MD5 校验值:2a432003868ccf5f53c7a8e745fc59ec 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package e9; import androidx.activity.s; import bm.m0; import com.airbnb.epoxy.b0; import; import; import cq.l; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import p9.w; import pp.n; import qp.q; public final class b implements e9.a { public final g8.f f6092a; public final b7.e f6093b; public final y9.c f6094c; @vp.e(c = "", f = "ShiftTradesApiDataSource.kt", l = {48}, m = "acceptShiftOffer") public static final class a extends vp.c { public Object D; public int F; public a(tp.d<? super a> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.D = obj; this.F |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.a(null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "ShiftTradesApiDataSource.kt", l = {54}, m = "cancelAcceptRequest") public static final class C0212b extends vp.c { public Object D; public int F; public C0212b(tp.d<? super C0212b> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.D = obj; this.F |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.c(null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "ShiftTradesApiDataSource.kt", l = {28, 33}, m = "fetchShiftTrades") public static final class c extends vp.c { public b D; public List E; public Object F; public int H; public c(tp.d<? super c> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.F = obj; this.H |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.b(this); } } public b(g8.f fVar, b7.e eVar, y9.c cVar) { l.f(fVar, "service"); l.f(cVar, "environmentConfigProvider"); this.f6092a = fVar; this.f6093b = eVar; this.f6094c = cVar; } @Override public final Object a(String str, tp.d<? super wi.c<n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { a aVar; int i10; wi.c S; if (dVar instanceof a) { aVar = (a) dVar; int i11 = aVar.F; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { aVar.F = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = aVar.D; up.a aVar2 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = aVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6094c.d(); aVar.F = 1; obj = this.f6092a.a("", str, aVar); if (obj == aVar2) { return aVar2; } } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { return new wi.b(n.f12723a); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } aVar = new a(dVar); Object obj2 = aVar.D; up.a aVar22 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = aVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object b(tp.d<? super wi.c<? extends List<w>, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { c cVar; int i10; b bVar; Object S; List list; b bVar2; Object S2; if (dVar instanceof c) { cVar = (c) dVar; int i11 = cVar.H; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { cVar.H = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = cVar.F; up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = cVar.H; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 != 1) { if (i10 == 2) { list = cVar.E; bVar2 = cVar.D; m0.r(obj); S2 = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S2 instanceof wi.b)) { List list2 = (List) ((wi.b) S2).f16948a; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(q.J(list2, 10)); Iterator it = list2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(bVar2.f6093b.h((ShiftTradeDtoApi), 2)); } S2 = new wi.b(arrayList); } else if (!(S2 instanceof wi.a)) { throw new b0(); } if (!(S2 instanceof wi.b)) { List list3 = (List) ((wi.b) S2).f16948a; rp.a aVar2 = new rp.a(); aVar2.addAll(list); aVar2.addAll(list3); return new wi.b(o2.h(aVar2)); } if (!(S2 instanceof wi.a)) { throw new b0(); } return S2; } throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } bVar = cVar.D; m0.r(obj); } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6094c.d(); cVar.D = this; cVar.H = 1; obj = this.f6092a.b("", "available", cVar); if (obj == aVar) { return aVar; } bVar = this; } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { List list4 = (List) ((wi.b) S).f16948a; ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(q.J(list4, 10)); Iterator it2 = list4.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { arrayList2.add(bVar.f6093b.h((ShiftTradeDtoApi), 1)); } S = new wi.b(arrayList2); } else if (!(S instanceof wi.a)) { throw new b0(); } if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { List list5 = (List) ((wi.b) S).f16948a; g8.f fVar = bVar.f6092a; bVar.f6094c.d(); cVar.D = bVar; cVar.E = list5; cVar.H = 2; Object b10 = fVar.b("", "applied", cVar); if (b10 == aVar) { return aVar; } list = list5; obj = b10; bVar2 = bVar; S2 = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S2 instanceof wi.b)) { } if (!(S2 instanceof wi.b)) { } } else { if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } } cVar = new c(dVar); Object obj2 = cVar.F; up.a aVar3 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = cVar.H; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object c(String str, tp.d<? super wi.c<n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { C0212b c0212b; int i10; wi.c S; if (dVar instanceof C0212b) { c0212b = (C0212b) dVar; int i11 = c0212b.F; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { c0212b.F = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = c0212b.D; up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = c0212b.F; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6094c.d(); c0212b.F = 1; obj = this.f6092a.c("", str, c0212b); if (obj == aVar) { return aVar; } } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { return new wi.b(n.f12723a); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } c0212b = new C0212b(dVar); Object obj2 = c0212b.D; up.a aVar2 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = c0212b.F; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } }