Shinigami ID v1.1.3版本的 MD5 值为:c381e85feac697f048c400ae89b7b92d

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.wonderpush.sdk;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.InAppMessaging;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.inappmessaging.display.InAppMessagingDisplay;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.push.PushService;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.t;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.w;
import com.wonderpush.sdk.z;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import sa.j0;
import sa.n0;
import sa.o0;
import sa.p0;
import sa.r0;
import sa.s0;

public final class x {

    public static boolean f4860a;

    public static boolean f4861b;
    public static InAppMessaging c;

    public static InAppMessaging.c f4862d;

    public static Context f4863e;

    public static Application f4864f;

    public static f0 f4866h;

    public static t f4867i;

    public static ib.j f4868j;

    public static String f4869k;
    public static String l;

    public static String f4870m;

    public static final Set<k> f4877t;

    public static String f4878u;
    public static AtomicReference<Location> v;

    public static boolean f4879w;

    public static final ScheduledExecutorService f4865g = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new c());

    public static boolean f4871n = false;

    public static boolean f4872o = false;

    public static sa.k f4873p = new p0();

    public static final Map<String, Runnable> f4874q = new TreeMap();

    public static final Set<l> f4875r = new LinkedHashSet();

    public static final Map<String, Runnable> f4876s = new TreeMap();

    public class a implements Runnable {

        public final Runnable f4880o;

        public final String f4881p;

        public a(Runnable runnable, String str) {
            this.f4880o = runnable;
            this.f4881p = str;

        public final void run() {
            if (x.o()) {
            ?? r02 = x.f4874q;
            synchronized (r02) {
                String str = this.f4881p;
                if (str == null) {
                    str = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                r02.put(str, this.f4880o);

    public class b implements t.b {

    public class c implements ThreadFactory {

        public final ThreadGroup f4882o;

        public final AtomicInteger f4883p = new AtomicInteger(1);

        public c() {
            SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
            this.f4882o = securityManager != null ? securityManager.getThreadGroup() : Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();

        public final Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
            ThreadGroup threadGroup = this.f4882o;
            StringBuilder w10 = aa.p.w("WonderPush-");
            Thread thread = new Thread(threadGroup, runnable, w10.toString(), 0L);
            if (thread.isDaemon()) {
            if (thread.getPriority() != 4) {
            return thread;

    public class d implements l {
        public final void a(boolean z10) {
            if (z10) {
                ?? r52 = x.f4874q;
                synchronized (r52) {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(r52.values());
                    Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        x.C((Runnable), 0L);

    public class e implements k {
        public final void a() {
            if (x.t()) {
                ?? r02 = x.f4876s;
                synchronized (r02) {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(r02.values());
                    Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        x.C((Runnable), 0L);

    public class f implements ib.f {
        public final void a(ib.d dVar, Throwable th) {
            boolean z10;
            if (dVar == null) {
            JSONObject jSONObject = dVar.f7392a;
            boolean optBoolean = jSONObject.optBoolean("disableJsonSync", false);
            Long l = m.l;
            synchronized (m.class) {
                m.f4789p = optBoolean;
            synchronized (m.class) {
                z10 = m.f4789p;
            if (!z10) {
            com.wonderpush.sdk.g.f4688g.c = jSONObject.optBoolean("disableApiClient", false);
            n.c = jSONObject.optBoolean("disableMeasurementsApiClient", false);
            z.f4892f = jSONObject.optLong("trackedEventsUncollapsedMaximumAgeMs", 7776000000L);
            z.f4891e = jSONObject.optInt("trackedEventsUncollapsedMaximumCount", 10000);
            z.f4889b = jSONObject.optInt("trackedEventsCollapsedLastBuiltinMaximumCount", 100);
            z.c = jSONObject.optInt("trackedEventsCollapsedLastCustomMaximumCount", 1000);
            z.f4890d = jSONObject.optInt("trackedEventsCollapsedOtherMaximumCount", 1000);

    public class g extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public final ib.f f4884a;

        public g(ib.f fVar) {
            this.f4884a = fVar;

        public final void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String stringExtra = intent.getStringExtra("EXTRA_REMOTE_CONFIG");
            if (stringExtra != null) {
                this.f4884a.a(ib.d.b(stringExtra), null);

    public class h implements l {
        public final void a(boolean z10) {
            if (z10) {

    public interface i {
        void b(androidx.appcompat.widget.m mVar);

    public enum j {

        j(String str) {

    public interface k {
        void a();

    public interface l {
        void a(boolean z10);

    static {
        LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet = new LinkedHashSet();
        f4877t = linkedHashSet;
        b(new d());
        e eVar = new e();
        synchronized (linkedHashSet) {
        f4878u = null;
        v = null;

    public static void A(boolean z10) {
        C(new sa.m(), 0L);
        String g10 = z.g();
        if (z10) {
            z.w("__wonderpush_gcm_registration_id", null);
   f0Var = new;
            f0Var.f1284p = g10;
            f0Var.f1285q = z.p("__wonderpush_gcm_registration_service");
            f0Var.f1286r = z.h();
        } else {
            PushService pushService = gb.a.c;
            if (pushService == null) {
                Log.e("WonderPush.Push", "Cannot refresh push subscription, no push service available");
            } else {
        boolean m10 = z.m();
        if (z10) {

    public static void B() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while refreshing subscription status", e10);

    public static void C(Runnable runnable, long j10) {
        f4865g.schedule(runnable, j10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public static void D(Runnable runnable, String str) {
        C(new a(runnable, str), 0L);

    public static boolean E(Activity activity, Intent intent) {
        try {
            return p.A(activity, intent);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while showing potential notification", e10);
            return false;

    public static void F() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while subscribing to notifications", e10);

    public static void G() {
        Set<k> set = f4877t;
        synchronized (set) {
            if (!f4871n) {
                x("subscriptionStatusChanged called before SDK is initialized");
            HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(set);
            Iterator it = hashSet.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e10) {
                    Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while processing user consent changed listeners", e10);

    public static void H(String str, JSONObject jSONObject, JSONObject jSONObject2, Runnable runnable) {
        if (str.charAt(0) != '@') {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method must only be called for internal events, starting with an '@'");
        a(str, jSONObject, jSONObject2, true, runnable);

    public static void a(final String str, final JSONObject jSONObject, final JSONObject jSONObject2, final boolean z10, final Runnable runnable) {
        if (!o()) {
            x("Not tracking event without user consent. type=" + str + ", data=" + jSONObject + " custom=" + jSONObject2);
        final JSONObject i10 = i(str, jSONObject, jSONObject2);
        z.a x = z.x(i10);
        JSONObject jSONObject3 = null;
        if (x != null) {
            try {
                jSONObject3 = x.a();
                i10.put("occurrences", jSONObject3);
            } catch (JSONException e10) {
                y("Could not add occurrences to payload", e10);
        Intent intent = new Intent("wonderpushEventTracked");
        intent.putExtra("eventType", str);
        if (jSONObject2 != null) {
            intent.putExtra("customData", jSONObject2.toString());
        if (jSONObject3 != null) {
            intent.putExtra("occurrences", jSONObject3.toString());
        f4868j.c(new sa.c0(new i() {
            public final void b(androidx.appcompat.widget.m mVar) {
                String str2 = str;
                JSONObject jSONObject4 = jSONObject;
                JSONObject jSONObject5 = jSONObject2;
                JSONObject jSONObject6 = i10;
                Runnable runnable2 = runnable;
                final boolean z11 = z10;
                if (mVar == null || mVar.j(str2)) {
                    final w.c cVar = new w.c();
                    cVar.k("body", jSONObject6.toString());
                    final e0 e0Var = new e0(cVar, runnable2, 0);
                    com.wonderpush.sdk.x.f4868j.c(new ib.f() {
                        public final void a(ib.d dVar, Throwable th) {
                            Runnable runnable3 = e0Var;
                            boolean z12 = z11;
                            w.c cVar2 = cVar;
                            if (dVar != null && dVar.f7392a.optBoolean("trackEventsForNonSubscribers")) {
                            if (z12) {
                                com.wonderpush.sdk.x.C(new g0(runnable3), 0L);
                            com.wonderpush.sdk.w wVar = new com.wonderpush.sdk.w(com.wonderpush.sdk.z.r(), 3, "/events/", cVar2, null);
                            if (com.wonderpush.sdk.z.c() != null) {
                            } else {
                com.wonderpush.sdk.x.x("Not tracking event forbidden by config. type=" + str2 + ", data=" + jSONObject4 + " custom=" + jSONObject5);
        }, 0));

    public static void b(l lVar) {
        Set<l> set = f4875r;
        synchronized (set) {

    public static void c(Boolean bool) {
        if (bool == null) {
            f4861b = false;
        Log.d("WonderPush", "OVERRIDE setLogging(" + bool + ")");
        boolean booleanValue = bool.booleanValue();
        if (!f4861b) {
            f4860a = booleanValue;
        f4861b = true;

    public static void d(String str, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        int i10 = 0;
        if (str.charAt(0) != '@') {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method must only be called for internal events, starting with an '@'");
        JSONObject jSONObject2 = null;
        if (!o()) {
            x("Not tracking event without user consent. type=" + str + ", data=" + jSONObject + " custom=" + ((Object) null));
        if (z.c() != null && z.n() == Boolean.TRUE) {
            a(str, jSONObject, null, true, null);
        JSONObject i11 = i(str, jSONObject, null);
        z.a x = z.x(i11);
        if (x != null) {
            try {
                jSONObject2 = x.a();
                i11.put("occurrences", jSONObject2);
            } catch (JSONException e10) {
                y("Could not add occurrences to payload", e10);
        Intent intent = new Intent("wonderpushEventTracked");
        intent.putExtra("eventType", str);
        if (jSONObject2 != null) {
            intent.putExtra("occurrences", jSONObject2.toString());
        f4868j.c(new sa.c0(new z2.n(str, jSONObject, i11), i10));

    public static boolean e(Context context, boolean z10) {
        Boolean a10;
        String b10;
        String b11;
        Boolean a11;
        Boolean a12;
        String b12;
        Boolean a13;
        String str;
        Object obj;
        Iterator it;
        String str2 = null;
        if (f4871n) {
            r(context, null, null);
            return true;
        if (r0.f11995b == null) {
            r0.f11995b = context;
            r0.f11997e = context.getResources();
            try {
                Bundle bundle = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128).metaData;
                r0.c = bundle;
                if (bundle == null) {
                    r0.c = new Bundle();
            } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e10) {
                Log.e("WonderPush.Settings", "Failed to read application meta-data", e10);
            try {
                Resources resources = context.getResources();
                int identifier = resources.getIdentifier("wonderpush_buildConfigPackage", "string", context.getPackageName());
                str = identifier == 0 ? null : resources.getString(identifier);
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                    str = null;
                } else {
                    try {
                        if (f4860a) {
                            Log.d("WonderPush.Settings", "wonderpush_buildConfigPackage resource: " + str);
                    } catch (Exception e11) {
                        e = e11;
                        Log.e("WonderPush.Settings", "Could not get a WonderPush configuration resource", e);
                        obj = r0.c.get("com.wonderpush.sdk.buildConfigPackage");
                        if (obj instanceof String) {
                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        if (str == null) {
                        it = arrayList.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                        boolean z11 = r0.f11996d;
                        a10 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_AUTO_INIT", "wonderpush_autoInit", "com.wonderpush.sdk.autoInit");
                        if (a10 == null) {
                        Boolean bool = a10;
                        b10 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_CLIENT_ID", "wonderpush_clientId", "com.wonderpush.sdk.clientId");
                        b11 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_CLIENT_SECRET", "wonderpush_clientSecret", "com.wonderpush.sdk.clientSecret");
                        a11 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_LOGGING", "wonderpush_logging", "com.wonderpush.sdk.logging");
                        a12 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_REQUIRES_USER_CONSENT", "wonderpush_requiresUserConsent", "com.wonderpush.sdk.requiresUserConsent");
                        b12 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_INTEGRATOR", "wonderpush_integrator", "com.wonderpush.sdk.integrator");
                        a13 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_GEOLOCATION", "wonderpush_geolocation", "com.wonderpush.sdk.geolocation");
                        if (a11 != null) {
                        if (a13 != null) {
                        if (a12 != null) {
                        if (b12 != null) {
                        if (f4863e == null) {
                        if (!z10) {
                        if (!f4871n) {
                        if (!f4871n) {
                            u("Initializing WonderPush using collected credentials");
                            r(context, b10, b11);
                        if (!f4871n) {
                        if (!s.e()) {
                        return f4871n;
            } catch (Exception e12) {
                e = e12;
                str = null;
            obj = r0.c.get("com.wonderpush.sdk.buildConfigPackage");
            if (obj instanceof String) {
                String str3 = (String) obj;
                if (str3.length() > 0) {
                    if (f4860a) {
                        Log.d("WonderPush.Settings", "com.wonderpush.sdk.buildConfigPackage metadata: " + str3);
                    str = str3;
            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
            if (str == null) {
            } else {
            it = arrayList2.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String str4 = ((String) + ".BuildConfig";
                try {
                    Class<?> loadClass = context.getClassLoader().loadClass(str4);
                    if (f4860a) {
                        Log.d("WonderPush.Settings", "Reading configuration from " + str4);
                    for (Field field : loadClass.getFields()) {
                        if (field.getName().startsWith("WONDERPUSH_")) {
                            try {
                                r0.f11994a.put(field.getName(), field.get(null));
                            } catch (Exception e13) {
                                Log.e("WonderPush.Settings", "Could not get BuildConfig field " + field.getName(), e13);
                    r0.f11996d = true;
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) {
                    if (f4860a) {
                        Log.d("WonderPush.Settings", "No " + str4 + " class found. ProGuard may have removed it after finding no WONDERPUSH_* constants.");
        boolean z112 = r0.f11996d;
        a10 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_AUTO_INIT", "wonderpush_autoInit", "com.wonderpush.sdk.autoInit");
        if (a10 == null) {
            a10 = Boolean.TRUE;
        Boolean bool2 = a10;
        b10 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_CLIENT_ID", "wonderpush_clientId", "com.wonderpush.sdk.clientId");
        b11 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_CLIENT_SECRET", "wonderpush_clientSecret", "com.wonderpush.sdk.clientSecret");
        a11 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_LOGGING", "wonderpush_logging", "com.wonderpush.sdk.logging");
        a12 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_REQUIRES_USER_CONSENT", "wonderpush_requiresUserConsent", "com.wonderpush.sdk.requiresUserConsent");
        b12 = r0.b("WONDERPUSH_INTEGRATOR", "wonderpush_integrator", "com.wonderpush.sdk.integrator");
        a13 = r0.a("WONDERPUSH_GEOLOCATION", "wonderpush_geolocation", "com.wonderpush.sdk.geolocation");
        if (a11 != null) {
            if (!a11.booleanValue()) {
                u("Applying configuration: logging: " + a11);
            boolean booleanValue = a11.booleanValue();
            if (!f4861b) {
                f4860a = booleanValue;
            if (a11.booleanValue()) {
                u("Applying configuration: logging: " + a11);
        if (a13 != null) {
            u("Applying configuration: geolocation: " + a13);
            if (a13.booleanValue()) {
                v = null;
            } else {
                try {
                    v = new AtomicReference<>(null);
                } catch (Exception e14) {
                    Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while setting geolocation", e14);
        if (a12 != null) {
            u("Applying configuration: requiresUserConsent: " + a12);
            boolean booleanValue2 = a12.booleanValue();
            try {
                if (f4871n) {
                    boolean o4 = o();
                    f4872o = booleanValue2;
                    Log.w("WonderPush", "WonderPush.setRequiresUserConsent(" + booleanValue2 + ") called after WonderPush.initialize(). Although supported, a proper implementation typically only calls it before.");
                    boolean o10 = o();
                    if (o4 != o10) {
                } else {
                    f4872o = booleanValue2;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while setting requires-user-consent", e15);
        if (b12 != null) {
            u("Applying configuration: integrator: " + b12);
            f4878u = b12;
        if (f4863e == null) {
            f4863e = context.getApplicationContext();
        if (!z10 && !bool2.booleanValue()) {
            u("Skipping automatic initialization");
            return false;
        if (!f4871n) {
            try {
                Bundle bundle2 = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128).metaData;
                if (bundle2 == null) {
                    bundle2 = new Bundle();
                str2 = bundle2.getString("wonderpushInitializerClass");
                if (str2 != null) {
                    if (str2.startsWith(".")) {
                        str2 = context.getPackageName() + str2;
                    u("Initializing WonderPush using initializer class " + str2);
                    ((n0) Class.forName(str2).asSubclass(n0.class).newInstance()).initialize();
            } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e16) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to read application meta-data", e16);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e17) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to load initializer class. Check your <meta-data android:name=\"wonderpushInitializerClass\" android:value=\"com.package.YourWonderPushInitializerImpl\"/> entry under <application> in your AndroidManifest.xml", e17);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e18) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to intantiate the initializer class " + str2 + ". Make sure it has a public default constructor with no argument.", e18);
            } catch (InstantiationException e19) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to intantiate the initializer class " + str2 + ". Make sure it has a public default constructor with no argument.", e19);
            } catch (NullPointerException e20) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to load initializer class", e20);
            } catch (Exception e21) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while ensuring SDK initialization", e21);
        if (!f4871n && !TextUtils.isEmpty(b10) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(b11)) {
            u("Initializing WonderPush using collected credentials");
            r(context, b10, b11);
        if (!f4871n) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", "Could not initialize WonderPush using the initializer class, BuildConfig options or manifest <meta-data> options!");
            if (!z112) {
                Log.w("WonderPush", "No BuildConfig class found. You probably need to give the value of your gradle defaultConfig.applicationId as the a \"wonderpush_buildConfigPackage\" string resource or a \"com.wonderpush.sdk.buildConfigPackage\" manifest <meta-data>.");
        if (!s.e()) {
        return f4871n;

    public static Context f() {
        if (f4863e == null) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", "Application context is null, did you call WonderPush.initialize()?");
        return f4863e;

    public static String g() {
        try {
            String p10 = z.p("__country");
            if (p10 != null) {
                return p10;
            String country = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(country)) {
                return null;
            return country.toUpperCase();
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while getting country", e10);
            return null;

    public static String h() {
        String str = null;
        try {
            String p10 = z.p("__currency");
            if (p10 != null) {
                return p10;
            try {
                Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault());
                if (currency == null) {
                    return null;
                p10 = currency.getCurrencyCode();
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(p10)) {
                    str = p10.toUpperCase();
                return str;
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                return p10;
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while getting currency", e10);
            return null;

    public static JSONObject i(String str, JSONObject jSONObject, JSONObject jSONObject2) {
        JSONObject jSONObject3 = new JSONObject();
        if (jSONObject != null && jSONObject.length() > 0) {
            Iterator<String> keys = jSONObject.keys();
            while (keys.hasNext()) {
                String next =;
                try {
                    jSONObject3.putOpt(next, jSONObject.opt(next));
                } catch (JSONException e10) {
                    y("Error building event object body", e10);
        try {
            jSONObject3.put("type", str);
            if (jSONObject2 != null && jSONObject2.length() > 0) {
                jSONObject3.put("custom", jSONObject2);
            Location k10 = k();
            if (k10 != null) {
                JSONObject jSONObject4 = new JSONObject();
                jSONObject4.put("lat", k10.getLatitude());
                jSONObject4.put("lon", k10.getLongitude());
                jSONObject3.put("location", jSONObject4);
            if (!jSONObject3.has("actionDate")) {
                jSONObject3.put("actionDate", sa.a0.f());
            sa.u uVar = p.f4804b;
            if (uVar != null) {
                uVar.a(jSONObject3, "recentNotificationOpened");
        } catch (JSONException e11) {
            y("Error building event object body", e11);
        return jSONObject3;

    public static String j() {
        Locale locale;
        try {
            String p10 = z.p("__locale");
            if (p10 != null || (locale = Locale.getDefault()) == null) {
                return p10;
            String language = locale.getLanguage();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(language)) {
                return p10;
            Locale locale2 = Locale.ENGLISH;
            String lowerCase = language.toLowerCase(locale2);
            String country = locale.getCountry();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(country)) {
                return lowerCase;
            return lowerCase + "_" + country.toUpperCase(locale2);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while getting locale", e10);
            return null;

    public static Location k() {
        Context f10 = f();
        if (f10 == null) {
            return null;
        AtomicReference<Location> atomicReference = v;
        if (atomicReference != null) {
            return atomicReference.get();
        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) f10.getSystemService("location");
        try {
            Iterator<String> it = locationManager.getAllProviders().iterator();
            Location location = null;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                try {
                    Location lastKnownLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(;
                    if (lastKnownLocation != null) {
                        if (lastKnownLocation.getAccuracy() > 0.0f) {
                            if (lastKnownLocation.getAccuracy() < 10000.0f) {
                                if (lastKnownLocation.getTime() >= System.currentTimeMillis() - 1800000) {
                                    if (location != null) {
                                        if (lastKnownLocation.getTime() >= location.getTime() - 120000 && lastKnownLocation.getAccuracy() <= location.getAccuracy()) {
                                    location = lastKnownLocation;
                } catch (SecurityException unused) {
            return location;
        } catch (SecurityException unused2) {
            return null;

    public static t l() {
        if (f4867i == null) {
            f4867i = new t(new b());
        return f4867i;

    public static j m() {
        JSONObject optJSONObject;
        m m10 = m.m();
        if (m10 != null) {
            try {
                optJSONObject = m10.g().optJSONObject("preferences");
            } catch (JSONException unused) {
        } else {
            optJSONObject = null;
        String optString = optJSONObject != null ? optJSONObject.optString("subscriptionStatus") : null;
        if (optString == null) {
            return null;
        j jVar = j.OPT_OUT;
        if (optString.equals("optOut")) {
            return jVar;
        j jVar2 = j.OPT_IN;
        if (optString.equals("optIn")) {
            return jVar2;
        return null;

    public static String n() {
        try {
            String p10 = z.p("__time_zone");
            return p10 == null ? TimeZone.getDefault().getID() : p10;
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while getting timezone", e10);
            return null;

    public static boolean o() {
        try {
            if (f4872o) {
                if (!z.e("__user_consent", false)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while testing user consent", e10);
            return false;

    public static void p(boolean z10) {
        HashSet hashSet;
        if (!f4871n) {
            x("hasUserConsentChanged called before SDK is initialized");
        u("User consent changed to " + z10);
        if (z10) {
            f4873p = new b0();
        } else {
            f4873p = new o0();
        Set<l> set = f4875r;
        synchronized (set) {
            hashSet = new HashSet(set);
        Iterator it = hashSet.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while processing user consent changed listeners", e10);

    public static void q(Context context) {
        try {
            e(context, false);
        } catch (Exception e10) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while initializing the SDK", e10);

    public static void r(Context context, String str, String str2) {
        Application application;
        try {
            u("initialize(" + context.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + str + ", <redacted clientSecret>)");
            if (!f4871n || (str != null && str2 != null && (!str.equals(f4869k) || !str2.equals(l)))) {
                f4871n = false;
                f4863e = context.getApplicationContext();
                f4869k = str;
                l = str2;
                f4870m = "";
                f4868j = new ib.j(new ib.b(str), new ib.m(str, context), context);
                z.f4888a = f().getApplicationContext();
                hb.b.f6528d = z.o();
                try {
                } catch (Exception e10) {
                    Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while initializing WonderPushUserPreferences", e10);
                SharedPreferences o4 = z.o();
                c(!(o4 == null ? false : o4.contains("__override_set_logging")) ? null : Boolean.valueOf(z.e("__override_set_logging", false)));
                Long l10 = m.l;
                synchronized (m.class) {
                    m.f4789p = true;
                com.wonderpush.sdk.g.f4688g.c = true;
                n.c = true;
                Application application2 = (Application) context.getApplicationContext();
                if (c == null) {
                    c = InAppMessaging.initialize(application2, new com.wonderpush.sdk.k(), new sa.f0());
                InAppMessagingDisplay.initialize(application2, c, o7.g.B, o7.g.C);
                f fVar = new f();
                D(new androidx.activity.c(fVar, 23), null);
                a1.a.a(context).b(new g(fVar), new IntentFilter("INTENT_REMOTE_CONFIG_UPDATED"));
                String r10 = z.r();
                u("initForNewUser(" + r10 + ")");
                D(new j0(r10), "initForNewUser");
                f4871n = true;
                if (!o()) {
                    b(new h());
                if (context.getPackageManager().checkPermission("android.permission.INTERNET", context.getPackageName()) != 0) {
                    Log.w("WonderPush", "Missing INTERNET permission. Add <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.INTERNET\" /> under <manifest> in your AndroidManifest.xml");
                if (v == null) {
                    if (context.getPackageManager().checkPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", context.getPackageName()) != 0 && context.getPackageManager().checkPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", context.getPackageName()) != 0) {
                        Log.w("WonderPush", "Permissions ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION have not been declared or granted yet. Make sure you declare <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION\" /> under <manifest> in your AndroidManifest.xml (you can add either or both), and call ActivityCompat.requestPermissions() to request the permission at runtime");
                    } else if (context.getPackageManager().checkPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", context.getPackageName()) != 0) {
                        Log.d("WonderPush", "Only ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission is granted. For more precision, you should strongly consider adding <uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION\" /> under <manifest> in your AndroidManifest.xml");
            Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
            if (f4864f == null && (applicationContext instanceof Application)) {
                f4864f = (Application) applicationContext;
                if (!com.wonderpush.sdk.b.f4628b && (application = f4864f) != null) {
                    com.wonderpush.sdk.b.f4628b = true;
            if (context instanceof Activity) {
                Activity activity = (Activity) context;
                com.wonderpush.sdk.b.c.put(activity, null);
                if (o()) {
                    E(activity, activity.getIntent());
        } catch (Exception e11) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", "Unexpected error while initializing the SDK", e11);

    public static void s() {
        if (!o()) {
            u("onInteraction ignored without user consent");
        long l10 = z.l("__last_interaction_date", 0L);
        JSONObject k10 = z.k("__last_received_notification_info_json");
        if (k10 == null) {
            k10 = new JSONObject();
        long optLong = k10.optLong("actionDate", Long.MAX_VALUE);
        JSONObject k11 = z.k("__last_opened_notification_info_json");
        if (k11 == null) {
            k11 = new JSONObject();
        long optLong2 = k11.optLong("actionDate", Long.MAX_VALUE);
        long f10 = sa.a0.f();
        long j10 = f10 - l10;
        boolean z10 = j10 >= 1800000 || (optLong > l10 && j10 >= 900000);
        if (z.l("__last_app_open_sent_date", 0L) == 0 && !f4879w) {
            z10 = true;
        if (z10) {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            if (optLong <= f10) {
                try {
                    jSONObject.put("lastReceivedNotificationTime", f10 - optLong);
                } catch (JSONException e10) {
                    w("Failed to fill @APP_OPEN previous notification information", e10);
            p.f4804b = null;
            if (f10 - optLong2 < 10000 && k11.length() > 0) {
                String z11 = q5.e.z(k11, "notificationId", null);
                String z12 = q5.e.z(k11, "campaignId", null);
                String z13 = q5.e.z(k11, "viewId", null);
                JSONObject optJSONObject = k11.optJSONObject("reporting");
                sa.u uVar = new sa.u(z12, z11, z13, optJSONObject);
                try {
                    uVar.a(jSONObject, "recentNotificationOpened");
                } catch (JSONException e11) {
                    w("Failed to fill @APP_OPEN opened notification information", e11);
                if (z12 != null || z11 != null || z13 != null || optJSONObject != null) {
                    p.f4804b = uVar;
            try {
                t l11 = l();
                t.c c10 = l11.b() ? null : l11.c();
                if (c10 != null) {
                    jSONObject.put("presence", c10.a());
            } catch (InterruptedException e12) {
                y("Could not start presence", e12);
            } catch (JSONException e13) {
                y("Could not serialize presence", e13);
            if (!t()) {
                d("@VISIT", jSONObject);
                try {
                    jSONObject.put("doNotSynthesizeVisit", true);
                } catch (JSONException e14) {
                    y("Could not add doNotSynthesizeVisit", e14);
            H("@APP_OPEN", jSONObject, null, y2.a.f14195q);
            f4879w = true;
            z.v("__last_appopen_date", f10);
            z.u("__last_appopen_info_json", jSONObject);

    public static boolean t() {
        return m() == j.OPT_IN;

    public static void u(String str) {
        if (f4860a) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", str);

    public static void v(String str, String str2) {
        if (f4860a) {
            Log.d(str, str2);

    public static void w(String str, Throwable th) {
        if (f4860a) {
            Log.d("WonderPush", str, th);

    public static void x(String str) {
        if (f4860a) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", str);

    public static void y(String str, Throwable th) {
        if (f4860a) {
            Log.e("WonderPush", str, th);

    public static synchronized void z(JSONObject jSONObject) {
        synchronized (x.class) {
            u("Synchronizing installation custom fields");
            u("Received installation: " + jSONObject);
            try {
                m.m().i(jSONObject, false);
            } catch (JSONException e10) {
                Log.e("WonderPush", "Failed to receive custom from server", e10);