Telegram v1.8781993528版本的 MD5 值为:999ef25d9264c747e017a12734664332

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.joaomgcd.taskerm.signin;

import c.a.j;
import c.f.b.g;
import c.f.b.k;
import c.q;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public final class a {
    private final String f8920a;
    private final String f8921b;
    private final boolean f8922c;
    private final String[] f8923d;
    private final String f8924e;
    private boolean f8925f;

    public a() {
        this(null, null, false, null, null, false, 63, null);

    public a(String str, String str2, boolean z, String[] strArr, String str3, boolean z2) {
        k.b(strArr, "extraScopes");
        this.f8920a = str;
        this.f8921b = str2;
        this.f8922c = z;
        this.f8923d = strArr;
        this.f8924e = str3;
        this.f8925f = z2;

    public a(String str, String str2, boolean z, String[] strArr, String str3, boolean z2, int i, g gVar) {
        this((i & 1) != 0 ? null : str, (i & 2) != 0 ? null : str2, (i & 4) != 0 ? false : z, (i & 8) != 0 ? new String[]{""} : strArr, (i & 16) != 0 ? null : str3, (i & 32) == 0 ? z2 : false);

    public final String b() {
        return this.f8920a;

    public final String c() {
        return this.f8921b;

    public final boolean d() {
        return this.f8922c;

    public final String[] e() {
        return this.f8923d;

    public final void a(boolean z) {
        this.f8925f = z;

    public final boolean f() {
        return this.f8925f;

    public final GoogleSignInOptions a() {
        GoogleSignInOptions.a b2 = new GoogleSignInOptions.a(GoogleSignInOptions.f2692f).b();
        String str = this.f8921b;
        String str2 = str;
        if (!(str2 == null || str2.length() == 0)) {
            if (this.f8922c) {
                b2.a(str, true);
        String[] strArr = this.f8923d;
        if (!(strArr.length == 0)) {
            Scope scope = new Scope((String) c.a.d.c(strArr));
            List<String> b3 = c.a.d.b(strArr, 1);
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(j.a((Iterable) b3, 10));
            for (String str3 : b3) {
                arrayList.add(new Scope(str3));
            Object[] array = arrayList.toArray(new Scope[0]);
            if (array != null) {
                Scope[] scopeArr = (Scope[]) array;
                b2.a(scope, (Scope[]) Arrays.copyOf(scopeArr, scopeArr.length));
            } else {
                throw new q("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T>");
        if (this.f8924e != null) {
            if (!(this.f8924e.length() == 0)) {
        GoogleSignInOptions d2 = b2.d();
        k.a((Object) d2, "");
        return d2;