MD5 校验值:5ef3f775189f42f146cf0788a99eebd7 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package com.callerid.block.fragment; import a4.d; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.ContactsContract; import android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager; import android.text.Spannable; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewStub; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import com.callerid.block.R; import com.callerid.block.bean.EZBlackList; import com.callerid.block.bean.EZSearchContacts; import com.callerid.block.customview.EZKeyboardView; import com.callerid.block.customview.LImageButton; import com.callerid.block.customview.ObservableListView; import com.callerid.block.fragment.EZCallLogFragment; import com.callerid.block.main.EZCallApplication; import com.callerid.block.main.MainActivity; import com.callerid.block.mvc.controller.ContactActivity; import com.callerid.block.mvc.controller.UnknownContactActivity; import; import com.github.clans.fab.FloatingActionButton; import; import; import; import; import com.hzy.lib7z.ErrorCode; import; import; import f5.r; import fydialer.ContactAccessor; import fydialer.IContactSplit; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import u5.a; import y3.r1; import y3.s1; public class EZCallLogFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener { private static boolean G1 = false; private static boolean H1; private static boolean I1; private static boolean J1; private static boolean K1; private static boolean L1; private static final StyleSpan M1 = new StyleSpan(2); private static final StyleSpan N1 = new StyleSpan(1); private static ForegroundColorSpan O1; private static final Collator P1; private static final String[] Q1; private FloatingActionButton A0; private int A1; private boolean B0; private HashMap<String, Integer> B1; private Typeface C0; private int C1; private LinearLayout D0; public int D1; private FrameLayout E0; private TextView F0; private ImageView G0; private int I0; private int J0; private boolean L0; private int M0; private N0; private FrameLayout P0; private MainActivity Q0; private Context R0; private Timer S0; public int T0; private Animation V0; private LinearLayout W0; private b4.d X0; private ViewStub Y0; private ViewStub Z0; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7048a1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7049b1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7050c1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7051d1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7052e1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7053f1; private com.rey.material.widget.TextView f7054g1; private Typeface f7055h1; public EZKeyboardView f7056i1; public ContactAccessor f7057j1; private StringBuilder f7058k1; private String f7061n1; private i f7062o1; private ObservableListView f7063p0; public ListView f7064p1; private z2.u f7065q0; private int f7066q1; private int f7068r1; private int f7070s1; public FloatingActionButton f7072t1; private LImageButton f7074u1; private LImageButton f7076v1; private l f7077w0; private LImageButton f7078w1; private PopupWindow f7079x0; private ProgressBar f7081y0; SubscriptionManager f7082y1; private TextView f7083z0; private List<CallLogBean> f7067r0 = new ArrayList(); private final List<CallLogBean> f7069s0 = new ArrayList(); private List<String> f7071t0 = new ArrayList(); private final List<String> f7073u0 = new ArrayList(); private HashMap<String, Integer> f7075v0 = new HashMap<>(); private boolean H0 = false; private final ArrayList<CallLogBean> K0 = new ArrayList<>(); private final k O0 = new k(this); private TimerTask U0 = new b(); private final Handler f7059l1 = new Handler(); private final o f7060m1 = new o(); List<SubscriptionInfo> f7080x1 = new ArrayList(); private final AbsListView.OnScrollListener f7084z1 = new e(); private final Handler E1 = new Handler(); private final Runnable F1 = new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { EZCallLogFragment.F3(); } }; public class AnonymousClass6 extends SimpleDialog.Builder { final CallLogBean A; final EZCallLogFragment B; public void t() { this.B.r3(); } @Override public void a( aVar) { super.a(aVar); } @Override public void f( aVar) { i3.g.d(EZCallApplication.d(), this.A.o(), this.A.J(), new i3.f() { @Override public final void a() { EZCallLogFragment.AnonymousClass6.this.t(); } }); super.f(aVar); } @Override protected void j(Dialog dialog) { try { if (this.B.i0()) { dialog.K(-1, -2); dialog.q(EZCallApplication.d().getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary), EZCallApplication.d().getResources().getColor(R.color.btn_gray)); dialog.r0(y3.n1.c()); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public class AnonymousClass9 extends SimpleDialog.Builder { AnonymousClass9(int i10) { super(i10); } public void t() { try { EZCallLogFragment.this.f7083z0.setText(EZCallLogFragment.this.T().getString(R.string.call_history)); EZCallLogFragment.this.f7069s0.clear(); EZCallLogFragment.this.r3(); EZCallLogFragment.this.f7081y0.setVisibility(8); Toast.makeText(EZCallApplication.d(), EZCallLogFragment.this.T().getString(R.string.delete_success), 0).show(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void a( aVar) { super.a(aVar); } @Override public void f( aVar) { if (EZCallLogFragment.this.i0()) { EZCallLogFragment.this.f7081y0.setVisibility(0); i3.g.a(EZCallApplication.d(), EZCallLogFragment.this.f7069s0, new i3.f() { @Override public final void a() { EZCallLogFragment.AnonymousClass9.this.t(); } }); } super.f(aVar); } @Override protected void j(Dialog dialog) { try { if (EZCallLogFragment.this.i0()) { dialog.K(-1, -2); dialog.r0(y3.n1.c()); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public class a implements g3.b { a() { } @Override public void a(boolean z10) { if (z10) { try { if (EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0 != null && EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.size() > 3 && !"callog_ad".equals(((CallLogBean) EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.get(2)).o())) { CallLogBean callLogBean = new CallLogBean(); callLogBean.B0("callog_ad"); EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.add(2, callLogBean); } if (EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0 != null && EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.size() > 9 && !"callog_ad".equals(((CallLogBean) EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.get(8)).o())) { CallLogBean callLogBean2 = new CallLogBean(); callLogBean2.B0("callog_ad"); EZCallLogFragment.this.f7067r0.add(8, callLogBean2); } EZCallLogFragment.this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } } class b extends TimerTask { b() { } @Override public void run() { EZCallLogFragment.this.x3(); } } class c implements AbsListView.OnScrollListener { c() { } @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView absListView, int i10, int i11, int i12) { if (i10 > EZCallLogFragment.this.I0) { if (EZCallLogFragment.this.A0 != null && !EZCallLogFragment.this.A0.y()) { EZCallLogFragment.this.A0.u(true); } } else if (i10 < EZCallLogFragment.this.I0 && EZCallLogFragment.this.A0 != null && EZCallLogFragment.this.A0.y()) { EZCallLogFragment.this.A0.H(true); } EZCallLogFragment.this.I0 = i10; EZCallLogFragment.this.J0 = i11; } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView absListView, int i10) { if (i10 != 0) { return; } EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = EZCallLogFragment.this; eZCallLogFragment.b4(eZCallLogFragment.I0, EZCallLogFragment.this.J0); } } public class d extends f5.b { d() { } @Override public void l() { super.l(); } @Override public void m(f5.g gVar) { super.m(gVar); if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("admob", "Top_onAdFailedToLoad:" + gVar.toString()); } if (EZCallLogFragment.u2(EZCallLogFragment.this) >= 1 || EZCallLogFragment.this.N0 == null) { return; } EZCallLogFragment.this.N0.a(new b.a().c()); } @Override public void x() { super.x(); if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("admob", "Top_onAdLoaded"); } } @Override public void y() { super.y(); } } class e implements AbsListView.OnScrollListener { e() { } @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView absListView, int i10, int i11, int i12) { } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView absListView, int i10) { if (i10 == 2) { try { if (EZCallLogFragment.L1 && EZCallLogFragment.this.f7056i1.getVisibility() == 0) { EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = EZCallLogFragment.this; eZCallLogFragment.f7072t1.setImageResource(eZCallLogFragment.f7068r1); EZCallLogFragment.this.k4(); if (EZCallLogFragment.this.f7074u1 != null) { EZCallLogFragment.this.f7074u1.setVisibility(8); } if (EZCallLogFragment.this.f7076v1 != null) { EZCallLogFragment.this.f7076v1.setVisibility(8); } if (EZCallLogFragment.this.f7078w1 != null) { EZCallLogFragment.this.f7078w1.setVisibility(8); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } } class f extends TimerTask { f() { } @Override public void run() { EZCallLogFragment.this.x3(); } } class g implements d.f { g() { } @Override public void a() { EZCallLogFragment.this.o3(); } @Override public void b() { com.hjq.permissions.f.a(EZCallLogFragment.this.Q0); } } public static class h extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { private final WeakReference<EZCallLogFragment> f7092a; h(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment) { this.f7092a = new WeakReference<>(eZCallLogFragment); } @Override public Void doInBackground(Void... voidArr) { try { EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7092a.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment == null || eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0 == null || eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size() <= 0 || eZCallLogFragment.K0 == null) { return null; } Iterator it = eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((CallLogBean); } eZCallLogFragment.K0.clear(); return null; } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override public void onPostExecute(Void r12) { super.onPostExecute(r12); EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7092a.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment != null) { eZCallLogFragment.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } public class i extends ResourceCursorAdapter { IContactSplit f7093a; private final Context f7094b; i(Context context, Cursor cursor, IContactSplit iContactSplit) { super(context, R.layout.contacts_list_item, cursor, false); this.f7093a = iContactSplit; this.f7094b = context; } public void c(View view, View view2) { int intValue = ((Integer) view2.getTag()).intValue(); EZCallLogFragment.this.f7064p1.performItemClick(view, intValue, getItemId(intValue)); } @Override public String convertToString(Cursor cursor) { return cursor.getString(2); } @Override public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { try { j jVar = (j) view.getTag(); String string = cursor.getString(2); String string2 = cursor.getString(3); jVar.f7096a.setText(string, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); jVar.f7098c.setText(string2, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); EZCallLogFragment.q3((Spannable) jVar.f7096a.getText(), EZCallLogFragment.this.f7061n1); EZCallLogFragment.q3((Spannable) jVar.f7098c.getText(), EZCallLogFragment.this.f7061n1); String replace = cursor.getString(3).replace(" ", ""); jVar.f7097b.setTag(replace); jVar.f7099d = this.f7093a.getLookupUri(cursor); jVar.f7100e.setVisibility(0); try { if ("".equals(replace) || replace.length() <= 0) { EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = EZCallLogFragment.this; eZCallLogFragment.C1 = eZCallLogFragment.A1; } else { Integer num = (Integer) EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.get(String.valueOf(replace.charAt(replace.length() - 1))); if (num != null) { EZCallLogFragment.this.C1 = num.intValue(); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } com.bumptech.glide.b.u(this.f7094b).q(jVar.f7099d).U(EZCallLogFragment.this.C1).c().w0(jVar.f7100e); } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup viewGroup) { EZCallLogFragment.this.A1 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_1, R.drawable.xin_icon_1); int b10 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_2, R.drawable.xin_icon_2); int b11 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_3, R.drawable.xin_icon_3); int b12 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_4, R.drawable.xin_icon_4); int b13 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_5, R.drawable.xin_icon_5); int b14 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_6, R.drawable.xin_icon_6); int b15 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_7, R.drawable.xin_icon_7); int b16 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_8, R.drawable.xin_icon_8); int b17 = y3.k1.b(this.f7094b, R.attr.attr_xin_icon_9, R.drawable.xin_icon_9); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1 = new HashMap(); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("0", Integer.valueOf(EZCallLogFragment.this.A1)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("1", Integer.valueOf(EZCallLogFragment.this.A1)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("2", Integer.valueOf(b10)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("3", Integer.valueOf(b11)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("4", Integer.valueOf(b12)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("5", Integer.valueOf(b13)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("6", Integer.valueOf(b14)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("7", Integer.valueOf(b15)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("8", Integer.valueOf(b16)); EZCallLogFragment.this.B1.put("9", Integer.valueOf(b17)); final View newView = super.newView(context, cursor, viewGroup); j jVar = new j(); jVar.f7096a = (TextView) newView.findViewById(; ImageView imageView = (ImageView) newView.findViewById(; jVar.f7097b = imageView; if (imageView != null) { imageView.setOnClickListener(EZCallLogFragment.this.Q0); } jVar.f7098c = (TextView) newView.findViewById(; jVar.f7100e = (ImageView) newView.findViewById(; jVar.f7101f = (ImageView) newView.findViewById(; jVar.f7098c.setTypeface(EZCallLogFragment.this.C0); newView.setTag(jVar); jVar.f7101f.setTag(Integer.valueOf(cursor.getPosition())); jVar.f7101f.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public final void onClick(View view) { EZCallLogFragment.i.this.c(newView, view); } }); return newView; } } public static final class j { TextView f7096a; ImageView f7097b; TextView f7098c; Uri f7099d; ImageView f7100e; ImageView f7101f; j() { } } public static class k extends Handler { WeakReference<EZCallLogFragment> f7102a; k(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment) { this.f7102a = new WeakReference<>(eZCallLogFragment); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { super.handleMessage(message); try { EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7102a.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment != null) { int i10 = message.what; if (i10 != 15001) { if (i10 == 15002 && eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size() > 0) { eZCallLogFragment.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); eZCallLogFragment.h3(); } } else if (eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size() > 0) { eZCallLogFragment.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); eZCallLogFragment.a4(); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } private class l extends BroadcastReceiver { private l() { } l(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment, a aVar) { this(); } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if ("com.callerid.block.RELOAD_DATA_VEST".equals(intent.getAction())) { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("tony", "reload_data_vest"); } EZCallLogFragment.this.r3(); } if ("com.callerid.block.CLOSE_AD_VEST".equals(intent.getAction())) { if (EZCallLogFragment.this.P0 != null) { EZCallLogFragment.this.P0.setVisibility(8); } EZCallLogFragment.this.r3(); } } } public static class m extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Object> { String f7104a; WeakReference<EZCallLogFragment> f7105b; m(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment, String str) { this.f7105b = new WeakReference<>(eZCallLogFragment); this.f7104a = str; } @Override public Cursor doInBackground(Object[] objArr) { EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7105b.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment == null) { return null; } try { return eZCallLogFragment.f7057j1.recalculate(this.f7104a, EZCallLogFragment.H1); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Object obj) { super.onPostExecute(obj); EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7105b.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment != null) { eZCallLogFragment.l4((Cursor) obj); } } } public static class n extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Object> { WeakReference<EZCallLogFragment> f7106a; private final List<String> f7107b; private final boolean f7108c; n(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment, List<String> list, boolean z10) { this.f7106a = new WeakReference<>(eZCallLogFragment); this.f7107b = list; this.f7108c = z10; } @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objArr) { String b10; EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7106a.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment == null) { return null; } EZCallApplication d10 = EZCallApplication.d(); String country_code = y3.l.f(d10).getCountry_code(); String str = ""; if (!y3.d.d(EZCallApplication.d())) { w3.h.c(eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0, country_code); return ""; } try { String jSONArray = new JSONArray((Collection) this.f7107b).toString(); if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.c("searchList", "tel_number_list:" + jSONArray); } String c10 = y3.u.c(jSONArray); String H = r1.H(d10); String J = r1.J(d10); List<String> list = this.f7107b; String D = r1.D(d10, list.get(list.size() - 1)); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("tel_number_list", c10); hashMap.put("device", "android"); hashMap.put("uid", H); hashMap.put("version", J); hashMap.put("default_cc", country_code); hashMap.put("cc", country_code); hashMap.put("stamp", D); String b11 = y3.w.b("", hashMap, "utf-8"); if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("searchList", "result:" + b11); } b10 = y3.u.b(b11); } catch (Exception e10) { e = e10; } try { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.c("searchList", "enlode_result:" + b10); } if (b10 == null || "".equals(b10)) { eZCallLogFragment.j4(); return b10; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(b10); if (jSONObject.getInt("status") == 1) { JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray(jSONObject.getString("list")); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < jSONArray2.length(); i10++) { JSONObject jSONObject2 = jSONArray2.getJSONObject(i10); EZSearchContacts eZSearchContacts = new EZSearchContacts(); if (jSONObject2.getInt("faild_error_log") == 1) { eZSearchContacts.setSearched(true); } else { eZSearchContacts.setSearch_time(System.currentTimeMillis()); } eZSearchContacts.setOld_tel_number(jSONObject2.getString("old_tel_number")); eZSearchContacts.setTel_number(jSONObject2.getString("tel_number")); eZSearchContacts.setT_p(jSONObject2.getString("t_p")); eZSearchContacts.setFormat_tel_number(jSONObject2.getString("format_tel_number")); eZSearchContacts.setOperator(jSONObject2.getString("operator")); eZSearchContacts.setType(jSONObject2.getString("type")); eZSearchContacts.setType_label(jSONObject2.getString("type_label")); eZSearchContacts.setReport_count(jSONObject2.getString("report_count")); eZSearchContacts.setName(jSONObject2.getString(EZBlackList.NAME)); eZSearchContacts.setAddress(jSONObject2.getString("address")); eZSearchContacts.setBelong_area(jSONObject2.getString("belong_area")); eZSearchContacts.setAvatar(jSONObject2.getString("avatar")); eZSearchContacts.setFaild_error_log(jSONObject2.getInt("faild_error_log")); eZSearchContacts.setE164_tel_number(jSONObject2.getString("e164_tel_number")); eZSearchContacts.setCc(jSONObject2.getString("cc")); arrayList.add(eZSearchContacts); try { EZSearchContacts f10 = b3.h.c().f(eZSearchContacts.getOld_tel_number()); if (f10 != null) { if (f10.getSearch_time() != 0) { f10.setIs_can_search(false); } f10.setSearched(eZSearchContacts.isSearched()); f10.setType_label(eZSearchContacts.getType_label()); f10.setReport_count(eZSearchContacts.getReport_count()); f10.setBelong_area(eZSearchContacts.getBelong_area()); f10.setName(eZSearchContacts.getName()); f10.setType(eZSearchContacts.getType()); f10.setFormat_tel_number(eZSearchContacts.getFormat_tel_number()); f10.setOperator(eZSearchContacts.getOperator()); f10.setAddress(eZSearchContacts.getAddress()); f10.setAvatar(eZSearchContacts.getAvatar()); f10.setTel_number(eZSearchContacts.getTel_number()); f10.setT_p(eZSearchContacts.getT_p()); f10.setSearch_time(eZSearchContacts.getSearch_time()); f10.setE164_tel_number(eZSearchContacts.getE164_tel_number()); f10.setCc(eZSearchContacts.getCc()); b3.h.c().i(f10, "is_can_search", "isSearched", "type_label", "report_count", "belong_area", EZBlackList.NAME, "type", "format_tel_number", "operator", "address", "avatar", "tel_number", "t_p", "search_time", "e164_tel_number", "cc"); } else { b3.h.c().e(eZSearchContacts); } } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } } try { if (eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0 != null && eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size() != 0) { for (int i11 = 0; i11 < eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size(); i11++) { CallLogBean callLogBean = (CallLogBean) eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.get(i11); callLogBean.h0(false); EZSearchContacts f11 = b3.h.c().f(callLogBean.o()); if (f11 != null) { callLogBean.L0(f11.isSearched()); callLogBean.J0(f11.getSearch_time()); callLogBean.X0(r1.s(EZCallApplication.d(), f11.getType_label())); callLogBean.H0(f11.getReport_count()); callLogBean.e0(f11.getBelong_area()); callLogBean.I0(f11.getName()); if (f11.getType() != null && ("Mobile".equals(f11.getType()) || "Fixed line".equals(f11.getType()))) { callLogBean.K0(r1.x(EZCallApplication.d(), f11.getType())); } callLogBean.T0(f11.getTel_number()); callLogBean.D0(f11.getOld_tel_number()); callLogBean.u0(f11.getFormat_tel_number()); callLogBean.E0(f11.getOperator()); callLogBean.a0(f11.getAddress()); callLogBean.c0(f11.getAvatar()); callLogBean.Y0(f11.isUnSetSpam()); callLogBean.S0(f11.getT_p()); callLogBean.q0(f11.getFaild_error_log()); } } } } catch (Exception e12) { e12.printStackTrace(); } } else { eZCallLogFragment.j4(); } if (!this.f7108c) { return b10; } eZCallLogFragment.Z3(); return b10; } catch (Exception e13) { e = e13; str = b10; e.printStackTrace(); eZCallLogFragment.j4(); w3.h.c(eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0, country_code); return str; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Object obj) { super.onPostExecute(obj); EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment = this.f7106a.get(); if (eZCallLogFragment != null && eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0 != null && eZCallLogFragment.f7067r0.size() != 0) { eZCallLogFragment.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } if (eZCallLogFragment == null || !eZCallLogFragment.B0) { return; } y3.b1.j(EZCallApplication.d()); eZCallLogFragment.B0 = false; } } public class o extends TimerTask { o() { } @Override public void run() { try { String sb2 = EZCallLogFragment.this.f7058k1.toString(); if (sb2.contains("#")) { sb2 = sb2.replace('#', ' '); } if (sb2.indexOf(45) != -1) { sb2 = sb2.replaceAll("-", ""); } new m(EZCallLogFragment.this, sb2).executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, new Object[0]); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } static { Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); P1 = collator; Q1 = new String[26]; collator.setStrength(0); for (char c10 = 'a'; c10 <= 'z'; c10 = (char) (c10 + 1)) { Q1[c10 - 'a'] = String.valueOf(c10); } } public void A3(ArrayList arrayList, HashMap hashMap) { if (arrayList == null || arrayList.size() <= 0) { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { this.f7067r0.clear(); } this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { this.f7067r0 = arrayList; this.f7069s0.addAll(arrayList); this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); this.f7083z0.setText(this.f7067r0.get(0).h()); this.f7075v0 = hashMap; List<CallLogBean> list2 = this.f7067r0; if (list2 != null && list2.size() != 0) { this.W0.setVisibility(8); z2.u uVar = this.f7065q0; if (uVar != null) { uVar.E(this.f7067r0, hashMap); this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { e4(this.f7067r0, hashMap); } y3.n0.a().f34776a.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { EZCallLogFragment.this.z3(); } }); this.D0.setVisibility(8); y3.c1.P1(false); g4(); } } this.W0.setVisibility(0); this.D0.setVisibility(8); y3.c1.P1(false); g4(); } public void B3(String str, String str2) { char c10; FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton; int i10; try { this.f7061n1 = str2; this.f7061n1 = str2.replace(" ", ""); int hashCode = str.hashCode(); if (hashCode == 99339) { if (str.equals("del")) { c10 = 0; if (c10 != 0) { } if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { } floatingActionButton.setImageResource(i10); return; } c10 = 65535; if (c10 != 0) { } if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { } floatingActionButton.setImageResource(i10); return; } if (hashCode == 1550266221 && str.equals("del_all")) { c10 = 1; if (c10 != 0) { m4(false); } else if (c10 != 1) { m4(true); } else { this.f7058k1.setLength(0); this.f7061n1 = ""; G1 = false; X3(); } if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { floatingActionButton = this.f7072t1; i10 = this.f7070s1; } else { floatingActionButton = this.f7072t1; i10 = this.f7066q1; } floatingActionButton.setImageResource(i10); return; } c10 = 65535; if (c10 != 0) { } if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { } floatingActionButton.setImageResource(i10); return; } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } e10.printStackTrace(); } public void C3(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { i4(((j) view.getTag()).f7099d); } public void D3(Intent intent, View view) { FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton; int i10; Context applicationContext; String str; try { if (this.f7056i1.getVisibility() != 0) { intent.putExtra("order", true); intent.setAction("dialstatusnow"); s0.a.b(this.Q0).d(intent); this.f7056i1.setVisibility(0); this.f7072t1.setVisibility(0); k3(); String str2 = this.f7061n1; if (str2 == null || str2.equals("")) { floatingActionButton = this.f7072t1; i10 = this.f7066q1; } else { floatingActionButton = this.f7072t1; i10 = this.f7070s1; } floatingActionButton.setImageResource(i10); return; } String str3 = this.f7061n1; if (str3 == null || str3.equals("")) { this.f7056i1.setVisibility(8); this.f7072t1.setVisibility(8); intent.putExtra("order", false); intent.setAction("dialstatusnow"); s0.a.b(this.Q0).d(intent); return; } if (y3.j1.h(this.Q0.getApplicationContext())) { int t10 = y3.c1.t(); if (t10 != -1) { y3.j1.b(this.Q0, t10, this.f7061n1); return; } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) { y3.j1.r(this.Q0, this.f7061n1); return; } else { applicationContext = this.Q0.getApplicationContext(); str = this.f7061n1; } } else { applicationContext = this.Q0.getApplicationContext(); str = this.f7061n1; } y3.t0.a(applicationContext, str); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void E3() { Uri data; try { final Intent intent = new Intent();; this.f7061n1 = ""; k3(); this.f7056i1.setNumberCallBack(new EZKeyboardView.c() { @Override public final void a(String str, String str2) { EZCallLogFragment.this.B3(str, str2); } }); this.f7058k1 = new StringBuilder(); this.f7064p1.setOnCreateContextMenuListener(this.Q0); this.f7064p1.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public final void onItemClick(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { EZCallLogFragment.this.C3(adapterView, view, i10, j10); } }); this.f7064p1.setOnScrollListener(this.f7084z1); if (a4.d.d(this.Q0.getApplicationContext(), "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS")) { this.f7057j1 = ContactAccessor.getInstance(this.Q0.getContentResolver()); this.D1 = this.f7056i1.f6893b.getText().length(); if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { this.f7064p1.setVisibility(8); } else { this.f7064p1.setVisibility(0); i iVar = new i(this.Q0, null, this.f7057j1.getContactSplit()); this.f7062o1 = iVar; this.f7064p1.setAdapter((ListAdapter) iVar); this.f7064p1.invalidate(); } try { new m(this, "").executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, new Object[0]); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } f4(); try { this.f7072t1.setImageResource(this.f7066q1); } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } this.f7072t1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public final void onClick(View view) { EZCallLogFragment.this.D3(intent, view); } }); String action = this.Q0.getIntent().getAction(); if ("android.intent.action.DIAL".equals(this.Q0.getIntent().getAction())) { String dataString = this.Q0.getIntent().getDataString(); String replace = dataString != null ? dataString.replace("tel:", "") : null; if (replace == null || "".equals(replace)) { return; } try { this.f7061n1 = replace; this.f7056i1.f6893b.setText(replace); EditText editText = this.f7056i1.f6893b; editText.setSelection(editText.getText().length()); this.f7072t1.setImageResource(this.f7070s1); m4(true); y3.a0.a("dialnumber", "number:" + replace); return; } catch (Exception e12) { e = e12; } } else { if (!"android.intent.action.VIEW".equals(action) || (data = this.Q0.getIntent().getData()) == null || !"tel".equals(data.getScheme())) { return; } String replace2 = data.toString().replace("tel:", ""); if ("".equals(replace2)) { return; } try { this.f7061n1 = replace2; this.f7056i1.f6893b.setText(replace2); EditText editText2 = this.f7056i1.f6893b; editText2.setSelection(editText2.getText().length()); this.f7072t1.setImageResource(this.f7070s1); m4(true); y3.a0.a("dialnumber", "number:" + replace2); return; } catch (Exception e13) { e = e13; } } e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e14) { e14.printStackTrace(); } } public static void F3() { } public void G3(View view) { this.f7056i1.setVisibility(0); this.f7072t1.setVisibility(0); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra("order", true); intent.setAction("dialstatusnow"); s0.a.b(this.Q0).d(intent); } public void H3(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { MainActivity mainActivity; try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return; } CallLogBean callLogBean = this.f7067r0.get(i10); if (this.H0) { if (callLogBean.T()) { callLogBean.M0(false); view.setBackgroundDrawable(null); this.K0.remove(callLogBean); } else { callLogBean.M0(true); view.setBackgroundColor(y3.k1.a(this.R0, R.attr.color_calllogs_selected, R.color.colorselect)); this.K0.add(callLogBean); } c4(); return; } y3.a0.a("favtest", "contact:" + callLogBean.toString()); if (callLogBean.Q()) { Intent intent = new Intent(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable("contact_tony", callLogBean); intent.putExtras(bundle); intent.setClass(this.Q0, ContactActivity.class); S1(intent); mainActivity = this.Q0; } else { Intent intent2 = new Intent(); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putParcelable("contact_tony", callLogBean); intent2.putExtras(bundle2); intent2.setClass(this.Q0, UnknownContactActivity.class); S1(intent2); mainActivity = this.Q0; } mainActivity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.abc_fade_in, R.anim.abc_fade_out); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean I3(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list != null && list.size() != 0 && i10 < this.f7067r0.size()) { CallLogBean callLogBean = this.f7067r0.get(i10); if (!this.H0) { this.H0 = true; callLogBean.M0(true); this.K0.add(callLogBean); this.T0 = this.K0.size(); view.setBackgroundColor(y3.k1.a(this.R0, R.attr.color_calllogs_selected, R.color.colorselect)); h4(); c4(); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public boolean J3(View view, int i10, KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getAction() != 0 || i10 != 4) { return false; } y3.c1.P1(false); g4(); return true; } public void K3(boolean z10) { if (z10) { try { d4(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public void L3(boolean z10) { if (z10) { try { z2.u uVar = this.f7065q0; if (uVar == null || !uVar.E) { return; } uVar.C(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public void M3(List list, List list2) { try { this.f7071t0 = list2; if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) { this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); Z3(); } else if (this.B0) { y3.b1.j(EZCallApplication.d()); this.B0 = false; } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void N3(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList.size() != 0) { try { this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); n nVar = new n(this, arrayList, false); try { nVar.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, new Object[0]); } catch (Exception unused) { nVar.execute(new Object[0]); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public void O3( aVar) { NativeAdView nativeAdView = (NativeAdView) LayoutInflater.from(this.Q0).inflate(R.layout.aad_lxr_dx_inmobi, (ViewGroup) null);, nativeAdView); b4.d dVar = this.X0; if (dVar != null) { dVar.a(); } FrameLayout frameLayout = this.P0; if (frameLayout != null) { frameLayout.removeAllViews(); this.P0.addView(nativeAdView); this.P0.setVisibility(0); if (this.V0 == null) { this.V0 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(EZCallApplication.d(), R.anim.anim_ad); } this.P0.startAnimation(this.V0); } } public void P3() { this.X0.a(); } public void Q3(boolean z10) { if (z10) { try { d4(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } public void R3(boolean z10) { if (z10) { try { z2.u uVar = this.f7065q0; if (uVar == null || !uVar.E) { return; } uVar.C(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } private void S3() { Uri withAppendedId; Bitmap decodeStream; try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) { return; } ContentResolver contentResolver = EZCallApplication.d().getContentResolver(); for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f7067r0.size(); i10++) { try { CallLogBean callLogBean = this.f7067r0.get(i10); if (callLogBean.o() != null && !"".equals(callLogBean.o()) && !r1.e0(callLogBean.o())) { String k10 = r1.k(EZCallApplication.d(), callLogBean.o()); if ((k10 != null) && (!"".equals(k10))) { callLogBean.A0(k10); callLogBean.j0(true); int L = r1.L(EZCallApplication.d(), callLogBean.o()); callLogBean.G0(L); if (L != 0 && (withAppendedId = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, callLogBean.u())) != null && (decodeStream = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(ContactsContract.Contacts.openContactPhotoInputStream(contentResolver, withAppendedId))) != null) { callLogBean.p0(true); decodeStream.recycle(); } } else { callLogBean.j0(false); callLogBean.A0(""); callLogBean.G0(0); callLogBean.p0(false); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } } private void T3() { try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return; } for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f7067r0.size(); i10++) { CallLogBean callLogBean = this.f7067r0.get(i10); EZSearchContacts f10 = b3.h.c().f(callLogBean.o()); if (f10 != null) { callLogBean.L0(f10.isSearched()); callLogBean.X0(r1.s(EZCallApplication.d(), f10.getType_label())); callLogBean.H0(f10.getReport_count()); callLogBean.e0(f10.getBelong_area()); callLogBean.I0(f10.getName()); if (f10.getType() != null && ("Mobile".equals(f10.getType()) || "Fixed line".equals(f10.getType()))) { callLogBean.K0(r1.x(EZCallApplication.d(), f10.getType())); } callLogBean.T0(f10.getTel_number()); callLogBean.S0(f10.getT_p()); callLogBean.D0(f10.getOld_tel_number()); callLogBean.u0(f10.getFormat_tel_number()); callLogBean.E0(f10.getOperator()); callLogBean.a0(f10.getAddress()); callLogBean.c0(f10.getAvatar()); callLogBean.J0(f10.getSearch_time()); callLogBean.Y0(f10.isUnSetSpam()); callLogBean.g0(f10.isIs_can_search()); callLogBean.q0(f10.getFaild_error_log()); } } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } private static char U3(char c10) { if (Character.isDigit(c10) || c10 == '+') { return c10; } if (c10 == ' ') { return '#'; } char W3 = W3(c10); if (W3 < 'a' || W3 > 'z') { return (char) 0; } if (W3 <= 'o') { return (char) (((W3 - 'a') / 3) + 50); } if (W3 <= 's') { return '7'; } return W3 <= 'v' ? '8' : '9'; } private static int[] V3(Spannable spannable, String str) { boolean z10; Exception e10; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); String obj = spannable.toString(); int[] iArr = {-1, str.length()}; arrayList.add(0); int i10 = 0; while (true) { i10 = obj.indexOf(" ", i10 + 1); if (i10 == -1) { break; } arrayList.add(Integer.valueOf(i10 + 1)); } boolean z11 = true; for (int i11 = 0; i11 < arrayList.size(); i11++) { try { if (U3(spannable.charAt(((Integer) arrayList.get(i11)).intValue())) == str.charAt(0)) { try { iArr[0] = ((Integer) arrayList.get(i11)).intValue(); z11 = true; } catch (Exception e11) { e10 = e11; z10 = true; e10.printStackTrace(); z11 = z10; if (z11) { } if (!z11) { } } } } catch (Exception e12) { z10 = z11; e10 = e12; } if (z11) { int intValue = ((Integer) arrayList.get(i11)).intValue(); int i12 = 0; while (true) { if (i12 >= str.length()) { break; } try { if (U3(spannable.charAt(intValue)) != str.charAt(i12)) { if (spannable.charAt(intValue) != '-') { iArr[0] = -1; iArr[1] = str.length(); z11 = false; break; } iArr[1] = iArr[1] + 1; i12--; } else { continue; } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) { iArr[0] = -1; iArr[1] = str.length(); z11 = false; } intValue++; i12++; } } if (!z11) { break; } } return iArr; } private static char W3(char c10) { if (c10 == 223) { return 's'; } if (c10 == 248 || c10 == 216) { return 'o'; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(c10); Collator collator = P1; String[] strArr = Q1; int compare =, strArr[0]); if (compare == 0) { return 'a'; } int compare2 =, strArr[strArr.length - 1]); if (compare2 == 0) { return 'z'; } if (compare >= 0 && compare2 <= 0) { for (char c11 = 'b'; c11 < 'z'; c11 = (char) (c11 + 1)) { if (, Q1[c11 - 'a']) == 0) { return c11; } } } return c10; } private void X3() { this.f7059l1.removeCallbacks(this.f7060m1); this.f7059l1.postDelayed(this.f7060m1, 500L); } public void Z3() { List list; boolean z10; try { if (this.f7071t0.size() > 20) { list = new ArrayList(this.f7071t0.subList(0, 20)); this.f7071t0.removeAll(list); z10 = true; } else { list = this.f7071t0; z10 = false; } if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.c("searchList", "searchNumberList.size:" + this.f7071t0.size()); y3.a0.c("searchList", "canSearchList.size:" + list.size()); } n nVar = new n(this, list, z10); if (nVar.getStatus() != AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING) { nVar.cancel(true); new n(this, list, z10).executeOnExecutor(y3.m1.a(), new Object[0]); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void a4() { try { i3.h.b(this.f7067r0, new i3.i() { @Override public final void a(List list, List list2) { EZCallLogFragment.this.M3(list, list2); } }); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void b4(int i10, int i11) { try { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("searchList", "滑动后查询 start:" + i10 + " end:" + i11); } i3.h.a(i10, i11, this.f7067r0, new i3.e() { @Override public final void a(ArrayList arrayList) { EZCallLogFragment.this.N3(arrayList); } }); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressLint({"SetTextI18n"}) private void c4() { ImageView imageView; int i10; List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) { return; } this.F0.setText(this.K0.size() + "/" + this.f7067r0.size()); if (this.K0.size() > 0) { y3.c1.P1(true); imageView = this.G0; i10 = 0; } else { imageView = this.G0; i10 = 8; } imageView.setVisibility(i10); } private void d4() { try { this.M0 = 0; this.X0 = b4.c.a(this.P0).j(R.layout.loading_layout_item).k(true).g(0).i(1000).h(R.color.shimmer_color).l(); a.C0109a c0109a = new a.C0109a(EZCallApplication.d(), "ca-app-pub-5825926894918682/8600262755"); c0109a.c(new a.c() { @Override public final void a( aVar) { EZCallLogFragment.this.O3(aVar); } }); c0109a.g(new a.C0263a().h(new r.a().b(true).a()).a()); a10 = c0109a.e(new d()).a(); this.N0 = a10; a10.a(new b.a().c()); try { new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { EZCallLogFragment.this.P3(); } }, 3000L); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } } private void e4(List<CallLogBean> list, HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap) { z2.u uVar = new z2.u(this.Q0, list, hashMap, this.f7063p0); this.f7065q0 = uVar; this.f7063p0.setAdapter((ListAdapter) uVar); this.f7063p0.invalidate(); } private void f4() { int a10 = y3.k1.a(this.Q0, R.attr.color_333333, R.color.color_333333); SharedPreferences defaultSharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this.Q0); I1 = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean("matched_italics", false); J1 = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean("matched_bold", true); K1 = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean("matched_colour", true); O1 = new ForegroundColorSpan(a10); H1 = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean("match_num_sequence", true); L1 = defaultSharedPreferences.getBoolean("auto_hide_dialpad_on_fling", true); } private void g4() { this.D0.setVisibility(8); this.E0.setVisibility(0); this.H0 = false; l3(); } public void h3() { try { g3.a.a(new a()); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } private void h4() { this.D0.setVisibility(0); this.E0.setVisibility(8); } private static void i3(Spannable spannable, int i10, int i11) { if (i11 == 0) { return; } Log.d("SPANNABLE NAME", "" + ((Object) spannable)); if (I1) { spannable.setSpan(M1, i10, i10 + i11, 33); } if (J1) { spannable.setSpan(N1, i10, i10 + i11, 33); } if (K1) { spannable.setSpan(O1, i10, i11 + i10, 33); } } private void i4(Uri uri) { try { Uri contactUri = this.f7057j1.getContactSplit().getContactUri(uri); Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW"); intent.setData(contactUri); S1(intent); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } private static String j3(char c10) { if (c10 == '*') { return "?"; } switch (c10) { case '2': return "[2ABCÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåĀāĂ㥹ǍǎǞǟǠǡǺǻȀȁȂȃȦȧḀḁẠạẢảẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẮắẰằẲẳẴẵẶặÅfrom b: ḂḃḄḅḆḇÇçĆćĈĉĊċČčḈḉ]"; case '3': return "[3DEFĎďḊḋḌḍḎḏḐḑḒḓÈÉÊËèéêëĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěȄȅȆȇȨȩḔḕḖḗḘḙḚḛḜḝẸẹẺẻẼẽẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệḞḟ]"; case '4': return "[4GHIĜĝĞğĠġĢģǦǧǴǵḠḡĤĥȞȟḢḣḤḥḦḧḨḩḪḫẖÌÍÎÏìíîïĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİǏǐȈȉȊȋḬḭḮḯỈỉỊị]"; case '5': return "[5JKLĴĵǰĶķǨǩḰḱḲḳḴḵKĹĺĻļĽľḶḷḸḹḺḻḼḽ]"; case '6': return "[6MNOḾḿṀṁṂṃÑñŃńŅņŇňǸǹṄṅṆṇṈṉṊṋÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøŌōŎŏŐőƠơǑǒǪǫǬǭȌȍȎȏȪȫȬȭȮȯȰȱṌṍṎṏṐṑṒṓỌọỎỏỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộỚớỜờỞởỠỡỢợ]"; case '7': return "[7PQRSṔṕṖṗŔŕŖŗŘřȐȑȒȓṘṙṚṛṜṝṞṟߌśŜŝŞşŠšȘșṠṡṢṣṤṥṦṧṨṩ]"; case '8': return "[8TUVŢţŤťȚțṪṫṬṭṮṯṰṱẗÙÚÛÜùúûüŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųƯưǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜȔȕȖȗṲṳṴṵṶṷṸṹṺṻỤụỦủỨứỪừỬửỮữỰựṼṽṾṿ]"; case '9': return "[9WXYZŴŵẀẁẂẃẄẅẆẇẈẉẘẊẋẌẍÝýÿŶŷŸȲȳẎẏẙỲỳỴỵỶỷỸỹŹźŻżŽžẐẑẒẓẔẕ]"; default: return String.valueOf(c10); } } public void j4() { try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return; } for (int i10 = 0; i10 < this.f7067r0.size(); i10++) { this.f7067r0.get(i10).h0(false); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } private void k3() { LImageButton lImageButton; SubscriptionManager from; List<SubscriptionInfo> activeSubscriptionInfoList; CharSequence carrierName; CharSequence carrierName2; CharSequence carrierName3; CharSequence carrierName4; CharSequence carrierName5; CharSequence carrierName6; try { if (androidx.core.content.a.a(this.Q0.getApplicationContext(), "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE") != 0) { return; } int t10 = y3.c1.t(); if (!y3.j1.h(this.Q0)) { LImageButton lImageButton2 = this.f7074u1; if (lImageButton2 != null) { lImageButton2.setVisibility(8); } LImageButton lImageButton3 = this.f7076v1; if (lImageButton3 != null) { lImageButton3.setVisibility(8); } LImageButton lImageButton4 = this.f7078w1; if (lImageButton4 != null) { lImageButton4.setVisibility(8); return; } return; } if (t10 != 0) { if (t10 == 1) { LImageButton lImageButton5 = this.f7074u1; if (lImageButton5 != null) { lImageButton5.setVisibility(8); } LImageButton lImageButton6 = this.f7076v1; if (lImageButton6 != null) { lImageButton6.setVisibility(0); } lImageButton = this.f7078w1; if (lImageButton != null) { lImageButton.setVisibility(8); } } else if (t10 == -1) { LImageButton lImageButton7 = this.f7074u1; if (lImageButton7 != null) { lImageButton7.setVisibility(8); } LImageButton lImageButton8 = this.f7076v1; if (lImageButton8 != null) { lImageButton8.setVisibility(8); } LImageButton lImageButton9 = this.f7078w1; if (lImageButton9 != null) { lImageButton9.setVisibility(0); } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) { from = SubscriptionManager.from(this.Q0); this.f7082y1 = from; activeSubscriptionInfoList = from.getActiveSubscriptionInfoList(); this.f7080x1 = activeSubscriptionInfoList; if (activeSubscriptionInfoList == null || activeSubscriptionInfoList.size() != 2) { return; } SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo = this.f7080x1.get(0); SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo2 = this.f7080x1.get(1); if (subscriptionInfo != null) { carrierName4 = subscriptionInfo.getCarrierName(); if (carrierName4 != null) { carrierName5 = subscriptionInfo.getCarrierName(); if (!"".contentEquals(carrierName5)) { carrierName6 = subscriptionInfo.getCarrierName(); carrierName6.toString(); } } } if (subscriptionInfo2 != null) { carrierName = subscriptionInfo2.getCarrierName(); if (carrierName != null) { carrierName2 = subscriptionInfo2.getCarrierName(); if ("".contentEquals(carrierName2)) { return; } carrierName3 = subscriptionInfo2.getCarrierName(); carrierName3.toString(); return; } return; } return; } return; } LImageButton lImageButton10 = this.f7074u1; if (lImageButton10 != null) { lImageButton10.setVisibility(0); } LImageButton lImageButton11 = this.f7076v1; if (lImageButton11 != null) { lImageButton11.setVisibility(8); } lImageButton = this.f7078w1; } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void k4() { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra("order", false); intent.setAction("dialstatusnow"); s0.a.b(this.Q0).d(intent); this.f7056i1.setVisibility(8); this.f7072t1.setVisibility(8); } private void l3() { new h(this).execute(new Void[0]); } public void l4(Cursor cursor) { try { if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { G1 = true; } if ("".equals(this.f7061n1)) { this.f7064p1.setVisibility(8); try { this.f7062o1.getCursor().deactivate(); } catch (NullPointerException e10) { e10.getMessage(); } this.f7062o1.changeCursor(cursor); } else { this.f7062o1 = new i(this.Q0, cursor, this.f7057j1.getContactSplit()); this.f7064p1.setVisibility(0); this.f7064p1.setAdapter((ListAdapter) this.f7062o1); } this.f7064p1.invalidate(); } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } } private void m3() { char[] charArray = this.f7061n1.toCharArray(); this.f7058k1.setLength(0); for (char c10 : charArray) { this.f7058k1.append(j3(c10)); } } private void m4(boolean z10) { if (!z10) { G1 = false; } m3(); if (G1) { return; } X3(); } @SuppressLint({"SetTextI18n"}) public void o3() { try { List<CallLogBean> list = this.f7067r0; if (list == null || list.size() <= 0 || this.K0.size() <= 0) { return; } this.F0.setText("0/" + this.f7067r0.size()); i3.g.a(EZCallApplication.d(), this.K0, new i3.f() { @Override public final void a() { EZCallLogFragment.this.y3(); } }); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } private void p3(View view) { this.P0 = (FrameLayout) view.findViewById(; this.W0 = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(; ((TextView) view.findViewById(; this.W0.setVisibility(8); } public static void q3(Spannable spannable, String str) { int[] V3; int i10; if (str.length() == 0 || (i10 = (V3 = V3(spannable, str))[0]) == -1) { return; } i3(spannable, i10, V3[1]); } private void t3() { this.Q0.getWindow().getDecorView().post(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { EZCallLogFragment.this.E3(); } }); } static int u2(EZCallLogFragment eZCallLogFragment) { int i10 = eZCallLogFragment.M0; eZCallLogFragment.M0 = i10 + 1; return i10; } private void u3() { this.D0 = (LinearLayout) this.Q0.findViewById(; this.E0 = (FrameLayout) this.Q0.findViewById(; ImageView imageView = (ImageView) this.Q0.findViewById(; imageView.setOnClickListener(this); this.F0 = (TextView) this.Q0.findViewById(; ImageView imageView2 = (ImageView) this.Q0.findViewById(; this.G0 = imageView2; imageView2.setOnClickListener(this); if (r1.S(this.Q0).booleanValue()) { imageView.setImageResource(y3.k1.b(this.Q0, R.attr.attr_ayu_seet, R.drawable.ayu_seet_black)); } } private void v3() { Timer timer; View inflate = LayoutInflater.from(this.Q0).inflate(R.layout.view_head_share, (ViewGroup) null); this.Y0 = (ViewStub) inflate.findViewById(; this.Z0 = (ViewStub) inflate.findViewById(; TextView textView = (TextView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7083z0 = textView; textView.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7055h1 = y3.n1.b(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29) { if (s1.f() && y3.c1.Z()) { y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_guide_show"); try { View inflate2 = this.Y0.inflate(); this.f7048a1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7050c1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7051d1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7049b1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7048a1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7049b1.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7050c1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7051d1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7050c1.setOnClickListener(this); this.f7051d1.setOnClickListener(this); } catch (Exception unused) { this.Y0.setVisibility(0); } timer = new Timer(); this.S0 = timer; this.f7063p0.addHeaderView(inflate, null, false); } this.Y0.setVisibility(8); this.f7063p0.addHeaderView(inflate, null, false); } if (!a4.d.i(this.Q0)) { try { View inflate3 = this.Z0.inflate(); this.f7052e1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate3.findViewById(; this.f7054g1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate3.findViewById(; this.f7053f1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate3.findViewById(; this.f7052e1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7053f1.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7054g1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7054g1.setOnClickListener(this); } catch (Exception unused2) { this.Z0.setVisibility(0); } this.f7063p0.addHeaderView(inflate, null, false); } this.Z0.setVisibility(8); if (s1.f() && y3.c1.Z()) { y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_guide_show"); try { View inflate4 = this.Y0.inflate(); this.f7048a1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate4.findViewById(; this.f7050c1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate4.findViewById(; this.f7051d1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate4.findViewById(; this.f7049b1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate4.findViewById(; this.f7048a1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7049b1.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7050c1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7051d1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7050c1.setOnClickListener(this); this.f7051d1.setOnClickListener(this); } catch (Exception unused3) { this.Y0.setVisibility(0); } timer = new Timer(); this.S0 = timer; this.f7063p0.addHeaderView(inflate, null, false); } this.Y0.setVisibility(8); this.f7063p0.addHeaderView(inflate, null, false); } private void w3() { View inflate = LayoutInflater.from(this.Q0).inflate(R.layout.popuwindow_filter, (ViewGroup) null); com.rey.material.widget.TextView textView = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; com.rey.material.widget.TextView textView2 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; com.rey.material.widget.TextView textView3 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; com.rey.material.widget.TextView textView4 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; com.rey.material.widget.TextView textView5 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; textView.setTypeface(this.C0); textView2.setTypeface(this.C0); textView3.setTypeface(this.C0); textView4.setTypeface(this.C0); textView5.setTypeface(this.C0); textView.setOnClickListener(this); textView2.setOnClickListener(this); textView3.setOnClickListener(this); textView4.setOnClickListener(this); textView5.setOnClickListener(this); this.f7079x0 = new PopupWindow(inflate); this.f7079x0.setWidth(this.Q0.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth() / 2); this.f7079x0.setHeight(-2); this.f7079x0.setFocusable(true); this.f7079x0.setAnimationStyle(; this.f7079x0.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0)); } public void x3() { try { if (!a4.d.m(this.R0)) { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("wbb", "未开启通知管理"); return; } return; } this.U0.cancel(); if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("wbb", "开启了通知管理"); } y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_notifi_per_enabled"); y3.c1.C1(true); this.R0.startActivity(new Intent(this.Q0, (Class<?>) MainActivity.class)); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void y3() { try { this.K0.clear(); r3(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void z3() { T3(); this.O0.sendEmptyMessage(15001); S3(); this.O0.sendEmptyMessage(15002); } @Override public View E0(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.contact_record_list, viewGroup, false); this.f7064p1 = (ListView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7056i1 = (EZKeyboardView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7072t1 = (FloatingActionButton) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7074u1 = (LImageButton) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7076v1 = (LImageButton) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7078w1 = (LImageButton) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7066q1 = y3.k1.b(this.Q0, R.attr.keyboard_down, R.drawable.keyboard_down); this.f7068r1 = y3.k1.b(this.Q0, R.attr.keyboard_up, R.drawable.keyboard_up); this.f7070s1 = y3.k1.b(this.Q0, R.attr.dial_button_icon, R.drawable.dial_button); t3(); this.C0 = y3.n1.c(); this.f7081y0 = (ProgressBar) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7063p0 = (ObservableListView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7067r0 = new ArrayList(); w3(); v3(); p3(inflate); this.L0 = true; e4(this.f7067r0, this.f7075v0); FloatingActionButton floatingActionButton = (FloatingActionButton) inflate.findViewById(; this.A0 = floatingActionButton; floatingActionButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public final void onClick(View view) { EZCallLogFragment.this.G3(view); } }); this.A0.setShowAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this.Q0, R.anim.show_from_bottom)); this.A0.setHideAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this.Q0, R.anim.hide_to_bottom)); u3(); this.f7063p0.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public final void onItemClick(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { EZCallLogFragment.this.H3(adapterView, view, i10, j10); } }); this.f7063p0.setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public final boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i10, long j10) { boolean I3; I3 = EZCallLogFragment.this.I3(adapterView, view, i10, j10); return I3; } }); this.f7063p0.setOnScrollListener(new c()); r3(); this.f7077w0 = new l(this, null); IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction("com.callerid.block.RELOAD_DATA_VEST"); intentFilter.addAction("com.callerid.block.CLOSE_AD_VEST"); s0.a.b(this.R0).c(this.f7077w0, intentFilter); y3.a0.a("testrecommend", "Oncreate方法"); this.B0 = true; return inflate; } @Override public void F0() { super.F0(); try { TimerTask timerTask = this.U0; if (timerTask != null) { timerTask.cancel(); this.U0 = null; } Timer timer = this.S0; if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); this.S0 = null; } y3.c1.P1(false); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } s0.a.b(this.R0).e(this.f7077w0); } @Override public void Q0() { super.Q0(); y3.c1.P1(false); } @Override public void R1(boolean z10) { InputMethodManager inputMethodManager; View peekDecorView; super.R1(z10); y3.a0.a("testrecommend", "setUserVisibleHint()"); if (z10) { y3.m.c().g("enter_callLog_tab_page"); y3.a0.a("testenter", "首页通话记录展示次数"); try { g3.a.a(new g3.b() { @Override public final void a(boolean z11) { EZCallLogFragment.this.Q3(z11); } }); g3.a.a(new g3.b() { @Override public final void a(boolean z11) { EZCallLogFragment.this.R3(z11); } }); MainActivity mainActivity = this.Q0; if (mainActivity == null || (inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) mainActivity.getSystemService("input_method")) == null || !inputMethodManager.isActive() || this.Q0.getWindow() == null || (peekDecorView = this.Q0.getWindow().peekDecorView()) == null || peekDecorView.getWindowToken() == null) { return; } inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(peekDecorView.getWindowToken(), 0); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void V0() { super.V0(); try { if (y3.c1.l0()) { this.Y0.setVisibility(8); } if (this.L0) { this.L0 = false; } else { g3.a.a(new g3.b() { @Override public final void a(boolean z10) { EZCallLogFragment.this.K3(z10); } }); } g3.a.a(new g3.b() { @Override public final void a(boolean z10) { EZCallLogFragment.this.L3(z10); } }); if (c0() != null) { c0().setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener() { @Override public final boolean onKey(View view, int i10, KeyEvent keyEvent) { boolean J3; J3 = EZCallLogFragment.this.J3(view, i10, keyEvent); return J3; } }); } f4(); } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void Y3() { Intent createRequestRoleIntent; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) { y3.m.c().g("permissiondialershow"); createRequestRoleIntent = ((RoleManager) this.Q0.getSystemService("role")).createRequestRoleIntent(""); startActivityForResult(createRequestRoleIntent, 1); } } public void n3() { AnonymousClass9 anonymousClass9 = new AnonymousClass9(; anonymousClass9.m(T().getString(R.string.update_dialog_ok)).h(T().getString(R.string.cancel_dialog)); anonymousClass9.o(T().getString(R.string.delete_all_call)); anonymousClass9.r(y3.n1.c());, null); } @Override @SuppressLint({"NonConstantResourceId", "NewApi"}) public void onClick(View view) { MainActivity mainActivity; Intent intent; Object systemService; boolean isRoleAvailable; boolean isRoleHeld; int i10; int id = view.getId(); try { switch (id) { case try { String str = (String) view.getTag(); if (!y3.j1.h(this.Q0.getApplicationContext())) { mainActivity = this.Q0; } else { if (y3.c1.t() != -1) { return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) { y3.j1.r(this.Q0, str); return; } mainActivity = this.Q0; } y3.t0.a(mainActivity.getApplicationContext(), str); return; } catch (Exception unused) { Toast.makeText(this.Q0.getApplicationContext(), this.Q0.getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.no_phone_related), 1).show(); return; } case a4.d.o(this.Q0, new g()); y3.c1.P1(false); return; case y3.c1.P1(false); g4(); return; case if (a4.d.i(this.Q0)) { return; } Y3(); return; case y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_guide_click_close"); y3.c1.p1(false); this.Y0.setVisibility(8); return; case y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_guide_click_open"); y3.c1.p1(false); if (a4.d.m(this.R0)) { y3.c1.C1(true); } else { a4.e.b(this.R0); f fVar = new f(); this.U0 = fVar; Timer timer = this.S0; if (timer != null) { timer.schedule(fVar, 0L, 500L); } } this.Y0.setVisibility(8); return; default: switch (id) { case y3.c1.G0(0); k3(); return; case y3.c1.G0(1); k3(); return; case y3.c1.G0(-1); k3(); return; default: switch (id) { case if (y3.c1.i(EZCallApplication.d()) != 0) { y3.c1.w0(EZCallApplication.d(), 0); s3(); } this.f7079x0.dismiss(); return; case this.f7079x0.dismiss(); int i11 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (i11 < 23 || a4.d.j(EZCallApplication.d())) { n3(); return; } try { if (i11 >= 29) { systemService = this.R0.getSystemService((Class<Object>) RoleManager.class); RoleManager roleManager = (RoleManager) systemService; if (roleManager != null) { isRoleAvailable = roleManager.isRoleAvailable(""); if (isRoleAvailable) { isRoleHeld = roleManager.isRoleHeld(""); if (isRoleHeld) { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("default_dialer", "This app is the default dialer app"); } n3(); } else { if (y3.a0.f34733a) { y3.a0.a("default_dialer", "This app isn't the default dialer app"); } intent = roleManager.createRequestRoleIntent(""); } } } y3.m.c().g("delete_request_default_dialer"); return; } intent = new Intent("android.telecom.action.CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER"); intent.putExtra("android.telecom.extra.CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER_PACKAGE_NAME", r1.z(EZCallApplication.d())); startActivityForResult(intent, ErrorCode.ERROR_CODE_PATH_ERROR); y3.m.c().g("delete_request_default_dialer"); return; } catch (Exception e10) { n3(); e10.printStackTrace(); return; } case if (y3.c1.i(EZCallApplication.d()) != 1) { y3.c1.w0(EZCallApplication.d(), 1); s3(); } this.f7079x0.dismiss(); return; case i10 = 3; break; case i10 = 2; break; default: return; } } } } catch (Exception e11) { e11.printStackTrace(); } e11.printStackTrace(); } public void r3() { try { if (a4.d.f(this.R0)) { this.f7067r0.clear(); z2.u uVar = this.f7065q0; if (uVar != null) { uVar.notifyDataSetChanged(); } this.f7069s0.clear(); this.f7073u0.clear(); i3.c.a(new i3.a() { @Override public final void a(ArrayList arrayList, HashMap hashMap) { EZCallLogFragment.this.A3(arrayList, hashMap); } }); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } public void s3() { List<CallLogBean> list; try { if (this.f7069s0.size() > 0) { int i10 = y3.c1.i(EZCallApplication.d()); this.f7067r0.clear(); for (int i11 = 0; i11 < this.f7069s0.size(); i11++) { CallLogBean callLogBean = this.f7069s0.get(i11); if (i10 == 0) { this.f7067r0.addAll(this.f7069s0); } else if (i10 == 1) { if (callLogBean.J() == 1) { list = this.f7067r0; list.add(callLogBean); } } else if (i10 == 2) { if (callLogBean.J() == 2) { list = this.f7067r0; list.add(callLogBean); } } else if (i10 == 3 && callLogBean.J() == 3) { list = this.f7067r0; list.add(callLogBean); } } List<CallLogBean> list2 = this.f7067r0; if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) { this.f7083z0.setText(this.f7067r0.get(0).h()); } this.f7065q0.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } catch (Exception e10) { e10.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void u0(Bundle bundle) { super.u0(bundle); } @Override public void v0(int i10, int i11, Intent intent) { super.v0(i10, i11, intent); if (i10 == 999 && a4.d.j(EZCallApplication.d())) { y3.m.c().g("delete_request_default_dialer_enabled"); } if (i10 == 1) { if (!a4.d.i(this.Q0)) { try { View inflate = this.Z0.inflate(); this.f7052e1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7054g1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7053f1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate.findViewById(; this.f7052e1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7053f1.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7054g1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7054g1.setOnClickListener(this); return; } catch (Exception unused) { this.Z0.setVisibility(0); return; } } y3.m.c().g("permissiondialershowok"); this.Z0.setVisibility(8); if (!s1.f() || !y3.c1.Z()) { this.Y0.setVisibility(8); return; } y3.m.c().g("whatsapp_guide_show"); try { View inflate2 = this.Y0.inflate(); this.f7048a1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7050c1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7051d1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7049b1 = (com.rey.material.widget.TextView) inflate2.findViewById(; this.f7048a1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7049b1.setTypeface(this.C0); this.f7050c1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7051d1.setTypeface(this.f7055h1); this.f7050c1.setOnClickListener(this); this.f7051d1.setOnClickListener(this); } catch (Exception unused2) { this.Y0.setVisibility(0); } this.S0 = new Timer(); } } @Override public void x0(Context context) { super.x0(context); this.Q0 = (MainActivity) context; this.R0 = context; } }