MD5 校验值:1307767a726185fc43c57c361d8f8db9 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2; import a3.f0; import android.R; import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.ClipboardManager; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import android.hardware.GeomagneticField; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Rational; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.DisplayCutout; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowInsets; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.WindowMetrics; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar; import androidx.constraintlayout.helper.widget.gPY.TVfZ; import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout; import androidx.datastore.preferences.protobuf.Mbo.EEYY; import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout; import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager; import b.cji.qmnbRDyvSYT; import b5.b0; import b7.c0; import b8.e; import c3.a; import c3.d; import c3.l; import c3.m; import c3.q; import c3.u; import c3.v; import ca.gbNB.sVXbwUjcR; import com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2.GPSStatus; import; import; import; import; import ea.hQm.zsoGWHxMxTNrZ; import h9.p; import i.j; import i4.f; import j1.n; import j1.o; import j1.z; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import k5.q0; import l2.g; import m.k; import m4.g1; import m4.h1; import m4.i; import n3.b; import o0.VPJh.zKFHvFlELeXJYe; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import p3.h; import p5.VArx.hLFTn; import p9.BGg.zLIiXGAW; import s6.c; import t5.ElGR.YNJEQVNRJQQWb; import t9.kIh.aLRwqpWjKLGWS; import u3.QO.JkEzJnEnT; public final class GPSStatus extends j implements g, c, SensorEventListener, LocationListener { public static long f1617g1 = -1; public static long f1618h1 = -1; public static long f1619i1 = -1; public static long f1620j1 = -1; public static final int f1621k1 = 0; public static final int f1622l1 = 0; public int I0; public boolean J0; public boolean K0; public int L0; public int N0; public MenuItem O0; public FirebaseAnalytics P; public MenuItem P0; public f Q; public float Q0; public float R0; public boolean S; public c3.f S0; public int T0; public boolean U; public int U0; public boolean V; public v V0; public q W0; public boolean X; public l X0; public boolean Y; public b Y0; public boolean Z; public boolean f1623a0; public boolean f1625b0; public long f1626b1; public e f1627c0; public boolean f1629d0; public boolean f1630d1; public h f1631e0; public boolean f1632e1; public p3.b f1633f0; public float f1635g0; public boolean j0; public Location f1638k0; public long f1639l0; public int f1640m0; public float f1641n0; public int f1643p0; public float f1645r0; public float f1646s0; public float f1647t0; public int O = 1; public final a R = new a(this, 0); public boolean T = true; public Point W = new Point(); public float f1636h0 = -1.0f; public String f1637i0 = "?"; public int f1642o0 = 50; public float[] f1644q0 = new float[3]; public float f1648u0 = -9999.0f; public float f1649v0 = -9999.0f; public float f1650w0 = -9999.0f; public float f1651x0 = -9999.0f; public float f1652y0 = -9999.0f; public float z0 = -9999.0f; public float A0 = -9999.0f; public float B0 = -9999.0f; public float C0 = -9999.0f; public float D0 = -9999.0f; public float E0 = -9999.0f; public int F0 = -1; public int G0 = -1; public int H0 = -1; public final u M0 = new u(0, this); public boolean Z0 = true; public int f1624a1 = -1; public final int f1628c1 = 100; public final d f1634f1 = new d(this, 0); public final void A() { try { String string = b.d.k(this).getString("locations_source_pref", "gps"); r9.h.b(string); p3.b cVar = string.equals("gps") ? new k6.c(this) : string.equals("fused") ? new i(this) : new k6.c(this); cVar.b(this); this.f1633f0 = cVar; this.f1629d0 = true; G().a(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { b.d.C(this, R.string.toast_gps_is_not_available); } catch (SecurityException unused2) { String[] strArr = {"android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"}; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) { Object[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(strArr, 2); copyOf[1] = "android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"; strArr = (String[]) copyOf; } h5.a.E(this, strArr, 1); } } public final void B(SensorEvent sensorEvent) { float f10; float f11; float f12; float f13; Location location; float f14; float f15; float f16; boolean z2; double d10; float[] fArr = new float[9]; float[] fArr2 = new float[3]; int type = sensorEvent.sensor.getType(); boolean z10 = true & false; if (type == 1) { SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(fArr, null, sensorEvent.values, this.f1644q0); SensorManager.getOrientation(U(fArr), fArr2); f10 = fArr2[0]; f11 = -fArr2[1]; f12 = -fArr2[2]; } else if (type == 3) { int rotation = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation(); if (rotation == 1) { f14 = sensorEvent.values[2]; } else if (rotation != 2) { f14 = -(rotation != 3 ? sensorEvent.values[1] : sensorEvent.values[2]); } else { f14 = sensorEvent.values[1]; } float f17 = f14 / 57.29578f; if (rotation != 1) { if (rotation == 2) { f16 = sensorEvent.values[2]; } else if (rotation != 3) { f15 = sensorEvent.values[2]; } else { f16 = sensorEvent.values[1]; } f15 = -f16; } else { f15 = sensorEvent.values[1]; } float f18 = f15 / 57.29578f; f10 = (sensorEvent.values[0] + (rotation != 1 ? rotation != 2 ? rotation != 3 ? 0 : 270 : 180 : 90)) / 57.29578f; f11 = f17; f12 = f18; } else if (type != 11) { f10 = 0.0f; f11 = 0.0f; f12 = 0.0f; } else { try { SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(fArr, sensorEvent.values); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { float[] fArr3 = sensorEvent.values; if (fArr3.length > 4) { SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(fArr, new float[]{fArr3[0], fArr3[1], fArr3[2], fArr3[3]}); } } SensorManager.getOrientation(U(fArr), fArr2); f10 = fArr2[0]; f11 = -fArr2[1]; f12 = -fArr2[2]; double d11 = f12; if (d11 >= -1.5707963267948966d && d11 <= 1.5707963267948966d) { z2 = false; this.K0 = z2; if (d11 > 1.5707963267948966d) { f12 = (float) (3.141592653589793d - d11); } d10 = f12; if (d10 < -1.5707963267948966d) { f12 = (float) ((-3.141592653589793d) - d10); } } z2 = true; this.K0 = z2; if (d11 > 1.5707963267948966d) { } d10 = f12; if (d10 < -1.5707963267948966d) { } } float f19 = f10 * 57.29578f; float f20 = (f11 * 57.29578f) - i7.b.C; float f21 = (f12 * 57.29578f) - i7.b.D; float f22 = this.f1646s0; float f23 = i7.b.f3321v; this.f1646s0 = t1.a.h(f20, f22, f23, f22); float f24 = this.f1647t0; this.f1647t0 = t1.a.h(f21, f24, f23, f24); if (this.J0) { if (this.f1636h0 < 0.0f) { this.f1636h0 = f19; } float f25 = this.f1636h0; float f26 = f19 - f25; if (f26 > 180.0f) { f26 -= 360.0f; } if (f26 < -180.0f) { f26 += 360.0f; } this.f1636h0 = (((f26 * f23) + f25) + 360.0f) % 360; } else { this.f1636h0 = 0.0f; } boolean z11 = i7.b.f3312m && (location = this.f1638k0) != null && location.getSpeed() > 1.388889f; this.j0 = z11; if (z11) { Location location2 = this.f1638k0; r9.h.b(location2); f13 = location2.getBearing(); } else { f13 = this.J0 ? ((this.f1636h0 + this.f1641n0) + 360.0f) % 360 : 0.0f; } this.f1635g0 = f13; this.f1637i0 = a.a.f0a[((int) ((f13 + 371.25d) / 22.5d)) % 16]; if (this.f1641n0 == 0.0f && this.f1629d0) { try { Location lastKnownLocation = b.d.l(this).getLastKnownLocation("gps"); if (lastKnownLocation != null) { GeomagneticField geomagneticField = new GeomagneticField((float) lastKnownLocation.getLatitude(), (float) lastKnownLocation.getLongitude(), (float) lastKnownLocation.getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis()); this.f1641n0 = geomagneticField.getDeclination(); this.f1642o0 = (int) (geomagneticField.getFieldStrength() / 1000); } } catch (SecurityException unused2) { Log.e("gpsstatus", "Can't calculate geomagnetic declination because the application does not have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission"); } } } public final void C() { Calendar calendar = b.d.f725a; Object systemService = getSystemService((Class<Object>) SensorManager.class); r9.h.d(systemService, "getSystemService(...)"); ((SensorManager) systemService).unregisterListener(this); try { unregisterReceiver(this.M0); } catch (Exception unused) { } try { p3.b bVar = this.f1633f0; if (bVar != null) { bVar.a(); } this.f1629d0 = false; G().b(); h G = G(); String str = G.f5230g == 1 ? "gps " : ""; if (G.f5230g == 2) { str = str.concat("sbas "); } if (G.f5231h) { str = str + "fullbiasnanos "; } if (G.f5232i) { str = str + "pseudorange "; } if (G.j) { str = str + "accumulated_dr "; } if (str.length() > 0) { FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(this).b(sVXbwUjcR.wpwbZbDRHcG, str); } } catch (SecurityException unused2) { Log.e("gpsstatus", zLIiXGAW.PoYnvgfeLbyzRkn); } } public final void D() { if (i7.b.j && getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("")) { long j = f1620j1; long j6 = f1618h1; long j10 = i7.b.f3311l; long j11 = (j10 * 242906542846L) + ((46422355215963731L - (((714179 * j10) + 136488177048L) * j6)) - ((191112 + j10) * ((j6 * j6) + (f1619i1 + f1617g1)))); if (j11 != j11) { int i10 = i7.b.f3310k + 1; i7.b.f3310k = i10; if (i10 <= 3) { b.d.v(this, "PiP mode trial " + i10 + " of 3"); } else { String string = getString(R.string.toast_pip_pro_only); r9.h.d(string, "getString(...)"); b.d.v(this, string); } } T(); enterPictureInPictureMode(new PictureInPictureParams.Builder().setAspectRatio(new Rational(100, 147)).build()); } } public final e E() { e eVar = this.f1627c0; if (eVar != null) { return eVar; } r9.h.h("binding"); throw null; } public final String F(Location location) { String replaceAll; String str = i7.b.E; if (str == null) { r9.h.h("sharingTemplate"); throw null; } b bVar = this.Y0; String str2 = DOZVdtYNMMVhl.ZypYNxkkcjyDb; if (bVar != null) { String b4 = bVar.b(); Pattern compile = Pattern.compile(str2); r9.h.d(compile, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll2 = compile.matcher(str).replaceAll(b4); r9.h.d(replaceAll2, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile2 = Pattern.compile("%targeturl%"); r9.h.d(compile2, "compile(...)"); b bVar2 = this.Y0; r9.h.b(bVar2); String n10 = b.d.n(bVar2); r9.h.e(n10, "replacement"); String replaceAll3 = compile2.matcher(replaceAll2).replaceAll(n10); r9.h.d(replaceAll3, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile3 = Pattern.compile("%targetgeourl%"); r9.h.d(compile3, "compile(...)"); b bVar3 = this.Y0; r9.h.b(bVar3); String j = b.d.j(bVar3); r9.h.e(j, "replacement"); String replaceAll4 = compile3.matcher(replaceAll3).replaceAll(j); r9.h.d(replaceAll4, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile4 = Pattern.compile("%targetloc%"); r9.h.d(compile4, "compile(...)"); b bVar4 = this.Y0; r9.h.b(bVar4); String s8 = b.d.s(bVar4, true); Pattern compile5 = Pattern.compile("[°']"); r9.h.d(compile5, "compile(...)"); r9.h.e(s8, "input"); String replaceAll5 = compile5.matcher(s8).replaceAll(" "); r9.h.d(replaceAll5, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile6 = Pattern.compile("\""); r9.h.d(compile6, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll6 = compile6.matcher(replaceAll5).replaceAll(""); r9.h.d(replaceAll6, "replaceAll(...)"); replaceAll = compile4.matcher(replaceAll4).replaceAll(replaceAll6); r9.h.d(replaceAll, "replaceAll(...)"); } else { Pattern compile7 = Pattern.compile(str2); r9.h.d(compile7, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll7 = compile7.matcher(str).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll7, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile8 = Pattern.compile("%targeturl%"); r9.h.d(compile8, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll8 = compile8.matcher(replaceAll7).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll8, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile9 = Pattern.compile("%targetgeourl%"); r9.h.d(compile9, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll9 = compile9.matcher(replaceAll8).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll9, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile10 = Pattern.compile("%targetloc%"); r9.h.d(compile10, "compile(...)"); replaceAll = compile10.matcher(replaceAll9).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll, "replaceAll(...)"); } String[] o10 = b.d.o(this.f1635g0); Pattern compile11 = Pattern.compile("%heading%"); r9.h.d(compile11, "compile(...)"); String str3 = o10[0]; r9.h.e(str3, "replacement"); String replaceAll10 = compile11.matcher(replaceAll).replaceAll(str3); r9.h.d(replaceAll10, "replaceAll(...)"); String[] x10 = b.d.x(this.f1646s0, a.a.f27w, a.a.f28x); String[] x11 = b.d.x(this.f1647t0, a.a.f29y, a.a.f30z); Pattern compile12 = Pattern.compile("%level%"); r9.h.d(compile12, "compile(...)"); String str4 = x10[0] + x10[1] + " " + x11[0] + x11[1]; r9.h.e(str4, "replacement"); String replaceAll11 = compile12.matcher(replaceAll10).replaceAll(str4); r9.h.d(replaceAll11, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile13 = Pattern.compile(qmnbRDyvSYT.PawX); r9.h.d(compile13, "compile(...)"); String valueOf = String.valueOf(this.f1643p0); r9.h.e(valueOf, "replacement"); String replaceAll12 = compile13.matcher(replaceAll11).replaceAll(valueOf); r9.h.d(replaceAll12, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile14 = Pattern.compile("%declination%"); r9.h.d(compile14, "compile(...)"); String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(this.f1641n0); r9.h.e(valueOf2, "replacement"); String replaceAll13 = compile14.matcher(replaceAll12).replaceAll(valueOf2); r9.h.d(replaceAll13, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile15 = Pattern.compile("%date%"); r9.h.d(compile15, "compile(...)"); String format = DateFormat.getDateFormat(this).format(new Date()); r9.h.d(format, "format(...)"); String replaceAll14 = compile15.matcher(replaceAll13).replaceAll(format); r9.h.d(replaceAll14, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile16 = Pattern.compile("%time%"); r9.h.d(compile16, "compile(...)"); String format2 = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(this).format(new Date()); r9.h.d(format2, "format(...)"); String replaceAll15 = compile16.matcher(replaceAll14).replaceAll(format2); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); float f10 = this.f1648u0; if (f10 != -9999.0f) { String[] b10 = b.d.b(f10); Pattern compile17 = Pattern.compile("%brightness%"); r9.h.d(compile17, "compile(...)"); String str5 = b10[0] + " " + b10[1]; r9.h.e(str5, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile17.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str5); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } float f11 = this.f1650w0; if (f11 != -9999.0f) { String[] y10 = b.d.y(f11); Pattern compile18 = Pattern.compile("%pressure%"); r9.h.d(compile18, "compile(...)"); String str6 = y10[0] + " " + y10[1]; r9.h.e(str6, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile18.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str6); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } float f12 = this.f1652y0; if (f12 != -9999.0f) { String[] a10 = b.d.a(f12, a.a.f29y, a.a.f30z); Pattern compile19 = Pattern.compile("%rotation%"); r9.h.d(compile19, "compile(...)"); String str7 = a10[0] + " " + a10[1]; r9.h.e(str7, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile19.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str7); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } float f13 = this.z0; if (f13 != -9999.0f) { String[] B = b.d.B(f13); Pattern compile20 = Pattern.compile("%temperature%"); r9.h.d(compile20, "compile(...)"); String str8 = B[0] + " " + B[1]; r9.h.e(str8, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile20.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str8); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } if (this.D0 != -9999.0f) { Pattern compile21 = Pattern.compile("%humidity%"); r9.h.d(compile21, "compile(...)"); String str9 = ((int) this.D0) + " g/m³ (" + ((int) this.C0) + "%)"; r9.h.e(str9, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile21.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str9); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } if (this.E0 != -9999.0f) { Pattern compile22 = Pattern.compile("%steps%"); r9.h.d(compile22, "compile(...)"); String str10 = b.d.w(this.E0, 0, false) + " " + a.a.f1a0; r9.h.e(str10, "replacement"); replaceAll15 = compile22.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(str10); r9.h.d(replaceAll15, "replaceAll(...)"); } if (location == null) { Pattern compile23 = Pattern.compile("%url%"); r9.h.d(compile23, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll16 = compile23.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll16, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile24 = Pattern.compile("%geourl%"); r9.h.d(compile24, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll17 = compile24.matcher(replaceAll16).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll17, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile25 = Pattern.compile("%loc%"); r9.h.d(compile25, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll18 = compile25.matcher(replaceAll17).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll18, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile26 = Pattern.compile("%lat%"); r9.h.d(compile26, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll19 = compile26.matcher(replaceAll18).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll19, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile27 = Pattern.compile("%lon%"); r9.h.d(compile27, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll20 = compile27.matcher(replaceAll19).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll20, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile28 = Pattern.compile("%altitude%"); r9.h.d(compile28, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll21 = compile28.matcher(replaceAll20).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll21, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile29 = Pattern.compile("%speed%"); r9.h.d(compile29, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll22 = compile29.matcher(replaceAll21).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll22, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile30 = Pattern.compile("%error%"); r9.h.d(compile30, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll23 = compile30.matcher(replaceAll22).replaceAll("???"); r9.h.d(replaceAll23, "replaceAll(...)"); return replaceAll23; } Pattern compile31 = Pattern.compile("%url%"); r9.h.d(compile31, "compile(...)"); String n11 = b.d.n(location); r9.h.e(n11, "replacement"); String replaceAll24 = compile31.matcher(replaceAll15).replaceAll(n11); r9.h.d(replaceAll24, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile32 = Pattern.compile("%geourl%"); r9.h.d(compile32, "compile(...)"); String j6 = b.d.j(location); r9.h.e(j6, "replacement"); String replaceAll25 = compile32.matcher(replaceAll24).replaceAll(j6); r9.h.d(replaceAll25, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile33 = Pattern.compile("%loc%"); r9.h.d(compile33, "compile(...)"); String s10 = b.d.s(location, true); r9.h.e(s10, "replacement"); String replaceAll26 = compile33.matcher(replaceAll25).replaceAll(s10); r9.h.d(replaceAll26, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile34 = Pattern.compile("%lat%"); r9.h.d(compile34, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll27 = compile34.matcher(replaceAll26).replaceAll(b.d.w((float) location.getLatitude(), 5, false)); r9.h.d(replaceAll27, "replaceAll(...)"); Pattern compile35 = Pattern.compile("%lon%"); r9.h.d(compile35, "compile(...)"); String replaceAll28 = compile35.matcher(replaceAll27).replaceAll(b.d.w((float) location.getLongitude(), 5, false)); r9.h.d(replaceAll28, "replaceAll(...)"); String[] g2 = b.d.g(b.d.d((float) location.getAltitude()), false); Pattern compile36 = Pattern.compile("%altitude%"); r9.h.d(compile36, "compile(...)"); String str11 = g2[0] + g2[1]; r9.h.e(str11, "replacement"); String replaceAll29 = compile36.matcher(replaceAll28).replaceAll(str11); r9.h.d(replaceAll29, "replaceAll(...)"); String[] z2 = b.d.z(location.getSpeed()); Pattern compile37 = Pattern.compile("%speed%"); r9.h.d(compile37, "compile(...)"); String str12 = z2[0] + z2[1]; r9.h.e(str12, "replacement"); String replaceAll30 = compile37.matcher(replaceAll29).replaceAll(str12); r9.h.d(replaceAll30, "replaceAll(...)"); String[] g5 = b.d.g(location.getAccuracy(), true); Pattern compile38 = Pattern.compile("%error%"); r9.h.d(compile38, "compile(...)"); String str13 = g5[0] + g5[1]; r9.h.e(str13, "replacement"); String replaceAll31 = compile38.matcher(replaceAll30).replaceAll(str13); r9.h.d(replaceAll31, "replaceAll(...)"); return replaceAll31; } public final h G() { h hVar = this.f1631e0; if (hVar != null) { return hVar; } r9.h.h("statusMonitor"); int i10 = 3 & 0; throw null; } public final void H() { Intent intent = getIntent(); int i10 = m3.b.f4267a; r9.h.b(intent); if (i7.a.s(this, intent)) { finish(); return; } Uri data = intent.getData(); String path = data != null ? data.getPath() : null; if (path != null && (path.endsWith(".csv") || path.endsWith(".gpx") || path.endsWith(".kml"))) { long j = f1620j1; long j6 = f1618h1; long j10 = i7.b.f3311l; long j11 = (j10 * 242906542846L) + ((46422355215963731L - (((714179 * j10) + 136488177048L) * j6)) - ((191112 + j10) * ((j6 * j6) + (f1619i1 + f1617g1)))); if (j11 == j11) { Uri data2 = intent.getData(); if (data2 != null) { h5.a.L(this, data2); } } else { h5.a.J(this, "import"); } } } public final void I() { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; if (this.Z || !this.f1623a0) { return; } ((FrameLayout) E().f1106u).setVisibility(8); } public final void J() { long j; int i10; int i11; int size; int i12; m mVar; int i13; if (this.V && !this.S && (i13 = this.O) != 2 && i13 != 3) { if (this.f1638k0 == null) { x(this); } else { f fVar = this.Q; if (fVar != null) { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; fVar.setVisibility(8); I(); } } } int i14 = this.T0; if (i14 == 0) { v vVar = this.V0; if (vVar != null) { vVar.M(); return; } else { r9.h.h("statusFragment"); throw null; } } if (i14 != 1) { if (i14 == 2 && this.X0 == null) { r9.h.h("locationsFragment"); throw null; } return; } q qVar = this.W0; if (qVar == null) { r9.h.h("radarFragment"); throw null; } if (qVar.f1483m0 && qVar.g() != null) { GPSStatus gPSStatus = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } if (gPSStatus.U0 == 0) { long uptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (uptimeMillis >= qVar.j0 + 12) { PolarView polarView = qVar.f1485o0; if (polarView == null) { r9.h.h("pv"); throw null; } GPSStatus gPSStatus2 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus2 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } polarView.Q = Float.valueOf(-gPSStatus2.f1635g0); GPSStatus gPSStatus3 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus3 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } polarView.T = gPSStatus3.J0 ? Float.valueOf(-gPSStatus3.f1636h0) : null; GPSStatus gPSStatus4 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus4 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } int i15 = gPSStatus4.f1640m0; polarView.V = i15 != 0 ? i15 != 1 ? i15 != 2 ? 255 : 210 : 170 : 128; float f10 = gPSStatus4.f1643p0 / gPSStatus4.f1642o0; float f11 = f10 >= 0.75f ? 2.0f : 0.75f; f10 = f11; polarView.U = f10; polarView.W = gPSStatus4.j0 ? Float.valueOf(gPSStatus4.f1635g0) : null; GPSStatus gPSStatus5 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus5 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } polarView.f1655a0 = gPSStatus5.f1641n0; polarView.R = gPSStatus5.K0 ? -1.0f : 1.0f; String[] o10 = b.d.o(gPSStatus5.f1635g0); String[] strArr = polarView.f1666m0; GPSStatus gPSStatus6 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus6 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } strArr[0] = gPSStatus6.j0 ? a.a.f23s : a.a.f22r; String[] strArr2 = polarView.f1667n0; strArr2[0] = o10[0]; strArr[1] = a.a.f24t; strArr2[1] = gPSStatus6.f1637i0; b bVar = gPSStatus6.Y0; String[] strArr3 = polarView.f1665l0; String str = TVfZ.LvTujchBFAH; if (bVar != null) { String[] r5 = b.d.r(bVar); polarView.f1664k0[0] = t1.a.q(a.a.H, " (", r5[0], ")"); strArr3[0] = r5[1]; polarView.f1664k0[1] = t1.a.q(a.a.H, " (", r5[2], ")"); strArr3[1] = r5[3]; } else { String[] strArr4 = polarView.f1664k0; strArr4[0] = str; strArr3[0] = str; strArr4[1] = str; strArr3[1] = str; } GPSStatus gPSStatus7 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus7 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } Location location = gPSStatus7.f1638k0; if (location != null) { String[] g2 = b.d.g(location.getAccuracy(), true); j = uptimeMillis; polarView.f1666m0[2] = t1.a.q(a.a.C, " (", g2[1], ")"); polarView.f1667n0[2] = g2[0]; String[] r10 = b.d.r(location); polarView.f1664k0[5] = t1.a.q(a.a.J, " (", r10[0], ")"); strArr3[5] = r10[1]; polarView.f1664k0[6] = t1.a.q(a.a.J, " (", r10[2], ")"); strArr3[6] = r10[3]; String[] z2 = b.d.z(location.getSpeed()); strArr3[2] = z2[0]; polarView.f1664k0[2] = t1.a.q(a.a.E, " (", z2[1], ")"); String[] g5 = b.d.g(b.d.d((float) location.getAltitude()), false); polarView.f1664k0[3] = a.a.F + " (" + g5[1] + ") " + (i7.b.f3325z ? a.a.S : a.a.T); strArr3[3] = g5[0]; float t10 = b.d.t(location.getAccuracy()); if (t10 > 6.0f) { t10 = 6.0f; } polarView.f1659e0 = t10; polarView.M = 6.0f; if (bVar != null) { float f12 = 360; float bearingTo = (location.bearingTo(bVar) + f12) % f12; float distanceTo = location.distanceTo(bVar); String[] g10 = b.d.g(distanceTo, true); polarView.f1667n0[3] = g10[0]; polarView.f1666m0[3] = t1.a.q(a.a.K, " (", g10[1], ")"); String[] o11 = b.d.o(bearingTo); polarView.f1664k0[4] = t1.a.q(a.a.I, "(", o11[1], ")"); i10 = 0; strArr3[4] = o11[0]; m mVar2 = qVar.f1481k0; if (mVar2 == null) { r9.h.h("targetMarker"); throw null; } mVar2.f1465c = bearingTo; float t11 = b.d.t(distanceTo); float f13 = t11 <= 6.0f ? t11 : 6.0f; m mVar3 = qVar.f1481k0; if (mVar3 == null) { r9.h.h("targetMarker"); throw null; } mVar3.f1464b = f13; mVar3.f1469g = bVar.b(); m mVar4 = qVar.f1481k0; if (mVar4 == null) { r9.h.h("targetMarker"); throw null; } mVar4.f1466d = bVar.a(); if (f13 <= 3.0f) { polarView.M = 3.0f; i11 = 0; size = q.f1480w0.size(); int i16 = i11; i12 = i10; while (true) { ArrayList arrayList = qVar.f1482l0; if (i12 >= size) { b bVar2 = (b) q.f1480w0.get(i12); Object obj = arrayList.get(i12); r9.h.d(obj, "get(...)"); mVar = (m) obj; float f14 = 360; mVar.f1465c = (location.bearingTo(bVar2) + f14) % f14; float t12 = b.d.t(location.distanceTo(bVar2)); mVar.f1464b = t12; GPSStatus gPSStatus8 = qVar.f1484n0; if (gPSStatus8 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } if (gPSStatus8.Y0 == null && t12 <= 3.0f) { polarView.M = 3.0f; i16 = i10; } Bundle extras = bVar2.getExtras(); String string = extras != null ? extras.getString("name") : null; if (string == null) { string = str; } mVar.f1469g = string; i12++; } else { Iterator it = arrayList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { m mVar5 = (m); float f15 = mVar5.f1464b; float f16 = polarView.M; if (f15 > f16) { f15 = f16; } mVar5.f1464b = f15; } polarView.P = i7.b.f3302b == 0 ? q.f1474q0[i16] : q.f1475r0[i16]; } } } } else { i10 = 0; polarView.f1667n0[3] = str; strArr3[4] = str; polarView.f1666m0[3] = str; polarView.f1664k0[4] = str; m mVar6 = qVar.f1481k0; if (mVar6 == null) { r9.h.h("targetMarker"); throw null; } mVar6.f1469g = str; } i11 = 1; size = q.f1480w0.size(); int i162 = i11; i12 = i10; while (true) { ArrayList arrayList2 = qVar.f1482l0; if (i12 >= size) { } mVar.f1469g = string; i12++; } } else { j = uptimeMillis; String[] strArr5 = polarView.f1666m0; strArr5[2] = str; String[] strArr6 = polarView.f1667n0; strArr6[2] = str; strArr5[3] = str; strArr6[3] = str; String[] strArr7 = polarView.f1664k0; strArr7[2] = str; strArr3[2] = str; strArr7[3] = str; strArr3[3] = str; strArr7[4] = str; strArr3[4] = str; strArr7[5] = str; strArr3[5] = str; strArr7[6] = str; strArr3[6] = str; polarView.f1659e0 = -1.0f; m mVar7 = qVar.f1481k0; if (mVar7 == null) { r9.h.h("targetMarker"); throw null; } mVar7.f1469g = str; } polarView.invalidate(); qVar.j0 = j; } } } } public final void K(Configuration configuration) { r9.h.e(configuration, "newConfig"); super.onConfigurationChanged(configuration); Y(((double) Math.max(configuration.screenHeightDp, configuration.screenWidthDp)) / ((double) Math.min(configuration.screenHeightDp, configuration.screenWidthDp)) < 1.4d || configuration.screenHeightDp < 300); } public final void L(Bundle bundle) { Point point; boolean z2; String str; WindowMetrics currentWindowMetrics; WindowInsets windowInsets; int navigationBars; Insets insets; DisplayCutout displayCutout; int i10; int i11; int i12; int i13; WindowMetrics currentWindowMetrics2; Rect bounds; WindowMetrics currentWindowMetrics3; Rect bounds2; int safeInsetLeft; int safeInsetTop; int safeInsetRight; int safeInsetBottom; Insets of; int i14 = 4; int i15 = 2; final int i16 = 1; final int i17 = 0; super.onCreate(bundle); View inflate = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.activity_gpsstatus, (ViewGroup) null, false); int i18 =; Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) j5.g.u(inflate,; if (toolbar != null) { i18 =; FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout) j5.g.u(inflate,; if (frameLayout != null) { DrawerLayout drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) inflate; i18 =; FrameLayout frameLayout2 = (FrameLayout) j5.g.u(inflate,; if (frameLayout2 != null) { i18 =; if (((CoordinatorLayout) j5.g.u(inflate, != null) { i18 =; NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) j5.g.u(inflate,; if (navigationView != null) { i18 =; if (((RelativeLayout) j5.g.u(inflate, != null) { i18 =; ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) j5.g.u(inflate,; if (viewPager != null) { this.f1627c0 = new e(drawerLayout, toolbar, frameLayout, drawerLayout, frameLayout2, navigationView, viewPager); Object obj = new Object(); final h1 b4 = h1.b(); synchronized (b4.f4338a) { try { if (b4.f4340c) { b4.f4339b.add(obj); } else if (b4.f4341d) { synchronized (b4.f4342e) { b0.k(zKFHvFlELeXJYe.ZtNrdzQkmvRw, b4.f4343f != null); try { h1.c(b4.f4343f.e()); } catch (RemoteException unused) { p4.e.e("Unable to get Initialization status."); } } } else { b4.f4340c = true; b4.f4339b.add(obj); synchronized (b4.f4342e) { try { b4.a(this); b4.f4343f.L(new g1(b4)); b4.f4343f.O(new q0()); b4.f4344g.getClass(); b4.f4344g.getClass(); } catch (RemoteException e9) { p4.e.h("MobileAdsSettingManager initialization failed", e9); } k5.i.a(this); if (((Boolean) k5.m.f3812a.i()).booleanValue()) { if (((Boolean) m4.m.f4361d.f4364c.a(k5.i.f3781p)).booleanValue()) { p4.e.d("Initializing on bg thread"); p4.b.f5244a.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { switch (i17) { case 0: h1 h1Var = b4; GPSStatus gPSStatus = this; synchronized (h1Var.f4342e) { try { h1Var.d(gPSStatus); } finally { } } return; default: h1 h1Var2 = b4; GPSStatus gPSStatus2 = this; synchronized (h1Var2.f4342e) { try { h1Var2.d(gPSStatus2); } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } return; } } }); } } if (((Boolean) k5.m.f3813b.i()).booleanValue()) { if (((Boolean) m4.m.f4361d.f4364c.a(k5.i.f3781p)).booleanValue()) { p4.b.f5245b.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public final void run() { switch (i16) { case 0: h1 h1Var = b4; GPSStatus gPSStatus = this; synchronized (h1Var.f4342e) { try { h1Var.d(gPSStatus); } finally { } } return; default: h1 h1Var2 = b4; GPSStatus gPSStatus2 = this; synchronized (h1Var2.f4342e) { try { h1Var2.d(gPSStatus2); } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } return; } } }); } } p4.e.d("Initializing on calling thread"); b4.d(this); } } } finally { } } GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; i7.a.n().a().l(); i7.b.x(this); a.a.a(this); y(); Configuration configuration = getResources().getConfiguration(); this.U = configuration.orientation == 2; WindowManager windowManager = getWindowManager(); r9.h.d(windowManager, "getWindowManager(...)"); Calendar calendar = b.d.f725a; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30) { currentWindowMetrics = windowManager.getCurrentWindowMetrics(); windowInsets = currentWindowMetrics.getWindowInsets(); r9.h.d(windowInsets, "getWindowInsets(...)"); navigationBars = WindowInsets.Type.navigationBars(); insets = windowInsets.getInsets(navigationBars); r9.h.d(insets, "getInsets(...)"); displayCutout = windowInsets.getDisplayCutout(); if (displayCutout != null) { safeInsetLeft = displayCutout.getSafeInsetLeft(); safeInsetTop = displayCutout.getSafeInsetTop(); safeInsetRight = displayCutout.getSafeInsetRight(); safeInsetBottom = displayCutout.getSafeInsetBottom(); of = Insets.of(safeInsetLeft, safeInsetTop, safeInsetRight, safeInsetBottom); insets = Insets.max(insets, of); r9.h.d(insets, "max(...)"); } i10 = insets.right; i11 = insets.left; int i19 = i11 + i10; i12 =; i13 = insets.bottom; currentWindowMetrics2 = windowManager.getCurrentWindowMetrics(); bounds = currentWindowMetrics2.getBounds(); int width = bounds.width() - i19; currentWindowMetrics3 = windowManager.getCurrentWindowMetrics(); bounds2 = currentWindowMetrics3.getBounds(); point = new Point(width, bounds2.height() - (i13 + i12)); } else { point = new Point(); windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getSize(point); } this.W = point; float f10 = point.y; float f11 = point.x; double max = Math.max(f10 / f11, f11 / f10); this.T = max > 1.517d; this.V = max < 1.4d; boolean isLayoutSizeAtLeast = configuration.isLayoutSizeAtLeast(4); this.S = isLayoutSizeAtLeast; if (isLayoutSizeAtLeast) { this.V = false; } if (b.d.k(this).getBoolean(EEYY.aCWOOEDtpix, false)) { z2 = true; } else { f0 f0Var = new f0(this); i.d dVar = (i.d) f0Var.f108r; dVar.f2934c = R.mipmap.gpsstatus; f0Var.h(R.string.eula_title); f0Var.c(this.O == 2 ? R.string.eula_pro : R.string.eula); f0Var.g(R.string.accept, new j3.f(this, 3)); f0Var.e(R.string.reject, new c3.j(5)); dVar.f2945o = new j3.g(this, 0); i.g a10 = f0Var.a();; TextView textView = (TextView) a10.findViewById(; if (textView != null) { textView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); } z2 = false; } this.f1625b0 = z2; if (z2) { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(k.b(this), 0); int i20 = sharedPreferences.getInt("versionCode", 0); b5.g a11 = i7.a.n().a(); String packageName = getPackageName(); r9.h.d(packageName, "getPackageName(...)"); int q10 = a11.q(packageName); if (i20 == 0) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = sharedPreferences.edit(); edit.putLong("install_timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis()); edit.apply(); } else if (i20 < q10) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit2 = sharedPreferences.edit(); edit2.putLong("version_timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis()); edit2.apply(); try { str = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionName; r9.h.b(str); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused2) { str = ""; } f0 f0Var2 = new f0(this); i.d dVar2 = (i.d) f0Var2.f108r; dVar2.f2934c = R.mipmap.gpsstatus; dVar2.f2936e = getString(R.string.whatsnew_title, str); f0Var2.c(R.string.whatsnew); f0Var2.g(R.string.ok, new c3.j(i14)); if (h5.a.v()) { f0Var2.e(R.string.rate, new j3.f(this, i16)); } else { f0Var2.e(R.string.get_pro_button, new j3.f(this, i17)); } f0Var2.i(); } SharedPreferences.Editor edit3 = sharedPreferences.edit(); edit3.putInt("versionCode", q10); edit3.apply(); GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp2 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; if (i7.a.n().a().q(aLRwqpWjKLGWS.atcaOYDbS) > 0 && !h5.a.v()) { f0 f0Var3 = new f0(this); ((i.d) f0Var3.f108r).f2934c = R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert; f0Var3.h(R.string.dialog_alert_title); f0Var3.c(R.string.bad_pro_key_app); f0Var3.g(R.string.update, new j3.f(this, i15)); f0Var3.i(); } } if (m7.a.f4419a == null) { synchronized (m7.a.f4420b) { if (m7.a.f4419a == null) { j7.g c10 = j7.g.c(); c10.a(); m7.a.f4419a = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(c10.f3638a); } } } FirebaseAnalytics firebaseAnalytics = m7.a.f4419a; r9.h.b(firebaseAnalytics); firebaseAnalytics.b(JkEzJnEnT.LWAkfzGprhNGk, Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()); Point point2 = this.W; firebaseAnalytics.b("screen_size", point2.x + "x" + point2.y); firebaseAnalytics.b(zsoGWHxMxTNrZ.hwo, h5.a.v() ? "pro" : "free"); firebaseAnalytics.b("pois", "none"); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long j = 1000; long j6 = 3600; firebaseAnalytics.b("install_age_hours", String.valueOf(((currentTimeMillis - getSharedPreferences(k.b(this), 0).getLong("install_timestamp", currentTimeMillis)) / j) / j6)); String str2 = zCEs.juB; long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); firebaseAnalytics.b(str2, String.valueOf(((currentTimeMillis2 - getSharedPreferences(k.b(this), 0).getLong("version_timestamp", currentTimeMillis2)) / j) / j6)); firebaseAnalytics.b("api_level", String.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)); this.P = firebaseAnalytics; return; } } } } } } } throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(inflate.getResources().getResourceName(i18))); } public final void M(Bundle bundle) { L(bundle); if (!getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("android.hardware.sensor.compass")) { this.J0 = false; SharedPreferences k2 = b.d.k(this); if (!k2.getBoolean("no_compass_warning", false)) { f0 f0Var = new f0(this); ((i.d) f0Var.f108r).f2934c = R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert; f0Var.h(R.string.dialog_alert_title); f0Var.c(R.string.no_compass_warning); f0Var.g(R.string.ok, new c3.i(1, k2)); f0Var.i(); } } this.f1636h0 = -1.0f; this.f1631e0 = new h(this, this); } public final void N() { f fVar = this.Q; if (fVar != null) { fVar.a(); } super.onDestroy(); } public final void O(int i10) { z(); int i11 = 1; this.Z0 = i10 != 2; if (n() != null) { if (this.Z0) { j5.g n10 = n(); r9.h.b(n10); n10.A(); } else { j5.g n11 = n(); r9.h.b(n11); n11.a0(); } } int i12 = this.T0; if (i12 != 0) { if (i12 != 1) { if (i12 == 2) { l lVar = this.X0; if (lVar == null) { r9.h.h("locationsFragment"); throw null; } if (lVar.f1461m0.f2339e) { lVar.N(); } GPSStatus gPSStatus = lVar.j0; if (gPSStatus == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } int i13 = gPSStatus.O; if (i13 != 2 && i13 != 0) { f fVar = lVar.f1459k0; if (fVar != null) { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; fVar.setVisibility(4); } GPSStatus gPSStatus2 = lVar.j0; if (gPSStatus2 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } gPSStatus2.Z = false; gPSStatus2.X(); GPSStatus gPSStatus3 = lVar.j0; if (gPSStatus3 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } gPSStatus3.I(); } } } else if (this.W0 == null) { r9.h.h("radarFragment"); throw null; } } else if (this.V0 == null) { r9.h.h("statusFragment"); throw null; } if (i10 == 0) { j5.g n12 = n(); if (n12 != null) { n12.W(R.string.menu_status); } if (this.V0 == null) { r9.h.h("statusFragment"); throw null; } } else if (i10 == 1) { j5.g n13 = n(); if (n13 != null) { n13.W(R.string.menu_radar); } q qVar = this.W0; if (qVar == null) { r9.h.h("radarFragment"); throw null; } c4.d dVar = qVar.f1486p0; if ((dVar != null ? (PolarView) dVar.f1528v : null) != null) { qVar.M(); } } else if (i10 == 2) { j5.g n14 = n(); if (n14 != null) { n14.W(R.string.menu_locations); } l lVar2 = this.X0; if (lVar2 == null) { r9.h.h("locationsFragment"); throw null; } GPSStatus gPSStatus4 = lVar2.j0; if (gPSStatus4 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } int i14 = gPSStatus4.O; if (i14 != 2 && i14 != 0 && !gPSStatus4.U) { try { if (lVar2.f1459k0 == null) { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp2 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(-2, -2, 1); GPSStatus gPSStatus5 = lVar2.j0; if (gPSStatus5 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } f fVar2 = new f(gPSStatus5); fVar2.setAdSize(i4.e.j); fVar2.setAdUnitId(h5.a.p("banner")); fVar2.setVisibility(8); fVar2.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); fVar2.setAdListener(new a(fVar2, i11)); lVar2.f1459k0 = fVar2; c4.d dVar2 = lVar2.f1462n0; r9.h.b(dVar2); ((FrameLayout) dVar2.f1524r).addView(lVar2.f1459k0); } if (lVar2.f1459k0 != null) { v8.c cVar = new v8.c(12); GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp3 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; i4.d dVar3 = new i4.d(cVar); f fVar3 = lVar2.f1459k0; r9.h.b(fVar3); fVar3.b(dVar3); f fVar4 = lVar2.f1459k0; r9.h.b(fVar4); fVar4.setVisibility(0); } } catch (Exception unused) { lVar2.f1459k0 = null; GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp4 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; } GPSStatus gPSStatus6 = lVar2.j0; if (gPSStatus6 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } gPSStatus6.Z = true; GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp5 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; f fVar5 = gPSStatus6.Q; if (fVar5 != null) { fVar5.setVisibility(8); } GPSStatus gPSStatus7 = lVar2.j0; if (gPSStatus7 == null) { r9.h.h("gpsAct"); throw null; } int i15 = gPSStatus7.O; if (i15 != 2 && i15 != 3 && !gPSStatus7.isInPictureInPictureMode() && !gPSStatus7.isInMultiWindowMode()) { ((FrameLayout) gPSStatus7.E().f1106u).setVisibility(0); } } } this.T0 = i10; if (this.f1632e1 || i10 == 0) { return; } b.d.k(this).edit().putBoolean("pager_used", true).apply(); } public final void P() { int i10 = 0; super.onStart(); r7.i iVar = r7.i.f6382q; w8.d h8 = j7.b.h(); ?? obj = new Object(); int[] iArr = x8.i.j; obj.f7841a = 43200L; ?? obj2 = new Object(); obj2.f7841a = obj.f7841a; w8.a aVar = new w8.a(h8, i10, obj2); Executor executor = h8.f7833b; i7.a.d(executor, aVar); g9.c[] cVarArr = {new g9.c("ad_unit_id_banner", ""), new g9.c(zLIiXGAW.WumZgscBr, "")}; HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(p.L(2)); p.M(hashMap, cVarArr); HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof byte[]) { hashMap2.put((String) entry.getKey(), new String((byte[]) value)); } else { hashMap2.put((String) entry.getKey(), value.toString()); } } try { x8.e c10 = x8.f.c(); c10.f8297a = new JSONObject(hashMap2); h8.f7836e.d(c10.a()).j(iVar, new c0(29)); } catch (JSONException e9) { Log.e("FirebaseRemoteConfig", "The provided defaults map could not be processed.", e9); i7.a.i(null); } x8.i iVar2 = h8.f7837f; x8.l lVar = iVar2.f8326g; long j = lVar.f8336a.getLong("minimum_fetch_interval_in_seconds", x8.i.f8319i); HashMap hashMap3 = new HashMap(iVar2.f8327h); hashMap3.put("X-Firebase-RC-Fetch-Type", "BASE/1"); iVar2.f8324e.b().e(iVar2.f8322c, new d4.k(iVar2, j, hashMap3)).j(iVar, new w8.c(i10)).j(executor, new w8.b(h8)); FirebaseAnalytics firebaseAnalytics = this.P; if (firebaseAnalytics == null) { r9.h.h("firebaseAnalytics"); throw null; } firebaseAnalytics.a(null, "app_open"); i7.b.x(this); y(); GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; b5.g a10 = i7.a.n().a(); this.X = a10.x("com.orux.oruxmaps"); this.Y = a10.x(""); if (b.d.k(this).getInt("app_old_mode_pref", -1) != this.O) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = b.d.k(this).edit(); edit.putInt("app_old_mode_pref", this.O); edit.apply(); int i11 = this.O; if (i11 != 3 && i11 == 2) { h5.a.w(); } } } public final void Q() { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; P(); this.L0 = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation(); int i10 = this.O; if (i10 != 2 && i10 != 3) { x(this); } b.d.f725a.setTimeZone(i7.b.f3313n ? TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") : TimeZone.getDefault()); b.d.i(this); if (b.d.k(this).getBoolean("eula_accepted", false)) { Object systemService = getSystemService((Class<Object>) SensorManager.class); r9.h.d(systemService, "getSystemService(...)"); SensorManager sensorManager = (SensorManager) systemService; Sensor defaultSensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(1); if (defaultSensor != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor, 3); } Sensor defaultSensor2 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(11); if (defaultSensor2 == null) { defaultSensor2 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(3); } if (defaultSensor2 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor2, 1); } Sensor defaultSensor3 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(2); if (defaultSensor3 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor3, 3); } Sensor defaultSensor4 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(5); if (defaultSensor4 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor4, 2); } long j = f1620j1; long j6 = f1618h1; long j10 = i7.b.f3311l; long j11 = (j10 * 242906542846L) + ((46422355215963731L - (((714179 * j10) + 136488177048L) * j6)) - ((191112 + j10) * ((j6 * j6) + (f1619i1 + f1617g1)))); if (j11 == j11) { Sensor defaultSensor5 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(4); if (defaultSensor5 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor5, 1); } Sensor defaultSensor6 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(6); if (defaultSensor6 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor6, 2); } Sensor defaultSensor7 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(13); if (defaultSensor7 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor7, 2); } Sensor defaultSensor8 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(12); if (defaultSensor8 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor8, 2); } Sensor defaultSensor9 = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(19); if (defaultSensor9 != null) { sensorManager.registerListener(this, defaultSensor9, 2); } } registerReceiver(this.M0, new IntentFilter("android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED")); A(); this.f1644q0[0] = 50.0f; } a0(); } public final void R() { i7.b.C(this); super.onStop(); } public final void S() { ValueAnimator ofFloat = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0.0f, -15.0f); ofFloat.setDuration(500L); ofFloat.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); ofFloat.setStartDelay(2000L); ofFloat.addListener(new c3.h(0, this)); ofFloat.addUpdateListener(new c3.e(this, 1)); ofFloat.start(); } public final void T() { ((DrawerLayout) E().f1105t).d(); j5.g n10 = n(); if (n10 != null) { n10.A(); } Y(true); if (((ViewPager) E().f1108w).getCurrentItem() == 2) { W(0); } } public final float[] U(float[] fArr) { float[] fArr2 = new float[fArr.length]; int i10 = this.L0; if (i10 == 0) { SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(fArr, 1, 2, fArr2); } else if (i10 == 1) { SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(fArr, 2, 129, fArr2); } else if (i10 == 2) { SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(fArr, 129, 130, fArr2); } else if (i10 == 3) { SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(fArr, 130, 1, fArr2); } return fArr2; } public final void V(boolean z2) { int i10 = 0; Calendar calendar = b.d.f725a; TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = obtainStyledAttributes(new TypedValue().data, new int[]{R.attr.colorPrimary}); r9.h.d(obtainStyledAttributes, "obtainStyledAttributes(...)"); int color = obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(0, 0); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.toolbarEditModeColor, typedValue, true); int i11 =; int i12 = z2 ? color : i11; if (z2) { color = i11; } ((Toolbar) E().f1103r).setTitle(z2 ? "" : getString(R.string.menu_status)); c3.f fVar = this.S0; if (fVar == null) { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } boolean z10 = true ^ z2; if (z10 != fVar.f2920e) { if (z2) { fVar.d(fVar.f2919d, 0); } else { View f10 = fVar.f2917b.f(8388611); fVar.d(fVar.f2918c, f10 != null ? DrawerLayout.o(f10) : false ? fVar.f2922g : fVar.f2921f); } fVar.f2920e = z10; } ValueAnimator ofObject = ValueAnimator.ofObject(new ArgbEvaluator(), Integer.valueOf(i12), Integer.valueOf(color)); ofObject.addUpdateListener(new c3.e(this, i10)); ofObject.start(); } public final void W(int i10) { ((ViewPager) E().f1108w).setCurrentItem(i10); this.T0 = i10; } public final void X() { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; int i10 = this.O; if (i10 != 2 && i10 != 3 && this.Q != null && !isInPictureInPictureMode() && !isInMultiWindowMode()) { f fVar = this.Q; r9.h.b(fVar); fVar.setVisibility(0); } } public final void Y(boolean z2) { if (z2) { ((FrameLayout) E().f1106u).setVisibility(8); f fVar = this.Q; if (fVar != null) { fVar.setVisibility(8); } } else { int i10 = this.O; if (i10 != 2 && i10 != 3) { f fVar2 = this.Q; if (fVar2 == null) { ((FrameLayout) E().f1106u).setVisibility(0); } else if (fVar2 != null) { fVar2.setVisibility(0); } } } } public final void Z() { j5.g n10 = n(); if (n10 != null) { if (n10.C()) { n10.A(); z(); } else { n10.a0(); if (this.Z0) { z(); ((ViewPager) E().f1108w).postDelayed(this.f1634f1, 3000L); } } } } public final void a0() { SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); v vVar = this.V0; if (vVar == null) { r9.h.h("statusFragment"); throw null; } vVar.N(); q qVar = this.W0; if (qVar != null) { qVar.N(); } else { r9.h.h("radarFragment"); throw null; } } @Override public final boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { r9.h.e(motionEvent, "event"); if (motionEvent.getAction() == 1) { this.Q0 = motionEvent.getX(); this.R0 = motionEvent.getY(); } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(motionEvent); } @Override public final void finish() { z(); super.finish(); } @Override public final void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int i10) { r9.h.e(sensor, "sensor"); } @Override public final void onActivityResult(int i10, int i11, Intent intent) { Uri data; if (i11 != -1) { super.onActivityResult(i10, i11, intent); } if (i10 == 3 && intent != null && (data = intent.getData()) != null) { h5.a.L(this, data); W(2); } super.onActivityResult(i10, i11, intent); } @Override public final void onBackPressed() { l lVar = this.X0; if (lVar == null) { r9.h.h("locationsFragment"); throw null; } if (lVar.f1461m0.f2339e) { V(false); l lVar2 = this.X0; if (lVar2 == null) { r9.h.h("locationsFragment"); throw null; } lVar2.N(); } else { super.onBackPressed(); } } @Override public final void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) { r9.h.e(configuration, "newConfig"); K(configuration); c3.f fVar = this.S0; if (fVar == null) { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } fVar.f2919d = fVar.f2916a.t(); fVar.f(); } @Override public final void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { int m10 = b.d.m(this); this.N0 = m10; setTheme(m10); M(bundle); setContentView((DrawerLayout) E().f1102q); e E = E(); ((FrameLayout) E.f1106u).setOnClickListener(new c3.b(this, 0)); z zVar = ((o) this.I.f7481r).f3487x; r9.h.d(zVar, "getSupportFragmentManager(...)"); c3.g gVar = new c3.g(this, zVar); ((ViewPager) E().f1108w).setAdapter(gVar); n d10 = gVar.d(((ViewPager) E().f1108w).getId(), 0); if (d10 == null) { d10 = new v(); } this.V0 = (v) d10; n d11 = gVar.d(((ViewPager) E().f1108w).getId(), 1); if (d11 == null) { d11 = new q(); } this.W0 = (q) d11; n d12 = gVar.d(((ViewPager) E().f1108w).getId(), 2); if (d12 == null) { d12 = new l(); } this.X0 = (l) d12; e E2 = E(); q3.c cVar = q3.c.f5872r; int i10 = 0 | 6; n2.k kVar = new n2.k(6, false); kVar.f4593r = cVar; ((ViewPager) E2.f1108w).z(kVar); ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) E().f1108w; if (viewPager.f663l0 == null) { viewPager.f663l0 = new ArrayList(); } viewPager.f663l0.add(this); ((ViewPager) E().f1108w).setOffscreenPageLimit(2); W(0); m().o((Toolbar) E().f1103r); j5.g n10 = n(); r9.h.b(n10); n10.a(new c3.c(this)); n10.T(true); n10.U(); n10.W(R.string.menu_status); n10.A(); Z(); ((NavigationView) E().f1107v).setNavigationItemSelectedListener(this); MenuItem findItem = ((NavigationView) E().f1107v).getMenu().findItem(; r9.h.d(findItem, "findItem(...)"); this.O0 = findItem; MenuItem findItem2 = ((NavigationView) E().f1107v).getMenu().findItem(; r9.h.d(findItem2, "findItem(...)"); this.P0 = findItem2; e E3 = E(); this.S0 = new c3.f(this, this, (DrawerLayout) E3.f1105t, (Toolbar) E().f1103r); e E4 = E(); c3.f fVar = this.S0; if (fVar == null) { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } ((DrawerLayout) E4.f1105t).a(fVar); c3.f fVar2 = this.S0; if (fVar2 == null) { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } fVar2.f2923h = new c3.b(this, 1); H(); SharedPreferences k2 = b.d.k(this); if (k2.getBoolean("eula_accepted", false)) { this.f1630d1 = k2.getBoolean("drawer_opened", false); this.f1632e1 = k2.getBoolean("pager_used", false); int i11 = k2.getInt("drawer_tutorial_count", 0); int i12 = k2.getInt("pager_tutorial_count", 0); if (this.f1630d1) { if (!this.f1632e1) { S(); k2.edit().putInt("pager_tutorial_count", i12 + 1).apply(); } } else if (this.f1632e1 || i12 >= i11) { new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new d(this, 1), 2000L); k2.edit().putInt("drawer_tutorial_count", i11 + 1).apply(); } else { S(); k2.edit().putInt("pager_tutorial_count", i12 + 1).apply(); } } } @Override public final boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { r9.h.e(menu, "menu"); getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } @Override public final void onDestroy() { C(); N(); } @Override public final void onLocationChanged(Location location) { r9.h.e(location, "loc"); this.f1638k0 = location; this.f1639l0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); a0(); J(); } @Override public final boolean onMenuOpened(int i10, Menu menu) { r9.h.e(menu, "menu"); j5.g n10 = n(); if (n10 != null) { try { n10.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setShowHideAnimationEnabled", Boolean.TYPE).invoke(n(), Boolean.FALSE); } catch (Exception unused) { } n10.a0(); try { n10.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setShowHideAnimationEnabled", Boolean.TYPE).invoke(n(), Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception unused2) { } } return super.onMenuOpened(i10, menu); } @Override public final void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { r9.h.e(intent, "intent"); super.onNewIntent(intent); setIntent(intent); H(); } @Override public final boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem menuItem) { r9.h.e(menuItem, "menuItem"); c3.f fVar = this.S0; if (fVar == null) { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } if (menuItem.getItemId() == 16908332 && fVar.f2920e) { fVar.g(); int i10 = 2 >> 1; return true; } int itemId = menuItem.getItemId(); if (itemId == { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.SEND"); intent.putExtra(hLFTn.ENMNNgAoFMpdfY, F(this.f1638k0)); intent.setType("text/plain"); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, getResources().getText(R.string.menu_share))); FirebaseAnalytics firebaseAnalytics = this.P; if (firebaseAnalytics == null) { r9.h.h("firebaseAnalytics"); throw null; } firebaseAnalytics.a(null, "share"); } else if (itemId == { String F = F(this.f1638k0); Object systemService = getSystemService("clipboard"); r9.h.c(systemService, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.content.ClipboardManager"); ((ClipboardManager) systemService).setPrimaryClip(ClipData.newPlainText(getString(R.string.my_location), F)); b.d.u(this, R.string.toast_location_to_clipboard); FirebaseAnalytics firebaseAnalytics2 = this.P; if (firebaseAnalytics2 == null) { r9.h.h("firebaseAnalytics"); throw null; } firebaseAnalytics2.a(null, "share"); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(menuItem); } @Override public final void onPause() { f fVar = this.Q; if (fVar != null) { fVar.c(); } super.onPause(); } @Override public final void onPictureInPictureModeChanged(boolean z2, Configuration configuration) { r9.h.e(configuration, "newConfig"); if (z2) { T(); } super.onPictureInPictureModeChanged(z2, configuration); } @Override public final boolean onPictureInPictureRequested() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 31; } @Override public final void onPostCreate(Bundle bundle) { super.onPostCreate(bundle); c3.f fVar = this.S0; if (fVar != null) { fVar.f(); } else { r9.h.h("drawerToggle"); throw null; } } @Override public final void onProviderDisabled(String str) { r9.h.e(str, "provider"); if (YNJEQVNRJQQWb.DTxmcpTmtI.equals(str)) { a0(); } } @Override public final void onProviderEnabled(String str) { r9.h.e(str, "provider"); if ("gps".equals(str)) { a0(); } } @Override public final void onRequestPermissionsResult(int i10, String[] strArr, int[] iArr) { r9.h.e(strArr, "permissions"); r9.h.e(iArr, "grantResults"); super.onRequestPermissionsResult(i10, strArr, iArr); if (i10 == 1) { if (iArr.length != 0 && iArr[0] == 0) { A(); } else { f0 f0Var = new f0(this); i.d dVar = (i.d) f0Var.f108r; dVar.f2934c = R.mipmap.gpsstatus; f0Var.h(R.string.permission_rationale_title); f0Var.c(R.string.permission_rationale_summary); f0Var.g(R.string.ok, new j3.d(this, 0)); f0Var.f(R.string.app_info, new j3.d(this, 6)); f0Var.e(R.string.cancel, new c3.j(6)); dVar.f2945o = new j3.g(this, 1); f0Var.i(); } } } @Override public final void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!h5.a.w()) { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; b5.g a10 = i7.a.n().a(); a10.f847f = this; a10.A(); } f fVar = this.Q; if (fVar != null) { fVar.d(); } } @Override public final void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) { float f10; float f11; r9.h.e(sensorEvent, "event"); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.f1639l0 > 10000) { this.f1639l0 = 0L; this.f1638k0 = null; a0(); } int type = sensorEvent.sensor.getType(); if (type != 19) { switch (type) { case 1: float[] fArr = sensorEvent.values; float f12 = fArr[0]; float f13 = fArr[1]; float f14 = fArr[2]; float f15 = f14 * f14; float abs = (float) Math.abs((Math.sqrt(f15 + ((f13 * f13) + (f12 * f12))) / 9.80665f) - (i7.b.f3320u ? 1.0d : 0.0d)); this.f1645r0 = abs; if (abs < 0.1f) { this.f1645r0 = 0.0f; } if (!this.J0) { B(sensorEvent); break; } break; case a1.j.FLOAT_FIELD_NUMBER: float[] fArr2 = sensorEvent.values; float f16 = fArr2[0]; float f17 = fArr2[1]; float f18 = fArr2[2]; float f19 = f18 * f18; int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt(f19 + (f17 * f17) + (f16 * f16)); this.f1643p0 = this.f1643p0 + ((int) (i7.b.f3321v * (sqrt - r1))); this.f1640m0 = sensorEvent.accuracy; float[] fArr3 = sensorEvent.values; r9.h.d(fArr3, "values"); this.f1644q0 = fArr3; break; case a1.j.INTEGER_FIELD_NUMBER: this.J0 = true; B(sensorEvent); break; case a1.j.LONG_FIELD_NUMBER: float f20 = sensorEvent.values[2]; this.f1652y0 = f20; if (Math.abs(f20) < 0.053f) { this.f1652y0 = 0.0f; break; } break; case a1.j.STRING_FIELD_NUMBER: float[] fArr4 = sensorEvent.values; this.f1648u0 = fArr4[0]; if (fArr4.length > 1) { float f21 = fArr4[1]; if (f21 > 0.0f && f21 <= 8000.0f && (Math.abs(f21 - this.f1649v0) >= 500.0f || this.f1649v0 == -9999.0f)) { this.f1649v0 = sensorEvent.values[1]; break; } } break; case a1.j.STRING_SET_FIELD_NUMBER: float f22 = sensorEvent.values[0]; float f23 = i7.b.f3321v; if (f23 != 1.0d) { float f24 = this.f1650w0; if (f24 != -9999.0f) { this.f1650w0 = (((f22 - f24) * f23) / 5) + f24; f10 = this.f1651x0; if (f10 == -9999.0f) { this.f1651x0 = f10 + ((float) ((this.f1650w0 - f10) * 0.003d)); break; } else { this.f1651x0 = this.f1650w0; break; } } } this.f1650w0 = f22; f10 = this.f1651x0; if (f10 == -9999.0f) { } default: switch (type) { case 12: float f25 = this.C0; float f26 = sensorEvent.values[0]; if (f25 != f26) { this.C0 = f26; f11 = this.C0; if (f11 != -9999.0f) { float f27 = this.z0; if (f27 != -9999.0f) { double d10 = f27; this.D0 = (float) (((Math.exp((d10 * 17.62d) / (d10 + 243.12d)) * ((f11 / 100.0d) * 6.112d)) / (this.z0 + 273.15d)) * 216.7d); double log = Math.log(this.C0 / 100.0d); double d11 = this.z0; float f28 = (float) (((17.62d * d11) / (243.12d + d11)) + log); float f29 = (243.12f * f28) / (17.62f - f28); this.A0 = f29; this.B0 = (float) ((((Math.exp((0.0036608581051398447d - (1 / (f29 + 273.16d))) * 5417.753d) * 6.11d) - 10.0d) * 0.5555d) + d11); break; } } } break; case 13: float f30 = this.z0; float f31 = sensorEvent.values[0]; if (f30 != f31) { this.z0 = f31; f11 = this.C0; if (f11 != -9999.0f) { } } break; } } } else { float f32 = sensorEvent.values[0]; if (f32 < i7.b.f3324y) { i7.b.f3324y = (int) f32; } this.E0 = f32 - i7.b.f3324y; } J(); } @Override public final void onStart() { Q(); if (getIntent().hasExtra("started_from_notification")) { getIntent().removeExtra("started_from_notification"); D(); } MenuItem menuItem = this.O0; if (menuItem == null) { r9.h.h("goproMenuItem"); throw null; } int i10 = 1; menuItem.setVisible(this.O != 2); int m10 = b.d.m(this); if (m10 != this.N0) { this.N0 = m10; setTheme(m10); finish(); startActivity(new Intent(this, (Class<?>) GPSStatus.class)); } i7.b.y(this); getWindow().setFlags(i7.b.f3318s ? 128 : 0, 128); String stringExtra = getIntent().getStringExtra("show_screen"); if (stringExtra != null) { int hashCode = stringExtra.hashCode(); if (hashCode != -1197189282) { if (hashCode != -892481550) { if (hashCode == 108270342) { } } else if (stringExtra.equals("status")) { i10 = 0; } } else if (stringExtra.equals("locations")) { i10 = 2; } W(i10); getIntent().removeExtra("show_screen"); PictureInPictureParams.Builder builder = new PictureInPictureParams.Builder(); builder.setAspectRatio(new Rational(100, 147)); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 31) { builder.setSeamlessResizeEnabled(false); builder.setAutoEnterEnabled(i7.b.j); } setPictureInPictureParams(; } i10 = this.T0; W(i10); getIntent().removeExtra("show_screen"); PictureInPictureParams.Builder builder2 = new PictureInPictureParams.Builder(); builder2.setAspectRatio(new Rational(100, 147)); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 31) { } setPictureInPictureParams(; } @Override public final void onStatusChanged(String str, int i10, Bundle bundle) { r9.h.e(str, "provider"); r9.h.e(bundle, "extras"); } @Override public final void onStop() { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; Calendar calendar = b.d.f725a; Object systemService = getSystemService((Class<Object>) PowerManager.class); r9.h.d(systemService, "getSystemService(...)"); if (((PowerManager) systemService).isInteractive() || !i7.b.f3319t) { C(); } R(); } @Override public final void onUserLeaveHint() { D(); } public final void x(GPSStatus gPSStatus) { if (!this.f1625b0 || isInPictureInPictureMode() || isInMultiWindowMode()) { return; } try { if (this.Q == null) { GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; String p10 = h5.a.p("banner"); v8.c cVar = new v8.c(12); int i10 = this.W.x; i4.e a10 = i10 > 0 ? i4.e.a(gPSStatus, (int) (i10 / getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density)) : i4.e.f3247k; r9.h.b(a10); f fVar = new f(this); fVar.setAdSize(a10); fVar.setAdUnitId(p10); fVar.setAdListener(this.R); fVar.setVisibility(4); fVar.b(new i4.d(cVar)); this.Q = fVar; int i11 = 6 << 0; ((FrameLayout) E().f1104s).addView(this.Q, 0); } } catch (Exception unused) { this.Q = null; GPSStatusApp gPSStatusApp2 = GPSStatusApp.f1653r; } } public final void y() { long j = f1620j1; long j6 = f1618h1; long j10 = i7.b.f3311l; long j11 = (j10 * 242906542846L) + ((46422355215963731L - (((714179 * j10) + 136488177048L) * j6)) - ((191112 + j10) * ((j6 * j6) + (f1619i1 + f1617g1)))); this.O = j11 == j11 ? 2 : h5.a.u(this) ? 3 : 1; } public final void z() { ((ViewPager) E().f1108w).removeCallbacks(this.f1634f1); } }