CONECTA PRO v4.2.8版本的 MD5 值为:ad88cf9e66d8cdaae8c40233e50eb389

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package de.blinkt.openvpn.utils;

import a.d;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import com.bumptech.glide.c;
import com.v2ray.ang.dto.V2rayConfig;
import da.m;
import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.OpenVPNService;
import j.i0;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import l7.o;
import l9.l;
import l9.n;
import v8.e;
import w8.a;
import z8.b1;
public final class OpenVpnServiceManager {
    public static final void startOpenVPN(Context context, String str, boolean z10) {
        boolean z11;
        boolean z12;
        ?? r52;
        int i10;
        int i11;
        Vector d10;
        Vector d11;
        Vector d12;
        Vector c10;
        Vector d13;
        ?? r53;
        ?? d14;
        ?? d15;
        ?? d16;
        ?? d17;
        ?? d18;
        ?? d19;
        int i12;
        ?? d20;
        int i13;
        ?? d21;
        Vector d22;
        Vector d23;
        Vector d24;
        Vector d25;
        Vector c11;
        Vector d26;
        int i14;
        Vector d27;
        int i15;
        Vector d28;
        Vector c12;
        Vector d29;
        int i16;
        HashMap hashMap;
        Vector vector;
        String[] strArr;
        boolean z13;
        int i17;
        char c13;
        boolean z14;
        boolean z15;
        String str2;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        int length;
        int i20;
        boolean z16;
        boolean z17;
        e[] eVarArr;
        String join;
        Collection collection;
        boolean z18;
        int i21;
        int i22;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        b1.o("context", context);
        b1.o("content", str);
        a u10 = c.u(str, z10);
        byte[] decode = Base64.decode(u10.f10428d, 0);
        b1.n("decode(...)", decode);
        String str5 = new String(decode, da.a.f3218a);
        ?? cVar = new v8.c();
        cVar.g(new StringReader(str5));
        u8.a aVar = new u8.a();
        aVar.f9882l0 = "unknown";
        aVar.H = false;
        aVar.f9891y = false;
        aVar.G = false;
        aVar.T = false;
        aVar.K = false;
        aVar.J = false;
        aVar.V = false;
        aVar.f9881k0 = false;
        aVar.f9874d0 = 0;
        aVar.S = false;
        HashMap hashMap2 = cVar.f10146e;
        if (hashMap2.containsKey("client") || hashMap2.containsKey("pull")) {
            aVar.H = true;
        int i23 = 2;
        Vector d30 = cVar.d("secret", 1, 2);
        if (d30 != null) {
            aVar.f9884r = 4;
            aVar.A = true;
            aVar.f9888v = (String) d30.get(1);
            if (d30.size() == 3) {
                Object obj = d30.get(2);
                b1.n("get(...)", obj);
                aVar.f9887u = (String) obj;
            z11 = false;
        } else {
            z11 = true;
        Vector c14 = cVar.c("route", 1, 4);
        if (c14 != null) {
            Iterator it = c14.iterator();
            String str6 = "";
            String str7 = str6;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Vector vector2 = (Vector);
                boolean z19 = z11;
                if (vector2.size() >= 3) {
                    Object obj2 = vector2.get(i23);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj2);
                    str3 = (String) obj2;
                } else {
                    str3 = "";
                Iterator it2 = it;
                if (vector2.size() >= 4) {
                    Object obj3 = vector2.get(3);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj3);
                    str4 = (String) obj3;
                } else {
                    str4 = "vpn_gateway";
                String str8 = (String) vector2.get(1);
                try {
                    x8.a aVar2 = new x8.a(str8, str3);
                    if (b1.g(str4, "net_gateway")) {
                        str7 = str7 + aVar2 + ' ';
                    } else {
                        str6 = str6 + aVar2 + ' ';
                    i23 = 2;
                    z11 = z19;
                    it = it2;
                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) {
                    throw new v8.a("Could not parse netmask of route ".concat(str3));
                } catch (NumberFormatException unused2) {
                    throw new v8.a("Could not parse netmask of route ".concat(str3));
            z12 = z11;
            aVar.I = str6;
            aVar.f9873c0 = str7;
        } else {
            z12 = z11;
        Vector c15 = cVar.c("route-ipv6", 1, 4);
        if (c15 != null) {
            Iterator it3 = c15.iterator();
            String str9 = "";
            while (it3.hasNext()) {
                StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                str9 = i0.r(sb2, (String) ((Vector), ' ');
            b1.o("<set-?>", str9);
            aVar.U = str9;
        if (cVar.d("route-nopull", 0, 0) != null) {
            r52 = 1;
            aVar.M = true;
        } else {
            r52 = 1;
        Vector c16 = cVar.c("tls-auth", r52, 2);
        if (c16 != null) {
            Iterator it4 = c16.iterator();
            while (it4.hasNext()) {
                Vector vector3 = (Vector);
                if (vector3 != null) {
                    if (!b1.g(vector3.get(r52 == true ? 1 : 0), "[inline]")) {
                        aVar.f9888v = (String) vector3.get(r52 == true ? 1 : 0);
                        aVar.A = r52;
                    if (vector3.size() == 3) {
                        Object obj4 = vector3.get(2);
                        b1.n("get(...)", obj4);
                        aVar.f9887u = (String) obj4;
                    r52 = 1;
        Vector d31 = cVar.d("key-direction", 1, 1);
        if (d31 != null) {
            Object obj5 = d31.get(1);
            b1.n("get(...)", obj5);
            aVar.f9887u = (String) obj5;
        String[] strArr2 = {"tls-crypt", "tls-crypt-v2"};
        for (int i24 = 0; i24 < 2; i24++) {
            String str10 = strArr2[i24];
            Vector d32 = cVar.d(str10, 1, 1);
            if (d32 != null) {
                aVar.A = true;
                aVar.f9888v = (String) d32.get(1);
                b1.o("<set-?>", str10);
                aVar.f9887u = str10;
        Vector c17 = cVar.c("redirect-gateway", 0, 7);
        if (c17 != null) {
            v8.c.a(aVar, c17, true);
        Vector c18 = cVar.c("redirect-private", 0, 5);
        if (c18 != null) {
            v8.c.a(aVar, c18, false);
        Vector d33 = cVar.d("dev", 1, 1);
        Vector d34 = cVar.d("dev-type", 1, 1);
        if (d34 == null || !b1.g(d34.get(1), "tun")) {
            if (d33 != null) {
                Object obj6 = d33.get(1);
                b1.n("get(...)", obj6);
                i10 = 0;
            } else {
                i10 = 0;
            if (d34 == null && d33 == null) {
                i11 = i10;
                d10 = cVar.d("mssfix", i11, 2);
                if (d10 != null) {
                    if (d10.size() >= 2) {
                        try {
                            Object obj7 = d10.get(1);
                            b1.n("get(...)", obj7);
                            aVar.f9874d0 = Integer.parseInt((String) obj7);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException unused3) {
                            throw new v8.a("Argument to --mssfix has to be an integer");
                    } else {
                        aVar.f9874d0 = 1450;
                    if (d10.size() >= 3 && !b1.g(d10.get(2), "mtu")) {
                        throw new v8.a("Second argument to --mssfix unkonwn");
                d11 = cVar.d("tun-mtu", 1, 1);
                if (d11 != null) {
                    try {
                        Object obj8 = d11.get(1);
                        b1.n("get(...)", obj8);
                        aVar.f9880j0 = Integer.parseInt((String) obj8);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException unused4) {
                        throw new v8.a("Argument to --tun-mtu has to be an integer");
                d12 = cVar.d("mode", 1, 1);
                if (d12 == null && !b1.g(d12.get(1), "p2p")) {
                    throw new v8.a("Invalid mode for --mode specified, need p2p");
                int i25 = 2;
                c10 = cVar.c("dhcp-option", 2, 2);
                if (c10 != null) {
                    Iterator it5 = c10.iterator();
                    while (it5.hasNext()) {
                        Vector vector4 = (Vector);
                        String str11 = (String) vector4.get(1);
                        String str12 = (String) vector4.get(i25);
                        if (b1.g(str11, "DOMAIN")) {
                            Object obj9 = vector4.get(i25);
                            b1.n("get(...)", obj9);
                            aVar.F = (String) obj9;
                        } else if (b1.g(str11, "DNS")) {
                            aVar.E = true;
                            boolean g10 = b1.g(aVar.B, "");
                            if (g10) {
                                aVar.B = str12;
                            } else {
                                aVar.C = str12;
                        i25 = 2;
                d13 = cVar.d("ifconfig", 2, 2);
                if (d13 != null) {
                    try {
                        Object obj10 = d13.get(1);
                        b1.n("get(...)", obj10);
                        Object obj11 = d13.get(2);
                        b1.n("get(...)", obj11);
                        aVar.D = new x8.a((String) obj10, (String) obj11).toString();
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e10) {
                        throw new v8.a("Could not pase ifconfig IP address: " + e10.getLocalizedMessage());
                if (cVar.d("remote-random-hostname", 0, 0) == null) {
                    r53 = 1;
                    aVar.N = true;
                } else {
                    r53 = 1;
                if (cVar.d("float", 0, 0) != null) {
                    aVar.O = r53;
                if (cVar.d("comp-lzo", 0, r53) != null) {
                    aVar.f9891y = r53;
                d14 = cVar.d("cipher", r53, r53);
                if (d14 != 0) {
                    Object obj12 = d14.get(r53);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj12);
                    aVar.R = (String) obj12;
                d15 = cVar.d("auth", r53, r53);
                if (d15 != 0) {
                    Object obj13 = d15.get(r53);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj13);
                    aVar.Z = (String) obj13;
                d16 = cVar.d("ca", r53, r53);
                if (d16 != 0) {
                    aVar.f9890x = (String) d16.get(r53);
                d17 = cVar.d("cert", r53, r53);
                if (d17 != 0) {
                    aVar.f9886t = (String) d17.get(r53);
                    aVar.f9884r = 0;
                    z12 = false;
                d18 = cVar.d("key", r53, r53);
                if (d18 != 0) {
                    aVar.f9889w = (String) d18.get(r53);
                d19 = cVar.d("pkcs12", r53, r53);
                if (d19 == 0) {
                    aVar.f9892z = (String) d19.get(r53);
                    i12 = 2;
                    aVar.f9884r = 2;
                    z12 = false;
                } else {
                    i12 = 2;
                if (cVar.d("cryptoapicert", r53, r53) != null) {
                    aVar.f9884r = i12;
                    z12 = false;
                Vector d35 = cVar.d("compat-names", r53, i12);
                Vector d36 = cVar.d("no-name-remapping", r53, r53);
                d20 = cVar.d("tls-remote", r53, r53);
                if (d20 == 0) {
                    aVar.L = (String) d20.get(r53);
                    aVar.J = r53;
                    aVar.f9871a0 = 0;
                    if (d35 != null) {
                        i13 = 2;
                    } else {
                        i13 = 2;
                } else {
                    i13 = 2;
                d21 = cVar.d("verify-x509-name", r53, i13);
                if (d21 != 0) {
                    aVar.L = (String) d21.get(r53);
                    aVar.J = r53;
                    if (d21.size() > i13) {
                        if (b1.g(d21.get(i13), "name")) {
                            i22 = 3;
                        } else if (!b1.g(d21.get(i13), "subject")) {
                            if (b1.g(d21.get(i13), "name-prefix")) {
                                i22 = 4;
                            } else {
                                throw new v8.a("Unknown parameter to verify-x509-name: " + ((String) d21.get(i13)));
                        aVar.f9871a0 = i22;
                    aVar.f9871a0 = i13;
                d22 = cVar.d("x509-username-field", 1, 1);
                if (d22 != null) {
                    aVar.f9872b0 = (String) d22.get(1);
                d23 = cVar.d("verb", 1, 1);
                if (d23 != null) {
                    Object obj14 = d23.get(1);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj14);
                    String str13 = (String) obj14;
                if (cVar.d("nobind", 0, 0) != null) {
                    aVar.S = true;
                if (cVar.d("persist-tun", 0, 0) != null) {
                    aVar.V = true;
                if (cVar.d("push-peer-info", 0, 0) != null) {
                    aVar.f9881k0 = true;
                d24 = cVar.d("connect-retry", 1, 2);
                if (d24 != null) {
                    Object obj15 = d24.get(1);
                    b1.n("get(...)", obj15);
                    aVar.X = (String) obj15;
                    if (d24.size() > 2) {
                        Object obj16 = d24.get(2);
                        b1.n("get(...)", obj16);
                        aVar.Y = (String) obj16;
                d25 = cVar.d("connect-retry-max", 1, 1);
                if (d25 != null) {
                    aVar.W = (String) d25.get(1);
                c11 = cVar.c("remote-cert-tls", 1, 1);
                if (c11 != null) {
                    if (b1.g(((Vector) c11.get(0)).get(1), "server")) {
                        aVar.K = true;
                    } else {
                        hashMap2.put("remotetls", c11);
                d26 = cVar.d("auth-user-pass", 0, 1);
                if (d26 != null) {
                    if (z12) {
                        i21 = 3;
                    } else {
                        int i26 = aVar.f9884r;
                        if (i26 == 0) {
                            aVar.f9884r = 5;
                        } else {
                            i21 = i26 == 2 ? 7 : 7;
                        if (d26.size() > 1) {
                            Object obj17 = d26.get(1);
                            b1.n("get(...)", obj17);
                            if (!m.M0((String) obj17, "[[INLINE]]", false)) {
                                String str14 = (String) d26.get(1);
                            Object obj18 = d26.get(1);
                            b1.n("get(...)", obj18);
                            List n8 = d.n("\n", 0, u7.c.c((String) obj18));
                            if (!n8.isEmpty()) {
                                ListIterator listIterator = n8.listIterator(n8.size());
                                while (listIterator.hasPrevious()) {
                                    if (((String) listIterator.previous()).length() == 0) {
                                        z18 = true;
                                    } else {
                                        z18 = false;
                                    if (!z18) {
                                        collection = l.y(n8, listIterator.nextIndex() + 1);
                            collection = n.f7179r;
                            String[] strArr3 = (String[]) collection.toArray(new String[0]);
                            if (strArr3.length >= 2) {
                                String str15 = strArr3[0];
                                i14 = 1;
                                b1.o("<set-?>", strArr3[1]);
                                d27 = cVar.d("auth-retry", i14, i14);
                                if (d27 != null) {
                                    if (b1.g(d27.get(i14), "none")) {
                                        aVar.f9879i0 = 0;
                                    } else if (b1.g(d27.get(i14), "nointeract") || b1.g(d27.get(i14), "interact")) {
                                        i15 = 2;
                                        aVar.f9879i0 = 2;
                                        d28 = cVar.d("crl-verify", 1, i15);
                                        if (d28 != null) {
                                            if (d28.size() == 3 && b1.g(d28.get(i15), "dir")) {
                                                StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder();
                                                StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder("\n     ");
                                                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 26) {
                                                    StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                                    Iterator it6 = d28.iterator();
                                                    if (it6.hasNext()) {
                                                        while (true) {
                                                            if (!it6.hasNext()) {
                                                            sb5.append((CharSequence) " ");
                                                    join = sb5.toString();
                                                } else {
                                                    join = TextUtils.join(" ", d28);
                                                b1.n("join(...)", join);
                                                sb4.append("\n     \n     ");
                                                aVar.Q = sb3.toString();
                                            } else {
                                                aVar.f9878h0 = (String) d28.get(1);
                                        b0.c h10 = cVar.h(null);
                                        Object obj19 = h10.f1257b;
                                        b1.n("second", obj19);
                                        aVar.f9875e0 = (e[]) obj19;
                                        c12 = cVar.c("connection", 1, 1);
                                        if (aVar.f9875e0.length <= 0 && c12 != null) {
                                            throw new v8.a("Using a <connection> block and --remote is not allowed.");
                                        if (c12 != null) {
                                            aVar.f9875e0 = new e[0];
                                            Iterator it7 = c12.iterator();
                                            int i27 = 0;
                                            while (it7.hasNext()) {
                                                Object obj20 = ((Vector);
                                                b1.n("get(...)", obj20);
                                                Object obj21 = h10.f1256a;
                                                b1.n("first", obj21);
                                                v8.c cVar2 = new v8.c();
                                                b0.c cVar3 = h10;
                                                String substring = ((String) obj20).substring(10);
                                                b1.n("this as java.lang.String).substring(startIndex)", substring);
                                                cVar2.g(new StringReader(substring));
                                                b0.c h11 = cVar2.h((e) obj21);
                                                Object obj22 = h11.f1257b;
                                                if (((Object[]) obj22).length == 1) {
                                                    aVar.f9875e0[i27] = ((e[]) obj22)[0];
                                                    h10 = cVar3;
                                                } else {
                                                    throw new v8.a("A <connection> block must have exactly one remote");
                                        if (cVar.d("remote-random", 0, 0) != null) {
                                            aVar.f9876f0 = true;
                                        d29 = cVar.d("proto-force", 1, 1);
                                        if (d29 != null) {
                                            String str16 = (String) d29.get(1);
                                            if (b1.g(str16, "udp")) {
                                                z17 = true;
                                            } else if (b1.g(str16, V2rayConfig.DEFAULT_NETWORK)) {
                                                z17 = false;
                                            } else {
                                                String format = String.format("Unknown protocol %s in proto-force", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{str16}, 1));
                                                b1.n("format(format, *args)", format);
                                                throw new v8.a(format);
                                            for (e eVar : aVar.f9875e0) {
                                                if (eVar.f10153t == z17) {
                                                    eVar.f10156w = false;
                                        String[] strArr4 = {"PROFILE", "FRIENDLY_NAME"};
                                        i16 = 0;
                                        while (true) {
                                            hashMap = cVar.f10147f;
                                            if (i16 < 2) {
                                            Vector vector5 = (Vector) hashMap.get(strArr4[i16]);
                                            if (vector5 != null && vector5.size() > 1) {
                                                Object obj23 = vector5.get(1);
                                                b1.n("get(...)", obj23);
                                                aVar.f9885s = (String) obj23;
                                        vector = (Vector) hashMap.get("USERNAME");
                                        if (vector != null && vector.size() > 1) {
                                            String str17 = (String) vector.get(1);
                                        for (String str18 : cVar.f10142a) {
                                            if (hashMap2.containsKey(str18)) {
                                                String format2 = String.format("Unsupported Option %s encountered in config file. Aborting", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{str18}, 1));
                                                b1.n("format(format, *args)", format2);
                                                throw new v8.a(format2);
                                        for (String str19 : cVar.f10143b) {
                                        z13 = false;
                                        for (Vector vector6 : hashMap2.values()) {
                                            Iterator it8 = vector6.iterator();
                                            while (it8.hasNext()) {
                                                Vector vector7 = (Vector);
                                                if (!cVar.f(vector7)) {
                                                    z13 = true;
                                        if (z13) {
                                            aVar.Q = o.c0("\n                # These options found in the config file do not map to config settings:\n                " + aVar.Q + "\n                ");
                                            for (Vector vector8 : hashMap2.values()) {
                                                StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                                                aVar.Q = sb6.toString();
                                            aVar.P = true;
                                        if (b1.g(aVar.L, aVar.f9882l0)) {
                                            aVar.L = "";
                                        i17 = aVar.f9884r;
                                        if (i17 != 2 && i17 != 7 && i17 != 8 && (((i17 != 0 && i17 != 5) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9890x)) && ((!aVar.J || aVar.f9871a0 != 0) && (((aVar.H && aVar.f9884r != 4) || ((str2 = aVar.D) != null && u8.a.a(str2) != null)) && ((aVar.G || ((TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.I) || !u8.a.b(aVar.I).isEmpty()) && (TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9873c0) || !u8.a.b(aVar.f9873c0).isEmpty()))) && ((!aVar.A || !TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9888v)) && ((((i18 = aVar.f9884r) != 5 && i18 != 0) || (!TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9886t) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9889w))) && (((i19 = aVar.f9884r) != 0 && i19 != 5) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(aVar.f9890x))))))))) {
                                            e[] eVarArr2 = aVar.f9875e0;
                                            length = eVarArr2.length;
                                            i20 = 0;
                                            while (true) {
                                                if (i20 >= length) {
                                                    if (eVarArr2[i20].f10156w) {
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    z16 = true;
                                            if (!z16) {
                                                c13 = 0;
                                                if (c13 == 0) {
                                                    String str20 = u10.f10426b;
                                                    if (str20 != null && str20.length() != 0) {
                                                        z14 = false;
                                                    } else {
                                                        z14 = true;
                                                    if (!z14) {
                                                        String str21 = u10.f10427c;
                                                        if (str21 != null && str21.length() != 0) {
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                        } else {
                                                            z15 = true;
                                                        if (!z15) {
                                                            b1.o("<set-?>", str21);
                                                            u4.l.B = aVar;
                                                            try {
                                                                ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(context.openFileOutput("vpnProfile.vp", 0));
                                                                Intent intent = new Intent(context, OpenVPNService.class);
                                                                intent.putExtra("config", str);
                                                                intent.putExtra("ping", z10);
                                                                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
                                                                } else {
                                                            } catch (IOException e11) {
                                                                throw new RuntimeException(e11);
                                                        throw new RemoteException("Your username is not valid");
                                                    throw new RemoteException("Your username is not valid");
                                                throw new RemoteException("Your profile is not valid");
                                        c13 = 65535;
                                        if (c13 == 0) {
                                    } else {
                                        throw new v8.a("Unknown parameter to auth-retry: " + ((String) d27.get(2)));
                                i15 = 2;
                                d28 = cVar.d("crl-verify", 1, i15);
                                if (d28 != null) {
                                b0.c h102 = cVar.h(null);
                                Object obj192 = h102.f1257b;
                                b1.n("second", obj192);
                                aVar.f9875e0 = (e[]) obj192;
                                c12 = cVar.c("connection", 1, 1);
                                if (aVar.f9875e0.length <= 0) {
                                if (c12 != null) {
                                if (cVar.d("remote-random", 0, 0) != null) {
                                d29 = cVar.d("proto-force", 1, 1);
                                if (d29 != null) {
                                String[] strArr42 = {"PROFILE", "FRIENDLY_NAME"};
                                i16 = 0;
                                while (true) {
                                    hashMap = cVar.f10147f;
                                    if (i16 < 2) {
                                vector = (Vector) hashMap.get("USERNAME");
                                if (vector != null) {
                                    String str172 = (String) vector.get(1);
                                while (r11 < r8) {
                                while (r9 < r8) {
                                z13 = false;
                                while (r5.hasNext()) {
                                if (z13) {
                                if (b1.g(aVar.L, aVar.f9882l0)) {
                                i17 = aVar.f9884r;
                                if (i17 != 2) {
                                    e[] eVarArr22 = aVar.f9875e0;
                                    length = eVarArr22.length;
                                    i20 = 0;
                                    while (true) {
                                        if (i20 >= length) {
                                    if (!z16) {
                                c13 = 65535;
                                if (c13 == 0) {
                    aVar.f9884r = i21;
                    if (d26.size() > 1) {
                i14 = 1;
                d27 = cVar.d("auth-retry", i14, i14);
                if (d27 != null) {
                i15 = 2;
                d28 = cVar.d("crl-verify", 1, i15);
                if (d28 != null) {
                b0.c h1022 = cVar.h(null);
                Object obj1922 = h1022.f1257b;
                b1.n("second", obj1922);
                aVar.f9875e0 = (e[]) obj1922;
                c12 = cVar.c("connection", 1, 1);
                if (aVar.f9875e0.length <= 0) {
                if (c12 != null) {
                if (cVar.d("remote-random", 0, 0) != null) {
                d29 = cVar.d("proto-force", 1, 1);
                if (d29 != null) {
                String[] strArr422 = {"PROFILE", "FRIENDLY_NAME"};
                i16 = 0;
                while (true) {
                    hashMap = cVar.f10147f;
                    if (i16 < 2) {
                vector = (Vector) hashMap.get("USERNAME");
                if (vector != null) {
                while (r11 < r8) {
                while (r9 < r8) {
                z13 = false;
                while (r5.hasNext()) {
                if (z13) {
                if (b1.g(aVar.L, aVar.f9882l0)) {
                i17 = aVar.f9884r;
                if (i17 != 2) {
                c13 = 65535;
                if (c13 == 0) {
            } else {
                throw new v8.a("Sorry. Only tun mode is supported. See the FAQ for more detail");
        i11 = 0;
        d10 = cVar.d("mssfix", i11, 2);
        if (d10 != null) {
        d11 = cVar.d("tun-mtu", 1, 1);
        if (d11 != null) {
        d12 = cVar.d("mode", 1, 1);
        if (d12 == null) {
        int i252 = 2;
        c10 = cVar.c("dhcp-option", 2, 2);
        if (c10 != null) {
        d13 = cVar.d("ifconfig", 2, 2);
        if (d13 != null) {
        if (cVar.d("remote-random-hostname", 0, 0) == null) {
        if (cVar.d("float", 0, 0) != null) {
        if (cVar.d("comp-lzo", 0, r53) != null) {
        d14 = cVar.d("cipher", r53, r53);
        if (d14 != 0) {
        d15 = cVar.d("auth", r53, r53);
        if (d15 != 0) {
        d16 = cVar.d("ca", r53, r53);
        if (d16 != 0) {
        d17 = cVar.d("cert", r53, r53);
        if (d17 != 0) {
        d18 = cVar.d("key", r53, r53);
        if (d18 != 0) {
        d19 = cVar.d("pkcs12", r53, r53);
        if (d19 == 0) {
        if (cVar.d("cryptoapicert", r53, r53) != null) {
        Vector d352 = cVar.d("compat-names", r53, i12);
        Vector d362 = cVar.d("no-name-remapping", r53, r53);
        d20 = cVar.d("tls-remote", r53, r53);
        if (d20 == 0) {
        d21 = cVar.d("verify-x509-name", r53, i13);
        if (d21 != 0) {
        d22 = cVar.d("x509-username-field", 1, 1);
        if (d22 != null) {
        d23 = cVar.d("verb", 1, 1);
        if (d23 != null) {
        if (cVar.d("nobind", 0, 0) != null) {
        if (cVar.d("persist-tun", 0, 0) != null) {
        if (cVar.d("push-peer-info", 0, 0) != null) {
        d24 = cVar.d("connect-retry", 1, 2);
        if (d24 != null) {
        d25 = cVar.d("connect-retry-max", 1, 1);
        if (d25 != null) {
        c11 = cVar.c("remote-cert-tls", 1, 1);
        if (c11 != null) {
        d26 = cVar.d("auth-user-pass", 0, 1);
        if (d26 != null) {
        i14 = 1;
        d27 = cVar.d("auth-retry", i14, i14);
        if (d27 != null) {
        i15 = 2;
        d28 = cVar.d("crl-verify", 1, i15);
        if (d28 != null) {
        b0.c h10222 = cVar.h(null);
        Object obj19222 = h10222.f1257b;
        b1.n("second", obj19222);
        aVar.f9875e0 = (e[]) obj19222;
        c12 = cVar.c("connection", 1, 1);
        if (aVar.f9875e0.length <= 0) {
        if (c12 != null) {
        if (cVar.d("remote-random", 0, 0) != null) {
        d29 = cVar.d("proto-force", 1, 1);
        if (d29 != null) {
        String[] strArr4222 = {"PROFILE", "FRIENDLY_NAME"};
        i16 = 0;
        while (true) {
            hashMap = cVar.f10147f;
            if (i16 < 2) {
        vector = (Vector) hashMap.get("USERNAME");
        if (vector != null) {
        while (r11 < r8) {
        while (r9 < r8) {
        z13 = false;
        while (r5.hasNext()) {
        if (z13) {
        if (b1.g(aVar.L, aVar.f9882l0)) {
        i17 = aVar.f9884r;
        if (i17 != 2) {
        c13 = 65535;
        if (c13 == 0) {