Chomp v9.11版本的 MD5 值为:86ab69d1e20ec410efefb0967588d151

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.tappx.a;

import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
public abstract class a4 extends WebViewClient {
    private final String f11549a;

    public a4(String str) {
        this.f11549a = str;

    private WebResourceResponse a() {
        return new WebResourceResponse("text/javascript", "UTF-8", new ByteArrayInputStream("javascript:(function() {\n  var isIOS = (/iphone|ipad|ipod/i).test(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());\n  if (isIOS) {\n    console = {};\n    console.log = function(log) {\n      var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');\n      iframe.setAttribute('src', 'ios-log: ' + log);\n      document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe);\n      iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);\n      iframe = null;\n    };\n    console.debug = = console.warn = console.error = console.log;\n  }\n}());\n\n\n(function() {\n  var mraid = window.mraid = {};\n\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  // Bridge interface to SDK\n\n  var bridge = window.mraidbridge = {\n    nativeSDKFiredReady: false,\n    nativeCallQueue: [],\n    nativeCallInFlight: false,\n    lastSizeChangeProperties: null\n  };\n\n\n  bridge.fireChangeEvent = function(properties) {\n    for (var p in properties) {\n      if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) {\n        // Change handlers defined by MRAID below\n        var handler = changeHandlers[p];\n        handler(properties[p]);\n      }\n    }\n  };\n\n  bridge.nativeCallComplete = function(command) {\n    if (this.nativeCallQueue.length === 0) {\n      this.nativeCallInFlight = false;\n      return;\n    }\n\n    var nextCall = this.nativeCallQueue.pop();\n    window.location = nextCall;\n  };\n\n  bridge.executeNativeCall = function(args) {\n    var command = args.shift();\n\n    if (!this.nativeSDKFiredReady) {\n        console.log('rejecting ' + command + ' because mraid is not ready');\n        bridge.notifyErrorEvent('mraid is not ready', command);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var call = 'mraid://' + command;\n\n    var key, value;\n    var isFirstArgument = true;\n\n    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {\n      key = args[i];\n      value = args[i + 1];\n\n      if (value === null) continue;\n\n      if (isFirstArgument) {\n        call += '?';\n        isFirstArgument = false;\n      } else {\n        call += '&';\n      }\n\n      call += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);\n    }\n\n    if (this.nativeCallInFlight) {\n      this.nativeCallQueue.push(call);\n    } else {\n      this.nativeCallInFlight = true;\n      window.location = call;\n    }\n  };\n\n\n  bridge.setCurrentPosition = function(x, y, width, height) {\n    currentPosition = {\n      x: x,\n      y: y,\n      width: width,\n      height: height\n    };\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set current position to ' + stringify(currentPosition));\n  };\n\n  bridge.setDefaultPosition = function(x, y, width, height) {\n    defaultPosition = {\n      x: x,\n      y: y,\n      width: width,\n      height: height\n    };\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set default position to ' + stringify(defaultPosition));\n  };\n\n  bridge.setMaxSize = function(width, height) {\n    maxSize = {\n      width: width,\n      height: height\n    };\n\n    expandProperties.width = width;\n    expandProperties.height = height;\n\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set max size to ' + stringify(maxSize));\n  };\n\n  bridge.setPlacementType = function(_placementType) {\n    placementType = _placementType;\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set placement type to ' + stringify(placementType));\n  };\n\n  bridge.setScreenSize = function(width, height) {\n    screenSize = {\n      width: width,\n      height: height\n    };\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set screen size to ' + stringify(screenSize));\n  };\n\n  bridge.setState = function(_state) {\n    state = _state;\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set state to ' + stringify(state));\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.STATECHANGE, state);\n  };\n\n  bridge.setIsViewable = function(_isViewable) {\n    isViewable = _isViewable;\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set isViewable to ' + stringify(isViewable));\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.VIEWABLECHANGE, isViewable);\n  };\n\n  bridge.setSupports = function(sms, tel, calendar, storePicture, inlineVideo) {\n    supportProperties = {\n      sms: sms,\n      tel: tel,\n      calendar: calendar,\n      storePicture: storePicture,\n      inlineVideo: inlineVideo\n    };\n  };\n\n  bridge.notifyReadyEvent = function() {\n    this.nativeSDKFiredReady = true;\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.READY);\n  };\n\n  bridge.notifyErrorEvent = function(message, action) {\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, message, action);\n  };\n\n  // Temporary aliases while we migrate to the new API\n  bridge.fireReadyEvent = bridge.notifyReadyEvent;\n  bridge.fireErrorEvent = bridge.notifyErrorEvent;\n\n  bridge.notifySizeChangeEvent = function(width, height) {\n    if (this.lastSizeChangeProperties &&\n          width == this.lastSizeChangeProperties.width && height == this.lastSizeChangeProperties.height) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    this.lastSizeChangeProperties = {\n        width: width,\n        height: height\n    };\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.SIZECHANGE, width, height);\n  };\n\n  bridge.notifyStateChangeEvent = function() {\n    if (state === STATES.LOADING) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Native SDK initialized.');\n    }\n\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set state to ' + stringify(state));\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.STATECHANGE, state);\n  };\n\n  bridge.notifyViewableChangeEvent = function() {\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set isViewable to ' + stringify(isViewable));\n    broadcastEvent(EVENTS.VIEWABLECHANGE, isViewable);\n  };\n\n\n  // Constants. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  var VERSION = mraid.VERSION = '2.0';\n\n  var STATES = mraid.STATES = {\n    LOADING: 'loading',\n    DEFAULT: 'default',\n    EXPANDED: 'expanded',\n    HIDDEN: 'hidden',\n    RESIZED: 'resized'\n  };\n\n  var EVENTS = mraid.EVENTS = {\n    ERROR: 'error',\n    INFO: 'info',\n    READY: 'ready',\n    STATECHANGE: 'stateChange',\n    VIEWABLECHANGE: 'viewableChange',\n    SIZECHANGE: 'sizeChange'\n  };\n\n  var PLACEMENT_TYPES = mraid.PLACEMENT_TYPES = {\n    UNKNOWN: 'unknown',\n    INLINE: 'inline',\n    INTERSTITIAL: 'interstitial'\n  };\n\n  // External MRAID state: may be directly or indirectly modified by the ad JS. ////////////////////\n\n  // Properties which define the behavior of an expandable ad.\n  var expandProperties = {\n    width: false,\n    height: false,\n    useCustomClose: false,\n    isModal: true\n  };\n\n  var resizeProperties = {\n    width: false,\n    height: false,\n    offsetX: false,\n    offsetY: false,\n    customClosePosition: 'top-right',\n    allowOffscreen: true\n  };\n\n  var orientationProperties = {\n    allowOrientationChange: true,\n    forceOrientation: \"none\"\n  };\n\n  var supportProperties = {\n    sms: false,\n    tel: false,\n    calendar: false,\n    storePicture: false,\n    inlineVideo: false\n  };\n\n  // default is undefined so that notifySizeChangeEvent can track changes\n  var lastSizeChangeProperties;\n\n  var maxSize = {};\n\n  var currentPosition = {};\n\n  var defaultPosition = {};\n\n  var screenSize = {};\n\n  var hasSetCustomClose = false;\n\n  var listeners = {};\n\n  // Internal MRAID state. Modified by the native SDK. /////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  var state = STATES.LOADING;\n\n  var isViewable = false;\n\n  var placementType = PLACEMENT_TYPES.UNKNOWN;\n\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  var EventListeners = function(event) {\n    this.event = event;\n    this.count = 0;\n    var listeners = {};\n\n    this.add = function(func) {\n      var id = String(func);\n      if (!listeners[id]) {\n        listeners[id] = func;\n        this.count++;\n      }\n    };\n\n    this.remove = function(func) {\n      var id = String(func);\n      if (listeners[id]) {\n        listeners[id] = null;\n        delete listeners[id];\n        this.count--;\n        return true;\n      } else {\n        return false;\n      }\n    };\n\n    this.removeAll = function() {\n      for (var id in listeners) {\n        if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(id)) this.remove(listeners[id]);\n      }\n    };\n\n    this.broadcast = function(args) {\n      for (var id in listeners) {\n        if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(id)) listeners[id].apply(mraid, args);\n      }\n    };\n\n    this.toString = function() {\n      var out = [event, ':'];\n      for (var id in listeners) {\n        if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(id)) out.push('|', id, '|');\n      }\n      return out.join('');\n    };\n  };\n\n  var broadcastEvent = function() {\n    var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n    var l = arguments.length;\n    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) args[i] = arguments[i];\n    var event = args.shift();\n    if (listeners[event]) listeners[event].broadcast(args);\n  };\n\n  var contains = function(value, array) {\n    for (var i in array) {\n      if (array[i] === value) return true;\n    }\n    return false;\n  };\n\n  var clone = function(obj) {\n    if (obj === null) return null;\n    var f = function() {};\n    f.prototype = obj;\n    return new f();\n  };\n\n  var stringify = function(obj) {\n    if (typeof obj === 'object') {\n      var out = [];\n      if (obj.push) {\n        // Array.\n        for (var p in obj) out.push(obj[p]);\n        return '[' + out.join(',') + ']';\n      } else {\n        // Other object.\n        for (var p in obj) out.push(\"'\" + p + \"': \" + obj[p]);\n        return '{' + out.join(',') + '}';\n      }\n    } else return String(obj);\n  };\n\n  var trim = function(str) {\n    return str.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\n  };\n\n  // Functions that will be invoked by the native SDK whenever a \"change\" event occurs.\n  var changeHandlers = {\n    state: function(val) {\n      if (state === STATES.LOADING) {\n        broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Native SDK initialized.');\n      }\n      state = val;\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set state to ' + stringify(val));\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.STATECHANGE, state);\n    },\n\n    viewable: function(val) {\n      isViewable = val;\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set isViewable to ' + stringify(val));\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.VIEWABLECHANGE, isViewable);\n    },\n\n    placementType: function(val) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set placementType to ' + stringify(val));\n      placementType = val;\n    },\n\n    sizeChange: function(val) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set screenSize to ' + stringify(val));\n      for (var key in val) {\n        if (val.hasOwnProperty(key)) screenSize[key] = val[key];\n      }\n    },\n\n    supports: function(val) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'Set supports to ' + stringify(val));\n        supportProperties = val;\n    }\n  };\n\n  var validate = function(obj, validators, action, merge) {\n    if (!merge) {\n      // Check to see if any required properties are missing.\n      if (obj === null) {\n        broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Required object not provided.', action);\n        return false;\n      } else {\n        for (var i in validators) {\n          if (validators.hasOwnProperty(i) && obj[i] === undefined) {\n            broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Object is missing required property: ' + i, action);\n            return false;\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    for (var prop in obj) {\n      var validator = validators[prop];\n      var value = obj[prop];\n      if (validator && !validator(value)) {\n        // Failed validation.\n        broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Value of property ' + prop + ' is invalid: ' + value, action);\n        return false;\n      }\n    }\n    return true;\n  };\n\n  var expandPropertyValidators = {\n    useCustomClose: function(v) { return (typeof v === 'boolean'); },\n  };\n\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  mraid.addEventListener = function(event, listener) {\n    if (!event || !listener) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Both event and listener are required.', 'addEventListener');\n    } else if (!contains(event, EVENTS)) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Unknown MRAID event: ' + event, 'addEventListener');\n    } else {\n      if (!listeners[event]) {\n        listeners[event] = new EventListeners(event);\n      }\n      listeners[event].add(listener);\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.close = function() {\n    if (state === STATES.HIDDEN) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Ad cannot be closed when it is already hidden.',\n        'close');\n    } else bridge.executeNativeCall(['close']);\n  };\n\n  mraid.expand = function(URL) {\n    if (!(this.getState() === STATES.DEFAULT || this.getState() === STATES.RESIZED)) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Ad can only be expanded from the default or resized state.', 'expand');\n    } else {\n      var args = ['expand',\n        'shouldUseCustomClose', expandProperties.useCustomClose\n      ];\n\n      if (URL) {\n        args = args.concat(['url', URL]);\n      }\n\n      bridge.executeNativeCall(args);\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.getExpandProperties = function() {\n    var properties = {\n      width: expandProperties.width,\n      height: expandProperties.height,\n      useCustomClose: expandProperties.useCustomClose,\n      isModal: expandProperties.isModal\n    };\n    return properties;\n  };\n\n\n  mraid.getCurrentPosition = function() {\n    return {\n      x: currentPosition.x,\n      y: currentPosition.y,\n      width: currentPosition.width,\n      height: currentPosition.height\n    };\n  };\n\n  mraid.getDefaultPosition = function() {\n    return {\n      x: defaultPosition.x,\n      y: defaultPosition.y,\n      width: defaultPosition.width,\n      height: defaultPosition.height\n    };\n  };\n\n  mraid.getMaxSize = function() {\n    return {\n      width: maxSize.width,\n      height: maxSize.height\n    };\n  };\n\n  mraid.getPlacementType = function() {\n    return placementType;\n  };\n\n  mraid.getScreenSize = function() {\n    return {\n      width: screenSize.width,\n      height: screenSize.height\n    };\n  };\n\n  mraid.getState = function() {\n    return state;\n  };\n\n  mraid.isViewable = function() {\n    return isViewable;\n  };\n\n  mraid.getVersion = function() {\n    return mraid.VERSION;\n  };\n\n = function(URL) {\n    if (!URL) broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'URL is required.', 'open');\n    else bridge.executeNativeCall(['open', 'url', URL]);\n  };\n\n  mraid.removeEventListener = function(event, listener) {\n    if (!event) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Event is required.', 'removeEventListener');\n      return;\n    }\n\n    if (listener) {\n      // If we have a valid event, we'll try to remove the listener from it.\n      var success = false;\n      if (listeners[event]) {\n        success = listeners[event].remove(listener);\n      }\n\n      // If we didn't have a valid event or couldn't remove the listener from the event, broadcast an error and return early.\n      if (!success) {\n        broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Listener not currently registered for event.', 'removeEventListener');\n        return;\n      }\n\n    } else if (!listener && listeners[event]) {\n      listeners[event].removeAll();\n    }\n\n    if (listeners[event] && listeners[event].count === 0) {\n      listeners[event] = null;\n      delete listeners[event];\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.setExpandProperties = function(properties) {\n    if (validate(properties, expandPropertyValidators, 'setExpandProperties', true)) {\n      if (properties.hasOwnProperty('useCustomClose')) {\n        expandProperties.useCustomClose = properties.useCustomClose;\n      }\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.useCustomClose = function(shouldUseCustomClose) {\n    expandProperties.useCustomClose = shouldUseCustomClose;\n    hasSetCustomClose = true;\n    bridge.executeNativeCall(['usecustomclose', 'shouldUseCustomClose', shouldUseCustomClose]);\n  };\n\n  // MRAID 2.0 APIs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n  mraid.createCalendarEvent = function(parameters) {\n    CalendarEventParser.initialize(parameters);\n    if (CalendarEventParser.parse()) {\n      bridge.executeNativeCall(CalendarEventParser.arguments);\n    } else {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, CalendarEventParser.errors[0], 'createCalendarEvent');\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.supports = function(feature) {\n    return supportProperties[feature];\n  };\n\n  mraid.playVideo = function(uri) {\n    if (!mraid.isViewable()) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'playVideo cannot be called until the ad is viewable', 'playVideo');\n      return;\n    }\n\n    if (!uri) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'playVideo must be called with a valid URI', 'playVideo');\n    } else {\n      bridge.executeNativeCall(['playVideo', 'uri', uri]);\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.storePicture = function(uri) {\n    if (!mraid.isViewable()) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'storePicture cannot be called until the ad is viewable', 'storePicture');\n      return;\n    }\n\n    if (!uri) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'storePicture must be called with a valid URI', 'storePicture');\n    } else {\n      bridge.executeNativeCall(['storePicture', 'uri', uri]);\n    }\n  };\n\n\n  var resizePropertyValidators = {\n    width: function(v) {\n      return !isNaN(v) && v > 0;\n    },\n    height: function(v) {\n      return !isNaN(v) && v > 0;\n    },\n    offsetX: function(v) {\n      return !isNaN(v);\n    },\n    offsetY: function(v) {\n      return !isNaN(v);\n    },\n    customClosePosition: function(v) {\n      return (typeof v === 'string' &&\n        ['top-right', 'bottom-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-left', 'center', 'top-center', 'bottom-center'].indexOf(v) > -1);\n    },\n    allowOffscreen: function(v) {\n      return (typeof v === 'boolean');\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.setOrientationProperties = function(properties) {\n\n    if (properties.hasOwnProperty('allowOrientationChange')) {\n      orientationProperties.allowOrientationChange = properties.allowOrientationChange;\n    }\n\n    if (properties.hasOwnProperty('forceOrientation')) {\n      orientationProperties.forceOrientation = properties.forceOrientation;\n    }\n\n    var args = ['setOrientationProperties',\n      'allowOrientationChange', orientationProperties.allowOrientationChange,\n      'forceOrientation', orientationProperties.forceOrientation\n    ];\n    bridge.executeNativeCall(args);\n  };\n\n  mraid.getOrientationProperties = function() {\n    return {\n      allowOrientationChange: orientationProperties.allowOrientationChange,\n      forceOrientation: orientationProperties.forceOrientation\n    };\n  };\n\n  mraid.resize = function() {\n    if (!(this.getState() === STATES.DEFAULT || this.getState() === STATES.RESIZED)) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Ad can only be resized from the default or resized state.', 'resize');\n    } else if (!resizeProperties.width || !resizeProperties.height) {\n      broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Must set resize properties before calling resize()', 'resize');\n    } else {\n      var args = ['resize',\n        'width', resizeProperties.width,\n        'height', resizeProperties.height,\n        'offsetX', resizeProperties.offsetX || 0,\n        'offsetY', resizeProperties.offsetY || 0,\n        'customClosePosition', resizeProperties.customClosePosition,\n        'allowOffscreen', !!resizeProperties.allowOffscreen\n        ];\n\n      bridge.executeNativeCall(args);\n    }\n  };\n\n  mraid.getResizeProperties = function() {\n    var properties = {\n      width: resizeProperties.width,\n      height: resizeProperties.height,\n      offsetX: resizeProperties.offsetX,\n      offsetY: resizeProperties.offsetY,\n      customClosePosition: resizeProperties.customClosePosition,\n      allowOffscreen: resizeProperties.allowOffscreen\n    };\n    return properties;\n  };\n\n  mraid.setResizeProperties = function(properties) {\n    if (validate(properties, resizePropertyValidators, 'setResizeProperties', true)) {\n\n      var desiredProperties = ['width', 'height', 'offsetX', 'offsetY', 'customClosePosition', 'allowOffscreen'];\n\n      var length = desiredProperties.length;\n\n      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n        var propname = desiredProperties[i];\n        if (properties.hasOwnProperty(propname)) {\n          resizeProperties[propname] = properties[propname];\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  };\n\n  var CalendarEventParser = {\n    initialize: function(parameters) {\n      this.parameters = parameters;\n      this.errors = [];\n      this.arguments = ['createCalendarEvent'];\n    },\n\n    parse: function() {\n      if (!this.parameters) {\n        this.errors.push('The object passed to createCalendarEvent cannot be null.');\n      } else {\n        this.parseDescription();\n        this.parseLocation();\n        this.parseSummary();\n        this.parseStartAndEndDates();\n        this.parseReminder();\n        this.parseRecurrence();\n        this.parseTransparency();\n      }\n\n      var errorCount = this.errors.length;\n      if (errorCount) {\n        this.arguments.length = 0;\n      }\n\n      return (errorCount === 0);\n    },\n\n    parseDescription: function() {\n      this._processStringValue('description');\n    },\n\n    parseLocation: function() {\n      this._processStringValue('location');\n    },\n\n    parseSummary: function() {\n      this._processStringValue('summary');\n    },\n\n    parseStartAndEndDates: function() {\n      this._processDateValue('start');\n      this._processDateValue('end');\n    },\n\n    parseReminder: function() {\n      var reminder = this._getParameter('reminder');\n      if (!reminder) {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      if (reminder < 0) {\n        this.arguments.push('relativeReminder');\n        this.arguments.push(parseInt(reminder) / 1000);\n      } else {\n        this.arguments.push('absoluteReminder');\n        this.arguments.push(reminder);\n      }\n    },\n\n    parseRecurrence: function() {\n      var recurrenceDict = this._getParameter('recurrence');\n      if (!recurrenceDict) {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      this.parseRecurrenceInterval(recurrenceDict);\n      this.parseRecurrenceFrequency(recurrenceDict);\n      this.parseRecurrenceEndDate(recurrenceDict);\n      this.parseRecurrenceArrayValue(recurrenceDict, 'daysInWeek');\n      this.parseRecurrenceArrayValue(recurrenceDict, 'daysInMonth');\n      this.parseRecurrenceArrayValue(recurrenceDict, 'daysInYear');\n      this.parseRecurrenceArrayValue(recurrenceDict, 'monthsInYear');\n    },\n\n    parseTransparency: function() {\n      var validValues = ['opaque', 'transparent'];\n\n      if (this.parameters.hasOwnProperty('transparency')) {\n        var transparency = this.parameters.transparency;\n        if (contains(transparency, validValues)) {\n          this.arguments.push('transparency');\n          this.arguments.push(transparency);\n        } else {\n          this.errors.push('transparency must be opaque or transparent');\n        }\n      }\n    },\n\n    parseRecurrenceArrayValue: function(recurrenceDict, kind) {\n      if (recurrenceDict.hasOwnProperty(kind)) {\n        var array = recurrenceDict[kind];\n        if (!array || !(array instanceof Array)) {\n          this.errors.push(kind + ' must be an array.');\n        } else {\n          var arrayStr = array.join(',');\n          this.arguments.push(kind);\n          this.arguments.push(arrayStr);\n        }\n      }\n    },\n\n    parseRecurrenceInterval: function(recurrenceDict) {\n      if (recurrenceDict.hasOwnProperty('interval')) {\n        var interval = recurrenceDict.interval;\n        if (!interval) {\n          this.errors.push('Recurrence interval cannot be null.');\n        } else {\n          this.arguments.push('interval');\n          this.arguments.push(interval);\n        }\n      } else {\n        // If a recurrence rule was specified without an interval, use a default value of 1.\n        this.arguments.push('interval');\n        this.arguments.push(1);\n      }\n    },\n\n    parseRecurrenceFrequency: function(recurrenceDict) {\n      if (recurrenceDict.hasOwnProperty('frequency')) {\n        var frequency = recurrenceDict.frequency;\n        var validFrequencies = ['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'];\n        if (contains(frequency, validFrequencies)) {\n          this.arguments.push('frequency');\n          this.arguments.push(frequency);\n        } else {\n          this.errors.push('Recurrence frequency must be one of: \"daily\", \"weekly\", \"monthly\", \"yearly\".');\n        }\n      }\n    },\n\n    parseRecurrenceEndDate: function(recurrenceDict) {\n      var expires = recurrenceDict.expires;\n\n      if (!expires) {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      this.arguments.push('expires');\n      this.arguments.push(expires);\n    },\n\n    _getParameter: function(key) {\n      if (this.parameters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n        return this.parameters[key];\n      }\n\n      return null;\n    },\n\n    _processStringValue: function(kind) {\n      if (this.parameters.hasOwnProperty(kind)) {\n        var value = this.parameters[kind];\n        this.arguments.push(kind);\n        this.arguments.push(value);\n      }\n    },\n\n    _processDateValue: function(kind) {\n      if (this.parameters.hasOwnProperty(kind)) {\n        var dateString = this._getParameter(kind);\n        this.arguments.push(kind);\n        this.arguments.push(dateString);\n      }\n    }\n  };\n}());\n".getBytes()));

    private boolean a(String str) {
        return "mraid.js".equals(Uri.parse(str.toLowerCase(Locale.US)).getLastPathSegment());

    private WebResourceResponse b() {
        return new WebResourceResponse(HTTP.PLAIN_TEXT_TYPE, "UTF-8", null);

    private boolean b(String str) {
        Locale locale = Locale.US;
        return str.toLowerCase(locale).startsWith(this.f11549a.toLowerCase(locale));

    public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView webView, String str) {
        return a(str) ? a() : b(str) ? b() : super.shouldInterceptRequest(webView, str);