Driving Zone: Germany v1.22.4版本的 MD5 值为:2b6e2d8e8733a3104dcc306c5770286c

以下内容为反编译后的 f.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.appodeal.consent.internal;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import com.appodeal.advertising.AdvertisingInfo;
import com.appodeal.consent.Consent;
import com.appodeal.consent.ConsentManager;
import com.appodeal.consent.ConsentManagerError;
import com.appodeal.consent.IConsentInfoUpdateListener;
import com.appodeal.consent.internal.k;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import kotlin.Lazy;
import kotlin.Result;
import kotlin.ResultKt;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.IntrinsicsKt;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugMetadata;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics;
import kotlin.text.StringsKt;
import kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt;
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope;
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers;
import kotlinx.coroutines.MainCoroutineDispatcher;
import org.json.JSONObject;

@DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {1, 2}, l = {41, 51, 58, 62, 74, 79, 87}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {"appContext", "appContext"}, s = {"L$0", "L$0"})
public final class f extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

    public Object f2706a;
    public Object b;
    public String c;
    public Consent d;
    public int e;
    public final String f;
    public final Context g;
    public final Consent h;
    public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener i;

    @DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1$1", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {}, l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {}, s = {})
    public static final class a extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

        public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener f2707a;

        public a(IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Continuation<? super a> continuation) {
            super(2, continuation);
            this.f2707a = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;

        public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
            return new a(this.f2707a, continuation);

        public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
            return ((a) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f2707a.onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(new ConsentManagerError.LoadingError("Appodeal APP KEY is empty"));
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    @DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1$2$1", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {}, l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {}, s = {})
    public static final class b extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

        public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener f2708a;

        public b(IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Continuation<? super b> continuation) {
            super(2, continuation);
            this.f2708a = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;

        public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
            return new b(this.f2708a, continuation);

        public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
            return ((b) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            this.f2708a.onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(new ConsentManagerError.LoadingError("response is error"));
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    @DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1$2$3", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {}, l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {}, s = {})
    public static final class c extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

        public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener f2709a;

        public c(IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Continuation<? super c> continuation) {
            super(2, continuation);
            this.f2709a = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;

        public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
            return new c(this.f2709a, continuation);

        public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
            return ((c) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.f2709a;
            Lazy lazy = g.f2712a;
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    @DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1$2$4", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {}, l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {}, s = {})
    public static final class d extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

        public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener f2710a;
        public final Throwable b;

        public d(IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Throwable th, Continuation<? super d> continuation) {
            super(2, continuation);
            this.f2710a = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;
            this.b = th;

        public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
            return new d(this.f2710a, this.b, continuation);

        public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
            return ((d) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.f2710a;
            String message = this.b.getMessage();
            if (message == null) {
                message = "";
            iConsentInfoUpdateListener.onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(new ConsentManagerError.LoadingError(message));
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    @DebugMetadata(c = "com.appodeal.consent.internal.InternalManager$requestConsentInfoUpdate$1$3$1", f = "InternalManager.kt", i = {}, l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {}, s = {})
    public static final class e extends SuspendLambda implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {

        public final IConsentInfoUpdateListener f2711a;
        public final Throwable b;

        public e(IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Throwable th, Continuation<? super e> continuation) {
            super(2, continuation);
            this.f2711a = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;
            this.b = th;

        public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
            return new e(this.f2711a, this.b, continuation);

        public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
            return ((e) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.f2711a;
            String message = this.b.getMessage();
            if (message == null) {
                message = "";
            iConsentInfoUpdateListener.onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(new ConsentManagerError.LoadingError(message));
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    public f(String str, Context context, Consent consent, IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener, Continuation<? super f> continuation) {
        super(2, continuation);
        this.f = str;
        this.g = context;
        this.h = consent;
        this.i = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;

    public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
        return new f(this.f, this.g, this.h, this.i, continuation);

    public final Object invoke(CoroutineScope coroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
        return ((f) create(coroutineScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

    public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
        Context applicationContext;
        Consent consent;
        String str;
        Context context;
        Object a2;
        Object obj2;
        IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener;
        MainCoroutineDispatcher main;
        d dVar;
        Throwable m803exceptionOrNullimpl;
        Object coroutine_suspended = IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED();
        switch (this.e) {
            case 0:
                if (StringsKt.isBlank(this.f)) {
                    MainCoroutineDispatcher main2 = Dispatchers.getMain();
                    a aVar = new a(this.i, null);
                    this.e = 1;
                    if (BuildersKt.withContext(main2, aVar, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                        return coroutine_suspended;
                    return Unit.INSTANCE;
                applicationContext = this.g.getApplicationContext();
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(applicationContext, "context.applicationContext");
                String str2 = this.f;
                Consent consent2 = this.h;
                AdvertisingInfo advertisingInfo = AdvertisingInfo.INSTANCE;
                this.f2706a = applicationContext;
                this.b = applicationContext;
                this.c = str2;
                this.d = consent2;
                this.e = 2;
                obj = advertisingInfo.getAdvertisingProfile(applicationContext, this);
                if (obj == coroutine_suspended) {
                    return coroutine_suspended;
                consent = consent2;
                str = str2;
                context = applicationContext;
                Map<String, Object> extraData = ConsentManager.getExtraData();
                String MODEL = Build.MODEL;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(MODEL, "MODEL");
                String MANUFACTURER = Build.MANUFACTURER;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(MANUFACTURER, "MANUFACTURER");
                String RELEASE = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(RELEASE, "RELEASE");
                String locale = Locale.getDefault().toString();
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(locale, "getDefault().toString()");
                com.appodeal.consent.internal.a aVar2 = new com.appodeal.consent.internal.a(applicationContext, str, consent, (AdvertisingInfo.AdvertisingProfile) obj, extraData, MODEL, MANUFACTURER, RELEASE, locale);
                com.appodeal.consent.internal.c cVar = com.appodeal.consent.internal.c.f2692a;
                this.f2706a = context;
                this.b = null;
                this.c = null;
                this.d = null;
                this.e = 3;
                a2 = com.appodeal.consent.internal.c.f2692a.a(aVar2, "https://a.appbaqend.com/consent/check", this);
                if (a2 == coroutine_suspended) {
                    return coroutine_suspended;
                Context context2 = context;
                obj2 = a2;
                iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.i;
                if (Result.m807isSuccessimpl(obj2)) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) obj2;
                    try {
                        if (jSONObject == null) {
                            MainCoroutineDispatcher main3 = Dispatchers.getMain();
                            b bVar = new b(iConsentInfoUpdateListener, null);
                            this.f2706a = obj2;
                            this.b = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;
                            this.e = 4;
                            if (BuildersKt.withContext(main3, bVar, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                                return coroutine_suspended;
                        } else {
                            Lazy lazy = g.f2712a;
                            k.a a3 = k.a(jSONObject);
                            Consent a4 = a3.a();
                            if (a4 != null) {
                                com.appodeal.consent.internal.b.a(g.b(), context2);
                                com.appodeal.consent.internal.b.b(g.b(), context2);
                            String b2 = a3.b();
                            if (b2 == null) {
                                b2 = "";
                            Boolean c2 = a3.c();
                            g.a(c2 == null ? false : c2.booleanValue());
                            MainCoroutineDispatcher main4 = Dispatchers.getMain();
                            c cVar2 = new c(iConsentInfoUpdateListener, null);
                            this.f2706a = obj2;
                            this.b = iConsentInfoUpdateListener;
                            this.e = 5;
                            if (BuildersKt.withContext(main4, cVar2, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                                return coroutine_suspended;
                    } catch (Throwable th) {
                        th = th;
                        main = Dispatchers.getMain();
                        dVar = new d(iConsentInfoUpdateListener, th, null);
                        this.f2706a = obj2;
                        this.b = null;
                        this.e = 6;
                        if (BuildersKt.withContext(main, dVar, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                        IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener2 = this.i;
                        m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                        if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                        return Unit.INSTANCE;
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener22 = this.i;
                m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                    MainCoroutineDispatcher main5 = Dispatchers.getMain();
                    e eVar = new e(iConsentInfoUpdateListener22, m803exceptionOrNullimpl, null);
                    this.f2706a = obj2;
                    this.b = null;
                    this.e = 7;
                    if (BuildersKt.withContext(main5, eVar, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                        return coroutine_suspended;
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 1:
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 2:
                Consent consent3 = this.d;
                String str3 = this.c;
                applicationContext = (Context) this.b;
                Context context3 = (Context) this.f2706a;
                consent = consent3;
                context = context3;
                str = str3;
                Map<String, Object> extraData2 = ConsentManager.getExtraData();
                String MODEL2 = Build.MODEL;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(MODEL2, "MODEL");
                String MANUFACTURER2 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(MANUFACTURER2, "MANUFACTURER");
                String RELEASE2 = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(RELEASE2, "RELEASE");
                String locale2 = Locale.getDefault().toString();
                Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(locale2, "getDefault().toString()");
                com.appodeal.consent.internal.a aVar22 = new com.appodeal.consent.internal.a(applicationContext, str, consent, (AdvertisingInfo.AdvertisingProfile) obj, extraData2, MODEL2, MANUFACTURER2, RELEASE2, locale2);
                com.appodeal.consent.internal.c cVar3 = com.appodeal.consent.internal.c.f2692a;
                this.f2706a = context;
                this.b = null;
                this.c = null;
                this.d = null;
                this.e = 3;
                a2 = com.appodeal.consent.internal.c.f2692a.a(aVar22, "https://a.appbaqend.com/consent/check", this);
                if (a2 == coroutine_suspended) {
                Context context22 = context;
                obj2 = a2;
                iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.i;
                if (Result.m807isSuccessimpl(obj2)) {
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener222 = this.i;
                m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 3:
                context = (Context) this.f2706a;
                a2 = ((Result) obj).getValue();
                Context context222 = context;
                obj2 = a2;
                iConsentInfoUpdateListener = this.i;
                if (Result.m807isSuccessimpl(obj2)) {
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener2222 = this.i;
                m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 4:
            case 5:
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener3 = (IConsentInfoUpdateListener) this.b;
                Object obj3 = this.f2706a;
                try {
                    obj2 = obj3;
                } catch (Throwable th2) {
                    th = th2;
                    iConsentInfoUpdateListener = iConsentInfoUpdateListener3;
                    obj2 = obj3;
                    main = Dispatchers.getMain();
                    dVar = new d(iConsentInfoUpdateListener, th, null);
                    this.f2706a = obj2;
                    this.b = null;
                    this.e = 6;
                    if (BuildersKt.withContext(main, dVar, this) == coroutine_suspended) {
                        return coroutine_suspended;
                    IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener22222 = this.i;
                    m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                    if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                    return Unit.INSTANCE;
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener222222 = this.i;
                m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 6:
                obj2 = this.f2706a;
                IConsentInfoUpdateListener iConsentInfoUpdateListener2222222 = this.i;
                m803exceptionOrNullimpl = Result.m803exceptionOrNullimpl(obj2);
                if (m803exceptionOrNullimpl != null) {
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
            case 7:
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");