MD5 校验值:66bdc43743bbe9109f1c82a63c9f5e2f 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package; import a1.z; import a5.o1; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager; import b5.k; import b5.m; import butterknife.BindView; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import eu.thedarken.sdm.App; import eu.thedarken.sdm.R; import eu.thedarken.sdm.SDMContext; import eu.thedarken.sdm.ui.recyclerview.SDMRecyclerView; import fa.p; import fd.g; import fd.h; import ga.d; import ic.p; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import sc.e; import sc.f; import tc.i; import za.v; public final class ReportFragment extends p { public static final String f4870o0; @BindView public EditText commentInput; @BindView public View container; @BindView public View containerCurrentOwners; @BindView public SDMRecyclerView currentOwnerList; public v f4871e0; public List<qa.a> f4872f0; public ArrayList f4873g0; public List<qa.a> f4874h0; public boolean f4875i0; public boolean f4876j0; public ua.d f4877k0; @BindView public CheckBox keeperBox; public ga.a f4878l0; public final e f4879m0 = z.i0(new a()); public final e f4880n0 = z.i0(new d()); @BindView public View placeHolder; @BindView public Button suggestOwnersButton; @BindView public SDMRecyclerView suggestedOwnerList; @BindView public TextView targetPath; @BindView public Toolbar toolbar; public static final class a extends h implements ed.a<OwnerAdapter> { public a() { super(0); } @Override public final OwnerAdapter invoke() { return new OwnerAdapter(ReportFragment.this.z3()); } } public static final class b extends h implements ed.a<f> { public final String f4881i; public b(String str) { super(0); this.f4881i = str; } @Override public final f invoke() { ga.h hVar; String str; String str2; String str3; long j10; String p5; String str4; String str5; if (!ReportFragment.this.f4875i0) { ga.d iPCFunnel = App.f3930v.getIPCFunnel(); ReportFragment reportFragment = ReportFragment.this; ga.a aVar = reportFragment.f4878l0; if (aVar != null) { Collection<ga.h> values = aVar.c(ga.c.f5550e).values(); String str6 = this.f4881i; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(tc.e.W0(values)); for (ga.h hVar2 : values) { String str7 = (String) iPCFunnel.a(new d.b(hVar2.g())); if (str7 == null) { str4 = str6; } else { str4 = str7; } String g4 = hVar2.g(); String p10 = hVar2.p(); if (p10 == null) { str5 = ""; } else { str5 = p10; } arrayList.add(new qa.a(str4, g4, str5, hVar2.o())); } reportFragment.f4874h0 = i.u1(arrayList, new qa.f()); ReportFragment reportFragment2 = ReportFragment.this; reportFragment2.getClass(); ua.a fileForensics = App.f3930v.getFileForensics(); v vVar = ReportFragment.this.f4871e0; if (vVar != null) { reportFragment2.f4877k0 = fileForensics.d(vVar); ReportFragment reportFragment3 = ReportFragment.this; ua.d dVar = reportFragment3.f4877k0; if (dVar != null) { ArrayList arrayList2 = dVar.f9510i; g.e(arrayList2, "ownerInfo.owners"); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(tc.e.W0(arrayList2)); Iterator it = arrayList2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ua.c cVar = (ua.c); Boolean A = cVar.A(); g.e(A, "owner.isInstalled"); if (A.booleanValue()) { String str8 = cVar.h; g.e(str8, "owner.packageName"); hVar = (ga.h) iPCFunnel.a(new d.C0120d(str8, 0)); } else { hVar = null; } String str9 = cVar.h; Boolean A2 = cVar.A(); g.e(A2, "owner.isInstalled"); if (A2.booleanValue()) { str = (String) iPCFunnel.a(new d.b(cVar.h)); if (str == null) { str2 = ""; if (hVar != null || (p5 = hVar.p()) == null) { str3 = ""; } else { str3 = p5; } if (hVar == null) { j10 = hVar.o(); } else { j10 = -1; } g.e(str9, "packageName"); arrayList3.add(new qa.a(str2, str9, str3, j10)); } } else { str = "?"; } str2 = str; if (hVar != null) { } str3 = ""; if (hVar == null) { } g.e(str9, "packageName"); arrayList3.add(new qa.a(str2, str9, str3, j10)); } reportFragment3.f4872f0 = i.y1(arrayList3); } else { g.k("ownerInfo"); throw null; } } else { g.k("targetFile"); throw null; } } else { g.k("appRepo"); throw null; } } H2 = ReportFragment.this.H2(); if (H2 != null) { H2.runOnUiThread(new m(9, ReportFragment.this)); } return f.f8981a; } } public static final class c implements TextWatcher { public c() { } @Override public final void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) { g.f(editable, "s"); ReportFragment.this.N3(); } @Override public final void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i10, int i11, int i12) { g.f(charSequence, "s"); } @Override public final void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i10, int i11, int i12) { g.f(charSequence, "s"); } } public static final class d extends h implements ed.a<OwnerAdapter> { public d() { super(0); } @Override public final OwnerAdapter invoke() { return new OwnerAdapter(ReportFragment.this.z3()); } } static { String d10 = App.d("ClutterReport"); g.e(d10, "logTag(\"ClutterReport\")"); f4870o0 = d10; } @Override public final void L3(Menu menu, MenuInflater menuInflater) { g.f(menu, "menu"); g.f(menuInflater, "inflater"); menuInflater.inflate(, menu); } @Override public final void M3(Menu menu) { g.f(menu, "menu"); menu.findItem(; } public final void N3() { boolean z10; boolean z11; List<qa.a> list = this.f4872f0; if (list != null) { Iterator<qa.a> it = list.iterator(); while (true) { z10 = false; if (it.hasNext()) { if ( { z11 = true; break; } } else { z11 = false; break; } } if (!z11) { EditText editText = this.commentInput; if (editText != null) { if (editText.getText().length() <= 16) { ArrayList arrayList = this.f4873g0; if (arrayList == null) { g.k("suggestedOwners"); throw null; } } } else { g.k("commentInput"); throw null; } } z10 = true; this.f4876j0 = z10; x3().invalidateOptionsMenu(); return; } g.k("currentOwners"); throw null; } public final OwnerAdapter O3() { return (OwnerAdapter) this.f4879m0.getValue(); } public final OwnerAdapter P3() { return (OwnerAdapter) this.f4880n0.getValue(); } @Override public final void W2(Bundle bundle) { super.W2(bundle); e.i iVar = (e.i) x3(); Toolbar toolbar = this.toolbar; if (toolbar != null) { iVar.B1(toolbar); if (bundle == null) { Toast.makeText(J2(), R.string.progress_working, 0).show(); } String Q2 = Q2(R.string.unknown); g.e(Q2, "getString(R.string.unknown)"); o.a.E(false, null, new b(Q2), 31); return; } g.k("toolbar"); throw null; } @Override public final void Z2(Bundle bundle) { Application application = x3().getApplication(); g.d(application, "null cannot be cast to non-null type eu.thedarken.sdm.App"); this.f4878l0 = ((App) application).h.P.get(); super.Z2(bundle); Parcelable parcelable = y3().getParcelable("file"); g.c(parcelable); this.f4871e0 = (v) parcelable; if (bundle != null) { ArrayList parcelableArrayList = bundle.getParcelableArrayList("suggestedOwners"); g.c(parcelableArrayList); this.f4873g0 = parcelableArrayList; ArrayList parcelableArrayList2 = bundle.getParcelableArrayList("currentOwners"); g.c(parcelableArrayList2); this.f4872f0 = parcelableArrayList2; ArrayList parcelableArrayList3 = bundle.getParcelableArrayList("installedApps"); g.c(parcelableArrayList3); this.f4874h0 = parcelableArrayList3; this.f4876j0 = bundle.getBoolean("allowedToSend"); this.f4875i0 = true; } else { this.f4873g0 = new ArrayList(); this.f4872f0 = new ArrayList(); this.f4874h0 = new ArrayList(); } D3(true); } @Override public final View b3(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) { g.f(layoutInflater, "inflater"); View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.core_clutterreport_fragment, viewGroup, false); J3(ButterKnife.a(inflate, this)); return inflate; } @Override public final boolean h3(MenuItem menuItem) { v vVar; String str; String str2; boolean z10; g.f(menuItem, "item"); if (menuItem.getItemId() == { ua.d dVar = this.f4877k0; if (dVar != null) { SDMContext sDMContext = App.f3930v; String str3 = o1.f226a; PackageInfo a3 = o1.a(sDMContext.getContext()); EditText editText = this.commentInput; if (editText != null) { String obj = editText.getText().toString(); List<qa.a> list = this.f4872f0; if (list != null) { ArrayList<qa.a> arrayList = this.f4873g0; if (arrayList != null) { CheckBox checkBox = this.keeperBox; if (checkBox != null) { boolean isChecked = checkBox.isChecked(); g.e(a3, "getPackageInfo(sdmContext)"); g.f(obj, "comment"); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); Locale locale = Locale.US; String format = String.format(locale, "Clutterreport: %s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{dVar.h.f9505k.a()}, 1)); g.e(format, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb2.append(format); Boolean G = dVar.G(); g.e(G, "itemInfo.isCurrentlyOwned"); try { if (!G.booleanValue()) { Boolean bool = dVar.h.f9504j; g.e(bool, "itemInfo.locationInfo.isBlackListLocation"); if (!bool.booleanValue()) { if (dVar.f9510i.isEmpty()) { sb2.append(" (new)"); } StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); Object[] objArr = new Object[7]; objArr[0] = dVar.h.f9505k.a(); objArr[1] = dVar.h.f(); ua.b bVar = dVar.h; char c10 = 2; objArr[2] = bVar.h; vVar = bVar.f9505k; g.e(vVar, "itemInfo.item"); if (!vVar.w()) { str = "DIRECTORY"; } else if (vVar.y()) { str = "FILE"; } else if (vVar.o()) { str = "SYMBOLIC LINK"; } else { str = "UNKNOWN"; } objArr[3] = str; int i10 = 4; objArr[4] = dVar.h.f9503i; objArr[5] = Boolean.valueOf(dVar.H()); objArr[6] = Boolean.valueOf(isChecked); String format2 = String.format(locale, "### Target\nTarget: `%s`\nPrefix-free: `%s`\nPath-prefix: `%s`\nType: `%s`\nLocation: `%s`\nCurrent keeper state: `%b`\nSuggested keeper state: `%b`\n", Arrays.copyOf(objArr, 7)); g.e(format2, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format2); sb3.append("\n"); sb3.append("### Suggested owners\n"); for (qa.a aVar : arrayList) { Locale locale2 = Locale.US; Object[] objArr2 = new Object[4]; objArr2[0] = aVar.h; objArr2[1] = aVar.f8611i; objArr2[c10] = aVar.f8612j; objArr2[3] = Long.valueOf(aVar.f8613k); String format3 = String.format(locale2, "Appname: `%s`\nPackagename: `%s`\nVersion: `%s (%d)`\n", Arrays.copyOf(objArr2, 4)); g.e(format3, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format3); sb3.append("\n"); a3 = a3; c10 = 2; } PackageInfo packageInfo = a3; sb3.append("### Current owners\n"); if (!list.isEmpty()) { sb3.append("None\n"); } else { for (qa.a aVar2 : list) { Locale locale3 = Locale.US; if (!aVar2.f8614l) { str2 = "Appname: `%s`\nPackagename: `%s`\nVersion: `%s (%d)`\n"; } else { str2 = "~~Appname: `%s`~~\n~~Packagename: `%s`~~\n~~Version: `%s (%d)`~~\n"; } Object[] objArr3 = new Object[i10]; objArr3[0] = aVar2.h; objArr3[1] = aVar2.f8611i; objArr3[2] = aVar2.f8612j; objArr3[3] = Long.valueOf(aVar2.f8613k); i10 = 4; String format4 = String.format(locale3, str2, Arrays.copyOf(objArr3, 4)); g.e(format4, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format4); sb3.append("\n"); } } sb3.append("\n"); Locale locale4 = Locale.US; String format5 = String.format(locale4, "### SD Maid\nVersion: `%s (%d)`\n", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{packageInfo.versionName, Integer.valueOf(packageInfo.versionCode)}, 2)); g.e(format5, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format5); sb3.append("\n"); String format6 = String.format(locale4, "### Device\nFingerprint: `%s`\n", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Build.FINGERPRINT}, 1)); g.e(format6, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format6); sb3.append("\n"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(obj)) { String format7 = String.format(locale4, "### Comment\n`%s`\n", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{obj}, 1)); g.e(format7, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb3.append(format7); } Uri build = Uri.parse("").buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("title", sb2.toString()).appendQueryParameter("body", sb3.toString()).build(); g.e(build, "parse(URL_TARGET)\n … .build()"); ee.a.d(f4870o0).h(build.toString(), new Object[0]); p.d d10 = new fa.p(J2()).d(build.toString()); z10 = true; d10.f5275f = true; d10.c(); x3().finish(); return true; } } d10.f5275f = true; d10.c(); x3().finish(); return true; } catch (Exception e10) { e = e10; fa.b.a(f4870o0, e, null, null); Toast.makeText(J2(), R.string.error, 0).show(); return z10; } sb2.append(" (FP)"); StringBuilder sb32 = new StringBuilder(); Object[] objArr4 = new Object[7]; objArr4[0] = dVar.h.f9505k.a(); objArr4[1] = dVar.h.f(); ua.b bVar2 = dVar.h; char c102 = 2; objArr4[2] = bVar2.h; vVar = bVar2.f9505k; g.e(vVar, "itemInfo.item"); if (!vVar.w()) { } objArr4[3] = str; int i102 = 4; objArr4[4] = dVar.h.f9503i; objArr4[5] = Boolean.valueOf(dVar.H()); objArr4[6] = Boolean.valueOf(isChecked); String format22 = String.format(locale, "### Target\nTarget: `%s`\nPrefix-free: `%s`\nPath-prefix: `%s`\nType: `%s`\nLocation: `%s`\nCurrent keeper state: `%b`\nSuggested keeper state: `%b`\n", Arrays.copyOf(objArr4, 7)); g.e(format22, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb32.append(format22); sb32.append("\n"); sb32.append("### Suggested owners\n"); while (r2.hasNext()) { } PackageInfo packageInfo2 = a3; sb32.append("### Current owners\n"); if (!list.isEmpty()) { } sb32.append("\n"); Locale locale42 = Locale.US; String format52 = String.format(locale42, "### SD Maid\nVersion: `%s (%d)`\n", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{packageInfo2.versionName, Integer.valueOf(packageInfo2.versionCode)}, 2)); g.e(format52, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb32.append(format52); sb32.append("\n"); String format62 = String.format(locale42, "### Device\nFingerprint: `%s`\n", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Build.FINGERPRINT}, 1)); g.e(format62, "format(locale, format, *args)"); sb32.append(format62); sb32.append("\n"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(obj)) { } Uri build2 = Uri.parse("").buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("title", sb2.toString()).appendQueryParameter("body", sb32.toString()).build(); g.e(build2, "parse(URL_TARGET)\n … .build()"); ee.a.d(f4870o0).h(build2.toString(), new Object[0]); p.d d102 = new fa.p(J2()).d(build2.toString()); z10 = true; } else { g.k("keeperBox"); throw null; } } else { g.k("suggestedOwners"); throw null; } } else { g.k("currentOwners"); throw null; } } else { g.k("commentInput"); throw null; } } else { g.k("ownerInfo"); throw null; } } else { if (menuItem.getItemId() == 16908332) { x3().finish(); return true; } return false; } } @Override public final void l3(Bundle bundle) { ArrayList arrayList = this.f4873g0; if (arrayList != null) { bundle.putParcelableArrayList("suggestedOwners", new ArrayList<>(arrayList)); List<qa.a> list = this.f4872f0; if (list != null) { bundle.putParcelableArrayList("currentOwners", new ArrayList<>(list)); List<qa.a> list2 = this.f4874h0; if (list2 != null) { bundle.putParcelableArrayList("installedApps", new ArrayList<>(list2)); bundle.putBoolean("allowedToSend", this.f4876j0); return; } else { g.k("installedApps"); throw null; } } g.k("currentOwners"); throw null; } g.k("suggestedOwners"); throw null; } @Override public final void o3(View view, Bundle bundle) { g.f(view, "view"); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView = this.currentOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView != null) { J2(); int i10 = 1; sDMRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(1)); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView2 = this.currentOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView2 != null) { sDMRecyclerView2.setAdapter(O3()); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView3 = this.currentOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView3 != null) { sDMRecyclerView3.setOnItemClickListener(new qa.e(this, 0)); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView4 = this.suggestedOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView4 != null) { J2(); sDMRecyclerView4.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(1)); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView5 = this.suggestedOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView5 != null) { sDMRecyclerView5.setAdapter(P3()); SDMRecyclerView sDMRecyclerView6 = this.suggestedOwnerList; if (sDMRecyclerView6 != null) { sDMRecyclerView6.setOnItemClickListener(new qa.e(this, i10)); Button button = this.suggestOwnersButton; if (button != null) { button.setOnClickListener(new k(25, this)); EditText editText = this.commentInput; if (editText != null) { editText.addTextChangedListener(new c()); super.o3(view, bundle); return; } else { g.k("commentInput"); throw null; } } g.k("suggestOwnersButton"); throw null; } g.k("suggestedOwnerList"); throw null; } g.k("suggestedOwnerList"); throw null; } g.k("suggestedOwnerList"); throw null; } g.k("currentOwnerList"); throw null; } g.k("currentOwnerList"); throw null; } g.k("currentOwnerList"); throw null; } }