ModV2.0.4 v1.86526672844804版本的 MD5 值为:ab8437a2d03fc69805a8b4199bd7fecb

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.widget.DatePicker;
import android.widget.TimePicker;
import c.f.b.w;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.contacts.ContactData;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityPickShortcut;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestCallScreeningAccess;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestDigitalAssistantPermission;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestDoNotDisturbAccess;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestManageExternalStorageAccess;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestMissingPermissions;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivityRequestNotificationAccess;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionActivitySelectApp;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionPickContact;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.GenericActionPickContactWithMimeType;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.navigationbar.IconProvider;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.settings.ComponentNameList;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.AppBasic;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.GenericActionActivityGrantUriPermission;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.cq;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.cs;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ct;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.dq;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ds;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
public final class y {
    private static com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj f6580a;

    public static final class bq extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, c.s> {
        public static final bq f6707a = new bq();

        bq() {

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, int i2) {
        return a(activity, i2, (Integer) null, (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i) null, (Integer) null, (Integer) null, (List) null, 124, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3) {
        return a(activity, i2, i3, 0, 8, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar4, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar5) {
        return a(activity, iVar, iVar2, iVar3, iVar4, iVar5, (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i) null, (SharedPreferences) null, 192, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str, String str2) {
        return a(activity, str, str2, 0, 8, (Object) null);

    public static final String a() {
        return "DialogMessage";

    public static final int b(boolean z2) {
        return z2 ? 1 : 0;

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> c(Activity activity, int i2, int i3) {
        return a(activity, i2, i3, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> j(Activity activity) {
        return a(activity, (cs) null, 2, (Object) null);

    public static final class bz extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Message, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> {
        public static final bz f6719a = new bz();

        bz() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x invoke(Message message) {
            c.f.b.k.b(message, "it");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(message);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(c.f.a.b<? super com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>, c.s> bVar, c.f.a.b<? super com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> bVar2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(bVar, "block");
        return a(bVar, bVar2, bz.f6719a);

    public static b.a.l a(c.f.a.b bVar, c.f.a.b bVar2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            bVar2 = null;
        return a(bVar, bVar2);

    public static final class ca<TDialogMessage> extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage>> {
        final c.f.a.b f6726a;
        final c.f.a.b f6727b;
        final c.f.a.b f6728c;

        ca(c.f.a.b bVar, c.f.a.b bVar2, c.f.a.b bVar3) {
            this.f6726a = bVar;
            this.f6727b = bVar2;
            this.f6728c = bVar3;

        public final b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage> invoke() {
            b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage> f2 = b.a.k.d.f();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) f2, "SingleSubject.create<TDialogMessage>()");
            this.f6728c.invoke(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah(f2, new a()));
            return f2;

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.m<b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage>, Message, c.s> {
            a() {
                ca.this = r1;

            public c.s invoke(Object obj, Message message) {
                a((b.a.k.d) obj, message);
                return c.s.f2131a;

            public final void a(b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage> dVar, Message message) {
                c.f.b.k.b(dVar, "singleSubject");
                c.f.b.k.b(message, "message");
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar = (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) ca.this.f6726a.invoke(message);
                if (ca.this.f6727b == null || !((Boolean) ca.this.f6727b.invoke(xVar)).booleanValue()) {

    public static final <TDialogMessage extends com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b.a.l<TDialogMessage> a(c.f.a.b<? super com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<TDialogMessage>>, c.s> bVar, c.f.a.b<? super TDialogMessage, Boolean> bVar2, c.f.a.b<? super Message, ? extends TDialogMessage> bVar3) {
        c.f.b.k.b(bVar, "block");
        c.f.b.k.b(bVar3, "getDialogMessage");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.f(new ca(bVar3, bVar2, bVar));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h hVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(hVar, "args");
        return a(new bt(hVar), (c.f.a.b) null, 2, (Object) null);

    public static final class bt extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>, c.s> {
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h f6710a;

        bt(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h hVar) {
            this.f6710a = hVar;

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(ahVar, "it");
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar2 = ahVar;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i b2 = this.f6710a.b();
            String a2 = b2 != null ? b2.a() : null;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i c2 = this.f6710a.c();
            String a3 = c2 != null ? c2.a() : null;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i d2 = this.f6710a.d();
            String a4 = d2 != null ? d2.a() : null;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i e2 = this.f6710a.e();
            String a5 = e2 != null ? e2.a() : null;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f2 = this.f6710a.f();
            gf a6 = gf.a(ahVar2, a2, a3, a4, a5, f2 != null ? f2.a() : null, this.f6710a.g(), this.f6710a.h(), this.f6710a.i(), this.f6710a.j(), this.f6710a.k());

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, str, (int) R.string.button_label_yes, (int) R.string.button_label_no, i3, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 1984, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3, int i4, Object obj) {
        if ((i4 & 8) != 0) {
            i3 = -1;
        return a(activity, i2, str, i3);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, i3, (int) R.string.button_label_yes, (int) R.string.button_label_no, i4, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 1984, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, Object obj) {
        if ((i5 & 8) != 0) {
            i4 = -1;
        return a(activity, i2, i3, i4);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str, str2, R.string.button_label_yes, R.string.button_label_no, i2, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4032, null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            i2 = -1;
        return a(activity, str, str2, i2);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str, str2, R.string.button_label_enabled_on, R.string.button_label_enabled_off, i2, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4032, null));

    public static b.a.l b(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            i2 = -1;
        return b(activity, str, str2, i2);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> c(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str, str2, R.string.word_true, R.string.word_false, i2, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4032, null));

    public static b.a.l c(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            i2 = -1;
        return c(activity, str, str2, i2);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> d(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str, str2, R.string.pl_enable, R.string.ml_disable, i2, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4032, null));

    public static b.a.l d(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
            str2 = R.string.enable_or_disable_value, activity, str);
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            i2 = -1;
        return d(activity, str, str2, i2);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, boolean z2, String str3, Integer num, int i3, Integer num2, List list, int i4, Object obj) {
        return a(activity, str, str2, (i4 & 8) != 0 ? -1 : i2, (i4 & 16) != 0 ? false : z2, (i4 & 32) != 0 ? null : str3, (i4 & 64) != 0 ? null : num, (i4 & 128) != 0 ? 0 : i3, (i4 & 256) != 0 ? Integer.valueOf(go.c(activity)) : num2, (i4 & NotificationCompat.FLAG_GROUP_SUMMARY) != 0 ? null : list);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, boolean z2, String str3, Integer num, int i3, Integer num2, List<String> list) {
        int b2;
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        if (num != null) {
            b2 = num.intValue() | b(z2);
        } else {
            b2 = b(z2);
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str, str2, R.string.button_label_ok, R.string.button_label_cancel, i2, z2, b2, str3, i3, num2, list));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3, boolean z2, String str2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, str, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_cancel, i3, z2, 0, str2, 0, (Integer) null, 1664, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3, boolean z2, String str2, int i4, Object obj) {
        int i5 = (i4 & 8) != 0 ? -1 : i3;
        boolean z3 = (i4 & 16) != 0 ? false : z2;
        if ((i4 & 32) != 0) {
            str2 = null;
        return a(activity, i2, str, i5, z3, str2);

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar3, Integer num, Integer num2, List<String> list) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar, "title");
        return a(activity, iVar.a(), iVar3 != null ? iVar3.a() : null, 0, true, iVar2 != null ? iVar2.a() : null, num, num2 != null ? num2.intValue() : 0, null, list, 264, null).c(o.f6752a);

    public static final class o<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final o f6752a = new o();

        o() {

        public final String apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            String j = xVar.j();
            if (j != null) {
                return j;
            throw new RuntimeException("No text entered");

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, int i2, Integer num, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, Integer num2, Integer num3, List<String> list) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        return a(activity, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, i2, new Object[0]), num != null ? new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, num.intValue(), new Object[0]) : null, iVar, num2, num3, list);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, Integer num, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, Integer num2, Integer num3, List list, int i3, Object obj) {
        return a(activity, i2, (i3 & 4) != 0 ? null : num, (i3 & 8) != 0 ? null : iVar, (i3 & 16) != 0 ? null : num2, (i3 & 32) != 0 ? null : num3, (i3 & 64) != 0 ? null : list);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, boolean z2, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, i3, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_cancel, i4, z2, 0, str, 0, (Integer) null, 1664, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, boolean z2, String str, int i5, Object obj) {
        int i6 = (i5 & 8) != 0 ? -1 : i4;
        boolean z3 = (i5 & 16) != 0 ? false : z2;
        if ((i5 & 32) != 0) {
            str = null;
        return a(activity, i2, i3, i6, z3, str);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, i3, -1, (int) R.string.button_label_cancel, i4, z2, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 1920, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, boolean z2, int i5, Object obj) {
        if ((i5 & 8) != 0) {
            i4 = -1;
        if ((i5 & 16) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        return a(activity, i2, i3, i4, z2);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, int i4, Object obj) {
        if ((i4 & 8) != 0) {
            iVar = null;
        return a(activity, i2, i3, iVar);

    public static final class bw extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        public static final bw f6714a = new bw();

        bw() {

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final class bx extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> {
        public static final bx f6715a = new bx();

        bx() {

        public Boolean invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a(xVar));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return xVar.g();

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (iVar == null) {
            iVar = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity, i3, new Object[0]);
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity, iVar, bw.f6714a, bx.f6715a, null, new by(activity, i2, i3), 8, null);

    public static final class by extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        final Activity f6716a;
        final int f6717b;
        final int f6718c;

        by(Activity activity, int i, int i2) {
            this.f6716a = activity;
            this.f6717b = i;
            this.f6718c = i2;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return y.a(this.f6716a, this.f6717b, this.f6718c, (int) R.string.button_label_stop_reminding);

    public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        public static final a f6581a = new a();

        a() {

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final class b extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> {
        public static final b f6639a = new b();

        b() {

        public Boolean invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a(xVar));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return xVar.g();

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar4, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar5, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar6, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, int i2, Object obj) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences2;
        com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar7 = (i2 & 32) != 0 ? iVar2 : iVar5;
        com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l lVar = (i2 & 64) != 0 ? new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity, R.string.button_label_stop_reminding, new Object[0]) : iVar6;
        if ((i2 & 128) != 0) {
            SharedPreferences a2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity);
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "activity.preferencesState");
            sharedPreferences2 = a2;
        } else {
            sharedPreferences2 = sharedPreferences;
        return a(activity, iVar, iVar2, iVar3, iVar4, iVar7, lVar, sharedPreferences2);

    public static final class c extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        final Activity f6720a;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f6721b;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f6722c;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f6723d;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f6724e;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i f6725f;

        c(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar4, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar5) {
            this.f6720a = activity;
            this.f6721b = iVar;
            this.f6722c = iVar2;
            this.f6723d = iVar3;
            this.f6724e = iVar4;
            this.f6725f = iVar5;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6720a, this.f6721b, this.f6722c, this.f6723d, this.f6724e, this.f6725f, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, null, 8128, null));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar3, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar4, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar5, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar6, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar, "title");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar2, "text");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar3, "positiveLabel");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar4, "negativeLabel");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar5, "overrideStopRemindingKey");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar6, "stopRemindingLabel");
        c.f.b.k.b(sharedPreferences, "preferencesForStopReminding");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity, iVar5, a.f6581a, b.f6639a, sharedPreferences, new c(activity, iVar, iVar2, iVar3, iVar4, iVar6));

    public static final class x extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        public static final x f6767a = new x();

        x() {

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final class C0143y extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> {
        public static final C0143y f6768a = new C0143y();

        C0143y() {

        public Boolean invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a(xVar));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return xVar.g();

    public static final class z extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        final Activity f6769a;
        final int f6770b;
        final String f6771c;

        z(Activity activity, int i, String str) {
            this.f6769a = activity;
            this.f6770b = i;
            this.f6771c = str;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return y.a(this.f6769a, this.f6770b, this.f6771c, (int) R.string.button_label_stop_reminding, false, (String) null, 48, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "text");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.k(str), x.f6767a, C0143y.f6768a, null, new z(activity, i2, str), 8, null);

    public static final class aa extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        public static final aa f6582a = new aa();

        aa() {

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final class ab extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> {
        public static final ab f6583a = new ab();

        ab() {

        public Boolean invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a(xVar));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return xVar.g();

    public static final class ac extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        final Activity f6584a;
        final int f6585b;
        final int f6586c;

        ac(Activity activity, int i, int i2) {
            this.f6584a = activity;
            this.f6585b = i;
            this.f6586c = i2;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return y.a(this.f6584a, this.f6585b, this.f6586c, (int) R.string.button_label_stop_reminding, false, (String) null, 48, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b(Activity activity, int i2, int i3) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity2, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, i3, new Object[0]), aa.f6582a, ab.f6583a, null, new ac(activity, i2, i3), 8, null);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, String str, int i6, Object obj) {
        int i7 = (i6 & 8) != 0 ? -1 : i4;
        int i8 = (i6 & 16) != 0 ? R.string.button_label_ok : i5;
        if ((i6 & 32) != 0) {
            str = null;
        return a(activity, i2, i3, i7, i8, str);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        String a2 =, activity, new Object[0]);
        return a(activity, i2, a2, i4, i5, str != null ? str : a2);

    public static final class ad extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        public static final ad f6587a = new ad();

        ad() {

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final class ae extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, Boolean> {
        public static final ae f6588a = new ae();

        ae() {

        public Boolean invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a(xVar));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return xVar.g();

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3, int i4, String str2, int i5, Object obj) {
        return a(activity, i2, str, (i5 & 8) != 0 ? -1 : i3, (i5 & 16) != 0 ? R.string.button_label_ok : i4, (i5 & 32) != 0 ? str : str2);

    public static final class af extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> {
        final Activity f6589a;
        final int f6590b;
        final String f6591c;
        final int f6592d;
        final int f6593e;

        af(Activity activity, int i, String str, int i2, int i3) {
            this.f6589a = activity;
            this.f6590b = i;
            this.f6591c = str;
            this.f6592d = i2;
            this.f6593e = i3;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> invoke() {
            return y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6589a, this.f6590b, this.f6591c, this.f6592d, this.f6593e, (int) R.string.button_label_stop_reminding, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 1984, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, int i3, int i4, String str2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "text");
        c.f.b.k.b(str2, "tipKey");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(activity, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.k(str2), ad.f6587a, ae.f6588a, null, new af(activity, i2, str, i4, i3), 8, null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, (int) R.string.tip_dialog_title, i2, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null);

    public static final class bu<T> implements b.a.d.f<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> {
        final Activity f6711a;
        final String f6712b;

        bu(Activity activity, String str) {
            this.f6711a = activity;
            this.f6712b = str;

        public final void accept(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.e()) {
       this.f6711a, this.f6712b, false, false, true, 6, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b(Activity activity, int i2, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "learnMoreUrl");
        b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b2 = a(activity, (int) R.string.tip_dialog_title, i2, (int) R.string.learn_more, 0, (String) null, 48, (Object) null).b(new bu(activity, str));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "dialogOkStopReminding(ac…reUrl, reuseTab = true)\n}");
        return b2;

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "text");
        return a(activity, (int) R.string.tip_dialog_title, str, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> c(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return d(activity, R.string.tip_dialog_title, i2);

    public static final b.a.b.b d(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(a(activity, (int) R.string.warning_dialog_title, i2, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null), activity, bq.f6707a);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> c(Activity activity, int i2, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, str, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2032, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.k(str), str2 != null ? new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.k(str2) : null, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity, R.string.button_label_ok, new Object[0]), iVar, null, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, null, 8160, null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            iVar = null;
        return a(activity, str, str2, iVar);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> d(Activity activity, int i2, int i3) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, i2, i3, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2032, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> e(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.warning_dialog_title, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.b(activity, i2), 0, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2040, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, fz fzVar, String str, List list, boolean z2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            str = null;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            list = fzVar != null ? fzVar.b(-2, ft.c.Alpha) : null;
        if ((i2 & 16) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        return a(activity, fzVar, str, list, z2);

    public static final b.a.l<<ft>> a(Activity activity, fz fzVar, String str, List<? extends ft> list, boolean z2) {
        Integer num;
        boolean z3;
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (list != null) {
            if (z2 && list.size() == 1) {
                return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ab(3, null, 2, null), list.get(0), null, 4, null));
            String str2 = str;
            if (str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) {
                num = null;
            } else {
                Iterator<? extends ft> it = list.iterator();
                int i2 = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (!it.hasNext()) {
                        i2 = -1;
                    ft next =;
                    if (next.m() != null) {
                        String m2 = next.m();
                        c.f.b.k.a((Object) m2, "");
                        if (m2 == null) {
                            throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
                        String lowerCase = m2.toLowerCase();
                        c.f.b.k.a((Object) lowerCase, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase()");
                        if (str == null) {
                            throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
                        String lowerCase2 = str.toLowerCase();
                        c.f.b.k.a((Object) lowerCase2, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase()");
                        if (c.f.b.k.a((Object) lowerCase, (Object) lowerCase2)) {
                            z3 = true;
                            if (!z3) {
                    z3 = false;
                    if (!z3) {
                num = Integer.valueOf(i2);
            return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.taskselect_title, list, true, bm.f6686a, null, null, null, null, null, num, null, null, null, null, null, 64480, null));
        return null;

    public static final class bm extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<ft, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final bm f6686a = new bm();

        bm() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(ft ftVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(ftVar, "it");
            String m = ftVar.m();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) m, "");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(m, ftVar.f(), false, 4, null);

    public static final class bo extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final bo f6688a = new bo();

        bo() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(String str) {
            c.f.b.k.b(str, "it");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(str, null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, List<String> list) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(list, "dataVars");
        b.a.l<String> c2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.dialog_title_variable_select, list, false, bo.f6688a, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65504, null)).c(bn.f6687a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSingleChoice(args)…)\n\n        selected\n    }");
        return c2;

    public static final class bn<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final bn f6687a = new bn();

        bn() {

        public final String apply(<String> aeVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            String b2 = aeVar.b();
            if (b2 != null) {
                return !c.l.n.a(b2, "%", false, 2, (Object) null) ? di.a(b2) : b2;
            throw new RuntimeException("No variable selected");

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_need_notification_listener, (int) R.string.dc_need_notification_listener, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static final class bc extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<cr> {
        final Activity f6644a;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.q f6645b;
        final boolean f6646c;

        bc(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.q qVar, boolean z) {
            this.f6644a = activity;
            this.f6645b = qVar;
            this.f6646c = z;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Boolean, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj> {
            AnonymousClass1() {
                bc.this = r1;

            public com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj invoke(Boolean bool) {
                return a(bool.booleanValue());

            public static com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj a(AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1, boolean z, int i, Object obj) {
                if ((i & 1) != 0) {
                    z = false;
                return anonymousClass1.a(z);

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj a(boolean z) {
       a2 = ac.a.a(, bc.this.f6644a, R.string.dc_getting_settings, false, 4, null);
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj b2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj.f8799a.a(bc.this.f6644a, z ? bc.this.f6645b : null).b();
      , null, 1, null);
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "result");
                return b2;

        public final cr invoke() {
            AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1 = new AnonymousClass1();
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.aj ajVar = y.f6580a;
            if (ajVar != null) {
                y.f6580a = null;
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.ak b2 = AnonymousClass1.a(anonymousClass1, false, 1, null).a(ajVar).b();
                if (b2.size() == 0) {
                    y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6644a, (int) R.string.dialog_title_setting, (int) R.string.no_differences_found, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2040, (c.f.b.g) null)).b();
                    return new cs("no differences found");
                Activity activity = this.f6644a;
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "differences");
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.t tVar = (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.t) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.dialog_title_setting, b2, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65528, null)).b()).b();
                if (tVar == null) {
                    return new cs("no setting selected");
                if (this.f6646c && tVar.a().g() && tVar.b().g() && ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(this.f6644a, (int) R.string.dialog_title_setting, (int) R.string.dc_is_toggle_custom_setting_want, 0, 8, (Object) null).b()).d()) {
                return new cv(tVar.b());
            } else if (!y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6644a, (int) R.string.dialog_title_setting, (int) R.string.dc_want_to_find_or_list_setting, (int) R.string.ml_find, (int) R.string.dialog_title_setting, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).b().e()) {
                y.f6580a = AnonymousClass1.a(anonymousClass1, false, 1, null);
                y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6644a, (int) R.string.dialog_title_setting, (int) R.string.dc_ok_change_setting_then_come_back_and_press_again, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2040, (c.f.b.g) null)).b();
                return new cu();
            } else {
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.s sVar = (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.s) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.dialog_title_setting, anonymousClass1.a(true), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65528, null)).b()).b();
                if (sVar == null) {
                    return new cs("no setting selected");
                return new cv(sVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.securesettings.q qVar, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(qVar, "selectedSecureSettingType");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bc(activity, qVar, z2));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> b(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.r()) {
            b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a2 = b.a.l.a((b.a.o) new bv(activity));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.create<DialogMess…GATIVE_BUTTON))\n        }");
            return a2;
        return a(activity, "volume_long_press_grant", "android.permission.SET_VOLUME_KEY_LONG_PRESS_LISTENER", (int) R.string.dc_volume_key_permission_explain, false, false, false, 112, (Object) null);

    public static final class bv<T> implements b.a.o<T> {
        final Activity f6713a;

        bv(Activity activity) {
            this.f6713a = activity;

        public final void a(b.a.m<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> mVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(mVar, "it");
  "Need at least Android 8 to handle long volume press events", this.f6713a);
            mVar.a((b.a.m<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>) new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null));

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> c(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.r()) {
            b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a2 = b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(0, null, 2, null));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(DialogMessag…nt.WHAT_POSITIVE_BUTTON))");
            return a2;
        return a(activity, "media_key_listener_grant", "android.permission.SET_MEDIA_KEY_LISTENER", (int) R.string.dc_media_key_listener_permission_explain, false, false, false, 112, (Object) null);

    public static final class g<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6739a;

        g(Activity activity) {
            this.f6739a = activity;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> apply(Boolean bool) {
            c.f.b.k.b(bool, "isRootGiven");
            if (bool.booleanValue()) {
                return y.a(this.f6739a, (int) R.string.an_adb_wifi, (int) R.string.dc_adb_wifi_root_not_needed, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null);
            return y.a(this.f6739a, "adb_wifi", "android.permission.ADB_WIFI", (int) R.string.dc_adb_wifi_permission_explain, false, false, false, 80, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> d(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        b.a.l a2 = g(activity));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Init.isRootGiven().flatM… = false)\n        }\n    }");
        return a2;

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> e(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, "device_owner", "android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN", (int) R.string.dc_device_owner_permission_explain, false, false, false, 112, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> f(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, "dump_grant", "android.permission.DUMP", (int) R.string.dc_dump_permission_explain, false, false, false, 112, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> g(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return b(activity, (int) R.string.an_screen_capture, (int) R.string.dc_screencapture_permission_explain_short).a(new bb(activity));

    public static final class bb<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6643a;

        bb(Activity activity) {
            this.f6643a = activity;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            return !xVar.d() ? b.a.l.a(xVar) : y.h(this.f6643a);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> h(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, "screencapture_grant", "PROJECT_MEDIA", (int) R.string.dc_screencapture_permission_explain, false, false, true, 48, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> i(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return f(activity, (int) R.string.dc_read_logs_permission_logcat_explain);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> f(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, "read_logs_grant", "android.permission.READ_LOGS", i2, true, false, false, 96, (Object) null);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
            str = "secure_setting_grant";
        if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
            str2 = "android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS";
        return a(activity, str, str2, (i3 & 8) != 0 ? R.string.dc_secure_settings_permission_explain : i2, (i3 & 16) != 0 ? false : z2, (i3 & 32) != 0 ? true : z3, (i3 & 64) != 0 ? false : z4);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(Activity activity, String str, String str2, int i2, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "helpId");
        c.f.b.k.b(str2, "permission");
        b.a.l a2 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions,, activity, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new bd(activity, str, z3, z4, str2, z2));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "dialogTextBox(\n    ArgsD…    Single.just(it)\n    }");
        return a2;

    public static final class bd<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6648a;
        final String f6649b;
        final boolean f6650c;
        final boolean f6651d;
        final String f6652e;
        final boolean f6653f;

        bd(Activity activity, String str, boolean z, boolean z2, String str2, boolean z3) {
            this.f6648a = activity;
            this.f6649b = str;
            this.f6650c = z;
            this.f6651d = z2;
            this.f6652e = str2;
            this.f6653f = z3;

        public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new AnonymousClass1());
            return b.a.l.a(xVar);

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> {
            AnonymousClass1() {
                bd.this = r1;

            public static final class C01401 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> {
                C01401() {
                    AnonymousClass1.this = r1;

                public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x invoke() {
           a2 = bw.a.a(, (Context) bd.this.f6648a, 0, 2, (Object) null);
                    if (!a2.f()) {
                        y.d(bd.this.f6648a, R.string.dt_storage_access, R.string.dc_to_access_help_tasker_needs_storage).d(new b.a.d.g<Throwable, b.a.p<? extends com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>() {
                            public final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> apply(Throwable th) {
                                c.f.b.k.b(th, "<anonymous parameter 0>");
                                return b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(0, null, 2, null));
                    if (a2.b(bd.this.f6648a).b().b()) {
                        ActionEdit.a(bd.this.f6648a, bd.this.f6649b, (String) null);
                        return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(0, null, 2, null);
                    return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null);

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x invoke() {
                StringBuilder sb;
                String str;
                C01401 c01401 = new C01401();
                if (!bd.this.f6650c || ! {
                    return c01401.invoke();
                if (!y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(bd.this.f6648a, (int) R.string.pl_use_root, (int) R.string.dc_since_device_rooted_grant_perimssion, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).b().d()) {
                    return c01401.invoke();
                if (bd.this.f6651d) {
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.append("appops set ");
                    sb.append(' ');
                    str = " allow";
                } else {
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.append("pm grant ");
                    sb.append(' ');
                    str = bd.this.f6652e;
                if (cq.f9637a.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.q(sb.toString(), true, 10000L, false, 8, null)).b().a()) {
                    y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(bd.this.f6648a, (int) R.string.button_label_done, (int) R.string.dc_permissions_granted, (int) R.string.button_label_ok, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2032, (c.f.b.g) null)).b();
                if (bd.this.f6653f) {
                    y.d(bd.this.f6648a, R.string.dt_restart_needed, R.string.dc_restart_needed_permissions).b();
                    cq.a aVar = cq.f9637a;
                    aVar.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.q("am force-stop " + bd.this.f6648a.getPackageName(), true, 10000L, false, 8, null)).b();
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(0, null, 2, null);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return a(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> a(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.k(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        b.a.l a3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_notification_access_permission_explain, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new v(activity, csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "dialogTextBox(\n        A…st(error)\n        }\n    }");
        return a3;

    public static final class v<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6764a;
        final cs f6765b;

        v(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
            this.f6764a = activity;
            this.f6765b = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestNotificationAccess().run(this.f6764a);
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6765b);

    public static b.a.l b(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return b(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> b(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.l(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        b.a.l a3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_manage_external_storage_permission_explain, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new u(activity, csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "dialogTextBox(\n        A…st(error)\n        }\n    }");
        return a3;

    public static final class u<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6762a;
        final cs f6763b;

        u(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
            this.f6762a = activity;
            this.f6763b = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestManageExternalStorageAccess().run(this.f6762a);
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6763b);

    public static b.a.l c(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return c(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> c(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.l(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        b.a.l a3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.background_location_permission_justification, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new q(activity, csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "dialogTextBox(\n        A…st(error)\n        }\n    }");
        return a3;

    public static final class q<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6754a;
        final cs f6755b;

        q(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
            this.f6754a = activity;
            this.f6755b = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestMissingPermissions(new String[]{"android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"}, null, 2, null).run(this.f6754a);
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6755b);

    public static b.a.l d(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return d(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> d(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        if (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.q()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.m(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a3 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a3;
        b.a.l a4 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_call_screener_explain, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new r(activity, csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a4, "dialogTextBox(\n        A…st(error)\n        }\n    }");
        return a4;

    public static final class r<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6756a;
        final cs f6757b;

        r(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
            this.f6756a = activity;
            this.f6757b = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestCallScreeningAccess().run(this.f6756a);
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6757b);

    public static b.a.l e(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return e(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> e(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.p(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        b.a.l a3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_need_root_access, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, 0, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2032, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new w(csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "dialogTextBox(\n        A… Single.just(error)\n    }");
        return a3;

    public static final class w<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final cs f6766a;

        w(cs csVar) {
            this.f6766a = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<cs> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6766a);

    public static b.a.l f(Activity activity, cs csVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            csVar =;
        return f(activity, csVar);

    public static final b.a.l<cr> f(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(csVar, "error");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        if (bw.a.n(, activity2, 0, 2, null).g()) {
            b.a.l<cr> a2 = b.a.l.a(new cu());
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(SimpleResultSuccess())");
            return a2;
        b.a.l a3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_need_dnd_access, activity2, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new t(activity, csVar));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "dialogTextBox(\n        A…st(error)\n        }\n    }");
        return a3;

    public static final class t<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6759a;
        final cs f6760b;

        t(Activity activity, cs csVar) {
            this.f6759a = activity;
            this.f6760b = csVar;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestDoNotDisturbAccess().run(this.f6759a).d(new b.a.d.g<Throwable, b.a.p<? extends cr>>() {
                        t.this = this;

                    public final b.a.l<cs> apply(Throwable th) {
                        c.f.b.k.b(th, "it");
                        return b.a.l.a(t.this.f6760b);
            return b.a.l.a(this.f6760b);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> k(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, R.string.dc_draw_overlay_permission_explain, activity, new Object[0]), (int) R.string.button_label_ok, (int) R.string.button_label_no, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null));

    public static final class s<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6758a;

        s(Activity activity) {
            this.f6758a = activity;

        public final b.a.l<? extends cr> apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "dialogMessage");
            if (xVar.e()) {
                ActionEdit.a(this.f6758a, "secure_setting_grant", (String) null);
                return b.a.l.a(new cu());
            } else if (xVar.d()) {
                return new GenericActionActivityRequestDigitalAssistantPermission().run(this.f6758a);
            } else {
                return b.a.l.a(ct.a("missing digital assistant permission"));

    public static final b.a.l<cr> l(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        b.a.l a2 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.dt_missing_permissions, (int) R.string.run_airplane_mode_no_root_or_adb_wifi, (int) R.string.ml_android_settings_assistant_settings, (int) R.string.dt_permission, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).a(new s(activity));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "dialogTextBox(ArgsDialog…stant permission\"))\n    }");
        return a2;

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.c cVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(cVar, "args");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new n(cVar));

    public static final class n extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> {
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.c f6751a;

        n(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.c cVar) {
            this.f6751a = cVar;

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x invoke() {
            try {
                new ActionDialogHTML(this.f6751a.b(), this.f6751a.c()).run(this.f6751a.a()).b();
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(0, null, 2, null);
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x(1, null, 2, null);

    public static final class i extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>, c.s> {
        final Activity f6741a;

        i(Activity activity) {
            this.f6741a = activity;

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(ahVar, "it");
            gn.a(this.f6741a, ahVar).a(this.f6741a);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> m(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(new i(activity), (c.f.a.b) null, 2, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<cw<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ah>> a(Context context) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        return a(context,, (List) null, false, (List) null, 28, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<cw<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ah>> a(Context context, Intent intent, List<String> list, boolean z2, List<String> list2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        b.a.l c2 = new GenericActionActivitySelectApp(intent, list, z2, list2).run(context).c(be.f6657a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "GenericActionActivitySel…Unknown error\"))\n    }\n\n}");
        return c2;

    public static b.a.l a(Context context, Intent intent, List list, boolean z2, List list2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            intent = null;
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            list = null;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        if ((i2 & 16) != 0) {
            list2 = null;
        return a(context, intent, list, z2, list2);

    public static final class be<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final be f6657a = new be();

        be() {

        public final cw<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ah> apply(cr crVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(crVar, "it");
            return crVar instanceof cw ? (cw) crVar : crVar instanceof cs ? new cw<>(false, null, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ah(((cs) crVar).c())) : new cw<>(false, null, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.ah("Unknown error"));

    public static final class bl implements com.joaomgcd.taskerm.helper.x {
        private final Context f6684a;
        private final String f6685b;

        public bl(Context context, String str) {
            c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
            this.f6684a = context;
            this.f6685b = str;

        public String a() {
            return this.f6685b;

        public String toString() {
            return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.bx.a(a(), this.f6684a) + " (" + c.l.n.a(a(), (CharSequence) "android.permission.") + ')';

    public static final b.a.l<String> b(Activity activity, List<String> list) {
        List<String> l2;
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (list != null) {
            l2 = list;
        } else {
            String[] strArr =;
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) strArr, "KNOWN_PERMS");
            l2 = c.a.d.l(strArr);
            c.a.j.a((Collection) l2, (Object[]);
        List<String> list2 = l2;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) list2, 10));
        for (String str : list2) {
            arrayList.add(new bl(activity, str));
        HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        for (Object obj : arrayList) {
            if (hashSet.add(((bl) obj).toString())) {
        b.a.l<String> c2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.app_class_permissions, arrayList2, false, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65400, null)).c(bk.f6683a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSingleChoice(Dialo…sion selected\")\n        }");
        return c2;

    public static final class bk<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final bk f6683a = new bk();

        bk() {

        public final String apply(<bl> aeVar) {
            String a2;
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            bl b2 = aeVar.b();
            if (b2 == null || (a2 = b2.a()) == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No permission selected");
            return a2;

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, String str, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            str =;
        return b(activity, str);

    public static final class bj extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<<NotificationChannel>> {
        final Activity f6680a;
        final String f6681b;

        bj(Activity activity, String str) {
            this.f6680a = activity;
            this.f6681b = str;

        public final<NotificationChannel> invoke() {
            List<NotificationChannel> a2;
  <NotificationChannel> aeVar = new<>();
            if (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.r() || (a2 =, this.f6681b)) == null) {
                return aeVar;
            if (a2.isEmpty()) {
                y.d(this.f6680a, R.string.dc_notification_category, R.string.dc_you_didnt_create_any_categories_yet).b();
                return aeVar;
  <NotificationChannel> aeVar2 = ( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.dc_notification_category, a2, false, a.f6682a, Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.tip_long_click_to_delete), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65480, null)).b();
            if (aeVar2.a().o()) {
       R.string.message_deleted, this.f6680a, new Object[0]), this.f6680a);
                y.a(this.f6680a, (int) R.string.dc_notification_category, (int) R.string.dc_delete_categories_doesnt_change_properties, 0, 0, (String) null, 56, (Object) null).b();
                Activity activity = this.f6680a;
                NotificationChannel b2 = aeVar2.b();
      , b2 != null ? b2.getId() : null);
                return ( y.a(this.f6680a, (String) null, 2, (Object) null).b();
            return aeVar2;

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<NotificationChannel, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            public static final a f6682a = new a();

            a() {

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(NotificationChannel notificationChannel) {
                c.f.b.k.b(notificationChannel, "it");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(notificationChannel.getName().toString(), null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<<NotificationChannel>> b(Activity activity, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bj(activity, str));

    public static final class bf extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
        final Activity f6658a;

        bf(Activity activity) {
            this.f6658a = activity;

        public final String invoke() {
            String invoke;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.i iVar = (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.i) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.dt_select_time_option, c.a.j.d(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.i(this.f6658a, R.string.dc_wait_for_some_time_button_press, new a()), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.i(this.f6658a, R.string.dc_trigger_every_second_while_button_pressed, new b())), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65520, null)).b()).b();
            return (iVar == null || (invoke = iVar.b().invoke()) == null) ? "" : invoke;

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
            a() {
                bf.this = r1;

            public final String invoke() {
                return ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(bf.this.f6658a, (int) R.string.dc_how_much_time_to_wait_to_trigger, "1", 0, true, (String) null, 40, (Object) null).b()).j();

        public static final class b extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
            b() {
                bf.this = r1;

            public final String invoke() {
                String j = ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(bf.this.f6658a, (int) R.string.dc_how_much_time_to_wait_to_trigger, "0", 0, true, (String) null, 40, (Object) null).b()).j();
                String str = j;
                if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
                    return "";
                String j2 = ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(bf.this.f6658a, (int) R.string.dc_stop_triggering_at_which_time, "", 0, true, (String) null, 40, (Object) null).b()).j();
                if (j2 == null) {
                    j2 = "";
                return, j2);

    public static final b.a.l<String> n(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bf(activity));

    public static final b.a.l<<BluetoothDevice>> o(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if (! {
            b.a.l<<BluetoothDevice>> b2 = b.a.l.b(new RuntimeException("Need Nearby devices permission"));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "Single.error(RuntimeExce…rby devices permission\"))");
            return b2;
        BluetoothAdapter defaultAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) defaultAdapter, "BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()");
        Set<BluetoothDevice> bondedDevices = defaultAdapter.getBondedDevices();
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) bondedDevices, "BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().bondedDevices");
        HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        for (Object obj : bondedDevices) {
            BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice = (BluetoothDevice) obj;
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) bluetoothDevice, "it");
            if (hashSet.add(bluetoothDevice.getAddress())) {
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.an_bluetooth_connection, c.a.j.i((Iterable) arrayList), true, ah.f6596a, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65504, null));

    public static final class ah extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<BluetoothDevice, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final ah f6596a = new ah();

        ah() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice) {
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) bluetoothDevice, "it");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(, null, false, 6, null);

    public static final class j<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final j f6742a = new j();

        j() {

        public final String apply(<String> aeVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            String b2 = aeVar.b();
            if (b2 != null) {
                if (b2 != null) {
                    String lowerCase = b2.toLowerCase();
                    c.f.b.k.a((Object) lowerCase, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase()");
                    return String.valueOf(Boolean.parseBoolean(lowerCase));
                throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
            throw new RuntimeException("Nothing selected");

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.j jVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(jVar, "title");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        String a2 = jVar.a(activity2);
        Integer[] numArr = {Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.word_true), Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.word_false)};
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(numArr.length);
        for (Integer num : numArr) {
            arrayList.add(, activity2, new Object[0]));
        b.a.l<String> c2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, a2, arrayList, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131064, null)).c(j.f6742a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSingleChoice(Dialo…oolean().toString()\n    }");
        return c2;

    private static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, ax.a aVar, boolean z2) {
        b.a.l<String> c2 = a(new k(activity, aVar, z2), (c.f.a.b) null, 2, (Object) null).c(new l(activity));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "withHandler({\n    IconSe…ception(\"Invalid icon\")\n}");
        return c2;

    public static final class k extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>, c.s> {
        final Activity f6743a;
        final ax.a f6744b;
        final boolean f6745c;

        k(Activity activity, ax.a aVar, boolean z) {
            this.f6743a = activity;
            this.f6744b = aVar;
            this.f6745c = z;

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(ahVar, "it");
   this.f6743a, (Handler) ahVar, this.f6744b, this.f6745c, false).a(this.f6743a);

    public static final class l<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        final Activity f6746a;

        l(Activity activity) {
            this.f6746a = activity;

        public final String apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            Integer l;
            String uri;
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            Bundle m = xVar.m();
            if (m == null || (l = xVar.l()) == null || l.intValue() != 1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Not selected");
            String string = m.getString(ProfileManager.EXTRA_PROFILE_NAME);
            int i = m.getInt("tint", 0);
   gVar = new;
            if (i != 0) {
            Uri c2 = gVar.c(this.f6746a);
            if (c2 == null || (uri = c2.toString()) == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid icon");
            return uri;

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, ax.a.Holo, z2);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, boolean z2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        return a(activity, z2);

    public static final b.a.l<String> b(Activity activity, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, ax.a.Material, z2);

    public static b.a.l b(Activity activity, boolean z2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        return b(activity, z2);

    public static final b.a.l<String> c(Activity activity, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return a(activity, ax.a.Misc, z2);

    public static b.a.l c(Activity activity, boolean z2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        return c(activity, z2);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6, boolean z7, boolean z8, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            z3 = true;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            z4 = true;
        if ((i2 & 16) != 0) {
            z5 = true;
        if ((i2 & 32) != 0) {
            z6 = true;
        if ((i2 & 64) != 0) {
            z7 = false;
        if ((i2 & 128) != 0) {
            z8 = false;
        return a(activity, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8);

    public static final b.a.l<String[]> a(Activity activity, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6, boolean z7, boolean z8) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bi(z4, z5, z6, z3, z8, z7, activity, z2));

    public static final class bi extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String[]> {
        final boolean f6672a;
        final boolean f6673b;
        final boolean f6674c;
        final boolean f6675d;
        final boolean f6676e;
        final boolean f6677f;
        final Activity g;
        final boolean h;

        bi(boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6, Activity activity, boolean z7) {
            this.f6672a = z;
            this.f6673b = z2;
            this.f6674c = z3;
            this.f6675d = z4;
            this.f6676e = z5;
            this.f6677f = z6;
            this.g = activity;
            this.h = z7;

        public final String[] invoke() {
            String[] strArr;
            List a2;
            String a3;
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
            if (this.f6672a) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.application_icon), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_browse_files_apps)));
            if (!Kid.a()) {
                c.a.j.a((Collection) arrayList, (Object[]) new c.k[]{new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.word_holo), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.hl_aaa_ext_android)), new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.word_material), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_action_android)), new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.settings_tab_misc), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.cust_cookie))});
            if (this.f6673b) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.pl_file), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_browse_files_file)));
            if (this.f6674c) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.pl_url), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_browse_files_url)));
            if (this.f6675d) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.current_wallpaper), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_device_wallpaper)));
            if (this.f6676e) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.clipboard_image), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.hd_content_paste)));
            if (this.f6677f) {
                arrayList.add(new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.base64_image), Integer.valueOf((int) R.drawable.mw_action_code)));
            c.k kVar = (c.k) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.cn_image, arrayList, false, new b(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65504, null)).b()).b();
            if (kVar == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Didn't select image type");
            int intValue = ((Number) kVar.a()).intValue();
            switch (intValue) {
                case R.string.pl_file:
                    strArr = (String[]) y.a((Context) this.g, "image/*", this.h, (String) null, false, false, false, 120, (Object) null).b();
                case R.string.pl_url:
                    String j = y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.g, (int) R.string.pl_url, (String) null, 0, 0, 0, true, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 1976, (c.f.b.g) null)).b().j();
                    if (j != null) {
                        return new String[]{j};
                    throw new RuntimeException("Didn't enter a URL");
                case R.string.settings_tab_misc:
                    Object b2 = y.c(this.g, false, 2, (Object) null).b();
                    c.f.b.k.a(b2, "dialogBuiltInIconMisc(activity).blockingGet()");
                    return new String[]{(String) b2};
                case R.string.word_holo:
                    Object b3 = y.a(this.g, false, 2, (Object) null).b();
                    c.f.b.k.a(b3, "dialogBuiltInIconHolo(activity).blockingGet()");
                    return new String[]{(String) b3};
                case R.string.word_material:
                    Object b4 = y.b(this.g, false, 2, (Object) null).b();
                    c.f.b.k.a(b4, "dialogBuiltInIconMaterial(activity).blockingGet()");
                    return new String[]{(String) b4};
                case R.string.application_icon:
                    strArr = new String[1];
                    String c2 = IconProvider.f8088a.c((String) ((cw) y.a((Context) this.g, (Intent) null, (List) null, false, (List) null, 30, (Object) null).b()).d());
                    if (c2 != null) {
                        strArr[0] = c2;
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Didn't select an app");
                case R.string.base64_image:
                    String j2 = y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.g, R.string.base64_image, this.g), null, null, null, null, true, 0, R.string.base64_image_prompt, this.g, new Object[0]), 0, null, null, null, 7868, null)).b().j();
                    if (j2 != null) {
                        return new String[]{com.joaomgcd.taskerm.m.b.a() + com.joaomgcd.taskerm.m.a.f8011a.b(j2)};
                    throw new RuntimeException("Didn't enter anything");
                case R.string.clipboard_image:
                    strArr = new String[]{IconProvider.f8088a.a()};
                case R.string.current_wallpaper:
                    List b5 = c.a.j.b(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.launcher_wallpaper), Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.lockscreen_wallpaper));
                    a aVar = new a();
                    if (this.h) {
                        a2 = (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.e(this.g, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(this.g, intValue, new Object[0]), b5, false, aVar, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 8168, null)).b()).b();
                    } else {
                        Integer num = (Integer) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, intValue, b5, false, aVar, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65512, null)).b()).b();
                        if (num != null) {
                            a2 = c.a.j.a(Integer.valueOf(num.intValue()));
                        } else {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Type of wallpaper not selected");
                    List<Number> list = a2;
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) list, 10));
                    for (Number number : list) {
                        int intValue2 = number.intValue();
                        if (intValue2 == R.string.launcher_wallpaper) {
                            a3 = IconProvider.f8088a.a(hh.a.Launcher);
                        } else if (intValue2 == R.string.lockscreen_wallpaper) {
                            a3 = IconProvider.f8088a.a(hh.a.Lock);
                        } else {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type of wallpaper");
                    Object[] array = arrayList2.toArray(new String[0]);
                    if (array != null) {
                        strArr = (String[]) array;
                    } else {
                        throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T>");
                    throw new RuntimeException("Not a valid type of image selection");
            return strArr;

        public static final class b extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<c.k<? extends Integer, ? extends Integer>, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            b() {
                bi.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(c.k<Integer, Integer> kVar) {
                c.f.b.k.b(kVar, "it");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(, bi.this.g, new Object[0]), new, kVar.b().intValue()), false, 4, null);

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Integer, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            a() {
                bi.this = r1;

            public com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(Integer num) {
                return a(num.intValue());

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w a(int i) {
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(, bi.this.g, new Object[0]), null, false, 6, null);

    public static b.a.l a(Context context, String str, boolean z2, String str2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            str = "*/*";
        boolean z6 = (i2 & 4) != 0 ? false : z2;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            str2 = null;
        return a(context, str, z6, str2, (i2 & 16) == 0 ? z3 : false, (i2 & 32) != 0 ? true : z4, (i2 & 64) != 0 ? true : z5);

    public static final class bh extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String[]> {
        final Context f6666a;
        final boolean f6667b;
        final boolean f6668c;
        final String f6669d;
        final String f6670e;
        final boolean f6671f;
        final boolean g;

        bh(Context context, boolean z, boolean z2, String str, String str2, boolean z3, boolean z4) {
            this.f6666a = context;
            this.f6667b = z;
            this.f6668c = z2;
            this.f6669d = str;
            this.f6670e = str2;
            this.f6671f = z3;
            this.g = z4;

        public final String[] invoke() {
            Intent intent;
            if ((this.f6666a instanceof Activity) && !(!((Boolean) bw.a.a(, (Activity) this.f6666a, 0, 2, (Object) null).b()).booleanValue())) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No file read permissions");
            if (this.f6667b && !this.f6668c) {
                intent = FileSelect.a(this.f6666a, null, this.f6669d, FileSelect.b.File, null, true, true);
            } else {
                intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT");
                intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.ALLOW_MULTIPLE", this.f6668c);
                intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.LOCAL_ONLY", true);
            c.k kVar = this.f6667b ? null : new c.k(Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.pick_file), Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.pick_file_dont_use_shortcuts_explanation));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) intent, "intent");
            Object[] array = dq.a(, this.f6666a, kVar != null ? (Integer) kVar.a() : null, kVar != null ? (Integer) kVar.b() : null).b(), this.f6666a, this.f6667b, this.f6671f, this.g).toArray(new String[0]);
            if (array != null) {
                return (String[]) array;
            throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T>");

    public static final b.a.l<String[]> a(Context context, String str, boolean z2, String str2, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "type");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bh(context, z3, z2, str2, str, z4, z5));

    public static final class bg extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
        final Context f6661a;
        final boolean f6662b;
        final String f6663c;
        final boolean f6664d;
        final boolean f6665e;

        bg(Context context, boolean z, String str, boolean z2, boolean z3) {
            this.f6661a = context;
            this.f6662b = z;
            this.f6663c = str;
            this.f6664d = z2;
            this.f6665e = z3;

        public final String invoke() {
            Intent a2;
            if ((this.f6661a instanceof Activity) && !(!((Boolean) bw.a.a(, (Activity) this.f6661a, 0, 2, (Object) null).b()).booleanValue())) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No file read permissions");
            if (this.f6662b) {
                a2 = FileSelect.a(this.f6661a, null, this.f6663c, FileSelect.b.Dir, null, true, true);
            } else {
                a2 =;
                a2.putExtra("android.intent.extra.LOCAL_ONLY", true);
            Intent intent = a2;
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) intent, "intent");
            Object[] array = dq.a((Intent), this.f6661a, (Integer) null, (Integer) null, 6, (Object) null).b(), this.f6661a, this.f6662b, this.f6664d, this.f6665e).toArray(new String[0]);
            if (array != null) {
                return (String) c.a.d.c(array);
            throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T>");

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Context context, boolean z2, String str, boolean z3, boolean z4) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bg(context, z3, str, z2, z4));

    public static final class aw<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        public static final aw f6626a = new aw();

        aw() {

        public final b.a.l<String> apply(cr crVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(crVar, "it");
            if (!crVar.b()) {
                return b.a.l.b(new RuntimeException("Couldn't get shortcut"));
            Intent intent = (Intent) ((cw) crVar).d();
            if (intent == null) {
                return b.a.l.b(new RuntimeException("No shortcut data"));
            return b.a.l.a(intent.toUri(0));

    public static final b.a.l<String> b(Context context) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        b.a.l a2 = new GenericActionActivityPickShortcut().run(context).a(aw.f6626a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "GenericActionActivityPic…payload.toUri(0))\n    }\n}");
        return a2;

    public static b.a.l d(Activity activity, boolean z2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            z2 = true;
        return d(activity, z2);

    public static final b.a.l<> d(Activity activity, boolean z2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        List<Sensor> af2 =;
        if (af2 == null) {
            b.a.l<> b2 = b.a.l.b(new RuntimeException("Device has no sensors"));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "Single.error(RuntimeExce…\"Device has no sensors\"))");
            return b2;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        Iterator<T> it = af2.iterator();
        while (true) {
            boolean z3 = true;
            if (!it.hasNext()) {
                b.a.l<> a2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.cn_sensor, arrayList, false, at.f6620a, Integer.valueOf((int) R.string.tip_sensor_long_click_info), new au(activity), true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65288, null)).a((b.a.d.g) new av(activity));
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "dialogSingleChoice(Dialo…orString)\n        }\n    }");
                return a2;
            Object next =;
            Sensor sensor = (Sensor) next;
            if (!z2) {
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) sensor, "it");
                if ( {
                    z3 = false;
            if (z3) {

    public static final class at extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Sensor, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final at f6620a = new at();

        at() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(Sensor sensor) {
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) sensor, "it");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(, null, false, 6, null);

    public static final class au extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Sensor, c.s> {
        final Activity f6621a;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, c.s> {
            public static final AnonymousClass1 f6622a = new AnonymousClass1();

            AnonymousClass1() {

            public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
                c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");

            public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
                return c.s.f2131a;

        au(Activity activity) {
            this.f6621a = activity;

        public c.s invoke(Sensor sensor) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(Sensor sensor) {
            Activity activity = this.f6621a;
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) sensor, "it");
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(y.c(activity, (int) R.string.cn_sensor,, this.f6621a)), this.f6621a, AnonymousClass1.f6622a);

    public static final class av<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6623a;

        av(Activity activity) {
            this.f6623a = activity;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<> {
            final f6625b;

            AnonymousClass1( aeVar) {
                av.this = r1;
                this.f6625b = aeVar;

            public final invoke() {
                String valueOf;
                Sensor sensor = (Sensor) this.f6625b.b();
                if (sensor == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( R.string.word_cancelled, av.this.f6623a, new Object[0]));
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x b2 = y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(av.this.f6623a, (int) R.string.dt_name_or_type, (int) R.string.dc_name_or_type, (int) R.string.pl_name, (int) R.string.pl_type, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).b();
                if (b2.f()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( R.string.word_cancelled, av.this.f6623a, new Object[0]));
                if (b2.d()) {
                    valueOf =;
                } else {
                    valueOf = String.valueOf(sensor.getType());
                return new, valueOf);

        public final b.a.l<> apply(<Sensor> aeVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new AnonymousClass1(aeVar));

    public static final b.a.l<> a(Activity activity, Sensor sensor, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(sensor, "sensor");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "variableName");, true);
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bp(activity, str, sensor));

    public static final class bp extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<> {
        final Activity f6689a;
        final String f6690b;
        final Sensor f6691c;

        bp(Activity activity, String str, Sensor sensor) {
            this.f6689a = activity;
            this.f6690b = str;
            this.f6691c = sensor;

        public final invoke() {
            SensorManager ae =;
            if (ae != null) {
                AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1 = new AnonymousClass1();
                AnonymousClass2 anonymousClass2 = AnonymousClass2.f6693a;
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.bc a2 ="setup");
                AnonymousClass3 anonymousClass3 = new AnonymousClass3(ae, a2, anonymousClass1);
                try {
                    if ( {
                        invoke = anonymousClass3.invoke();
                    } else {
                        w.d dVar = new w.d();
                        dVar.f2028a = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6689a, "", "", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4088, null);
                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        a aVar = new a(arrayList, 5, dVar);
               a3 = ac.a.a(, this.f6689a, R.string.dc_getting_sensor_value, false, 4, null);
                        ae.registerListener(aVar, this.f6691c, 2, 200, a2.d());
                        int i = 0;
                        while (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                            if (i > 30) {
                                throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get sensor value");
              , null, 1, null);
                        dVar.f2028a = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(this.f6689a, String.valueOf(this.f6691c.getName()), anonymousClass2.invoke((float[]) c.a.j.a((List<? extends Object>) arrayList, 0)), 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4088, null);
                        y.a((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) dVar.f2028a).b();
                        if (arrayList.size() <= 5) {
                            ArrayList<float[]> arrayList2 = arrayList;
                            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) arrayList2, 10));
                            for (float[] fArr : arrayList2) {
                                arrayList3.add(new c.k(new, anonymousClass1.a(0), c.a.d.a(fArr, ",", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, (c.f.a.b) null, 62, (Object) null)), z.a.Or));
                            ArrayList arrayList4 = arrayList3;
                            ArrayList<c.k> arrayList5 = arrayList4;
                            ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) arrayList5, 10));
                            for (c.k kVar : arrayList5) {
                                arrayList6.add(( kVar.a());
                            ArrayList arrayList7 = arrayList6;
                            ArrayList<c.k> arrayList8 = arrayList4;
                            ArrayList arrayList9 = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) arrayList8, 10));
                            for (c.k kVar2 : arrayList8) {
                                arrayList9.add((z.a) kVar2.b());
                            return new, arrayList9);
                        invoke = anonymousClass3.invoke();
                    return invoke;
                } finally {
          , false);
            return new;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Integer, String> {
            AnonymousClass1() {
                bp.this = r1;

            public String invoke(Integer num) {
                return a(num.intValue());

            public final String a(int i) {
                return '%' + bp.this.f6690b + (i + 1);

        public static final class AnonymousClass2 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<float[], String> {
            public static final AnonymousClass2 f6693a = new AnonymousClass2();

            AnonymousClass2() {

            public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Float, String> {
                public static final AnonymousClass1 f6694a = new AnonymousClass1();

                AnonymousClass1() {

                public String invoke(Float f2) {
                    return a(f2.floatValue());

                public final String a(float f2) {
                    return, 5);

            public final String invoke(float[] fArr) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(fArr != null ? c.a.d.a(fArr, "\n", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, AnonymousClass1.f6694a, 30, (Object) null) : null);
                return sb.toString();

        public static final class AnonymousClass3 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<> {
            final SensorManager f6696b;
            final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.bc f6697c;
            final AnonymousClass1 f6698d;

            AnonymousClass3(SensorManager sensorManager, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.bc bcVar, AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1) {
                bp.this = r1;
                this.f6696b = sensorManager;
                this.f6697c = bcVar;
                this.f6698d = anonymousClass1;

            public final invoke() {
                String j;
                Float a2;
                Float a3;
                w.a aVar = new w.a();
                aVar.f2025a = true;
                w.d dVar = new w.d();
                ?? r5 = (float[]) 0;
                dVar.f2028a = r5;
                w.d dVar2 = new w.d();
                dVar2.f2028a = r5;
                w.d dVar3 = new w.d();
                Activity activity = bp.this.f6689a;
                dVar3.f2028a = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, bp.this.f6691c.getName() + " - First Situation", "", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4088, null);
                a aVar2 = new a(aVar, dVar, dVar2, dVar3);
                this.f6696b.registerListener(aVar2, bp.this.f6691c, 2, 200, this.f6697c.d());
                y.a((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) dVar3.f2028a).b();
                aVar.f2025a = false;
                Activity activity2 = bp.this.f6689a;
                dVar3.f2028a = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity2, bp.this.f6691c.getName() + " - Second Situation", "", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0, null, null, 4088, null);
                y.a((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) dVar3.f2028a).b();
                Activity activity3 = bp.this.f6689a;
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x b2 = y.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity3, (int) R.string.cn_sensor, "0", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, "- First State: " + AnonymousClass2.f6693a.invoke((float[]) dVar.f2028a) + "\n\n- Second State: " + AnonymousClass2.f6693a.invoke((float[]) dVar2.f2028a) + "\n\nWhat margin of error do you want to give these values?", 0, (Integer) null, 1720, (c.f.b.g) null)).b();
                if (b2 == null || (j = b2.j()) == null || (a2 = c.l.n.a(j)) == null) {
                    return new;
                float floatValue = a2.floatValue();
                float[] fArr = (float[]) dVar.f2028a;
                if (fArr != null) {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(fArr.length);
                    int length = fArr.length;
                    int i = 0;
                    int i2 = 0;
                    while (i < length) {
                        float f2 = fArr[i];
                        int i3 = i2 + 1;
                        float[] fArr2 = (float[]) dVar2.f2028a;
                        arrayList.add((fArr2 == null || (a3 = c.a.d.a(fArr2, i2)) == null) ? null :, this.f6698d.a(i2), f2, a3.floatValue(), floatValue));
                        i2 = i3;
                    List<> f3 = c.a.j.f((Iterable) arrayList);
                    if (f3 != null) {
               zVar = new;
                        int i4 = 0;
                        for ( zVar2 : f3) {
                            zVar.a(i4, i4 + 1, zVar2.a(0, 1));
                            i4 += zVar2.size();
                        return zVar;
                return new;

            public static final class a implements SensorEventListener {
                final w.a f6699a;
                final w.d f6700b;
                final w.d f6701c;
                final w.d f6702d;

                public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int i) {

                a(w.a aVar, w.d dVar, w.d dVar2, w.d dVar3) {
                    this.f6699a = aVar;
                    this.f6700b = dVar;
                    this.f6701c = dVar2;
                    this.f6702d = dVar3;

                public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {
                    float[] fArr;
                    float[] fArr2;
                    if (sensorEvent == null || (fArr2 = sensorEvent.values) == null) {
                        fArr = null;
                    } else {
                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        int length = fArr2.length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            float f2 = fArr2[i];
                            if (f2 != 0.0f) {
                        fArr = c.a.j.d((Collection<Float>) arrayList);
                    ?? r0 = fArr;
                    if (this.f6699a.f2025a) {
                        this.f6700b.f2028a = r0;
                    } else {
                        this.f6701c.f2028a = r0;
                    ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) this.f6702d.f2028a).a((r0 == 0 || (r0 = c.a.d.a((float[]) r0, "\n", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, (c.f.a.b) null, 62, (Object) null)) == null) ? "No Value" : "No Value");

        public static final class a implements SensorEventListener {
            final ArrayList f6703a;
            final int f6704b;
            final w.d f6705c;

            public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int i) {

            a(ArrayList arrayList, int i, w.d dVar) {
                this.f6703a = arrayList;
                this.f6704b = i;
                this.f6705c = dVar;

            public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {
                float[] fArr;
                Object obj;
                if (sensorEvent == null || (fArr = sensorEvent.values) == null) {
                float[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(fArr, fArr.length);
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) copyOf, "java.util.Arrays.copyOf(this, size)");
                if (copyOf != null) {
                    Iterator it = this.f6703a.iterator();
                    while (true) {
                        if (!it.hasNext()) {
                            obj = null;
                        obj =;
                        if (Arrays.equals((float[]) obj, copyOf)) {
                    if (((float[]) obj) != null) {
                    if (this.f6703a.size() > this.f6704b) {
                        ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) this.f6705c.f2028a).a();
                    } else {
                        ((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h) this.f6705c.f2028a).a(c.a.j.a(this.f6703a, " or ", null, null, 0, null, C0142a.f6706a, 30, null));

            static final class C0142a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<float[], String> {
                public static final C0142a f6706a = new C0142a();

                C0142a() {

                public final String invoke(float[] fArr) {
                    c.f.b.k.b(fArr, "it");
                    return c.a.d.a(fArr, ",", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, (c.f.a.b) null, 62, (Object) null);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, boolean z2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d dVar, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
            i2 = activity);
        if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
            str = "localhost";
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            z2 = false;
        if ((i3 & 16) != 0) {
            dVar = null;
        return a(activity, i2, str, z2, dVar);

    public static final b.a.l<String> a(Activity activity, int i2, String str, boolean z2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d dVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "host");
        if (!z2 || activity, (Boolean) true)) {
            b.a.l<String> b2 = activity, 375).a((b.a.b) true).a((b.a.d.g) new d(dVar, activity)).a((b.a.d.g) new e(activity, i2, str, z2)).b(new f(activity));
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "activity.unlockApi(Actio…tions.Consumer { })\n    }");
            return b2;
        b.a.l<String> b3 = b.a.l.b(new RuntimeException("Sorry, this only works with a rooted device"));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) b3, "Single.error(RuntimeExce…s with a rooted device\"))");
        return b3;

    public static final class d<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d f6730a;
        final Activity f6731b;

        d(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d dVar, Activity activity) {
            this.f6730a = dVar;
            this.f6731b = activity;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            AnonymousClass1() {
                d.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d dVar) {
                c.f.b.k.b(dVar, "it");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(dVar.b().a(d.this.f6731b), null, false, 6, null);

        public final b.a.l<<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d>> apply(Boolean bool) {
            c.f.b.k.b(bool, "it");
            return this.f6730a != null ? b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ab(null, null, 3, null), this.f6730a, null, 4, null)) : com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.pl_command, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d.f6049a.a(), true, new AnonymousClass1(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65504, null));

    public static final class e<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, b.a.p<? extends R>> {
        final Activity f6733a;
        final int f6734b;
        final String f6735c;
        final boolean f6736d;

        e(Activity activity, int i, String str, boolean z) {
            this.f6733a = activity;
            this.f6734b = i;
            this.f6735c = str;
            this.f6736d = z;

        public final b.a.l<String> apply(<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d> aeVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.b.d b2 = aeVar.b();
            if (b2 == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No command type selected");
            return b2.a(this.f6733a, this.f6734b, this.f6735c, this.f6736d, true);

    public static final class f<T> implements b.a.d.f<String> {
        final Activity f6737a;

        f(Activity activity) {
            this.f6737a = activity;

        public final void accept(String str) {
            c.f.b.k.b(str, "it");
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(y.b(this.f6737a, (int) R.string.tip_adb_wifi_command_depends_device), this.f6737a, new b.a.d.f<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>() {
                public final void accept(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
                    c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");

    public static Object a(Class cls, Activity activity, String str, int i2, String str2, String str3, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            str2 = null;
        String str4 = str2;
        if ((i3 & 16) != 0) {
            str3 = null;
        return a(cls, activity, str, i2, str4, str3);

    public static final Object a(Class<?> cls, Activity activity, String str, int i2, String str2, String str3) {
        String str4;
        Integer c2;
        Class<?> cls2 = cls;
        String str5 = str2;
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "methodName");
        int i3 = i2 + 1;
        String str6 = "Parameter " + i3;
        if (str3 != null) {
            str4 = str3;
        } else {
            str4 = + ": " + str6;
        if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, String.class) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, String[].class)) {
            if (str4 == null) {
                throw new c.q("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
            String lowerCase = str4.toLowerCase();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) lowerCase, "(this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase()");
            if (c.l.n.b((CharSequence) lowerCase, (CharSequence) "package", false, 2, (Object) null)) {
                cls2 = AppBasic.class;
        if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, int[].class)) {
            cls2 = Integer.TYPE;
        } else if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, long[].class)) {
            cls2 = Long.TYPE;
        } else if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, float[].class)) {
            cls2 = Float.TYPE;
        if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Boolean.class) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Boolean.TYPE)) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(c(activity, str4, str5, (int) R.string.button_label_cancel).b().d());
        if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Integer.TYPE) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Integer.class) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Long.TYPE) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, Long.class)) {
            if (str5 == null) {
                str5 = R.string.f_zero_length_num, activity, str6);
            String j2 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str4, null, 0, 0, 0, true, 0, str5, 2, null, null, 3256, null)).b().j();
            if (j2 == null || (c2 = c.l.n.c(j2)) == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No number entered for parameter " + i3);
            return c2;
        } else if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, String.class) || c.f.b.k.a(cls2, CharSequence.class)) {
            String j3 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, str4, null, 0, 0, 0, true, 0, str2, 0, null, null, 3768, null)).b().j();
            if (j3 != null) {
                return j3;
            throw new RuntimeException("No text entered for parameter " + i3);
        } else if (c.f.b.k.a(cls2, AppBasic.class)) {
            String str7 = (String) ((cw) a((Context) activity, (Intent) null, (List) null, false, (List) null, 30, (Object) null).b()).d();
            if (str7 != null) {
                return str7;
            throw new RuntimeException("No app selected for parameter " + i3);
        } else {
            return "";

    public static final class br<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        final Activity f6708a;

        br(Activity activity) {
            this.f6708a = activity;

        public final String apply(Integer num) {
            c.f.b.k.b(num, "it");
            return (String) c.a.d.k(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.k.a.f7816a.a(this.f6708a)).get(num.intValue());

    public static final b.a.l<String> p(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return q(activity).c(new br(activity));

    public static final class bs extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<Integer> {
        final Activity f6709a;

        bs(Activity activity) {
            this.f6709a = activity;

        public Integer invoke() {
            return Integer.valueOf(a());

        public final int a() {
            if (!new, 0, c.a.j.a("android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"), 2, (c.f.b.g) null).b(this.f6709a).b().b()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Need permission");
            Integer c2 = (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.pl_sim_card, c.a.d.k(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.k.a.f7816a.a(this.f6709a)), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65528, null)).b()).c();
            if (c2 != null) {
                return c2.intValue();
            throw new RuntimeException("No SIM card selected");

    public static final b.a.l<Integer> q(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new bs(activity));

    public static b.a.l a(Context context, String str, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.b bVar, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            str = null;
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            bVar = null;
        return a(context, str, bVar);

    public static final class al extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<ContactData> {
        final String f6603a;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.b f6604b;
        final Context f6605c;

        al(String str, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.b bVar, Context context) {
            this.f6603a = str;
            this.f6604b = bVar;
            this.f6605c = context;

        public final ContactData invoke() {
            ContactData contactData;
            String str = this.f6603a;
            cr b2 = (str == null || str.length() == 0 ? new GenericActionPickContact(this.f6604b) : new GenericActionPickContactWithMimeType(this.f6603a)).run(this.f6605c).b();
            if (!b2.b()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(b2.a());
            if (!(b2 instanceof cw)) {
                b2 = null;
            cw cwVar = (cw) b2;
            if (cwVar == null || (contactData = (ContactData) cwVar.d()) == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get contact");
            return contactData;

    public static final b.a.l<ContactData> a(Context context, String str, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.b bVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(context, "context");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new al(str, bVar, context));

    public static final class am extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
        final Activity f6606a;

        am(Activity activity) {
            this.f6606a = activity;

        public final String invoke() {
            Activity activity = this.f6606a;
            String[] a2 =, (int) R.array.contact_select_types);
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "MyRes.getStringArray(act…ray.contact_select_types)");
            Integer c2 = (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.an_contacts, c.a.d.k(a2), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65528, null)).b()).c();
            if (c2 == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Did not select a group");
            switch (c2.intValue()) {
                case 0:
                    String name = ((ContactData) y.a(this.f6606a, (String) null, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.genericaction.b.Contact, 2, (Object) null).b()).getName();
                    if (name != null) {
                        return name;
                    throw new RuntimeException("Contact doesn't have a name");
                case 1:
                    return "C:FAV";
                case 2:
                    String[] a3 = ce.a((Context) this.f6606a, false);
                    Activity activity2 = this.f6606a;
                    c.f.b.k.a((Object) a3, "groups");
                    String str = (String) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.an_contacts, c.a.d.k(a3), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65528, null)).b()).b();
                    if (str != null) {
                        String str2 = "CG:" + str;
                        if (str2 != null) {
                            return str2;
                    throw new RuntimeException("No contact group selected");
                    return "C:ANY";

    public static final b.a.l<String> r(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new am(activity));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, aqVar, String str, String str2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            aqVar = null;
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            str = null;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            str2 = null;
        return a(activity, aqVar, str, str2);

    public static final b.a.l<> a(Activity activity, aqVar, String str, String str2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        b.a.k.d f2 = b.a.k.d.f();
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) f2, "SingleSubject.create<PickedTime>()");
        com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.e(new ay(activity, new az(f2), aqVar, calendar, str, str2, f2));
        return f2;

    public static final class az extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.q<TimePicker, Integer, Integer, c.s> {
        final b.a.k.d f6638a;

        az(b.a.k.d dVar) {
            this.f6638a = dVar;

        public c.s a(TimePicker timePicker, Integer num, Integer num2) {
            a(timePicker, num.intValue(), num2.intValue());
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(TimePicker timePicker, int i, int i2) {
            c.f.b.k.b(timePicker, "view");
            this.f6638a.d_(new, i2));

    public static final class ay extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<c.s> {
        final Activity f6630a;
        final c.f.a.q f6631b;
        final f6632c;
        final Calendar f6633d;
        final String f6634e;
        final String f6635f;
        final b.a.k.d g;

        ay(Activity activity, c.f.a.q qVar, aqVar, Calendar calendar, String str, String str2, b.a.k.d dVar) {
            this.f6630a = activity;
            this.f6631b = qVar;
            this.f6632c = aqVar;
            this.f6633d = calendar;
            this.f6634e = str;
            this.f6635f = str2;
            this.g = dVar;

        public c.s invoke() {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a() {
            Activity activity = this.f6630a;
            c.f.a.q qVar = this.f6631b;
            if (qVar != null) {
                qVar = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.aa(qVar);
            TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener onTimeSetListener = (TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener) qVar;
   aqVar = this.f6632c;
            int a2 = aqVar != null ? aqVar.a() : this.f6633d.get(11);
   aqVar2 = this.f6632c;
            TimePickerDialog timePickerDialog = new TimePickerDialog(activity, onTimeSetListener, a2, aqVar2 != null ? aqVar2.b() : this.f6633d.get(12), true);
            if ( {
            if ( {
            timePickerDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                    ay.this = this;

                public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                    com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(ay.this.g, new RuntimeException("Cancelled"));
            timePickerDialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
                    ay.this = this;

                public final void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                    com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(ay.this.g, new RuntimeException("Dismissed"));

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar, String str, String str2, int i2, Object obj) {
        if ((i2 & 2) != 0) {
            apVar = null;
        if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
            str = null;
        if ((i2 & 8) != 0) {
            str2 = null;
        return a(activity, apVar, str, str2);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar, String str, String str2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        b.a.k.d f2 = b.a.k.d.f();
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) f2, "SingleSubject.create<PickedDate>()");
        com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.e(new an(activity, new ao(f2), apVar, calendar, str, str2, f2));
        return f2;

    public static final class ao extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.r<DatePicker, Integer, Integer, Integer, c.s> {
        final b.a.k.d f6615a;

        ao(b.a.k.d dVar) {
            this.f6615a = dVar;

        public c.s a(DatePicker datePicker, Integer num, Integer num2, Integer num3) {
            a(datePicker, num.intValue(), num2.intValue(), num3.intValue());
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(DatePicker datePicker, int i, int i2, int i3) {
            c.f.b.k.b(datePicker, "view");
            this.f6615a.d_(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap(i, i2 + 1, i3));

    public static final class an extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<c.s> {
        final Activity f6607a;
        final c.f.a.r f6608b;
        final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap f6609c;
        final Calendar f6610d;
        final String f6611e;
        final String f6612f;
        final b.a.k.d g;

        an(Activity activity, c.f.a.r rVar, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar, Calendar calendar, String str, String str2, b.a.k.d dVar) {
            this.f6607a = activity;
            this.f6608b = rVar;
            this.f6609c = apVar;
            this.f6610d = calendar;
            this.f6611e = str;
            this.f6612f = str2;
            this.g = dVar;

        public c.s invoke() {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a() {
            Activity activity = this.f6607a;
            c.f.a.r rVar = this.f6608b;
            if (rVar != null) {
                rVar = new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.z(rVar);
            DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener onDateSetListener = (DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener) rVar;
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar = this.f6609c;
            int a2 = apVar != null ? apVar.a() : this.f6610d.get(1);
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar2 = this.f6609c;
            int b2 = apVar2 != null ? apVar2.b() - 1 : this.f6610d.get(2);
            com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ap apVar3 = this.f6609c;
            DatePickerDialog datePickerDialog = new DatePickerDialog(activity, onDateSetListener, a2, b2, apVar3 != null ? apVar3.c() : this.f6610d.get(5));
            if ( {
            if ( {
            datePickerDialog.setOnCancelListener(new a());
            datePickerDialog.setOnDismissListener(new b());

        public static final class a implements DialogInterface.OnCancelListener {
            a() {
                an.this = r1;

            public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(an.this.g, new RuntimeException("Cancelled"));

        public static final class b implements DialogInterface.OnDismissListener {
            b() {
                an.this = r1;

            public final void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(an.this.g, new RuntimeException("Dismissed"));

    public static final class as extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<dm, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final as f6619a = new as();

        as() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(dm dmVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(dmVar, "project");
            String m = dmVar.m();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) m, "");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(m, dmVar.n(), false, 4, null);

    public static b.a.l a(Activity activity, fy fyVar, int i2, List list, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            List<dm> B = fyVar.B();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) B, "taskerData.projects");
            list = c.a.j.i((Iterable) B);
        return a(activity, fyVar, i2, list);

    public static final b.a.l<c.k<Integer, dm>> a(Activity activity, fy fyVar, int i2, List<? extends dm> list) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(fyVar, "taskerData");
        c.f.b.k.b(list, "projects");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        b.a.l<c.k<Integer, dm>> c2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, i2, list, false, as.f6619a, null, null, true, null, Integer.valueOf(go.c(activity2)), Integer.valueOf(, null, null, null, null, null, 63840, null)).c(ar.f6618a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSingleChoice(args)…elected\")\n        )\n    }");
        return c2;

    public static final class ar<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final ar f6618a = new ar();

        ar() {

        public final c.k<Integer, dm> apply(<dm> aeVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "it");
            Integer c2 = aeVar.c();
            if (c2 != null) {
                Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(c2.intValue());
                dm b2 = aeVar.b();
                if (b2 != null) {
                    return new c.k<>(valueOf, b2);
                throw new RuntimeException("No project selected");
            throw new RuntimeException("No project selected");

    public static final class ba extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<ScanResult> {
        final Activity f6640a;
        final c.f.a.b f6641b;

        ba(Activity activity, c.f.a.b bVar) {
            this.f6640a = activity;
            this.f6641b = bVar;

        public final ScanResult invoke() {
            if (! {
                if (!((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(this.f6640a, (int) R.string.warning_dialog_title, (int) R.string.dc_need_location_access_wifi_cell, 0, 8, (Object) null).b()).d()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Didn't want enable location");
                cr b2 = new GenericActionActivityEnableLocation().run(this.f6640a).b();
                if (!b2.b()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(b2.a());
            HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
            for (Object obj : {
                ScanResult scanResult = (ScanResult) obj;
                c.f.a.b bVar = this.f6641b;
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) scanResult, "it");
                if (hashSet.add((String) bVar.invoke(scanResult))) {
            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
            for (Object obj2 : arrayList) {
                ScanResult scanResult2 = (ScanResult) obj2;
                c.f.a.b bVar2 = this.f6641b;
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) scanResult2, "it");
                if ( bVar2.invoke(scanResult2))) {
            ScanResult scanResult3 = (ScanResult) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.pl_wifi, arrayList2, false, new a(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 65512, null)).b()).b();
            if (scanResult3 != null) {
                return scanResult3;
            throw new RuntimeException("No network selected");

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<ScanResult, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            a() {
                ba.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(ScanResult scanResult) {
                c.f.a.b bVar = ba.this.f6641b;
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) scanResult, "it");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w((String) bVar.invoke(scanResult), null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<ScanResult> a(Activity activity, c.f.a.b<? super ScanResult, String> bVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(bVar, "scanResultToString");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new ba(activity, bVar));

    public static final class ak extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>>, c.s> {
        final Activity f6601a;
        final int f6602b;

        ak(Activity activity, int i) {
            this.f6601a = activity;
            this.f6602b = i;

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.ah<b.a.k.d<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x>> ahVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(ahVar, "it");
  , ahVar, this.f6602b).a(this.f6601a);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> g(Activity activity, int i2) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        return a(new ak(activity, i2), (c.f.a.b) null, 2, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.l<<String>> a(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar, "title");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, iVar.a(), c.a.j.i(cb.a(activity.getContentResolver(), -1, true, true).keySet()), false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131064, null));

    public static final b.a.l<<String>> b(Activity activity, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar, "title");
        String a2 = iVar.a();
        List<String> b2 = cb.b(activity.getContentResolver(), (String) null);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) b2, "MyCalendar.getTitleList(…xt.contentResolver, null)");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, a2, b2, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131064, null));

    public static final class ag extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x, c.s> {
        final c.f.a.a f6594a;
        final Activity f6595b;

        ag(c.f.a.a aVar, Activity activity) {
            this.f6594a = aVar;
            this.f6595b = activity;

        public c.s invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            return c.s.f2131a;

        public final void a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.a.a aVar;
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            if (xVar.d() && (aVar = this.f6594a) != null) {
                c.s sVar = (c.s) aVar.invoke();
            if (xVar.e()) {
                c.f.a.a aVar2 = this.f6594a;
                if (aVar2 != null) {
                    c.s sVar2 = (c.s) aVar2.invoke();
       this.f6595b, "", false, false, false, 14, (Object) null);

    public static final b.a.b.b a(Activity activity, int i2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, c.f.a.a<c.s> aVar) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        c.f.b.k.b(iVar, "text");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.a(a(activity,, activity2, new Object[0]), iVar.a(), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.learn_more, new Object[0])), activity2, new ag(aVar, activity));

    public static b.a.b.b a(Activity activity, int i2, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.i iVar, c.f.a.a aVar, int i3, Object obj) {
        if ((i3 & 8) != 0) {
            aVar = null;
        return a(activity, i2, iVar, aVar);

    public static final class ap extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<Locale, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
        public static final ap f6616a = new ap();

        ap() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(Locale locale) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) locale, "it");
            return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(sb.toString(), null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<String> c(Activity activity, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) availableLocales, "Locale.getAvailableLocales()");
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        for (Locale locale : availableLocales) {
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) locale, "it");
            if ( && {
        b.a.l<String> c2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, str, c.a.j.i((Iterable) arrayList), true, ap.f6616a, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131040, null)).c(aq.f6617a);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSingleChoice(Dialo…language selected\")\n    }");
        return c2;

    public static final class aq<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final aq f6617a = new aq();

        aq() {

        public final String apply(<Locale> aeVar) {
            Locale b2;
            c.f.b.k.b(aeVar, "dialogResult");
            if (aeVar.b() != null) {
                String str = b2.getLanguage() + '-' + b2.getCountry();
                if (str != null) {
                    return str;
            throw new RuntimeException("No language selected");

    public static final class ax extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<String> {
        final Activity f6627a;
        final String f6628b;

        ax(Activity activity, String str) {
            this.f6627a = activity;
            this.f6628b = str;

        public final String invoke() {
            ResolveInfo resolveInfo;
            ActivityInfo activityInfo;
            ActivityInfo activityInfo2;
            PackageManager packageManager = this.f6627a.getPackageManager();
            List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentActivities = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(new Intent("android.speech.tts.engine.CHECK_TTS_DATA"), 0);
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) queryIntentActivities, "packageManager.queryInte…CTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA), 0)");
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
            Iterator<T> it = queryIntentActivities.iterator();
            while (true) {
                if (!it.hasNext()) {
                Object next =;
                ResolveInfo resolveInfo2 = (ResolveInfo) next;
                if (((resolveInfo2 == null || (activityInfo2 = resolveInfo2.activityInfo) == null) ? null : activityInfo2.applicationInfo) != null) {
            ArrayList arrayList2 = arrayList;
            if (arrayList2.size() == 1) {
                resolveInfo = (ResolveInfo) arrayList2.get(0);
            } else {
                resolveInfo = (ResolveInfo) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, this.f6628b, arrayList2, true, new a(packageManager), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131040, null)).b()).b();
            if (resolveInfo == null || (activityInfo = resolveInfo.activityInfo) == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not get TTS engine");
            String str = activityInfo.packageName;
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(str,;
            ArrayList<String> stringArrayListExtra = ((Intent), this.f6627a, (Integer) null, (Integer) null, 6, (Object) null).b()).getStringArrayListExtra("availableVoices");
            if (stringArrayListExtra == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not available TTS voices or no voices available");
            String str2 = (String) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, this.f6628b, c.a.j.i((Iterable) stringArrayListExtra), true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 131056, null)).b()).b();
            if (str2 == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not get TTS engine");
            return str + ':' + str2;

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<ResolveInfo, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            final PackageManager f6629a;

            a(PackageManager packageManager) {
                this.f6629a = packageManager;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(ResolveInfo resolveInfo) {
                c.f.b.k.b(resolveInfo, "it");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(this.f6629a.getApplicationLabel(resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo).toString(), null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<String> d(Activity activity, String str) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(str, "title");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new ax(activity, str));

    public static final class m extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d> {
        final Activity f6747a;

        m(Activity activity) {
            this.f6747a = activity;

        public static final class AnonymousClass1 extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d> {
            AnonymousClass1() {
                m.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d dVar) {
                c.f.b.k.b(dVar, "receiver$0");
                File absoluteFile = dVar.g().getAbsoluteFile();
                if ( m.this.f6747a, absoluteFile, true, true)) {
                    return dVar;
                if (!((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) y.a(m.this.f6747a, (int) R.string.ml_grant_doctree_access, (int) R.string.dc_need_document_tree_access, 0, false, (String) null, 56, (Object) null).b()).d()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Doesn't have needed permission");
                cr b2 = new GenericActionActivityGrantUriPermission(dVar.g()).run(m.this.f6747a).b();
                if (!b2.b()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(b2.a());
                if (!(b2 instanceof cw)) {
                    b2 = null;
                cw cwVar = (cw) b2;
                com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d dVar2 = cwVar != null ? (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d) cwVar.d() : null;
                if (dVar2 != null) {
                    return dVar2;
                if ( m.this.f6747a, absoluteFile, true, true)) {
                    return dVar;
                throw new RuntimeException("Doesn't have access to " + absoluteFile);

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d invoke() {
            AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1 = new AnonymousClass1();
            ArrayList<String> a2 =;
            if (a2.size() == 1) {
                c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "options");
                Object e2 = c.a.j.e((List<? extends Object>) a2);
                c.f.b.k.a(e2, "options.first()");
                return anonymousClass1.invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.a.a((Context) this.f6747a, (String) e2, false, 2, (Object) null));
            Activity activity = this.f6747a;
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "options");
            ArrayList<String> arrayList = a2;
            b bVar = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.g.f9751b.e() ? a.f6749a : new b();
            Activity activity2 = this.f6747a;
            String str = (String) (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new, R.string.external_storage, arrayList, true, bVar, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, 32736, null)).b()).b();
            if (str == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Nothing selected");
            return anonymousClass1.invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.a.a((Context) activity2, str, false, 2, (Object) null));

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            public static final a f6749a = new a();

            a() {

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(String str) {
                c.f.b.k.b(str, "path");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(str, null, false, 6, null);

        public static final class b extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<String, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            b() {
                m.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(String str) {
                c.f.b.k.b(str, "path");
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(dq.a(dq.c(m.this.f6747a, str), m.this.f6747a, str), null, false, 6, null);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.j.d> s(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new m(activity));

    public static final class ai<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final ai f6597a = new ai();

        ai() {

        public final ComponentNameList apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            return new ComponentNameList();

    public static final b.a.l<ComponentNameList> c(Activity activity, List<ComponentName> list) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "context");
        c.f.b.k.b(list, "alreadySelected");
        if (! {
            b.a.l<ComponentNameList> c2 = a(activity, (String) null, (String) null, 0, false, false, false, 126, (Object) null).c(ai.f6597a);
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogSecureSettingsPerm…p { ComponentNameList() }");
            return c2;
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new aj(activity, list));

    public static final class aj extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.a<ComponentNameList> {
        final Activity f6598a;
        final List f6599b;

        aj(Activity activity, List list) {
            this.f6598a = activity;
            this.f6599b = list;

        public static final class a extends c.f.b.l implements c.f.a.b<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.a, com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w> {
            a() {
                aj.this = r1;

            public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w invoke(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.a aVar) {
                c.f.b.k.b(aVar, "it");
                String c2 = aVar.c();
                if (c2 == null) {
                    c2 = "Unknown Service";
                return new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.w(c2, null, aj.this.f6599b.contains(aVar.d()), 2, null);

        public final ComponentNameList invoke() {
            List<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.a> b2 = (( com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.k.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.e(this.f6598a, R.string.an_accessibility_services, this.f6598a),, false, new a(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 8168, null)).b()).b();
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(c.a.j.a((Iterable) b2, 10));
            for (com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.a aVar : b2) {
            return new ComponentNameList(arrayList);

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x> t(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        return d(activity, R.string.insecure_task_request, R.string.invalid_task_request_explained);

    public static final b.a.l<Boolean> u(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        Activity activity2 = activity;
        SharedPreferences g2 = gs.g(activity2);
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) g2, "Utils.getMyPrefs(activity)");
        return a(activity, new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.insecure_task_request, new Object[0]), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.insecure_task_request_explained, new Object[0]), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.run_anyway, new Object[0]), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.dont_run, new Object[0]), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.k("PREF_ALLOW_INSECURE_TASK_RUN_REQUESTS"), new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.util.l(activity2, R.string.always_run, new Object[0]), g2).c(p.f6753a);

    public static final class p<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final p f6753a = new p();

        p() {

        public Object apply(Object obj) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(a((com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x) obj));

        public final boolean a(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "dialogMessage");
            return xVar.d() || xVar.g();

    public static final b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g> v(Activity activity) {
        c.f.b.k.b(activity, "activity");
        if ( {
            b.a.l c2 = a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.h(activity, (int) R.string.wrap_in_backticks, (int) R.string.should_wrap_description_in_backticks_question, (int) R.string.four_spaces, (int) R.string.backticks, 0, false, 0, (String) null, 0, (Integer) null, 2016, (c.f.b.g) null)).c(h.f6740a);
            c.f.b.k.a((Object) c2, "dialogTextBox(ArgsDialog…escriptionOptions(true) }");
            return c2;
        b.a.l<com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g> a2 = b.a.l.a(new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g(false));
        c.f.b.k.a((Object) a2, "Single.just(ExportDescriptionOptions(false))");
        return a2;

    public static final class h<T, R> implements b.a.d.g<T, R> {
        public static final h f6740a = new h();

        h() {

        public final com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g apply(com.joaomgcd.taskerm.dialog.x xVar) {
            c.f.b.k.b(xVar, "it");
            return !xVar.e() ? new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g(false) : new com.joaomgcd.taskerm.f.g(true);