MD5 校验值:a7244a12b01ca73cc5005aefb001bf80 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package f6; import android.R; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import androidx.constraintlayout.core.motion.utils.TypedValues; import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure; import; import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat; import com.facebook.internal.logging.monitor.MonitorLogServerProtocol; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public final class e { public static final AtomicInteger f3570a = new AtomicInteger((int) SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); public static class a { public final NotificationCompat.Builder f3571a; public final String f3572b; public a(NotificationCompat.Builder builder, String str) { this.f3571a = builder; this.f3572b = str; } } public static a a(Context context, v vVar) { Bundle bundle; String string; String packageName; PackageManager packageManager; CharSequence i9; CharSequence i10; String j; int i11; String j9; Uri defaultUri; String j10; Intent launchIntentForPackage; int i12; PendingIntent activity; boolean z8; int i13; PendingIntent broadcast; String j11; Integer valueOf; CharSequence j12; Integer b2; Integer b9; Integer b10; Integer num; Long h2; long[] k; int[] d4; String j13; int i14; try { ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128); if (applicationInfo != null) { bundle = applicationInfo.metaData; } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e9) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Couldn't get own application info: " + e9); } bundle = Bundle.EMPTY; Bundle bundle2 = bundle; String j14 = vVar.j("gcm.n.android_channel_id"); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { if (context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).targetSdkVersion >= 26) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j14)) { if (notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(j14) == null) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Notification Channel requested (" + j14 + ") has not been created by the app. Manifest configuration, or default, value will be used."); } packageName = context.getPackageName(); Resources resources = context.getResources(); packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, j14); i9 = vVar.i(resources, packageName, "gcm.n.title"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i9)) { builder.setContentTitle(i9); } i10 = vVar.i(resources, packageName, "gcm.n.body"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i10)) { builder.setContentText(i10); builder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(i10)); } j = vVar.j("gcm.n.icon"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j)) { i11 = resources.getIdentifier(j, "drawable", packageName); if ((i11 == 0 || !b(resources, i11)) && ((i11 = resources.getIdentifier(j, "mipmap", packageName)) == 0 || !b(resources, i11))) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Icon resource " + j + " not found. Notification will use default icon."); } builder.setSmallIcon(i11); j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound2"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { defaultUri = null; } else if (!MonitorLogServerProtocol.DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATES_KEY.equals(j9) && resources.getIdentifier(j9, "raw", packageName) != 0) { defaultUri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + packageName + "/raw/" + j9); } else { defaultUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(2); } if (defaultUri != null) { builder.setSound(defaultUri); } j10 = vVar.j("gcm.n.click_action"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j10)) { launchIntentForPackage = new Intent(j10); launchIntentForPackage.setPackage(packageName); launchIntentForPackage.setFlags(268435456); } else { Uri e10 = vVar.e(); if (e10 != null) { launchIntentForPackage = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW"); launchIntentForPackage.setPackage(packageName); launchIntentForPackage.setData(e10); } else { launchIntentForPackage = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName); if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "No activity found to launch app"); } } } AtomicInteger atomicInteger = f3570a; if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { activity = null; } else { launchIntentForPackage.addFlags(67108864); Bundle bundle3 = vVar.f3662a; Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle(bundle3); for (String str : bundle3.keySet()) { if (!str.startsWith("google.c.") && !str.startsWith("gcm.n.") && !str.startsWith("gcm.notification.")) { z8 = false; } else { z8 = true; } if (z8) { bundle4.remove(str); } } launchIntentForPackage.putExtras(bundle4); if (vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { launchIntentForPackage.putExtra("gcm.n.analytics_data", vVar.m()); } int incrementAndGet = atomicInteger.incrementAndGet(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { i12 = 1140850688; } else { i12 = BasicMeasure.EXACTLY; } activity = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, incrementAndGet, launchIntentForPackage, i12); } builder.setContentIntent(activity); if (!vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { broadcast = null; } else { Intent putExtras = new Intent("").putExtras(vVar.m()); int incrementAndGet2 = atomicInteger.incrementAndGet(); Intent putExtra = new Intent("").setComponent(new ComponentName(context, "")).putExtra("wrapped_intent", putExtras); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { i13 = 1140850688; } else { i13 = BasicMeasure.EXACTLY; } broadcast = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, incrementAndGet2, putExtra, i13); } if (broadcast != null) { builder.setDeleteIntent(broadcast); } j11 = vVar.j("gcm.n.color"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j11)) { try { valueOf = Integer.valueOf(Color.parseColor(j11)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Color is invalid: " + j11 + ". Notification will use default color."); } if (valueOf != null) { builder.setColor(valueOf.intValue()); } builder.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { builder.setTicker(j12); } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { if (b2.intValue() < -2 || b2.intValue() > 2) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "notificationPriority is invalid " + b2 + ". Skipping setting notificationPriority."); } if (b2 != null) { builder.setPriority(b2.intValue()); } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { if (b9.intValue() < -1 || b9.intValue() > 1) { Log.w("NotificationParams", "visibility is invalid: " + b9 + ". Skipping setting visibility."); } if (b9 != null) { builder.setVisibility(b9.intValue()); } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { if (b10.intValue() < 0) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "notificationCount is invalid: " + b10 + ". Skipping setting notificationCount."); } else { num = b10; if (num != null) { builder.setNumber(num.intValue()); } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { builder.setShowWhen(true); builder.setWhen(h2.longValue()); } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { builder.setVibrate(k); } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { builder.setLights(d4[0], d4[1], d4[2]); } boolean a9 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z9 = a9; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { z9 = (a9 ? 1 : 0) | 2; } int i15 = z9; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { i15 = (z9 ? 1 : 0) | 4; } builder.setDefaults(i15); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { j13 = "FCM-Notification:" + SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); } return new a(builder, j13); } } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a92 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z92 = a92; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i152 = z92; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i152); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a922 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z922 = a922; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i1522 = z922; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i1522); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a9222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z9222 = a9222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i15222 = z9222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i15222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } i14 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i14 != 0) { try { valueOf = Integer.valueOf(ContextCompat.getColor(context, i14)); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused2) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Cannot find the color resource referenced in AndroidManifest."); } if (valueOf != null) { } builder.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a92222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z92222 = a92222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i152222 = z92222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i152222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } builder.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a922222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z922222 = a922222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i1522222 = z922222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i1522222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } i11 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i11 != 0 || !b(resources, i11)) { i11 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon; } if (i11 != 0 || !b(resources, i11)) { i11 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon; } builder.setSmallIcon(i11); j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound2"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (defaultUri != null) { } j10 = vVar.j("gcm.n.click_action"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j10)) { } AtomicInteger atomicInteger2 = f3570a; if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { } builder.setContentIntent(activity); if (!vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { } if (broadcast != null) { } j11 = vVar.j("gcm.n.color"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j11)) { } i14 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i14 != 0) { } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } builder.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a9222222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z9222222 = a9222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i15222222 = z9222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder.setDefaults(i15222222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder, j13); } j14 = bundle2.getString(""); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j14)) { if (notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(j14) == null) { Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Notification Channel set in AndroidManifest.xml has not been created by the app. Default value will be used."); } packageName = context.getPackageName(); Resources resources2 = context.getResources(); packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); NotificationCompat.Builder builder2 = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, j14); i9 = vVar.i(resources2, packageName, "gcm.n.title"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i9)) { } i10 = vVar.i(resources2, packageName, "gcm.n.body"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i10)) { } j = vVar.j("gcm.n.icon"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j)) { } i11 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon; if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon; builder2.setSmallIcon(i11); j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound2"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (defaultUri != null) { } j10 = vVar.j("gcm.n.click_action"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j10)) { } AtomicInteger atomicInteger22 = f3570a; if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { } builder2.setContentIntent(activity); if (!vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { } if (broadcast != null) { } j11 = vVar.j("gcm.n.color"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j11)) { } i14 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i14 != 0) { } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } builder2.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder2.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a92222222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z92222222 = a92222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i152222222 = z92222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder2.setDefaults(i152222222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder2, j13); } Log.w("FirebaseMessaging", "Missing Default Notification Channel metadata in AndroidManifest. Default value will be used."); j14 = "fcm_fallback_notification_channel"; if (notificationManager.getNotificationChannel("fcm_fallback_notification_channel") == null) { int identifier = context.getResources().getIdentifier("fcm_fallback_notification_channel_label", TypedValues.Custom.S_STRING, context.getPackageName()); if (identifier == 0) { Log.e("FirebaseMessaging", "String resource \"fcm_fallback_notification_channel_label\" is not found. Using default string channel name."); string = "Misc"; } else { string = context.getString(identifier); } notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel("fcm_fallback_notification_channel", string, 3)); } packageName = context.getPackageName(); Resources resources22 = context.getResources(); packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); NotificationCompat.Builder builder22 = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, j14); i9 = vVar.i(resources22, packageName, "gcm.n.title"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i9)) { } i10 = vVar.i(resources22, packageName, "gcm.n.body"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i10)) { } j = vVar.j("gcm.n.icon"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j)) { } i11 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon; if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon; builder22.setSmallIcon(i11); j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound2"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (defaultUri != null) { } j10 = vVar.j("gcm.n.click_action"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j10)) { } AtomicInteger atomicInteger222 = f3570a; if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { } builder22.setContentIntent(activity); if (!vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { } if (broadcast != null) { } j11 = vVar.j("gcm.n.color"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j11)) { } i14 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i14 != 0) { } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } builder22.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder22.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a922222222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z922222222 = a922222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i1522222222 = z922222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder22.setDefaults(i1522222222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder22, j13); } } j14 = null; packageName = context.getPackageName(); Resources resources222 = context.getResources(); packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); NotificationCompat.Builder builder222 = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, j14); i9 = vVar.i(resources222, packageName, "gcm.n.title"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i9)) { } i10 = vVar.i(resources222, packageName, "gcm.n.body"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(i10)) { } j = vVar.j("gcm.n.icon"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j)) { } i11 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0).icon; if (i11 != 0) { } i11 = R.drawable.sym_def_app_icon; builder222.setSmallIcon(i11); j9 = vVar.j("gcm.n.sound2"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j9)) { } if (defaultUri != null) { } j10 = vVar.j("gcm.n.click_action"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j10)) { } AtomicInteger atomicInteger2222 = f3570a; if (launchIntentForPackage == null) { } builder222.setContentIntent(activity); if (!vVar.a("google.c.a.e")) { } if (broadcast != null) { } j11 = vVar.j("gcm.n.color"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(j11)) { } i14 = bundle2.getInt("", 0); if (i14 != 0) { } valueOf = null; if (valueOf != null) { } builder222.setAutoCancel(!vVar.a("gcm.n.sticky")); builder222.setLocalOnly(vVar.a("gcm.n.local_only")); j12 = vVar.j("gcm.n.ticker"); if (j12 != null) { } b2 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_priority"); if (b2 != null) { } b2 = null; if (b2 != null) { } b9 = vVar.b("gcm.n.visibility"); if (b9 != null) { } b9 = null; if (b9 != null) { } b10 = vVar.b("gcm.n.notification_count"); if (b10 != null) { } num = null; if (num != null) { } h2 = vVar.h(); if (h2 != null) { } k = vVar.k(); if (k != null) { } d4 = vVar.d(); if (d4 != null) { } boolean a9222222222 = vVar.a("gcm.n.default_sound"); boolean z9222222222 = a9222222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_vibrate_timings")) { } int i15222222222 = z9222222222; if (vVar.a("gcm.n.default_light_settings")) { } builder222.setDefaults(i15222222222); j13 = vVar.j("gcm.n.tag"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(j13)) { } return new a(builder222, j13); } @TargetApi(26) public static boolean b(Resources resources, int i9) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT != 26) { return true; } try { if (!(resources.getDrawable(i9, null) instanceof AdaptiveIconDrawable)) { return true; } Log.e("FirebaseMessaging", "Adaptive icons cannot be used in notifications. Ignoring icon id: " + i9); return false; } catch (Resources.NotFoundException unused) { Log.e("FirebaseMessaging", "Couldn't find resource " + i9 + ", treating it as an invalid icon"); return false; } } }