APK反编译源代码展示 - 南明离火平台提供


MD5 校验值:a9a821418db4ad35214aeeb08c2f5902


AutoAuthService.java 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。

package com.ghostify;

import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.activity.b;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.b1;
import com.ghostify.dto.AutoAuthDto;
import d7.d;
import d7.e;
import d7.k;
import d7.o;
import d7.q;
import d7.r;
import d7.t;
import d7.u;
import d7.v;
import e7.g;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import o8.f;
import s6.h;
import t0.a;

public class AutoAuthService extends Service {

    public static int f2799m;

    public long f2800k;

    public Handler f2801l = new Handler();

    public class a implements e {
        public a() {

        public void a(u uVar) {
            String str;
            int i9;
            String str2;
            ArrayList arrayList;
            ArrayList<a.c> arrayList2;
            String str3;
            int i10 = uVar.f4110c;
            v vVar = uVar.f4114g;
            long d9 = vVar.d();
            if (d9 > 2147483647L) {
                throw new IOException(b.l("Cannot buffer entire body for content length: ", d9));
            f n9 = vVar.n();
            try {
                byte[] a02 = n9.a0();
                if (d9 != -1 && d9 != a02.length) {
                    throw new IOException("Content-Length and stream length disagree");
                q f3 = vVar.f();
                Charset charset = g.f4296c;
                if (f3 != null && (str3 = f3.f4077b) != null) {
                    charset = Charset.forName(str3);
                String str4 = new String(a02, charset.name());
                if (i10 == 200) {
                    AutoAuthDto autoAuthDto = (AutoAuthDto) new h().b(str4, AutoAuthDto.class);
                    if (autoAuthDto.status == 0) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent("ghostify.auto.auth");
                        intent.putExtra("auto-auth-code", autoAuthDto.code);
                        t0.a a9 = t0.a.a(AutoAuthService.this);
                        synchronized (a9.f8590b) {
                            String action = intent.getAction();
                            String resolveTypeIfNeeded = intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(a9.f8589a.getContentResolver());
                            Uri data = intent.getData();
                            String scheme = intent.getScheme();
                            Set<String> categories = intent.getCategories();
                            boolean z8 = (intent.getFlags() & 8) != 0;
                            if (z8) {
                                Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "Resolving type " + resolveTypeIfNeeded + " scheme " + scheme + " of intent " + intent);
                            ArrayList<a.c> arrayList3 = a9.f8591c.get(intent.getAction());
                            if (arrayList3 != null) {
                                if (z8) {
                                    Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "Action list: " + arrayList3);
                                ArrayList arrayList4 = null;
                                int i11 = 0;
                                while (i11 < arrayList3.size()) {
                                    a.c cVar = arrayList3.get(i11);
                                    if (z8) {
                                        Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "Matching against filter " + cVar.f8597a);
                                    if (cVar.f8599c) {
                                        if (z8) {
                                            Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "  Filter's target already added");
                                        i9 = i11;
                                        arrayList2 = arrayList3;
                                        str = action;
                                        str2 = resolveTypeIfNeeded;
                                        arrayList = arrayList4;
                                    } else {
                                        str = action;
                                        String str5 = resolveTypeIfNeeded;
                                        i9 = i11;
                                        str2 = resolveTypeIfNeeded;
                                        arrayList = arrayList4;
                                        arrayList2 = arrayList3;
                                        int match = cVar.f8597a.match(action, str5, scheme, data, categories, "LocalBroadcastManager");
                                        if (match >= 0) {
                                            if (z8) {
                                                Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "  Filter matched!  match=0x" + Integer.toHexString(match));
                                            arrayList4 = arrayList == null ? new ArrayList() : arrayList;
                                            cVar.f8599c = true;
                                            i11 = i9 + 1;
                                            action = str;
                                            resolveTypeIfNeeded = str2;
                                            arrayList3 = arrayList2;
                                        } else if (z8) {
                                            Log.v("LocalBroadcastManager", "  Filter did not match: " + (match != -4 ? match != -3 ? match != -2 ? match != -1 ? "unknown reason" : "type" : "data" : "action" : "category"));
                                    arrayList4 = arrayList;
                                    i11 = i9 + 1;
                                    action = str;
                                    resolveTypeIfNeeded = str2;
                                    arrayList3 = arrayList2;
                                ArrayList arrayList5 = arrayList4;
                                if (arrayList5 != null) {
                                    for (int i12 = 0; i12 < arrayList5.size(); i12++) {
                                        ((a.c) arrayList5.get(i12)).f8599c = false;
                                    a9.f8592d.add(new a.b(intent, arrayList5));
                                    if (!a9.f8593e.hasMessages(1)) {
                AutoAuthService.this.f2801l.postDelayed(new b1(this, 3), 10000L);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                throw th;

    public final void a() {
        StringBuilder t8;
        int i9;
        o a9;
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.f2800k > 150000) {
        r rVar = new r();
        String str = f2799m == 0 ? "https://ghostify-hooks.oddrun.workers.dev/2fauth/token" : "https://ghostify-hooks.oddrun.workers.dev/2fauth/backup-code";
        t.b bVar = new t.b();
        if (!str.regionMatches(true, 0, "ws:", 0, 3)) {
            if (str.regionMatches(true, 0, "wss:", 0, 4)) {
                t8 = b.t("https:");
                i9 = 4;
            o.b bVar2 = new o.b();
            a9 = bVar2.e(null, str) != 1 ? bVar2.a() : null;
            if (a9 == null) {
                d dVar = new d(rVar, bVar.a());
                a aVar = new a();
                synchronized (dVar) {
                    if (dVar.f4001b) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Already Executed");
                    dVar.f4001b = true;
                k kVar = dVar.f4000a.f4079l;
                d.c cVar = new d.c(aVar, false, null);
                synchronized (kVar) {
                    if (kVar.f4049c.size() >= 64 || kVar.d(cVar) >= 5) {
                    } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(b.n("unexpected url: ", str));
        t8 = b.t("http:");
        i9 = 3;
        str = t8.toString();
        o.b bVar22 = new o.b();
        if (bVar22.e(null, str) != 1) {
        if (a9 == null) {

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int i9, int i10) {
        this.f2800k = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.f2801l.postDelayed(new b1(this, 2), 10000L);
        return super.onStartCommand(intent, i9, i10);