Picsart v24.6版本的 MD5 值为:21a61631d94e54da68d2ad9268b8b9d9

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.vk.api.sdk;

import android.content.Context;
import com.vk.api.sdk.utils.log.Logger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import kotlin.collections.EmptyList;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics;
import myobfuscated.bj2.a;
import myobfuscated.ik2.h;
import myobfuscated.jk2.o;
import myobfuscated.ti2.d;
import myobfuscated.ti2.e;
import myobfuscated.ti2.f;
import myobfuscated.ti2.i;
import myobfuscated.yi2.c;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public final class a {
    public final Context a;
    public final int b;
    public final d c;
    public final h<String> d;
    public final String e;
    public final myobfuscated.ti2.h f;
    public final Logger g;
    public final c h;
    public final h<String> i;
    public final h<String> j;
    public final String k;
    public final boolean l;
    public final h<Boolean> m;
    public final int n;
    public final Function0<String> o;
    public final Function0<String> p;
    public final f q;
    public final Function0<String> r;
    public final long s;
    public final myobfuscated.bj2.a t;
    public final h<String> u;
    public final h<Object> v;
    public final h<myobfuscated.ti2.c> w;
    public final List<myobfuscated.aj2.b> x;
    public final h y;

    public a() {
        throw null;

    public a(Context context, int i, e eVar) {
        h<String> deviceId = kotlin.a.b(new Function0<String>() {
            public final String invoke() {
                return "";
        myobfuscated.ti2.h okHttpProvider = new myobfuscated.ti2.h();
        myobfuscated.cj2.a logger = new myobfuscated.cj2.a(kotlin.a.b(new Function0<Logger.LogLevel>() {
            public final Logger.LogLevel invoke() {
                return Logger.LogLevel.NONE;
        myobfuscated.yi2.a loggingPrefixer = new myobfuscated.yi2.a();
        h<String> accessToken = kotlin.a.b(new Function0<String>() {
            public final String invoke() {
                return "";
        h<String> secret = kotlin.a.b(new Function0() {
            public final Void invoke() {
                return null;
        h<Boolean> debugCycleCalls = kotlin.a.b(new Function0<Boolean>() {
            public final Boolean invoke() {
                return Boolean.FALSE;
        VKApiConfig$6 apiHostProvider = new Function0<String>() {
            public final String invoke() {
                return Intrinsics.l("", "api.");
        VKApiConfig$7 langProvider = new Function0<String>() {
            public final String invoke() {
                return "en";
        i keyValueStorage = new i(context);
        VKApiConfig$8 customApiEndpoint = new Function0<String>() {
            public final String invoke() {
                return "";
        long millis = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1L);
        a.C0963a.C0964a apiMethodPriorityBackoff = a.C0963a.a;
        h<String> externalDeviceId = kotlin.a.b(new Function0() {
            public final Void invoke() {
                return null;
        h<Object> anonymousTokenProvider = kotlin.a.b(new Function0() {
            public final Void invoke() {
                return null;
        EmptyList customJsonResponseTypeConverters = EmptyList.INSTANCE;
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(deviceId, "deviceId");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter("5.131", ResourceSourceContainer.KEY_VERSION);
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(okHttpProvider, "okHttpProvider");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(logger, "logger");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(loggingPrefixer, "loggingPrefixer");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(accessToken, "accessToken");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(secret, "secret");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter("", "clientSecret");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(debugCycleCalls, "debugCycleCalls");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(apiHostProvider, "apiHostProvider");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(langProvider, "langProvider");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(keyValueStorage, "keyValueStorage");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(customApiEndpoint, "customApiEndpoint");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(apiMethodPriorityBackoff, "apiMethodPriorityBackoff");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(externalDeviceId, "externalDeviceId");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anonymousTokenProvider, "anonymousTokenProvider");
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(customJsonResponseTypeConverters, "customJsonResponseTypeConverters");
        this.a = context;
        this.b = i;
        this.c = eVar;
        this.d = deviceId;
        this.e = "5.131";
        this.f = okHttpProvider;
        this.g = logger;
        this.h = loggingPrefixer;
        this.i = accessToken;
        this.j = secret;
        this.k = "";
        this.l = true;
        this.m = debugCycleCalls;
        this.n = 3;
        this.o = apiHostProvider;
        this.p = langProvider;
        this.q = keyValueStorage;
        this.r = customApiEndpoint;
        this.s = millis;
        this.t = apiMethodPriorityBackoff;
        this.u = externalDeviceId;
        this.v = anonymousTokenProvider;
        this.w = null;
        this.x = customJsonResponseTypeConverters;
        this.y = kotlin.a.b(new Function0<myobfuscated.aj2.c>() {

            public final myobfuscated.aj2.c invoke() {
                myobfuscated.g6.h hVar = new myobfuscated.g6.h(2);
                Object[] array = a.this.x.toArray(new myobfuscated.aj2.b[0]);
                if (array != null) {
                    hVar.a(new Object());
                    return new myobfuscated.aj2.c(o.h(hVar.f(new myobfuscated.aj2.b[hVar.e()])));
                throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<T of kotlin.collections.ArraysKt__ArraysJVMKt.toTypedArray>");

    public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof a) {
            a aVar = (a) obj;
            return Intrinsics.c(this.a, aVar.a) && this.b == aVar.b && Intrinsics.c(this.c, aVar.c) && Intrinsics.c(null, null) && Intrinsics.c(this.d, aVar.d) && Intrinsics.c(this.e, aVar.e) && Intrinsics.c(this.f, aVar.f) && Intrinsics.c(this.g, aVar.g) && Intrinsics.c(this.h, aVar.h) && Intrinsics.c(this.i, aVar.i) && Intrinsics.c(this.j, aVar.j) && Intrinsics.c(this.k, aVar.k) && this.l == aVar.l && Intrinsics.c(this.m, aVar.m) && this.n == aVar.n && Intrinsics.c(this.o, aVar.o) && Intrinsics.c(this.p, aVar.p) && Intrinsics.c(this.q, aVar.q) && Intrinsics.c(this.r, aVar.r) && this.s == aVar.s && Intrinsics.c(this.t, aVar.t) && Intrinsics.c(this.u, aVar.u) && Intrinsics.c(this.v, aVar.v) && Intrinsics.c(this.w, aVar.w) && Intrinsics.c(this.x, aVar.x);
        return false;

    public final int hashCode() {
        int hashCode = ((this.a.hashCode() * 31) + this.b) * 31;
        d dVar = this.c;
        int hashCode2 = dVar == null ? 0 : dVar.hashCode();
        int e = d.e(this.e, (this.d.hashCode() + ((hashCode + hashCode2) * 961)) * 31, 31);
        int hashCode3 = this.g.hashCode();
        int hashCode4 = this.h.hashCode();
        int hashCode5 = this.i.hashCode();
        int e2 = d.e(this.k, (this.j.hashCode() + ((hashCode5 + ((hashCode4 + ((hashCode3 + ((this.f.hashCode() + e) * 31)) * 31)) * 31)) * 31)) * 31, 31);
        boolean z = this.l;
        int i = z;
        if (z != 0) {
            i = 1;
        int hashCode6 = this.m.hashCode();
        int hashCode7 = this.o.hashCode();
        int hashCode8 = this.p.hashCode();
        int hashCode9 = this.q.hashCode();
        int hashCode10 = this.r.hashCode();
        long j = this.s;
        int hashCode11 = this.t.hashCode();
        int hashCode12 = (this.v.hashCode() + ((this.u.hashCode() + ((hashCode11 + ((((hashCode10 + ((hashCode9 + ((hashCode8 + ((hashCode7 + ((((hashCode6 + ((e2 + i) * 31)) * 31) + this.n) * 31)) * 31)) * 31)) * 31)) * 31) + ((int) (j ^ (j >>> 32)))) * 31)) * 31)) * 31)) * 31;
        h<myobfuscated.ti2.c> hVar = this.w;
        return this.x.hashCode() + ((hashCode12 + (hVar != null ? hVar.hashCode() : 0)) * 31);

    public final String toString() {
        return "VKApiConfig(context=" + this.a + ", appId=" + this.b + ", validationHandler=" + this.c + ", apiCallListener=null, deviceId=" + this.d + ", version=" + this.e + ", okHttpProvider=" + this.f + ", logger=" + this.g + ", loggingPrefixer=" + this.h + ", accessToken=" + this.i + ", secret=" + this.j + ", clientSecret=" + this.k + ", logFilterCredentials=" + this.l + ", debugCycleCalls=" + this.m + ", callsPerSecondLimit=" + this.n + ", apiHostProvider=" + this.o + ", langProvider=" + this.p + ", keyValueStorage=" + this.q + ", customApiEndpoint=" + this.r + ", rateLimitBackoffTimeoutMs=" + this.s + ", apiMethodPriorityBackoff=" + this.t + ", externalDeviceId=" + this.u + ", anonymousTokenProvider=" + this.v + ", responseValidator=" + this.w + ", customJsonResponseTypeConverters=" + this.x + ')';