ModV2.0.4 v1.86526672844804版本的 MD5 值为:ab8437a2d03fc69805a8b4199bd7fecb

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import c.a.z;
import c.f.b.k;
import c.f.b.l;
import c.l.n;
import c.q;
import c.s;
import com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.b;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public final class d implements {
    private final Context f8119a;
    private final String f8120b;
    private final String f8121c;
    private final String f8122d;
    private final String f8123e;
    private final String[] f8124f;
    private final i g;
    private final boolean h;

    public static final class c extends l implements c.f.a.b<HttpURLConnection, s> {
        final boolean f8130b;

        c(boolean z) {
            this.f8130b = z;

        public s invoke(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection) {
            return s.f2131a;

        public final void a(HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection) {
            k.b(httpURLConnection, "it");
            if (this.f8130b) {
                String a2 = d.this.a(d.this.f8120b, d.this.f8121c);
                k.a((Object) a2, "base64EncodeUserPass(clientId, clientSecret)");
                an.a(httpURLConnection, a2);
            an.b(httpURLConnection, d.this.g.a());

    public d(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String[] strArr, i iVar, boolean z) {
        k.b(context, "context");
        k.b(str, "clientId");
        k.b(str2, "clientSecret");
        k.b(str3, "endpointCode");
        k.b(str4, "endpointRefresh");
        k.b(strArr, "scopes");
        k.b(iVar, "tokenDataType");
        this.f8119a = context;
        this.f8120b = str;
        this.f8121c = str2;
        this.f8122d = str3;
        this.f8123e = str4;
        this.f8124f = strArr;
        this.g = iVar;
        this.h = z;

    public String a(String str, String str2) {
        k.b(str, "user");
        k.b(str2, "pass");
        return b.a.a(this, str, str2);

    public String a(JSONObject jSONObject) {
        k.b(jSONObject, "receiver$0");
        return b.a.a(this, jSONObject);

    public Long b(JSONObject jSONObject) {
        k.b(jSONObject, "receiver$0");
        return b.a.b(this, jSONObject);

    public String c(JSONObject jSONObject) {
        k.b(jSONObject, "receiver$0");
        return b.a.c(this, jSONObject);

    public d(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String[] strArr, i iVar, boolean z, int i, c.f.b.g gVar) {
        this(context, str, str2, str3, str4, strArr, (i & 64) != 0 ? i.form : iVar, (i & 128) != 0 ? false : z);

    private final String a() {
        return c.a.d.a(this.f8124f, " ", (CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null, 0, (CharSequence) null, (c.f.a.b) null, 62, (Object) null);

    private final String a(boolean z) {
        HashMap b2;
        List<c.k> d2;
        Uri.Builder appendQueryParameter = Uri.parse(this.f8122d).buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("client_id", this.f8120b).appendQueryParameter("response_type", "code");
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        k.a((Object) uuid, "UUID.randomUUID().toString()");
        Uri.Builder appendQueryParameter2 = appendQueryParameter.appendQueryParameter("state", n.a(uuid, "-", "", false, 4, (Object) null));
        if (z) {
            appendQueryParameter2.appendQueryParameter("redirect_uri", "");
        if (!(this.f8124f.length == 0)) {
            appendQueryParameter2.appendQueryParameter("scope", a());
        b2 = f.b();
        HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) b2.get(this.f8122d);
        if (hashMap != null && (d2 = z.d(hashMap)) != null) {
            for (c.k kVar : d2) {
                appendQueryParameter2.appendQueryParameter((String) kVar.a(), (String) kVar.b());
        if (this.h) {
            appendQueryParameter2.appendQueryParameter("show_dialog", "true");
        String uri =;
        k.a((Object) uri, "Uri.parse(endpointCode).…      .build().toString()");
        return uri;

    private final String b(String str, String str2) {
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        jSONObject.put("grant_type", "authorization_code");
        jSONObject.put("code", str);
        if (str2 == null) {
            str2 = "";
        jSONObject.put("redirect_uri", str2);
        jSONObject.put("client_id", this.f8120b);
        jSONObject.put("client_secret", this.f8121c);
        switch (this.g) {
            case json:
                String jSONObject2 = jSONObject.toString();
                k.a((Object) jSONObject2, "fields.toString()");
                return jSONObject2;
            case form:
                return an.a(jSONObject);
                throw new c.i();

    private final String a(String str) {
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        jSONObject.put("grant_type", "refresh_token");
        jSONObject.put("refresh_token", str);
        switch (this.g) {
            case json:
                String jSONObject2 = jSONObject.toString();
                k.a((Object) jSONObject2, "fields.toString()");
                return jSONObject2;
            case form:
                return an.a(jSONObject);
                throw new c.i();

    private final String a(String str, boolean z) { dVar = new, this.f8123e, null, null, 12, null);
        dVar.a(new c(z));
        return (String) o(dVar), null, 1, null);

    public static final class b<T> implements b.a.d.i<Object> {
        public static final b f8128a = new b();

        public final boolean a(Object obj) {
            k.b(obj, "it");
            return obj instanceof;

    public b.a.l<h> a(long j) {
        return com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.h.b(new a(j));

    static final class a extends l implements c.f.a.a<C0209a> {
        final long f8126b;

        a(long j) {
            this.f8126b = j;

        public final C0209a invoke() {
            AuthInfo c2 = d.this.h ? null : d.this.c();
            if (c2 == null) {
                c2 = d.this.b(this.f8126b);
            } else if (c2.isExpired()) {
                c2 = d.this.a(c2, this.f8126b);
            return new C0209a(c2);

        public static final class C0209a extends h {
            final AuthInfo f8127a;

            C0209a(AuthInfo authInfo) {
                this.f8127a = authInfo;

            public void a(HashMap<String, String> hashMap) {
                k.b(hashMap, "headers");
                hashMap.put(this.f8127a.getAuthHeaderKey(), this.f8127a.getAuthHeaderValue());

    public final AuthInfo a(AuthInfo authInfo, long j) {
        try {
            String refreshToken = authInfo.getRefreshToken();
            if (refreshToken != null) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(a(a(refreshToken), true));
                String c2 = c(jSONObject);
                if (c2 == null) {
                    c2 = refreshToken;
                String a2 = a(jSONObject);
                if (a2 == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not get access token");
                return new AuthInfo(c2, a2, b(jSONObject));
            return authInfo;
        } catch ( unused) {
            a((AuthInfo) null);
            return b(j);

    public final AuthInfo b(long j) {
        String queryParameter;
        String str = an.a(ao.C(this.f8122d)).get("redirect_uri");
        String str2 = str;
        al.a(this.f8119a, a(str2 == null || str2.length() == 0), true, false, true);
        String str3 = null;
        try {
            c.f.a.b bVar = null;
            b.a.h<Object> a2 = com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.b.f8673b.a().a((b.a.d.i<? super Object>) b.f8128a);
            if (a2 != null) {
                b.a.l<Object> a3 = a2.d().a();
                if (a3 == null) {
                    throw new q("null cannot be cast to non-null type io.reactivex.Single<T>");
                b.a.l<Object> b2 = a3.b(j, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                k.a((Object) b2, "result.timeout(it, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)");
                b2.a(b.c.f8684a, b.d.f8685a);
                Uri a4 = (( b2.b()).a();
                if (a4 != null && (queryParameter = a4.getQueryParameter("error")) != null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error getting code: " + queryParameter);
                if (str3 == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not get code");
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(a(b(str3, str), false));
                String c2 = c(jSONObject);
                String a5 = a(jSONObject);
                if (a5 == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not get access token");
                return new AuthInfo(c2, a5, b(jSONObject));
            throw new q("null cannot be cast to non-null type io.reactivex.Observable<T>");
        } catch (RuntimeException e2) {
            throw e2;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Timed out while getting code");

    private final String b() {
        return this.f8120b + ':' + this.f8121c + ':' + this.f8122d + ':' + this.f8123e + ':' + a();

    public final AuthInfo c() {
        Context context = this.f8119a;
        String b2 = b();
        SharedPreferences a2 =;
        k.a((Object) a2, "context.preferencesHttpAuth");
        String string = a2.getString(b2, null);
        return (AuthInfo) (string != null ? com.joaomgcd.taskerm.n.b.a().a(string, (Class<Object>) AuthInfo.class) : null);

    public final void a(AuthInfo authInfo) {
        Context context = this.f8119a;
        String b2 = b();
        SharedPreferences a2 =;
        k.a((Object) a2, "context.preferencesHttpAuth");
        com.joaomgcd.taskerm.q.b.a(context, b2, authInfo, a2);