50度灰 v5.8.2版本的 MD5 值为:9fe3d350fdc75fa1a3ec45509fa0107e

以下内容为反编译后的 SubsamplingScaleImageView.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.media.ExifInterface;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.support.annotation.AnyThread;
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.support.v4.internal.view.SupportMenu;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.asm.Opcodes;
import com.luck.picture.lib.R;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
public class SubsamplingScaleImageView extends View {
    public static final int E = 180;
    public static final int F = 270;
    public static final int H = 1;
    public static final int I = 2;
    public static final int J = 3;
    public static final int L = 1;
    public static final int M = 2;
    public static final int O = 1;
    public static final int P = 2;
    public static final int Q = 3;
    public static final int S = 1;
    public static final int T = 2;
    public static final int U = 3;
    public static final int W = 1;
    public static final int a0 = 2;
    public static final int f4392b = -1;
    public static final int b0 = 3;
    public static final int f4393c = 0;
    public static final int c0 = 4;
    private static final int e0 = 1;
    public static final int s = 90;
    private int A0;
    private float B0;
    private float C0;
    private PointF D0;
    private PointF E0;
    private PointF F0;
    private Float G0;
    private PointF H0;
    private PointF I0;
    private int J0;
    private int K0;
    private int L0;
    private Rect M0;
    private Rect N0;
    private boolean O0;
    private boolean P0;
    private boolean Q0;
    private int R0;
    private GestureDetector S0;
    private com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d T0;
    private final Object U0;
    private com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c> V0;
    private com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> W0;
    private PointF X0;
    private float Y0;
    private final float Z0;
    private float a1;
    private boolean b1;
    private PointF c1;
    private PointF d1;
    private PointF e1;
    private Bitmap f0;
    private c f1;
    private boolean g0;
    private boolean g1;
    private boolean h0;
    private boolean h1;
    private Uri i0;
    private j i1;
    private int j0;
    private k j1;
    private Map<Integer, List<m>> k0;
    private View.OnLongClickListener k1;
    private boolean l0;
    private Handler l1;
    private int m0;
    private Paint m1;
    private float n0;
    private Paint n1;
    private float o0;
    private Paint o1;
    private int p0;
    private l p1;
    private int q0;
    private Matrix q1;
    private int r0;
    private RectF r1;
    private int s0;
    private float[] s1;
    private int t0;
    private float[] t1;
    private boolean u0;
    private float u1;
    private boolean v0;
    private boolean w0;
    private boolean x0;
    private float y0;
    private int z0;
    private static final String f4391a = SubsamplingScaleImageView.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final List<Integer> G = Arrays.asList(0, 90, 180, 270, -1);
    private static final List<Integer> K = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
    private static final List<Integer> N = Arrays.asList(2, 1);
    private static final List<Integer> R = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
    private static final List<Integer> V = Arrays.asList(2, 1, 3);
    public static int d0 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    public class a implements Handler.Callback {
        a() {

        public boolean handleMessage(Message message) {
            if (message.what == 1 && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.k1 != null) {
                SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.R0 = 0;
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this;
            return true;

    public class b extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
        final Context f4395a;

        b(Context context) {
            this.f4395a = context;

        public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent motionEvent) {
            if (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.w0 && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.g1 && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0 != null) {
                if (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.x0) {
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.X0 = new PointF(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY());
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.E0 = new PointF(SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0.x, SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0.y);
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this;
                    subsamplingScaleImageView.C0 = subsamplingScaleImageView.B0;
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.Q0 = true;
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.O0 = true;
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.a1 = -1.0f;
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView2 = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this;
                    subsamplingScaleImageView2.d1 = subsamplingScaleImageView2.d1(subsamplingScaleImageView2.X0);
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.e1 = new PointF(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY());
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.c1 = new PointF(SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.d1.x, SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.d1.y);
                    SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.b1 = false;
                    return false;
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView3 = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this;
                subsamplingScaleImageView3.Z(subsamplingScaleImageView3.d1(new PointF(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY())), new PointF(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY()));
                return true;
            return super.onDoubleTapEvent(motionEvent);

        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent motionEvent, MotionEvent motionEvent2, float f2, float f3) {
            if (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.v0 && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.g1 && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0 != null && motionEvent != null && motionEvent2 != null && ((Math.abs(motionEvent.getX() - motionEvent2.getX()) > 50.0f || Math.abs(motionEvent.getY() - motionEvent2.getY()) > 50.0f) && ((Math.abs(f2) > 500.0f || Math.abs(f3) > 500.0f) && !SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.O0))) {
                PointF pointF = new PointF(SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0.x + (f2 * 0.25f), SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.D0.y + (f3 * 0.25f));
                new d(SubsamplingScaleImageView.this, new PointF(((SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getWidth() / 2) - pointF.x) / SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.B0, ((SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getHeight() / 2) - pointF.y) / SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.B0), (a) null).e(1).i(false).h(3).c();
                return true;
            return super.onFling(motionEvent, motionEvent2, f2, f3);

        public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent motionEvent) {
            return true;

    public final class d {
        private final float f4404a;
        private final PointF f4405b;
        private final PointF f4406c;
        private long f4407d;
        private int f4408e;
        private int f4409f;
        private boolean f4410g;
        private boolean h;
        private i i;

        d(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, float f2, PointF pointF, PointF pointF2, a aVar) {
            this(f2, pointF, pointF2);

        public d h(int i) {
            this.f4409f = i;
            return this;

        public d i(boolean z) {
            this.h = z;
            return this;

        public void c() {
            PointF pointF;
            if (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1 != null && SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.m != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    Log.w(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Error thrown by animation listener", e2);
            int paddingLeft = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingLeft() + (((SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getWidth() - SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingRight()) - SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingLeft()) / 2);
            int paddingTop = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingTop() + (((SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getHeight() - SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingBottom()) - SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getPaddingTop()) / 2);
            float t0 = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.t0(this.f4404a);
            if (this.h) {
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this;
                PointF pointF2 = this.f4405b;
                pointF = subsamplingScaleImageView.s0(pointF2.x, pointF2.y, t0, new PointF());
            } else {
                pointF = this.f4405b;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1 = new c(null);
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4397a = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.B0;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4398b = t0;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.l = System.currentTimeMillis();
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4401e = pointF;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4399c = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getCenter();
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4400d = pointF;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4402f = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.U0(pointF);
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4403g = new PointF(paddingLeft, paddingTop);
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.h = this.f4407d;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.i = this.f4410g;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.j = this.f4408e;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.k = this.f4409f;
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.l = System.currentTimeMillis();
            SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.m = this.i;
            PointF pointF3 = this.f4406c;
            if (pointF3 != null) {
                float f2 = pointF3.x - (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4399c.x * t0);
                float f3 = this.f4406c.y - (SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4399c.y * t0);
                l lVar = new l(t0, new PointF(f2, f3), null);
                SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.g0(true, lVar);
                SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.f1.f4403g = new PointF(this.f4406c.x + (lVar.f4419b.x - f2), this.f4406c.y + (lVar.f4419b.y - f3));

        public d d(long j) {
            this.f4407d = j;
            return this;

        public d e(int i) {
            if (SubsamplingScaleImageView.N.contains(Integer.valueOf(i))) {
                this.f4408e = i;
                return this;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown easing type: " + i);

        public d f(boolean z) {
            this.f4410g = z;
            return this;

        public d g(i iVar) {
            this.i = iVar;
            return this;

        d(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, float f2, PointF pointF, a aVar) {
            this(f2, pointF);

        d(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, float f2, a aVar) {

        d(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, PointF pointF, a aVar) {

        private d(PointF pointF) {
            this.f4407d = 500L;
            this.f4408e = 2;
            this.f4409f = 1;
            this.f4410g = true;
            this.h = true;
            this.f4404a = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.B0;
            this.f4405b = pointF;
            this.f4406c = null;

        private d(float f2) {
            this.f4407d = 500L;
            this.f4408e = 2;
            this.f4409f = 1;
            this.f4410g = true;
            this.h = true;
            this.f4404a = f2;
            this.f4405b = SubsamplingScaleImageView.this.getCenter();
            this.f4406c = null;

        private d(float f2, PointF pointF) {
            this.f4407d = 500L;
            this.f4408e = 2;
            this.f4409f = 1;
            this.f4410g = true;
            this.h = true;
            this.f4404a = f2;
            this.f4405b = pointF;
            this.f4406c = null;

        private d(float f2, PointF pointF, PointF pointF2) {
            this.f4407d = 500L;
            this.f4408e = 2;
            this.f4409f = 1;
            this.f4410g = true;
            this.h = true;
            this.f4404a = f2;
            this.f4405b = pointF;
            this.f4406c = pointF2;

    public static class e extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer> {
        private final WeakReference<SubsamplingScaleImageView> f4411a;
        private final WeakReference<Context> f4412b;
        private final WeakReference<com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c>> f4413c;
        private final Uri f4414d;
        private final boolean f4415e;
        private Bitmap f4416f;
        private Exception f4417g;

        e(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, Context context, com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c> bVar, Uri uri, boolean z) {
            this.f4411a = new WeakReference<>(subsamplingScaleImageView);
            this.f4412b = new WeakReference<>(context);
            this.f4413c = new WeakReference<>(bVar);
            this.f4414d = uri;
            this.f4415e = z;

        public Integer doInBackground(Void... voidArr) {
            try {
                String uri = this.f4414d.toString();
                Context context = this.f4412b.get();
                com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c> bVar = this.f4413c.get();
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4411a.get();
                if (context == null || bVar == null || subsamplingScaleImageView == null) {
                    return null;
                subsamplingScaleImageView.X("BitmapLoadTask.doInBackground", new Object[0]);
                this.f4416f = bVar.make().decode(context, this.f4414d);
                return Integer.valueOf(subsamplingScaleImageView.h0(context, uri));
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                Log.e(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Failed to load bitmap", e2);
                this.f4417g = e2;
                return null;
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError e3) {
                Log.e(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Failed to load bitmap - OutOfMemoryError", e3);
                this.f4417g = new RuntimeException(e3);
                return null;

        public void onPostExecute(Integer num) {
            SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4411a.get();
            if (subsamplingScaleImageView != null) {
                Bitmap bitmap = this.f4416f;
                if (bitmap != null && num != null) {
                    if (this.f4415e) {
                    } else {
                        subsamplingScaleImageView.w0(bitmap, num.intValue(), false);
                } else if (this.f4417g == null || subsamplingScaleImageView.i1 == null) {
                } else {
                    if (this.f4415e) {
                    } else {

    public static class f implements i {
        public void onComplete() {

        public void onInterruptedByNewAnim() {

        public void onInterruptedByUser() {

    public static class g implements j {
        public void onImageLoadError(Exception exc) {

        public void onImageLoaded() {

        public void onPreviewLoadError(Exception exc) {

        public void onPreviewReleased() {

        public void onReady() {

        public void onTileLoadError(Exception exc) {

    public static class h implements k {
        public void onCenterChanged(PointF pointF, int i) {

        public void onScaleChanged(float f2, int i) {

    public interface i {
        void onComplete();

        void onInterruptedByNewAnim();

        void onInterruptedByUser();

    public interface j {
        void onImageLoadError(Exception exc);

        void onImageLoaded();

        void onPreviewLoadError(Exception exc);

        void onPreviewReleased();

        void onReady();

        void onTileLoadError(Exception exc);

    public interface k {
        void onCenterChanged(PointF pointF, int i);

        void onScaleChanged(float f2, int i);

    public static class l {
        private float f4418a;
        private PointF f4419b;

        l(float f2, PointF pointF, a aVar) {
            this(f2, pointF);

        private l(float f2, PointF pointF) {
            this.f4418a = f2;
            this.f4419b = pointF;

    public static class m {
        private Rect f4420a;
        private int f4421b;
        private Bitmap f4422c;
        private boolean f4423d;
        private boolean f4424e;
        private Rect f4425f;
        private Rect f4426g;

        private m() {

        m(a aVar) {

    public static class n extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap> {
        private final WeakReference<SubsamplingScaleImageView> f4427a;
        private final WeakReference<com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> f4428b;
        private final WeakReference<m> f4429c;
        private Exception f4430d;

        n(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d dVar, m mVar) {
            this.f4427a = new WeakReference<>(subsamplingScaleImageView);
            this.f4428b = new WeakReference<>(dVar);
            this.f4429c = new WeakReference<>(mVar);
            mVar.f4423d = true;

        public Bitmap doInBackground(Void... voidArr) {
            Bitmap decodeRegion;
            try {
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4427a.get();
                com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d dVar = this.f4428b.get();
                m mVar = this.f4429c.get();
                if (dVar == null || mVar == null || subsamplingScaleImageView == null || !dVar.isReady() || !mVar.f4424e) {
                    if (mVar != null) {
                        mVar.f4423d = false;
                        return null;
                    return null;
                subsamplingScaleImageView.X("TileLoadTask.doInBackground, tile.sRect=%s, tile.sampleSize=%d", mVar.f4420a, Integer.valueOf(mVar.f4421b));
                synchronized (subsamplingScaleImageView.U0) {
                    subsamplingScaleImageView.e0(mVar.f4420a, mVar.f4426g);
                    if (subsamplingScaleImageView.M0 != null) {
                        mVar.f4426g.offset(subsamplingScaleImageView.M0.left, subsamplingScaleImageView.M0.top);
                    decodeRegion = dVar.decodeRegion(mVar.f4426g, mVar.f4421b);
                return decodeRegion;
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                Log.e(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Failed to decode tile", e2);
                this.f4430d = e2;
                return null;
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError e3) {
                Log.e(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Failed to decode tile - OutOfMemoryError", e3);
                this.f4430d = new RuntimeException(e3);
                return null;

        public void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) {
            SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4427a.get();
            m mVar = this.f4429c.get();
            if (subsamplingScaleImageView == null || mVar == null) {
            if (bitmap != null) {
                mVar.f4422c = bitmap;
                mVar.f4423d = false;
            } else if (this.f4430d == null || subsamplingScaleImageView.i1 == null) {
            } else {

    public static class o extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, int[]> {
        private final WeakReference<SubsamplingScaleImageView> f4431a;
        private final WeakReference<Context> f4432b;
        private final WeakReference<com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d>> f4433c;
        private final Uri f4434d;
        private com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d f4435e;
        private Exception f4436f;

        o(SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView, Context context, com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> bVar, Uri uri) {
            this.f4431a = new WeakReference<>(subsamplingScaleImageView);
            this.f4432b = new WeakReference<>(context);
            this.f4433c = new WeakReference<>(bVar);
            this.f4434d = uri;

        public int[] doInBackground(Void... voidArr) {
            try {
                String uri = this.f4434d.toString();
                Context context = this.f4432b.get();
                com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> bVar = this.f4433c.get();
                SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4431a.get();
                if (context == null || bVar == null || subsamplingScaleImageView == null) {
                    return null;
                subsamplingScaleImageView.X("TilesInitTask.doInBackground", new Object[0]);
                com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d make = bVar.make();
                this.f4435e = make;
                Point init = make.init(context, this.f4434d);
                int i = init.x;
                int i2 = init.y;
                int h0 = subsamplingScaleImageView.h0(context, uri);
                if (subsamplingScaleImageView.M0 != null) {
                    i = subsamplingScaleImageView.M0.width();
                    i2 = subsamplingScaleImageView.M0.height();
                return new int[]{i, i2, h0};
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                Log.e(SubsamplingScaleImageView.f4391a, "Failed to initialise bitmap decoder", e2);
                this.f4436f = e2;
                return null;

        public void onPostExecute(int[] iArr) {
            SubsamplingScaleImageView subsamplingScaleImageView = this.f4431a.get();
            if (subsamplingScaleImageView != null) {
                com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d dVar = this.f4435e;
                if (dVar != null && iArr != null && iArr.length == 3) {
                    subsamplingScaleImageView.A0(dVar, iArr[0], iArr[1], iArr[2]);
                } else if (this.f4436f == null || subsamplingScaleImageView.i1 == null) {
                } else {

    public SubsamplingScaleImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {
        super(context, attributeSet);
        int resourceId;
        String string;
        this.m0 = 0;
        this.n0 = 2.0f;
        this.o0 = u0();
        this.p0 = -1;
        this.q0 = 1;
        this.r0 = 1;
        int i2 = d0;
        this.s0 = i2;
        this.t0 = i2;
        this.v0 = true;
        this.w0 = true;
        this.x0 = true;
        this.y0 = 1.0f;
        this.z0 = 1;
        this.A0 = 500;
        this.U0 = new Object();
        this.V0 = new com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.a(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.f.class);
        this.W0 = new com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.a(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.g.class);
        this.s1 = new float[8];
        this.t1 = new float[8];
        this.u1 = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        this.l1 = new Handler(new a());
        if (attributeSet != null) {
            TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView);
            int i3 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_assetName;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i3) && (string = obtainStyledAttributes.getString(i3)) != null && string.length() > 0) {
            int i4 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_src;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i4) && (resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(i4, 0)) > 0) {
            int i5 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_panEnabled;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i5)) {
                setPanEnabled(obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(i5, true));
            int i6 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_zoomEnabled;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i6)) {
                setZoomEnabled(obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(i6, true));
            int i7 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_quickScaleEnabled;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i7)) {
                setQuickScaleEnabled(obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(i7, true));
            int i8 = R.styleable.SubsamplingScaleImageView_tileBackgroundColor;
            if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(i8)) {
                setTileBackgroundColor(obtainStyledAttributes.getColor(i8, Color.argb(0, 0, 0, 0)));
        this.Z0 = TypedValue.applyDimension(1, 20.0f, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

    public synchronized void A0(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d dVar, int i2, int i3, int i4) {
        int i5;
        int i6;
        int i7;
        int i8;
        X("onTilesInited sWidth=%d, sHeight=%d, sOrientation=%d", Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(i3), Integer.valueOf(this.m0));
        int i9 = this.J0;
        if (i9 > 0 && (i8 = this.K0) > 0 && (i9 != i2 || i8 != i3)) {
            Bitmap bitmap = this.f0;
            if (bitmap != null) {
                if (!this.h0) {
                this.f0 = null;
                j jVar = this.i1;
                if (jVar != null && this.h0) {
                this.g0 = false;
                this.h0 = false;
        this.T0 = dVar;
        this.J0 = i2;
        this.K0 = i3;
        this.L0 = i4;
        if (!U() && (i5 = this.s0) > 0 && i5 != (i6 = d0) && (i7 = this.t0) > 0 && i7 != i6 && getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0) {
            k0(new Point(this.s0, this.t0));

    private boolean B0(@NonNull MotionEvent motionEvent) {
        boolean z;
        boolean z2;
        int pointerCount = motionEvent.getPointerCount();
        int action = motionEvent.getAction();
        if (action != 0) {
            if (action != 1) {
                if (action == 2) {
                    if (this.R0 > 0) {
                        if (pointerCount >= 2) {
                            float Y = Y(motionEvent.getX(0), motionEvent.getX(1), motionEvent.getY(0), motionEvent.getY(1));
                            float x = (motionEvent.getX(0) + motionEvent.getX(1)) / 2.0f;
                            float y = (motionEvent.getY(0) + motionEvent.getY(1)) / 2.0f;
                            if (this.w0) {
                                PointF pointF = this.X0;
                                if (Y(pointF.x, x, pointF.y, y) > 5.0f || Math.abs(Y - this.Y0) > 5.0f || this.P0) {
                                    this.O0 = true;
                                    this.P0 = true;
                                    double d2 = this.B0;
                                    float min = Math.min(this.n0, (Y / this.Y0) * this.C0);
                                    this.B0 = min;
                                    if (min <= u0()) {
                                        this.Y0 = Y;
                                        this.C0 = u0();
                                        this.X0.set(x, y);
                                    } else if (this.v0) {
                                        PointF pointF2 = this.X0;
                                        float f2 = pointF2.x;
                                        PointF pointF3 = this.E0;
                                        float f3 = f2 - pointF3.x;
                                        float f4 = pointF2.y - pointF3.y;
                                        float f5 = this.B0;
                                        float f6 = this.C0;
                                        float f7 = f4 * (f5 / f6);
                                        PointF pointF4 = this.D0;
                                        pointF4.x = x - (f3 * (f5 / f6));
                                        pointF4.y = y - f7;
                                        double J0 = J0();
                                        if (J0 * d2 >= getHeight() || this.B0 * J0() < getHeight()) {
                                            double K0 = K0();
                                            if (d2 * K0 < getWidth()) {
                                        this.X0.set(x, y);
                                        this.C0 = this.B0;
                                        this.Y0 = Y;
                                    } else if (this.I0 != null) {
                                        this.D0.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.I0.x);
                                        this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.I0.y);
                                    } else {
                                        this.D0.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * (K0() / 2));
                                        this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * (J0() / 2));
                                    z2 = true;
                        } else {
                            if (this.Q0) {
                                float abs = (Math.abs(this.e1.y - motionEvent.getY()) * 2.0f) + this.Z0;
                                if (this.a1 == -1.0f) {
                                    this.a1 = abs;
                                float y2 = motionEvent.getY();
                                PointF pointF5 = this.c1;
                                boolean z3 = y2 > pointF5.y;
                                pointF5.set(0.0f, motionEvent.getY());
                                float abs2 = Math.abs(1.0f - (abs / this.a1)) * 0.5f;
                                if (abs2 > 0.03f || this.b1) {
                                    this.b1 = true;
                                    float f8 = this.a1 > 0.0f ? z3 ? abs2 + 1.0f : 1.0f - abs2 : 1.0f;
                                    double d3 = this.B0;
                                    float max = Math.max(u0(), Math.min(this.n0, this.B0 * f8));
                                    this.B0 = max;
                                    if (this.v0) {
                                        PointF pointF6 = this.X0;
                                        float f9 = pointF6.x;
                                        PointF pointF7 = this.E0;
                                        float f10 = pointF6.y;
                                        float f11 = this.C0;
                                        float f12 = (f10 - pointF7.y) * (max / f11);
                                        PointF pointF8 = this.D0;
                                        pointF8.x = f9 - ((f9 - pointF7.x) * (max / f11));
                                        pointF8.y = f10 - f12;
                                        double J02 = J0();
                                        if (J02 * d3 >= getHeight() || this.B0 * J0() < getHeight()) {
                                            double K02 = K0();
                                            if (d3 * K02 < getWidth()) {
                                        this.C0 = this.B0;
                                        abs = 0.0f;
                                    } else if (this.I0 != null) {
                                        this.D0.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.I0.x);
                                        this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.I0.y);
                                    } else {
                                        this.D0.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * (K0() / 2));
                                        this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * (J0() / 2));
                                this.a1 = abs;
                            } else if (!this.O0) {
                                float abs3 = Math.abs(motionEvent.getX() - this.X0.x);
                                float abs4 = Math.abs(motionEvent.getY() - this.X0.y);
                                float f13 = this.u1 * 5.0f;
                                if (abs3 > f13 || abs4 > f13 || this.P0) {
                                    this.D0.x = this.E0.x + (motionEvent.getX() - this.X0.x);
                                    this.D0.y = this.E0.y + (motionEvent.getY() - this.X0.y);
                                    PointF pointF9 = this.D0;
                                    float f14 = pointF9.x;
                                    float f15 = pointF9.y;
                                    PointF pointF10 = this.D0;
                                    boolean z4 = f14 != pointF10.x;
                                    float f16 = pointF10.y;
                                    boolean z5 = f15 != f16;
                                    boolean z6 = z4 && abs3 > abs4 && !this.P0;
                                    boolean z7 = z5 && abs4 > abs3 && !this.P0;
                                    boolean z8 = f15 == f16 && abs4 > 3.0f * f13;
                                    if (!z6 && !z7 && (!z4 || !z5 || z8 || this.P0)) {
                                        this.P0 = true;
                                    } else if (abs3 > f13 || abs4 > f13) {
                                        this.R0 = 0;
                                    if (!this.v0) {
                                        PointF pointF11 = this.D0;
                                        PointF pointF12 = this.E0;
                                        pointF11.x = pointF12.x;
                                        pointF11.y = pointF12.y;
                            z2 = true;
                        if (z2) {
                            return true;
                    z2 = false;
                    if (z2) {
                } else if (action != 5) {
                    if (action != 6) {
                        if (action != 261) {
                return false;
            if (this.Q0) {
                this.Q0 = false;
                if (!this.b1) {
                    Z(this.d1, this.X0);
            if (this.R0 <= 0 || !((z = this.O0) || this.P0)) {
                if (pointerCount == 1) {
                    this.O0 = false;
                    this.P0 = false;
                    this.R0 = 0;
                return true;
            if (z && pointerCount == 2) {
                this.P0 = true;
                PointF pointF13 = this.E0;
                PointF pointF14 = this.D0;
                pointF13.set(pointF14.x, pointF14.y);
                if (motionEvent.getActionIndex() == 1) {
                    this.X0.set(motionEvent.getX(0), motionEvent.getY(0));
                } else {
                    this.X0.set(motionEvent.getX(1), motionEvent.getY(1));
            if (pointerCount < 3) {
                this.O0 = false;
            if (pointerCount < 2) {
                this.P0 = false;
                this.R0 = 0;
            return true;
        this.f1 = null;
        this.R0 = Math.max(this.R0, pointerCount);
        if (pointerCount >= 2) {
            if (this.w0) {
                float Y2 = Y(motionEvent.getX(0), motionEvent.getX(1), motionEvent.getY(0), motionEvent.getY(1));
                this.C0 = this.B0;
                this.Y0 = Y2;
                PointF pointF15 = this.E0;
                PointF pointF16 = this.D0;
                pointF15.set(pointF16.x, pointF16.y);
                this.X0.set((motionEvent.getX(0) + motionEvent.getX(1)) / 2.0f, (motionEvent.getY(0) + motionEvent.getY(1)) / 2.0f);
            } else {
                this.R0 = 0;
        } else if (!this.Q0) {
            PointF pointF17 = this.E0;
            PointF pointF18 = this.D0;
            pointF17.set(pointF18.x, pointF18.y);
            this.X0.set(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY());
            this.l1.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(1, 600L);
        return true;

    private void C0() {
        Float f2;
        if (getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0 || this.J0 <= 0 || this.K0 <= 0) {
        if (this.H0 != null && (f2 = this.G0) != null) {
            this.B0 = f2.floatValue();
            if (this.D0 == null) {
                this.D0 = new PointF();
            this.D0.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.H0.x);
            this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * this.H0.y);
            this.H0 = null;
            this.G0 = null;

    private void E0(boolean z) {
        if (this.T0 == null || this.k0 == null) {
        int min = Math.min(this.j0, T(this.B0));
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<m>> entry : this.k0.entrySet()) {
            for (m mVar : entry.getValue()) {
                if (mVar.f4421b < min || (mVar.f4421b > min && mVar.f4421b != this.j0)) {
                    mVar.f4424e = false;
                    if (mVar.f4422c != null) {
                        mVar.f4422c = null;
                if (mVar.f4421b != min) {
                    if (mVar.f4421b == this.j0) {
                        mVar.f4424e = true;
                } else if (Z0(mVar)) {
                    mVar.f4424e = true;
                    if (!mVar.f4423d && mVar.f4422c == null && z) {
                        d0(new n(this, this.T0, mVar));
                } else if (mVar.f4421b != this.j0) {
                    mVar.f4424e = false;
                    if (mVar.f4422c != null) {
                        mVar.f4422c = null;

    private void F0(boolean z) {
        ViewParent parent = getParent();
        if (parent != null) {

    private void G0(boolean z) {
        j jVar;
        X("reset newImage=" + z, new Object[0]);
        this.B0 = 0.0f;
        this.C0 = 0.0f;
        this.D0 = null;
        this.E0 = null;
        this.F0 = null;
        this.G0 = Float.valueOf(0.0f);
        this.H0 = null;
        this.I0 = null;
        this.O0 = false;
        this.P0 = false;
        this.Q0 = false;
        this.R0 = 0;
        this.j0 = 0;
        this.X0 = null;
        this.Y0 = 0.0f;
        this.a1 = 0.0f;
        this.b1 = false;
        this.d1 = null;
        this.c1 = null;
        this.e1 = null;
        this.f1 = null;
        this.p1 = null;
        this.q1 = null;
        this.r1 = null;
        if (z) {
            this.i0 = null;
            if (this.T0 != null) {
                synchronized (this.U0) {
                    this.T0 = null;
            Bitmap bitmap = this.f0;
            if (bitmap != null && !this.h0) {
            if (this.f0 != null && this.h0 && (jVar = this.i1) != null) {
            this.J0 = 0;
            this.K0 = 0;
            this.L0 = 0;
            this.M0 = null;
            this.N0 = null;
            this.g1 = false;
            this.h1 = false;
            this.f0 = null;
            this.g0 = false;
            this.h0 = false;
        Map<Integer, List<m>> map = this.k0;
        if (map != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<m>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                for (m mVar : entry.getValue()) {
                    mVar.f4424e = false;
                    if (mVar.f4422c != null) {
                        mVar.f4422c = null;
            this.k0 = null;

    private void I0(ImageViewState imageViewState) {
        if (imageViewState == null || imageViewState.getCenter() == null || !G.contains(Integer.valueOf(imageViewState.getOrientation()))) {
        this.m0 = imageViewState.getOrientation();
        this.G0 = Float.valueOf(imageViewState.getScale());
        this.H0 = imageViewState.getCenter();

    private int J0() {
        int requiredRotation = getRequiredRotation();
        if (requiredRotation != 90 && requiredRotation != 270) {
            return this.K0;
        return this.J0;

    private int K0() {
        int requiredRotation = getRequiredRotation();
        if (requiredRotation != 90 && requiredRotation != 270) {
            return this.J0;
        return this.K0;

    private void L0(float f2, PointF pointF, int i2) {
        k kVar = this.j1;
        if (kVar != null) {
            float f3 = this.B0;
            if (f3 != f2) {
                kVar.onScaleChanged(f3, i2);
            if (this.D0.equals(pointF)) {
            this.j1.onCenterChanged(getCenter(), i2);

    private void P0(float[] fArr, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7, float f8, float f9) {
        fArr[0] = f2;
        fArr[1] = f3;
        fArr[2] = f4;
        fArr[3] = f5;
        fArr[4] = f6;
        fArr[5] = f7;
        fArr[6] = f8;
        fArr[7] = f9;

    private int T(float f2) {
        int round;
        if (this.p0 > 0) {
            DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
            f2 *= this.p0 / ((displayMetrics.xdpi + displayMetrics.ydpi) / 2.0f);
        int K0 = (int) (K0() * f2);
        int J0 = (int) (J0() * f2);
        if (K0 == 0 || J0 == 0) {
            return 32;
        int i2 = 1;
        if (J0() > J0 || K0() > K0) {
            round = Math.round(J0() / J0);
            int round2 = Math.round(K0() / K0);
            if (round >= round2) {
                round = round2;
        } else {
            round = 1;
        while (true) {
            int i3 = i2 * 2;
            if (i3 >= round) {
                return i2;
            i2 = i3;

    private boolean U() {
        boolean m0 = m0();
        if (!this.h1 && m0) {
            this.h1 = true;
            j jVar = this.i1;
            if (jVar != null) {
        return m0;

    private boolean V() {
        boolean z = getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0 && this.J0 > 0 && this.K0 > 0 && (this.f0 != null || m0());
        if (!this.g1 && z) {
            this.g1 = true;
            j jVar = this.i1;
            if (jVar != null) {
        return z;

    private void W() {
        if (this.m1 == null) {
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            this.m1 = paint;
        if (this.n1 == null && this.l0) {
            Paint paint2 = new Paint();
            this.n1 = paint2;

    private Rect W0(Rect rect, Rect rect2) {
        rect2.set((int) X0(rect.left), (int) Y0(rect.top), (int) X0(rect.right), (int) Y0(rect.bottom));
        return rect2;

    public void X(String str, Object... objArr) {
        if (this.l0) {
            Log.d(f4391a, String.format(str, objArr));

    private float X0(float f2) {
        PointF pointF = this.D0;
        if (pointF == null) {
            return Float.NaN;
        return (f2 * this.B0) + pointF.x;

    private float Y(float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) {
        float f6 = f2 - f3;
        float f7 = f4 - f5;
        return (float) Math.sqrt((f6 * f6) + (f7 * f7));

    private float Y0(float f2) {
        PointF pointF = this.D0;
        if (pointF == null) {
            return Float.NaN;
        return (f2 * this.B0) + pointF.y;

    public void Z(PointF pointF, PointF pointF2) {
        if (!this.v0) {
            PointF pointF3 = this.I0;
            if (pointF3 != null) {
                pointF.x = pointF3.x;
                pointF.y = pointF3.y;
            } else {
                pointF.x = K0() / 2;
                pointF.y = J0() / 2;
        float min = Math.min(this.n0, this.y0);
        double d2 = min;
        boolean z = ((double) this.B0) <= d2 * 0.9d;
        if (!z) {
            min = u0();
        float f2 = min;
        int i2 = this.z0;
        if (i2 == 3) {
            R0(f2, pointF);
        } else if (i2 == 2 || !z || !this.v0) {
            new d(this, f2, pointF, (a) null).f(false).d(this.A0).h(4).c();
        } else if (i2 == 1) {
            new d(this, f2, pointF, pointF2, null).f(false).d(this.A0).h(4).c();

    private boolean Z0(m mVar) {
        return f1(0.0f) <= ((float) mVar.f4420a.right) && ((float) mVar.f4420a.left) <= f1((float) getWidth()) && g1(0.0f) <= ((float) mVar.f4420a.bottom) && ((float) mVar.f4420a.top) <= g1((float) getHeight());

    private float a0(int i2, long j2, float f2, float f3, long j3) {
        if (i2 != 1) {
            if (i2 == 2) {
                return b0(j2, f2, f3, j3);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected easing type: " + i2);
        return c0(j2, f2, f3, j3);

    private PointF a1(float f2, float f3, float f4) {
        int paddingLeft = getPaddingLeft() + (((getWidth() - getPaddingRight()) - getPaddingLeft()) / 2);
        int paddingTop = getPaddingTop() + (((getHeight() - getPaddingBottom()) - getPaddingTop()) / 2);
        if (this.p1 == null) {
            this.p1 = new l(0.0f, new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), null);
        this.p1.f4418a = f4;
        this.p1.f4419b.set(paddingLeft - (f2 * f4), paddingTop - (f3 * f4));
        g0(true, this.p1);
        return this.p1.f4419b;

    private float b0(long j2, float f2, float f3, long j3) {
        float f4;
        float f5 = ((float) j2) / (((float) j3) / 2.0f);
        if (f5 < 1.0f) {
            f4 = (f3 / 2.0f) * f5;
        } else {
            float f6 = f5 - 1.0f;
            f4 = (-f3) / 2.0f;
            f5 = (f6 * (f6 - 2.0f)) - 1.0f;
        return (f4 * f5) + f2;

    private float c0(long j2, float f2, float f3, long j3) {
        float f4 = ((float) j2) / ((float) j3);
        return ((-f3) * f4 * (f4 - 2.0f)) + f2;

    private void d0(AsyncTask<Void, Void, ?> asyncTask) {
        if (this.u0 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
            try {
                AsyncTask.class.getMethod("executeOnExecutor", Executor.class, Object[].class).invoke(asyncTask, (Executor) AsyncTask.class.getField("THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR").get(null), null);
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                Log.i(f4391a, "Failed to execute AsyncTask on thread pool executor, falling back to single threaded executor", e2);
        asyncTask.execute(new Void[0]);

    public void e0(Rect rect, Rect rect2) {
        if (getRequiredRotation() == 0) {
        } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 90) {
            int i2 = rect.top;
            int i3 = this.K0;
            rect2.set(i2, i3 - rect.right, rect.bottom, i3 - rect.left);
        } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 180) {
            int i4 = this.J0;
            int i5 = this.K0;
            rect2.set(i4 - rect.right, i5 - rect.bottom, i4 - rect.left, i5 - rect.top);
        } else {
            int i6 = this.J0;
            rect2.set(i6 - rect.bottom, rect.left, i6 - rect.top, rect.right);

    private void f0(boolean z) {
        boolean z2;
        if (this.D0 == null) {
            z2 = true;
            this.D0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
        } else {
            z2 = false;
        if (this.p1 == null) {
            this.p1 = new l(0.0f, new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), null);
        this.p1.f4418a = this.B0;
        g0(z, this.p1);
        this.B0 = this.p1.f4418a;
        if (z2) {
            this.D0.set(a1(K0() / 2, J0() / 2, this.B0));

    private float f1(float f2) {
        PointF pointF = this.D0;
        if (pointF == null) {
            return Float.NaN;
        return (f2 - pointF.x) / this.B0;

    public void g0(boolean z, l lVar) {
        float max;
        int max2;
        float max3;
        if (this.q0 == 2 && q0()) {
            z = false;
        PointF pointF = lVar.f4419b;
        float t0 = t0(lVar.f4418a);
        float K0 = K0() * t0;
        float J0 = J0() * t0;
        if (this.q0 == 3 && q0()) {
            pointF.x = Math.max(pointF.x, (getWidth() / 2) - K0);
            pointF.y = Math.max(pointF.y, (getHeight() / 2) - J0);
        } else if (z) {
            pointF.x = Math.max(pointF.x, getWidth() - K0);
            pointF.y = Math.max(pointF.y, getHeight() - J0);
        } else {
            pointF.x = Math.max(pointF.x, -K0);
            pointF.y = Math.max(pointF.y, -J0);
        float f2 = 0.5f;
        float paddingLeft = (getPaddingLeft() > 0 || getPaddingRight() > 0) ? getPaddingLeft() / (getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight()) : 0.5f;
        if (getPaddingTop() > 0 || getPaddingBottom() > 0) {
            f2 = getPaddingTop() / (getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom());
        if (this.q0 == 3 && q0()) {
            max = Math.max(0, getWidth() / 2);
            max2 = Math.max(0, getHeight() / 2);
        } else if (z) {
            max = Math.max(0.0f, (getWidth() - K0) * paddingLeft);
            max3 = Math.max(0.0f, (getHeight() - J0) * f2);
            pointF.x = Math.min(pointF.x, max);
            pointF.y = Math.min(pointF.y, max3);
            lVar.f4418a = t0;
        } else {
            max = Math.max(0, getWidth());
            max2 = Math.max(0, getHeight());
        max3 = max2;
        pointF.x = Math.min(pointF.x, max);
        pointF.y = Math.min(pointF.y, max3);
        lVar.f4418a = t0;

    private float g1(float f2) {
        PointF pointF = this.D0;
        if (pointF == null) {
            return Float.NaN;
        return (f2 - pointF.y) / this.B0;

    private int getRequiredRotation() {
        int i2 = this.m0;
        return i2 == -1 ? this.L0 : i2;

    public int h0(Context context, String str) {
        int i2 = 0;
        if (str.startsWith("content")) {
            Cursor cursor = null;
            try {
                try {
                    cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse(str), new String[]{"orientation"}, null, null, null);
                    if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                        int i3 = cursor.getInt(0);
                        if (!G.contains(Integer.valueOf(i3)) || i3 == -1) {
                            String str2 = f4391a;
                            Log.w(str2, "Unsupported orientation: " + i3);
                        } else {
                            i2 = i3;
                    if (cursor == null) {
                        return i2;
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    Log.w(f4391a, "Could not get orientation of image from media store");
                    if (cursor == null) {
                        return 0;
                return i2;
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                if (cursor != null) {
                throw th;
        } else if (!str.startsWith("file:///") || str.startsWith("file:///android_asset/")) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            try {
                int attributeInt = new ExifInterface(str.substring(7)).getAttributeInt(android.support.media.ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, 1);
                if (attributeInt != 1 && attributeInt != 0) {
                    if (attributeInt == 6) {
                        return 90;
                    if (attributeInt == 3) {
                        return 180;
                    if (attributeInt == 8) {
                        return 270;
                    String str3 = f4391a;
                    Log.w(str3, "Unsupported EXIF orientation: " + attributeInt);
                    return 0;
                return 0;
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
                Log.w(f4391a, "Could not get EXIF orientation of image");
                return 0;

    private Point i0(Canvas canvas) {
        int i2;
        int intValue;
        int i3 = 2048;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
            try {
                i2 = ((Integer) Canvas.class.getMethod("getMaximumBitmapWidth", new Class[0]).invoke(canvas, new Object[0])).intValue();
                try {
                    intValue = ((Integer) Canvas.class.getMethod("getMaximumBitmapHeight", new Class[0]).invoke(canvas, new Object[0])).intValue();
                    i3 = i2;
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    i3 = i2;
                    intValue = 2048;
                    return new Point(Math.min(i3, this.s0), Math.min(intValue, this.t0));
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
                i2 = 2048;
            return new Point(Math.min(i3, this.s0), Math.min(intValue, this.t0));
        intValue = 2048;
        return new Point(Math.min(i3, this.s0), Math.min(intValue, this.t0));

    private synchronized void k0(Point point) {
        X("initialiseBaseLayer maxTileDimensions=%dx%d", Integer.valueOf(point.x), Integer.valueOf(point.y));
        l lVar = new l(0.0f, new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), null);
        this.p1 = lVar;
        g0(true, lVar);
        int T2 = T(this.p1.f4418a);
        this.j0 = T2;
        if (T2 > 1) {
            this.j0 = T2 / 2;
        if (this.j0 == 1 && this.M0 == null && K0() < point.x && J0() < point.y) {
            this.T0 = null;
            d0(new e(this, getContext(), this.V0, this.i0, false));
        } else {
            for (m mVar : this.k0.get(Integer.valueOf(this.j0))) {
                d0(new n(this, this.T0, mVar));

    private void l0(Point point) {
        int i2 = 1;
        X("initialiseTileMap maxTileDimensions=%dx%d", Integer.valueOf(point.x), Integer.valueOf(point.y));
        this.k0 = new LinkedHashMap();
        int i3 = this.j0;
        int i4 = 1;
        int i5 = 1;
        while (true) {
            int K0 = K0() / i4;
            int J0 = J0() / i5;
            int i6 = K0 / i3;
            int i7 = J0 / i3;
            while (true) {
                if (i6 + i4 + i2 <= point.x) {
                    double d2 = i6;
                    double width = getWidth();
                    if (d2 <= width * 1.25d || i3 >= this.j0) {
                K0 = K0() / i4;
                i6 = K0 / i3;
                i2 = 1;
            while (true) {
                if (i7 + i5 + i2 <= point.y) {
                    double height = getHeight();
                    if (i7 <= height * 1.25d || i3 >= this.j0) {
                J0 = J0() / i5;
                i7 = J0 / i3;
                i2 = 1;
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(i4 * i5);
            int i8 = 0;
            while (i8 < i4) {
                int i9 = 0;
                while (i9 < i5) {
                    m mVar = new m(null);
                    mVar.f4421b = i3;
                    mVar.f4424e = i3 == this.j0;
                    mVar.f4420a = new Rect(i8 * K0, i9 * J0, i8 == i4 + (-1) ? K0() : (i8 + 1) * K0, i9 == i5 + (-1) ? J0() : (i9 + 1) * J0);
                    mVar.f4425f = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    mVar.f4426g = new Rect(mVar.f4420a);
            this.k0.put(Integer.valueOf(i3), arrayList);
            if (i3 == 1) {
            i3 /= 2;
            i2 = 1;

    private boolean m0() {
        boolean z = true;
        if (this.f0 == null || this.g0) {
            Map<Integer, List<m>> map = this.k0;
            if (map != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<m>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getKey().intValue() == this.j0) {
                        for (m mVar : entry.getValue()) {
                            if (mVar.f4423d || mVar.f4422c == null) {
                                z = false;
                return z;
            return false;
        return true;

    public PointF s0(float f2, float f3, float f4, PointF pointF) {
        PointF a1 = a1(f2, f3, f4);
        pointF.set(((getPaddingLeft() + (((getWidth() - getPaddingRight()) - getPaddingLeft()) / 2)) - a1.x) / f4, ((getPaddingTop() + (((getHeight() - getPaddingBottom()) - getPaddingTop()) / 2)) - a1.y) / f4);
        return pointF;

    public void setGestureDetector(Context context) {
        this.S0 = new GestureDetector(context, new b(context));

    public float t0(float f2) {
        return Math.min(this.n0, Math.max(u0(), f2));

    private float u0() {
        int paddingBottom = getPaddingBottom() + getPaddingTop();
        int paddingLeft = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
        int i2 = this.r0;
        if (i2 == 2) {
            return Math.max((getWidth() - paddingLeft) / K0(), (getHeight() - paddingBottom) / J0());
        if (i2 == 3) {
            float f2 = this.o0;
            if (f2 > 0.0f) {
                return f2;
        return Math.min((getWidth() - paddingLeft) / K0(), (getHeight() - paddingBottom) / J0());

    public synchronized void w0(Bitmap bitmap, int i2, boolean z) {
        j jVar;
        X("onImageLoaded", new Object[0]);
        int i3 = this.J0;
        if (i3 > 0 && this.K0 > 0 && (i3 != bitmap.getWidth() || this.K0 != bitmap.getHeight())) {
        Bitmap bitmap2 = this.f0;
        if (bitmap2 != null && !this.h0) {
        if (this.f0 != null && this.h0 && (jVar = this.i1) != null) {
        this.g0 = false;
        this.h0 = z;
        this.f0 = bitmap;
        this.J0 = bitmap.getWidth();
        this.K0 = bitmap.getHeight();
        this.L0 = i2;
        boolean V2 = V();
        boolean U2 = U();
        if (V2 || U2) {

    public synchronized void x0(Bitmap bitmap) {
        X("onPreviewLoaded", new Object[0]);
        if (this.f0 == null && !this.h1) {
            Rect rect = this.N0;
            if (rect != null) {
                this.f0 = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, rect.left, rect.top, rect.width(), this.N0.height());
            } else {
                this.f0 = bitmap;
            this.g0 = true;
            if (V()) {

    public synchronized void z0() {
        Bitmap bitmap;
        X("onTileLoaded", new Object[0]);
        if (m0() && (bitmap = this.f0) != null) {
            if (!this.h0) {
            this.f0 = null;
            j jVar = this.i1;
            if (jVar != null && this.h0) {
            this.g0 = false;
            this.h0 = false;

    public void D0() {
        this.m1 = null;
        this.n1 = null;
        this.o1 = null;

    public final void H0() {
        this.f1 = null;
        this.G0 = Float.valueOf(t0(0.0f));
        if (q0()) {
            this.H0 = new PointF(K0() / 2, J0() / 2);
        } else {
            this.H0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);

    public final void M0(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar, com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar2) {
        N0(eVar, eVar2, null);

    public final void N0(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar, com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar2, ImageViewState imageViewState) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(eVar, "imageSource must not be null");
        if (imageViewState != null) {
        if (eVar2 != null) {
            if (eVar.e() == null) {
                if (eVar.i() > 0 && eVar.g() > 0) {
                    this.J0 = eVar.i();
                    this.K0 = eVar.g();
                    this.N0 = eVar2.h();
                    if (eVar2.e() != null) {
                        this.h0 = eVar2.l();
                    } else {
                        Uri k2 = eVar2.k();
                        if (k2 == null && eVar2.f() != null) {
                            k2 = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getContext().getPackageName() + "/" + eVar2.f());
                        d0(new e(this, getContext(), this.V0, k2, true));
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Preview image cannot be used unless dimensions are provided for the main image");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Preview image cannot be used when a bitmap is provided for the main image");
        if (eVar.e() != null && eVar.h() != null) {
            w0(Bitmap.createBitmap(eVar.e(), eVar.h().left, eVar.h().top, eVar.h().width(), eVar.h().height()), 0, false);
        } else if (eVar.e() != null) {
            w0(eVar.e(), 0, eVar.l());
        } else {
            this.M0 = eVar.h();
            Uri k3 = eVar.k();
            this.i0 = k3;
            if (k3 == null && eVar.f() != null) {
                this.i0 = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getContext().getPackageName() + "/" + eVar.f());
            if (!eVar.j() && this.M0 == null) {
                d0(new e(this, getContext(), this.V0, this.i0, false));
            } else {
                d0(new o(this, getContext(), this.W0, this.i0));

    public final void O0(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar, ImageViewState imageViewState) {
        N0(eVar, null, imageViewState);

    public d Q(PointF pointF) {
        if (q0()) {
            return new d(this, pointF, (a) null);
        return null;

    public void Q0(int i2, int i3) {
        this.s0 = i2;
        this.t0 = i3;

    public d R(float f2) {
        if (q0()) {
            return new d(this, f2, (a) null);
        return null;

    public final void R0(float f2, PointF pointF) {
        this.f1 = null;
        this.G0 = Float.valueOf(f2);
        this.H0 = pointF;
        this.I0 = pointF;

    public d S(float f2, PointF pointF) {
        if (q0()) {
            return new d(this, f2, pointF, (a) null);
        return null;

    public final PointF S0(float f2, float f3) {
        return T0(f2, f3, new PointF());

    public final PointF T0(float f2, float f3, PointF pointF) {
        if (this.D0 == null) {
            return null;
        pointF.set(X0(f2), Y0(f3));
        return pointF;

    public final PointF U0(PointF pointF) {
        return T0(pointF.x, pointF.y, new PointF());

    public final PointF V0(PointF pointF, PointF pointF2) {
        return T0(pointF.x, pointF.y, pointF2);

    public final PointF b1(float f2, float f3) {
        return c1(f2, f3, new PointF());

    public final PointF c1(float f2, float f3, PointF pointF) {
        if (this.D0 == null) {
            return null;
        pointF.set(f1(f2), g1(f3));
        return pointF;

    public final PointF d1(PointF pointF) {
        return c1(pointF.x, pointF.y, new PointF());

    public final PointF e1(PointF pointF, PointF pointF2) {
        return c1(pointF.x, pointF.y, pointF2);

    public final int getAppliedOrientation() {
        return getRequiredRotation();

    public final PointF getCenter() {
        return b1(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);

    public float getMaxScale() {
        return this.n0;

    public final float getMinScale() {
        return u0();

    public final int getOrientation() {
        return this.m0;

    public final int getSHeight() {
        return this.K0;

    public final int getSWidth() {
        return this.J0;

    public final float getScale() {
        return this.B0;

    public final ImageViewState getState() {
        if (this.D0 == null || this.J0 <= 0 || this.K0 <= 0) {
            return null;
        return new ImageViewState(getScale(), getCenter(), getOrientation());

    public boolean j0() {
        return (this.i0 == null && this.f0 == null) ? false : true;

    public final boolean n0() {
        return this.h1;

    public final boolean o0() {
        return this.v0;

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        Bitmap bitmap;
        float f2;
        Locale locale;
        if (this.J0 == 0 || this.K0 == 0 || getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) {
        if (this.k0 == null && this.T0 != null) {
        if (V()) {
            if (this.f1 != null) {
                float f3 = this.B0;
                if (this.F0 == null) {
                    this.F0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
                long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.f1.l;
                boolean z = currentTimeMillis > this.f1.h;
                long min = Math.min(currentTimeMillis, this.f1.h);
                this.B0 = a0(this.f1.j, min, this.f1.f4397a, this.f1.f4398b - this.f1.f4397a, this.f1.h);
                float a02 = a0(this.f1.j, min, this.f1.f4402f.x, this.f1.f4403g.x - this.f1.f4402f.x, this.f1.h);
                float a03 = a0(this.f1.j, min, this.f1.f4402f.y, this.f1.f4403g.y - this.f1.f4402f.y, this.f1.h);
                this.D0.x -= X0(this.f1.f4400d.x) - a02;
                this.D0.y -= Y0(this.f1.f4400d.y) - a03;
                f0(z || this.f1.f4397a == this.f1.f4398b);
                L0(f3, this.F0, this.f1.k);
                if (z) {
                    if (this.f1.m != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e2) {
                            Log.w(f4391a, "Error thrown by animation listener", e2);
                    this.f1 = null;
            if (this.k0 != null && m0()) {
                int min2 = Math.min(this.j0, T(this.B0));
                boolean z2 = false;
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<m>> entry : this.k0.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getKey().intValue() == min2) {
                        for (m mVar : entry.getValue()) {
                            if (mVar.f4424e && (mVar.f4423d || mVar.f4422c == null)) {
                                z2 = true;
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<m>> entry2 : this.k0.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry2.getKey().intValue() == min2 || z2) {
                        for (m mVar2 : entry2.getValue()) {
                            W0(mVar2.f4420a, mVar2.f4425f);
                            if (mVar2.f4423d || mVar2.f4422c == null) {
                                if (mVar2.f4423d && this.l0) {
                                    canvas.drawText("LOADING", mVar2.f4425f.left + 5, mVar2.f4425f.top + 35, this.n1);
                            } else {
                                if (this.o1 != null) {
                                    canvas.drawRect(mVar2.f4425f, this.o1);
                                if (this.q1 == null) {
                                    this.q1 = new Matrix();
                                P0(this.s1, 0.0f, 0.0f, mVar2.f4422c.getWidth(), 0.0f, mVar2.f4422c.getWidth(), mVar2.f4422c.getHeight(), 0.0f, mVar2.f4422c.getHeight());
                                if (getRequiredRotation() == 0) {
                                    P0(this.t1, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.bottom);
                                } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 90) {
                                    P0(this.t1, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.top);
                                } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 180) {
                                    P0(this.t1, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.top);
                                } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 270) {
                                    P0(this.t1, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.bottom, mVar2.f4425f.left, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.top, mVar2.f4425f.right, mVar2.f4425f.bottom);
                                this.q1.setPolyToPoly(this.s1, 0, this.t1, 0, 4);
                                canvas.drawBitmap(mVar2.f4422c, this.q1, this.m1);
                                if (this.l0) {
                                    canvas.drawRect(mVar2.f4425f, this.n1);
                            if (mVar2.f4424e && this.l0) {
                                canvas.drawText("ISS " + mVar2.f4421b + " RECT " + mVar2.f4420a.top + "," + mVar2.f4420a.left + "," + mVar2.f4420a.bottom + "," + mVar2.f4420a.right, mVar2.f4425f.left + 5, mVar2.f4425f.top + 15, this.n1);
            } else {
                if (this.f0 != null) {
                    float f4 = this.B0;
                    if (this.g0) {
                        f4 *= this.J0 / bitmap.getWidth();
                        f2 = this.B0 * (this.K0 / this.f0.getHeight());
                    } else {
                        f2 = f4;
                    if (this.q1 == null) {
                        this.q1 = new Matrix();
                    this.q1.postScale(f4, f2);
                    Matrix matrix = this.q1;
                    PointF pointF = this.D0;
                    matrix.postTranslate(pointF.x, pointF.y);
                    if (getRequiredRotation() == 180) {
                        Matrix matrix2 = this.q1;
                        float f5 = this.B0;
                        matrix2.postTranslate(this.J0 * f5, f5 * this.K0);
                    } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 90) {
                        this.q1.postTranslate(this.B0 * this.K0, 0.0f);
                    } else if (getRequiredRotation() == 270) {
                        this.q1.postTranslate(0.0f, this.B0 * this.J0);
                    if (this.o1 != null) {
                        if (this.r1 == null) {
                            this.r1 = new RectF();
                        this.r1.set(0.0f, 0.0f, this.g0 ? this.f0.getWidth() : this.J0, this.g0 ? this.f0.getHeight() : this.K0);
                        canvas.drawRect(this.r1, this.o1);
                    canvas.drawBitmap(this.f0, this.q1, this.m1);
            if (this.l0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append("Scale: ");
                sb.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", Float.valueOf(this.B0)));
                canvas.drawText(sb.toString(), 5.0f, 15.0f, this.n1);
                canvas.drawText("Translate: " + String.format(locale, "%.2f", Float.valueOf(this.D0.x)) + ":" + String.format(locale, "%.2f", Float.valueOf(this.D0.y)), 5.0f, 35.0f, this.n1);
                PointF center = getCenter();
                canvas.drawText("Source center: " + String.format(locale, "%.2f", Float.valueOf(center.x)) + ":" + String.format(locale, "%.2f", Float.valueOf(center.y)), 5.0f, 55.0f, this.n1);
                c cVar = this.f1;
                if (cVar != null) {
                    PointF U0 = U0(cVar.f4399c);
                    PointF U02 = U0(this.f1.f4401e);
                    PointF U03 = U0(this.f1.f4400d);
                    canvas.drawCircle(U0.x, U0.y, 10.0f, this.n1);
                    canvas.drawCircle(U02.x, U02.y, 20.0f, this.n1);
                    canvas.drawCircle(U03.x, U03.y, 25.0f, this.n1);
                    canvas.drawCircle(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, 30.0f, this.n1);
                if (this.X0 != null) {
                    PointF pointF2 = this.X0;
                    canvas.drawCircle(pointF2.x, pointF2.y, 20.0f, this.n1);
                if (this.d1 != null) {
                    canvas.drawCircle(X0(this.d1.x), Y0(this.d1.y), 35.0f, this.n1);
                if (this.e1 != null) {
                    PointF pointF3 = this.e1;
                    canvas.drawCircle(pointF3.x, pointF3.y, 30.0f, this.n1);

    protected void onMeasure(int i2, int i3) {
        int mode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i2);
        int mode2 = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i3);
        int size = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i2);
        int size2 = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i3);
        boolean z = mode != 1073741824;
        boolean z2 = mode2 != 1073741824;
        if (this.J0 > 0 && this.K0 > 0) {
            if (z && z2) {
                size = K0();
                size2 = J0();
            } else if (z2) {
                double J0 = J0();
                double K0 = K0();
                double d2 = J0 / K0;
                double d3 = size;
                size2 = (int) (d2 * d3);
            } else if (z) {
                double K02 = K0();
                double J02 = J0();
                double d4 = K02 / J02;
                double d5 = size2;
                size = (int) (d4 * d5);
        setMeasuredDimension(Math.max(size, getSuggestedMinimumWidth()), Math.max(size2, getSuggestedMinimumHeight()));

    protected void onSizeChanged(int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) {
        X("onSizeChanged %dx%d -> %dx%d", Integer.valueOf(i4), Integer.valueOf(i5), Integer.valueOf(i2), Integer.valueOf(i3));
        PointF center = getCenter();
        if (!this.g1 || center == null) {
        this.f1 = null;
        this.G0 = Float.valueOf(this.B0);
        this.H0 = center;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent motionEvent) {
        GestureDetector gestureDetector;
        c cVar = this.f1;
        if (cVar != null && !cVar.i) {
            return true;
        c cVar2 = this.f1;
        if (cVar2 != null && cVar2.m != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                Log.w(f4391a, "Error thrown by animation listener", e2);
        this.f1 = null;
        if (this.D0 == null) {
            return true;
        if (!this.Q0 && ((gestureDetector = this.S0) == null || gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(motionEvent))) {
            this.O0 = false;
            this.P0 = false;
            this.R0 = 0;
            return true;
        if (this.E0 == null) {
            this.E0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
        if (this.F0 == null) {
            this.F0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
        if (this.X0 == null) {
            this.X0 = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
        float f2 = this.B0;
        boolean B0 = B0(motionEvent);
        L0(f2, this.F0, 2);
        return B0 || super.onTouchEvent(motionEvent);

    public final boolean p0() {
        return this.x0;

    public final boolean q0() {
        return this.g1;

    public final boolean r0() {
        return this.w0;

    public final void setBitmapDecoderClass(Class<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c> cls) {
        if (cls != null) {
            this.V0 = new com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.a(cls);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decoder class cannot be set to null");

    public final void setBitmapDecoderFactory(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.c> bVar) {
        if (bVar != null) {
            this.V0 = bVar;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decoder factory cannot be set to null");

    public final void setDebug(boolean z) {
        this.l0 = z;

    public final void setDoubleTapZoomDpi(int i2) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        setDoubleTapZoomScale(((displayMetrics.xdpi + displayMetrics.ydpi) / 2.0f) / i2);

    public final void setDoubleTapZoomDuration(int i2) {
        this.A0 = Math.max(0, i2);

    public final void setDoubleTapZoomScale(float f2) {
        this.y0 = f2;

    public final void setDoubleTapZoomStyle(int i2) {
        if (K.contains(Integer.valueOf(i2))) {
            this.z0 = i2;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid zoom style: " + i2);

    public final void setImage(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.e eVar) {
        N0(eVar, null, null);

    public final void setMaxScale(float f2) {
        this.n0 = f2;

    public void setMaxTileSize(int i2) {
        this.s0 = i2;
        this.t0 = i2;

    public final void setMaximumDpi(int i2) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        setMinScale(((displayMetrics.xdpi + displayMetrics.ydpi) / 2.0f) / i2);

    public final void setMinScale(float f2) {
        this.o0 = f2;

    public final void setMinimumDpi(int i2) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        setMaxScale(((displayMetrics.xdpi + displayMetrics.ydpi) / 2.0f) / i2);

    public final void setMinimumScaleType(int i2) {
        if (V.contains(Integer.valueOf(i2))) {
            this.r0 = i2;
            if (q0()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid scale type: " + i2);

    public void setMinimumTileDpi(int i2) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        this.p0 = (int) Math.min((displayMetrics.xdpi + displayMetrics.ydpi) / 2.0f, i2);
        if (q0()) {

    public void setOnImageEventListener(j jVar) {
        this.i1 = jVar;

    public void setOnLongClickListener(View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener) {
        this.k1 = onLongClickListener;

    public void setOnStateChangedListener(k kVar) {
        this.j1 = kVar;

    public final void setOrientation(int i2) {
        if (G.contains(Integer.valueOf(i2))) {
            this.m0 = i2;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid orientation: " + i2);

    public final void setPanEnabled(boolean z) {
        PointF pointF;
        this.v0 = z;
        if (z || (pointF = this.D0) == null) {
        pointF.x = (getWidth() / 2) - (this.B0 * (K0() / 2));
        this.D0.y = (getHeight() / 2) - (this.B0 * (J0() / 2));
        if (q0()) {

    public final void setPanLimit(int i2) {
        if (R.contains(Integer.valueOf(i2))) {
            this.q0 = i2;
            if (q0()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pan limit: " + i2);

    public void setParallelLoadingEnabled(boolean z) {
        this.u0 = z;

    public final void setQuickScaleEnabled(boolean z) {
        this.x0 = z;

    public final void setRegionDecoderClass(Class<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> cls) {
        if (cls != null) {
            this.W0 = new com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.a(cls);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decoder class cannot be set to null");

    public final void setRegionDecoderFactory(com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.b<? extends com.luck.picture.lib.widget.longimage.d> bVar) {
        if (bVar != null) {
            this.W0 = bVar;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decoder factory cannot be set to null");

    public final void setTileBackgroundColor(int i2) {
        if (Color.alpha(i2) == 0) {
            this.o1 = null;
        } else {
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            this.o1 = paint;

    public final void setZoomEnabled(boolean z) {
        this.w0 = z;

    protected void v0() {

    protected void y0() {

    public static class c {
        private float f4397a;
        private float f4398b;
        private PointF f4399c;
        private PointF f4400d;
        private PointF f4401e;
        private PointF f4402f;
        private PointF f4403g;
        private long h;
        private boolean i;
        private int j;
        private int k;
        private long l;
        private i m;

        private c() {
            this.h = 500L;
            this.i = true;
            this.j = 2;
            this.k = 1;
            this.l = System.currentTimeMillis();

        c(a aVar) {

    public SubsamplingScaleImageView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);