TIM v2.3.1版本的 MD5 值为:d6957e3ee7ce901ccc491cefdea0da8c

以下内容为反编译后的 Utils.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.tencent.mobileqq.util;

import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.StatFs;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.tencent.common.config.AppSetting;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.app.AppConstants;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.app.MemoryManager;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.config.ResourcePluginListener;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.data.MessageForText;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.msf.sdk.MsfSdkUtils;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.pluginsdk.exception.ExceptionTracker;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.statistics.StatisticCollector;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.troop.utils.TroopBarUtils;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.utils.DeviceInfoUtil;
import com.tencent.mobileqq.webview.swift.component.SwiftBrowserStatistics;
import com.tencent.qphone.base.util.BaseApplication;
import com.tencent.qphone.base.util.QLog;
import com.tencent.smtt.utils.SysCoreQUA2Utils;
import cooperation.qzone.QZoneHelper;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;
import mqq.app.AppRuntime;
import mqq.app.MainService;
public class Utils {
    public static final int f94469a = 1048576;
    private static final int f94470b = 12;
    private static final int f94471c = 20;
    private static int d;
    private static final String f33549a = Utils.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final char[] f33551a = {12290, 65311, 65281, '!', '?', 65292, 65307, ',', ' '};
    private static StringBuilder f33550a = new StringBuilder();
    public static final String[] f33552a = {"水瓶座", "双鱼座", "白羊座", "金牛座", "双子座", "巨蟹座", "狮子座", "处女座", "天秤座", "天蝎座", "射手座", "摩羯座"};
    public static final String[] f33553b = {"属鼠", "属牛", "属虎", "属兔", "属龙", "属蛇", "属马", "属羊", "属猴", "属鸡", "属狗", "属猪"};

    private Utils() {

    public static long m9058a(int i) {
        return i & 4294967295L;

    public static int a(long j) {
        return (int) j;

    public static long a() {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        return calendar.getTimeInMillis();

    public static void m9066a(String str) {
        ExceptionTracker.printCallStack(str, 1);

    public static int a(Bitmap bitmap) {
        if (bitmap == null) {
            return -1;
        return bitmap.getRowBytes() * bitmap.getHeight();

    public static String m9062a(Context context) {
        if (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals("mounted")) {
            return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + ("/Android/data/" + context.getPackageName() + "/cache/");
        return null;

    public static File a(Context context) {
        if (m9067a()) {
            return context.getExternalCacheDir();
        return new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + ("/Android/data/" + context.getPackageName() + "/cache/"));

    public static long a(File file) {
        StatFs statFs = new StatFs(file.getPath());
        return statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize();

    public static boolean m9067a() {
        return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8;

    public static boolean a(Object obj, Object obj2) {
        return obj == obj2 || (obj != null && obj.equals(obj2));

    public static ArrayList a(String str, int i, int i2, ArrayList arrayList, ArrayList arrayList2) {
        MessageForText.AtTroopMemberInfo atTroopMemberInfo;
        String str2;
        int a2;
        int i3;
        ArrayList arrayList3;
        int i4;
        int i5;
        ArrayList arrayList4;
        short s;
        int i6;
        String str3;
        ArrayList arrayList5 = new ArrayList();
        int length = str.length();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int i7 = 0;
        ArrayList arrayList6 = null;
        short s2 = 0;
        short s3 = 0;
        int i8 = 0;
        while (s3 < length) {
            int codePointAt = str.codePointAt(s3);
            MessageForText.AtTroopMemberInfo atTroopMemberInfo2 = null;
            if (arrayList != null) {
                while (i7 < arrayList.size()) {
                    MessageForText.AtTroopMemberInfo atTroopMemberInfo3 = (MessageForText.AtTroopMemberInfo) arrayList.get(i7);
                    if (atTroopMemberInfo3 != null && atTroopMemberInfo3.isValid()) {
                        atTroopMemberInfo = atTroopMemberInfo3;
                    atTroopMemberInfo2 = null;
            atTroopMemberInfo = atTroopMemberInfo2;
            if (atTroopMemberInfo != null && atTroopMemberInfo.startPos == s3) {
                String substring = str.substring(atTroopMemberInfo.startPos, atTroopMemberInfo.startPos + atTroopMemberInfo.textLen);
                int a3 = a(substring) + 11 + 8;
                atTroopMemberInfo.startPos = (short) (atTroopMemberInfo.startPos + s2);
                ArrayList arrayList7 = arrayList6 == null ? new ArrayList() : arrayList6;
                str2 = substring;
                a2 = a3;
                arrayList3 = arrayList7;
                i3 = i7 + 1;
            } else if (codePointAt != 20) {
                str2 = null;
                a2 = a(codePointAt);
                i3 = i7;
                arrayList3 = arrayList6;
            } else if (s3 + 1 >= length || str.charAt(s3 + 1) != 255) {
                str2 = null;
                a2 = 12;
                i3 = i7;
                arrayList3 = arrayList6;
            } else {
                str2 = null;
                a2 = 20;
                i3 = i7;
                arrayList3 = arrayList6;
            if (i8 + a2 > i) {
                String sb2 = sb.toString();
                int i9 = -1;
                if (arrayList3 == null) {
                    int length2 = sb2.length() - i2;
                    for (int i10 = 0; i10 < f33551a.length && (i9 = sb2.lastIndexOf(f33551a[i10])) <= length2; i10++) {
                    int lastIndexOf = sb2.lastIndexOf(20);
                    if (i9 > length2 && lastIndexOf == -1) {
                        str3 = sb.substring(0, i9 + 1);
                        String substring2 = sb.substring(i9 + 1);
                        i6 = a(substring2);
                    } else {
                        int i11 = (lastIndexOf + (-2) >= 0 && sb2.charAt(lastIndexOf + (-1)) == 255 && sb2.charAt(lastIndexOf + (-2)) == 20) ? lastIndexOf - 2 : lastIndexOf;
                        if (i11 > length2) {
                            str3 = sb.substring(0, i11);
                            String substring3 = sb.substring(i11);
                            i6 = a(substring3);
                        } else {
                            i6 = 0;
                            str3 = sb2;
                } else {
                    i6 = 0;
                    str3 = sb2;
                int length3 = s2 - str3.length();
                if (str2 != null) {
                    i4 = (atTroopMemberInfo.textLen - 1) + s3;
                } else if (codePointAt > 65535) {
                    i4 = s3 + 1;
                } else {
                    sb.append((char) codePointAt);
                    i4 = s3;
                if (codePointAt == 20) {
                    if (i4 + 1 >= length) {
                        if (QLog.isColorLevel()) {
                            QLog.e(f33549a, 2, "there is no other char behind EMO_HEAD_CODE,msg is:" + str);
                    } else if (255 == str.charAt(i4 + 1)) {
                        if (i4 + 4 < length) {
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 1));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 2));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 3));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 4));
                            i4 += 4;
                    } else {
                        sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 1));
                i5 = i6 + a2;
                s = length3;
                arrayList4 = null;
            } else {
                if (str2 != null) {
                    i4 = (atTroopMemberInfo.textLen - 1) + s3;
                } else if (codePointAt > 65535) {
                    i4 = s3 + 1;
                } else {
                    sb.append((char) codePointAt);
                    i4 = s3;
                if (codePointAt == 20) {
                    if (i4 + 1 >= length) {
                        if (QLog.isColorLevel()) {
                            QLog.e(f33549a, 2, "there is no other char behind EMO_HEAD_CODE,msg is:" + str);
                    } else if (255 == str.charAt(i4 + 1)) {
                        if (i4 + 4 < length) {
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 1));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 2));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 3));
                            sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 4));
                            i4 += 4;
                    } else {
                        sb.append(str.charAt(i4 + 1));
                i5 = i8 + a2;
                arrayList4 = arrayList3;
                s = s2;
            s3 = i4 + 1;
            i8 = i5;
            s2 = s;
            arrayList6 = arrayList4;
            i7 = i3;
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
        return arrayList5;

    public static String a(String str, int i) {
        if (str != null && str.length() != 0 && str.length() > i) {
            String substring = str.substring(0, i);
            if (substring.codePointAt(substring.length() - 1) == 20 || (substring.length() >= 4 && substring.codePointAt(substring.length() - 4) == 20)) {
                return substring.substring(0, substring.length() - 1);
            return substring;
        return str;

    public static boolean m9068a(String str) {
        return str == null || str.equals(AppConstants.aI) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aJ)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aK)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aL)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aM)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aH)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aG)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aV)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bc)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bs)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aD)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aE)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aF)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.ba)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aA)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.az)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bb)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aW)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aZ)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.aX)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bd)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bk)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bm)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.bn)) || str.equals(String.valueOf(AppConstants.br));

    public static boolean m9071b(String str) {
        long j = 0;
        try {
            j = Long.parseLong(str);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        return (j >= 2726500000L && j <= 2726511999L) || (j >= 800000000 && j <= 800099999) || ((j >= 938000000 && j <= 938099999) || ((j >= 1068660000 && j <= 1068669960) || ((j >= 2355000000L && j <= 2355199999L) || j == 56268888)));

    public static boolean c(String str) {
        return (str == null || str.length() <= 0 || "0".equals(str) || SwiftBrowserStatistics.Z.equals(str) || "1000000".equals(str) || "80000000".equals(str)) ? false : true;

    private static int a(String str) {
        int i = 0;
        int length = str.length();
        int i2 = 0;
        while (i < length) {
            int codePointAt = str.codePointAt(i);
            if (codePointAt == 20) {
                if (i + 4 < length && str.charAt(i + 1) == 255) {
                    i2 += 20;
                    i += 4;
                } else {
                    i2 += 12;
            } else {
                i2 += a(codePointAt);
                if (codePointAt > 255) {
        return i2;

    private static int a(int i) {
        int i2 = 2;
        if (f33550a.length() > 560) {
            try {
                int length = f33550a.toString().getBytes("utf-8").length;
                if (d != length && QLog.isColorLevel()) {
                    QLog.d(f33549a, 2, "calculate byte num not equal byte num returned by getBytes(),totalByteNum is:" + d + ",byteNum" + length);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            d = 0;
        if (i >= 0 && i < 128) {
            i2 = 1;
        } else if (i < 128 || i >= 2048) {
            if (i >= 2048 && i < 65536) {
                i2 = 3;
            } else if (i >= 65536 && i < 2097152) {
                i2 = 4;
            } else if (i >= 2097152 && i < 67108864) {
                i2 = 5;
            } else {
                i2 = 6;
        d += i2;
        return i2;

    public static void a(AppRuntime appRuntime) {
        if (appRuntime != null) {
            String processName = appRuntime.getApplication().getProcessName();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(processName) && !processName.endsWith(MainService.MSFPROCESSNAMETAG) && !"com.tencent.tim".equals(processName)) {
                QLog.e(f33549a, 1, " error start to killSelfProcessExceptMainMsf , processName: " + processName + ", stack: " + MsfSdkUtils.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));
        QLog.e(f33549a, 1, "killSelfProcessExceptMainMsf runtime is null, stack: " + MsfSdkUtils.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));

    public static boolean a(Context context, String str) {
        if (context == null || str == null) {
            return false;
        for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo : ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity")).getRunningAppProcesses()) {
            if (runningAppProcessInfo.processName.equals(str)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static long a(byte[] bArr, int i) {
        return a(bArr[i + 3]) | (a(bArr[i + 2]) << 8) | (a(bArr[i + 1]) << 16) | (a(bArr[i]) << 24);

    public static long a(byte[] bArr) {
        return (bArr[0] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) | ((bArr[1] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 8) | ((bArr[2] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 16) | ((bArr[3] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 24) | ((bArr[4] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 32) | ((bArr[5] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 40) | ((bArr[6] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 48) | ((bArr[7] & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c) << 56);

    public static short m9065a(byte[] bArr, int i) {
        return (short) (a(bArr[i + 1]) | (a(bArr[i]) << 8));

    public static int a(byte b2) {
        if (b2 < 0) {
            return b2 + 256;
        return b2;

    public static boolean m9070b() {
        return Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals("mounted") && Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().exists();

    public static long b() {
        StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());
        int blockSize = statFs.getBlockSize();
        return statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * blockSize;

    public static String m9063a(String str) {
        return (str == null || str.length() == 0) ? "0|0" : str.charAt(0) + "|" + str.length();

    public static boolean c() {
        BaseApplication context = BaseApplication.getContext();
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 7) {
            try {
                return (context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).applicationInfo.flags & 262144) == 262144;
            } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
                return false;
        return false;

    public static String b(Context context) {
        return ((TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService("phone")).getDeviceId();

    public static String b(String str, int i) {
        if (i < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("len must be greater than 0,len is:" + i);
        return (str != null && str.length() > i) ? str.substring(0, i) + vfr.f78684a : str;

    public static int a(int i, int i2, int i3) {
        return (i2 == 0 || i3 == 0 || i2 == i3) ? i : ((i * i3) + (i2 >> 1)) / i2;

    public static int a(Context context, double d2) {
        float f = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        float f2 = 340.0f;
        switch (context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi) {
            case 120:
                f2 = 120.0f * f;
            case 160:
                f2 = 160.0f * f;
            case 240:
                f2 = 240.0f * f;
        return (int) (f2 * d2);

    public static String a(String str, String str2) {
        return a(str, str2, new String[]{"106"}, new String[]{"QQ注册验证码"}, 3);

    public static String b(String str, String str2) {
        return a(str, str2, new String[]{"106"}, new String[]{"短信登录验证码", "Login Verification Code"}, 3);

    public static String c(String str, String str2) {
        return a(str, str2, new String[]{"1062", "1065", "1066", "1069"}, new String[]{"设备锁", "密保手机"}, 3);

    public static String d(String str, String str2) {
        return a(str, str2, new String[]{"10010", "106"}, new String[]{"验证码", "通讯录", SysCoreQUA2Utils.PR_QQ}, 3);

    private static String a(String str, String str2, String[] strArr, String[] strArr2, int i) {
        boolean z;
        boolean z2;
        char[] charArray;
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0 || str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        if (QLog.isColorLevel()) {
            QLog.d(f33549a, 2, "oriAdd=" + str + "smsbody=" + str2);
        if (strArr != null) {
            int length = strArr.length;
            int i2 = 0;
            while (true) {
                if (i2 >= length) {
                    z = false;
                String str3 = strArr[i2];
                if (str3 != null && str3.length() > 0 && str.startsWith(str3)) {
                    z = true;
            if (!z || strArr2 == null || strArr2.length == 0 || str2 == null) {
                return null;
            int length2 = strArr2.length;
            int i3 = 0;
            while (true) {
                if (i3 >= length2) {
                    z2 = false;
                String str4 = strArr2[i3];
                if (str4 != null && str4.length() > 0 && str2.contains(str4)) {
                    z2 = true;
            if (z2) {
                String str5 = "";
                boolean z3 = false;
                for (char c2 : str2.toCharArray()) {
                    if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') {
                        str5 = str5 + String.valueOf(c2);
                        z3 = true;
                    } else if (!z3) {
                    } else if (str5.length() >= i) {
                    } else {
                        str5 = "";
                        z3 = false;
                return (str5 == null || str5.length() <= 0) ? null : null;
            return null;
        return null;

    public static int a(int i, int i2) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.set(1, i, i2);
        Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar2.set(1, 1, 19);
        Calendar calendar3 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar3.set(1, 2, 18);
        Calendar calendar4 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar4.set(1, 3, 20);
        Calendar calendar5 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar5.set(1, 4, 19);
        Calendar calendar6 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar6.set(1, 5, 20);
        Calendar calendar7 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar7.set(1, 6, 21);
        Calendar calendar8 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar8.set(1, 7, 22);
        Calendar calendar9 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar9.set(1, 8, 22);
        Calendar calendar10 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar10.set(1, 9, 22);
        Calendar calendar11 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar11.set(1, 10, 23);
        Calendar calendar12 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar12.set(1, 11, 22);
        Calendar calendar13 = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar13.set(1, 12, 21);
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar2) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar3) <= 0) {
            return 1;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar3) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar4) <= 0) {
            return 2;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar4) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar5) <= 0) {
            return 3;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar5) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar6) <= 0) {
            return 4;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar6) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar7) <= 0) {
            return 5;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar7) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar8) <= 0) {
            return 6;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar8) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar9) <= 0) {
            return 7;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar9) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar10) <= 0) {
            return 8;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar10) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar11) <= 0) {
            return 9;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar11) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar12) <= 0) {
            return 10;
        if (calendar.compareTo(calendar12) > 0 && calendar.compareTo(calendar13) <= 0) {
            return 11;
        return 12;

    public static String m9061a(int i, int i2) {
        return m9060a(a(i, i2));

    public static String m9060a(int i) {
        return (i < 1 || i > f33552a.length) ? "" : f33552a[i - 1];

    public static String a(Integer num) {
        if (num.intValue() < 1900) {
            return "未知";
        Integer num2 = 1900;
        int intValue = (num.intValue() - num2.intValue()) % f33553b.length;
        if (intValue >= 0 && intValue < f33553b.length) {
            return f33553b[intValue];
        return "未知";

    public static String m9064a(byte[] bArr) {
        if (bArr == null || bArr.length == 0) {
            return null;
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(bArr.length);
        for (byte b2 : bArr) {
            String hexString = Integer.toHexString(b2 & ResourcePluginListener.f88784c);
            if (hexString.length() < 2) {
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static String b(String str) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (str == null) {
        } else if (str.length() == 0) {
        } else {
            int length = str.length();
            if (length > 10) {
                sb.append(str.charAt(0)).append(str.charAt(1)).append("***").append(str.charAt(length - 1)).append('[').append(length).append(']');
            } else {
                for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++) {
        return sb.toString();

    public static void a(Throwable th) {

    public static String m9059a() {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3 = Build.MODEL;
        if (str3 != null) {
            str = str3.replaceAll(TroopBarUtils.y, "_");
        } else {
            str = "";
        int a2 = StatisticCollector.a();
        if (a2 > 0) {
            str = str + "_qzpatch" + a2;
        String str4 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
        if (str4 != null) {
            str2 = str4.replaceAll(TroopBarUtils.y, "_");
        } else {
            str2 = "";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("https://eim.connect.qq.com/feedback/index.html").append("?version=").append(AppSetting.l).append("&appid=").append(AppSetting.f83701a).append("&QUA=").append(QZoneHelper.m10858a()).append("&product=").append(str).append("&manufacture=").append(str2).append("&os=").append(Build.VERSION.RELEASE).append("&cpunum=").append(DeviceInfoUtil.b()).append("&cpurate=").append(DeviceInfoUtil.m9129a()).append("&mem=").append((DeviceInfoUtil.m9139c() / 1024) / 1024).append("&amem=").append((DeviceInfoUtil.m9142d() / 1024) / 1024).append("&w=").append(DeviceInfoUtil.f()).append("&h=").append(DeviceInfoUtil.g()).append("&pss=").append((MemoryManager.a(Process.myPid()) / 1024) / 1024).append("&heapmax=").append((Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024) / 1024).append("&heapsize=").append(((Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / 1024) / 1024).append("&user_tag=").append(QLog.getReportLevel(QLog.getUIN_REPORTLOG_LEVEL()));
        String sb2 = sb.toString();
        if (QLog.isColorLevel()) {
            QLog.i("About-Feedback", 2, "feedback after: url = " + sb2);
        return sb2;

    public static byte[] m9069a(byte[] bArr) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            InflaterInputStream inflaterInputStream = new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bArr));
            byte[] bArr2 = new byte[256];
            while (true) {
                int read = inflaterInputStream.read(bArr2);
                if (-1 != read) {
                    byteArrayOutputStream.write(bArr2, 0, read);
                } else {
                    return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            if (QLog.isColorLevel()) {
                QLog.d("OlympicUtil", 2, "inflateConfigString");
            return null;