Flash Cleaner v1.0.14版本的 MD5 值为:afbed0179616af7c25ad332b251e759c

以下内容为反编译后的 b.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package d3;

import a3.h1;
import ad.p;
import ad.r;
import ad.s;
import ad.v;
import ad.z;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipDescription;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.net.ConnectivityManager;
import android.net.NetworkInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputContentInfo;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.g4;
import com.applab.flashcleaner.lock.activities.main.SplashLockActivity;
import com.applab.flashcleaner.screen.guildPermission.GuildPermissionActivity;
import com.applab.flashcleaner.screen.listAppSelect.AppSelectActivity;
import com.applab.flashcleaner.screen.smartCharger.SmartChargerActivity;
import com.daimajia.androidanimations.library.YoYo;
import com.google.android.gms.common.ConnectionResult;
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.CommonStatusCodes;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.Preconditions;
import com.google.firebase.crashlytics.CrashlyticsRegistrar;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessaging;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.b0;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.c0;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.u;
import com.google.firebase.messaging.x;
import f.f0;
import ib.t3;
import ja.n;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import k1.u0;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.y;
import mb.h;
import mb.q;
import org.litepal.BuildConfig;
import q2.m;
import qa.i;
import ra.g;
import ra.j;
import ra.k;
import ra.l;
import v0.l0;
import v4.o;
import v6.a0;
public final class b implements c6.e, z5.d, sb.d, YoYo.AnimatorCallback, sa.b, j, b3.d, qd.a, mb.a, h, mb.d, uc.e {
    public final int f7290a;
    public final Object f7291b;

    public b(int i10, Object obj) {
        this.f7290a = i10;
        this.f7291b = obj;

    public void a() {
        SplashLockActivity splashLockActivity = (SplashLockActivity) this.f7291b;
        int i10 = SplashLockActivity.f5219n;
        try {
            splashLockActivity.startActivityForResult(new Intent("android.settings.USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS"), 1);
            GuildPermissionActivity.J(splashLockActivity, "android.settings.USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS");
        } catch (Exception unused) {

    public Object apply(Object obj) {
        InputStream inputStream;
        int i10 = this.f7290a;
        Object obj2 = this.f7291b;
        switch (i10) {
            case 9:
                ia.d dVar = (ia.d) obj2;
                ia.b bVar = (ia.b) obj;
                URL url = bVar.f10228a;
                String y5 = m.y("CctTransportBackend");
                if (Log.isLoggable(y5, 4)) {
                    Log.i(y5, String.format("Making request to: %s", url));
                HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) bVar.f10228a.openConnection();
                httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", String.format("datatransport/%s android/", "3.1.8"));
                httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
                httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
                httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
                String str = bVar.f10230c;
                if (str != null) {
                    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("X-Goog-Api-Key", str);
                try {
                    OutputStream outputStream = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream();
                    try {
                        GZIPOutputStream gZIPOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream);
                        dVar.f10234a.c(bVar.f10229b, new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(gZIPOutputStream)));
                        if (outputStream != null) {
                        int responseCode = httpURLConnection.getResponseCode();
                        Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(responseCode);
                        String y10 = m.y("CctTransportBackend");
                        if (Log.isLoggable(y10, 4)) {
                            Log.i(y10, String.format("Status Code: %d", valueOf));
                        m.r(httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Type"), "CctTransportBackend", "Content-Type: %s");
                        m.r(httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Encoding"), "CctTransportBackend", "Content-Encoding: %s");
                        if (responseCode != 302 && responseCode != 301 && responseCode != 307) {
                            if (responseCode != 200) {
                                return new ia.c(responseCode, null, 0L);
                            InputStream inputStream2 = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
                            try {
                                if ("gzip".equals(httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Encoding"))) {
                                    inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream2);
                                } else {
                                    inputStream = inputStream2;
                                ia.c cVar = new ia.c(responseCode, null, n.a(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))).f11505a);
                                if (inputStream != null) {
                                if (inputStream2 != null) {
                                return cVar;
                            } catch (Throwable th) {
                                if (inputStream2 != null) {
                                    try {
                                    } catch (Throwable th2) {
                                throw th;
                        return new ia.c(responseCode, new URL(httpURLConnection.getHeaderField("Location")), 0L);
                    } catch (Throwable th3) {
                        if (outputStream != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable th4) {
                        throw th3;
                } catch (ConnectException e10) {
                    e = e10;
                    m.t("CctTransportBackend", "Couldn't open connection, returning with 500", e);
                    return new ia.c(500, null, 0L);
                } catch (UnknownHostException e11) {
                    e = e11;
                    m.t("CctTransportBackend", "Couldn't open connection, returning with 500", e);
                    return new ia.c(500, null, 0L);
                } catch (IOException e12) {
                    e = e12;
                    m.t("CctTransportBackend", "Couldn't encode request, returning with 400", e);
                    return new ia.c(400, null, 0L);
                } catch (jd.b e13) {
                    e = e13;
                    m.t("CctTransportBackend", "Couldn't encode request, returning with 400", e);
                    return new ia.c(400, null, 0L);
                Map map = (Map) obj2;
                Cursor cursor = (Cursor) obj;
                ha.b bVar2 = l.f15138f;
                while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                    long j9 = cursor.getLong(0);
                    Set set = (Set) map.get(Long.valueOf(j9));
                    if (set == null) {
                        set = new HashSet();
                        map.put(Long.valueOf(j9), set);
                    set.add(new k(cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2)));
                return null;

    public Object b() {
        int i10 = this.f7290a;
        Object obj = this.f7291b;
        switch (i10) {
            case 10:
                l lVar = (l) ((ra.d) obj);
                return Integer.valueOf(((Integer) lVar.h(new ra.e(0, ((ta.b) lVar.f15140b).a() - lVar.f15142d.f15117d, lVar))).intValue());
            case 11:
                l lVar2 = (l) ((i) obj).f14914i;
                lVar2.h(new g(lVar2, 0));
                return null;
            case 12:
                l lVar3 = (l) ((ra.c) obj);
                int i11 = na.a.f13651e;
                o oVar = new o(4);
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                SQLiteDatabase a10 = lVar3.a();
                try {
                    na.a aVar = (na.a) l.F(a10.rawQuery("SELECT log_source, reason, events_dropped_count FROM log_event_dropped", new String[0]), new a0(lVar3, hashMap, oVar, 5));
                    return aVar;
                } finally {
                qa.j jVar = (qa.j) obj;
                l lVar4 = (l) jVar.f14916b;
                for (ka.i iVar : (Iterable) lVar4.h(new w0.e(8))) {
                    ((qa.c) jVar.f14917c).a(iVar, 1, false);
                return null;

    public void c(List list) {
        AppSelectActivity.J((AppSelectActivity) this.f7291b, list);

    public void call(Animator animator) {
        SmartChargerActivity.J((SmartChargerActivity) this.f7291b);

    public void d(qd.c cVar) {
        xc.b bVar = (xc.b) this.f7291b;
        if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
            Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Crashlytics native component now available.", null);
        bVar.f18358b.set((xc.a) cVar.get());

    public Object e(g4 g4Var) {
        p pVar;
        String str;
        Throwable th;
        a4.b bVar;
        String str2;
        int i10;
        q qVar;
        q k3;
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        ExecutorService executorService;
        String str3;
        boolean z12;
        ed.b bVar2;
        bd.c cVar;
        boolean exists;
        boolean z13;
        boolean z14;
        Future<?> submit;
        String str4;
        Resources resources;
        gd.a g4;
        int i11 = this.f7290a;
        Object obj = this.f7291b;
        switch (i11) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                return obj;
                ((CrashlyticsRegistrar) obj).getClass();
                nc.g gVar = (nc.g) g4Var.a(nc.g.class);
                qd.b h10 = g4Var.h(xc.a.class);
                qd.b h11 = g4Var.h(rc.b.class);
                Context context = gVar.f13722a;
                String packageName = context.getPackageName();
                Log.i("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.3.5 for " + packageName, null);
                ed.b bVar3 = new ed.b(context);
                s sVar = new s(gVar);
                v vVar = new v(context, packageName, (rd.d) g4Var.a(rd.d.class), sVar);
                xc.b bVar4 = new xc.b(h10);
                wc.b bVar5 = new wc.b(h11);
                p pVar2 = r10;
                p pVar3 = new p(gVar, vVar, bVar4, sVar, new wc.a(bVar5), new wc.a(bVar5), bVar3, y.f("Crashlytics Exception Handler"));
                String str5 = gVar.f13724c.f13732b;
                String Z = ad.f.Z(context);
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                int b02 = ad.f.b0(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_lib", "array");
                int b03 = ad.f.b0(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_arch", "array");
                int b04 = ad.f.b0(context, "com.google.firebase.crashlytics.build_ids_build_id", "array");
                if (b02 != 0 && b03 != 0 && b04 != 0) {
                    String[] stringArray = context.getResources().getStringArray(b02);
                    String[] stringArray2 = context.getResources().getStringArray(b03);
                    String[] stringArray3 = context.getResources().getStringArray(b04);
                    if (stringArray.length == stringArray3.length && stringArray2.length == stringArray3.length) {
                        int i12 = 0;
                        while (i12 < stringArray3.length) {
                            arrayList.add(new ad.c(stringArray[i12], stringArray2[i12], stringArray3[i12]));
                            pVar2 = pVar2;
                        pVar = pVar2;
                    } else {
                        pVar = pVar2;
                        str = String.format("Lengths did not match: %d %d %d", Integer.valueOf(stringArray.length), Integer.valueOf(stringArray2.length), Integer.valueOf(stringArray3.length));
                    th = null;
                } else {
                    pVar = pVar2;
                    String format = String.format("Could not find resources: %d %d %d", Integer.valueOf(b02), Integer.valueOf(b03), Integer.valueOf(b04));
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                        str = format;
                        th = null;
                        Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", str, null);
                    th = null;
                String j9 = j2.g.j("Mapping file ID is: ", Z);
                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                    Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", j9, th);
                Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    ad.c cVar2 = (ad.c) it.next();
                    String format2 = String.format("Build id for %s on %s: %s", cVar2.f261a, cVar2.f262b, cVar2.f263c);
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                        Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", format2, null);
                o6.c cVar3 = new o6.c(context);
                try {
                    String packageName2 = context.getPackageName();
                    String d8 = vVar.d();
                    PackageInfo packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName2, 0);
                    String num = Integer.toString(packageInfo.versionCode);
                    String str6 = packageInfo.versionName;
                    if (str6 == null) {
                        str6 = "0.0";
                    com.google.android.material.datepicker.d dVar = new com.google.android.material.datepicker.d(str5, Z, arrayList, d8, packageName2, num, str6, cVar3);
                    String str7 = "Installer package name is: " + ((String) dVar.f6391d);
                    if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 2)) {
                        bVar = null;
                        Log.v("FirebaseCrashlytics", str7, null);
                    } else {
                        bVar = null;
                    ExecutorService f2 = y.f("com.google.firebase.crashlytics.startup");
                    od.e eVar = new od.e(bVar);
                    String str8 = (String) dVar.f6393f;
                    String str9 = (String) dVar.f6394g;
                    String d10 = vVar.d();
                    od.e eVar2 = new od.e(bVar);
                    gd.b bVar6 = new gd.b(eVar2);
                    gd.b bVar7 = new gd.b(bVar3);
                    Locale locale = Locale.US;
                    ad.h hVar = new ad.h(eVar, String.format(locale, "https://firebase-settings.crashlytics.com/spi/v2/platforms/android/gmp/%s/settings", str5));
                    String str10 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
                    String str11 = v.f367h;
                    String format3 = String.format(locale, "%s/%s", str10.replaceAll(str11, BuildConfig.FLAVOR), Build.MODEL.replaceAll(str11, BuildConfig.FLAVOR));
                    String replaceAll = Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL.replaceAll(str11, BuildConfig.FLAVOR);
                    String replaceAll2 = Build.VERSION.RELEASE.replaceAll(str11, BuildConfig.FLAVOR);
                    int i13 = 4;
                    int i14 = 0;
                    String[] strArr = {ad.f.Z(context), str5, str9, str8};
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                    while (i14 < i13) {
                        String str12 = strArr[i14];
                        String[] strArr2 = strArr;
                        if (str12 != null) {
                            arrayList2.add(str12.replace("-", BuildConfig.FLAVOR).toLowerCase(Locale.US));
                        i13 = 4;
                        strArr = strArr2;
                    StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                    Iterator it2 = arrayList2.iterator();
                    while (it2.hasNext()) {
                        sb2.append((String) it2.next());
                    String sb3 = sb2.toString();
                    if (sb3.length() > 0) {
                        str2 = ad.f.E0(sb3);
                    } else {
                        str2 = null;
                    String str13 = str2;
                    if (d10 != null) {
                        i10 = 4;
                    } else {
                        i10 = 1;
                    u0 u0Var = new u0(context, new gd.d(str5, format3, replaceAll, replaceAll2, vVar, str13, str9, str8, a4.b.i(i10)), eVar2, bVar6, bVar7, hVar, sVar);
                    if (!(!((Context) u0Var.f12121b).getSharedPreferences("com.google.firebase.crashlytics", 0).getString("existing_instance_identifier", BuildConfig.FLAVOR).equals(((gd.d) u0Var.f12122c).f9477f)) && (g4 = u0Var.g(1)) != null) {
                        ((AtomicReference) u0Var.f12128i).set(g4);
                        ((mb.j) ((AtomicReference) u0Var.f12129j).get()).d(g4);
                        k3 = ad.f.S(null);
                    } else {
                        gd.a g10 = u0Var.g(3);
                        if (g10 != null) {
                            ((AtomicReference) u0Var.f12128i).set(g10);
                            ((mb.j) ((AtomicReference) u0Var.f12129j).get()).d(g10);
                        s sVar2 = (s) u0Var.f12127h;
                        q qVar2 = sVar2.f360f.f13349a;
                        synchronized (sVar2.f356b) {
                            qVar = sVar2.f357c.f13349a;
                        ExecutorService executorService2 = ad.a0.f260a;
                        mb.j jVar = new mb.j();
                        z zVar = new z(0, jVar);
                        qVar2.e(f2, zVar);
                        qVar.e(f2, zVar);
                        k3 = jVar.f13349a.k(f2, new gd.b(u0Var));
                    k3.e(f2, new b9.c(29));
                    p pVar4 = pVar;
                    o oVar = pVar4.f341m;
                    ed.b bVar8 = pVar4.f337i;
                    Context context2 = pVar4.f329a;
                    if (context2 != null && (resources = context2.getResources()) != null) {
                        int b05 = ad.f.b0(context2, "com.crashlytics.RequireBuildId", "bool");
                        if (b05 > 0) {
                            z10 = resources.getBoolean(b05);
                        } else {
                            int b06 = ad.f.b0(context2, "com.crashlytics.RequireBuildId", "string");
                            if (b06 > 0) {
                                z10 = Boolean.parseBoolean(context2.getString(b06));
                        String str14 = (String) dVar.f6389b;
                        if (z10) {
                            if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 2)) {
                                Log.v("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Configured not to require a build ID.", null);
                        } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str14)) {
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  | ");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".   \\ |  | /");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".    \\    /");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     \\  /");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".      \\/");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when Crashlytics tooling is absent from your app's build configuration. Please review Crashlytics onboarding instructions and ensure you have a valid Crashlytics account.");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".      /\\");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     /  \\");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".    /    \\");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".   / |  | \\");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".     |  |");
                            Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", ".");
                            z11 = false;
                            if (z11) {
                                new ad.d(pVar4.f336h);
                                String str15 = ad.d.f265b;
                                try {
                                    pVar4.f334f = new v4.l("crash_marker", bVar8);
                                    pVar4.f333e = new v4.l("initialization_marker", bVar8);
                                    bVar2 = new ed.b(str15, bVar8, oVar);
                                    cVar = new bd.c(bVar8);
                                    executorService = f2;
                                } catch (Exception e10) {
                                    e = e10;
                                    executorService = f2;
                                try {
                                    try {
                                        pVar4.f335g = new ad.m(pVar4.f329a, pVar4.f341m, pVar4.f336h, pVar4.f330b, pVar4.f337i, pVar4.f334f, dVar, cVar, ad.y.b(pVar4.f329a, pVar4.f336h, pVar4.f337i, dVar, cVar, bVar2, new g0.b(new o5.k(10, 3)), u0Var, pVar4.f331c), pVar4.f342n, pVar4.f339k);
                                        v4.l lVar = pVar4.f333e;
                                        ed.b bVar9 = (ed.b) lVar.f17127b;
                                        exists = new File((File) bVar9.f8064c, (String) lVar.f17126a).exists();
                                        try {
                                            Boolean.TRUE.equals((Boolean) ad.a0.a(oVar.e(new ad.o(pVar4, 1))));
                                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                                        ad.m mVar = pVar4.f335g;
                                        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
                                        mVar.f314d.e(new t3(mVar, 4, str15));
                                        r rVar = new r(new na.b(mVar), u0Var, defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, mVar.f319i);
                                        mVar.f322l = rVar;
                                    } catch (Exception e11) {
                                        e = e11;
                                        str3 = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                } catch (Exception e12) {
                                    e = e12;
                                    str3 = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                    Log.e(str3, "Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
                                    pVar4.f335g = null;
                                    z12 = false;
                                    ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                    return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                if (exists) {
                                    if (context2.checkCallingOrSelfPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE") == 0) {
                                        z13 = true;
                                    } else {
                                        z13 = false;
                                    if (z13) {
                                        NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = ((ConnectivityManager) context2.getSystemService("connectivity")).getActiveNetworkInfo();
                                        if (activeNetworkInfo != null) {
                                            if (activeNetworkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {
                                        z14 = false;
                                        if (z14) {
                                            str3 = "FirebaseCrashlytics";
                                            try {
                                                if (Log.isLoggable(str3, 3)) {
                                                    Log.d(str3, "Crashlytics did not finish previous background initialization. Initializing synchronously.", null);
                                                submit = pVar4.f340l.submit(new mb.n(pVar4, 6, u0Var));
                                                if (Log.isLoggable(str3, 3)) {
                                                    Log.d(str3, "Crashlytics detected incomplete initialization on previous app launch. Will initialize synchronously.", null);
                                            } catch (Exception e13) {
                                                e = e13;
                                                Log.e(str3, "Crashlytics was not started due to an exception during initialization", e);
                                                pVar4.f335g = null;
                                                z12 = false;
                                                ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                                return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                            try {
                                                submit.get(4L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                            } catch (InterruptedException e14) {
                                                e = e14;
                                                str4 = "Crashlytics was interrupted during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str3, str4, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                                return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                            } catch (ExecutionException e15) {
                                                e = e15;
                                                str4 = "Crashlytics encountered a problem during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str3, str4, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                                return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                            } catch (TimeoutException e16) {
                                                e = e16;
                                                str4 = "Crashlytics timed out during initialization.";
                                                Log.e(str3, str4, e);
                                                z12 = false;
                                                ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                                return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                            z12 = false;
                                            ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                            return new wc.d(pVar4);
                                    z14 = true;
                                    if (z14) {
                                if (Log.isLoggable("FirebaseCrashlytics", 3)) {
                                    Log.d("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Successfully configured exception handler.", null);
                                z12 = true;
                                ad.f.A(executorService, new wc.c(z12, pVar4, u0Var));
                                return new wc.d(pVar4);
                            throw new IllegalStateException("The Crashlytics build ID is missing. This occurs when Crashlytics tooling is absent from your app's build configuration. Please review Crashlytics onboarding instructions and ensure you have a valid Crashlytics account.");
                        z11 = true;
                        if (z11) {
                    z10 = true;
                    String str142 = (String) dVar.f6389b;
                    if (z10) {
                    z11 = true;
                    if (z11) {
                } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e17) {
                    Log.e("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Error retrieving app package info.", e17);
                    return null;

    public void f(mb.i iVar) {
        int i10 = this.f7290a;
        Object obj = this.f7291b;
        switch (i10) {
            case ConnectionResult.API_DISABLED:
                com.google.firebase.messaging.a0.b((Intent) obj);
            case ConnectionResult.API_DISABLED_FOR_CONNECTION:
                int i11 = b0.f6649b;
                ((c0) obj).f6653b.d(null);
                ((ScheduledFuture) obj).cancel(false);

    public Object g(mb.i iVar) {
        Object obj;
        boolean z10;
        switch (this.f7290a) {
            case 19:
                ((ad.y) this.f7291b).getClass();
                if (iVar.j()) {
                    ad.a aVar = (ad.a) iVar.h();
                    l0 l0Var = l0.f16987b;
                    l0Var.f("Crashlytics report successfully enqueued to DataTransport: " + aVar.f258b);
                    File file = aVar.f259c;
                    if (file.delete()) {
                        l0Var.f("Deleted report file: " + file.getPath());
                    } else {
                        l0Var.j("Crashlytics could not delete report file: " + file.getPath(), null);
                    z10 = true;
                } else {
                    Log.w("FirebaseCrashlytics", "Crashlytics report could not be enqueued to DataTransport", iVar.g());
                    z10 = false;
                return Boolean.valueOf(z10);
            case 20:
                ExecutorService executorService = ad.a0.f260a;
                ((CountDownLatch) this.f7291b).countDown();
                return null;
                ((ed.b) this.f7291b).getClass();
                q qVar = (q) iVar;
                synchronized (qVar.f13371a) {
                    Preconditions.checkState(qVar.f13373c, "Task is not yet complete");
                    if (!qVar.f13374d) {
                        if (!IOException.class.isInstance(qVar.f13376f)) {
                            Exception exc = qVar.f13376f;
                            if (exc == null) {
                                obj = qVar.f13375e;
                            } else {
                                throw new mb.g(exc);
                        } else {
                            throw ((Throwable) IOException.class.cast(qVar.f13376f));
                    } else {
                        throw new CancellationException("Task is already canceled.");
                Bundle bundle = (Bundle) obj;
                if (bundle != null) {
                    String string = bundle.getString("registration_id");
                    if (string != null || (string = bundle.getString("unregistered")) != null) {
                        return string;
                    String string2 = bundle.getString("error");
                    if (!"RST".equals(string2)) {
                        if (string2 != null) {
                            throw new IOException(string2);
                        Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Unexpected response: " + bundle, new Throwable());
                        throw new IOException("SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE");
                    throw new IOException("INSTANCE_ID_RESET");
                throw new IOException("SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE");

    public boolean h(f0 f0Var, int i10, Bundle bundle) {
        a3.f gVar;
        View view = (View) this.f7291b;
        int i11 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (i11 >= 25 && (i10 & 1) != 0) {
            try {
                ((f) f0Var.f8173b).e();
                InputContentInfo d8 = a.d(((f) f0Var.f8173b).c());
                if (bundle == null) {
                    bundle = new Bundle();
                } else {
                    bundle = new Bundle(bundle);
                bundle.putParcelable("androidx.core.view.extra.INPUT_CONTENT_INFO", d8);
            } catch (Exception e10) {
                Log.w("InputConnectionCompat", "Can't insert content from IME; requestPermission() failed", e10);
                return false;
        ClipDescription a10 = ((f) f0Var.f8173b).a();
        f fVar = (f) f0Var.f8173b;
        ClipData clipData = new ClipData(a10, new ClipData.Item(fVar.d()));
        if (i11 >= 31) {
            gVar = new a3.e(clipData, 2);
        } else {
            gVar = new a3.g(clipData, 2);
        if (h1.m(view, gVar.a()) != null) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public mb.i then(Object obj) {
        switch (this.f7290a) {
            case CommonStatusCodes.RECONNECTION_TIMED_OUT_DURING_UPDATE:
                x xVar = (x) obj;
                c9.b bVar = FirebaseMessaging.f6615l;
                u uVar = new u("S", (String) this.f7291b);
                com.google.firebase.messaging.v vVar = xVar.f6720h;
                synchronized (vVar) {
                mb.j jVar = new mb.j();
                xVar.a(uVar, jVar);
                q qVar = jVar.f13349a;
                return qVar;
                zd.c cVar = (zd.c) obj;
                int[] iArr = zd.e.f19378k;
                return ad.f.S((zd.d) this.f7291b);