十八摸 v1.2.0版本的 MD5 值为:124d0569983b1a978779bc818002364d

以下内容为反编译后的 BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.caoliu.lib_common.base;

import app.a.module_stream.Cdo;
import com.blankj.utilcode.util.GsonUtils;
import com.blankj.utilcode.util.SPUtils;
import com.blankj.utilcode.util.ToastUtils;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.Cfinal;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.Cgoto;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.ExKt;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.entity.RefreshBaseUrl;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.entity.VersionEvent;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.entity.VersionResponse;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.manager.BaseRetrofitKt;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.manager.Cif;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.repository.MineRepository;
import com.caoliu.lib_common.repository.MineRepositoryKt;
import com.caoliu.lib_http.APIException;
import d6.Cthrow;
import d6.Cwhile;
import i.Cnew;
import i.Ctry;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import kotlin.Cclass;
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.CoroutineSingletons;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda;
import kotlinx.coroutines.Cfinally;
import z5.Cfor;
@Cfor(c = "com.caoliu.lib_common.base.BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2", f = "BaseViewModel.kt", l = {131, 208, 168, 208, 177, 208, 208}, m = "invokeSuspend")
public final class BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2 extends SuspendLambda implements Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> {
    public final Cwhile<Cfinally, APIException, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $catchBlock;
    public final Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $finallyBlock;
    public final boolean $handleCancellationExceptionManually;
    public final Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $tryBlock;
    private Object L$0;
    public Object L$1;
    public Object L$2;
    public int label;
    public final BaseViewModel this$0;

    @Cfor(c = "com.caoliu.lib_common.base.BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2$1", f = "BaseViewModel.kt", l = {138, 139}, m = "invokeSuspend")
    public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends SuspendLambda implements Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> {
        public final Cwhile<Cfinally, APIException, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $catchBlock;
        public final Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $finallyBlock;
        public final boolean $handleCancellationExceptionManually;
        public final Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> $tryBlock;
        public int label;
        public final BaseViewModel this$0;

        public AnonymousClass1(BaseViewModel baseViewModel, Cthrow<? super Cfinally, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cthrow, Cwhile<? super Cfinally, ? super APIException, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cwhile, Cthrow<? super Cfinally, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cthrow2, boolean z6, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super AnonymousClass1> cfor) {
            super(2, cfor);
            this.this$0 = baseViewModel;
            this.$tryBlock = cthrow;
            this.$catchBlock = cwhile;
            this.$finallyBlock = cthrow2;
            this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually = z6;

        public final kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<Cclass> create(Object obj, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<?> cfor) {
            return new AnonymousClass1(this.this$0, this.$tryBlock, this.$catchBlock, this.$finallyBlock, this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually, cfor);

        public final Object invoke(Cfinally cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass> cfor) {
            return ((AnonymousClass1) create(cfinally, cfor)).invokeSuspend(Cclass.f12043do);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            CoroutineSingletons coroutineSingletons = CoroutineSingletons.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
            int i7 = this.label;
            if (i7 == 0) {
                MineRepository m1533do = MineRepositoryKt.m1533do();
                this.label = 1;
                if (MineRepository.m1494throws(m1533do, "", false, this, 2) == coroutineSingletons) {
                    return coroutineSingletons;
            } else if (i7 != 1) {
                if (i7 != 2) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                return Cclass.f12043do;
            } else {
            BaseViewModel baseViewModel = this.this$0;
            Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow = this.$tryBlock;
            Cwhile<Cfinally, APIException, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cwhile = this.$catchBlock;
            Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow2 = this.$finallyBlock;
            boolean z6 = this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually;
            this.label = 2;
            if (BaseViewModel.m1339do(baseViewModel, cthrow, cwhile, cthrow2, z6, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                return coroutineSingletons;
            return Cclass.f12043do;

    @Cfor(c = "com.caoliu.lib_common.base.BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2$2", f = "BaseViewModel.kt", l = {}, m = "invokeSuspend")
    public static final class AnonymousClass2 extends SuspendLambda implements Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> {
        public int label;
        public final BaseViewModel this$0;

        public AnonymousClass2(BaseViewModel baseViewModel, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super AnonymousClass2> cfor) {
            super(2, cfor);
            this.this$0 = baseViewModel;

        public final kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<Cclass> create(Object obj, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<?> cfor) {
            return new AnonymousClass2(this.this$0, cfor);

        public final Object invoke(Cfinally cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass> cfor) {
            return ((AnonymousClass2) create(cfinally, cfor)).invokeSuspend(Cclass.f12043do);

        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            CoroutineSingletons coroutineSingletons = CoroutineSingletons.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
            if (this.label == 0) {
                final List<String> m1429do = Cgoto.m1429do("https://d3w1ry862pohtf.cloudfront.net/sf15/domain/NuMUaLs6", 5000);
                if (((ArrayList) m1429do).isEmpty()) {
                    m1429do = Cgoto.m1429do("https://storagesf.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/sf15/domain/NuMUaLs6", 5000);
                final BaseViewModel baseViewModel = this.this$0;
                if (m1429do.isEmpty()) {
                    baseViewModel.f2656if.setValue(new APIException(500, "服务器异常"));
                } else if (m1429do.size() <= baseViewModel.f2655for) {
                    baseViewModel.f2656if.setValue(new APIException(500, "服务器异常"));
                } else {
                    ExKt.m1311protected(0L, new d6.Cdo<Cclass>() {

                        public Cclass invoke() {
                            return Cclass.f12043do;

                        public final void invoke2() {
                            int i7 = BaseViewModel.this.f2655for;
                            Cif cif = Cif.f3021for;
                            if (cif.f3012do != null) {
                                String str = m1429do.get(i7);
                                Cfinal.m1144throw(str, "<set-?>");
                                e3.Cif.f9951import = str;
                                Object m6163if = cif.m1438if(str).m6163if(Ctry.class);
                                Cfinal.m1142super(m6163if, "NetManager.createRetrofi…ate(VideoApi::class.java)");
                                Ctry ctry = i.Cdo.f11139do;
                                i.Cdo.f11139do = (Ctry) m6163if;
                                Object m6163if2 = cif.m1438if(e3.Cif.f9951import).m6163if(i.Cfor.class);
                                Cfinal.m1142super(m6163if2, "NetManager.createRetrofi…eate(FileApi::class.java)");
                                i.Cdo.f11141if = (i.Cfor) m6163if2;
                                Object m6163if3 = cif.m1438if(e3.Cif.f9951import).m6163if(Cnew.class);
                                Cfinal.m1142super(m6163if3, "NetManager.createRetrofi…te(SquareApi::class.java)");
                                i.Cdo.f11140for = (Cnew) m6163if3;
                                Object m6163if4 = cif.m1438if(e3.Cif.f9951import).m6163if(i.Cif.class);
                                Cfinal.m1142super(m6163if4, "NetManager.createRetrofi…e(CommentApi::class.java)");
                                i.Cdo.f11142new = (i.Cif) m6163if4;
                                r6.Cfor.m6108if().m6110case(new RefreshBaseUrl(e3.Cif.f9951import));
                                BaseViewModel.this.f2658try = false;
                            throw null;
                    }, 1);
                return Cclass.f12043do;
            throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");

    public BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2(Cthrow<? super Cfinally, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cthrow, BaseViewModel baseViewModel, boolean z6, Cwhile<? super Cfinally, ? super APIException, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cwhile, Cthrow<? super Cfinally, ? super kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, ? extends Object> cthrow2, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2> cfor) {
        super(2, cfor);
        this.$tryBlock = cthrow;
        this.this$0 = baseViewModel;
        this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually = z6;
        this.$catchBlock = cwhile;
        this.$finallyBlock = cthrow2;

    public final kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<Cclass> create(Object obj, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<?> cfor) {
        BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2 baseViewModel$tryCatch$2 = new BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2(this.$tryBlock, this.this$0, this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually, this.$catchBlock, this.$finallyBlock, cfor);
        baseViewModel$tryCatch$2.L$0 = obj;
        return baseViewModel$tryCatch$2;

    public final Object invoke(Cfinally cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass> cfor) {
        return ((BaseViewModel$tryCatch$2) create(cfinally, cfor)).invokeSuspend(Cclass.f12043do);

    public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
        Exception exc;
        APIException aPIException;
        Cfinally cfinally;
        Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow;
        CoroutineSingletons coroutineSingletons = CoroutineSingletons.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
        String str = "";
        try {
            try {
            } catch (APIException e7) {
                BaseViewModel.m1340if(this.this$0, false, false, null, false, false, null, false, 126, null);
                int code = e7.getCode();
                if (code == 6) {
                    SPUtils.getInstance().put("token", str);
                    BaseRetrofitKt.m1436do(new AnonymousClass1(this.this$0, this.$tryBlock, this.$catchBlock, this.$finallyBlock, this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually, null));
                } else if (code != 404) {
                } else {
                    try {
                        VersionResponse versionResponse = (VersionResponse) GsonUtils.fromJson(e7.getMsg(), (Class<Object>) VersionResponse.class);
                        r6.Cfor m6108if = r6.Cfor.m6108if();
                        Cfinal.m1142super(versionResponse, "d");
                        m6108if.m6110case(new VersionEvent(versionResponse));
                    } catch (Exception e8) {
                if (this.$handleCancellationExceptionManually) {
                    Cwhile<Cfinally, APIException, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cwhile = this.$catchBlock;
                    this.L$0 = cfinally;
                    this.label = 3;
                    if (cwhile.invoke(cfinally, e7, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                        return coroutineSingletons;
                } else {
                    throw e7;
            } catch (Exception e9) {
                BaseViewModel.m1340if(this.this$0, false, false, null, false, false, null, false, 126, null);
                APIException aPIException2 = new APIException(500, str);
                Cwhile<Cfinally, APIException, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cwhile2 = this.$catchBlock;
                this.L$0 = cfinally;
                this.L$1 = e9;
                this.L$2 = aPIException2;
                this.label = 5;
                if (cwhile2.invoke(cfinally, aPIException2, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                    return coroutineSingletons;
                exc = e9;
                aPIException = aPIException2;
            switch (this.label) {
                case 0:
                    cfinally = (Cfinally) this.L$0;
                    Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow2 = this.$tryBlock;
                    this.L$0 = cfinally;
                    this.label = 1;
                    if (cthrow2.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                        return coroutineSingletons;
                    cthrow = this.$finallyBlock;
                    this.L$0 = null;
                    str = 2;
                    str = 2;
                    this.label = 2;
                    if (cthrow.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                        return coroutineSingletons;
                    return Cclass.f12043do;
                case 1:
                    cfinally = (Cfinally) this.L$0;
                    cthrow = this.$finallyBlock;
                    this.L$0 = null;
                    str = 2;
                    str = 2;
                    this.label = 2;
                    if (cthrow.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                    return Cclass.f12043do;
                case 2:
                case 4:
                case 6:
                    return Cclass.f12043do;
                case 3:
                    cfinally = (Cfinally) this.L$0;
                    Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow3 = this.$finallyBlock;
                    this.L$0 = null;
                    this.label = 4;
                    if (cthrow3.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                        return coroutineSingletons;
                    return Cclass.f12043do;
                case 5:
                    aPIException = (APIException) this.L$2;
                    exc = (Exception) this.L$1;
                    cfinally = (Cfinally) this.L$0;
                    BaseViewModel baseViewModel = this.this$0;
                    if (!baseViewModel.f2658try) {
                        baseViewModel.f2658try = true;
                        int i7 = baseViewModel.f2657new - 1;
                        baseViewModel.f2657new = i7;
                        if (i7 >= 0) {
                            ExKt.m1310private(new AnonymousClass2(baseViewModel, null));
                        } else {
                    if (!(exc instanceof UnknownHostException) && (exc instanceof TimeoutException)) {
                        ToastUtils.showShort("网络超时", new Object[0]);
                    Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow4 = this.$finallyBlock;
                    this.L$0 = null;
                    this.L$1 = null;
                    this.L$2 = null;
                    this.label = 6;
                    if (cthrow4.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                        return coroutineSingletons;
                    return Cclass.f12043do;
                case 7:
                    Throwable th = (Throwable) this.L$0;
                    throw th;
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
        } catch (Throwable th2) {
            Cthrow<Cfinally, kotlin.coroutines.Cfor<? super Cclass>, Object> cthrow5 = this.$finallyBlock;
            this.L$0 = th2;
            this.L$1 = null;
            this.L$2 = null;
            this.label = 7;
            if (cthrow5.invoke(cfinally, this) == coroutineSingletons) {
                return coroutineSingletons;
            throw th2;