APKPure v3.19.91版本的 MD5 值为:f9be25764b720fb55728dbddf2153619

以下内容为反编译后的 CleanMoreFunctionView.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.apkpure.aegon.garbage.view;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContextWrapper;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.apkpure.aegon.R;
import kotlinx.coroutines.qddg;

public final class CleanMoreFunctionView extends FrameLayout {

    public final Activity f8621b;

    public com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh f8622c;

    public final ku.qdba f8623d;

    public final ku.qdba f8624e;

    public final ku.qdba f8625f;

    public final ku.qdba f8626g;

    public final ku.qdba f8627h;

    public final ku.qdba f8628i;

    public final ku.qdba f8629j;

    public final ku.qdba f8630k;

    public final ku.qdba f8631l;

    public final ku.qdba f8632m;

    public final ku.qdba f8633n;

    public final ku.qdba f8634o;

    public final ku.qdba f8635p;

    public CleanMoreFunctionView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {
        super(context, attributeSet, 0);
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.f(context, "context");
        if (!(context instanceof Activity)) {
            if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
                ContextWrapper contextWrapper = (ContextWrapper) context;
                if (contextWrapper.getBaseContext() instanceof Activity) {
                    context = contextWrapper.getBaseContext();
                    kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.d(context, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.app.Activity");
            boolean z10 = getContext() instanceof androidx.appcompat.app.qdba;
            Context context2 = getContext();
            kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.d(context2, "null cannot be cast to non-null type androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity");
            np.qdaf.s0((androidx.appcompat.app.qdba) context2);
            this.f8623d = qddg.Y0(new qdca(this));
            this.f8624e = qddg.Y0(new qdab(this));
            this.f8625f = qddg.Y0(new qdaa(this));
            this.f8626g = qddg.Y0(new qdac(this));
            this.f8627h = qddg.Y0(new qdae(this));
            this.f8628i = qddg.Y0(new qdad(this));
            this.f8629j = qddg.Y0(new qdaf(this));
            this.f8630k = qddg.Y0(new qdbg(this));
            this.f8631l = qddg.Y0(new qdbf(this));
            this.f8632m = qddg.Y0(new qdbh(this));
            this.f8633n = qddg.Y0(new qdbd(this));
            this.f8634o = qddg.Y0(new qdbc(this));
            this.f8635p = qddg.Y0(new qdbe(this));
            LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.arg_res_0x7f0c0350, this);
        this.f8621b = (Activity) context;
        boolean z102 = getContext() instanceof androidx.appcompat.app.qdba;
        Context context22 = getContext();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.d(context22, "null cannot be cast to non-null type androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity");
        np.qdaf.s0((androidx.appcompat.app.qdba) context22);
        this.f8623d = qddg.Y0(new qdca(this));
        this.f8624e = qddg.Y0(new qdab(this));
        this.f8625f = qddg.Y0(new qdaa(this));
        this.f8626g = qddg.Y0(new qdac(this));
        this.f8627h = qddg.Y0(new qdae(this));
        this.f8628i = qddg.Y0(new qdad(this));
        this.f8629j = qddg.Y0(new qdaf(this));
        this.f8630k = qddg.Y0(new qdbg(this));
        this.f8631l = qddg.Y0(new qdbf(this));
        this.f8632m = qddg.Y0(new qdbh(this));
        this.f8633n = qddg.Y0(new qdbd(this));
        this.f8634o = qddg.Y0(new qdbc(this));
        this.f8635p = qddg.Y0(new qdbe(this));
        LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.arg_res_0x7f0c0350, this);

    public static final void a(CleanMoreFunctionView cleanMoreFunctionView, View view) {
        Context context = cleanMoreFunctionView.getContext();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.d(context, "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.apkpure.aegon.main.base.BaseActivity");
        ((j7.qdaa) context).u2(z8.qdaa.b(true, view));

    private final ImageView getAppCleanIcon() {
        Object value = this.f8625f.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-appCleanIcon>(...)");
        return (ImageView) value;

    private final View getAppCleanRoot() {
        Object value = this.f8624e.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-appCleanRoot>(...)");
        return (View) value;

    private final TextView getAppCleanSize() {
        Object value = this.f8626g.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-appCleanSize>(...)");
        return (TextView) value;

    private final ImageView getBatteryOptIcon() {
        Object value = this.f8628i.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-batteryOptIcon>(...)");
        return (ImageView) value;

    private final View getBatteryOptRoot() {
        Object value = this.f8627h.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-batteryOptRoot>(...)");
        return (View) value;

    private final TextView getBatteryOptSize() {
        Object value = this.f8629j.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-batteryOptSize>(...)");
        return (TextView) value;

    private final ImageView getDuplicateFileIcon() {
        Object value = this.f8634o.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-duplicateFileIcon>(...)");
        return (ImageView) value;

    private final View getDuplicateFileRoot() {
        Object value = this.f8633n.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-duplicateFileRoot>(...)");
        return (View) value;

    private final TextView getDuplicateFileSize() {
        Object value = this.f8635p.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-duplicateFileSize>(...)");
        return (TextView) value;

    private final ImageView getLargeFileIcon() {
        Object value = this.f8631l.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-largeFileIcon>(...)");
        return (ImageView) value;

    private final View getLargeFileRoot() {
        Object value = this.f8630k.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-largeFileRoot>(...)");
        return (View) value;

    private final TextView getLargeFileSize() {
        Object value = this.f8632m.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-largeFileSize>(...)");
        return (TextView) value;

    private final View getTitle() {
        Object value = this.f8623d.getValue();
        kotlin.jvm.internal.qdbb.e(value, "<get-title>(...)");
        return (View) value;

    public final boolean b(com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh qdbhVar) {
        boolean z10;
        com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh qdbhVar2;
        boolean z11;
        boolean z12;
        com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh qdbhVar3;
        boolean z13;
        boolean z14;
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16;
        int i4;
        boolean z17;
        boolean z18;
        boolean z19;
        int i5;
        boolean z20;
        boolean z21;
        int i10;
        this.f8622c = qdbhVar;
        boolean z22 = false;
        com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh qdbhVar4 = this.f8622c;
        if (qdbhVar4 != null) {
            if (qdbhVar4 != com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh.APP_CLEAN) {
                com.apkpure.clean.appcleaner.qdab qdabVar = com.apkpure.clean.appcleaner.qdab.f12618a;
                if (com.apkpure.clean.appcleaner.qdab.b() != 0) {
                    np.qdaf.E0("https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5f5riF55CG5Z6D5Zy-aWNvbiAoMSkucG5nXzE3MDE2NzE3NDAyODA/image.png?fakeurl=1", getAppCleanIcon());
                    com.apkpure.aegon.statistics.datong.qdae.q(getAppCleanRoot(), "tab_button", kotlin.collections.qdba.Q(new ku.qdaf("tab_button_id", "app_cleaner"), new ku.qdaf("small_position", 1)), false);
                    z10 = true;
                    qdbhVar2 = this.f8622c;
                    if (qdbhVar2 == null) {
                        if (qdbhVar2 != com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh.BATTERY_OPT && qdbhVar2 != com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh.BATTERY_OPT_IMMEDIATE) {
                            if (!com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbb.c()) {
                                np.qdaf.E0("https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fYmF0dGVyeV9pY29uLnBuZ18xNzAwMTA3NjczNjY2/image.png?fakeurl=1", getBatteryOptIcon());
                                View batteryOptRoot = getBatteryOptRoot();
                                ku.qdaf[] qdafVarArr = new ku.qdaf[2];
                                qdafVarArr[0] = new ku.qdaf("tab_button_id", "battery_saver");
                                if (getAppCleanRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                    z21 = true;
                                } else {
                                    z21 = false;
                                if (z21) {
                                    i10 = 2;
                                } else {
                                    i10 = 1;
                                qdafVarArr[1] = new ku.qdaf("small_position", Integer.valueOf(i10));
                                com.apkpure.aegon.statistics.datong.qdae.q(batteryOptRoot, "tab_button", kotlin.collections.qdba.Q(qdafVarArr), false);
                                z11 = true;
                                if (z11 && !z10) {
                                    z12 = false;
                                } else {
                                    z12 = true;
                                qdbhVar3 = this.f8622c;
                                if (qdbhVar3 == null) {
                                    if (qdbhVar3 == com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh.BIG_FILE_CLEAN || ia.qdag.b() == 0) {
                                        z13 = false;
                                    } else {
                                        np.qdaf.E0("https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fYmlnX2ZpbGVfaWNvbi5wbmdfMTcwMDEwNzY5NDQyNw/image.png?fakeurl=1", getLargeFileIcon());
                                        if (getAppCleanRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                            z19 = true;
                                        } else {
                                            z19 = false;
                                        if (z19) {
                                            i5 = 2;
                                        } else {
                                            i5 = 1;
                                        if (getBatteryOptRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                            z20 = true;
                                        } else {
                                            z20 = false;
                                        if (z20) {
                                        com.apkpure.aegon.statistics.datong.qdae.q(getLargeFileRoot(), "tab_button", kotlin.collections.qdba.Q(new ku.qdaf("tab_button_id", "large_files"), new ku.qdaf("small_position", Integer.valueOf(i5))), false);
                                        z13 = true;
                                    if (!z13 && !z12) {
                                        z14 = false;
                                    } else {
                                        z14 = true;
                                    com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh qdbhVar5 = this.f8622c;
                                    if (qdbhVar5 != null) {
                                        if (qdbhVar5 != com.apkpure.clean.activity.qdbh.DUPLICATE) {
                                            long j10 = com.apkpure.clean.duplicate.qdaa.f12638f;
                                            if (j10 != 0) {
                                                np.qdaf.E0("https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fZHVwbGljYXRlX2ZpbGVfaWNvbi5wbmdfMTcwMDEwNzcwMjA4Nw/image.png?fakeurl=1", getDuplicateFileIcon());
                                                if (getAppCleanRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                                    z16 = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    z16 = false;
                                                if (z16) {
                                                    i4 = 2;
                                                } else {
                                                    i4 = 1;
                                                if (getBatteryOptRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                                    z17 = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    z17 = false;
                                                if (z17) {
                                                if (getLargeFileRoot().getVisibility() == 0) {
                                                    z18 = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    z18 = false;
                                                if (z18) {
                                                com.apkpure.aegon.statistics.datong.qdae.q(getDuplicateFileRoot(), "tab_button", kotlin.collections.qdba.Q(new ku.qdaf("tab_button_id", "duplicate_files"), new ku.qdaf("small_position", Integer.valueOf(i4))), false);
                                                z15 = true;
                                                if (!z15 || z14) {
                                                    z22 = true;
                                                jb.qdah.a(getAppCleanRoot(), new qdag(this));
                                                jb.qdah.a(getBatteryOptRoot(), new qdah(this));
                                                jb.qdah.a(getLargeFileRoot(), new qdba(this));
                                                jb.qdah.a(getDuplicateFileRoot(), new qdbb(this));
                                                return z22;
                                        z15 = false;
                                        if (!z15) {
                                        z22 = true;
                                        jb.qdah.a(getAppCleanRoot(), new qdag(this));
                                        jb.qdah.a(getBatteryOptRoot(), new qdah(this));
                                        jb.qdah.a(getLargeFileRoot(), new qdba(this));
                                        jb.qdah.a(getDuplicateFileRoot(), new qdbb(this));
                                        return z22;
                                    throw null;
                                throw null;
                        z11 = false;
                        if (z11) {
                        z12 = true;
                        qdbhVar3 = this.f8622c;
                        if (qdbhVar3 == null) {
                    } else {
                        throw null;
            z10 = false;
            qdbhVar2 = this.f8622c;
            if (qdbhVar2 == null) {
        } else {
            throw null;