MD5 校验值:2a432003868ccf5f53c7a8e745fc59ec 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package f9; import androidx.activity.s; import bm.m0; import bm.x; import com.airbnb.epoxy.b0; import; import; import; import; import; import cq.l; import j$.time.Duration; import j$.time.LocalDate; import j$.time.OffsetDateTime; import j$.time.Period; import j$.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import p9.a0; import p9.q; import p9.z; import pp.n; import qp.w; public final class b implements f9.a { public final g8.b f6657a; public final k8.b f6658b; public final r8.b f6659c; public final r8.a f6660d; public final y9.c f6661e; @vp.e(c = "", f = "TimeOffApiDataSource.kt", l = {52}, m = "addUnavailability") public static final class a extends vp.c { public Object D; public int F; public a(tp.d<? super a> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.D = obj; this.F |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.c(null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "TimeOffApiDataSource.kt", l = {67}, m = "deleteUnavailability") public static final class C0235b extends vp.c { public Object D; public int F; public C0235b(tp.d<? super C0235b> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.D = obj; this.F |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.a(null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "TimeOffApiDataSource.kt", l = {61}, m = "editUnavailability") public static final class c extends vp.c { public Object D; public int F; public c(tp.d<? super c> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.D = obj; this.F |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.d(null, null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "TimeOffApiDataSource.kt", l = {46}, m = "fetchEmployeeTimeOffs") public static final class d extends vp.c { public b D; public Object E; public int G; public d(tp.d<? super d> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.E = obj; this.G |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.e(null, this); } } @vp.e(c = "", f = "TimeOffApiDataSource.kt", l = {73}, m = "getEmployeeTimeOffById") public static final class e extends vp.c { public b D; public Object E; public int G; public e(tp.d<? super e> dVar) { super(dVar); } @Override public final Object m(Object obj) { this.E = obj; this.G |= Integer.MIN_VALUE; return b.this.b(null, this); } } public b(g8.b bVar, k8.b bVar2, r8.b bVar3, r8.a aVar, y9.c cVar) { l.f(bVar, "service"); l.f(bVar2, "mapperInstant"); l.f(bVar3, "mapperTimeOff"); l.f(aVar, "timeOffCreateMapper"); l.f(cVar, "environmentConfigProvider"); this.f6657a = bVar; this.f6658b = bVar2; this.f6659c = bVar3; this.f6660d = aVar; this.f6661e = cVar; } @Override public final Object a(String str, tp.d<? super wi.c<n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { C0235b c0235b; int i10; wi.c S; if (dVar instanceof C0235b) { c0235b = (C0235b) dVar; int i11 = c0235b.F; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { c0235b.F = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = c0235b.D; up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = c0235b.F; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6661e.d(); c0235b.F = 1; obj = this.f6657a.e("", str, c0235b); if (obj == aVar) { return aVar; } } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { return new wi.b(n.f12723a); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } c0235b = new C0235b(dVar); Object obj2 = c0235b.D; up.a aVar2 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = c0235b.F; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object b(String str, tp.d<? super wi.c<q, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { e eVar; int i10; b bVar; wi.c S; z.a aVar; z.a aVar2; int i11; int i12; z.b bVar2; z.b bVar3; String str2; String str3; if (dVar instanceof e) { eVar = (e) dVar; int i13 = eVar.G; if ((i13 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { eVar.G = i13 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = eVar.E; up.a aVar3 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = eVar.G; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { bVar = eVar.D; m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6661e.d(); eVar.D = this; eVar.G = 1; obj = this.f6657a.d("", str, eVar); if (obj == aVar3) { return aVar3; } bVar = this; } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); r8.b bVar4 = bVar.f6659c; if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { TimeOffDtoApi timeOffDtoApi = (TimeOffDtoApi) ((wi.b) S).f16948a; bVar4.getClass(); l.f(timeOffDtoApi, "dto"); String str4 = timeOffDtoApi.f3803a; OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = timeOffDtoApi.f3807e; OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime2 = timeOffDtoApi.f3808f; String str5 = timeOffDtoApi.f3804b; l.f(str5, "value"); z.a[] values = z.a.values(); int length = values.length; int i14 = 0; while (true) { if (i14 < length) { aVar = values[i14]; String str6 = aVar.A; String lowerCase = str5.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); l.e(lowerCase, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(str6, lowerCase)) { break; } i14++; } else { aVar = null; break; } } if (aVar == null) { aVar2 = z.a.C; } else { aVar2 = aVar; } long minutes = Duration.between(timeOffDtoApi.f3807e, timeOffDtoApi.f3808f).toMinutes(); String str7 = timeOffDtoApi.f3810h; l.f(str7, "type"); String str8 = timeOffDtoApi.f3811i; l.f(str8, "subtype"); Locale locale = Locale.ROOT; String lowerCase2 = str7.toLowerCase(locale); l.e(lowerCase2, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (!l.a(lowerCase2, "unavailability") && l.a(lowerCase2, "leave")) { String lowerCase3 = str8.toLowerCase(locale); l.e(lowerCase3, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(lowerCase3, "sickness")) { i11 = 3; } else { i11 = 2; } } else { i11 = 1; } int[] d10 = r.f.d(3); int length2 = d10.length; int i15 = 0; while (true) { if (i15 < length2) { i12 = d10[i15]; String a10 = gf.a.a(i12); int[] iArr = d10; String lowerCase4 = str7.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); l.e(lowerCase4, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(a10, lowerCase4)) { break; } i15++; d10 = iArr; } else { i12 = 0; break; } } if (i12 == 0) { i12 = 1; } String str9 = timeOffDtoApi.f3812j; String str10 = timeOffDtoApi.f3805c; l.f(str10, "value"); z.b[] values2 = z.b.values(); int length3 = values2.length; int i16 = 0; while (true) { if (i16 < length3) { bVar2 = values2[i16]; z.b[] bVarArr = values2; String str11 = bVar2.A; int i17 = length3; String lowerCase5 = str10.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); l.e(lowerCase5, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(str11, lowerCase5)) { break; } i16++; values2 = bVarArr; length3 = i17; } else { bVar2 = null; break; } } if (bVar2 == null) { bVar3 = z.b.B; } else { bVar3 = bVar2; } TimeOffSite timeOffSite = timeOffDtoApi.f3813k; if (timeOffSite != null) { str2 = timeOffSite.getId(); } else { str2 = null; } if (timeOffSite != null) { str3 = timeOffSite.getName(); } else { str3 = null; } return new wi.b(new q(str4, offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime2, aVar2, minutes, i11, i12, str9, bVar3, str2, str3, timeOffDtoApi.f3809g)); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } eVar = new e(dVar); Object obj2 = eVar.E; up.a aVar32 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = eVar.G; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); r8.b bVar42 = bVar.f6659c; if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object c(a0 a0Var, tp.d<? super wi.c<n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { a aVar; int i10; wi.c S; if (dVar instanceof a) { aVar = (a) dVar; int i11 = aVar.F; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { aVar.F = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = aVar.D; up.a aVar2 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = aVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6661e.d(); this.f6660d.getClass(); TimeOffCreateRequestDtoApi a10 = r8.a.a(a0Var); aVar.F = 1; obj = this.f6657a.a("", a10, aVar); if (obj == aVar2) { return aVar2; } } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { return new wi.b(n.f12723a); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } aVar = new a(dVar); Object obj2 = aVar.D; up.a aVar22 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = aVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object d(String str, a0 a0Var, tp.d<? super wi.c<n, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { c cVar; int i10; wi.c S; if (dVar instanceof c) { cVar = (c) dVar; int i11 = cVar.F; if ((i11 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { cVar.F = i11 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = cVar.D; up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = cVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6661e.d(); this.f6660d.getClass(); TimeOffCreateRequestDtoApi a10 = r8.a.a(a0Var); cVar.F = 1; obj = this.f6657a.b("", str, a10, cVar); if (obj == aVar) { return aVar; } } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { return new wi.b(n.f12723a); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } cVar = new c(dVar); Object obj2 = cVar.D; up.a aVar2 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = cVar.F; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } @Override public final Object e(LocalDate localDate, tp.d<? super wi.c<? extends List<z>, ? extends x9.b>> dVar) { d dVar2; int i10; b bVar; wi.c S; int i11; int i12; int i13; Period ofDays; boolean z10; boolean z11; int i14; if (dVar instanceof d) { dVar2 = (d) dVar; int i15 = dVar2.G; if ((i15 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) { dVar2.G = i15 - Integer.MIN_VALUE; Object obj = dVar2.E; up.a aVar = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = dVar2.G; int i16 = 1; if (i10 == 0) { if (i10 == 1) { bVar = dVar2.D; m0.r(obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } } else { m0.r(obj); this.f6661e.d(); this.f6658b.getClass(); String a10 = k8.b.a(localDate); dVar2.D = this; dVar2.G = 1; obj = this.f6657a.c("", a10, dVar2); if (obj == aVar) { return aVar; } bVar = this; } S = s.S((wi.c) obj); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { List<TimeOffDtoApi> list = ((TimeOffResponseDtoApi) ((wi.b) S).f16948a).f3819a; r8.b bVar2 = bVar.f6659c; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (TimeOffDtoApi timeOffDtoApi : list) { bVar2.getClass(); l.f(timeOffDtoApi, "dto"); LocalDate localDate2 = timeOffDtoApi.f3809g.toLocalDate(); String str = timeOffDtoApi.f3810h; l.f(str, "type"); String str2 = timeOffDtoApi.f3811i; l.f(str2, "subtype"); Locale locale = Locale.ROOT; String lowerCase = str.toLowerCase(locale); l.e(lowerCase, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (!l.a(lowerCase, "unavailability") && l.a(lowerCase, "leave")) { String lowerCase2 = str2.toLowerCase(locale); l.e(lowerCase2, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(lowerCase2, "sickness")) { i11 = 3; } else { i11 = 2; } } else { i11 = 1; } String str3 = timeOffDtoApi.f3806d; l.f(str3, "value"); int[] d10 = r.f.d(3); int length = d10.length; int i17 = 0; while (true) { if (i17 < length) { i12 = d10[i17]; String a11 = gf.a.a(i12); String lowerCase3 = str3.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); l.e(lowerCase3, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)"); if (l.a(a11, lowerCase3)) { break; } i17++; } else { i12 = 0; break; } } if (i12 == 0) { i13 = 1; } else { i13 = i12; } String str4 = timeOffDtoApi.f3805c; z.b a12 = z.b.a.a(str4); int ordinal = z.b.a.a(str4).ordinal(); if (ordinal != i16) { if (ordinal != 2) { if (ordinal != 3) { if (ordinal != 4) { ofDays = null; } else { i14 = 28; } } else { i14 = 14; } } else { i14 = 7; } ofDays = Period.ofDays(i14); } else { ofDays = Period.ofDays(i16); } String str5 = timeOffDtoApi.f3803a; OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = timeOffDtoApi.f3808f; OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime2 = timeOffDtoApi.f3807e; z zVar = new z(str5, str5, offsetDateTime2, com.configcat.d.l(offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime2), Duration.between(offsetDateTime2, com.configcat.d.l(offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime2)).toMinutes(), i11, i13, timeOffDtoApi.f3812j, a12); LocalDate localDate3 = offsetDateTime.toLocalDate(); if (localDate3.compareTo((ChronoLocalDate) localDate2) <= 0) { z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } if (!z10) { localDate3 = null; } if (localDate3 == null) { localDate3 = localDate2; } l.e(localDate3, "globalEnd.toLocalDate().…balUntil } ?: globalUntil"); rp.a aVar2 = new rp.a(); aVar2.add(zVar); OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime3 = zVar.f12622c; if (localDate3.compareTo((ChronoLocalDate) offsetDateTime3.toLocalDate()) > 0) { OffsetDateTime plusDays = offsetDateTime3.plusDays(1L); l.e(plusDays, "localStart"); OffsetDateTime l10 = com.configcat.d.l(zVar.f12623d, plusDays); while (plusDays.toLocalDate().compareTo((ChronoLocalDate) localDate3) <= 0) { aVar2.add(z.d(zVar, zVar.f12621b + "-" + plusDays.toLocalDate().toEpochDay(), plusDays, l10)); plusDays = plusDays.plusDays(1L); l10 = l10.plusDays(1L); l.e(l10, "localEnd.plusDays(1)"); } } rp.a<z> h10 = o2.h(aVar2); rp.e eVar = new rp.e(); eVar.addAll(h10); if (ofDays != null && !h10.isEmpty()) { while (h10 != null) { l.e(localDate2, "globalUntil"); OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime4 = OffsetDateTime.MAX; l.e(offsetDateTime4, "MAX"); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(qp.q.J(h10, 10)); for (z zVar2 : h10) { OffsetDateTime plus =; l.e(plus, ""); OffsetDateTime plus2 =; l.e(plus2, ""); arrayList2.add(z.d(zVar2, zVar2.f12621b + "-" + plus.toLocalDate().toEpochDay(), plus, plus2)); offsetDateTime4 = plus2; } if (localDate2.compareTo((ChronoLocalDate) offsetDateTime4.toLocalDate()) >= 0) { z11 = true; } else { z11 = false; } if (z11) { h10 = arrayList2; } else { h10 = null; } if (h10 != null) { eVar.addAll(h10); } } } x.g(eVar); qp.s.O(w.D0(eVar), arrayList); i16 = 1; } return new wi.b(arrayList); } if (S instanceof wi.a) { return S; } throw new b0(); } } dVar2 = new d(dVar); Object obj2 = dVar2.E; up.a aVar3 = up.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; i10 = dVar2.G; int i162 = 1; if (i10 == 0) { } S = s.S((wi.c) obj2); if (!(S instanceof wi.b)) { } } }