Driving Zone: Germany v1.22.4版本的 MD5 值为:2b6e2d8e8733a3104dcc306c5770286c

以下内容为反编译后的 is1.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.yandex.mobile.ads.impl;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;

public class is1 {

    private final Context f7856a;
    private final js1 b = new js1();
    private final hu1 c = new hu1();
    private final hs1 d = new hs1();

    public is1(Context context) {
        this.f7856a = context.getApplicationContext();

    public void a() {
        hu1 hu1Var = this.c;
        Context context = this.f7856a;
        if (z5.b(context) && this.d.a(this.f7856a)) {
            Log.e("Yandex Mobile Ads", "Yandex Mobile Ads version validation\n***************************************************************************************\n* The integrated version of the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK is outdated.                    *\n* Please update com.yandex.android:mobileads to the latest version.                   *\n* Learn more about the latest version of the SDK here:                                *\n* https://yandex.ru/dev/mobile-ads/doc/android/quick-start/android-ads-component.html *\n* Changelog: https://yandex.ru/dev/mobile-ads/doc/intro/changelog-android.html        *\n***************************************************************************************\n");