MD5 校验值:63f8e52e07318fa084f03ba71262387f 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package e8; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import e8.e; import f8.f; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class a { private static final Map<Context, a> f8638d = new HashMap(); private final h f8639a = d(); protected final Context f8640b; protected final e8.d f8641c; public static class C0128a extends d { private final String f8642c; private final JSONObject f8643d; private final boolean f8644e; public C0128a(String str, JSONObject jSONObject, String str2) { this(str, jSONObject, str2, false, new JSONObject()); } public C0128a(String str, JSONObject jSONObject, String str2, boolean z10, JSONObject jSONObject2) { super(str2, jSONObject); this.f8642c = str; this.f8644e = z10; this.f8643d = jSONObject2; } public String c() { return this.f8642c; } public JSONObject d() { return b(); } public JSONObject e() { return this.f8643d; } } static class b extends d { public b(JSONObject jSONObject, String str) { super(str, jSONObject); } public String toString() { return b().toString(); } } public static class c { private final String f8645a; public c(String str) { this.f8645a = str; } public String a() { return this.f8645a; } } public static class d extends c { private final JSONObject f8646b; public d(String str, JSONObject jSONObject) { super(str); if (jSONObject != null && jSONObject.length() > 0) { Iterator<String> keys = jSONObject.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String next =; try { jSONObject.get(next).toString(); } catch (AssertionError e10) { jSONObject.remove(next); f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Removing people profile property from update (see", e10); } catch (JSONException unused) { } } } this.f8646b = jSONObject; } public JSONObject b() { return this.f8646b; } } static class e extends d { public e(JSONObject jSONObject, String str) { super(str, jSONObject); } public boolean c() { return !b().has("$distinct_id"); } public String toString() { return b().toString(); } } static class f extends c { private final String f8647b; public f(String str, String str2) { super(str2); this.f8647b = str; } public String b() { return this.f8647b; } public String toString() { return this.f8647b; } } static class g extends c { private final Map<String, String> f8648b; public Map<String, String> b() { return this.f8648b; } } public class h { private l f8654f; private final Object f8649a = new Object(); private long f8651c = 0; private long f8652d = 0; private long f8653e = -1; private Handler f8650b = f(); public class HandlerC0129a extends Handler { private e8.e f8656a; private final long f8657b; private long f8658c; private int f8659d; public HandlerC0129a(Looper looper) { super(looper); this.f8656a = null; h.this.f8654f = l.f(a.this.f8640b); this.f8657b = a.this.f8641c.h(); } private JSONObject a() { JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(); jSONObject.put("mp_lib", "android"); jSONObject.put("$lib_version", "7.3.2"); jSONObject.put("$os", "Android"); String str = Build.VERSION.RELEASE; if (str == null) { str = "UNKNOWN"; } jSONObject.put("$os_version", str); String str2 = Build.MANUFACTURER; if (str2 == null) { str2 = "UNKNOWN"; } jSONObject.put("$manufacturer", str2); String str3 = Build.BRAND; if (str3 == null) { str3 = "UNKNOWN"; } jSONObject.put("$brand", str3); String str4 = Build.MODEL; jSONObject.put("$model", str4 != null ? str4 : "UNKNOWN"); DisplayMetrics e10 = h.this.f8654f.e(); jSONObject.put("$screen_dpi", e10.densityDpi); jSONObject.put("$screen_height", e10.heightPixels); jSONObject.put("$screen_width", e10.widthPixels); String b10 = h.this.f8654f.b(); if (b10 != null) { jSONObject.put("$app_version", b10); jSONObject.put("$app_version_string", b10); } Integer a10 = h.this.f8654f.a(); if (a10 != null) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(a10); jSONObject.put("$app_release", valueOf); jSONObject.put("$app_build_number", valueOf); } Boolean valueOf2 = Boolean.valueOf(h.this.f8654f.g()); if (valueOf2 != null) { jSONObject.put("$has_nfc", valueOf2.booleanValue()); } Boolean valueOf3 = Boolean.valueOf(h.this.f8654f.h()); if (valueOf3 != null) { jSONObject.put("$has_telephone", valueOf3.booleanValue()); } String d10 = h.this.f8654f.d(); if (d10 != null && !d10.trim().isEmpty()) { jSONObject.put("$carrier", d10); } Boolean j10 = h.this.f8654f.j(); if (j10 != null) { jSONObject.put("$wifi", j10.booleanValue()); } Boolean i10 = h.this.f8654f.i(); if (i10 != null) { jSONObject.put("$bluetooth_enabled", i10); } String c10 = h.this.f8654f.c(); if (c10 != null) { jSONObject.put("$bluetooth_version", c10); } return jSONObject; } private JSONObject b(C0128a c0128a) { JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject d10 = c0128a.d(); JSONObject a10 = a(); a10.put("token", c0128a.a()); if (d10 != null) { Iterator<String> keys = d10.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String next =; a10.put(next, d10.get(next)); } } jSONObject.put("event", c0128a.c()); jSONObject.put("properties", a10); jSONObject.put("$mp_metadata", c0128a.e()); return jSONObject; } private void c(e8.e eVar, String str) { f8.f i10 = a.this.i(); a aVar = a.this; if (!i10.b(aVar.f8640b, aVar.f8641c.o())) { a.this.k("Not flushing data to Mixpanel because the device is not connected to the internet."); return; } d(eVar, str, e.b.EVENTS, a.this.f8641c.f()); d(eVar, str, e.b.PEOPLE, a.this.f8641c.p()); d(eVar, str, e.b.GROUPS, a.this.f8641c.j()); } private void d(e8.e eVar, String str, e.b bVar, String str2) { a aVar; StringBuilder sb; StringBuilder sb2; f8.f i10 = a.this.i(); String[] o10 = eVar.o(bVar, str); int i11 = 0; Integer valueOf = o10 != null ? Integer.valueOf(o10[2]) : 0; while (o10 != null && valueOf.intValue() > 0) { String str3 = o10[i11]; String str4 = o10[1]; String c10 = f8.a.c(str4); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("data", c10); if (e8.d.f8666u) { hashMap.put("verbose", "1"); } try { try { byte[] a10 = i10.a(str2, hashMap, a.this.f8641c.r()); if (a10 != null) { try { String str5 = new String(a10, "UTF-8"); if (this.f8659d > 0) { this.f8659d = i11; removeMessages(2, str); } a.this.k("Successfully posted to " + str2 + ": \n" + str4); a aVar2 = a.this; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); sb3.append("Response was "); sb3.append(str5); aVar2.k(sb3.toString()); i11 = 1; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e10) { throw new RuntimeException("UTF not supported on this platform?", e10); break; } } else { try { a.this.k("Response was null, unexpected failure posting to " + str2 + "."); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e11) { e = e11; sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append("Out of memory when posting to "); sb2.append(str2); sb2.append("."); f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", sb2.toString(), e); if (i11 != 0) { } } catch (MalformedURLException e12) { e = e12; sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.append("Cannot interpret "); sb2.append(str2); sb2.append(" as a URL."); f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", sb2.toString(), e); if (i11 != 0) { } } } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e13) { e = e13; i11 = 1; } catch (MalformedURLException e14) { e = e14; i11 = 1; } } catch (f.a e15) { a.this.l("Cannot post message to " + str2 + ".", e15); this.f8658c = (long) (e15.a() *; i11 = 0; if (i11 != 0) { } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e16) { e = e16; aVar = a.this; sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Cannot post message to "); sb.append(str2); sb.append("."); aVar.l(sb.toString(), e); i11 = 0; if (i11 != 0) { } } catch (IOException e17) { e = e17; aVar = a.this; sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Cannot post message to "); sb.append(str2); sb.append("."); aVar.l(sb.toString(), e); i11 = 0; if (i11 != 0) { } } if (i11 != 0) { removeMessages(2, str); long max = Math.max(((long) Math.pow(2.0d, this.f8659d)) * 60000, this.f8658c); this.f8658c = max; this.f8658c = Math.min(max, 600000L); Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 2; obtain.obj = str; sendMessageDelayed(obtain, this.f8658c); this.f8659d++; a.this.k("Retrying this batch of events in " + this.f8658c + " ms"); return; } a.this.k("Not retrying this batch of events, deleting them from DB."); eVar.m(str3, bVar, str); o10 = eVar.o(bVar, str); if (o10 != null) { valueOf = Integer.valueOf(o10[2]); } i11 = 0; } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { String a10; e8.e eVar; e.b bVar; String str; if (this.f8656a == null) { a aVar = a.this; e8.e m10 = aVar.m(aVar.f8640b); this.f8656a = m10; m10.l(System.currentTimeMillis() - a.this.f8641c.b(), e.b.EVENTS); this.f8656a.l(System.currentTimeMillis() - a.this.f8641c.b(), e.b.PEOPLE); } int i10 = -3; try { int i11 = message.what; if (i11 == 0) { e eVar2 = (e) message.obj; e.b bVar2 = eVar2.c() ? e.b.ANONYMOUS_PEOPLE : e.b.PEOPLE; a.this.k("Queuing people record for sending later"); a.this.k(" " + eVar2.toString()); a10 = eVar2.a(); i10 = this.f8656a.j(eVar2.b(), a10, bVar2); if (eVar2.c()) { i10 = 0; } } else if (i11 == 3) { b bVar3 = (b) message.obj; a.this.k("Queuing group record for sending later"); a.this.k(" " + bVar3.toString()); a10 = bVar3.a(); i10 = this.f8656a.j(bVar3.b(), a10, e.b.GROUPS); } else if (i11 == 1) { C0128a c0128a = (C0128a) message.obj; try { JSONObject b10 = b(c0128a); a.this.k("Queuing event for sending later"); a.this.k(" " + b10.toString()); str = c0128a.a(); try { i10 = this.f8656a.j(b10, str, e.b.EVENTS); } catch (JSONException e10) { e = e10; f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Exception tracking event " + c0128a.c(), e); a10 = str; if (i10 < a.this.f8641c.a()) { } a.this.k("Flushing queue due to bulk upload limit (" + i10 + ") for project " + a10); h.this.h(); c(this.f8656a, a10); return; } } catch (JSONException e11) { e = e11; str = null; } a10 = str; } else if (i11 == 4) { f fVar = (f) message.obj; String b11 = fVar.b(); a10 = fVar.a(); i10 = this.f8656a.r(a10, b11); } else { if (i11 == 7) { a10 = ((c) message.obj).a(); eVar = this.f8656a; bVar = e.b.ANONYMOUS_PEOPLE; } else { if (i11 == 8) { g gVar = (g) message.obj; f8.d.a("MixpanelAPI.Messages", this.f8656a.s(gVar.b(), gVar.a()) + " stored events were updated with new properties."); } else if (i11 == 2) { a.this.k("Flushing queue due to scheduled or forced flush"); h.this.h(); a10 = (String) message.obj; c(this.f8656a, a10); } else if (i11 == 6) { a10 = ((c) message.obj).a(); this.f8656a.k(e.b.EVENTS, a10); this.f8656a.k(e.b.PEOPLE, a10); this.f8656a.k(e.b.GROUPS, a10); eVar = this.f8656a; bVar = e.b.ANONYMOUS_PEOPLE; } else if (i11 == 5) { f8.d.k("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Worker received a hard kill. Dumping all events and force-killing. Thread id " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); synchronized (h.this.f8649a) { this.f8656a.n(); h.this.f8650b = null; Looper.myLooper().quit(); } } else if (i11 == 9) { f8.c.a((File) message.obj); } else { f8.d.c("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Unexpected message received by Mixpanel worker: " + message); } a10 = null; } eVar.k(bVar, a10); } if ((i10 < a.this.f8641c.a() || i10 == -2) && this.f8659d <= 0 && a10 != null) { a.this.k("Flushing queue due to bulk upload limit (" + i10 + ") for project " + a10); h.this.h(); c(this.f8656a, a10); return; } if (i10 <= 0 || hasMessages(2, a10)) { return; } a.this.k("Queue depth " + i10 + " - Adding flush in " + this.f8657b); if (this.f8657b >= 0) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 2; obtain.obj = a10; obtain.arg1 = 1; sendMessageDelayed(obtain, this.f8657b); } } catch (RuntimeException e12) { f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Worker threw an unhandled exception", e12); synchronized (h.this.f8649a) { h.this.f8650b = null; try { Looper.myLooper().quit(); f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Mixpanel will not process any more analytics messages", e12); } catch (Exception e13) { f8.d.d("MixpanelAPI.Messages", "Could not halt looper", e13); } } } } } public h() { } public void h() { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long j10 = this.f8651c; long j11 = 1 + j10; long j12 = this.f8653e; if (j12 > 0) { long j13 = ((currentTimeMillis - j12) + (this.f8652d * j10)) / j11; this.f8652d = j13; a.this.k("Average send frequency approximately " + (j13 / 1000) + " seconds."); } this.f8653e = currentTimeMillis; this.f8651c = j11; } protected Handler f() { HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("", 10); handlerThread.start(); return new HandlerC0129a(handlerThread.getLooper()); } public void g(Message message) { synchronized (this.f8649a) { Handler handler = this.f8650b; if (handler == null) { a.this.k("Dead mixpanel worker dropping a message: " + message.what); } else { handler.sendMessage(message); } } } } a(Context context) { this.f8640b = context; this.f8641c = g(context); i().c(); } public static a h(Context context) { a aVar; Map<Context, a> map = f8638d; synchronized (map) { Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); if (map.containsKey(applicationContext)) { aVar = map.get(applicationContext); } else { aVar = new a(applicationContext); map.put(applicationContext, aVar); } } return aVar; } public void k(String str) { f8.d.i("MixpanelAPI.Messages", str + " (Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ")"); } public void l(String str, Throwable th) { f8.d.j("MixpanelAPI.Messages", str + " (Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ")", th); } public void c(c cVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 7; obtain.obj = cVar; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } protected h d() { return new h(); } public void e(c cVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 6; obtain.obj = cVar; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } public void f(C0128a c0128a) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 1; obtain.obj = c0128a; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } protected e8.d g(Context context) { return e8.d.k(context); } protected f8.f i() { return new f8.b(); } public void j(b bVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 3; obtain.obj = bVar; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } protected e8.e m(Context context) { return e8.e.q(context); } public void n(e eVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 0; obtain.obj = eVar; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } public void o(c cVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 2; obtain.obj = cVar.a(); obtain.arg1 = 0; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } public void p(f fVar) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 4; obtain.obj = fVar; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } public void q(File file) { Message obtain = Message.obtain(); obtain.what = 9; obtain.obj = file; this.f8639a.g(obtain); } }