MD5 校验值:d7f913ab91d7343430e85d5ce2e5aff0 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package d9; import; import android.content.Context; public final class ha0 extends sb0 { public final g50 f23171i; public final int f23172j; public final Context f23173k; public final g21 f23174l; public final ri0 f23175m; public final sd0 f23176n; public boolean f23177o; public ha0(vi viVar, Context context, g50 g50Var, int i10, g21 g21Var, ri0 ri0Var, sd0 sd0Var) { super(viVar); this.f23177o = false; this.f23171i = g50Var; this.f23173k = context; this.f23172j = i10; this.f23174l = g21Var; this.f23175m = ri0Var; this.f23176n = sd0Var; } @Override public final void b() { super.b(); g50 g50Var = this.f23171i; if (g50Var != null) { g50Var.destroy(); } } public final void c(Activity activity, ee eeVar, boolean z10) { Activity activity2; if (activity == null) { activity2 = this.f23173k; } fm<Boolean> fmVar = lm.f24702n0; yi yiVar = yi.f29071d; if (((Boolean) yiVar.f29074c.a(fmVar)).booleanValue()) { u7.p pVar = u7.p.B; w7.y0 y0Var = pVar.f41888c; if (w7.y0.h(activity2)) { w7.r0.i("Interstitials that show when your app is in the background are a violation of AdMob policies and may lead to blocked ad serving. To learn more, visit"); this.f23176n.M0(od0.f25839a); if (((Boolean) yiVar.f29074c.a(lm.f24710o0)).booleanValue()) { new p71(activity2.getApplicationContext(), pVar.f41902q.d()).a(((r21) this.f27107a.f27928b.f22799c).f26765b); return; } return; } } if (this.f23177o) { w7.r0.i("App open interstitial ad is already visible."); if (((Boolean) yiVar.f29074c.a(lm.f24740r6)).booleanValue()) { this.f23176n.M0(new nd0(i.e.C(10, null, null), 0)); } } if (this.f23177o) { return; } try { this.f23175m.j(z10, activity2, this.f23176n); this.f23177o = true; } catch (qi0 e10) { if (((Boolean) yi.f29071d.f29074c.a(lm.f24740r6)).booleanValue()) { this.f23176n.m(e10); } else { eeVar.e0(i.e.u(e10)); } } } }