Stick Squad 3 v1.2.5.9版本的 MD5 值为:375cf7f77a7075270cd68d1397368279

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考


public final class InvalidManifestErrorMessages {
    protected static final String CELL = "a";
    protected static final int CELL_CDMA = 2;
    protected static final int CELL_GSM = 1;
    protected static final String CELL_ID = "d-n-cell";
    protected static final String CELL_SERVINGID = "a2";
    protected static final String CELL_TYPE = "a1";
    public static final String CONNECTIVITY_INTENT_ACTION = "";
    public static final String IMAI_CLICK_EVT_FILE = "imai_click_events";
    public static final String IMP_ID_KEY = "im-id";
    protected static final Long MIN_NICE_RETRY_INERVAL = 3L;
    public static final String MSG_AD_ACTIVE = "Interstitial ad is in ACTIVE state. Try again after sometime.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_BUSY = "New ad will not be shown because the present ad is busy. Eg. Video/audio is playing, etc.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_CLICK = "Ad click in progress. Your request cannot be processed at this time. Try again later.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_DOWNLOAD = "Ad download in progress. Your request cannot be processed at this time. Try again later.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_FOCUS = "Activity is not in the foreground. New ad will not be loaded.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_INVENTORY = "Ad request successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_SIZE = "Invalid Ad Size. Please provide a valid adSize.";
    public static final String MSG_AD_STATE = "Current Ad State is neither default nor loading. New ad will not be shown.";
    public static final String MSG_CALL_BACK = "Banner not sending callback because the view is not added to any window.";
    public static final String MSG_EMPTY_KEY_VALUE = "Key or Value cannot be empty";
    public static final String MSG_INTERSTITIAL_AD_DISPLAYED = "Ad cannot be loaded.Interstitial Ad is displayed.";
    public static final String MSG_INVALID_AD_CONFIG = "Interstitial ad is in ACTIVE state. Try again after sometime.";
    public static final String MSG_INVALID_AD_SIZE = "Invalid Ad Size. Please provide a valid Ad Size. If Ad Size is declared in the layout XML, please provide a valid 'adSize' attribute in the 'com.inmobi.monetization.IMBanner' tag of layout XML. For example, adSize=\"yourAdSize\"";
    public static final String MSG_INVALID_APP_ID = "Your App Id may be invalid or inactive. Please verify the app ID";
    public static final String MSG_INVALID_APP_ID_PARAM = "APP ID cannot be empty.Please provide a valid APP ID. If APP ID is declared in the layout XML, please provide a valid 'appId' attribute in the 'com.inmobi.monetization.IMBanner' tag of layout XML. For example, appId=\"yourAppId\"";
    public static final String MSG_INVALID_COLOR_FORMAT = "Invalid color format.Color should be of the format #rgb or #rrggbb ";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_ACCESS_NETWORK_PERMISSION = "App does not have ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions. Please provide ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_ACTIVITY_DECLARATION = "IMBrowserActivity not declared in the manifest. Please declare it in the app manifest";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_CHANGES = "IMBrowserActivity in the manifest does not have android:configChanges attributes.Please add android:configChanges=keyboardHidden|orientation|keyboard|screenSize|smallestScreenSize to IMBrowserActivity in the app manifest";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_KEYBOARD = "Missing Config keyboard from android:configChangesof IMBRowserActivity";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_KEYBOARDHIDDEN = "Missing Config keyboardHidden from android:configChangesof IMBRowserActivity";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_ORIENTATION = "Missing Config orientation from android:configChangesof IMBRowserActivity";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_SCREENSIZE = "Missing Config screenSize from android:configChangesof IMBRowserActivity";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREENSIZE = "Missing Config smallestScreenSize from android:configChanges of IMBRowserActivity";
    public static final String MSG_MISSING_INTERNET_PERMISSION = "App does not have INTERNET permissions. Please provide INTERNET permissions";
    public static final String MSG_NIL_ACTIVITY = "Activity cannot be null";
    public static final String MSG_NIL_COLOR = "Color cannot be null";
    public static final String MSG_NIL_KEY_VALUE = "Key or Value cannot be null";
    public static final String MSG_REFRESH = "Ad cannot be refreshed now, as the minimum refresh interval is";
    protected static final int MSG_UPLOAD_NICE_PARAM = 1;
    protected static final String NICE_RETRY_INTERVAL = "x-retry-count";
    protected static final String NICE_SERVER_URL = "x-inmobi-ph-url";
    protected static final String NICE_UPLOAD_DURATION = "x-inmobi-ph-lse-sec";
    protected static final String NICE_UPLOAD_INTERVAL = "x-inmobi-ph-intvl-sec";
    protected static final String PARAM_RSA_VERSION = "u-key-ver";
    protected static final String PARAM_UID_KEY = "u-id-key";
    protected static final String PARAM_UID_MAP = "u-id-map";
    public static final String QA_MODE_IP = "";
    protected static final String REQUEST_NICE_PARAM = "x-inmobi-ph-enable";
    public static final String SANDBOX_ERR_KEY = "im-ec";
    protected static final String SIM = "b";
    protected static final String SIM_ID = "d-n-sim";
    protected static final String SIM_OP = "b1";
    public static final String TAP_OFFSET = "u-tap-o";
    public static final String TAP_SIZE = "u-tap-size";
    protected static final String TIME = "d";
    protected static final String TIMESTAMP = "d-n-time";
    protected static final String TIME_UTC = "d1";
    protected static final String TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = "d2";
    protected static final String WIFI = "c";
    protected static final String WIFI_AP = "c1";
    protected static final String WIFI_BSSID = "c1b";
    protected static final String WIFI_ID = "d-n-wifi";
    protected static final String WIFI_LEVEL = "c1c";
    protected static final String WIFI_SSID = "c1a";