MD5 校验值:d53ec1a251294bef920c76a08ee856d9 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package com.applovin.impl.adview.activity.b; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import bU6nVanxCx1XZefIjrUEN.lrEcOucmGxY; import com.applovin.adview.AppLovinAdView; import com.applovin.adview.AppLovinFullscreenActivity; import com.applovin.impl.adview.j; import com.applovin.impl.adview.n; import com.applovin.impl.adview.o; import com.applovin.impl.adview.p; import com.applovin.impl.adview.v; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.AppLovinBroadcastManager; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.b.b; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.ab; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.q; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.i; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.j; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.r; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.CollectionUtils; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.StringUtils; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.m; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.r; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.u; import com.applovin.impl.sdk.x; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAd; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAdClickListener; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAdDisplayListener; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAdSize; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAdType; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener; import com.applovin.sdk.AppLovinSdkUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; public abstract class a implements AppLovinBroadcastManager.Receiver, b.a, u.a { protected AppLovinAdDisplayListener agA; protected AppLovinAdClickListener agC; protected AppLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener agR; protected final com.applovin.impl.sdk.d.d agj; protected v agn; protected Activity ahM; protected final aiL; private final com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.a aiO; private final i.a aiP; protected AppLovinAdView aiQ; protected final n aiR; protected final n aiS; private long aiU; protected long aiW; private boolean aiX; protected boolean aiY; protected int aiZ; protected boolean aja; protected boolean ajg; protected final com.applovin.impl.sdk.b.b ajh; protected r aji; private final j ajj; protected final x logger; protected final com.applovin.impl.sdk.n sdk; private final Handler acG = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); protected final long startTimeMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); private final AtomicBoolean videoEndListenerNotified = new AtomicBoolean(); private final AtomicBoolean aiT = new AtomicBoolean(); protected long aiV = -1; private int ajb = 0; private final ArrayList<Long> ajc = new ArrayList<>(); protected int ajd = 0; protected int aje = 0; protected int ajf = i.azY; private boolean ajk = false; public class AnonymousClass1 implements AppLovinAdDisplayListener { public AnonymousClass1() { } @Override public void adDisplayed(AppLovinAd appLovinAd) { x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Web content rendered"); } } @Override public void adHidden(AppLovinAd appLovinAd) { x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Closing from WebView"); } a.this.dismiss(); } } public class AnonymousClass2 implements i.a { public AnonymousClass2() { } @Override public void ge(int i) { a aVar = a.this; if (aVar.ajf != i.azY) { aVar.ajg = true; } com.applovin.impl.adview.d qZ = aVar.aiQ.getController().qZ(); if (i.gv(i) && !i.gv(a.this.ajf)) {"javascript:al_muteSwitchOn();"); } else if (i == 2) {"javascript:al_muteSwitchOff();"); } a.this.ajf = i; } } public class AnonymousClass3 extends com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.a { public AnonymousClass3() { } public void sP() { x.H("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Dismissing on-screen ad due to app relaunched via launcher."); try { a.this.dismiss(); } catch (Throwable th) { x.e("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Failed to dismiss ad.", th); try { a.this.sE(); } catch (Throwable unused) { } } } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) { if (!a.this.aiT.get()) { if (activity.getClass().getName().equals( { AppLovinSdkUtils.runOnUiThread(new xgYehFlZAxMDizbH0hKTuJMEFk(this, 0)); } } } } public interface InterfaceC0040a { void a(a aVar); void a(String str, Throwable th); } public class b implements View.OnClickListener, AppLovinAdClickListener { private b() { } public void sQ() { a.this.aiV = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } @Override public void adClicked(AppLovinAd appLovinAd) { x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Clicking through graphic"); } m.a(a.this.agC, appLovinAd); a.this.agj.JL(); a.this.aje++; } @Override public void onClick(View view) { a aVar = a.this; if (view == aVar.aiR && ((Boolean) aVar.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aMX)).booleanValue()) { a.c(a.this); if (a.this.aiL.GJ()) { a.this.bu("javascript:al_onCloseButtonTapped(" + a.this.ajb + "," + a.this.ajd + "," + a.this.aje + ");"); } List<Integer> Gd = a.this.aiL.Gd(); x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Handling close button tap " + a.this.ajb + " with multi close delay: " + Gd); } if (Gd != null && Gd.size() > a.this.ajb) { a.this.ajc.add(Long.valueOf(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - a.this.aiV)); List<j.a> Gf = a.this.aiL.Gf(); if (Gf != null && Gf.size() > a.this.ajb) { a aVar2 = a.this; aVar2.aiR.b(Gf.get(aVar2.ajb)); } x xVar2 = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Scheduling next close button with delay: " + Gd.get(a.this.ajb)); } a.this.aiR.setVisibility(8); a aVar3 = a.this; aVar3.a(aVar3.aiR, Gd.get(aVar3.ajb).intValue(), new xgYehFlZAxMDizbH0hKTuJMEFk(this, 1)); return; } a.this.dismiss(); return; } x xVar3 = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.i("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Unhandled click on widget: " + view); } } public b(a aVar, AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1) { this(); } } public a( eVar, Activity activity, Map<String, Object> map, com.applovin.impl.sdk.n nVar, AppLovinAdClickListener appLovinAdClickListener, AppLovinAdDisplayListener appLovinAdDisplayListener, AppLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener) { this.aiL = eVar; this.sdk = nVar; this.logger = nVar.BL(); this.ahM = activity; this.agC = appLovinAdClickListener; this.agA = appLovinAdDisplayListener; this.agR = appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener; com.applovin.impl.sdk.b.b bVar = new com.applovin.impl.sdk.b.b(activity, nVar); this.ajh = bVar; bVar.a(this); com.applovin.impl.sdk.d.d dVar = new com.applovin.impl.sdk.d.d(eVar, nVar); this.agj = dVar; this.ajj = new com.applovin.impl.sdk.j(nVar); b bVar2 = new b(); if (((Boolean) nVar.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aNo)).booleanValue()) { AppLovinBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(this, new IntentFilter("com.applovin.render_process_gone")); } if (((Boolean) nVar.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aNv)).booleanValue()) { AppLovinBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(this, new IntentFilter("com.applovin.al_onPoststitialShow_undefined")); } o oVar = new o(nVar.getWrappingSdk(), AppLovinAdSize.INTERSTITIAL, activity); this.aiQ = oVar; oVar.setAdClickListener(bVar2); this.aiQ.setAdDisplayListener(new AppLovinAdDisplayListener() { public AnonymousClass1() { } @Override public void adDisplayed(AppLovinAd appLovinAd) { x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Web content rendered"); } } @Override public void adHidden(AppLovinAd appLovinAd) { x xVar = a.this.logger; if (x.Fk()) { a.this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Closing from WebView"); } a.this.dismiss(); } }); this.aiQ.getController().setStatsManagerHelper(dVar); p pVar = new p(map, nVar); if (pVar.rN()) { this.agn = new v(pVar, activity); } nVar.BB().trackImpression(eVar); List<Integer> Gd = eVar.Gd(); if (eVar.Gc() < 0 && Gd == null) { this.aiR = null; } else { n nVar2 = new n(eVar.Ge(), activity); this.aiR = nVar2; nVar2.setVisibility(8); nVar2.setOnClickListener(bVar2); } n nVar3 = new n(j.a.WHITE_ON_TRANSPARENT, activity); this.aiS = nVar3; nVar3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public final void onClick(View view) { a.this.m(view); } }); if (eVar.GZ()) { this.aiP = new i.a() { public AnonymousClass2() { } @Override public void ge(int i) { a aVar = a.this; if (aVar.ajf != i.azY) { aVar.ajg = true; } com.applovin.impl.adview.d qZ = aVar.aiQ.getController().qZ(); if (i.gv(i) && !i.gv(a.this.ajf)) {"javascript:al_muteSwitchOn();"); } else if (i == 2) {"javascript:al_muteSwitchOff();"); } a.this.ajf = i; } }; } else { this.aiP = null; } this.aiO = new AnonymousClass3(); } public static void a( eVar, AppLovinAdClickListener appLovinAdClickListener, AppLovinAdDisplayListener appLovinAdDisplayListener, AppLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener, Map<String, Object> map, com.applovin.impl.sdk.n nVar, Activity activity, InterfaceC0040a interfaceC0040a) { a bVar; boolean Hv = eVar.Hv(); if (eVar instanceof com.applovin.impl.b.a) { if (Hv) { try { bVar = new c(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th) { nVar.BL(); if (x.Fk()) { nVar.BL().b("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Failed to create ExoPlayer presenter to show the ad. Falling back to using native media player presenter.", th); } try { bVar = new d(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th2) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenVastVideoAdPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th2.getMessage(), th2); return; } } } else { try { bVar = new d(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th3) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenVastVideoAdPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th3.getMessage(), th3); return; } } } else if (eVar.hasVideoUrl()) { if (eVar.Hx()) { try { bVar = new g(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th4) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenWebVideoAdPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th4.getMessage(), th4); return; } } else if (Hv) { try { bVar = new e(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th5) { nVar.BL(); if (x.Fk()) { nVar.BL().b("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Failed to create ExoPlayer presenter to show the ad. Falling back to using native media player presenter.", th5); } try { bVar = new f(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th6) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenVideoAdExoPlayerPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th6.getMessage(), th6); return; } } } else { try { bVar = new f(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th7) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenVideoAdPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th7.getMessage(), th7); return; } } } else { try { bVar = new com.applovin.impl.adview.activity.b.b(eVar, activity, map, nVar, appLovinAdClickListener, appLovinAdDisplayListener, appLovinAdVideoPlaybackListener); } catch (Throwable th8) { interfaceC0040a.a("Failed to create FullscreenGraphicAdPresenter with sdk: " + nVar + " and throwable: " + th8.getMessage(), th8); return; } }; interfaceC0040a.a(bVar); } public void bv(String str) { AppLovinAdView appLovinAdView; com.applovin.impl.adview.d qZ; if (StringUtils.isValidString(str) && (appLovinAdView = this.aiQ) != null && (qZ = appLovinAdView.getController().qZ()) != null) {; } } public static int c(a aVar) { int i = aVar.ajb; aVar.ajb = i + 1; return i; } public void l(View view) { n nVar; if (u.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aLR, this.sdk)) { this.sdk.Ca().b(this.aiL, com.applovin.impl.sdk.n.getApplicationContext()); } this.sdk.Cq().a(r.a.BLACK_VIEW,"clcode", this.aiL.getClCode())); if (((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aQA)).booleanValue()) { dismiss(); return; } this.ajk = ((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aQB)).booleanValue(); if (((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aQC)).booleanValue() && (nVar = this.aiR) != null) { nVar.setVisibility(0); } } public void m(View view) { dismiss(); } public void sO() { if (!this.aiL.GU().getAndSet(true)) { this.sdk.BM().a(new com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.x(this.aiL, this.sdk), q.b.REWARD); } } private void sz() { if (this.aiP != null) { this.sdk.Ch().a(this.aiP); } if (this.aiO != null) { this.sdk.BK().a(this.aiO); } } public abstract void a(ViewGroup viewGroup); public void au(boolean z) { d(z, ((Long) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aNm)).longValue()); m.a(this.agA, this.aiL); this.sdk.Cd().ab(this.aiL); if (this.aiL.hasVideoUrl() || sK()) { m.a(this.agR, this.aiL); } new com.applovin.impl.adview.activity.b(this.ahM).c(this.aiL); this.agj.JK(); this.aiL.setHasShown(true); } public abstract void bE(long j); public void bF(long j) { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Scheduling report reward in " + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(j) + " seconds..."); } this.aji = com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.r.b(j, this.sdk, new xgYehFlZAxMDizbH0hKTuJMEFk(this, 2)); } public void bt(String str) { if (this.aiL.GK()) { d(str, 0L); } } public void bu(String str) { d(str, 0L); } public void checkCachedAdResourcesAsync(boolean z) { u.a(z, this.aiL, this.sdk, com.applovin.impl.sdk.n.getApplicationContext(), this); } public void checkCachedAdResourcesImmediately(boolean z) { List<Uri> a = u.a(z, this.aiL, this.sdk, this.ahM); if (!a.isEmpty()) { if (((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aQm)).booleanValue()) { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.i("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Dismissing ad due to missing resources: " + a); } com.applovin.impl.adview.q.a(this.aiL, this.agA, "Missing ad resources", null, null); dismiss(); return; } if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.i("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Streaming ad due to missing ad resources: " + a); } this.aiL.Fy(); } } public void dismiss() { this.aiX = true; if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "dismiss()"); } eVar = this.aiL; if (eVar != null) { eVar.getAdEventTracker().IK(); } this.acG.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); d("javascript:al_onPoststitialDismiss();", this.aiL.GH()); sE(); this.agj.rb(); this.ajj.AW(); if (this.aiP != null) { this.sdk.Ch().b(this.aiP); } if (this.aiO != null) { this.sdk.BK().b(this.aiO); } if (sF()) { this.ahM.finish(); return; } this.sdk.BL(); if (x.Fk()) { this.sdk.BL().f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Fullscreen ad shown in container view dismissed, destroying the presenter."); } onDestroy(); } public void onBackPressed() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onBackPressed()"); } if (this.ajk) { dismiss(); } if (this.aiL.GJ()) { bu("javascript:onBackPressed();"); } } @Override public void onCachedResourcesChecked(boolean z) { if (z) { return; } if (((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aQm)).booleanValue()) { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.i("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Dismissing ad due to unavailable resources"); } com.applovin.impl.adview.q.a(this.aiL, this.agA, "Unavailable ad resources", null, null); dismiss(); return; } if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.i("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Streaming ad due to unavailable ad resources"); } this.aiL.Fy(); } public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - " + configuration); } } public void onDestroy() { AppLovinAdView appLovinAdView = this.aiQ; if (appLovinAdView != null) { ViewParent parent = appLovinAdView.getParent(); this.aiQ.destroy(); this.aiQ = null; if ((parent instanceof ViewGroup) && sF()) { ((ViewGroup) parent).removeAllViews(); } } sD(); sE(); this.agC = null; this.agA = null; this.agR = null; this.ahM = null; AppLovinBroadcastManager.unregisterReceiver(this); } public void onPause() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onPause()"); } this.aiU = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); bt("javascript:al_onAppPaused();"); if (this.ajh.Jw()) { this.ajh.Ju(); } sG(); } @Override public void onReceive(Intent intent, Map<String, Object> map) { if ("com.applovin.render_process_gone".equals(intent.getAction()) && !this.aiY) { sN(); } else if ("com.applovin.al_onPoststitialShow_undefined".equals(intent.getAction())) { rl(); } } public void onResume() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onResume()"); } this.agj.bV(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - this.aiU); bt("javascript:al_onAppResumed();"); sH(); if (this.ajh.Jw()) { this.ajh.Ju(); } } public void onStop() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onStop()"); } } public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean z) { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) - " + z); } bt("javascript:al_onWindowFocusChanged( " + z + " );"); } public abstract void pauseVideo(); public void rl() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Handling al_onPoststitialShow undefined"); } } public abstract void sA(); public boolean sB() { return this.aiX; } public int sC() { int Gr = this.aiL.Gr(); if (Gr > 0) { return Gr; } if (((Boolean) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aNl)).booleanValue()) { return this.aiZ + 1; } return Gr; } public abstract void sD(); public void sE() { if (this.aiT.compareAndSet(false, true)) { m.b(this.agA, this.aiL); this.sdk.Cd().ac(this.aiL); } } public boolean sF() { return this.ahM instanceof AppLovinFullscreenActivity; } public void sG() { com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.r rVar = this.aji; if (rVar != null) { rVar.pause(); } } public void sH() { com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.r rVar = this.aji; if (rVar != null) { rVar.resume(); } } public abstract boolean sI(); public abstract boolean sJ(); public boolean sK() { if (AppLovinAdType.INCENTIVIZED != this.aiL.getType() && AppLovinAdType.AUTO_INCENTIVIZED != this.aiL.getType()) { return false; } return true; } public abstract void sL(); public void sM() { com.applovin.impl.adview.d qZ; if (this.aiQ == null || !this.aiL.Gq() || (qZ = this.aiQ.getController().qZ()) == null) { return; } this.ajj.a(qZ, new j.a() { @Override public final void onBlackViewDetected(View view) { a.this.l(view); } }); } public void sN() { if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Handling render process crash"); } this.aiY = true; } public static void b(n nVar, Runnable runnable) { com.applovin.impl.sdk.utils.v.a(nVar, 400L, new MhXFz4O2fao0frTdgvSgsROV(nVar, runnable, 0)); } public static void c(n nVar, Runnable runnable) { nVar.bringToFront();; } public void d(String str, long j) { if (j >= 0) { a(new lrEcOucmGxY(this, 8, str), j); } } public void d(boolean z, long j) { if (this.aiL.GI()) { d(z ? "javascript:al_mute();" : "javascript:al_unmute();", j); } } public void a(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (this.logger == null || !x.Fk()) { return; } this.logger.g("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - " + i + ", " + keyEvent); } public void a(n nVar, long j, Runnable runnable) { if (j >= ((Long) this.sdk.a(com.applovin.impl.sdk.c.b.aMW)).longValue()) { return; } this.sdk.BM().a(new ab(this.sdk, "fadeInCloseButton", new MhXFz4O2fao0frTdgvSgsROV(nVar, runnable, 1)), q.b.MAIN, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(j), true); } public static void a(n nVar, Runnable runnable) { AppLovinSdkUtils.runOnUiThread(new MhXFz4O2fao0frTdgvSgsROV(nVar, runnable, 2)); } public void a(int i, boolean z, boolean z2, long j) { if (this.videoEndListenerNotified.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (this.aiL.hasVideoUrl() || sK()) { m.a(this.agR, this.aiL, i, z2); } if (this.aiL.hasVideoUrl()) { this.agj.bU(i); } long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - this.startTimeMillis; this.sdk.BB().trackVideoEnd(this.aiL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(elapsedRealtime), i, z); long elapsedRealtime2 = this.aiV != -1 ? SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - this.aiV : -1L; this.sdk.BB().trackFullScreenAdClosed(this.aiL, elapsedRealtime2, this.ajc, j, this.ajg, this.ajf); if (x.Fk()) { this.logger.f("AppLovinFullscreenActivity", "Video ad ended at percent: " + i + "%, elapsedTime: " + elapsedRealtime + "ms, skipTimeMillis: " + j + "ms, closeTimeMillis: " + elapsedRealtime2 + "ms"); } } } public void a(Runnable runnable, long j) { AppLovinSdkUtils.runOnUiThreadDelayed(runnable, j, this.acG); } }