MD5 校验值:5f1b84d1c0d0613c76d15f8d65fbde50 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package com.swmansion.rnscreens; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationSet; import android.view.animation.Transformation; import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar; import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout; import; import; import com.swmansion.rnscreens.t; import java.util.Objects; public final class q extends n { private AppBarLayout f9697u0; private Toolbar f9698v0; private boolean f9699w0; private boolean f9700x0; private c f9701y0; private da.l<? super c, v9.q> f9702z0; private static final class a extends Animation { private final n f9703l; public a(n nVar) { ea.k.e(nVar, "mFragment"); this.f9703l = nVar; } @Override protected void applyTransformation(float f10, Transformation transformation) { ea.k.e(transformation, "t"); super.applyTransformation(f10, transformation); this.f9703l.S1(f10, !r3.h0()); } } private static final class b extends CoordinatorLayout { private final n K; private final Animation.AnimationListener L; public static final class a implements Animation.AnimationListener { a() { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { ea.k.e(animation, "animation"); b.this.K.Y1(); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { ea.k.e(animation, "animation"); } @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { ea.k.e(animation, "animation"); b.this.K.Z1(); } } public b(Context context, n nVar) { super(context); ea.k.e(context, "context"); ea.k.e(nVar, "mFragment"); this.K = nVar; this.L = new a(); } @Override public void clearFocus() { if (getVisibility() != 4) { super.clearFocus(); } } @Override public void startAnimation(Animation animation) { ea.k.e(animation, "animation"); a aVar = new a(this.K); aVar.setDuration(animation.getDuration()); if ((animation instanceof AnimationSet) && !this.K.f0()) { AnimationSet animationSet = (AnimationSet) animation; animationSet.addAnimation(aVar); animationSet.setAnimationListener(this.L); super.startAnimation(animationSet); return; } AnimationSet animationSet2 = new AnimationSet(true); animationSet2.addAnimation(animation); animationSet2.addAnimation(aVar); animationSet2.setAnimationListener(this.L); super.startAnimation(animationSet2); } } public q() { throw new IllegalStateException("ScreenStack fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from to properly configure your main activity."); } @SuppressLint({"ValidFragment"}) public q(j jVar) { super(jVar); ea.k.e(jVar, "screenView"); } private final void l2() { View U = U(); ViewParent parent = U != null ? U.getParent() : null; if (parent instanceof p) { ((p) parent).E(); } } private final boolean r2() { s headerConfig = W1().getHeaderConfig(); int configSubviewsCount = headerConfig != null ? headerConfig.getConfigSubviewsCount() : 0; if (headerConfig != null && configSubviewsCount > 0) { for (int i10 = 0; i10 < configSubviewsCount; i10++) { if (headerConfig.d(i10).getType() == t.a.SEARCH_BAR) { return true; } } } return false; } private final void s2(Menu menu) { menu.clear(); if (r2()) { Context t10 = t(); if (this.f9701y0 == null && t10 != null) { c cVar = new c(t10, this); this.f9701y0 = cVar; da.l<? super c, v9.q> lVar = this.f9702z0; if (lVar != null) { lVar.c(cVar); } } MenuItem add = menu.add(""); add.setShowAsAction(2); add.setActionView(this.f9701y0); } } @Override public void I0(Menu menu) { ea.k.e(menu, "menu"); s2(menu); super.I0(menu); } @Override public void X1() { s headerConfig = W1().getHeaderConfig(); if (headerConfig != null) { headerConfig.g(); } } @Override public void Y1() { super.Y1(); l2(); } public final boolean i2() { l<?> container = W1().getContainer(); if (!(container instanceof p)) { throw new IllegalStateException("ScreenStackFragment added into a non-stack container".toString()); } if (!ea.k.a(((p) container).getRootScreen(), W1())) { return true; } Fragment F = F(); if (F instanceof q) { return ((q) F).i2(); } return false; } public final void j2() { l<?> container = W1().getContainer(); if (!(container instanceof p)) { throw new IllegalStateException("ScreenStackFragment added into a non-stack container".toString()); } ((p) container).z(this); } public final c k2() { return this.f9701y0; } public final void m2() { Toolbar toolbar; AppBarLayout appBarLayout = this.f9697u0; if (appBarLayout != null && (toolbar = this.f9698v0) != null && toolbar.getParent() == appBarLayout) { appBarLayout.removeView(toolbar); } this.f9698v0 = null; } public final void n2(da.l<? super c, v9.q> lVar) { this.f9702z0 = lVar; } public final void o2(Toolbar toolbar) { ea.k.e(toolbar, "toolbar"); AppBarLayout appBarLayout = this.f9697u0; if (appBarLayout != null) { appBarLayout.addView(toolbar); } AppBarLayout.d dVar = new AppBarLayout.d(-1, -2); dVar.d(0); toolbar.setLayoutParams(dVar); this.f9698v0 = toolbar; } public final void p2(boolean z10) { if (this.f9699w0 != z10) { AppBarLayout appBarLayout = this.f9697u0; if (appBarLayout != null) { appBarLayout.setTargetElevation(z10 ? 0.0f : com.facebook.react.uimanager.s.d(4.0f)); } this.f9699w0 = z10; } } public final void q2(boolean z10) { if (this.f9700x0 != z10) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = W1().getLayoutParams(); Objects.requireNonNull(layoutParams, "null cannot be cast to non-null type androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams"); ((CoordinatorLayout.f) layoutParams).o(z10 ? null : new AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior()); this.f9700x0 = z10; } } @Override public void t0(Menu menu, MenuInflater menuInflater) { ea.k.e(menu, "menu"); ea.k.e(menuInflater, "inflater"); s2(menu); super.t0(menu, menuInflater); } @Override public View u0(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { AppBarLayout appBarLayout; AppBarLayout appBarLayout2; ea.k.e(layoutInflater, "inflater"); Context t10 = t(); AppBarLayout appBarLayout3 = null; b bVar = t10 != null ? new b(t10, this) : null; j W1 = W1(); CoordinatorLayout.f fVar = new CoordinatorLayout.f(-1, -1); fVar.o(this.f9700x0 ? null : new AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior()); W1.setLayoutParams(fVar); if (bVar != null) { bVar.addView(n.a2(W1())); } Context t11 = t(); if (t11 != null) { appBarLayout3 = new AppBarLayout(t11); appBarLayout3.setBackgroundColor(0); appBarLayout3.setLayoutParams(new AppBarLayout.d(-1, -2)); } this.f9697u0 = appBarLayout3; if (bVar != null) { bVar.addView(appBarLayout3); } if (this.f9699w0 && (appBarLayout2 = this.f9697u0) != null) { appBarLayout2.setTargetElevation(0.0f); } Toolbar toolbar = this.f9698v0; if (toolbar != null && (appBarLayout = this.f9697u0) != null) { appBarLayout.addView(n.a2(toolbar)); } A1(true); return bVar; } }