Warkop v5.73.0版本的 MD5 值为:a4330ec2d6f5e146f59fc7622f3cdb45

以下内容为反编译后的 u1.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package com.zendrive.sdk.i;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import com.google.android.gms.measurement.api.AppMeasurementSdk;
import com.zendrive.sdk.ZendriveBroadcastReceiver;
import com.zendrive.sdk.ZendriveDriveDetectionMode;
import com.zendrive.sdk.ZendriveEventType;
import com.zendrive.sdk.ZendriveRegion;
import com.zendrive.sdk.ZendriveVehicleType;
import com.zendrive.sdk.data.InsurancePeriodEvent;
import com.zendrive.sdk.data.feedback.EventFeedback;
import com.zendrive.sdk.data.feedback.TripFeedback;
import com.zendrive.sdk.i.k4;
import com.zendrive.sdk.i.o;
import com.zendrive.sdk.manager.GeofenceManager;
import com.zendrive.sdk.manager.ServiceManagerFactory;
import com.zendrive.sdk.receiver.SetupReceiver;
import com.zendrive.sdk.services.TripService;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.PKIFailureInfo;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import sinet.startup.inDriver.core.data.data.NotificationData;

public abstract class u1 {

    private static ServiceManagerFactory f42005a;

    protected static u1 f42006b;

    public static final Object f42007c = new Object();

    public static final Object f42008d = new Object();

    public static final Object f42009e = new Object();

    public static final Object f42010f = new Object();

    static class a extends p {

        final q6 f42011b;

        final String f42012c;

        final Context f42013d;

        a(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, q6 q6Var, String str, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42011b = q6Var;
            this.f42012c = str;
            this.f42013d = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$10", "doOnHandler", "Calling startDriveWithInsurance%s with %s", this.f42011b.name(), this.f42012c);
            if (!u1.i(this.f42013d)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startInsurancePeriod before setup.");
                return a15;
            Context context = this.f42013d;
            int ordinal = this.f42011b.ordinal();
            if (ordinal != 1) {
                if (ordinal != 2) {
                    if (ordinal == 3) {
                        i3.a(context, "startDriveWithPeriod3");
                } else {
                    i3.a(context, "startDriveWithPeriod2");
            } else {
                i3.a(context, "startDriveWithPeriod1");
            String str = this.f42012c;
            if (str != null && !"".equals(str)) {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.d0(this.f42012c)) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_TRACKING_ID, "Not a valid tracking id. Please look at Zendrive.isValidInputParameter(String) for list of disallowed characters in tracking id.");
                    return a16;
                com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a17 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(this.f42013d);
                String str2 = this.f42012c;
                String substring = str2.substring(0, Math.min(str2.length(), 64));
                if (a17.s() == this.f42011b && substring.equals(a17.Q())) {
                    return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a18 = u1.a(this.f42013d, this.f42011b, this.f42012c);
                if (!a18.e()) {
                    return a18;
                u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42013d);
                if (d15 != null) {
                    return d15.b(this.f42013d, this.f42012c);
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a19 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startInsurancePeriod before setup.");
                return a19;
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a25 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_TRACKING_ID, "Tracking id of a drive cannot be null or empty.");
            return a25;

    static class a0 implements Runnable {

        final com.zendrive.sdk.w f42014c;

        a0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
            this.f42014c = wVar;

        public void run() {
            this.f42014c.onCompletion(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, "Cannot perform this operation as ZendriveConfiguration is null"));

    static class b extends p {

        final Context f42015b;

        b(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42015b = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            if (!u1.i(this.f42015b)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call stopInsurancePeriod before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42015b, "stopPeriod");
            return u1.l(this.f42015b);

    static class b0 implements Runnable {

        final com.zendrive.sdk.w f42016c;

        b0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
            this.f42016c = wVar;

        public void run() {
            this.f42016c.onCompletion(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_DEBUG_UPLOAD_ERROR, "Cannot upload ZendriveData on device as ZendriveNotificationContainer is null."));

    static class c extends p {

        final String f42017b;

        final Context f42018c;

        c(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, String str, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42017b = str;
            this.f42018c = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            String str = this.f42017b;
            if (str == null) {
                str = "com.zendrive.sdk.internal";
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$12", "doOnHandler", "Calling startDrive with %s", str);
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42018c);
            if (d15 == null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startDrive before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42018c, "startDrive");
            return d15.b(this.f42018c, str);

    static class c0 implements Runnable {

        final com.zendrive.sdk.w f42019c;

        c0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
            this.f42019c = wVar;

        public void run() {
            this.f42019c.onCompletion(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, "Operation not supported by ZendriveSDK-testing library"));

    static class d extends p {

        final Context f42020b;

        d(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42020b = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$13", "doOnHandler", "Calling stopManualDrive", new Object[0]);
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42020b);
            if (d15 == null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call stopManualDrive before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42020b, "stopManualDrive");
            return d15.m(this.f42020b);

    static class d0 extends p {

        final Context f42021b;

        d0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42021b = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            u1 u1Var;
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42021b);
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$3", "doOnHandler", "Zendrive: Calling teardown on handler from public api", new Object[0]);
            if (d15 != null) {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(this.f42021b)) {
                    Context context = this.f42021b;
                    com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
                    com.zendrive.sdk.l j15 = a15.j();
                    if (j15 == null) {
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "instrumentTeardownApi", "Skipping teardown instrumentation. Zendrive configuration is null.", new Object[0]);
                    } else if (!((HashSet) com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.h(a15.O().f41727d)).contains("SdkMetric")) {
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "instrumentTeardownApi", "Sdk Metric Debug Data Type not enabled, skipping instrumenting teardown api", new Object[0]);
                    } else {
                        String f15 = j15.f();
                        JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
                        try {
                            long a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q0.a();
                            JSONObject a17 = com.zendrive.sdk.manager.k.a(a15, a16, a16);
                            t5 t5Var = t5.PublicApiInstrumentation;
                            a17.put("metricType", 14);
                            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                            JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                            u1Var = d15;
                            try {
                                jSONObject2.put("total", 1);
                                jSONObject.put("teardown", jSONObject2);
                                k4.b bVar = new k4.b("SdkMetric", a17, jSONObject);
                                JSONObject jSONObject3 = new JSONObject();
                                jSONObject3.put(NotificationData.JSON_TYPE, bVar.d());
                                jSONObject3.put("key", bVar.a());
                                jSONObject3.put(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE, bVar.e());
                                if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q.b(context)) {
                                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.y.f(t5Var.toString(), context, "/v1/debug_data?encoding_format=json", jSONArray, f15, 5000);
                            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                                e = e15;
                                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "instrumentTeardownApi", "Skipping teardown instrumentation. Unable to create json: %s", e.getMessage());
                                StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                sb5.append("Collecting SDKHealth point on: ");
                                o5 o5Var = o5.Teardown;
                                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$3", "doOnHandler", sb5.toString(), new Object[0]);
                                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.c0.a(this.f42021b, o5Var);
                                return u1Var.o(this.f42021b.getApplicationContext());
                        } catch (JSONException e16) {
                            e = e16;
                            u1Var = d15;
                        StringBuilder sb52 = new StringBuilder();
                        sb52.append("Collecting SDKHealth point on: ");
                        o5 o5Var2 = o5.Teardown;
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$3", "doOnHandler", sb52.toString(), new Object[0]);
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.c0.a(this.f42021b, o5Var2);
                    u1Var = d15;
                    StringBuilder sb522 = new StringBuilder();
                    sb522.append("Collecting SDKHealth point on: ");
                    o5 o5Var22 = o5.Teardown;
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$3", "doOnHandler", sb522.toString(), new Object[0]);
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.c0.a(this.f42021b, o5Var22);
                } else {
                    u1Var = d15;
                return u1Var.o(this.f42021b.getApplicationContext());
            return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();

    static class e implements Runnable {

        final Context f42022c;

        e(Context context) {
            this.f42022c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42022c, "resumeAutoTracking");

    static class e0 extends p {

        final String f42023b;

        final ik.a f42024c;

        final Context f42025d;

        e0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, String str, ik.a aVar, Context context) {
            super(null, 0 == true ? 1 : 0);
            this.f42023b = str;
            this.f42024c = aVar;
            this.f42025d = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            TripFeedback tripFeedback = new TripFeedback();
            tripFeedback.timestamp = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q0.a();
            try {
                tripFeedback.tripTimestamp = Long.parseLong(this.f42023b);
                ik.a aVar = this.f42024c;
                tripFeedback.falseTrip = false;
                switch (aVar.ordinal()) {
                    case 0:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Car;
                    case 1:
                        tripFeedback.travelerMode = x6.Driver;
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Car;
                    case 2:
                        tripFeedback.travelerMode = x6.Passenger;
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Car;
                    case 3:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Train;
                    case 4:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Bus;
                    case 5:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Bicycle;
                    case 6:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.OnFoot;
                    case 7:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Motorcycle;
                    case 8:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Transit;
                    case 9:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Flight;
                    case 10:
                        tripFeedback.falseTrip = true;
                    case 11:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.NotCar;
                    case 12:
                        tripFeedback.transportationMode = w6.Other;
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42025d);
                if (d15 == null) {
                    return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call addDriveCategoryFeedback before setup.");
                i3.a(this.f42025d, "addDriveCategory");
                return d15.a(tripFeedback);
            } catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Invalid driveId: " + this.f42023b + ". Feedback ignored");

    static class f implements Runnable {

        final Context f42026c;

        f(Context context) {
            this.f42026c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42026c, "isAutoTrackingPaused");

    static class f0 extends p {

        final String f42027b;

        final long f42028c;

        final boolean f42029d;

        final ZendriveEventType f42030e;

        final Context f42031f;

        f0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, String str, long j15, boolean z15, ZendriveEventType zendriveEventType, Context context) {
            super(null, 0 == true ? 1 : 0);
            this.f42027b = str;
            this.f42028c = j15;
            this.f42029d = z15;
            this.f42030e = zendriveEventType;
            this.f42031f = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            n6 n6Var;
            EventFeedback eventFeedback = new EventFeedback();
            eventFeedback.timestamp = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q0.a();
            try {
                eventFeedback.tripTimestamp = Long.parseLong(this.f42027b);
                eventFeedback.eventTimestamp = this.f42028c;
                eventFeedback.falseEvent = !this.f42029d;
                ZendriveEventType zendriveEventType = this.f42030e;
                int i15 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.i0.f42906c;
                switch (zendriveEventType) {
                    case HARD_BRAKE:
                        n6Var = n6.HardBrake;
                    case AGGRESSIVE_ACCELERATION:
                        n6Var = n6.AggressiveAcceleration;
                    case PHONE_HANDLING:
                        n6Var = n6.PhoneUse;
                    case SPEEDING:
                        n6Var = n6.OverSpeeding;
                    case COLLISION:
                        n6Var = n6.Accident;
                    case HARD_TURN:
                        n6Var = n6.HardTurn;
                    case PHONE_SCREEN_INTERACTION:
                        n6Var = n6.PhoneTap;
                    case STOP_SIGN_VIOLATION:
                        n6Var = n6.StopSignViolation;
                    case HANDS_FREE_PHONE_CALL:
                        n6Var = n6.HandsFreePhoneCall;
                    case PASSIVE_DISTRACTION:
                        n6Var = n6.PassiveDistraction;
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                eventFeedback.eventType = n6Var;
                u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42031f);
                if (d15 == null) {
                    return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call addEventFeedback before setup.");
                i3.a(this.f42031f, "addEventOccurrence");
                return d15.a(eventFeedback);
            } catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Invalid driveId: " + this.f42027b + ". Feedback ignored.");

    static class g implements Runnable {

        final Context f42032c;

        final w1 f42033d;

        g(Context context, w1 w1Var) {
            this.f42032c = context;
            this.f42033d = w1Var;

        public void run() {
            com.zendrive.sdk.k kVar;
            i3.a(this.f42032c, "refreshBusinessHours");
            Context context = this.f42032c;
            w1 w1Var = this.f42033d;
            if (!r1.f(context)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("BusinessHoursManager", "refreshBusinessHours", "Business Hours not enabled in config", new Object[0]);
                w1Var.onCompletion(null, com.zendrive.sdk.k.BUSINESS_HOURS_NOT_ENABLED);
            } else {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q.b(context)) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("BusinessHoursManager", "refreshBusinessHours", "No active network is available", new Object[0]);
                    w1Var.onCompletion(null, com.zendrive.sdk.k.NO_NETWORK);
                com.zendrive.sdk.g0 a15 = o1.a(context, false);
                if (a15 == null) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("BusinessHoursManager", "refreshBusinessHours", "The refresh business hours API request was timed out", new Object[0]);
                    kVar = com.zendrive.sdk.k.REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
                } else {
                    kVar = com.zendrive.sdk.k.SUCCESS;
                w1Var.onCompletion(a15, kVar);

    static class g0 implements Runnable {

        final Context f42034c;

        g0(Context context) {
            this.f42034c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42034c, "getActiveDriveInfo");

    static class h extends p {

        final Context f42035b;

        h(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42035b = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            if (u1.i(this.f42035b)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$17", "doOnHandler", "Wipe out request denied since SDK is setup", new Object[0]);
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_NOT_TORN_DOWN, "Cannot wipe out while sdk is running.");
            for (String str : this.f42035b.databaseList()) {
                if (str.startsWith("com.zendrive.sdk.db.")) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.e0[] values = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.e0.values();
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < 5; i15++) {
            Context context = this.f42035b;
            o.a aVar = com.zendrive.sdk.i.o.f41579d;
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.K(context.getFilesDir(), "zendrive_transit_");
            return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();

    static class h0 extends p {

        final Context f42036b;

        final ZendriveDriveDetectionMode f42037c;

        h0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context, ZendriveDriveDetectionMode zendriveDriveDetectionMode) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42036b = context;
            this.f42037c = zendriveDriveDetectionMode;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42036b);
            if (d15 == null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call setZendriveDriveDetectionMode before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42036b, "setZendriveDriveDetectionMode");
            return d15.a(this.f42036b, this.f42037c);

    static class i extends p {

        final com.zendrive.sdk.t f42038b;

        final Context f42039c;

        i(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, com.zendrive.sdk.t tVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42038b = tVar;
            this.f42039c = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$18", "doOnHandler", "Triggering mock accident with %s", this.f42038b.toString());
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42039c);
            if (d15 == null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot trigger mock accident before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42039c, "triggerMockAccident");
            return d15.a(this.f42039c, this.f42038b);

    static class i0 extends p {

        final Context f42040b;

        final q6 f42041c;

        i0(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context, q6 q6Var) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42040b = context;
            this.f42041c = q6Var;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            if (!u1.i(this.f42040b)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startInsurancePeriod before setup.");
                return a15;
            i3.a(this.f42040b, "startPeriod1");
            q6 s15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(this.f42040b).s();
            q6 q6Var = this.f42041c;
            if (s15 == q6Var) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
            return u1.a(this.f42040b, q6Var, (String) null);

    static class j implements Runnable {

        final Context f42042c;

        j(Context context) {
            this.f42042c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42042c, "startSession");

    static class j0 implements Runnable {

        final Context f42043c;

        final UUID f42044d;

        final int f42045e;

        final int f42046f;

        final p1 f42047g;

        j0(Context context, UUID uuid, int i15, int i16, p1 p1Var) {
            this.f42043c = context;
            this.f42044d = uuid;
            this.f42045e = i15;
            this.f42046f = i16;
            this.f42047g = p1Var;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42043c, "getNearbyBeacons");
            com.zendrive.sdk.i.k0.b(this.f42043c, this.f42044d, this.f42045e, this.f42046f, this.f42047g);

    static class k extends p {

        final Context f42048b;

        final com.zendrive.sdk.l f42049c;

        final Class f42050d;

        final Class f42051e;

        k(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.l lVar, Class cls, Class cls2) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42048b = context;
            this.f42049c = lVar;
            this.f42050d = cls;
            this.f42051e = cls2;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            return u1.a(this.f42048b.getApplicationContext(), this.f42049c, this.f42050d, this.f42051e);

    static class k0 implements Runnable {

        final Context f42052c;

        k0(Context context) {
            this.f42052c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42052c, "pauseAutoTracking");

    static class l implements Runnable {

        final Context f42053c;

        l(Context context) {
            this.f42053c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42053c, "stopSession");

    static class m implements Runnable {

        final Context f42054c;

        final x1 f42055d;

        m(Context context, x1 x1Var) {
            this.f42054c = context;
            this.f42055d = x1Var;

        public void run() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42054c);
            if (d15 != null) {
                i3.a(this.f42054c, "getZendriveSettings");
                d15.r().d(this.f42054c, this.f42055d);

    static class n implements Runnable {

        final Context f42056c;

        n(Context context) {
            this.f42056c = context;

        public void run() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42056c);
            if (d15 != null) {
                i3.a(this.f42056c, "uploadAllDebugDataAndLogs");
                m8.a(this.f42056c, d15.n());

    static class o implements Runnable {

        final Context f42057c;

        final Handler f42058d;

        class a implements Runnable {

            final com.zendrive.sdk.j0 f42059c;

            a(com.zendrive.sdk.j0 j0Var) {
                this.f42059c = j0Var;

            public void run() {
                throw null;

        o(Context context, Handler handler, com.zendrive.sdk.k0 k0Var) {
            this.f42057c = context;
            this.f42058d = handler;

        public void run() {
            this.f42058d.post(new a(u1.e(this.f42057c)));

    public static abstract class p {

        private com.zendrive.sdk.w f42061a;

        p(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, k kVar) {

        public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x a();

        void a(com.zendrive.sdk.x xVar) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar = this.f42061a;
            if (wVar != null) {

        private p(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
            this.f42061a = wVar;

    public static class q {

        com.zendrive.sdk.x f42062a;

        q(com.zendrive.sdk.x xVar) {
            this.f42062a = xVar;

    static class r implements Runnable {

        final Context f42063c;

        r(Context context) {
            this.f42063c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42063c, "getZendriveState");

    static class s implements Runnable {

        final Context f42064c;

        s(Context context) {
            this.f42064c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42064c, "associateVehicle");

    static class t implements Runnable {

        final Context f42065c;

        final List f42066d;

        final com.zendrive.sdk.l0 f42067e;

        t(Context context, List list, com.zendrive.sdk.l0 l0Var) {
            this.f42065c = context;
            this.f42066d = list;
            this.f42067e = l0Var;

        public void run() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42065c);
            if (d15 != null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.manager.u p15 = d15.p();
                if (p15 != null) {

    static class u implements Runnable {

        final Context f42068c;

        u(Context context) {
            this.f42068c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42068c, "dissociateVehicle");

    static class v extends p {

        final Context f42069b;

        v(com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar, Context context) {
            super(wVar, null);
            this.f42069b = context;

        public com.zendrive.sdk.x a() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42069b);
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$2", "doOnHandler", "Zendrive: Calling teardown as external message on handler", new Object[0]);
            if (d15 != null) {
                return d15.o(this.f42069b.getApplicationContext());
            return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();

    static class w implements Runnable {

        final Context f42070c;

        final List f42071d;

        final String f42072e;

        w(Context context, List list, String str) {
            this.f42070c = context;
            this.f42071d = list;
            this.f42072e = str;

        public void run() {
            u1 d15 = u1.d(this.f42070c);
            if (d15 != null) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.manager.u p15 = d15.p();
                if (p15 != null) {

    static class x implements Runnable {

        final Context f42073c;

        x(Context context) {
            this.f42073c = context;

        public void run() {
            i3.a(this.f42073c, "getAssociatedVehicles");

    public static class y implements Runnable {

        final p f42074c;

        final Handler f42075d;

        class a implements Runnable {

            final com.zendrive.sdk.x f42076c;

            a(com.zendrive.sdk.x xVar) {
                this.f42076c = xVar;

            public void run() {

        y(p pVar, Handler handler) {
            this.f42074c = pVar;
            this.f42075d = handler;

        public void run() {
            if (!this.f42075d.post(new a(this.f42074c.a()))) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl$26", "run", "Failed to post result to app handler %s", this.f42075d.getLooper().getThread().getName());

    static class z implements Runnable {

        final Context f42078c;

        z(Context context) {
            this.f42078c = context;

        public void run() {
            if (u1.i(this.f42078c)) {
                if (com.zendrive.sdk.receiver.i.k()) {

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.b b(Context context) {
        u1 u1Var = f42006b;
        if (u1Var == null) {
            return null;
        x5.b(context, new g0(context));
        return u1Var.b();

    public static void c(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new v(null, context));

    public static synchronized u1 d(Context context) {
        u1 u1Var;
        synchronized (u1.class) {
            try {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context).X()) {
                    f42006b = null;
                } else if (f42006b == null) {
                    if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
                        f42006b = l1.p(context);
                    } else {
                        f42006b = m1.p(context);
                u1Var = f42006b;
            } catch (Throwable th4) {
                throw th4;
        return u1Var;

    public static void e(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new h(wVar, context));

    public static void f(Context context) {
        x5.b(context, new z(context));

    public static boolean g(Context context) {
        x5.b(context, new f(context));
        return s2.f41873a.b(context);

    private static boolean h(Context context) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        return a15.W() && com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.z(a15.O()) && a15.b(context) && a15.T();

    public static u1 i() {
        return f42006b;

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.a0 j(Context context) {
        x5.b(context, new e(context));
        return s2.f41873a.c(context);

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.x k(Context context) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "sendDebugReport", "ZendriveImpl: sendDebugReport", new Object[0]);
        long a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q0.a();
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (i(context)) {
            if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, "Operation not supported by ZendriveSDK-testing library");
            x5.b(context, new n(context));
            return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
        return com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call send debug report before setup.");

    public static ServiceManagerFactory l() {
        if (f42005a == null) {
            ServiceLoader load = ServiceLoader.load(ServiceManagerFactory.class);
            if (load.iterator().hasNext()) {
                f42005a = (ServiceManagerFactory) load.iterator().next();
        return f42005a;

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.x n(Context context) {
        u1 d15;
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (i(context)) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "stopSession", "Stopping session", new Object[0]);
            x5.b(context, new l(context));
            a15.g((String) null);
            if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context) && (d15 = d(context)) != null) {
                d15.b((String) null);
            return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
        com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call stopSession before setup.");
        return a16;

    public abstract void A();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x a(Context context, ZendriveDriveDetectionMode zendriveDriveDetectionMode);

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.t tVar);

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x a(EventFeedback eventFeedback);

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x a(TripFeedback tripFeedback);

    public abstract List<String> a(String str);

    public abstract void a();

    public abstract void a(s5 s5Var, String str, f8 f8Var);

    public abstract void a(com.zendrive.sdk.m mVar);

    public abstract void a(com.zendrive.sdk.manager.b bVar);

    protected abstract void a(String str, com.zendrive.sdk.l lVar, String str2, com.zendrive.sdk.data.g gVar, String str3);

    public abstract void a(List<com.zendrive.sdk.l0> list);

    public abstract boolean a(Context context, int i15);

    protected abstract boolean a(Context context, ZendriveRegion zendriveRegion, boolean z15);

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.b b();

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x b(Context context, String str);

    protected abstract void b(String str);

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.b c();

    public abstract Context d();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.i.k e();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.k f();

    public abstract GeofenceManager g();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.c h();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.o j();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.d k();

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x m(Context context);

    public abstract Long m();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.y n();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.i.w o();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x o(Context context);

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.u p();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.c q();

    public abstract com.zendrive.sdk.manager.z r();

    public abstract void s();

    public abstract boolean t();

    public abstract boolean u();

    public abstract void v();

    public abstract void w();

    public abstract void x();

    public abstract void y();

    protected abstract com.zendrive.sdk.x z();

    public static void a(Context context, @NonNull com.zendrive.sdk.l lVar, Class<? extends ZendriveBroadcastReceiver> cls, Class<? extends com.zendrive.sdk.v> cls2, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new k(wVar, context, lVar, cls, cls2));

    public static List<com.zendrive.sdk.l0> c(Context context) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (!i(context)) {
            return null;
        x5.b(context, new x(context));
        return a15.R();

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.j0 e(Context context) {
        if (!i(context)) {
            return null;
        com.zendrive.sdk.j0 j0Var = new com.zendrive.sdk.j0();
        com.zendrive.sdk.l j15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context).j();
        if (j15 == null) {
            return null;
        j0Var.f42420a = j15;
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        j0Var.f42421b = TripService.d();
        String i15 = a15.i();
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i15)) {
            j0Var.f42424e = r1.g(i15);
        u1 u1Var = f42006b;
        if (u1Var != null) {
            j0Var.f42423d = a15.L();
            j0Var.f42422c = u1Var.b() != null;
        return j0Var;

    public static boolean i(Context context) {
        if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
            return h(context) && com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.s.b(context.getApplicationContext(), SetupReceiver.class, 0, PKIFailureInfo.duplicateCertReq, true) != null;
        try {
            Class<?> cls = Class.forName("com.zendrive.sdk.testing.mockdrive.internal.ZendriveMock");
            Method method = cls.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]);
            Object invoke = cls.getMethod("getAppBroadcastReceiver", new Class[0]).invoke(method.invoke(null, new Object[0]), new Object[0]);
            Object invoke2 = cls.getMethod("getAppNotificationProvider", new Class[0]).invoke(method.invoke(null, new Object[0]), new Object[0]);
            com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
            if (invoke != null && invoke2 != null && a15.W() && a15.b(context)) {
                if (a15.T()) {
                    return true;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    static com.zendrive.sdk.x a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.l lVar, Class cls, Class cls2) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.x a15;
        q qVar;
        String str;
        boolean z15;
        b5 b5Var;
        q qVar2;
        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.a0 a0Var;
        String str2;
        com.zendrive.sdk.x xVar;
        com.zendrive.sdk.x xVar2;
        String str3;
        int i15;
        String str4 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.i.f42903a;
        com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = (cls2 == null && com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.a(context)) ? com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.NOTIFICATION_PROVIDER_ERROR, "Notification Provider is required for Zendrive SDK setup") : null;
        if (a16 != null) {
            return a16;
        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "setup", "Setup running on thread %s", Thread.currentThread().getName());
        boolean i16 = i(context);
        com.zendrive.sdk.x b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
        if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.n.d(context)) {
            if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k0.b()) {
                if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k0.a() == null) {
                    b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE, "Zendrive SDK does not support this device, please contact support@zendrive.com.");
                } else if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.n.g(context)) {
                    b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.GOOGLE_AND_HUAWEI_MOBILE_SERVICES_UNAVAILABLE, "Cannot setup Zendrive SDK as both Google and Huawei Mobile Services are not available on this device.");
                } else if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.n.k(context)) {
                    b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.HUAWEI_MOBILE_SERVICES_UPDATE_REQUIRED, "Cannot setup Zendrive SDK as Huawei Mobile Services version installed on device needs to be updated.");
            } else {
                b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_UNAVAILABLE, "Cannot setup Zendrive SDK as Google Play services is not available on this device.");
        } else if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.n.e(context)) {
            b15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_UPDATE_REQUIRED, "Cannot setup zendrive SDK as Google Play Services version installed on device needs to be updated.");
        if (!b15.e()) {
            qVar = new q(b15);
        } else {
            String str5 = "";
            if (lVar == null) {
                a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, "Cannot perform this operation as ZendriveConfiguration is null");
            } else if (lVar.b() != null && !"".equals(lVar.b())) {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.d0(lVar.b())) {
                    a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_DRIVER_ID, "Not a valid driver Id, cannot continue. Please look at Zendrive.isValidInputParameter(String) for list of disallowed characters in driverId");
                } else if (lVar.b().length() > 64) {
                    a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_DRIVER_ID, "driverId cannot be longer than 64 characters.");
                } else {
                    String f15 = lVar.f();
                    if (f15 != null && !"".equals(f15)) {
                        if (lVar.e() == null) {
                            a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.REGION_UNSUPPORTED, "Not a supported region. Please contact support@zendrive.com.");
                        } else {
                            a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
                    } else {
                        a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_SDK_KEY, "Not a valid sdk key, cannot continue. To get your key, please sign up at https://developers.zendrive.com..  If you have already signed up, ensure that you are using the SDK key from your account and not the Analytics API key for SDK setup.");
            } else {
                a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_DRIVER_ID, "Invalid value supplied for driver id. It should be a non null, non empty string which uniquely identifies this driver for this application");
            if (!a15.e()) {
                qVar = new q(a15);
            } else {
                com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a17 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
                com.zendrive.sdk.l j15 = a17.j();
                if (j15 == null) {
                    File file = new File(com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.f0(context), "regionName.json");
                    if (file.exists()) {
                        try {
                            if (new JSONObject(com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.X(new FileInputStream(file))).getInt("region") != lVar.e().getValue()) {
                                qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.REGION_SWITCH_ERROR, "Changing region is not allowed. Please contact support@zendrive.com."));
                        } catch (IOException | JSONException unused) {
                    if (h(context) || j15 == null) {
                        str = "setup";
                        z15 = i16;
                    } else if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.O(j15, lVar)) {
                        z15 = i16;
                        str = "setup";
                        if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.q(context.getPackageName(), a17.f(), lVar.b(), com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.d0.a(context), lVar.e()).equals(a17.n())) {
                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.h("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Setup called with same configuration after back up and restore of SDK data. Re-initializing the SDK.", new Object[0]);
                        } else {
                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.h("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive is already setup for this driver Id.", new Object[0]);
                            a17.a((Class<? extends ZendriveBroadcastReceiver>) cls);
                            a17.b((Class<? extends com.zendrive.sdk.v>) cls2);
                            u1 d15 = d(context);
                            u1 u1Var = f42006b;
                            if (lVar.g() != j15.g()) {
                                xVar = u1Var.a(context, lVar.g());
                                xVar2 = xVar.e() ? xVar : null;
                                if (xVar != null && xVar.e()) {
                                if (xVar == null) {
                                    xVar = com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
                                qVar = new q(xVar);
                                if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                                    u1 d16 = d(context);
                                    if (d16 != null) {
                                        int ordinal = qVar.f42062a.c().ordinal();
                                        if (ordinal == 3) {
                                            str3 = str;
                                            i15 = 0;
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str3, "Passed sdkKey: " + lVar.f(), new Object[0]);
                                        } else if (ordinal == 4) {
                                            str3 = str;
                                            i15 = 0;
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str3, "Passed userId: " + lVar.b(), new Object[0]);
                                        } else if (ordinal != 18) {
                                            str3 = str;
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str3, "Setup task failed with error code: " + qVar.f42062a.c(), new Object[0]);
                                            i15 = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            str3 = str;
                                            StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                            sb5.append("NotificationProvider: ");
                                            sb5.append(cls2 == null ? "null" : cls2.getName());
                                            i15 = 0;
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str3, sb5.toString(), new Object[0]);
                                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str3, "Setup failed: " + qVar.f42062a.d(), new Object[i15]);
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    String str6 = str;
                                    if (com.zendrive.sdk.services.e.f()) {
                                        d(context).a(context, 5);
                                    if (!f42006b.a(context, lVar.e(), z15)) {
                                        com.zendrive.sdk.x a18 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Something bad happened. Zendrive SDK is in inconsistent state. Contact support@zendrive.com if problem persists.");
                                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str6, "Setup failed: " + a18.d(), new Object[0]);
                                        return a18;
                                    com.zendrive.sdk.i.c a19 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.c.a(context);
                                    a19.e(new Intent("com.zendrive.sdk.LOCATION_SETTINGS"));
                                    a19.e(new Intent("com.zendrive.sdk.LOCATION_PERMISSION"));
                                    i3.a(context, str6);
                                    x5.b(context, new y7(context));
                                    StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                                    sb6.append("Collecting SDKHealth point on: ");
                                    o5 o5Var = o5.SdkSetup;
                                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", str6, sb6.toString(), new Object[0]);
                                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.c0.a(context, o5Var);
                                return qVar.f42062a;
                            if (!lVar.a().equals(j15.a())) {
                            xVar = xVar2 != null ? xVar2 : com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
                            if (xVar != null) {
                            if (xVar == null) {
                            qVar = new q(xVar);
                            if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                            return qVar.f42062a;
                    } else {
                        str = "setup";
                        z15 = i16;
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.h("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive is setup already with a different configuration. Tearing it down and re-initializing", new Object[0]);
                        u1 d17 = d(context);
                        if (d17 != null) {
                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Setup called with a different configuration", new Object[0]);
                        } else {
                    if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
                        String a25 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.d0.a(context);
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.y0 a26 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.y0.a(context, a17, lVar, a25);
                        if (a26 != null && (a0Var = a26.f43004a) != com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.a0.INVALID_SDK_KEY) {
                            if (a0Var == com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.a0.REGION_UNSUPPORTED) {
                                com.zendrive.sdk.x a27 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.REGION_UNSUPPORTED, "Not a supported region. Please contact support@zendrive.com.");
                                qVar2 = new q(a27);
                            } else if (a0Var == com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.a0.USER_DEPROVISIONED) {
                                com.zendrive.sdk.x a28 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.USER_DEPROVISIONED, "The user has been deprovisioned from using the Zendrive SDK.");
                                qVar2 = new q(a28);
                            } else if (a0Var != com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.a0.OK) {
                                com.zendrive.sdk.x a29 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Cannot setup on device as network connectivity is unavailable or is flaky. Zendrive setup requires network connectivity. Try again after connecting the device to a reliable network. Contact support@zendrive.com if problem persists.");
                                qVar2 = new q(a29);
                            } else {
                                q5 c15 = com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.c(a26.f43005b);
                                if (c15 != null && c15.f41726c != null && c15.f41728e != null && c15.f41725b != null && c15.f41727d != null && (str2 = c15.f41724a) != null && com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.b(str2) != null) {
                                    if (!com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.z(c15)) {
                                        qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Invalid network response. Please contact support@zendrive.com."));
                                    } else {
                                        b5Var = com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.b(c15.f41724a);
                                        if (b5Var == null) {
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.x a35 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_SDK_KEY, "Unable to parse SDK key. Please contact support@zendrive.com if issue persists.");
                                            qVar2 = new q(a35);
                                        } else if (!com.zendrive.sdk.cdetectorlib.h.y(c15) && lVar.a().f() == ZendriveVehicleType.MOTORCYCLE) {
                                            com.zendrive.sdk.x a36 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.UNSUPPORTED_VEHICLE_TYPE, "Motorcycle feature is not currently supported. Please contact support@zendrive.com.");
                                            qVar2 = new q(a36);
                                        } else {
                                            String q15 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.q(context.getPackageName(), b5Var.f40818a, lVar.b(), a25, lVar.e());
                                            if (q15 != null && !"".equals(q15)) {
                                                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Created new id : " + q15, new Object[0]);
                                                str5 = a25;
                                            } else {
                                                com.zendrive.sdk.x a37 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Driver Id could not be computed. Driver id: " + lVar.b());
                                                qVar2 = new q(a37);
                                } else {
                                    qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.ZENDRIVE_SDK_ERROR, "Unable to parse binary network response. Please contact support@zendrive.com if issue persists."));
                                if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                                return qVar.f42062a;
                        } else {
                            com.zendrive.sdk.x a38 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_SDK_KEY, "Not a valid sdk key, cannot continue. To get your key, please sign up at https://developers.zendrive.com..  If you have already signed up, ensure that you are using the SDK key from your account and not the Analytics API key for SDK setup.");
                            qVar2 = new q(a38);
                        qVar = qVar2;
                        if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                        return qVar.f42062a;
                    b5Var = null;
                    a17.a((Class<? extends ZendriveBroadcastReceiver>) cls);
                    a17.b((Class<? extends com.zendrive.sdk.v>) cls2);
                    if (f42006b != null && !a17.X()) {
                        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive instance is not null even though this is a new setup call", new Object[0]);
                    u1 d18 = d(context);
                    d18.a(b5Var != null ? null : b5Var.f40818a, lVar, str5, com.zendrive.sdk.data.g.a(context), a17.t());
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.h("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive is setup.", new Object[0]);
                    qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.b());
                    if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                    return qVar.f42062a;
                if (j15.e() != lVar.e()) {
                    qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.REGION_SWITCH_ERROR, "Changing region is not allowed. Please contact support@zendrive.com."));
                if (h(context)) {
                str = "setup";
                z15 = i16;
                if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
                a17.a((Class<? extends ZendriveBroadcastReceiver>) cls);
                a17.b((Class<? extends com.zendrive.sdk.v>) cls2);
                if (f42006b != null) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive instance is not null even though this is a new setup call", new Object[0]);
                u1 d182 = d(context);
                d182.a(b5Var != null ? null : b5Var.f40818a, lVar, str5, com.zendrive.sdk.data.g.a(context), a17.t());
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.h("ZendriveImpl", "setupInBackgroundThread", "Zendrive is setup.", new Object[0]);
                qVar = new q(com.zendrive.sdk.x.b());
                if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
                return qVar.f42062a;
        str = "setup";
        z15 = i16;
        if (!qVar.f42062a.e()) {
        return qVar.f42062a;

    public static void b(@NonNull Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new b(wVar, context));

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.x l(Context context) {
        u1 d15 = d(context);
        if (d15 == null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call stopInsurancePeriod before setup.");
            return a15;
        if (!d15.a(context, ZendriveDriveDetectionMode.AUTO_OFF).e()) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call stopInsurancePeriod before setup.");
            return a16;
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a17 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        com.zendrive.sdk.j0 e15 = e(context);
        if (e15 != null && e15.f42422c && a17.Q() != null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.x m15 = d15.m(context);
            if (!m15.e()) {
                return m15;
        return d15.z();

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.x c(Context context, String str) {
        u1 d15;
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (i(context)) {
            x5.b(context, new j(context));
            if (str != null && !"".equals(str)) {
                if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.d0(str)) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_SESSION_ID, "Not a valid session id. Please look at Zendrive.isValidInputParameter(String) for list of disallowed characters in session id.");
                    return a16;
                String substring = str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), 64));
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "startSession", "Starting session with id : " + substring, new Object[0]);
                if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context) && (d15 = d(context)) != null) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a17 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.INVALID_SESSION_ID, "Session id cannot be null or empty.");
            return a17;
        com.zendrive.sdk.x a18 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startSession before setup.");
        return a18;

    public static void d(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new d0(wVar, context));

    public static void a(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String str, @NonNull ik.a aVar) {
        a(new e0(null, str, aVar, context));

    public static void a(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String str, long j15, @NonNull ZendriveEventType zendriveEventType, boolean z15) {
        a(new f0(null, str, j15, z15, zendriveEventType, context));

    public static void a(Context context, @NonNull com.zendrive.sdk.f0 f0Var) {
        x1 x1Var = new x1(f0Var);
        if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
            f0Var.onComplete(new com.zendrive.sdk.e0(new ArrayList(), new ArrayList()));
        } else {
            x5.b(context, new m(context, x1Var));

    public static void a(Context context, ZendriveDriveDetectionMode zendriveDriveDetectionMode, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new h0(wVar, context, zendriveDriveDetectionMode));

    public static void a(Context context, q6 q6Var, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new i0(wVar, context, q6Var));

    public static void a(Context context, String str, @NonNull q6 q6Var, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new a(wVar, q6Var, str, context));

    public static void a(Context context, String str, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new c(wVar, str, context));

    public static void a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new d(wVar, context));

    static com.zendrive.sdk.x a(Context context, q6 q6Var, String str) {
        u1 d15 = d(context);
        if (d15 == null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.x.a(com.zendrive.sdk.n.SDK_NOT_SETUP, "Cannot call startInsurancePeriod before setup.");
            return a15;
        com.zendrive.sdk.x l15 = l(context);
        if (!l15.e()) {
            return l15;
        if (q6Var == q6.Period1 && str == null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.x a16 = d15.a(context, ZendriveDriveDetectionMode.AUTO_ON);
            if (!a16.e()) {
                return a16;
        com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "startInsurancePeriod", "Starting insurance period with id : " + q6Var.name(), new Object[0]);
        d15.e().a(new InsurancePeriodEvent(q6Var, com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.q0.a(), p6.Start));
        return com.zendrive.sdk.x.b();

    public static void a(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull com.zendrive.sdk.t tVar, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        a(new i(wVar, tVar, context));

    public static void a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.k0 k0Var) {
        x5.d(new o(context, com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.m0(), k0Var));
        x5.b(context, new r(context));

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.o0 a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.l0 l0Var) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (i(context)) {
            x5.b(context, new s(context));
            if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.i.f(context)) {
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "associateVehicle", "Trying to associate a vehicle when bluetooth permission is revoked", new Object[0]);
                return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.BLUETOOTH_PERMISSION_REVOKED;
            if (l0Var != null && com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.p0.c(l0Var.b()) && BluetoothAdapter.checkBluetoothAddress(l0Var.a())) {
                List<com.zendrive.sdk.l0> R = a15.R();
                ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList) R;
                if (!arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                    Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        com.zendrive.sdk.l0 l0Var2 = (com.zendrive.sdk.l0) it.next();
                        if (l0Var2.b().equals(l0Var.b()) || l0Var2.a().equals(l0Var.a())) {
                            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "associateVehicle", "Vehicle info %s conflicts with associated vehicle %s", l0Var.toString(), l0Var2.toString());
                            return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.ASSOCIATED_VEHICLE_CONFLICT;
                List<String> a16 = com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.p0.a(context);
                if (!a16.contains(l0Var.b()) && a16.size() == 10) {
                    com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "associateVehicle", "Maximum number of associated vehicles reached", new Object[0]);
                    return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.ASSOCIATED_VEHICLES_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
                com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "associateVehicle", "Associated new vehicle: %s", l0Var.toString());
                x5.b(context, new t(context, R, l0Var));
                return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.SUCCESS;
            return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.INVALID_ZENDRIVE_VEHICLE_INFO;
        return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.SDK_NOT_SETUP;

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.o0 a(Context context, String str) {
        com.zendrive.sdk.l0 l0Var;
        com.zendrive.sdk.i.w a15 = com.zendrive.sdk.i.w.a(context);
        if (i(context)) {
            x5.b(context, new u(context));
            if (!com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.p0.c(str)) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
            List<com.zendrive.sdk.l0> R = a15.R();
            ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList) R;
            if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.VEHICLE_NOT_ASSOCIATED;
            Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
            while (true) {
                if (!it.hasNext()) {
                    l0Var = null;
                l0Var = (com.zendrive.sdk.l0) it.next();
                if (str.equals(l0Var.b())) {
            if (l0Var == null) {
                return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.VEHICLE_NOT_ASSOCIATED;
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.b1.d("ZendriveImpl", "dissociateVehicle", "Dissociated vehicle: %s", l0Var.toString());
            x5.b(context, new w(context, R, str));
            return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.SUCCESS;
        return com.zendrive.sdk.o0.SDK_NOT_SETUP;

    private static void a(@NonNull p pVar) {
        x5.d(new y(pVar, com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.m0()));

    public static void a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.l lVar, com.zendrive.sdk.u uVar, com.zendrive.sdk.w wVar) {
        if (lVar == null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.m0().post(new a0(wVar));
        if (uVar == null) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.m0().post(new b0(wVar));
        } else if (com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.k.c(context)) {
            com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.m.m0().post(new c0(wVar));
        } else {
            new com.zendrive.sdk.utilities.v0(context.getApplicationContext(), lVar, uVar, wVar).b();

    public static void a(Context context, UUID uuid, Integer num, Integer num2, com.zendrive.sdk.j jVar) {
        x5.d(new j0(context, uuid, num == null ? -1 : num.intValue(), num2 != null ? num2.intValue() : -1, new p1(jVar)));

    public static com.zendrive.sdk.y a(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Long l15) {
        x5.d(new k0(context));
        return s2.f41873a.a(context, l15.longValue(), s6.User);

    public static void a(Context context, com.zendrive.sdk.z zVar) {
        x5.d(new g(context, new w1(zVar)));