MD5 校验值:52ffe34fa08a87a6cc4bc36d7eb3dad1 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package dp; import androidx.biometric.l0; import bm.m; import com.huawei.hms.framework.common.NetworkUtil; import com.huawei.hms.push.constant.RemoteMessageConst; import fp.b; import gp.e; import gp.r; import gp.v; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mp.b0; import mp.c0; import mp.h; import mp.j0; import okhttp3.internal.connection.RouteException; import zo.a0; import zo.e0; import zo.h0; import zo.p; import zo.s; import zo.t; import zo.u; import zo.y; import zo.z; public final class f extends e.b { public final h0 f11180b; public Socket f11181c; public Socket f11182d; public s f11183e; public z f11184f; public gp.e f11185g; public c0 f11186h; public b0 f11187i; public boolean f11188j; public boolean f11189k; public int f11190l; public int f11191m; public int f11192n; public int f11193o; public final ArrayList f11194p; public long q; public class a { public static final int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0; static { int[] iArr = new int[Proxy.Type.values().length]; iArr[Proxy.Type.DIRECT.ordinal()] = 1; iArr[Proxy.Type.HTTP.ordinal()] = 2; $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr; } } public f(j jVar, h0 h0Var) { m.f(jVar, "connectionPool"); m.f(h0Var, "route"); this.f11180b = h0Var; this.f11193o = 1; this.f11194p = new ArrayList(); this.q = Long.MAX_VALUE; } public static void d(y yVar, h0 h0Var, IOException iOException) { m.f(yVar, "client"); m.f(h0Var, "failedRoute"); m.f(iOException, "failure"); if (h0Var.f38537b.type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) { zo.a aVar = h0Var.f38536a; aVar.f38431h.connectFailed(aVar.f38432i.g(), h0Var.f38537b.address(), iOException); } y.e eVar = yVar.Y; synchronized (eVar) { ((Set) eVar.f36969a).add(h0Var); } } @Override public final synchronized void a(gp.e eVar, v vVar) { int i10; m.f(eVar, "connection"); m.f(vVar, "settings"); if ((vVar.f16599a & 16) != 0) { i10 = vVar.f16600b[4]; } else { i10 = NetworkUtil.UNAVAILABLE; } this.f11193o = i10; } @Override public final void b(r rVar) throws IOException { m.f(rVar, "stream"); rVar.c(gp.a.REFUSED_STREAM, null); } public final void c(int i10, int i11, int i12, int i13, boolean z10, e eVar, p pVar) { Socket socket; Socket socket2; h0 h0Var; m.f(eVar, "call"); m.f(pVar, "eventListener"); if (this.f11184f == null) { List<zo.k> list = this.f11180b.f38536a.f38434k; b bVar = new b(list); zo.a aVar = this.f11180b.f38536a; if (aVar.f38426c == null) { if (list.contains(zo.k.f38567f)) { String str = this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i.f38615d; ip.k kVar = ip.k.f19450a; if (!ip.k.f19450a.h(str)) { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException(d0.g.b("CLEARTEXT communication to ", str, " not permitted by network security policy"))); } } else { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException("CLEARTEXT communication not enabled for client")); } } else if (aVar.f38433j.contains(z.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE)) { throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException("H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE cannot be used with HTTPS")); } RouteException routeException = null; do { try { h0 h0Var2 = this.f11180b; try { if (h0Var2.f38536a.f38426c != null && h0Var2.f38537b.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP) { f(i10, i11, i12, eVar, pVar); if (this.f11181c == null) { h0Var = this.f11180b; if (!(h0Var.f38536a.f38426c == null && h0Var.f38537b.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP) && this.f11181c == null) { throw new RouteException(new ProtocolException("Too many tunnel connections attempted: 21")); } this.q = System.nanoTime(); return; } } else { try { e(i10, i11, eVar, pVar); } catch (IOException e10) { e = e10; socket = this.f11182d; if (socket != null) { ap.b.e(socket); } socket2 = this.f11181c; if (socket2 != null) { ap.b.e(socket2); } this.f11182d = null; this.f11181c = null; this.f11186h = null; this.f11187i = null; this.f11183e = null; this.f11184f = null; this.f11185g = null; this.f11193o = 1; h0 h0Var3 = this.f11180b; InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = h0Var3.f38538c; Proxy proxy = h0Var3.f38537b; m.f(inetSocketAddress, "inetSocketAddress"); m.f(proxy, "proxy"); if (routeException != null) { routeException = new RouteException(e); } else { l0.c(routeException.f27997a, e); routeException.f27998b = e; } if (!z10) { bVar.f11130d = true; } else { throw routeException; } } } g(bVar, i13, eVar, pVar); h0 h0Var4 = this.f11180b; InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress2 = h0Var4.f38538c; Proxy proxy2 = h0Var4.f38537b; p.a aVar2 = p.f38595a; m.f(inetSocketAddress2, "inetSocketAddress"); m.f(proxy2, "proxy"); h0Var = this.f11180b; if (!(h0Var.f38536a.f38426c == null && h0Var.f38537b.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP)) { } this.q = System.nanoTime(); return; } catch (IOException e11) { e = e11; socket = this.f11182d; if (socket != null) { } socket2 = this.f11181c; if (socket2 != null) { } this.f11182d = null; this.f11181c = null; this.f11186h = null; this.f11187i = null; this.f11183e = null; this.f11184f = null; this.f11185g = null; this.f11193o = 1; h0 h0Var32 = this.f11180b; InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress3 = h0Var32.f38538c; Proxy proxy3 = h0Var32.f38537b; m.f(inetSocketAddress3, "inetSocketAddress"); m.f(proxy3, "proxy"); if (routeException != null) { } if (!z10) { } } } catch (IOException e12) { e = e12; } } while ((!bVar.f11129c || (e instanceof ProtocolException) || (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) || ((e instanceof SSLHandshakeException) && (e.getCause() instanceof CertificateException)) || (e instanceof SSLPeerUnverifiedException) || !(e instanceof SSLException)) ? false : true); throw routeException; } throw new IllegalStateException("already connected".toString()); } public final void e(int i10, int i11, e eVar, p pVar) throws IOException { int i12; Socket createSocket; h0 h0Var = this.f11180b; Proxy proxy = h0Var.f38537b; zo.a aVar = h0Var.f38536a; Proxy.Type type = proxy.type(); if (type == null) { i12 = -1; } else { i12 = a.$EnumSwitchMapping$0[type.ordinal()]; } if (i12 != 1 && i12 != 2) { createSocket = new Socket(proxy); } else { createSocket = aVar.f38425b.createSocket(); m.c(createSocket); } this.f11181c = createSocket; InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = this.f11180b.f38538c; pVar.getClass(); m.f(eVar, "call"); m.f(inetSocketAddress, "inetSocketAddress"); createSocket.setSoTimeout(i11); try { ip.k kVar = ip.k.f19450a; ip.k.f19450a.e(createSocket, this.f11180b.f38538c, i10); try { this.f11186h = mp.v.b(mp.v.e(createSocket)); this.f11187i = mp.v.a(mp.v.d(createSocket)); } catch (NullPointerException e10) { if (!m.a(e10.getMessage(), "throw with null exception")) { } else { throw new IOException(e10); } } } catch (ConnectException e11) { ConnectException connectException = new ConnectException(m.k(this.f11180b.f38538c, "Failed to connect to ")); connectException.initCause(e11); throw connectException; } } public final void f(int i10, int i11, int i12, e eVar, p pVar) throws IOException { a0.a aVar = new a0.a(); u uVar = this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i; m.f(uVar, RemoteMessageConst.Notification.URL); aVar.f38441a = uVar; y yVar = null; aVar.d("CONNECT", null); boolean z10 = true; aVar.c("Host", ap.b.v(this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i, true)); aVar.c("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive"); aVar.c("User-Agent", "okhttp/4.10.0"); a0 a8 = aVar.a(); e0.a aVar2 = new e0.a(); aVar2.f38514a = a8; aVar2.f38515b = z.HTTP_1_1; aVar2.f38516c = 407; aVar2.f38517d = "Preemptive Authenticate"; aVar2.f38520g = ap.b.f3532c; aVar2.f38524k = -1L; aVar2.f38525l = -1L; t.a aVar3 = aVar2.f38519f; aVar3.getClass(); t.b.a("Proxy-Authenticate"); t.b.b("OkHttp-Preemptive", "Proxy-Authenticate"); aVar3.f("Proxy-Authenticate"); aVar3.c("Proxy-Authenticate", "OkHttp-Preemptive"); e0 a10 = aVar2.a(); h0 h0Var = this.f11180b; a0 a11 = h0Var.f38536a.f38429f.a(h0Var, a10); if (a11 != null) { a8 = a11; } u uVar2 = a8.f38435a; int i13 = 0; while (i13 < 21) { int i14 = i13 + 1; e(i10, i11, eVar, pVar); String str = "CONNECT " + ap.b.v(uVar2, z10) + " HTTP/1.1"; while (true) { c0 c0Var = this.f11186h; m.c(c0Var); b0 b0Var = this.f11187i; m.c(b0Var); fp.b bVar = new fp.b(yVar, this, c0Var, b0Var); TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; c0Var.l().g(i11, timeUnit); int i15 = i14; b0Var.l().g(i12, timeUnit); bVar.k(a8.f38437c, str); bVar.a(); e0.a b10 = bVar.b(false); m.c(b10); b10.f38514a = a8; e0 a12 = b10.a(); long k7 = ap.b.k(a12); if (k7 != -1) { b.d j10 = bVar.j(k7); ap.b.t(j10, NetworkUtil.UNAVAILABLE, timeUnit); j10.close(); } int i16 = a12.f38503d; if (i16 != 200) { if (i16 == 407) { h0 h0Var2 = this.f11180b; a0 a13 = h0Var2.f38536a.f38429f.a(h0Var2, a12); if (a13 != null) { if (po.k.K("close", e0.c(a12, "Connection"), true)) { a8 = a13; break; } else { a8 = a13; i14 = i15; yVar = null; } } else { throw new IOException("Failed to authenticate with proxy"); } } else { throw new IOException(m.k(Integer.valueOf(a12.f38503d), "Unexpected response code for CONNECT: ")); } } else if (c0Var.f25945b.H() && b0Var.f25940b.H()) { a8 = null; } else { throw new IOException("TLS tunnel buffered too many bytes!"); } } } } public final void g(b bVar, int i10, e eVar, p pVar) throws IOException { z zVar = z.HTTP_1_1; zo.a aVar = this.f11180b.f38536a; if (aVar.f38426c == null) { List<z> list = aVar.f38433j; z zVar2 = z.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE; if (list.contains(zVar2)) { this.f11182d = this.f11181c; this.f11184f = zVar2; l(i10); return; } else { this.f11182d = this.f11181c; this.f11184f = zVar; return; } } pVar.getClass(); m.f(eVar, "call"); zo.a aVar2 = this.f11180b.f38536a; SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory = aVar2.f38426c; SSLSocket sSLSocket = null; String str = null; try { m.c(sSLSocketFactory); Socket socket = this.f11181c; u uVar = aVar2.f38432i; Socket createSocket = sSLSocketFactory.createSocket(socket, uVar.f38615d, uVar.f38616e, true); if (createSocket != null) { SSLSocket sSLSocket2 = (SSLSocket) createSocket; try { zo.k a8 = bVar.a(sSLSocket2); if (a8.f38569b) { ip.k kVar = ip.k.f19450a; ip.k.f19450a.d(sSLSocket2, aVar2.f38432i.f38615d, aVar2.f38433j); } sSLSocket2.startHandshake(); SSLSession session = sSLSocket2.getSession(); m.e(session, "sslSocketSession"); s a10 = s.a.a(session); HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = aVar2.f38427d; m.c(hostnameVerifier); if (!hostnameVerifier.verify(aVar2.f38432i.f38615d, session)) { List<Certificate> a11 = a10.a(); if (!a11.isEmpty()) { X509Certificate x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) a11.get(0); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append("\n |Hostname "); sb2.append(aVar2.f38432i.f38615d); sb2.append(" not verified:\n | certificate: "); zo.g gVar = zo.g.f38530c; m.f(x509Certificate, "certificate"); mp.h hVar = mp.h.f25963d; byte[] encoded = x509Certificate.getPublicKey().getEncoded(); m.e(encoded, "publicKey.encoded"); sb2.append(m.k(h.a.d(encoded).n("SHA-256").a(), "sha256/")); sb2.append("\n | DN: "); sb2.append((Object) x509Certificate.getSubjectDN().getName()); sb2.append("\n | subjectAltNames: "); sb2.append(pl.v.p0(lp.d.a(x509Certificate, 2), lp.d.a(x509Certificate, 7))); sb2.append("\n "); throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(po.g.G(sb2.toString())); } throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + aVar2.f38432i.f38615d + " not verified (no certificates)"); } zo.g gVar2 = aVar2.f38428e; m.c(gVar2); this.f11183e = new s(a10.f38603a, a10.f38604b, a10.f38605c, new g(gVar2, a10, aVar2)); gVar2.a(aVar2.f38432i.f38615d, new h(this)); if (a8.f38569b) { ip.k kVar2 = ip.k.f19450a; str = ip.k.f19450a.f(sSLSocket2); } this.f11182d = sSLSocket2; this.f11186h = mp.v.b(mp.v.e(sSLSocket2)); this.f11187i = mp.v.a(mp.v.d(sSLSocket2)); if (str != null) { zVar = z.a.a(str); } this.f11184f = zVar; ip.k kVar3 = ip.k.f19450a; ip.k.f19450a.a(sSLSocket2); if (this.f11184f == z.HTTP_2) { l(i10); return; } return; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; sSLSocket = sSLSocket2; if (sSLSocket != null) { ip.k kVar4 = ip.k.f19450a; ip.k.f19450a.a(sSLSocket); } if (sSLSocket != null) { ap.b.e(sSLSocket); } throw th; } } throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type"); } catch (Throwable th3) { th = th3; } } public final boolean h(zo.a aVar, List<h0> list) { boolean z10; boolean z11; s sVar; boolean z12; boolean z13; m.f(aVar, "address"); byte[] bArr = ap.b.f3530a; if (this.f11194p.size() >= this.f11193o || this.f11188j || !this.f11180b.f38536a.a(aVar)) { return false; } if (m.a(aVar.f38432i.f38615d, this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i.f38615d)) { return true; } if (this.f11185g != null && list != null) { if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (h0 h0Var : list) { if (h0Var.f38537b.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT && this.f11180b.f38537b.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT && m.a(this.f11180b.f38538c, h0Var.f38538c)) { z13 = true; } else { z13 = false; } if (z13) { z10 = true; break; } } } z10 = false; if (!z10 || aVar.f38427d != lp.d.f24485a) { return false; } u uVar = aVar.f38432i; byte[] bArr2 = ap.b.f3530a; u uVar2 = this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i; if (uVar.f38616e == uVar2.f38616e) { if (!m.a(uVar.f38615d, uVar2.f38615d)) { if (!this.f11189k && (sVar = this.f11183e) != null) { List<Certificate> a8 = sVar.a(); if (!a8.isEmpty()) { if (lp.d.c((X509Certificate) a8.get(0), uVar.f38615d)) { z12 = true; } } z12 = false; } } z11 = true; if (z11) { return false; } try { zo.g gVar = aVar.f38428e; m.c(gVar); String str = aVar.f38432i.f38615d; s sVar2 = this.f11183e; m.c(sVar2); List<Certificate> a10 = sVar2.a(); m.f(str, "hostname"); m.f(a10, "peerCertificates"); gVar.a(str, new zo.h(gVar, a10, str)); return true; } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException unused) { } } z11 = false; if (z11) { } } return false; } public final boolean i(boolean z10) { long j10; byte[] bArr = ap.b.f3530a; long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); Socket socket = this.f11181c; m.c(socket); Socket socket2 = this.f11182d; m.c(socket2); c0 c0Var = this.f11186h; m.c(c0Var); if (socket.isClosed() || socket2.isClosed() || socket2.isInputShutdown() || socket2.isOutputShutdown()) { return false; } gp.e eVar = this.f11185g; if (eVar != null) { synchronized (eVar) { if (eVar.f16478g) { return false; } if (eVar.f16487p < eVar.f16486o) { if (nanoTime >= eVar.q) { return false; } } return true; } } synchronized (this) { j10 = nanoTime - this.q; } if (j10 < 10000000000L || !z10) { return true; } try { int soTimeout = socket2.getSoTimeout(); try { socket2.setSoTimeout(1); boolean z11 = !c0Var.H(); socket2.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); return z11; } catch (Throwable th2) { socket2.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); throw th2; } } catch (SocketTimeoutException unused) { return true; } catch (IOException unused2) { return false; } } public final ep.d j(y yVar, ep.f fVar) throws SocketException { Socket socket = this.f11182d; m.c(socket); c0 c0Var = this.f11186h; m.c(c0Var); b0 b0Var = this.f11187i; m.c(b0Var); gp.e eVar = this.f11185g; if (eVar != null) { return new gp.p(yVar, this, fVar, eVar); } socket.setSoTimeout(fVar.f12875g); j0 l10 = c0Var.l(); long j10 = fVar.f12875g; TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; l10.g(j10, timeUnit); b0Var.l().g(fVar.f12876h, timeUnit); return new fp.b(yVar, this, c0Var, b0Var); } public final synchronized void k() { this.f11188j = true; } public final void l(int i10) throws IOException { String k7; int i11; int i12; Socket socket = this.f11182d; m.c(socket); c0 c0Var = this.f11186h; m.c(c0Var); b0 b0Var = this.f11187i; m.c(b0Var); socket.setSoTimeout(0); cp.d dVar = cp.d.f10229h; e.a aVar = new e.a(dVar); String str = this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i.f38615d; m.f(str, "peerName"); aVar.f16499c = socket; if (aVar.f16497a) { k7 = ap.b.f3535f + ' ' + str; } else { k7 = m.k(str, "MockWebServer "); } m.f(k7, "<set-?>"); aVar.f16500d = k7; aVar.f16501e = c0Var; aVar.f16502f = b0Var; aVar.f16503g = this; aVar.f16505i = i10; gp.e eVar = new gp.e(aVar); this.f11185g = eVar; v vVar = gp.e.B; if ((vVar.f16599a & 16) != 0) { i11 = vVar.f16600b[4]; } else { i11 = NetworkUtil.UNAVAILABLE; } this.f11193o = i11; gp.s sVar = eVar.f16495y; synchronized (sVar) { if (!sVar.f16590e) { if (sVar.f16587b) { Logger logger = gp.s.f16585g; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(ap.b.i(m.k(gp.d.f16468b.s(), ">> CONNECTION "), new Object[0])); } sVar.f16586a.s(gp.d.f16468b); sVar.f16586a.flush(); } } else { throw new IOException("closed"); } } gp.s sVar2 = eVar.f16495y; v vVar2 = eVar.f16488r; synchronized (sVar2) { m.f(vVar2, "settings"); if (!sVar2.f16590e) { sVar2.d(0, Integer.bitCount(vVar2.f16599a) * 6, 4, 0); int i13 = 0; while (i13 < 10) { int i14 = i13 + 1; boolean z10 = true; if (((1 << i13) & vVar2.f16599a) == 0) { z10 = false; } if (z10) { if (i13 != 4) { if (i13 != 7) { i12 = i13; } else { i12 = 4; } } else { i12 = 3; } sVar2.f16586a.writeShort(i12); sVar2.f16586a.writeInt(vVar2.f16600b[i13]); } i13 = i14; } sVar2.f16586a.flush(); } else { throw new IOException("closed"); } } if (eVar.f16488r.a() != 65535) { eVar.f16495y.k(r0 - 65535, 0); } dVar.f().c(new cp.b(eVar.f16475d, eVar.f16496z), 0L); } public final String toString() { zo.i iVar; StringBuilder b10 ="Connection{"); b10.append(this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i.f38615d); b10.append(':'); b10.append(this.f11180b.f38536a.f38432i.f38616e); b10.append(", proxy="); b10.append(this.f11180b.f38537b); b10.append(" hostAddress="); b10.append(this.f11180b.f38538c); b10.append(" cipherSuite="); s sVar = this.f11183e; Object obj = "none"; if (sVar != null && (iVar = sVar.f38604b) != null) { obj = iVar; } b10.append(obj); b10.append(" protocol="); b10.append(this.f11184f); b10.append('}'); return b10.toString(); } }