); v0.this.B = true; } v0 v0Var7 = v0.this; if (v0Var7.f14699z) { if (v0Var7.f14694u != 1 || v0Var7.f14695v > 0) { m2 m2Var3 = new m2(); y0.o(m2Var3, "success", true); y0.n(m2Var3, "id", v0.this.f14694u); v0.this.f14679i0.a(m2Var3).b(); } } } @Override public void onPageStarted(WebView webView, String str, Bitmap bitmap) { v0.this.B = false; } @Override public void onReceivedError(WebView webView, int i10, String str, String str2) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { return; } v0.j(v0.this, i10, str, str2); } @Override public boolean onRenderProcessGone(WebView webView, RenderProcessGoneDetail renderProcessGoneDetail) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) { return super.onRenderProcessGone(webView, renderProcessGoneDetail); } if (!renderProcessGoneDetail.didCrash()) { return true; } v0.k(v0.this, new m2(), "An error occurred while rendering the ad. Ad closing."); return true; } @Override @TargetApi(11) public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView webView, String str) { return null; } @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webView, String str) { v0 v0Var = v0.this; if (!v0Var.B) { return false; } String w10 = v0Var.w(); if (w10 != null) { str = w10; } if (str != null) { p0.g(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(str))); n0 c10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().c(); c10.b(v0.this.f14670e); c10.d(v0.this.f14670e); m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.i(m2Var, EpgSource.EPG_URL, str); y0.i(m2Var, "ad_session_id", v0.this.f14670e); new o("WebView.redirect_detected", v0.this.f14677h0.f14405k, m2Var).b(); } else { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder a10 ="shouldOverrideUrlLoading called with null url, with ad id: "); a10.append(v0.this.u()); sb2.append(a10.toString()); k4.c.a(0, 0, sb2.toString(), true); } return true; } } public static class k { public Object[] f14719a; public k(WebMessagePort[] webMessagePortArr) { this.f14719a = webMessagePortArr; } } public v0(Context context, int i10, boolean z10) { super(context); this.f14666c = ""; this.f14668d = ""; this.f14672f = ""; this.f14674g = ""; this.f14676h = ""; this.f14678i = ""; this.f14680j = ""; this.f14682k = ""; this.f14671e0 = y0.c(); this.f14673f0 = new m2(); this.f14675g0 = new m2(); this.f14685l0 = new Object(); this.f14694u = i10; this.A = z10; } public v0(Context context, o oVar, int i10, int i11, com.adcolony.sdk.i iVar) { super(context); this.f14666c = ""; this.f14668d = ""; this.f14672f = ""; this.f14674g = ""; this.f14676h = ""; this.f14678i = ""; this.f14680j = ""; this.f14682k = ""; this.f14671e0 = y0.c(); this.f14673f0 = new m2(); this.f14675g0 = new m2(); this.f14685l0 = new Object(); this.f14679i0 = oVar; i(oVar, i10, i11, iVar); l(false, null); } public static void j(v0 v0Var, int i10, String str, String str2) { if (v0Var.f14677h0 != null) { m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.n(m2Var, "id", v0Var.f14684l); y0.i(m2Var, "ad_session_id", v0Var.f14670e); y0.n(m2Var, "container_id", v0Var.f14677h0.f14404j); y0.n(m2Var, "code", i10); y0.i(m2Var, "error", str); y0.i(m2Var, EpgSource.EPG_URL, str2); new o("WebView.on_error", v0Var.f14677h0.f14405k, m2Var).b(); } k4.c.a(0, 0, i.c.a("onReceivedError: ", str), true); } public static void k(v0 v0Var, m2 m2Var, String str) { Objects.requireNonNull(v0Var); Context context = com.adcolony.sdk.g.f14378a; if (context != null && (context instanceof k4.u)) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l().a(context, m2Var, str); return; } if (v0Var.f14694u == 1) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, 0, "Unable to communicate with controller, disabling AdColony.", false); com.adcolony.sdk.a.i(); } else if (v0Var.f14695v > 0) { v0Var.f14698y = false; } } public static void o(v0 v0Var, String str) { f.s sVar; Objects.requireNonNull(v0Var); try { sVar = new f.s(str); } catch (JSONException e10) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, 0, e10.toString(), true); sVar = new f.s(7); } for (int i10 = 0; i10 < sVar.O(); i10++) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().q().f(sVar.Q(i10)); } } @Override public void a(m2 m2Var) { synchronized (this.f14685l0) { if (this.f14663a0) { q(m2Var); } else { this.f14671e0.L(m2Var); } } } @Override public boolean a() { return (this.W || this.f14663a0) ? false : true; } @Override public void b() { if (!com.adcolony.sdk.g.e() || !this.B || this.W || this.f14663a0) { return; } f(); } @Override public void c() { if (this.A) { return; } p0.s(new f()); } @Override public int d() { return this.f14694u; } public void e() { if (this.f14681j0 != null) { Rect g10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().m().g(); int width = this.f14669d0 ? this.f14686m + this.f14690q : g10.width(); int height = this.f14669d0 ? this.f14688o + this.f14692s : g10.height(); float a10 = k4.g.a(); int i10 = (int) (this.f14696w * a10); int i11 = (int) (this.f14697x * a10); this.f14681j0.setLayoutParams(new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(i10, i11, width - i10, height - i11)); } } public void f() { String str; str = ""; synchronized (this.f14685l0) { if (this.f14671e0.O() > 0) { str = this.f14698y ? this.f14671e0.toString() : ""; this.f14671e0 = y0.c(); } } p0.s(new a(str)); } public final String g(String str, String str2) { com.adcolony.sdk.j l10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l(); com.adcolony.sdk.e x10 = x(); k4.k kVar = l10.f14425d.get(this.f14670e); if (x10 != null && this.f14675g0.f() > 0 && !this.f14675g0.p("ad_type").equals("video")) { m2 m2Var = this.f14675g0; if (m2Var.f() > 0) { x10.f14320e = new z(m2Var, x10.f14322g); } } else if (kVar != null && this.f14675g0.f() > 0) { kVar.f33903c = new z(this.f14675g0, this.f14670e); } z zVar = x10 == null ? null : x10.f14320e; if (zVar == null && kVar != null) { zVar = kVar.f33903c; } if (zVar != null && zVar.f14757e == 2) { this.f14665b0 = true; if (!str2.equals("")) { try { return androidx.lifecycle.e.l(com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().o().a(str2, false).toString(), str); } catch (IOException e10) { m(e10); } } } return str; } public void h(o oVar) { m2 m2Var = oVar.f14508b; this.f14686m = y0.s(m2Var, "x"); this.f14688o = y0.s(m2Var, "y"); this.f14690q = y0.s(m2Var, "width"); this.f14692s = y0.s(m2Var, "height"); FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.setMargins(this.f14686m, this.f14688o, 0, 0); layoutParams.width = this.f14690q; layoutParams.height = this.f14692s; setLayoutParams(layoutParams); if (this.f14699z) { m2 m2Var2 = new m2(); y0.o(m2Var2, "success", true); y0.n(m2Var2, "id", this.f14694u); oVar.a(m2Var2).b(); } e(); } public void i(o oVar, int i10, int i11, com.adcolony.sdk.i iVar) { m2 m2Var = oVar.f14508b; String p10 = m2Var.p(EpgSource.EPG_URL); this.f14662a = p10; if (p10.equals("")) { this.f14662a = m2Var.p("data"); } this.f14668d = m2Var.p("base_url"); this.f14666c = m2Var.p("custom_js"); this.f14670e = m2Var.p("ad_session_id"); this.f14673f0 = m2Var.m("info"); this.f14674g = m2Var.p("mraid_filepath"); this.f14695v = y0.m(m2Var, "use_mraid_module") ? com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().q().g() : this.f14695v; this.f14676h = m2Var.p("ad_choices_filepath"); this.f14678i = m2Var.p("ad_choices_url"); this.f14667c0 = y0.m(m2Var, "disable_ad_choices"); this.f14669d0 = y0.m(m2Var, "ad_choices_snap_to_webview"); this.f14696w = y0.s(m2Var, "ad_choices_width"); this.f14697x = y0.s(m2Var, "ad_choices_height"); if (this.f14675g0.f() == 0) { this.f14675g0 = m2Var.m("iab"); } if (!this.A && !this.f14674g.equals("")) { if (this.f14695v > 0) { this.f14662a = g(this.f14662a.replaceFirst("script\\s*src\\s*=\\s*\"mraid.js\"", w.a.a("script src=\"file://"), this.f14674g, "\"")), this.f14673f0.m("device_info").p("iab_filepath")); } else { try { this.f14672f = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().o().a(this.f14674g, false).toString(); this.f14672f = this.f14672f.replaceFirst("bridge.os_name\\s*=\\s*\"\"\\s*;", "bridge.os_name = \"\";\nvar ADC_DEVICE_INFO = " + this.f14673f0.toString() + ";\n"); } catch (IOException e10) { n(e10); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e11) { n(e11); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e12) { n(e12); } } } this.f14684l = i10; this.f14677h0 = iVar; if (i11 >= 0) { this.f14694u = i11; } else { s(); } this.f14690q = y0.s(m2Var, "width"); this.f14692s = y0.s(m2Var, "height"); this.f14686m = y0.s(m2Var, "x"); int s4 = y0.s(m2Var, "y"); this.f14688o = s4; this.f14691r = this.f14690q; this.f14693t = this.f14692s; this.f14689p = s4; this.f14687n = this.f14686m; this.f14698y = y0.m(m2Var, "enable_messages") || this.f14699z; t(); } @SuppressLint({"AddJavascriptInterface"}) public void l(boolean z10, o oVar) { String replaceFirst; String str; this.f14699z = z10; o oVar2 = this.f14679i0; if (oVar2 != null) { oVar = oVar2; } this.f14679i0 = oVar; m2 m2Var = oVar.f14508b; this.A = y0.m(m2Var, "is_display_module"); setFocusable(true); setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(false); setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); int i10 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(false); if (z10) { this.f14698y = true; String p10 = m2Var.p("filepath"); this.f14680j = m2Var.p("interstitial_html"); this.f14674g = m2Var.p("mraid_filepath"); this.f14668d = m2Var.p("base_url"); this.f14675g0 = m2Var.m("iab"); this.f14673f0 = m2Var.m("info"); this.f14670e = m2Var.p("ad_session_id"); this.f14664b = p10; if (f14661m0 && this.f14694u == 1) { this.f14664b = "android_asset/ADCController.js"; } if (this.f14680j.equals("")) { StringBuilder a10 ="file:///"); a10.append(this.f14664b); str = a10.toString(); } else { str = ""; } this.f14662a = str; } setWebChromeClient(new i(null)); WebSettings settings = getSettings(); settings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); settings.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); settings.setDisplayZoomControls(false); settings.setGeolocationEnabled(true); settings.setUseWideViewPort(true); settings.setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(false); settings.setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true); settings.setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(true); settings.setAllowFileAccess(true); if (i10 >= 23) { addJavascriptInterface(new h(null), "NativeLayer"); } else { addJavascriptInterface(new g(null), "NativeLayer"); } setWebViewClient(i10 >= 23 ? new w0(this) : new x0(this)); if (this.A) { try { if (this.f14680j.equals("")) { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(this.f14664b); try { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(fileInputStream.available()); byte[] bArr = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int read =, 0, 1024); if (read < 0) { break; } else { sb2.append(new String(bArr, 0, read)); } } if (this.f14664b.contains(".html")) { replaceFirst = sb2.toString(); } else { replaceFirst = "<html><script>" + sb2.toString() + "</script></html>"; } fileInputStream.close(); } catch (Throwable th2) { try { fileInputStream.close(); } catch (Throwable th3) { th2.addSuppressed(th3); } throw th2; } } else { replaceFirst = this.f14680j.replaceFirst("script\\s*src\\s*=\\s*\"mraid.js\"", "script src=\"file://" + this.f14674g + "\""); } String p11 = this.f14679i0.f14508b.m("info").p("metadata"); loadDataWithBaseURL(this.f14662a.equals("") ? this.f14668d : this.f14662a, g(replaceFirst, y0.l(p11).p("iab_filepath")).replaceFirst("var\\s*ADC_DEVICE_INFO\\s*=\\s*null\\s*;", Matcher.quoteReplacement("var ADC_DEVICE_INFO = " + p11 + ";")), "text/html", null, null); } catch (IOException e10) { m(e10); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e11) { m(e11); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e12) { m(e12); } } else if (!this.f14662a.startsWith("http") && !this.f14662a.startsWith("file")) { loadDataWithBaseURL(this.f14668d, this.f14662a, "text/html", null, null); } else if (this.f14662a.contains(".html") || !this.f14662a.startsWith("file")) { loadUrl(this.f14662a); } else { loadDataWithBaseURL(this.f14662a, w.a.a("<html><script src=\""), this.f14662a, "\"></script></html>"), "text/html", null, null); } if (!z10) { s(); y(); } if (z10 || this.f14698y) { p q10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().q(); synchronized (q10.f14538a) { int i11 = this.f14695v; if (i11 <= 0) { i11 = this.f14694u; } q10.f14538a.add(this); q10.f14539b.put(Integer.valueOf(i11), this); q10.i(); } } if (this.f14666c.equals("")) { return; } p(this.f14666c); } public final boolean m(Exception exc) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, 0, exc.getClass().toString() + " during metadata injection w/ metadata = " + this.f14673f0.p("metadata"), true); com.adcolony.sdk.e remove = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l().f14424c.remove(this.f14673f0.p("ad_session_id")); if (remove == null) { return false; } return remove.c(); } public final void n(Exception exc) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, 0, exc.getClass().toString() + " during metadata injection w/ metadata = " + this.f14673f0.p("metadata"), true); m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.i(m2Var, "id", this.f14670e); new o("AdSession.on_error", this.f14677h0.f14405k, m2Var).b(); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { if (motionEvent.getAction() == 1) { com.adcolony.sdk.c v10 = v(); if (v10 != null && !v10.f14282n) { m2 m2Var = new m2(); y0.i(m2Var, "ad_session_id", this.f14670e); new o("WebView.on_first_click", 1, m2Var).b(); v10.setUserInteraction(true); } com.adcolony.sdk.e x10 = x(); if (x10 != null) { x10.f14328m = true; } } return super.onTouchEvent(motionEvent); } public void p(String str) { if (this.C) { k4.c.a(0, 3, k4.b.a("Ignoring call to execute_js as WebView has been destroyed."), true); return; } try { evaluateJavascript(str, null); } catch (IllegalStateException unused) { com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().p().e(0, 0, i.c.a("Device reporting incorrect OS version, evaluateJavascript ", "is not available. Disabling AdColony."), false); com.adcolony.sdk.a.i(); } } public final void q(m2 m2Var) { if (this.f14698y) { if (this.f14683k0 == null) { k4.c.a(0, 1, "Sending message before event messaging is initialized", true); return; } f.s c10 = y0.c(); c10.L(m2Var); ((WebMessagePort) this.f14683k0.f14719a[0]).postMessage(new WebMessage(c10.toString())); } } public boolean r(o oVar) { m2 m2Var = oVar.f14508b; return y0.s(m2Var, "id") == this.f14684l && y0.s(m2Var, "container_id") == this.f14677h0.f14404j && m2Var.p("ad_session_id").equals(this.f14677h0.f14406l); } public void s() { ArrayList<k4.o0> arrayList = this.f14677h0.f14413s; b bVar = new b(); com.adcolony.sdk.g.a("WebView.set_visible", bVar); arrayList.add(bVar); ArrayList<k4.o0> arrayList2 = this.f14677h0.f14413s; c cVar = new c(); com.adcolony.sdk.g.a("WebView.set_bounds", cVar); arrayList2.add(cVar); ArrayList<k4.o0> arrayList3 = this.f14677h0.f14413s; d dVar = new d(); com.adcolony.sdk.g.a("WebView.execute_js", dVar); arrayList3.add(dVar); ArrayList<k4.o0> arrayList4 = this.f14677h0.f14413s; e eVar = new e(); com.adcolony.sdk.g.a("WebView.set_transparent", eVar); arrayList4.add(eVar); this.f14677h0.f14414t.add("WebView.set_visible"); this.f14677h0.f14414t.add("WebView.set_bounds"); this.f14677h0.f14414t.add("WebView.execute_js"); this.f14677h0.f14414t.add("WebView.set_transparent"); } public void t() { com.adcolony.sdk.j l10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l(); String str = this.f14670e; com.adcolony.sdk.i iVar = this.f14677h0; Objects.requireNonNull(l10); p0.s(new n(l10, str, this, iVar)); } public String u() { com.adcolony.sdk.j l10 = com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l(); String str = this.f14670e; com.adcolony.sdk.e eVar = str == null ? null : l10.f14424c.get(str); if (eVar == null) { return "unknown"; } StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); String str2 = eVar.f14323h; if (str2 == null) { str2 = ""; } sb2.append(str2); sb2.append(" : "); sb2.append(eVar.f14324i); return sb2.toString(); } public final com.adcolony.sdk.c v() { if (this.f14670e == null) { return null; } return com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l().f14427f.get(this.f14670e); } public String w() { String str = (!(x() != null) || x() == null) ? null : x().f14325j; if (str == null || str.equals(null)) { return (!(v() != null) || v() == null) ? str : v().getClickOverride(); } return str; } public final com.adcolony.sdk.e x() { if (this.f14670e == null) { return null; } return com.adcolony.sdk.g.d().l().f14424c.get(this.f14670e); } public void y() { Context context; setVisibility(4); FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(this.f14690q, this.f14692s); layoutParams.setMargins(this.f14686m, this.f14688o, 0, 0); layoutParams.gravity = 0; this.f14677h0.addView(this, layoutParams); if (this.f14676h.equals("") || this.f14678i.equals("") || (context = com.adcolony.sdk.g.f14378a) == null || this.f14677h0 == null || this.f14667c0) { return; } GradientDrawable gradientDrawable = new GradientDrawable(); gradientDrawable.setColor(-1); gradientDrawable.setShape(1); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(context); this.f14681j0 = imageView; imageView.setImageURI(Uri.fromFile(new File(this.f14676h))); this.f14681j0.setBackground(gradientDrawable); this.f14681j0.setOnClickListener(new k2(this)); e(); addView(this.f14681j0); } }