Wolves Themes v1.0版本的 MD5 值为:cddc92b47f6b7c4a195c9625507eb51c

以下内容为反编译后的 h.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.chartboost.sdk;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.CBLogging;
import com.chartboost.sdk.Model.CBError;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.ah;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.ai;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.aj;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.ak;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.al;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.ao;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.ap;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.av;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.l;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.m;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.o;
import com.chartboost.sdk.impl.s;
import com.ironsource.mediationsdk.utils.ServerResponseWrapper;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class h {
    private static h v;
    public final Executor a;
    final l b;
    public final com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.d c;
    public final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e d;
    public final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c e;
    final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e f;
    final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c g;
    public final ah h;
    final m i;
    public final ap j;
    final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e k;
    final com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c l;
    public final AtomicReference<com.chartboost.sdk.Model.e> m;
    final SharedPreferences n;
    public final com.chartboost.sdk.Tracking.a o;
    public final Handler p;
    public final c q;
    public final ak r;
    boolean s = true;
    boolean t = false;
    boolean u = true;
    private final s w;

    public static h a() {
        return v;

    public static void a(h hVar) {
        v = hVar;

    public h(Activity activity, String str, String str2, s sVar, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService, Handler handler, Executor executor) {
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        g a2 = g.a();
        ai aiVar = (ai) a2.a(new ai());
        com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.i iVar = (com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.i) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.i());
        this.h = (ah) a2.a(new ah(scheduledExecutorService, (ao) a2.a(new ao()), aiVar, iVar, handler, executor));
        Context applicationContext = activity.getApplicationContext();
        SharedPreferences a3 = a(applicationContext);
        try {
            jSONObject = new JSONObject(a3.getString("config", "{}"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            CBLogging.b("Sdk", "Unable to process config");
            jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        AtomicReference<com.chartboost.sdk.Model.e> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(null);
        if (!b.a(atomicReference, jSONObject, a3)) {
            atomicReference.set(new com.chartboost.sdk.Model.e(new JSONObject()));
        this.w = sVar;
        this.a = scheduledExecutorService;
        this.m = atomicReference;
        this.n = a3;
        this.p = handler;
        com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.f fVar = new com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.f(sVar, applicationContext, atomicReference);
        if (!atomicReference.get().y) {
            i.w = "";
        } else {
            a(applicationContext, null, a3);
        this.c = (com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.d) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.d(a3));
        this.j = (ap) a2.a(new ap(applicationContext, str, this.c, aiVar, atomicReference, a3, iVar));
        this.o = (com.chartboost.sdk.Tracking.a) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.Tracking.a(fVar, this.c, this.h, this.j, atomicReference, a3));
        this.b = (l) a2.a(new l(scheduledExecutorService, fVar, this.h, aiVar, atomicReference, iVar, this.o));
        d dVar = (d) a2.a(new d((av) g.a().a(new av(handler)), this.b, atomicReference, handler));
        this.r = (ak) a2.a(new ak(scheduledExecutorService, this.h, aiVar, handler));
        this.q = (c) a2.a(new c(activity, aiVar, this, this.o, handler, dVar));
        al alVar = (al) a2.a(new al(fVar));
        this.e = com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c.c();
        this.g = com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c.a();
        this.l = com.chartboost.sdk.impl.c.b();
        this.d = (com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e(this.e, scheduledExecutorService, this.b, fVar, this.h, aiVar, this.j, atomicReference, a3, iVar, this.o, handler, this.q, this.r, dVar, alVar));
        this.f = (com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e(this.g, scheduledExecutorService, this.b, fVar, this.h, aiVar, this.j, atomicReference, a3, iVar, this.o, handler, this.q, this.r, dVar, alVar));
        this.k = (com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e) a2.a(new com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e(this.l, scheduledExecutorService, this.b, fVar, this.h, aiVar, this.j, atomicReference, a3, iVar, this.o, handler, this.q, this.r, dVar, alVar));
        this.i = (m) a2.a(new m(this.b, fVar, this.h, this.j, this.o, atomicReference));
        i.m = applicationContext;
        i.k = str;
        i.l = str2;
        i.x = a3.getBoolean("cbLimitTrack", i.x);
        o.a(activity.getApplication(), atomicReference.get().J, !atomicReference.get().K, !atomicReference.get().L);

    private static SharedPreferences a(Context context) {
        return context.getSharedPreferences("cbPrefs", 0);

    public void a(final Runnable runnable) {
        this.s = true;
        aj ajVar = new aj("/api/config", this.j, this.o, 1, new aj.a() {
            public void a(aj ajVar2, JSONObject jSONObject) {
                h.this.s = false;
                JSONObject a2 = com.chartboost.sdk.Libraries.e.a(jSONObject, ServerResponseWrapper.RESPONSE_FIELD);
                if (a2 != null && b.a(h.this.m, a2, h.this.n)) {
                    h.this.n.edit().putString("config", a2.toString()).apply();
                if (runnable != null) {
                if (h.this.t) {
                com.chartboost.sdk.a aVar = i.c;
                if (aVar != null) {
                h.this.t = true;

            public void a(aj ajVar2, CBError cBError) {
                h.this.s = false;
                if (runnable != null) {
                if (h.this.t) {
                com.chartboost.sdk.a aVar = i.c;
                if (aVar != null) {
                h.this.t = true;
        ajVar.l = true;

    public void a(Activity activity) {
        if (this.w.a(23)) {
            b.a((Context) activity);
        if (this.u || this.q.e()) {

    public void b() {
        if (i.m == null) {
            CBLogging.b("Sdk", "The context must be set through the Chartboost method onCreate() before calling startSession().");
        } else {

    public void c() {
        this.p.postDelayed(new a(0), 500L);

    private void g() {
        if (this.u) {
        a(new a(3));

    void d() {

    public void e() {
        if (this.t) {
        if (i.c != null) {
        this.t = true;

    public static void b(Runnable runnable) {
        s a2 = s.a();
        if (!a2.e()) {
        } else {

    public static boolean f() {
        h a2 = a();
        if (a2 == null || !a2.m.get().c) {
            return true;
        try {
            throw new Exception("Chartboost Integration Warning: your account has been disabled for this session. This app has no active publishing campaigns, please create a publishing campaign in the Chartboost dashboard and wait at least 30 minutes to re-enable. If you need assistance, please visit http://chartboo.st/publishing .");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    public class a implements Runnable {
        final int a;
        String b = null;
        boolean c = false;
        boolean d = false;

        public a(int i) {
            this.a = i;

        public void run() {
            try {
                switch (this.a) {
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                        i.t = this.c;
                    case 2:
                        i.v = this.d;
                        if (this.d && h.f()) {
                        } else {
                    case 3:
                        aj ajVar = new aj("api/install", h.this.j, h.this.o, 2, null);
                        ajVar.l = true;
                        Executor executor = h.this.a;
                        com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e eVar = h.this.d;
                        executor.execute(new e.a(0, null, null, null));
                        Executor executor2 = h.this.a;
                        com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e eVar2 = h.this.f;
                        executor2.execute(new e.a(0, null, null, null));
                        Executor executor3 = h.this.a;
                        com.chartboost.sdk.impl.e eVar3 = h.this.k;
                        executor3.execute(new e.a(0, null, null, null));
                        h.this.a.execute(new a(4));
                        h.this.u = false;
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                        if (i.c != null) {
                            i.c.didFailToLoadMoreApps(this.b, CBError.CBImpressionError.END_POINT_DISABLED);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                com.chartboost.sdk.Tracking.a.a(a.class, "run (" + this.a + ")", e);

    public static void a(Context context, WebView webView, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) {
        String userAgentString;
        String str = i.w;
        try {
            if (webView == null) {
                if (!sharedPreferences.contains("user_agent")) {
                    userAgentString = new WebView(context.getApplicationContext()).getSettings().getUserAgentString();
                } else {
                    userAgentString = sharedPreferences.getString("user_agent", i.w);
            } else {
                userAgentString = webView.getSettings().getUserAgentString();
            str = userAgentString;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        i.w = str;
        sharedPreferences.edit().putString("user_agent", str).apply();

    public static void a(Context context, boolean z) {
        i.x = z;
        SharedPreferences a2 = a(context);
        if (a2 != null) {
            a2.edit().putBoolean("cbLimitTrack", z).apply();