360手机助手 v3.3.0版本的 MD5 值为:127c345ad16bbebee6e347381328afd0

以下内容为反编译后的 j.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.qihoo.appstore.share.sinaweibo;

import android.content.Context;
import com.qihoo.speedometer.Config;

public class j {
    public f d = null;

    public static String f3311a = "https://open.weibo.cn/oauth2/authorize";
    private static j f = null;

    public static String f3312b = Config.INVALID_IP;
    public static String c = Config.INVALID_IP;
    public static boolean e = false;

    public static synchronized j a(String str, String str2) {
        j jVar;
        synchronized (j.class) {
            if (f == null) {
                f = new j();
            f3312b = str;
            c = str2;
            jVar = f;
        return jVar;

    public void a(Context context, m mVar) {
        a(context, new s(), new l(this, mVar));

    public void a(Context context, m mVar, boolean z) {
        e = h.a(context);
        b(context, mVar, z);

    public void a(Context context, s sVar, m mVar) {
        sVar.a("client_id", f3312b);
        sVar.a("response_type", "token");
        sVar.a("redirect_uri", c);
        sVar.a("display", "mobile");
        if (this.d != null && this.d.a()) {
            sVar.a("access_token", this.d.b());
        String str = f3311a + "?" + h.a(sVar);
        if (context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission("android.permission.INTERNET") != 0) {
            h.a(context, "Error", "Application requires permission to access the Internet");
        } else {
            new n(context, str, mVar).show();

    public void b(Context context, m mVar, boolean z) {
        s sVar = new s();
        sVar.a("forcelogin", z ? "true" : "false");
        a(context, sVar, new k(this, mVar));