APK反编译源代码展示 - 南明离火平台提供


MD5 校验值:dbd2f036a5e296167027b941a6a0b015


Javaalpha3.java 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。

package com.heweltunity.playtimex80;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.ConnectivityManager;
import android.net.NetworkInfo;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Adapter;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import androidx.core.view.InputDeviceCompat;
import com.unity3d.ads.IUnityAdsLoadListener;
import com.unity3d.ads.IUnityAdsShowListener;
import com.unity3d.ads.UnityAds;
import com.unity3d.ads.UnityAdsShowOptions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Javaalpha3 extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity3";
    private TextView bottom_text;
    private List<Javaalpha5> data;
    private Dialog dialog;
    private ImageView image;
    Button skip;
    private TextView text;
    private int current_page = 0;
    private final Handler handler = new Handler();
    private final String InterstitialId = "Interstitial_Android";
    private boolean isAdLoaded = false;

    static int access$108(Javaalpha3 javaalpha3) {
        int i = javaalpha3.current_page;
        javaalpha3.current_page = i + 1;
        return i;

    public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
        getWindow().setFlags(1024, 1024);
        this.bottom_text = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.bottom_text);
        this.text = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text);
        this.image = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image);
        ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.skipbtn);
        this.data = new ArrayList();
        this.skip = (Button) findViewById(R.id.skip);
        findViewById(R.id.back).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view) {
        this.skip.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view) {
        findViewById(R.id.rate).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view) {
        imageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view) {
        findViewById(R.id.logout2).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public final void onClick(View view) {

    public void m102lambda$onCreate$0$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3(View view) {

    public void m103lambda$onCreate$1$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3(View view) {

    public void m104lambda$onCreate$2$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3(View view) {

    public void m106lambda$onCreate$4$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3(View view) {
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        }, 400L);

    public void m107lambda$onCreate$5$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3(View view) {
        Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");
        startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Adapter.class));

    public void onBackPressed() {
        startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Adapter.class));

    private void ratetheapp() {
        try {
            startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + getPackageName())));
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException unused) {
            startActivity(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" + getPackageName())));

    public void m105lambda$onCreate$3$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3() {

    public void showLoadingDialogue() {
        Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this, android.R.style.Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen);
        this.dialog = dialog;

    private void directnextbro() {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        this.handler.postDelayed(runnable, 1100L);

    public void m101lambda$directnextbro$6$comheweltunityplaytimex80Javaalpha3() {
        Log.e("abc", "===================" + this.current_page);
        if (this.isAdLoaded) {
            int i = this.current_page;
            if (i <= -1) {
                int i2 = i + 1;
                this.current_page = i2;
                if (i2 == this.data.size()) {
                    startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha4.class));
                } else {
            if (i < 99) {
                Log.e("abc", "=====showInterstial==============");
            Log.e("abc", "====not==showInterstial=============");
            int i3 = this.current_page + 1;
            this.current_page = i3;
            if (i3 == this.data.size()) {
                startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha4.class));
            } else {
        int i4 = this.current_page + 1;
        this.current_page = i4;
        if (i4 == this.data.size()) {
            startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha4.class));
        } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "The rewarded ad wasn't ready yet.");

    public void loadData() {
        this.current_page = 0;
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("P_ress skip 70 times to play.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "0/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "1/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "2/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "3/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "4/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "5/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "6/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "7/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "8/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "9/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "10/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "11/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "12/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "13/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "14/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "15/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "16/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "17/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "18/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "19/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "20/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "21/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "22/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "23/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "24/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "25/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "26/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "27/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "28/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "29/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "30/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "31/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "32/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "33/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "34/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "35/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "36/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "37/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "38/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "39/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "40/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "41/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "42/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "43/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "44/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "45/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "46/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "47/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "48/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "49/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "50/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "51/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "52/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "53/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "54/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "55/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "56/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "57/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "58/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "59/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "60/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : One of biggest Ch2 is that really is the villain that she's been theorized to be.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "61/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : While they're riding the train out of the factory.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "62/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Not wholly evil, however at Co., and that \\\"whatever I need you to do, you're capable.\\", R.drawable.bealpha1, "63/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Her tone comes off as menacing, but her language implies that she has good intentions.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "64/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : After Lon gets caught in an industrial shredder and subsequently perishes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "65/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : You can forget the few hours every day by playing the game.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "66/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : It has long, spindly fingers and exposed arm bones, looking somewhat like an unfinished version.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "67/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Although the hand only shows itself once, more details on it can be found in one of VHS tapes.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "68/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Ch. also offers some details on how these experiments were conducted..", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments with numbers in the 1100-1200s, and the rat is in the 800s.", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));
        this.data.add(new Javaalpha5("Intro : Lon and Huggy are experiments | Game Code : Keeee Milliosns eyEsss eeessheer", R.drawable.bealpha1, "69/70 SKIP"));

    public void loadPage() {
        if (this.data.get(this.current_page).getImage() != 0) {
        } else {

    private void checkNetworkConnectionStatus() {
        NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = ((ConnectivityManager) getSystemService("connectivity")).getActiveNetworkInfo();
        if (activeNetworkInfo == null || !activeNetworkInfo.isConnected()) {
            startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha6.class));

    public void loadInterstitialAd() {
        Log.d(TAG, "loadInterstitialAd: in unity");
        UnityAds.load("Interstitial_Android", new IUnityAdsLoadListener() {
            public void onUnityAdsAdLoaded(String str) {
                Log.d(Javaalpha3.TAG, "onUnityAdsAdLoaded: inter" + str);
                Javaalpha3.this.isAdLoaded = true;

            public void onUnityAdsFailedToLoad(String str, UnityAds.UnityAdsLoadError unityAdsLoadError, String str2) {
                Log.d(Javaalpha3.TAG, "onUnityAdsFailedToLoad: inter " + str);
                Javaalpha3.this.isAdLoaded = false;
                Log.e("AD", unityAdsLoadError.toString());

    public void showInterstial(Activity activity) {
        UnityAds.show(activity, "Interstitial_Android", new UnityAdsShowOptions(), new IUnityAdsShowListener() {
            public void onUnityAdsShowClick(String str) {

            public void onUnityAdsShowStart(String str) {

            public void onUnityAdsShowFailure(String str, UnityAds.UnityAdsShowError unityAdsShowError, String str2) {
                Log.d(Javaalpha3.TAG, "onUnityAdsShowFailure: inter " + str2);
                Log.d(Javaalpha3.TAG, "onUnityAdsShowFailure: ");
                Toast.makeText(Javaalpha3.this, "failed", 0).show();
                if (Javaalpha3.this.current_page != Javaalpha3.this.data.size()) {
                } else {
                    Javaalpha3.this.startActivity(new Intent(Javaalpha3.this.getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha4.class));

            public void onUnityAdsShowComplete(String str, UnityAds.UnityAdsShowCompletionState unityAdsShowCompletionState) {
                if (Javaalpha3.this.current_page != Javaalpha3.this.data.size()) {
                } else {
                    Javaalpha3.this.startActivity(new Intent(Javaalpha3.this.getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) Javaalpha4.class));