龙岗云视频 v2.7版本的 MD5 值为:9298cfa7a85a45936abaf845b6f6bd5c

以下内容为反编译后的 EzvizAPI.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.videogo.openapi;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.app.Application;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.net.ConnectivityManager;
import android.net.NetworkInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.ezviz.opensdk.data.DBTable;
import com.ezviz.opensdk.data.EZDatabaseHelper;
import com.ezviz.opensdk.data.EZDatabaseManager;
import com.ezviz.opensdk.data.FileCacheDeviceInfoManager;
import com.ezviz.stream.EZStreamClientManager;
import com.ezviz.stream.JsonUtils;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.hikvision.dxopensdk.constants.DX_HttpConstants;
import com.hikvision.dxopensdk.model.DX_AccountInfo;
import com.hikvision.wifi.UdpClient.UdpClient;
import com.hikvision.wifi.configuration.DeviceDiscoveryListener;
import com.hikvision.wifi.configuration.OneStepWifiConfigurationManager;
import com.umeng.socialize.common.SocializeConstants;
import com.umeng.socialize.net.utils.SocializeProtocolConstants;
import com.videogo.alarm.AlarmLogInfoManager;
import com.videogo.camera.CameraInfoEx;
import com.videogo.camera.CameraManager;
import com.videogo.constant.Config;
import com.videogo.constant.IntentConsts;
import com.videogo.device.DeviceInfoEx;
import com.videogo.device.DeviceManager;
import com.videogo.errorlayer.ErrorInfo;
import com.videogo.errorlayer.ErrorLayer;
import com.videogo.exception.BaseException;
import com.videogo.exception.BaseSdkRuntimeException;
import com.videogo.exception.EZOpenSDKErrorInfo;
import com.videogo.exception.EZOpenSDKErrorMamager;
import com.videogo.exception.ErrorCode;
import com.videogo.main.AppManager;
import com.videogo.main.EZPTZController;
import com.videogo.main.EzvizWebViewActivity;
import com.videogo.main.StreamServerData;
import com.videogo.openapi.EZConstants;
import com.videogo.openapi.EZOpenSDKListener;
import com.videogo.openapi.annotation.HttpParam;
import com.videogo.openapi.annotation.Serializable;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.BaseInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZAccessToken;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZAccessTokenInternal;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZAddDeviceBySerialInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZAlarmInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZAreaInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZCameraInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZCloudRecordFile;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDetectorInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDeviceInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDeviceRecordFile;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDeviceUpgradeStatus;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZDeviceVersion;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZHiddnsDeviceInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZLeaveMessage;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZOpenToken;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZPlayURLParams;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZProbeDeviceInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZProbeDeviceInfoResult;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZPushAlarmMessage;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZPushBaseMessage;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZPushTransferMessage;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZRecordFile;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZSDKConfiguration;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZServerInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZStorageStatus;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZStreamLimitInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZTransferMessageInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZUserInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.EZVideoQualityInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.BaseAlarmInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.BaseCameraInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.BaseDeviceInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.BatchGetTokens;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.EZPrivateTicketRequest;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.GetAlarmListReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.GetSmsCodeInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.GetStreamServer;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.RegistInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.ResetPassword;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.req.VerifySmsCodeInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.resp.CloudFile;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.resp.ConfigCity;
import com.videogo.openapi.bean.resp.EZDevicePlayInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.ApiResponse;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.BaseResponse;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZDeviceAddDeviceInfo;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZDeviceAddDeviceReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.EZDeviceAddDeviceResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.BatchGetTokensReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.CheckFeatureCodeReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.DeleteDeviceReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetCameraDetailReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetCameraInfoReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetCameraStatusReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetCloudInfoReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetSecureSmcCodeReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetServersInfoReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetSmsCodeReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetSmsCodeResetReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.GetUserNameReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.RegistReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.SecureValidateReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.VerifySmsCodeReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.req.WebLoginReq;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.BatchGetTokensResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.CheckFeatureCodeResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.DeleteDeviceResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetCameraInfoListResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetCameraInfoResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetCameraStatusResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetCloudInfoResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetServersInfoResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetSmsCodeResetResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetSmsCodeResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.GetUserNameResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.LogoutResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.RegistResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.ResetPasswordResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.SetAlarmReadResp;
import com.videogo.openapi.model.resp.VerifySmsCodeResp;
import com.videogo.remoteplayback.CloudFileEx;
import com.videogo.restful.NameValuePair;
import com.videogo.stream.EZCloudStreamDownload;
import com.videogo.stream.EZStreamDownload;
import com.videogo.stream.EZStreamParamHelp;
import com.videogo.util.CertUpdateHelper;
import com.videogo.util.ConnectionDetector;
import com.videogo.util.DateTimeUtil;
import com.videogo.util.EZOpenSDKConvertUtil;
import com.videogo.util.HttpUtils;
import com.videogo.util.LocalInfo;
import com.videogo.util.LocalValidate;
import com.videogo.util.LogUtil;
import com.videogo.util.MD5Util;
import com.videogo.util.ReflectionUtils;
import com.videogo.util.RestfulUtils;
import com.videogo.util.Utils;
import com.videogo.wificonfig.APWifiConfig;
import com.videogo.wificonfig.ConfigWifiSdkManager;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.greenrobot.greendao.generator.Schema;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class EzvizAPI {
    private static final String API_CODE = "code";
    private static final String API_DATA = "data";
    private static final String API_MSG = "description";
    private static final String API_RESULT = "result";
    private static final int API_SUSCCEED = 200;
    private static final int MAX_MESSAGE_BATCH_PROC_NUM = 10;
    public static final String STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR = "参数错误!";
    public static final String TAG = "EzvizAPI";
    public static final int USER_TYPE_ENTERPRISE = 1;
    public static final int USER_TYPE_HOME = 0;
    public static final int USER_TYPE_SUB = 2;
    private static ReentrantLock mlock;
    private AlarmLogInfoManager mAlarmLogInfoManager;
    private String mAppKey;
    private AppManager mAppManager;
    private LocalInfo mLocalInfo;
    private LocalValidate mLocalValidate;
    private String mNetType;
    private EZNetworkChangeListener mNetworkChangeListener;
    private String mPtzControllerCameraId;
    private RestfulUtils mRestfulUtils;
    public static EZConstants.EZPlatformType platformType = EZConstants.EZPlatformType.EZPlatformTypeNULL;
    private static EzvizAPI mEzvizAPI = null;
    public static Application mApplication = null;
    public static boolean isNetConnect = false;
    private static String exterVer = "";
    private static boolean isInit = false;
    private List<String> mTokenList = null;
    private long mBatchTokensTime = 0;
    private String mWebUrl = "";
    private String mAppPushSecret = "";
    private String mThridToken = "";
    private int mAreaId = -1;
    private OneStepWifiConfigurationManager mOneStepWifiConfigurationManager = null;
    private EZPTZController mEZPTZController = null;
    private int stub_storage_call_times = 0;
    private boolean streamStub = false;
    private int mStartUpgrade = 0;
    private int mUpgradeProgress = 0;
    private Object mWaitObject = new Object();
    private int refreshTokenCount = 0;

    class C1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq {

        @Serializable(name = "method")
        public String method = "sdk/manage/getSingleDeviceInfo";

        @Serializable(name = "params")
        public Params params = new Params();

        class Params {

            @Serializable(name = "accessToken")
            public String accessToken;

            @Serializable(name = "deviceSerial")
            public String deviceSerial;

            Params() {

        C1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq() {

    public class EZNetworkChangeListener extends BroadcastReceiver {
        EZNetworkChangeListener() {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String str;
            String str2;
            if ("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService("connectivity");
                LogUtil.i(EzvizAPI.TAG, "CONNECTIVITY_ACTION");
                NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
                if (activeNetworkInfo == null) {
                    EzvizAPI.isNetConnect = false;
                if (activeNetworkInfo.isConnected()) {
                    EzvizAPI.isNetConnect = true;
                    if (activeNetworkInfo.getType() == 1) {
                        str = EzvizAPI.TAG;
                        str2 = "当前WiFi连接可用 ";
                    } else {
                        if (activeNetworkInfo.getType() != 0) {
                        str = EzvizAPI.TAG;
                        str2 = "当前移动网络连接可用 ";
                } else {
                    EzvizAPI.isNetConnect = false;
                    str = EzvizAPI.TAG;
                    str2 = "当前没有网络连接,请确保你已经打开网络 ";
                LogUtil.d(str, str2);

    public EzvizAPI(Application application, String str) {
        this.mAppManager = null;
        this.mAlarmLogInfoManager = null;
        this.mLocalInfo = null;
        this.mAppKey = "";
        this.mRestfulUtils = null;
        this.mLocalValidate = null;
        mApplication = application;
        this.mAppKey = str;
        EZDatabaseManager.initializeInstance(new EZDatabaseHelper(application.getApplicationContext()));
        this.mLocalInfo = LocalInfo.getInstance();
        this.mNetType = Utils.getNetTypeName(application);
        if (this.mNetType == null) {
            this.mNetType = "UNKNOWN";
        this.mRestfulUtils = RestfulUtils.getInstance();
        this.mAppManager = AppManager.getInstance();
        this.mAlarmLogInfoManager = AlarmLogInfoManager.getInstance();
        this.mLocalValidate = new LocalValidate();
        mlock = new ReentrantLock();

    private String calendar2String(Calendar calendar) {
        return new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeUtil.TIME_FORMAT).format(calendar.getTime());

    private BaseSdkRuntimeException changeToRuntimeException(BaseException baseException) {
        BaseSdkRuntimeException baseSdkRuntimeException = new BaseSdkRuntimeException();
        baseSdkRuntimeException.errCode = baseException.getErrorCode();
        baseSdkRuntimeException.errMsg = baseException.getErrorInfo().toString();
        return baseSdkRuntimeException;

    public void checkTokenExpire() {
        long expire = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getExpire() - System.currentTimeMillis();
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Expire = " + LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getExpire());
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "currentTimeMillis = " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "currentTimeMillis - Expire = ".concat(String.valueOf(expire)));
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken()) || TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getRefresh_token())) {
        if (expire > 0 && expire <= 86400000) {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch (BaseException e) {
        } else if (expire <= 0) {
            try {
            } catch (BaseException e) {

    private void clearCacheData() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter clearCacheData: ");
        this.mEZPTZController = null;

    private String converTime(Calendar calendar) {
        return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd,HHmmss.").format(calendar.getTime()).replace(',', 'T').replace('.', 'Z');

    private EZPlayer createPlayer(String str, int i, boolean z) {
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter createPlayer, ");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return null;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter createPlayer, deviceSerialOrUrl = " + str + "  cameraNo = " + i + " isUrl = " + z);
        return z ? Utils.isEZOpenProtocol(str) ? new EZPlayer(new EZStreamParamHelp(Utils.getEZPlayURLParams(str))) : new EZPlayer(str) : new EZPlayer(new EZStreamParamHelp(str, i));

    private CameraInfoEx getCameraInfoExFromEZPlayInfo(EZDevicePlayInfo eZDevicePlayInfo, int i) {
        CameraInfoEx cameraInfoEx = new CameraInfoEx();
        return cameraInfoEx;

    private String getCommaSeprateStrFromList(List<String> list) {
        if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            return null;
        if (list != null) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, " msgIdList size:" + list.size());
            if (list.size() == 0) {
                return null;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (list.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
        return sb.toString();

    private EZSDKConfiguration getEZSDKConfiguration() {
        EZSDKConfiguration eZSDKConfiguration = null;
        int i = 0;
        BaseException e = null;
        while (true) {
            if (i > 3) {
            try {
                eZSDKConfiguration = getInstance().getConfiguration();
            } catch (BaseException e2) {
                e = e2;
                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                SystemClock.sleep(i * 5);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getPushAddr()) && eZSDKConfiguration == null && e != null) {
            throw e;
        return eZSDKConfiguration;

    public static String getExterVer() {
        return exterVer;

    public static EzvizAPI getInstance() {
        return mEzvizAPI;

    private EZStreamLimitInfo getStreamLimitInfo() {
        int i;
        int i2;
        int i3;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getStreamLimitInfo: ");
        if (!Config.ENABLE_STUB || !this.streamStub) {
            Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {
            }, "/api/stream/getSwitchInfo", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str) {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject;
                    if (!parseCode(str) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                        return null;
                    EZStreamLimitInfo eZStreamLimitInfo = new EZStreamLimitInfo();
                    EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity streamLimitInfoEntity = new EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZStreamLimitInfo);
                    JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONObject.getJSONObject("streamLimitInfo");
                    if (jSONObject != null) {
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, streamLimitInfoEntity);
                    return eZStreamLimitInfo;
            if (post == null) {
                return null;
            EZStreamLimitInfo eZStreamLimitInfo = (EZStreamLimitInfo) post;
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getStreamLimitInfo: " + eZStreamLimitInfo);
            return eZStreamLimitInfo;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getStreamLimitInfo: Enable stub !!!");
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        Utils.parseTestConfigFile("/sdcard/videogo_test_cfg", hashMap);
        String str = (String) hashMap.get("streamType");
        String str2 = (String) hashMap.get("limitTime");
        String str3 = (String) hashMap.get("streamTimeLimitSwitch");
        try {
            i = Integer.parseInt(str);
            try {
                i2 = Integer.parseInt(str2);
                try {
                    i3 = Integer.parseInt(str3);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    e = e;
                    LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                    i3 = 0;
                    EZStreamLimitInfo eZStreamLimitInfo2 = new EZStreamLimitInfo();
                    EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity streamLimitInfoEntity = new EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity();
                    LogUtil.i(TAG, "getStreamLimitInfo: ".concat(String.valueOf(eZStreamLimitInfo2)));
                    return eZStreamLimitInfo2;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
                e = e2;
                i2 = 0;
                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                i3 = 0;
                EZStreamLimitInfo eZStreamLimitInfo22 = new EZStreamLimitInfo();
                EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity streamLimitInfoEntity2 = new EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity();
                LogUtil.i(TAG, "getStreamLimitInfo: ".concat(String.valueOf(eZStreamLimitInfo22)));
                return eZStreamLimitInfo22;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e3) {
            e = e3;
            i = 0;
        EZStreamLimitInfo eZStreamLimitInfo222 = new EZStreamLimitInfo();
        EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity streamLimitInfoEntity22 = new EZStreamLimitInfo.StreamLimitInfoEntity();
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getStreamLimitInfo: ".concat(String.valueOf(eZStreamLimitInfo222)));
        return eZStreamLimitInfo222;

    public static synchronized void init(Application application, String str) {
        synchronized (EzvizAPI.class) {
            EzvizAPI ezvizAPI = mEzvizAPI;
            if (ezvizAPI == null) {
                mEzvizAPI = new EzvizAPI(application, str);
            } else {
                if (!str.equalsIgnoreCase(ezvizAPI.mAppKey)) {

    public static synchronized void init(Application application, String str, String str2) {
        synchronized (EzvizAPI.class) {
            EzvizAPI ezvizAPI = mEzvizAPI;
            if (ezvizAPI != null) {
            mEzvizAPI = new EzvizAPI(application, str);

    private void initParams() {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                new Thread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            if (EZStreamClientManager.create(EzvizAPI.mApplication.getApplicationContext()).getLeftTokenCount() == 0) {
                                LogUtil.d(EzvizAPI.TAG, "no left token, need to set tokens");
                                List<String> streamTokenList = EzvizAPI.getInstance().getStreamTokenList();
                                if (streamTokenList == null || streamTokenList.size() <= 0) {
                                EZStreamClientManager.create(EzvizAPI.mApplication.getApplicationContext()).setTokens((String[]) streamTokenList.toArray(new String[streamTokenList.size()]));
                        } catch (BaseException e) {
                            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(EzvizAPI.TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                new Thread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (BaseException e) {
                    LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(EzvizAPI.TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());

    private EZPushAlarmMessage parsePushAlarmMessage(String str) {
        EZPushAlarmMessage eZPushAlarmMessage;
        Throwable fillInStackTrace;
        int parseInt;
        Calendar calendar;
        String str2;
        int parseInt2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        String[] split = str.split(",", -1);
        try {
            parseInt = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
            calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            calendar.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeUtil.TIME_FORMAT).parse(split[1]));
            str2 = split[2];
            parseInt2 = Integer.parseInt(split[4]);
            str3 = split[5];
            str4 = split[6];
            eZPushAlarmMessage = new EZPushAlarmMessage();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            e = e;
            eZPushAlarmMessage = null;
        } catch (ParseException e2) {
            e = e2;
            eZPushAlarmMessage = null;
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e3) {
            e = e3;
            fillInStackTrace = e.fillInStackTrace();
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, fillInStackTrace);
            return eZPushAlarmMessage;
        } catch (ParseException e4) {
            e = e4;
            fillInStackTrace = e.fillInStackTrace();
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, fillInStackTrace);
            return eZPushAlarmMessage;
        return eZPushAlarmMessage;

    private EZPushTransferMessage parsePushTransferMessage(String str) {
        EZPushTransferMessage eZPushTransferMessage;
        String[] split = str.split(",", -1);
        try {
            int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
            String str2 = split[1];
            int parseInt2 = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
            eZPushTransferMessage = new EZPushTransferMessage();
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                e = e;
                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                return eZPushTransferMessage;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
            e = e2;
            eZPushTransferMessage = null;
        return eZPushTransferMessage;

    public static boolean parserCode(String str) {
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result");
        int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("code", ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
        String optString = jSONObject.optString("description", "Resp Error:".concat(String.valueOf(optInt)));
        if (optInt == 200) {
            return true;
        if (optInt == 400030) {
            ErrorInfo errorLayer = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
            throw new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer.errorCode, errorLayer);
        ErrorInfo errorLayer2 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(1, optInt);
        if (errorLayer2.description.length() == 0) {
            errorLayer2.description = optString;
        throw new BaseException(optString, errorLayer2.errorCode, errorLayer2);

    public static boolean parserTransferApiCode(String str) {
        String str2;
        int i;
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result");
            i = jSONObject.optInt("code", ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
            str2 = jSONObject.optString("description", "Resp Error:".concat(String.valueOf(i)));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
            str2 = "";
        if (i == 200) {
            return true;
        if (i == 400030) {
            ErrorInfo errorLayer = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
            throw new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer.errorCode, errorLayer);
        ErrorInfo errorLayer2 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(1, i);
        if (errorLayer2.description.length() == 0) {
            errorLayer2.description = str2;
        throw new BaseException(str2, errorLayer2.errorCode, errorLayer2);

    private void registerNetReceiver() {
        if (this.mNetworkChangeListener == null) {
            this.mNetworkChangeListener = new EZNetworkChangeListener();
            IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
            mApplication.registerReceiver(this.mNetworkChangeListener, intentFilter);

    public static void setExterVer(String str) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "exterVer is null");
        } else {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "exterVer: " + exterVer);
        exterVer = str;

    private static void setLoadLibraryAbsPath(String str) {

    public EZAccessTokenInternal OAuthCode(final String str, final String str2, final String str3) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter OAuthCode");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "authCode")
            private String oauthCode;

            @HttpParam(name = "scope")
            private String scope;

            @HttpParam(name = "state")
            private String state;

            @HttpParam(name = "grant_type")
            private String grant_type = "auth_code";

            @HttpParam(name = "client_id")
            private String client_id = EzvizAPI.getInstance().getAppKey();

            @HttpParam(name = "bundleId")
            private String bundleId = LocalInfo.getInstance().getPackageName();

            @HttpParam(name = "redirect_uri")
            private String redirect_uri = Schema.DEFAULT_NAME;

                this.oauthCode = str;
                this.scope = str2;
                this.state = str3;
        }, LocalInfo.getInstance().getOAuthServAddr() + "/oauth/code", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str4) {
                if (!parseCodeHttp(str4)) {
                    return null;
                JSONObject optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str4).optJSONObject("data");
                return LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken();
        }, true);
        if (post != null) {
            return (EZAccessTokenInternal) post;
        return null;

    public boolean addDevice(String str) {
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter addDevice");
        EZDeviceAddDeviceInfo eZDeviceAddDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceAddDeviceInfo();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return false;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter addDevice,deviceSerial=  ".concat(String.valueOf(str)));
        this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new EZDeviceAddDeviceReq().buidParams(eZDeviceAddDeviceInfo), EZDeviceAddDeviceReq.URL, new EZDeviceAddDeviceResp());
        return true;

    public boolean addDeviceBySerial(String str, String str2) {
        EZAddDeviceBySerialInfo eZAddDeviceBySerialInfo = new EZAddDeviceBySerialInfo();
        EZAddDeviceBySerialInfo.Params params = eZAddDeviceBySerialInfo.params;
        params.deviceSerial = str;
        params.validateCode = str2;
        params.accessToken = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        try {
            return parserCode(transferAPI(ReflectionUtils.convObjectToJSON(eZAddDeviceBySerialInfo).toString()));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
            return false;

    public boolean addDeviceBySerialNonTransfer(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter addDeviceBySerialNonTransfer: ");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String mDeviceSerial;

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_VALIDATE_CODE)
                private String mVerifyCode;

                    this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                    this.mVerifyCode = str2;
            }, "/api/device/addDevice", new BaseResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str3));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "addDeviceBySerialNonTransfer, invalid parameters deviceCode");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400001));

    public boolean addSquareDemoViewedCount(final String str) {
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "squareId")
            private String squareId;

                this.squareId = str;
        }, "/api/squareDemo/addViewedCount", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public String capturePicture(final String str, final int i) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter capturePicture");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i >= 0) {
            return (String) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CHANNEL_NO)
                private int channelNumber;

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String devSerial;

                    this.devSerial = str;
                    this.channelNumber = i;
            }, "/api/device/capturePicture", new ApiResponse() {
                public String parse(String str2) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject;
                    boolean parseCode = parseCode(str2);
                    if (parseCode && parseCode && (jSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result")) != null) {
                        return jSONObject.optString("data");
                    return null;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "capturePicture, invalid parameters channelNo");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));

    public boolean checkFeatureCode() {
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new CheckFeatureCodeReq().buidParams(new BaseInfo()), CheckFeatureCodeReq.URL, new CheckFeatureCodeResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public void clearStreamInfoCache() {

    public void clearVtduTokens() {
        List<String> list = this.mTokenList;
        if (list != null) {
        this.mBatchTokensTime = 0L;

    public boolean controlPTZ(final String str, final int i, EZConstants.EZPTZCommand eZPTZCommand, EZConstants.EZPTZAction eZPTZAction, final int i2) {
        RestfulUtils restfulUtils;
        BaseInfo baseInfo;
        ApiResponse apiResponse;
        String str2;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter controlPTZ");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i < 0) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "setDeviceEnryptStatusEx, invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        final int command = eZPTZCommand.getCommand();
        if (eZPTZAction == EZConstants.EZPTZAction.EZPTZActionSTART) {
            restfulUtils = this.mRestfulUtils;
            baseInfo = new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CHANNEL_NO)
                private int channelNo;

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String deviceSerial;

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_DIRECTION)
                private int direction;

                @HttpParam(name = "speed")
                private int speed;

                    this.direction = command;
                    this.speed = i2;
                    this.deviceSerial = str;
                    this.channelNo = i;
            apiResponse = new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(EzvizAPI.parserCode(str3));
            str2 = "/api/device/ptz/start";
        } else {
            restfulUtils = this.mRestfulUtils;
            baseInfo = new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CHANNEL_NO)
                private int channelNo;

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String deviceSerial;

                @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_DIRECTION)
                private int direction;

                    this.direction = command;
                    this.deviceSerial = str;
                    this.channelNo = i;
            apiResponse = new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(EzvizAPI.parserCode(str3));
            str2 = "/api/device/ptz/stop";
        Object post = restfulUtils.post(baseInfo, str2, apiResponse);
        if (post == null) {
            return false;
        return ((Boolean) post).booleanValue();

    public void controlVideoFlip(String str, int i, EZConstants.EZPTZDisplayCommand eZPTZDisplayCommand) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter controlVideoFlip");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            throw new BaseException("", 400002);
        EZPTZController eZPTZController = this.mEZPTZController;
        if (eZPTZController == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(eZPTZController.getDeviceSerial()) || !this.mEZPTZController.getDeviceSerial().equalsIgnoreCase(str) || this.mEZPTZController.getCameraNo() != i) {
            this.mEZPTZController = new EZPTZController(str, i);
        this.mEZPTZController = new EZPTZController(str, i);
        int ptzControl = eZPTZDisplayCommand.getCommand() == 4 ? this.mEZPTZController.ptzControl(eZPTZDisplayCommand.getCommand(), "CENTER", 0, 0) : 0;
        if (ptzControl != 100) {
            throw new BaseException("", ptzControl);

    public EZPlayer createPlayer(EZPlayURLParams eZPlayURLParams) {
        if (eZPlayURLParams != null) {
            return new EZPlayer(new EZStreamParamHelp(eZPlayURLParams));
        return null;

    public EZPlayer createPlayer(String str, int i) {
        return createPlayer(str, i, false);

    public EZPlayer createPlayerWithDeviceSerial(String str, int i, int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter createPlayerWithDeviceSerial: ");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial);
            return null;
        if (i < 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "createPlayerWithDeviceSerial, invalid parameters channelNo");
            return null;
        EZStreamParamHelp eZStreamParamHelp = new EZStreamParamHelp(str, i, false);
        return new EZPlayer(eZStreamParamHelp);

    public EZPlayer createPlayerWithUrl(String str) {
        return createPlayer(str, 0, true);

    public EZPlayer createPlayerWithUserId(int i, int i2, int i3) {
        return new EZPlayer(i, i2, i3);

    public byte[] decryptData(byte[] bArr, String str) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Enter decryptData verifyCode = ");
        sb.append(TextUtils.isEmpty(str) ? "NULL" : str);
        LogUtil.i(TAG, sb.toString());
        if (bArr == null || bArr.length <= 48 || !new String(bArr, 16, 32).equals(MD5Util.getMD5String(MD5Util.getMD5String(str)))) {
            return null;
        if (str != null) {
            try {
                byte[] copyOfRange = Arrays.copyOfRange(bArr, 48, bArr.length);
                SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(str.getBytes(), 16), "AES");
                Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
                cipher.init(2, secretKeySpec, new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}));
                return cipher.doFinal(copyOfRange);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
        return null;

    public boolean deleteAlarm(List<String> list) {
        if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "Enter deleteAlarm: alarmIdList is null or size is 0");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter deleteAlarm,  alarmIdList size : " + list.size());
        EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsInfo eZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsInfo = new EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsInfo();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (list.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
        this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsReq().buidParams(eZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsInfo), EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsReq.URL, new EZAlarmDeleteMultipleAlarmsResp());
        return true;

    public boolean deleteDevice(String str) {
        BaseDeviceInfo baseDeviceInfo = new BaseDeviceInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new DeleteDeviceReq().buidParams(baseDeviceInfo), DeleteDeviceReq.URL, new DeleteDeviceResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public boolean deleteDeviceBySerial(String str) {
        EZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq eZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq = new EZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq();
        EZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq.Params params = eZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq.params;
        params.deviceSerial = str;
        params.accessToken = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        eZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq.params.featureCode = this.mLocalInfo.getHardwareCode();
        try {
            return parserCode(transferAPI(ReflectionUtils.convObjectToJSON(eZDeleteDeviceBySerialReq).toString()));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
            return false;

    public boolean deleteDeviceNonTransfer(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter deleteDeviceNonTransfer");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/deleteDevice", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        if (post == null) {
            return false;
        boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) post).booleanValue();
        if (booleanValue) {
        return booleanValue;

    public boolean deleteLeaveMessages(List<String> list) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter deleteLeaveMessages");
        final String commaSeprateStrFromList = getCommaSeprateStrFromList(list);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(commaSeprateStrFromList)) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "messageId")
                private String mMsgIds;

                @HttpParam(name = "type")
                private String mType = "2";

                    this.mMsgIds = commaSeprateStrFromList;
            }, "/api/message/leave/operate", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "deleteLeaveMessages, invalid parameters msgIdList");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400001));

    public void downloadCloudFile(String str, int i, EZCloudRecordFile eZCloudRecordFile, String str2, EZOpenSDKListener.EZStreamDownloadCallback eZStreamDownloadCallback) {
        EZCloudStreamDownload eZCloudStreamDownload = new EZCloudStreamDownload(str2, eZCloudRecordFile);

    public boolean formatStorage(final String str, final int i) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter formatStorage");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i >= 0) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String mDeviceSerial;

                @HttpParam(name = "diskIndex")
                private int mDiskIndex;

                    this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                    this.mDiskIndex = i;
            }, "/api/device/format/disk", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str2) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "formatStorage, invalid parameters partitionIndex");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));

    public List<EZAlarmInfo> getAlarmList(String str, final int i, final int i2, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getAlarmList: ");
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getAlarmListBySerial, invalid parameters page");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        if (calendar != null && calendar2 != null && calendar.after(calendar2)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getAlarmListBySerial, invalid parameters, begin after end time");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str = "";
        final String str2 = str;
        final String calendar2String = calendar == null ? "" : calendar2String(calendar);
        final String calendar2String2 = calendar2 == null ? "" : calendar2String(calendar2);
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
            private String mBeginTime;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
            private String mEndTime;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int mPageIndex;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int mPageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "alarmType")
            private int mAlarmType = -1;

            @HttpParam(name = "status")
            private int mStatus = 2;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str2;
                this.mPageIndex = i;
                this.mPageSize = i2;
                this.mBeginTime = calendar2String;
                this.mEndTime = calendar2String2;
        }, "/api/alarm/getList", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str3) {
                if (!parseCode(str3)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str3).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                        EZAlarmInfo eZAlarmInfo = new EZAlarmInfo();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3), eZAlarmInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZAlarmInfo> list = (List) post;
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<EZAlarmInfo> it = list.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "getAlarmListBySerial returns: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public List<EZAlarmInfo> getAlarmList(String str, int i, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2, EZConstants.EZAlarmType eZAlarmType, EZConstants.EZAlarmStatus eZAlarmStatus, int i2, int i3) {
        if (i2 < 0 || i3 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "getAlarmListBySerial, invalid parameters page ;pageStart= " + i2 + " pageSize = " + i3);
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        if (calendar == null || calendar2 == null || calendar.after(calendar2)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getAlarmListBySerial, invalid parameters, begin and end time");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        GetAlarmListReq getAlarmListReq = new GetAlarmListReq();
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(getAlarmListReq, "/api/alarm/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                int length;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null || (length = optJSONArray.length()) <= 0) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                for (int i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i4);
                    EZAlarmInfo eZAlarmInfo = new EZAlarmInfo();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZAlarmInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZAlarmInfo> list = (List) post;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "getAlarmList EZAlarmInfo:" + list);
        return list;

    public String getAppKey() {
        return this.mAppKey;

    public String getAppNameByPID(Context context, int i) {
        for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo : ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity")).getRunningAppProcesses()) {
            if (runningAppProcessInfo.pid == i) {
                return runningAppProcessInfo.processName;
        return "";

    public List<EZAreaInfo> getAreaList() {
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo(0 == true ? 1 : 0) {
        }, "/api/area/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                if (!parseCode(str) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null || optJSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int length = optJSONArray.length();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    EZAreaInfo eZAreaInfo = new EZAreaInfo();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i), eZAreaInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZAreaInfo> list = (List) post;
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        return list;

    public void getBatchTokens() {
        this.mBatchTokensTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        BatchGetTokens batchGetTokens = new BatchGetTokens();
        this.mTokenList = (List) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new BatchGetTokensReq().buidParams(batchGetTokens), BatchGetTokensReq.URL, new BatchGetTokensResp());

    public List<EZCameraInfo> getCameraListNewApi(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getCameraListNewApi");
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getEZCameraInfoNoTransfer, invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int mPageIndex;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int mPageSize;

                this.mPageIndex = i;
                this.mPageSize = i2;
        }, "/api/device/list", new BaseResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                JSONArray jSONArray;
                int length;
                if (!parseCode(str) || (length = (jSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONArray(GetCameraInfoListResp.CAMERALIST)).length()) <= 0) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                    EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONArray.getJSONObject(i3), eZCameraInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZCameraInfo> list = (List) post;
        int size = list.size();
        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < size; i3++) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getCameraListNewApi returns:" + new Gson().toJson(list.get(i3)));
        return list;

    public int getCameraStatus(String str) {
        BaseCameraInfo baseCameraInfo = new BaseCameraInfo();
        return ((Integer) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetCameraStatusReq().buidParams(baseCameraInfo), GetCameraStatusReq.URL, new GetCameraStatusResp())).intValue();

    public String getCityConfig(final String str) {
        return (String) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = RegistReq.CITYKEY)
            private String cityKey;

                this.cityKey = str;
        }, "/api/traffic/getCityConfig", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                if (parseCode(str2)) {
                    return new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optString("data");
                return null;

    public List<CloudFile> getCloudFileList(final String str, final int i, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2, final int i2, final int i3) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getCloudFileList: ");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || i2 < 0 || i3 < 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getCloudFileList: invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        final String calendar2String = Utils.calendar2String(calendar);
        final String calendar2String2 = Utils.calendar2String(calendar2);
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
            private String endTime;

            @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
            private int mCameraNo;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int mPageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int mPageStart;

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
            private String startTime;

            @HttpParam(name = "version")
            private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                this.mCameraNo = i;
                this.startTime = calendar2String;
                this.endTime = calendar2String2;
                this.mPageStart = i2;
                this.mPageSize = i3;
        }, "/api/cloud/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int length = optJSONArray.length();
                for (int i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4++) {
                    CloudFile cloudFile = new CloudFile();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i4), cloudFile);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<CloudFile> list = (List) post;
        Iterator<CloudFile> it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getCloudFileList: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public List<ConfigCity> getConfigCityList(final int i, final int i2) {
        return (List) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int pageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int pageStart;

                this.pageStart = i;
                this.pageSize = i2;
        }, "/api/traffic/getConfigCityList", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (!parseCode(str)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").getJSONArray("data");
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < jSONArray.length(); i3++) {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONArray.optJSONObject(i3);
                    ConfigCity configCity = new ConfigCity();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, configCity);
                return arrayList;

    public EZSDKConfiguration getConfiguration() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getConfiguration: ");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {
        }, "/api/config/info", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZSDKConfiguration eZSDKConfiguration = new EZSDKConfiguration();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZSDKConfiguration);
                JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONObject.getJSONObject("streamLimitInfo");
                if (jSONObject != null) {
                    EZSDKConfiguration.StreamLimitInfoEntity streamLimitInfoEntity = new EZSDKConfiguration.StreamLimitInfoEntity();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, streamLimitInfoEntity);
                return eZSDKConfiguration;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZSDKConfiguration eZSDKConfiguration = (EZSDKConfiguration) post;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, new Gson().toJson(eZSDKConfiguration));
        return eZSDKConfiguration;

    public List<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> getDDNSDeviceList(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDDNSDeviceList");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int pagesize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int pagestart;

                this.pagesize = i;
                this.pagestart = i2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public List<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> parse(String str) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str);
                if (!parseCodeHttp || !parseCodeHttp) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                        EZHiddnsDeviceInfo eZHiddnsDeviceInfo = new EZHiddnsDeviceInfo();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.optJSONObject(i3), eZHiddnsDeviceInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> list = (List) post;
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> it = list.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDDNSDeviceList returns: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public EZHiddnsDeviceInfo getDDNSWithDeviceSerial(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDDNSWithDeviceSerial");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "deviceSerial and domain cannot be empty at the same time");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_CAS_UPGRADE_PU_PARAM_ERR));
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        EZHiddnsDeviceInfo eZHiddnsDeviceInfo = (EZHiddnsDeviceInfo) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "domain")
            private String mDomain;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.mDomain = str2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/get", new ApiResponse() {
            public EZHiddnsDeviceInfo parse(String str3) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str3);
                if (!parseCodeHttp || !parseCodeHttp || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str3).optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZHiddnsDeviceInfo eZHiddnsDeviceInfo2 = new EZHiddnsDeviceInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZHiddnsDeviceInfo2);
                return eZHiddnsDeviceInfo2;
        if (eZHiddnsDeviceInfo != null) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDDNSWithDeviceSerial returns: " + new Gson().toJson(eZHiddnsDeviceInfo));
        return eZHiddnsDeviceInfo;

    public List<EZDetectorInfo> getDetectorList(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDetectorList: ");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
        }, "/api/detector/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null || optJSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int length = optJSONArray.length();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    EZDetectorInfo eZDetectorInfo = new EZDetectorInfo();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i), eZDetectorInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZDetectorInfo> list = (List) post;
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<EZDetectorInfo> it = list.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDetectorList: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public EZDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceInfo: ");
        try {
            Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String deviceSerial;

                    this.deviceSerial = str;
            }, "/api/sdk/device/info", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str2) {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject;
                    EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = null;
                    if (parseCode(str2) && (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) != null) {
                        eZDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceInfo();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZDeviceInfo);
                        JSONArray optJSONArray = optJSONObject.optJSONArray(GetCameraInfoResp.CAMERAINFO);
                        if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                            int length = optJSONArray.length();
                            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                                EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                                JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i);
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZCameraInfo);
                                JSONArray optJSONArray2 = jSONObject.optJSONArray("videoQualityInfos");
                                if (optJSONArray2 != null && optJSONArray2.length() > 0) {
                                    ArrayList<EZVideoQualityInfo> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
                                    int length2 = optJSONArray2.length();
                                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length2; i2++) {
                                        EZVideoQualityInfo eZVideoQualityInfo = new EZVideoQualityInfo();
                                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray2.getJSONObject(i2), eZVideoQualityInfo);
                            if (arrayList.size() > 0) {
                        JSONArray optJSONArray3 = optJSONObject.optJSONArray("detectorInfo");
                        if (optJSONArray3 != null && optJSONArray3.length() > 0) {
                            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
                            int length3 = optJSONArray3.length();
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length3; i3++) {
                                EZDetectorInfo eZDetectorInfo = new EZDetectorInfo();
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray3.getJSONObject(i3), eZDetectorInfo);
                            if (arrayList3.size() > 0) {
                    return eZDeviceInfo;
            if (post == null) {
                return null;
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDeviceInfo returns: " + new Gson().toJson(post));
            return (EZDeviceInfo) post;
        } catch (BaseException e) {
            throw e;

    public DeviceInfoEx getDeviceInfoEx(final String str, final int i) {
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
            private int cameraNo;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String deviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "version")
            private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                this.deviceSerial = str;
                this.cameraNo = i;
        }, GetCameraDetailReq.URL, new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                JSONObject optJSONObject2;
                DeviceInfoEx deviceInfoEx = null;
                if (parseCode(str2) && (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) != null) {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject3 = optJSONObject.optJSONObject("device");
                    if (optJSONObject3 != null) {
                        deviceInfoEx = new DeviceInfoEx();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject3, deviceInfoEx);
                        JSONObject optJSONObject4 = optJSONObject3.optJSONObject("belongDevice");
                        if (optJSONObject4 != null) {
                            DeviceInfoEx deviceInfoEx2 = new DeviceInfoEx();
                            ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject4, deviceInfoEx2);
                    if (deviceInfoEx != null && (optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject.optJSONObject("camera")) != null) {
                        CameraInfoEx cameraInfoEx = new CameraInfoEx();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject2, cameraInfoEx);
                        JSONArray optJSONArray = optJSONObject2.optJSONArray("videoQualityInfos");
                        if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                            ArrayList<EZVideoQualityInfo> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                            int length = optJSONArray.length();
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) {
                                EZVideoQualityInfo eZVideoQualityInfo = new EZVideoQualityInfo();
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i2), eZVideoQualityInfo);
                            cameraInfoEx.videoQualityInfos = arrayList;
                return deviceInfoEx;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, new Gson().toJson(post));
        return (DeviceInfoEx) post;

    public List<EZDeviceInfo> getDeviceList(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceList: ");
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDeviceList: invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int pageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int pageStart;

            @HttpParam(name = "version")
            private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                this.pageSize = i2;
                this.pageStart = i;
        }, "/api/device/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                JSONArray jSONArray;
                JSONArray jSONArray2;
                if (!parseCode(str)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    int i3 = 0;
                    while (i3 < length) {
                        EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceInfo();
                        JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3);
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZDeviceInfo);
                        JSONArray optJSONArray2 = jSONObject.optJSONArray(GetCameraInfoResp.CAMERAINFO);
                        if (optJSONArray2 == null || optJSONArray2.length() <= 0) {
                            jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                        } else {
                            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                            int length2 = optJSONArray2.length();
                            int i4 = 0;
                            while (i4 < length2) {
                                EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                                JSONObject jSONObject2 = optJSONArray2.getJSONObject(i4);
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject2, eZCameraInfo);
                                JSONArray optJSONArray3 = jSONObject2.optJSONArray("videoQualityInfos");
                                if (optJSONArray3 == null || optJSONArray3.length() <= 0) {
                                    jSONArray2 = optJSONArray;
                                } else {
                                    ArrayList<EZVideoQualityInfo> arrayList3 = new ArrayList<>();
                                    int length3 = optJSONArray3.length();
                                    int i5 = 0;
                                    while (i5 < length3) {
                                        EZVideoQualityInfo eZVideoQualityInfo = new EZVideoQualityInfo();
                                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray3.getJSONObject(i5), eZVideoQualityInfo);
                                        optJSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                    jSONArray2 = optJSONArray;
                                optJSONArray = jSONArray2;
                            jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                            if (arrayList2.size() > 0) {
                        JSONArray optJSONArray4 = jSONObject.optJSONArray("detectorInfo");
                        if (optJSONArray4 != null && optJSONArray4.length() > 0) {
                            ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
                            int length4 = optJSONArray4.length();
                            for (int i6 = 0; i6 < length4; i6++) {
                                EZDetectorInfo eZDetectorInfo = new EZDetectorInfo();
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray4.getJSONObject(i6), eZDetectorInfo);
                            if (arrayList4.size() > 0) {
                        optJSONArray = jSONArray;
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZDeviceInfo> list = (List) post;
        Iterator<EZDeviceInfo> it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDeviceList: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public EZDevicePlayInfo getDevicePlayInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDevicePlayInfo: ");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/sdk/detail", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZDevicePlayInfo eZDevicePlayInfo = new EZDevicePlayInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZDevicePlayInfo);
                return eZDevicePlayInfo;
        if (post == null) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDevicePlayInfo: return: null");
            return null;
        EZDevicePlayInfo eZDevicePlayInfo = (EZDevicePlayInfo) post;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDevicePlayInfo: return:" + eZDevicePlayInfo);
        return eZDevicePlayInfo;

    public EZDeviceUpgradeStatus getDeviceUpgradeStatus(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceUpgradeStatus");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/upgrade/status", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZDeviceUpgradeStatus eZDeviceUpgradeStatus = new EZDeviceUpgradeStatus();
                int optInt = optJSONObject.optInt("upgradeStatus");
                return eZDeviceUpgradeStatus;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZDeviceUpgradeStatus eZDeviceUpgradeStatus = (EZDeviceUpgradeStatus) post;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDeviceUpgradeStatus: " + eZDeviceUpgradeStatus);
        return eZDeviceUpgradeStatus;

    public EZDeviceUpgradeStatus getDeviceUpgradeStatus_stub(String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceUpgradeStatus_stub");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (!Config.ENABLE_STUB) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDeviceUpgradeStatus_stub: Config.ENABLE_STUB not open");
            return null;
        EZDeviceUpgradeStatus eZDeviceUpgradeStatus = new EZDeviceUpgradeStatus();
        if (this.mStartUpgrade == 0) {
            return eZDeviceUpgradeStatus;
        this.mUpgradeProgress += new Random().nextInt(10);
        if (this.mUpgradeProgress >= 100) {
            this.mStartUpgrade = 0;
            this.mUpgradeProgress = 0;
        } else {
        return eZDeviceUpgradeStatus;

    public EZDeviceVersion getDeviceVersion(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceVersion");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/getVersionInfo", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject jSONObject;
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (jSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result")) == null || (optJSONObject = jSONObject.optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZDeviceVersion eZDeviceVersion = new EZDeviceVersion();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZDeviceVersion);
                return eZDeviceVersion;
        if (post == null || !(post instanceof EZDeviceVersion)) {
            return null;
        EZDeviceVersion eZDeviceVersion = (EZDeviceVersion) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDeviceVersion: " + eZDeviceVersion);
        return eZDeviceVersion;

    public EZAccessToken getEZAccessToken() {
        EZAccessToken eZAccessToken = new EZAccessToken();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.mLocalInfo.getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken())) {
            return null;
        return eZAccessToken;

    public EZDeviceInfo getEZBasicDeviceInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getEZBasicDeviceInfo");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/getBasicDeviceInfo", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZDeviceInfo);
                return eZDeviceInfo;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = (EZDeviceInfo) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getEZBasicDeviceInfo: info:" + eZDeviceInfo);
        return eZDeviceInfo;

    public EZCameraInfo getEZCameraInfoNoTransfer(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getEZCameraInfoNoTransfer");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/getDeviceInfo", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                if (!EzvizAPI.parserCode(str2) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null || optJSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    return null;
                JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(0);
                EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZCameraInfo);
                return eZCameraInfo;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = (EZCameraInfo) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, " getEZCameraInfoNoTransfer:" + eZCameraInfo);
        return eZCameraInfo;

    public EZUserInfo getEZUserInfo() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getEZUserInfo");
        EZUserInfo eZUserInfo = (EZUserInfo) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {
        }, "/api/user/getUserInfo", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZUserInfo eZUserInfo2 = new EZUserInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZUserInfo2);
                return eZUserInfo2;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getEZUserInfo:" + eZUserInfo);
        return eZUserInfo;

    public List<EZOpenToken> getEZopenTokenList(String str, int i) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getErrorInfo");
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        arrayList.add(new NameValuePair("accessToken", str));
        arrayList.add(new NameValuePair(DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_APPKEY, getInstance().getAppKey()));
        arrayList.add(new NameValuePair("region", String.valueOf(i)));
        Object postDataDirectUrl = this.mRestfulUtils.postDataDirectUrl(arrayList, "https://open.ys7.com/api/token/ezopen/get", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                if (!paserCodeHttpNoReport(str2)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) {
                        EZOpenToken eZOpenToken = new EZOpenToken();
                        JSONObject optJSONObject = optJSONArray.optJSONObject(i2);
                        if (optJSONObject != null) {
                            ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZOpenToken);
                return arrayList2;
        if (postDataDirectUrl != null) {
            return (List) postDataDirectUrl;
        return null;

    public EZOpenSDKErrorInfo getErrorInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getErrorInfo");
        Object postNoRefreshTokenNoReportError = this.mRestfulUtils.postNoRefreshTokenNoReportError(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "detailCode")
            private String detailCode;

                this.detailCode = str;
        }, "/api/sdk/error/report", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!paserCodeHttpNoReport(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZOpenSDKErrorInfo eZOpenSDKErrorInfo = new EZOpenSDKErrorInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZOpenSDKErrorInfo);
                return eZOpenSDKErrorInfo;
        if (postNoRefreshTokenNoReportError != null) {
            return (EZOpenSDKErrorInfo) postNoRefreshTokenNoReportError;
        return null;

    public List<EZOpenSDKErrorInfo> getErrorList(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getErrorList");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "time")
            private String time;

                this.time = str;
        }, "/api/sdk/error/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                if (!parseCodeHttp(str2)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                        EZOpenSDKErrorInfo eZOpenSDKErrorInfo = new EZOpenSDKErrorInfo();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.optJSONObject(i), eZOpenSDKErrorInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post != null) {
            return (List) post;
        return null;

    public String getHTTPPublicParam(String str) {
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CLIENT_TYPE)) {
            return "13";
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "featureCode")) {
            return LocalInfo.getInstance().getHardwareCode();
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "osVersion")) {
            return Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "netType")) {
            return getInstance().getNetType();
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "sdkVersion")) {
            return Config.VERSION;
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_APPKEY)) {
            return getInstance().getAppKey();
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "appID")) {
            return LocalInfo.getInstance().getPackageName();
        if (TextUtils.equals(str, "appName")) {
            return LocalInfo.getInstance().getAppName();
        return null;

    public Map<String, String> getHTTPPublicParam() {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put(DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CLIENT_TYPE, "13");
        hashMap.put("featureCode", LocalInfo.getInstance().getHardwareCode());
        hashMap.put("osVersion", Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
        hashMap.put("netType", getInstance().getNetType());
        hashMap.put("sdkVersion", Config.VERSION);
        hashMap.put(DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_APPKEY, getInstance().getAppKey());
        hashMap.put("appID", LocalInfo.getInstance().getPackageName());
        hashMap.put("appName", LocalInfo.getInstance().getAppName());
        return hashMap;

    public void getLeaveMessageData(Handler handler, EZLeaveMessage eZLeaveMessage, EZOpenSDKListener.EZLeaveMessageFlowCallback eZLeaveMessageFlowCallback) {
        EZStreamDownload eZStreamDownload = new EZStreamDownload();

    public List<EZLeaveMessage> getLeaveMessageList(String str, final int i, final int i2, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getLeaveMessageList");
        if (str == null) {
            str = "";
        final String str2 = str;
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getLeaveMessageList, invalid parameters page");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        if (calendar == null || calendar2 == null) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getLeaveMessageList, invalid parameters, begin or end time is null");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400001));
        if (calendar.after(calendar2)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getLeaveMessageList, invalid parameters, begin after end time");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeUtil.TIME_FORMAT);
        final String format = simpleDateFormat.format(calendar.getTime());
        final String format2 = simpleDateFormat.format(calendar2.getTime());
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
            private String mBeginTime;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
            private String mEndTime;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int mPageIndex;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int mPageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "status")
            private int mStatus = 0;

            @HttpParam(name = "contentType")
            private int mContentType = 1;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str2;
                this.mPageIndex = i;
                this.mPageSize = i2;
                this.mBeginTime = format;
                this.mEndTime = format2;
        }, "/api/message/leaves/get", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str3) {
                JSONArray optJSONArray;
                Date date;
                ParseException e;
                Date date2;
                if (!parseCode(str3) || (optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str3).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data")) == null || optJSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    return null;
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int length = optJSONArray.length();
                SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeUtil.TIME_FORMAT);
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3);
                    if (jSONObject != null) {
                        EZLeaveMessage eZLeaveMessage = new EZLeaveMessage();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZLeaveMessage);
                        Date date3 = new Date();
                        Date date4 = new Date();
                        try {
                            date = simpleDateFormat2.parse(eZLeaveMessage.getInternalCreateTime());
                            try {
                                date2 = simpleDateFormat2.parse(eZLeaveMessage.getInternalUpdateTime());
                            } catch (ParseException e2) {
                                e = e2;
                                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(EzvizAPI.TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                                date2 = date4;
                                Calendar calendar3 = Calendar.getInstance();
                                Calendar calendar4 = Calendar.getInstance();
                                LogUtil.verboseLog(EzvizAPI.TAG, eZLeaveMessage.toString());
                        } catch (ParseException e3) {
                            date = date3;
                            e = e3;
                        Calendar calendar32 = Calendar.getInstance();
                        Calendar calendar42 = Calendar.getInstance();
                        LogUtil.verboseLog(EzvizAPI.TAG, eZLeaveMessage.toString());
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        List<EZLeaveMessage> list = (List) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, sb.toString());
        return list;

    public String getNetType() {
        return this.mNetType;

    public boolean getOpenEzvizServiceSMSCode(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getOpenEzvizServiceSMSCode");
        int localValidateMobileNumber = this.mLocalValidate.localValidateMobileNumber(str);
        if (localValidateMobileNumber == 0) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "phone")
                private String phoneNum;

                    this.phoneNum = str;
            }, "/api/description/openYSService/smsCode", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str2) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getOpenEzvizServiceSMSCode, invalid parameters");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidateMobileNumber));

    public String getOpenWebUrl() {
        return this.mWebUrl;

    public String getOriginalServAddr() {
        return this.mLocalInfo.getOriginalServAddr();

    public boolean getRegistSmsCode(final String str, final String str2) {
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "phone")
            private String phone;

            @HttpParam(name = "userName")
            private String userName;

                this.phone = str;
                this.userName = str2;
        }, "/api/description/smsCode/regist", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str3) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str3));
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public EZServerInfo getServerInfo() {
        return (EZServerInfo) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetServersInfoReq().buidParams(new BaseInfo()), GetServersInfoReq.URL, new GetServersInfoResp());

    public String getServerUrl() {
        return this.mLocalInfo.getServAddr();

    public List<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> getShareDDNSDeviceList(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getShareDDNSDeviceList");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int pagesize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int pagestart;

                this.pagesize = i;
                this.pagestart = i2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/share/list", new ApiResponse() {
            public List<EZHiddnsDeviceInfo> parse(String str) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str);
                if (!parseCodeHttp || !parseCodeHttp) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                        EZHiddnsDeviceInfo eZHiddnsDeviceInfo = new EZHiddnsDeviceInfo();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.optJSONObject(i3), eZHiddnsDeviceInfo);
                return arrayList;
        if (post != null) {
            return (List) post;
        return null;

    public List<EZDeviceInfo> getSharedDeviceList(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getSharedDeviceList: ");
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getSharedDeviceList: invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        if (i == 0) {
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
            private int mPageSize;

            @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
            private int mPageStart;

            @HttpParam(name = "version")
            private String mVersion = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                this.mPageSize = i2;
                this.mPageStart = i;
        }, "/api/device/sharelist", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                if (!parseCode(str)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                        EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceInfo();
                        JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3);
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZDeviceInfo);
                        JSONArray optJSONArray2 = jSONObject.optJSONArray(GetCameraInfoResp.CAMERAINFO);
                        if (optJSONArray2 != null && optJSONArray2.length() > 0) {
                            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                            int length2 = optJSONArray2.length();
                            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < length2; i4++) {
                                EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                                JSONObject jSONObject2 = optJSONArray2.getJSONObject(i4);
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject2, eZCameraInfo);
                                JSONArray optJSONArray3 = jSONObject2.optJSONArray("videoQualityInfos");
                                if (optJSONArray3 != null && optJSONArray3.length() > 0) {
                                    ArrayList<EZVideoQualityInfo> arrayList3 = new ArrayList<>();
                                    int length3 = optJSONArray3.length();
                                    for (int i5 = 0; i5 < length3; i5++) {
                                        EZVideoQualityInfo eZVideoQualityInfo = new EZVideoQualityInfo();
                                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray3.getJSONObject(i5), eZVideoQualityInfo);
                            if (arrayList2.size() > 0) {
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZDeviceInfo> list = (List) post;
        Iterator<EZDeviceInfo> it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDeviceList: " + it.next());
        return list;

    public boolean getSingleDeviceInfoByTransfer(String str) {
        new EZCameraInfo();
        C1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq c1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq = new C1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq();
        C1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq.Params params = c1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq.params;
        params.deviceSerial = str;
        params.accessToken = this.mLocalInfo.getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        String transferAPI = transferAPI(ReflectionUtils.convObjectToJSON(c1EZGetCameraInfoBySerialReq).toString());
        LogUtil.d(TAG, transferAPI);
        try {
            return parserCode(transferAPI);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
            return false;

    public boolean getSmsCode(int i, String str) {
        GetSmsCodeInfo getSmsCodeInfo = new GetSmsCodeInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetSmsCodeReq().buidParams(getSmsCodeInfo), GetSmsCodeReq.URL, new GetSmsCodeResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public boolean getSmsCode(EZConstants.EZSMSType eZSMSType) {
        GetSecureSmcCodeReq getSecureSmcCodeReq = new GetSecureSmcCodeReq();
        getSecureSmcCodeReq.params.accessToken = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        return parserTransferApiCode(getInstance().transferAPI(ReflectionUtils.convObjectToJSON(getSecureSmcCodeReq).toString()));

    public boolean getSmsCodeNonTransfer(final EZConstants.EZSMSType eZSMSType) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getSmsCodeNotTransfer");
        return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "type")
            private int mType;

                this.mType = eZSMSType.getSmsType();
        }, "/api/description/smsCode/get", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str));

    public boolean getSmsCodeReset(String str) {
        GetSmsCodeInfo getSmsCodeInfo = new GetSmsCodeInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetSmsCodeResetReq().buidParams(getSmsCodeInfo), GetSmsCodeResetReq.URL, new GetSmsCodeResetResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public String getSnapshotPath(String str) {
        return LocalInfo.getInstance().getFilePath() + "/CameraSnapshot/" + str;

    public List<EZStorageStatus> getStorageStatus(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getStorageStatus");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/format/status", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                ArrayList arrayList = null;
                if (parseCode(str2) && (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) != null) {
                    JSONArray optJSONArray = optJSONObject.optJSONArray("storageStatus");
                    if (optJSONArray == null) {
                        return null;
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    if (length > 0) {
                        arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i);
                            EZStorageStatus eZStorageStatus = new EZStorageStatus();
                            int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("status");
                            int optInt2 = jSONObject.optInt("formattingRate");
                            if (optInt == 3) {
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        List<EZStorageStatus> list = (List) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getStorageStatus:" + list);
        return list;

    public StreamServerData getStreamServer(int i) {
        GetStreamServer getStreamServer = new GetStreamServer();
        if (i == -1) {
            i = 0;
        return (StreamServerData) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetCloudInfoReq().buidParams(getStreamServer), GetCloudInfoReq.URL, new GetCloudInfoResp());

    public List<String> getStreamTokenList() {
        BatchGetTokens batchGetTokens = new BatchGetTokens();
        return (List) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new BatchGetTokensReq().buidParams(batchGetTokens), BatchGetTokensReq.URL, new BatchGetTokensResp());

    public String getTerminalId() {
        String md5Crypto = !TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getHardwareCode()) ? MD5Util.md5Crypto(LocalInfo.getInstance().getHardwareCode()) : null;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(md5Crypto)) {
            md5Crypto = MD5Util.md5Crypto(md5Crypto);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(md5Crypto)) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "getTerminalId: ".concat(String.valueOf(md5Crypto)));
        return md5Crypto;

    public String getThridToken() {
        return this.mThridToken;

    public String getTicket(String str, String str2, String str3) {
        String str4;
        EZPrivateTicketRequest eZPrivateTicketRequest = new EZPrivateTicketRequest();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) {
            str3 = this.mAppPushSecret;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getPushAddr())) {
            str4 = "https://push.ys7.com/api/push/start";
        } else {
            str4 = LocalInfo.getInstance().getPushAddr() + "/api/push/start";
        Object postDataDirectUrl = this.mRestfulUtils.postDataDirectUrl(eZPrivateTicketRequest.getNVPairList(), str4, new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str5) {
                try {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str5);
                    if (jSONObject.optInt("status") == 200) {
                        return jSONObject.optString("ticket");
                    ErrorInfo errorLayer = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                    LogUtil.e(EzvizAPI.TAG, "JSON解析错误");
                    throw new BaseException("JSON解析错误", errorLayer);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    ErrorInfo errorLayer2 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                    LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(EzvizAPI.TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                    throw new BaseException("JSON解析错误", errorLayer2);
        if (postDataDirectUrl != null) {
            return (String) postDataDirectUrl;
        return null;

    public EZTransferMessageInfo getTransferMessageInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getPushTransferMessage: ");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getPushTransferMessage: msgId is null");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400001));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "msgSeq")
            private String msgSeq;

                this.msgSeq = str;
        }, "/api/common/transparent/getMsgDetail", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("msgData")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZTransferMessageInfo eZTransferMessageInfo = new EZTransferMessageInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZTransferMessageInfo);
                return eZTransferMessageInfo;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZTransferMessageInfo eZTransferMessageInfo = (EZTransferMessageInfo) post;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "getPushNoticeMessage: " + eZTransferMessageInfo);
        return eZTransferMessageInfo;

    public List<EZDeviceInfo> getTrustDeviceList(final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getDeviceList: ");
        if (i < 0 || i2 <= 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDeviceList: invalid parameters");
            ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002);
            throw new BaseSdkRuntimeException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR);
        try {
            Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "pageSize")
                private int pageSize;

                @HttpParam(name = "pageStart")
                private int pageStart;

                @HttpParam(name = "version")
                private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                    this.pageSize = i2;
                    this.pageStart = i;
            }, "/api/lapp/trust/device/list", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str) {
                    JSONArray jSONArray;
                    JSONArray jSONArray2;
                    if (!parseCode(str)) {
                        return null;
                    JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    if (optJSONArray != null) {
                        int length = optJSONArray.length();
                        int i3 = 0;
                        while (i3 < length) {
                            EZDeviceInfo eZDeviceInfo = new EZDeviceInfo();
                            JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3);
                            ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZDeviceInfo);
                            JSONArray optJSONArray2 = jSONObject.optJSONArray(GetCameraInfoResp.CAMERAINFO);
                            if (optJSONArray2 == null || optJSONArray2.length() <= 0) {
                                jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                            } else {
                                ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                                int length2 = optJSONArray2.length();
                                int i4 = 0;
                                while (i4 < length2) {
                                    EZCameraInfo eZCameraInfo = new EZCameraInfo();
                                    JSONObject jSONObject2 = optJSONArray2.getJSONObject(i4);
                                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject2, eZCameraInfo);
                                    JSONArray optJSONArray3 = jSONObject2.optJSONArray("videoQualityInfos");
                                    if (optJSONArray3 == null || optJSONArray3.length() <= 0) {
                                        jSONArray2 = optJSONArray;
                                    } else {
                                        ArrayList<EZVideoQualityInfo> arrayList3 = new ArrayList<>();
                                        int length3 = optJSONArray3.length();
                                        int i5 = 0;
                                        while (i5 < length3) {
                                            EZVideoQualityInfo eZVideoQualityInfo = new EZVideoQualityInfo();
                                            ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray3.getJSONObject(i5), eZVideoQualityInfo);
                                            optJSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                        jSONArray2 = optJSONArray;
                                    optJSONArray = jSONArray2;
                                jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                if (arrayList2.size() > 0) {
                            JSONArray optJSONArray4 = jSONObject.optJSONArray("detectorInfo");
                            if (optJSONArray4 != null && optJSONArray4.length() > 0) {
                                ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList();
                                int length4 = optJSONArray4.length();
                                for (int i6 = 0; i6 < length4; i6++) {
                                    EZDetectorInfo eZDetectorInfo = new EZDetectorInfo();
                                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray4.getJSONObject(i6), eZDetectorInfo);
                                if (arrayList4.size() > 0) {
                            optJSONArray = jSONArray;
                    return arrayList;
            if (post == null) {
                return null;
            List<EZDeviceInfo> list = (List) post;
            Iterator<EZDeviceInfo> it = list.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "getDeviceList: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
            return list;
        } catch (BaseException e) {
            throw e;

    public int getUnreadMessageCount(final String str, final EZConstants.EZMessageType eZMessageType) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter getUnreadMessageCount");
        if (str == null) {
            str = "";
        int intValue = ((Integer) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "type")
            private int mType;

                this.mSerial = str;
                this.mType = eZMessageType.getMessageType();
        }, "/api/message/unreadCount", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                return Integer.valueOf((!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) ? -1 : optJSONObject.optInt("unreadCount", 0));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getUnreadMessageCount returns. count:" + intValue);
        return intValue;

    public int getUnreadMsgCount(int i) {
        return 0;

    public String getUserCode() {
        return this.mLocalInfo.getUserCode();

    public EZUserInfo getUserInfoNewApi() {
        return null;

    public String getUserName() {
        String str = (String) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new GetUserNameReq().buidParams(new BaseInfo()), GetUserNameReq.URL, new GetUserNameResp());
        return str;

    public int getUserType() {
        return 0;

    public String getVtduToken() {
        long j = this.mBatchTokensTime;
        if (j > 0 && Math.abs(j - System.currentTimeMillis()) > 86400000) {
            return null;
        List<String> list = this.mTokenList;
        if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            return null;
        return this.mTokenList.remove(0);

    public void gotoLoginPage(int i) {
        gotoLoginPage(true, this.mAreaId, i);

    public void gotoLoginPage(boolean z, int i, int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter gotoLoginPage: ");
        this.mAreaId = i;
        if (z) {
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
        Intent intent = new Intent(mApplication, (Class<?>) EzvizWebViewActivity.class);
        if (i2 < 0) {
            i2 = 268435456;
        intent.putExtra(IntentConsts.EXTRA_WEBVIEW_PARAM, i);
        intent.putExtra(IntentConsts.EXTRA_WEBVIEW_ACTION, 0);

    public boolean isAppMainProcess() {
        try {
            String appNameByPID = getAppNameByPID(mApplication, Process.myPid());
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appNameByPID)) {
                return true;
            return mApplication.getPackageName().equalsIgnoreCase(appNameByPID);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return true;

    public boolean isLogin() {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken())) {
            return false;
        return (platformType == EZConstants.EZPlatformType.EZPlatformTypeGLOBALSDK && TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAreaDomain())) ? false : true;

    public void logout() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter logout: ");
        try {
        } catch (BaseException unused) {

    public boolean logoutAccount() {
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo(), LogoutResp.URL, new LogoutResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public void openChangePasswordPage() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter openChangePasswordPage");
        Intent intent = new Intent(mApplication, (Class<?>) EzvizWebViewActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra(IntentConsts.EXTRA_WEBVIEW_ACTION, 4);

    public void openCloudPage(String str, int i) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter openCloudPage");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Intent intent = new Intent(mApplication, (Class<?>) EzvizWebViewActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra(IntentConsts.EXTRA_WEBVIEW_ACTION, 3);
        intent.putExtra(EzvizWebViewActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_SERIAL, str);
        intent.putExtra("channel", i);

    public boolean openEzvizService(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter openEzvizService");
        int localValidateMobileNumber = this.mLocalValidate.localValidateMobileNumber(str);
        if (localValidateMobileNumber != 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "openEzvizService, invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidateMobileNumber));
        int localValidateSmsCode = this.mLocalValidate.localValidateSmsCode(str2);
        if (localValidateSmsCode == 0) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "phone")
                private String mPhoneNumber;

                @HttpParam(name = "smsCode")
                private String mSmsCode;

                    this.mPhoneNumber = str;
                    this.mSmsCode = str2;
            }, "/api/user/openYSService", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str3));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "getOpenEzvizServiceSMSCode, invalid parameters");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidateSmsCode));

    public EZPushBaseMessage parsePushMessage(String str) {
        int i;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str2 = TAG;
            str3 = "parsePushMessage: messageStr string is null";
        } else {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "parsePushMessage: messageStr = ".concat(String.valueOf(str)));
            String[] split = str.split(",", -1);
            if (split.length > 1) {
                try {
                    i = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
                    i = -1;
                if (i == -1) {
                    return null;
                if (i == 1) {
                    if (split.length < 7) {
                        return null;
                    return parsePushAlarmMessage(str);
                if (i != 99 || split.length < 7) {
                    return null;
                return parsePushTransferMessage(str);
            str2 = TAG;
            str3 = "parsePushMessage: invalid string format";
        LogUtil.d(str2, str3);
        return null;

    public EZProbeDeviceInfo probeDeviceInfo(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter probeDeviceInfo");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/searchDeviceInfo", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                if (!parseCode(str2) || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZProbeDeviceInfo eZProbeDeviceInfo = new EZProbeDeviceInfo();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZProbeDeviceInfo);
                return eZProbeDeviceInfo;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        EZProbeDeviceInfo eZProbeDeviceInfo = (EZProbeDeviceInfo) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, eZProbeDeviceInfo.toString());
        return eZProbeDeviceInfo;

    public EZProbeDeviceInfoResult probeDeviceInfo(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter probeDeviceInfo");
        EZProbeDeviceInfoResult eZProbeDeviceInfoResult = new EZProbeDeviceInfoResult();
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            ErrorInfo errorLayer = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial);
            eZProbeDeviceInfoResult.setBaseException(new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, errorLayer));
            return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            str2 = "";
        try {
            Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String mDeviceSerial;

                @HttpParam(name = "model")
                private String model;

                    this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                    this.model = str2;
            }, "/api/device/searchDeviceInfo", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    BaseException baseException;
                    EZProbeDeviceInfoResult eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2 = new EZProbeDeviceInfoResult();
                    if (str3 == null) {
                        ErrorInfo errorLayer2 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                        baseException = new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer2.errorCode, errorLayer2);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(new JSONObject(str3).optString("result"));
                            int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("code");
                            String optString = jSONObject.optString("description");
                            if (optInt == 200) {
                                JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONObject.optJSONObject("data");
                                if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                    eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.setEZProbeDeviceInfo((EZProbeDeviceInfo) JsonUtils.fromJson(optJSONObject.toString(), EZProbeDeviceInfo.class));
                                    return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
                                ErrorInfo errorLayer3 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                                eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.setBaseException(new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer3.errorCode, errorLayer3));
                                return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
                            if (optInt == 400030) {
                                ErrorInfo errorLayer4 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                                eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.setBaseException(new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer4.errorCode, errorLayer4));
                                return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
                            ErrorInfo errorLayer5 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(1, optInt);
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(errorLayer5.description)) {
                                errorLayer5.description = optString;
                            eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.setBaseException(new BaseException(optString, errorLayer5.errorCode, errorLayer5));
                            JSONObject optJSONObject2 = jSONObject.optJSONObject("data");
                            if (optJSONObject2 != null) {
                                eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.setEZProbeDeviceInfo((EZProbeDeviceInfo) JsonUtils.fromJson(optJSONObject2.toString(), EZProbeDeviceInfo.class));
                            return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                            ErrorInfo errorLayer6 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                            baseException = new BaseException(BaseResponse.NETWORK_EXCEPTION_ERROR_MSG, errorLayer6.errorCode, errorLayer6);
                    return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
            if (post == null) {
                return null;
            EZProbeDeviceInfoResult eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2 = (EZProbeDeviceInfoResult) post;
            LogUtil.i(TAG, eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2.toString());
            return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult2;
        } catch (BaseException e) {
            return eZProbeDeviceInfoResult;

    public void refreshNetwork() {
        if (!ConnectionDetector.isNetworkAvailable(mApplication)) {
        LocalInfo localInfo = LocalInfo.getInstance();
        Context context = localInfo.getContext();
        if (localInfo.getIsLogin()) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "网络状态改变");
            String wifiMacAddress = ConnectionDetector.getWifiMacAddress(context);
            if (!TextUtils.equals(wifiMacAddress, this.mAppManager.getWifiMacAddress())) {
                new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        LogUtil.d(EzvizAPI.TAG, "onReceive start getServerInfo");
                        try {
                        } catch (BaseException e) {
                            LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(EzvizAPI.TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());

    public Boolean refreshToken() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter refreshToken");
        synchronized (this.mWaitObject) {
            if (this.refreshTokenCount > 1) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken()) || TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getRefresh_token())) {
                return Boolean.FALSE;
            final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            return (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "state")
                private String state;

                @HttpParam(name = "refresh_token")
                private String refresh_token = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getRefresh_token();

                @HttpParam(name = "client_id")
                private String client_id = EzvizAPI.getInstance().getAppKey();

                @HttpParam(name = "grant_type")
                private String grant_type = "refresh_token";

                @HttpParam(name = "open_id")
                private String open_id = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getOpen_id();

                @HttpParam(name = "bundleId")
                private String bundleId = LocalInfo.getInstance().getPackageName();

                @HttpParam(name = "scope")
                private String scope = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getScope();

                    this.state = uuid;
            }, LocalInfo.getInstance().getOAuthServAddr() + "/oauth/token/refreshToken", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str) {
                    if (!parseCodeHttp(str)) {
                        return Boolean.FALSE;
                    JSONObject optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str).optJSONObject("data");
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
            }, true);

    public boolean regist(RegistInfo registInfo) {
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new RegistReq().buidParams(registInfo), RegistReq.URL, new RegistResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public void releasePlayer(EZPlayer eZPlayer) {
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter releasePlayer, ");
        if (eZPlayer == null) {

    public void releaseSDK() {
        EZNetworkChangeListener eZNetworkChangeListener = this.mNetworkChangeListener;
        if (eZNetworkChangeListener != null) {
            this.mNetworkChangeListener = null;
        mEzvizAPI = null;

    public boolean reportData(final int i) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter reportData: ");
        return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "type")
            private int mType;

                this.mType = i;
        }, "/api/report/operateData", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str));

    public boolean resetAccountPassword(String str, String str2, String str3) {
        ResetPassword resetPassword = new ResetPassword();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(resetPassword, ResetPasswordResp.URL, new ResetPasswordResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public EZRecordFile searchRecordFileByAlarmId(final String str, final int i, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter searchRecordFileByAlarmId");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i < 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "searchRecordFileByAlarmId, invalid parameters channelNo");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        EZRecordFile eZRecordFile = (EZRecordFile) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_ALARM_ID)
            private String alarmid;

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CHANNEL_NO)
            private int channelNumber;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.channelNumber = i;
                this.alarmid = str2;
        }, "/api/lapp/video/by/id", new ApiResponse() {
            public EZRecordFile parse(String str3) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject;
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str3);
                if (!parseCodeHttp || !parseCodeHttp || (optJSONObject = new JSONObject(str3).optJSONObject("data")) == null) {
                    return null;
                EZRecordFile eZRecordFile2 = new EZRecordFile();
                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONObject, eZRecordFile2);
                return eZRecordFile2;
        if (eZRecordFile != null) {
            LogUtil.d(TAG, "searchRecordFilesByTime returns: " + new Gson().toJson(eZRecordFile));
        return eZRecordFile;

    public List<EZCloudRecordFile> searchRecordFileFromCloud(final String str, final int i, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2) {
        List<CloudFileEx> list;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Enter searchRecordFileFromCloud, deviceSerial:");
        sb.append(" startTime:");
        sb.append(calendar != null ? calendar.getTime() : DX_AccountInfo.PUSH_FACE_DEFENCE_NOT_SUPPORT);
        sb.append(" endT:");
        sb.append(calendar2 != null ? calendar2.getTime() : DX_AccountInfo.PUSH_FACE_DEFENCE_NOT_SUPPORT);
        LogUtil.i(TAG, sb.toString());
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        final String calendar2String = Utils.calendar2String(calendar);
        final String calendar2String2 = Utils.calendar2String(calendar2);
        List list2 = null;
        loop0: for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++) {
            try {
                Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                    @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
                    private String endTime;

                    @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
                    private int mCameraNo;

                    @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                    private String mDeviceSerial;

                    @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
                    private String startTime;

                    @HttpParam(name = "fileType")
                    private int fileType = 1;

                    @HttpParam(name = "version")
                    private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                        this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                        this.mCameraNo = i;
                        this.startTime = calendar2String;
                        this.endTime = calendar2String2;
                }, "/api/cloud/files/get", new ApiResponse() {
                    public Object parse(String str2) {
                        if (!parseCode(str2)) {
                            return null;
                        JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                        if (optJSONArray != null) {
                            int length = optJSONArray.length();
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                                CloudFileEx cloudFileEx = new CloudFileEx();
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3), cloudFileEx);
                        return arrayList2;
                if (post == null) {
                list = (List) post;
                try {
                    Iterator it = list.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        LogUtil.d(TAG, "searchRecordFileFromCloud: " + new Gson().toJson((CloudFileEx) it.next()));
                    break loop0;
                } catch (BaseException e) {
                    e = e;
                    list2 = list;
                    LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
            } catch (BaseException e2) {
                e = e2;
        list = list2;
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
            for (CloudFileEx cloudFileEx : list) {
                EZCloudRecordFile eZCloudRecordFile = new EZCloudRecordFile();
                EZOpenSDKConvertUtil.convertCloudFileEx2EZCloudFile(eZCloudRecordFile, cloudFileEx);
        return arrayList;

    public List<EZCloudRecordFile> searchRecordFileFromCloudEx(final String str, final int i, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Enter searchRecordFileFromCloud, deviceSerial:");
        sb.append(" startTime:");
        sb.append(calendar != null ? calendar.getTime() : DX_AccountInfo.PUSH_FACE_DEFENCE_NOT_SUPPORT);
        sb.append(" endT:");
        sb.append(calendar2 != null ? calendar2.getTime() : DX_AccountInfo.PUSH_FACE_DEFENCE_NOT_SUPPORT);
        LogUtil.i(TAG, sb.toString());
        List<CloudFileEx> list = null;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        final String calendar2String = Utils.calendar2String(calendar);
        final String calendar2String2 = Utils.calendar2String(calendar2);
        int i2 = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (i2 >= 3) {
            try {
                Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                    @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
                    private String endTime;

                    @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
                    private int mCameraNo;

                    @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                    private String mDeviceSerial;

                    @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
                    private String startTime;

                    @HttpParam(name = "fileType")
                    private int fileType = 1;

                    @HttpParam(name = "version")
                    private String version = "3.0";

                        this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                        this.mCameraNo = i;
                        this.startTime = calendar2String;
                        this.endTime = calendar2String2;
                }, "/api/cloud/files/get", new ApiResponse() {
                    public Object parse(String str2) {
                        if (!parseCode(str2)) {
                            return null;
                        JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).getJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                        if (optJSONArray != null) {
                            int length = optJSONArray.length();
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                                CloudFileEx cloudFileEx = new CloudFileEx();
                                ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i3), cloudFileEx);
                        return arrayList2;
                if (post == null) {
                list = (List) post;
            } catch (BaseException e) {
                LogUtil.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e.fillInStackTrace());
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
            for (CloudFileEx cloudFileEx : list) {
                EZCloudRecordFile eZCloudRecordFile = new EZCloudRecordFile();
                EZOpenSDKConvertUtil.convertCloudFileEx2EZCloudFile(eZCloudRecordFile, cloudFileEx);
        return arrayList;

    public List<EZDeviceRecordFile> searchRecordFileFromDevice(final String str, final int i, Calendar calendar, Calendar calendar2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter searchRecordFileFromDevice");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i < 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "cameraNo must be greater than zero");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss");
        final String calendar2String = Utils.calendar2String(calendar);
        final String calendar2String2 = Utils.calendar2String(calendar2);
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
            private int cameraNo;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String deviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
            private String endTime;

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
            private String startTime;

                this.deviceSerial = str;
                this.cameraNo = i;
                this.startTime = calendar2String;
                this.endTime = calendar2String2;
        }, "/api/sdk/device/local/video", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                if (!EzvizAPI.parserCode(str2)) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONObject("result").optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < optJSONArray.length(); i2++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i2);
                    EZDeviceRecordFile eZDeviceRecordFile = new EZDeviceRecordFile();
                    ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(jSONObject, eZDeviceRecordFile);
                return arrayList;
        if (post == null) {
            return null;
        LogUtil.d(TAG, new Gson().toJson(post));
        return (List) post;

    public List<EZRecordFile> searchRecordFilesByTime(final String str, final int i, final long j, final long j2, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter searchRecordFilesByTime");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (i < 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "searchRecordFilesByTime, invalid parameters channelNo");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        List<EZRecordFile> list = (List) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_CHANNEL_NO)
            private int channelNumber;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "endTime")
            private long endtime;

            @HttpParam(name = "recType")
            private int rectype;

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_START_TIME)
            private long starttime;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.channelNumber = i;
                this.starttime = j;
                this.endtime = j2;
                this.rectype = i2;
        }, "/api/lapp/video/by/time", new ApiResponse() {
            public List<EZRecordFile> parse(String str2) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str2);
                if (!parseCodeHttp || !parseCodeHttp) {
                    return null;
                JSONArray optJSONArray = new JSONObject(str2).optJSONArray("data");
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                if (optJSONArray != null && optJSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    int length = optJSONArray.length();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) {
                        EZRecordFile eZRecordFile = new EZRecordFile();
                        ReflectionUtils.convJSONToObject(optJSONArray.optJSONObject(i3), eZRecordFile);
                return arrayList;
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<EZRecordFile> it = list.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "searchRecordFilesByTime returns: " + new Gson().toJson(it.next()));
        return list;

    public boolean secureSmsValidate(String str) {
        SecureValidateReq secureValidateReq = new SecureValidateReq();
        SecureValidateReq.Params params = secureValidateReq.params;
        params.smsCode = str;
        params.accessToken = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        return parserTransferApiCode(getInstance().transferAPI(ReflectionUtils.convObjectToJSON(secureValidateReq).toString()));

    public void setAccessToken(String str) {
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter setAccessToken: ");
        String accessToken = LocalInfo.getInstance().getEZAccesstoken().getAccessToken();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "accessToken is null,logout");
        if (!isInit) {
            isInit = true;
        if (TextUtils.equals(accessToken, str)) {
            Application application = mApplication;
            if (application != null) {
        } else {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "accessToken is switch");
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Exit setAccessToken: ");

    public boolean setAlarmRead(String str) {
        BaseAlarmInfo baseAlarmInfo = new BaseAlarmInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(baseAlarmInfo, SetAlarmReadResp.URL, new SetAlarmReadResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public boolean setAlarmStatus(List<String> list, EZConstants.EZAlarmStatus eZAlarmStatus) {
        if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "Enter setAlarmStatus, alarmIdList is null size:");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));
        LogUtil.d(TAG, "Enter setAlarmStatus, alarmIdList size:" + list.size());
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (list.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
        String sb2 = sb.toString();
        BaseAlarmInfo baseAlarmInfo = new BaseAlarmInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(baseAlarmInfo, SetAlarmReadResp.URL, new SetAlarmReadResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;

    public void setAppKey(String str) {
        this.mAppKey = str;

    public void setAreaDomain(String str) {

    public void setDDNSAutomatic(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDDNSAutomatic");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/mode/setAutomatic", new ApiResponse() {
            public Boolean parse(String str2) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str2);
                if (parseCodeHttp && parseCodeHttp) {
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
                return Boolean.FALSE;

    public void setDDNSManual(final String str, final int i, final int i2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDDNSManual");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "cmdPort")
            private int cmdport;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "httpPort")
            private int httpport;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.cmdport = i;
                this.httpport = i2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/mode/setManual", new ApiResponse() {
            public Boolean parse(String str2) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str2);
                if (parseCodeHttp && parseCodeHttp) {
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
                return Boolean.FALSE;

    public boolean setDefence(final String str, final EZConstants.EZDefenceStatus eZDefenceStatus) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDefence");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "isDefence")
            private int bDefence;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.bDefence = eZDefenceStatus.getStatus();
        }, "/api/device/updateDefence", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("setDeviceDefence return ");
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) post;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, sb.toString());
        return bool.booleanValue();

    public void setDeviceDoamin(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDeviceDoamin");
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "deviceSerial and domain cannot be empty");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_CAS_UPGRADE_PU_PARAM_ERR));
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "domain")
            private String mDomain;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.mDomain = str2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/setDomain", new ApiResponse() {
            public Boolean parse(String str3) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str3);
                if (parseCodeHttp && parseCodeHttp) {
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
                return Boolean.FALSE;

    public boolean setDeviceEncryptStatus(final String str, final String str2, final boolean z) {
        DeviceInfoEx deviceInfoExById;
        int localValidateParam;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDeviceEnryptStatusEx");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (!z && (localValidateParam = this.mLocalValidate.localValidateParam(str2)) != 0) {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "setDeviceEnryptStatusEx, invalid parameters");
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidateParam));
        boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = DX_HttpConstants.DX_REQ_KEY_VALIDATE_CODE)
            private String mValidateCode;

            @HttpParam(name = "isEncrypt")
            private int mIsEncrypt = z ? 1 : 0;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                this.mValidateCode = str2;
        }, "/api/device/encrypt/set", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str3) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str3));
        if (booleanValue && (deviceInfoExById = DeviceManager.getInstance().getDeviceInfoExById(str)) != null) {
            deviceInfoExById.setIsEncrypt(z ? 1 : 0);
        return booleanValue;

    public boolean setDeviceVideoLevel(final String str, final int i, final int i2) {
        CameraInfoEx addedCamera;
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setDeviceVideoLevel,");
        Object post = this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = GetCameraInfoReq.CAMERANO)
            private int mCameraNo;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

            @HttpParam(name = "videoLevel")
            private int mVideoLevel;

            @HttpParam(name = "version")
            private String version = SocializeConstants.PROTOCOL_VERSON;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
                this.mCameraNo = i;
                this.mVideoLevel = i2;
        }, "/api/device/setVideoLevel", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        if (post == null) {
            return false;
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) post;
        if (bool.booleanValue() && (addedCamera = CameraManager.getInstance().getAddedCamera(str, i)) != null) {
        return bool.booleanValue();

    public boolean setLeaveMessageStatus(List<String> list, EZConstants.EZMessageStatus eZMessageStatus) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter setLeaveMessageStatus");
        final String commaSeprateStrFromList = getCommaSeprateStrFromList(list);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(commaSeprateStrFromList)) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "messageId")
                private String mMsgIds;

                @HttpParam(name = "type")
                private String mType = "1";

                    this.mMsgIds = commaSeprateStrFromList;
            }, "/api/message/leave/operate", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "setLeaveMessageStatus, invalid parameters msgIdList");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400001));

    public void setNetType(String str) {
        this.mNetType = str;

    public void setServerUrl(String str, String str2) {
        this.mWebUrl = str2;

    public void setThridToken(String str) {
        this.mThridToken = str;

    public void setUserCode(String str) {

    public void setVparamForLoginPage(String str) {

    public void shareDDNSDeviceList(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter shareDDNSDeviceList");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = GetSmsCodeResetReq.ACCOUNT)
            private String account1;

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String devSerial;

                this.devSerial = str;
                this.account1 = str2;
        }, "/api/lapp/ddns/share", new ApiResponse() {
            public Boolean parse(String str3) {
                boolean parseCodeHttp = parseCodeHttp(str3);
                if (parseCodeHttp && parseCodeHttp) {
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
                return Boolean.FALSE;

    public void startAPConfigWifiWithSsid(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, APWifiConfig.APConfigCallback aPConfigCallback) {
        ConfigWifiSdkManager.startAPConfigWifiWithSsid(str, str2, str3, str4, aPConfigCallback);

    public void startAPConfigWifiWithSsid(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, boolean z, APWifiConfig.APConfigCallback aPConfigCallback) {
        ConfigWifiSdkManager.startAPConfigWifiWithSsid(str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, z, aPConfigCallback);

    public void startConfigWifi(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, int i, EZOpenSDKListener.EZStartConfigWifiCallback eZStartConfigWifiCallback) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter startConfigWifi  EZConfigWifiCallback");
        ConfigWifiSdkManager.startConfigWifi(context, str, str2, str3, i, eZStartConfigWifiCallback);

    public boolean startConfigWifi(Context context, String str, String str2, DeviceDiscoveryListener deviceDiscoveryListener) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter startConfigWifi  DeviceDiscoveryListener");
        ConfigWifiSdkManager.startConfigWifi(context, str, str2, deviceDiscoveryListener);
        return true;

    public void stopAPConfigWifiWithSsid() {

    public boolean stopConfigWiFi() {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter stopConfigWiFi");
        return true;

    public int stopTicketPush(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) {
        String str5;
        EZPrivateTicketRequest eZPrivateTicketRequest = new EZPrivateTicketRequest();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) {
            str4 = this.mAppPushSecret;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(LocalInfo.getInstance().getPushAddr())) {
            str5 = "https://push.ys7.com/api/push/stop";
        } else {
            str5 = LocalInfo.getInstance().getPushAddr() + "/api/push/stop";
        Integer num = (Integer) this.mRestfulUtils.postDataDirectUrl(eZPrivateTicketRequest.getNVPairList(), str5, new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str6) {
                try {
                    int optInt = new JSONObject(str6).optInt("status");
                    if (optInt == 200) {
                        return Integer.valueOf(optInt);
                    ErrorInfo errorLayer = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                    LogUtil.e(EzvizAPI.TAG, "JSON解析错误");
                    throw new BaseException("JSON解析错误", errorLayer);
                } catch (JSONException unused) {
                    ErrorInfo errorLayer2 = ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, ErrorCode.ERROR_INNER_WEBRESPONSE_JSONERROR);
                    LogUtil.e(EzvizAPI.TAG, "JSON解析错误");
                    throw new BaseException("JSON解析错误", errorLayer2);
        if (num.intValue() == 200) {
            return num.intValue();
        return -1;

    public String transferAPI(final String str) {
        return (String) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "reqStr")
            private String reqStr;

                this.reqStr = str;
        }, "/api/transfer", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return str2;

    public boolean updateDeviceName(final String str, final String str2) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter updateDeviceName");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceName")
                private String devName;

                @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
                private String devSerial;

                    this.devSerial = str;
                    this.devName = str2;
            }, "/api/device/updateDeviceName", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str3) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str3));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "updateDeviceName, invalid parameters:deviceName is null");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));

    public void upgradeDevice(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter upgradeDevice");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

            @HttpParam(name = "deviceSerial")
            private String mDeviceSerial;

                this.mDeviceSerial = str;
        }, "/api/device/upgrade", new ApiResponse() {
            public Object parse(String str2) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));

    public void upgradeDevice_stub(String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter upgradeDevice_stub");
        int localValidatDeviceSerial = this.mLocalValidate.localValidatDeviceSerial(str);
        if (localValidatDeviceSerial != 0) {
            throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, localValidatDeviceSerial));
        if (Config.ENABLE_STUB) {
            this.mStartUpgrade = 1;
        } else {
            LogUtil.i(TAG, "getDeviceUpgradeStatus_stub: Config.ENABLE_STUB not open");

    public boolean validateSecureSms(final String str) {
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "Enter validateSecureSms: ");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            return ((Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.post(new BaseInfo() {

                @HttpParam(name = "smsCode")
                private String mSmsCode;

                    this.mSmsCode = str;
            }, "/api/description/secureValidate", new ApiResponse() {
                public Object parse(String str2) {
                    return Boolean.valueOf(parseCode(str2));
        LogUtil.i(TAG, "validateSecureSms: smsCode is null");
        throw new BaseException(STR_NATIVE_PARAM_ERROR, ErrorLayer.getErrorLayer(2, 400002));

    public boolean verifySmsCode(int i, String str, String str2, String str3) {
        VerifySmsCodeInfo verifySmsCodeInfo = new VerifySmsCodeInfo();
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) this.mRestfulUtils.postData(new VerifySmsCodeReq().buidParams(verifySmsCodeInfo), VerifySmsCodeReq.URL, new VerifySmsCodeResp());
        if (bool != null) {
            return bool.booleanValue();
        return false;