Kufar v3.2.0版本的 MD5 值为:6a4d203db1c561c7e3bcd50d23fed59f

以下内容为反编译后的 BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.yandex.mapkit.search;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.yandex.mapkit.Image;
import com.yandex.runtime.NativeObject;
import com.yandex.runtime.bindings.Archive;
import com.yandex.runtime.bindings.Serializable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;

public class BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata implements Serializable {
    private List<Group> groups;
    private boolean groups__is_initialized;
    private NativeObject nativeObject;

    public BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata() {
        this.groups__is_initialized = false;

    private native List<Group> getGroups__Native();

    public static String getNativeName() {
        return "yandex::maps::mapkit::search::BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata";

    private native NativeObject init(List<Group> list);

    private static native NativeObject loadNative(ByteBuffer byteBuffer);

    private native ByteBuffer saveNative();

    public synchronized List<Group> getGroups() {
        if (!this.groups__is_initialized) {
            this.groups = getGroups__Native();
            this.groups__is_initialized = true;
        return this.groups;

    public void serialize(Archive archive) {
        if (archive.isReader()) {
            this.nativeObject = loadNative(archive.add((ByteBuffer) null));
        } else {

    public static class Photo implements Serializable {
        private Image image;
        private boolean image__is_initialized;
        private List<LinkInfo> links;
        private boolean links__is_initialized;
        private NativeObject nativeObject;

        public Photo() {
            this.image__is_initialized = false;
            this.links__is_initialized = false;

        private native Image getImage__Native();

        private native List<LinkInfo> getLinks__Native();

        public static String getNativeName() {
            return "yandex::maps::mapkit::search::BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata::Photo";

        private native NativeObject init(Image image, List<LinkInfo> list);

        private static native NativeObject loadNative(ByteBuffer byteBuffer);

        private native ByteBuffer saveNative();

        public synchronized Image getImage() {
            if (!this.image__is_initialized) {
                this.image = getImage__Native();
                this.image__is_initialized = true;
            return this.image;

        public synchronized List<LinkInfo> getLinks() {
            if (!this.links__is_initialized) {
                this.links = getLinks__Native();
                this.links__is_initialized = true;
            return this.links;

        public void serialize(Archive archive) {
            if (archive.isReader()) {
                this.nativeObject = loadNative(archive.add((ByteBuffer) null));
            } else {

        public static class LinkInfo implements Serializable {
            private NativeObject nativeObject;
            private String type;
            private boolean type__is_initialized;
            private String uri;
            private boolean uri__is_initialized;

            public LinkInfo() {
                this.type__is_initialized = false;
                this.uri__is_initialized = false;

            public static String getNativeName() {
                return "yandex::maps::mapkit::search::BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata::Photo::LinkInfo";

            private native String getType__Native();

            private native String getUri__Native();

            private native NativeObject init(String str, String str2);

            private static native NativeObject loadNative(ByteBuffer byteBuffer);

            private native ByteBuffer saveNative();

            public synchronized String getType() {
                if (!this.type__is_initialized) {
                    this.type = getType__Native();
                    this.type__is_initialized = true;
                return this.type;

            public synchronized String getUri() {
                if (!this.uri__is_initialized) {
                    this.uri = getUri__Native();
                    this.uri__is_initialized = true;
                return this.uri;

            public void serialize(Archive archive) {
                if (archive.isReader()) {
                    this.nativeObject = loadNative(archive.add((ByteBuffer) null));
                } else {

            public LinkInfo(@Nullable String str, @NonNull String str2) {
                this.type__is_initialized = false;
                this.uri__is_initialized = false;
                if (str2 != null) {
                    this.nativeObject = init(str, str2);
                    this.type = str;
                    this.type__is_initialized = true;
                    this.uri = str2;
                    this.uri__is_initialized = true;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"uri\" cannot be null");

            private LinkInfo(NativeObject nativeObject) {
                this.type__is_initialized = false;
                this.uri__is_initialized = false;
                this.nativeObject = nativeObject;

        public Photo(@NonNull Image image, @NonNull List<LinkInfo> list) {
            this.image__is_initialized = false;
            this.links__is_initialized = false;
            if (image == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"image\" cannot be null");
            if (list != null) {
                this.nativeObject = init(image, list);
                this.image = image;
                this.image__is_initialized = true;
                this.links = list;
                this.links__is_initialized = true;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"links\" cannot be null");

        private Photo(NativeObject nativeObject) {
            this.image__is_initialized = false;
            this.links__is_initialized = false;
            this.nativeObject = nativeObject;

    public BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata(@NonNull List<Group> list) {
        this.groups__is_initialized = false;
        if (list != null) {
            this.nativeObject = init(list);
            this.groups = list;
            this.groups__is_initialized = true;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"groups\" cannot be null");

    public static class Group implements Serializable {
        private Integer count;
        private boolean count__is_initialized;

        private String f58172id;
        private boolean id__is_initialized;
        private String name;
        private boolean name__is_initialized;
        private NativeObject nativeObject;
        private List<Photo> photos;
        private boolean photos__is_initialized;

        public Group() {
            this.id__is_initialized = false;
            this.count__is_initialized = false;
            this.name__is_initialized = false;
            this.photos__is_initialized = false;

        private native Integer getCount__Native();

        private native String getId__Native();

        private native String getName__Native();

        public static String getNativeName() {
            return "yandex::maps::mapkit::search::BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata::Group";

        private native List<Photo> getPhotos__Native();

        private native NativeObject init(String str, Integer num, String str2, List<Photo> list);

        private static native NativeObject loadNative(ByteBuffer byteBuffer);

        private native ByteBuffer saveNative();

        public synchronized Integer getCount() {
            if (!this.count__is_initialized) {
                this.count = getCount__Native();
                this.count__is_initialized = true;
            return this.count;

        public synchronized String getId() {
            if (!this.id__is_initialized) {
                this.f58172id = getId__Native();
                this.id__is_initialized = true;
            return this.f58172id;

        public synchronized String getName() {
            if (!this.name__is_initialized) {
                this.name = getName__Native();
                this.name__is_initialized = true;
            return this.name;

        public synchronized List<Photo> getPhotos() {
            if (!this.photos__is_initialized) {
                this.photos = getPhotos__Native();
                this.photos__is_initialized = true;
            return this.photos;

        public void serialize(Archive archive) {
            if (archive.isReader()) {
                this.nativeObject = loadNative(archive.add((ByteBuffer) null));
            } else {

        public Group(@NonNull String str, @Nullable Integer num, @Nullable String str2, @NonNull List<Photo> list) {
            this.id__is_initialized = false;
            this.count__is_initialized = false;
            this.name__is_initialized = false;
            this.photos__is_initialized = false;
            if (str == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"id\" cannot be null");
            if (list != null) {
                this.nativeObject = init(str, num, str2, list);
                this.f58172id = str;
                this.id__is_initialized = true;
                this.count = num;
                this.count__is_initialized = true;
                this.name = str2;
                this.name__is_initialized = true;
                this.photos = list;
                this.photos__is_initialized = true;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required field \"photos\" cannot be null");

        private Group(NativeObject nativeObject) {
            this.id__is_initialized = false;
            this.count__is_initialized = false;
            this.name__is_initialized = false;
            this.photos__is_initialized = false;
            this.nativeObject = nativeObject;

    private BusinessPhoto3xObjectMetadata(NativeObject nativeObject) {
        this.groups__is_initialized = false;
        this.nativeObject = nativeObject;