新浪彩票 v0.96.37版本的 MD5 值为:0c7ddce345383506e2959f5d75bdceab

以下内容为反编译后的 C4346.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package ewUlBWKNoApzb1Mnhgn4.ZB1GY7mGzn6rcZDnMVLb.tuTnrQl15gwcjciRsKuT.ewUlBWKNoApzb1Mnhgn4;

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import ewUlBWKNoApzb1Mnhgn4.ZB1GY7mGzn6rcZDnMVLb.tuTnrQl15gwcjciRsKuT.C4428;
import ewUlBWKNoApzb1Mnhgn4.ZB1GY7mGzn6rcZDnMVLb.tuTnrQl15gwcjciRsKuT.ewUlBWKNoApzb1Mnhgn4.C4371;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public final class C4346 {
    private static boolean f15848 = false;
    public static boolean f15849 = true;
    public static List<AbstractC4347> f15850 = new ArrayList();
    private static C4326 f15851;
    public static boolean f15852;

    private static boolean m20466(C4359 c4359) {
        List<String> list = c4359.f15895;
        return list != null && list.contains("bugly");

    public static synchronized void m20467(Context context) {
        synchronized (C4346.class) {
            m20468(context, null);

    public static synchronized void m20468(Context context, C4428 c4428) {
        synchronized (C4346.class) {
            if (f15848) {
                C4311.m20329("[init] initial Multi-times, ignore this.", new Object[0]);
            } else if (context == null) {
                String str = C4311.f15678;
            } else {
                C4359 m20515 = C4359.m20515(context);
                if (m20466(m20515)) {
                    f15849 = false;
                String m20520 = m20515.m20520();
                if (m20520 == null) {
                    String str2 = C4311.f15678;
                } else {
                    m20470(context, m20520, m20515.f15956, c4428);

    public static synchronized void m20469(AbstractC4347 abstractC4347) {
        synchronized (C4346.class) {
            if (!f15850.contains(abstractC4347)) {

    public static synchronized void m20470(Context context, String str, boolean z, C4428 c4428) {
        byte[] bArr;
        synchronized (C4346.class) {
            if (f15848) {
                C4311.m20329("[init] initial Multi-times, ignore this.", new Object[0]);
            } else if (context == null) {
                String str2 = C4311.f15678;
            } else if (str == null) {
                String str3 = C4311.f15678;
            } else {
                f15848 = true;
                if (z) {
                    f15852 = true;
                    C4311.f15679 = true;
                    C4311.m20329("Bugly debug模式开启,请在发布时把isDebug关闭。 -- Running in debug model for 'isDebug' is enabled. Please disable it when you release.", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20325("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20329("Bugly debug模式将有以下行为特性 -- The following list shows the behaviour of debug model: ", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20329("[1] 输出详细的Bugly SDK的Log -- More detailed log of Bugly SDK will be output to logcat;", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20329("[2] 每一条Crash都会被立即上报 -- Every crash caught by Bugly will be uploaded immediately.", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20329("[3] 自定义日志将会在Logcat中输出 -- Custom log will be output to logcat.", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20325("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", new Object[0]);
                    C4311.m20323("[init] Open debug mode of Bugly.", new Object[0]);
                C4311.m20326(" crash report start initializing...", new Object[0]);
                C4311.m20323("[init] Bugly start initializing...", new Object[0]);
                C4311.m20326("[init] Bugly complete version: v%s", "");
                Context m20574 = C4362.m20574(context);
                C4359 m20515 = C4359.m20515(m20574);
                f15851 = C4326.m20368(m20574, f15850);
                C4371.m20621(m20574, f15850);
                C4355 m20497 = C4355.m20497(m20574);
                if (m20466(m20515)) {
                    f15849 = false;
                m20515.f15918 = str;
                m20515.m20550("APP_ID", str);
                C4311.m20326("[param] Set APP ID:%s", str);
                if (c4428 != null) {
                    String m20807 = c4428.m20807();
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(m20807)) {
                        if (m20807.length() > 100) {
                            String substring = m20807.substring(0, 100);
                            C4311.m20329("appVersion %s length is over limit %d substring to %s", m20807, 100, substring);
                            m20807 = substring;
                        m20515.f15910 = m20807;
                        C4311.m20326("[param] Set App version: %s", c4428.m20807());
                    try {
                        if (c4428.m20810()) {
                            String m20796 = c4428.m20796();
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(m20796)) {
                                if (m20796.length() > 100) {
                                    String substring2 = m20796.substring(0, 100);
                                    C4311.m20329("appChannel %s length is over limit %d substring to %s", m20796, 100, substring2);
                                    m20796 = substring2;
                                f15851.m20393(556, "app_channel", m20796.getBytes(), false);
                                m20515.f15961 = m20796;
                        } else {
                            Map<String, byte[]> m20389 = f15851.m20389(556, null);
                            if (m20389 != null && (bArr = m20389.get("app_channel")) != null) {
                                m20515.f15961 = new String(bArr);
                        C4311.m20326("[param] Set App channel: %s", m20515.f15961);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (f15852) {
                    String m20802 = c4428.m20802();
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(m20802)) {
                        if (m20802.length() > 100) {
                            String substring3 = m20802.substring(0, 100);
                            C4311.m20329("appPackageName %s length is over limit %d substring to %s", m20802, 100, substring3);
                            m20802 = substring3;
                        m20515.f15923 = m20802;
                        C4311.m20326("[param] Set App package: %s", c4428.m20802());
                    String m20814 = c4428.m20814();
                    if (m20814 != null) {
                        if (m20814.length() > 100) {
                            String substring4 = m20814.substring(0, 100);
                            C4311.m20329("deviceId %s length is over limit %d substring to %s", m20814, 100, substring4);
                            m20814 = substring4;
                        C4311.m20326("[param] Set device ID: %s", m20814);
                    String m20811 = c4428.m20811();
                    if (m20811 != null) {
                        C4311.m20326("[param] Set device model: %s", m20811);
                    m20515.f15968 = c4428.m20781();
                    C4419.f16104 = c4428.m20799();
                for (int i = 0; i < f15850.size(); i++) {
                    if (m20497.m20504(f15850.get(i).f15853)) {
                        f15850.get(i).mo20474(m20574, z, c4428);
                C4393.m20674(m20574, c4428);
                long m20808 = c4428 != null ? c4428.m20808() : 0L;
                C4371 m20623 = C4371.m20623();
                m20623.f16019.m20482(new C4371.C4372(), m20808);
                C4311.m20323("[init] Bugly initialization finished.", new Object[0]);