MD5 校验值:52ffe34fa08a87a6cc4bc36d7eb3dad1 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package g; import android.R; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationManager; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.LocaleList; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AndroidRuntimeException; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.ActionMode; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.KeyCharacterMap; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.KeyboardShortcutGroup; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionBarContextView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner; import androidx.appcompat.widget.ContentFrameLayout; import androidx.appcompat.widget.ViewStubCompat; import androidx.lifecycle.l; import bm.g0; import by.imlab.sosedi.kupilka.C0909R; import com.huawei.hms.adapter.internal.CommonCode; import; import g.p; import g.s; import g.t; import i4.e; import i4.h0; import i4.i2; import i4.j0; import i4.k0; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import k.a; import k.e; import m.a2; import m.e0; import m.f0; import m.i0; import m.i1; import m.o0; import m.s0; import m.t0; import m.u0; import m.z1; public final class j extends g.i implements f.a, LayoutInflater.Factory2 { public static final r0.f<String, Integer> f15096u0 = new r0.f<>(); public static final int[] f15097v0 = {R.attr.windowBackground}; public static final boolean f15098w0 = !"robolectric".equals(Build.FINGERPRINT); public static final boolean f15099x0 = true; public boolean A; public boolean B; public boolean X; public boolean Y; public boolean Z; public k[] f15100a0; public k f15101b0; public final Object f15102c; public boolean f15103c0; public final Context f15104d; public boolean f15105d0; public Window f15106e; public boolean f15107e0; public f f15108f; public boolean f15109f0; public final g.h f15110g; public Configuration f15111g0; public t f15112h; public int f15113h0; public k.f f15114i; public int f15115i0; public CharSequence f15116j; public boolean f15117j0; public t0 f15118k; public boolean f15119k0; public b f15120l; public i f15121l0; public l f15122m; public g f15123m0; public k.a f15124n; public boolean f15125n0; public ActionBarContextView f15126o; public int f15127o0; public PopupWindow f15128p; public m q; public boolean f15129q0; public Rect f15131r0; public Rect f15133s0; public boolean f15134t; public p f15135t0; public ViewGroup f15136u; public TextView f15137v; public View f15138w; public boolean f15139x; public boolean f15140y; public boolean f15141z; public i2 f15130r = null; public boolean f15132s = true; public final a p0 = new a(); public class a implements Runnable { public a() { } @Override public final void run() { j jVar = j.this; if ((jVar.f15127o0 & 1) != 0) { jVar.D(0); } j jVar2 = j.this; if ((jVar2.f15127o0 & 4096) != 0) { jVar2.D(108); } j jVar3 = j.this; jVar3.f15125n0 = false; jVar3.f15127o0 = 0; } } public final class b implements j.a { public b() { } @Override public final void b( fVar, boolean z10) { j.this.z(fVar); } @Override public final boolean c( fVar) { Window.Callback I = j.this.I(); if (I != null) { I.onMenuOpened(108, fVar); return true; } return true; } } public class c implements a.InterfaceC0383a { public a.InterfaceC0383a f15144a; public class a extends g3.i { public a() { } @Override public final void e() { j.this.f15126o.setVisibility(8); j jVar = j.this; PopupWindow popupWindow = jVar.f15128p; if (popupWindow != null) { popupWindow.dismiss(); } else if (jVar.f15126o.getParent() instanceof View) { View view = (View) j.this.f15126o.getParent(); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; k0.g.c(view); } j.this.f15126o.h(); j.this.f15130r.d(null); j jVar2 = j.this; jVar2.f15130r = null; ViewGroup viewGroup = jVar2.f15136u; WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap2 = k0.f17830a; k0.g.c(viewGroup); } } public c(e.a aVar) { this.f15144a = aVar; } @Override public final boolean a(k.a aVar, MenuItem menuItem) { return this.f15144a.a(aVar, menuItem); } @Override public final boolean b(k.a aVar, fVar) { ViewGroup viewGroup = j.this.f15136u; WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; k0.g.c(viewGroup); return this.f15144a.b(aVar, fVar); } @Override public final boolean c(k.a aVar, fVar) { return this.f15144a.c(aVar, fVar); } @Override public final void d(k.a aVar) { this.f15144a.d(aVar); j jVar = j.this; if (jVar.f15128p != null) { jVar.f15106e.getDecorView().removeCallbacks(j.this.q); } j jVar2 = j.this; if (jVar2.f15126o != null) { i2 i2Var = jVar2.f15130r; if (i2Var != null) { i2Var.b(); } j jVar3 = j.this; i2 a8 = k0.a(jVar3.f15126o); a8.a(0.0f); jVar3.f15130r = a8; j.this.f15130r.d(new a()); } g.h hVar = j.this.f15110g; if (hVar != null) { hVar.t(); } j jVar4 = j.this; jVar4.f15124n = null; ViewGroup viewGroup = jVar4.f15136u; WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; k0.g.c(viewGroup); } } public static class d { public static void a(Configuration configuration, Configuration configuration2, Configuration configuration3) { LocaleList locales = configuration.getLocales(); LocaleList locales2 = configuration2.getLocales(); if (!locales.equals(locales2)) { configuration3.setLocales(locales2); configuration3.locale = configuration2.locale; } } } public static class e { public static void a(Configuration configuration, Configuration configuration2, Configuration configuration3) { int i10 = configuration.colorMode & 3; int i11 = configuration2.colorMode & 3; if (i10 != i11) { configuration3.colorMode |= i11; } int i12 = configuration.colorMode & 12; int i13 = configuration2.colorMode & 12; if (i12 != i13) { configuration3.colorMode |= i13; } } } public class g extends h { public final PowerManager f15148c; public g(Context context) { super(); this.f15148c = (PowerManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService("power"); } @Override public final IntentFilter b() { IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction("android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED"); return intentFilter; } @Override public final int c() { if (this.f15148c.isPowerSaveMode()) { return 2; } return 1; } @Override public final void d() { j.this.w(true); } } public abstract class h { public a f15150a; public class a extends BroadcastReceiver { public a() { } @Override public final void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { h.this.d(); } } public h() { } public final void a() { a aVar = this.f15150a; if (aVar != null) { try { j.this.f15104d.unregisterReceiver(aVar); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { } this.f15150a = null; } } public abstract IntentFilter b(); public abstract int c(); public abstract void d(); public final void e() { a(); IntentFilter b10 = b(); if (b10 != null && b10.countActions() != 0) { if (this.f15150a == null) { this.f15150a = new a(); } j.this.f15104d.registerReceiver(this.f15150a, b10); } } } public class i extends h { public final s f15153c; public i(s sVar) { super(); this.f15153c = sVar; } @Override public final IntentFilter b() { IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.TIME_SET"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED"); intentFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.TIME_TICK"); return intentFilter; } @Override public final int c() { boolean z10; Location location; boolean z11; long j10; long j11; Location location2; s sVar = this.f15153c; s.a aVar = sVar.f15208c; boolean z12 = false; if (aVar.f15210b > System.currentTimeMillis()) { z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } if (z10) { z11 = aVar.f15209a; } else { Location location3 = null; if (g0.j(sVar.f15206a, "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION") == 0) { try { } catch (Exception e10) { Log.d("TwilightManager", "Failed to get last known location", e10); } if (sVar.f15207b.isProviderEnabled("network")) { location2 = sVar.f15207b.getLastKnownLocation("network"); location = location2; } location2 = null; location = location2; } else { location = null; } if (g0.j(sVar.f15206a, "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION") == 0) { try { if (sVar.f15207b.isProviderEnabled("gps")) { location3 = sVar.f15207b.getLastKnownLocation("gps"); } } catch (Exception e11) { Log.d("TwilightManager", "Failed to get last known location", e11); } } if (location3 == null || location == null ? location3 != null : location3.getTime() > location.getTime()) { location = location3; } if (location != null) { s.a aVar2 = sVar.f15208c; long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (r.f15201d == null) { r.f15201d = new r(); } r rVar = r.f15201d; rVar.a(currentTimeMillis - 86400000, location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); rVar.a(currentTimeMillis, location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); if (rVar.f15204c == 1) { z12 = true; } long j12 = rVar.f15203b; long j13 = rVar.f15202a; rVar.a(currentTimeMillis + 86400000, location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); long j14 = rVar.f15203b; if (j12 != -1 && j13 != -1) { if (currentTimeMillis > j13) { j11 = j14 + 0; } else if (currentTimeMillis > j12) { j11 = j13 + 0; } else { j11 = j12 + 0; } j10 = j11 + 60000; } else { j10 = 43200000 + currentTimeMillis; } aVar2.f15209a = z12; aVar2.f15210b = j10; z11 = aVar.f15209a; } else { Log.i("TwilightManager", "Could not get last known location. This is probably because the app does not have any location permissions. Falling back to hardcoded sunrise/sunset values."); int i10 = Calendar.getInstance().get(11); if (i10 < 6 || i10 >= 22) { z12 = true; } z11 = z12; } } if (!z11) { return 1; } return 2; } @Override public final void d() { j.this.w(true); } } public class C0280j extends ContentFrameLayout { public C0280j(k.c cVar) { super(cVar, null); } @Override public final boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (!j.this.C(keyEvent) && !super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public final boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { boolean z10; if (motionEvent.getAction() == 0) { int x8 = (int) motionEvent.getX(); int y10 = (int) motionEvent.getY(); if (x8 >= -5 && y10 >= -5 && x8 <= getWidth() + 5 && y10 <= getHeight() + 5) { z10 = false; } else { z10 = true; } if (z10) { j jVar = j.this; jVar.A(jVar.H(0), true); return true; } } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(motionEvent); } @Override public final void setBackgroundResource(int i10) { setBackgroundDrawable(h.a.b(getContext(), i10)); } } public static final class k { public int f15156a; public int f15157b; public int f15158c; public int f15159d; public C0280j f15160e; public View f15161f; public View f15162g; public f15163h; public f15164i; public k.c f15165j; public boolean f15166k; public boolean f15167l; public boolean f15168m; public boolean f15169n = false; public boolean f15170o; public Bundle f15171p; public k(int i10) { this.f15156a = i10; } } public final class l implements j.a { public l() { } @Override public final void b( fVar, boolean z10) { boolean z11; int i10; k kVar; k7 = fVar.k(); int i11 = 0; if (k7 != fVar) { z11 = true; } else { z11 = false; } j jVar = j.this; if (z11) { fVar = k7; } k[] kVarArr = jVar.f15100a0; if (kVarArr != null) { i10 = kVarArr.length; } else { i10 = 0; } while (true) { if (i11 < i10) { kVar = kVarArr[i11]; if (kVar != null && kVar.f15163h == fVar) { break; } else { i11++; } } else { kVar = null; break; } } if (kVar != null) { if (z11) { j.this.y(kVar.f15156a, kVar, k7); j.this.A(kVar, true); } else { j.this.A(kVar, z10); } } } @Override public final boolean c( fVar) { Window.Callback I; if (fVar == fVar.k()) { j jVar = j.this; if (jVar.f15141z && (I = jVar.I()) != null && !j.this.f15109f0) { I.onMenuOpened(108, fVar); return true; } return true; } return true; } } public j(Context context, Window window, g.h hVar, Object obj) { r0.f<String, Integer> fVar; Integer orDefault; g.g gVar; this.f15113h0 = -100; this.f15104d = context; this.f15110g = hVar; this.f15102c = obj; if (obj instanceof Dialog) { while (context != null) { if (context instanceof g.g) { gVar = (g.g) context; break; } else if (!(context instanceof ContextWrapper)) { break; } else { context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext(); } } gVar = null; if (gVar != null) { this.f15113h0 = gVar.C().f(); } } if (this.f15113h0 == -100 && (orDefault = (fVar = f15096u0).getOrDefault(this.f15102c.getClass().getName(), null)) != null) { this.f15113h0 = orDefault.intValue(); fVar.remove(this.f15102c.getClass().getName()); } if (window != null) { x(window); } m.j.c(); } public static Configuration B(Context context, int i10, Configuration configuration) { int i11; if (i10 != 1) { if (i10 != 2) { i11 = context.getApplicationContext().getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & 48; } else { i11 = 32; } } else { i11 = 16; } Configuration configuration2 = new Configuration(); configuration2.fontScale = 0.0f; if (configuration != null) { configuration2.setTo(configuration); } configuration2.uiMode = i11 | (configuration2.uiMode & (-49)); return configuration2; } public final void A(k kVar, boolean z10) { C0280j c0280j; t0 t0Var; if (z10 && kVar.f15156a == 0 && (t0Var = this.f15118k) != null && t0Var.a()) { z(kVar.f15163h); return; } WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) this.f15104d.getSystemService("window"); if (windowManager != null && kVar.f15168m && (c0280j = kVar.f15160e) != null) { windowManager.removeView(c0280j); if (z10) { y(kVar.f15156a, kVar, null); } } kVar.f15166k = false; kVar.f15167l = false; kVar.f15168m = false; kVar.f15161f = null; kVar.f15169n = true; if (this.f15101b0 == kVar) { this.f15101b0 = null; } } public final boolean C(KeyEvent keyEvent) { View decorView; boolean z10; boolean z11; boolean z12; boolean z13; boolean z14; Object obj = this.f15102c; boolean z15 = true; if (((obj instanceof e.a) || (obj instanceof o)) && (decorView = this.f15106e.getDecorView()) != null && i4.e.a(decorView, keyEvent)) { return true; } if (keyEvent.getKeyCode() == 82 && this.f15108f.f21986a.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent)) { return true; } int keyCode = keyEvent.getKeyCode(); if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } if (z10) { if (keyCode != 4) { if (keyCode == 82) { if (keyEvent.getRepeatCount() != 0) { return true; } k H = H(0); if (H.f15168m) { return true; } N(H, keyEvent); return true; } } else { if ((keyEvent.getFlags() & 128) == 0) { z15 = false; } this.f15103c0 = z15; } } else if (keyCode != 4) { if (keyCode == 82) { if (this.f15124n != null) { return true; } k H2 = H(0); t0 t0Var = this.f15118k; if (t0Var != null && t0Var.c() && !ViewConfiguration.get(this.f15104d).hasPermanentMenuKey()) { if (!this.f15118k.a()) { if (!this.f15109f0 && N(H2, keyEvent)) { z13 = this.f15118k.g(); } z13 = false; } else { z13 = this.f15118k.f(); } } else { boolean z16 = H2.f15168m; if (!z16 && !H2.f15167l) { if (H2.f15166k) { if (H2.f15170o) { H2.f15166k = false; z14 = N(H2, keyEvent); } else { z14 = true; } if (z14) { L(H2, keyEvent); z13 = true; } } z13 = false; } else { A(H2, true); z13 = z16; } } if (!z13) { return true; } AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) this.f15104d.getApplicationContext().getSystemService("audio"); if (audioManager != null) { audioManager.playSoundEffect(0); return true; } Log.w("AppCompatDelegate", "Couldn't get audio manager"); return true; } } else { boolean z17 = this.f15103c0; this.f15103c0 = false; k H3 = H(0); if (H3.f15168m) { if (z17) { return true; } A(H3, true); return true; } k.a aVar = this.f15124n; if (aVar != null) { aVar.c(); } else { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { u0 u0Var = tVar.f15216e; if (u0Var != null && u0Var.j()) { tVar.f15216e.collapseActionView(); z12 = true; } else { z12 = false; } } z11 = false; if (!z11) { return true; } } z11 = true; if (!z11) { } } return false; } public final void D(int i10) { k H = H(i10); if (H.f15163h != null) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); H.f15163h.t(bundle); if (bundle.size() > 0) { H.f15171p = bundle; } H.f15163h.w(); H.f15163h.clear(); } H.f15170o = true; H.f15169n = true; if ((i10 == 108 || i10 == 0) && this.f15118k != null) { k H2 = H(0); H2.f15166k = false; N(H2, null); } } public final void E() { ViewGroup viewGroup; CharSequence charSequence; Context context; if (!this.f15134t) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = this.f15104d.obtainStyledAttributes(a1.t.q); if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(117)) { if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(126, false)) { q(1); } else if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(117, false)) { q(108); } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(118, false)) { q(109); } if (obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(119, false)) { q(10); } this.X = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(0, false); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); F(); this.f15106e.getDecorView(); LayoutInflater from = LayoutInflater.from(this.f15104d); if (!this.Y) { if (this.X) { viewGroup = (ViewGroup) from.inflate(C0909R.layout.abc_dialog_title_material, (ViewGroup) null); this.A = false; this.f15141z = false; } else if (this.f15141z) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); this.f15104d.getTheme().resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarTheme, typedValue, true); if (typedValue.resourceId != 0) { context = new k.c(typedValue.resourceId, this.f15104d); } else { context = this.f15104d; } viewGroup = (ViewGroup) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(C0909R.layout.abc_screen_toolbar, (ViewGroup) null); t0 t0Var = (t0) viewGroup.findViewById(; this.f15118k = t0Var; t0Var.setWindowCallback(I()); if (this.A) { this.f15118k.h(109); } if (this.f15139x) { this.f15118k.h(2); } if (this.f15140y) { this.f15118k.h(5); } } else { viewGroup = null; } } else { viewGroup = this.B ? (ViewGroup) from.inflate(C0909R.layout.abc_screen_simple_overlay_action_mode, (ViewGroup) null) : (ViewGroup) from.inflate(C0909R.layout.abc_screen_simple, (ViewGroup) null); } if (viewGroup != null) { g.k kVar = new g.k(this); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; k0.h.u(viewGroup, kVar); if (this.f15118k == null) { this.f15137v = (TextView) viewGroup.findViewById(; } Method method = a2.f24497a; try { Method method2 = viewGroup.getClass().getMethod("makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows", new Class[0]); if (!method2.isAccessible()) { method2.setAccessible(true); } method2.invoke(viewGroup, new Object[0]); } catch (IllegalAccessException e10) { Log.d("ViewUtils", "Could not invoke makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows", e10); } catch (NoSuchMethodException unused) { Log.d("ViewUtils", "Could not find method makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows. Oh well..."); } catch (InvocationTargetException e11) { Log.d("ViewUtils", "Could not invoke makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows", e11); } ContentFrameLayout contentFrameLayout = (ContentFrameLayout) viewGroup.findViewById(; ViewGroup viewGroup2 = (ViewGroup) this.f15106e.findViewById(; if (viewGroup2 != null) { while (viewGroup2.getChildCount() > 0) { View childAt = viewGroup2.getChildAt(0); viewGroup2.removeViewAt(0); contentFrameLayout.addView(childAt); } viewGroup2.setId(-1); contentFrameLayout.setId(; if (viewGroup2 instanceof FrameLayout) { ((FrameLayout) viewGroup2).setForeground(null); } } this.f15106e.setContentView(viewGroup); contentFrameLayout.setAttachListener(new g.l(this)); this.f15136u = viewGroup; Object obj = this.f15102c; if (obj instanceof Activity) { charSequence = ((Activity) obj).getTitle(); } else { charSequence = this.f15116j; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence)) { t0 t0Var2 = this.f15118k; if (t0Var2 != null) { t0Var2.setWindowTitle(charSequence); } else { t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.f15216e.setWindowTitle(charSequence); } else { TextView textView = this.f15137v; if (textView != null) { textView.setText(charSequence); } } } } ContentFrameLayout contentFrameLayout2 = (ContentFrameLayout) this.f15136u.findViewById(; View decorView = this.f15106e.getDecorView(); contentFrameLayout2.f1282g.set(decorView.getPaddingLeft(), decorView.getPaddingTop(), decorView.getPaddingRight(), decorView.getPaddingBottom()); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap2 = k0.f17830a; if (k0.f.c(contentFrameLayout2)) { contentFrameLayout2.requestLayout(); } TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes2 = this.f15104d.obtainStyledAttributes(a1.t.q); obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(124, contentFrameLayout2.getMinWidthMajor()); obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(125, contentFrameLayout2.getMinWidthMinor()); if (obtainStyledAttributes2.hasValue(122)) { obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(122, contentFrameLayout2.getFixedWidthMajor()); } if (obtainStyledAttributes2.hasValue(123)) { obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(123, contentFrameLayout2.getFixedWidthMinor()); } if (obtainStyledAttributes2.hasValue(120)) { obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(120, contentFrameLayout2.getFixedHeightMajor()); } if (obtainStyledAttributes2.hasValue(121)) { obtainStyledAttributes2.getValue(121, contentFrameLayout2.getFixedHeightMinor()); } obtainStyledAttributes2.recycle(); contentFrameLayout2.requestLayout(); this.f15134t = true; k H = H(0); if (!this.f15109f0 && H.f15163h == null) { this.f15127o0 |= 4096; if (!this.f15125n0) { k0.d.m(this.f15106e.getDecorView(), this.p0); this.f15125n0 = true; return; } return; } return; } StringBuilder b10 ="AppCompat does not support the current theme features: { windowActionBar: "); b10.append(this.f15141z); b10.append(", windowActionBarOverlay: "); b10.append(this.A); b10.append(", android:windowIsFloating: "); b10.append(this.X); b10.append(", windowActionModeOverlay: "); b10.append(this.B); b10.append(", windowNoTitle: "); b10.append(this.Y); b10.append(" }"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(b10.toString()); } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); throw new IllegalStateException("You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity."); } } public final void F() { if (this.f15106e == null) { Object obj = this.f15102c; if (obj instanceof Activity) { x(((Activity) obj).getWindow()); } } if (this.f15106e != null) { } else { throw new IllegalStateException("We have not been given a Window"); } } public final h G(Context context) { if (this.f15121l0 == null) { if (s.f15205d == null) { Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); s.f15205d = new s(applicationContext, (LocationManager) applicationContext.getSystemService("location")); } this.f15121l0 = new i(s.f15205d); } return this.f15121l0; } public final k H(int i10) { k[] kVarArr = this.f15100a0; if (kVarArr == null || kVarArr.length <= i10) { k[] kVarArr2 = new k[i10 + 1]; if (kVarArr != null) { System.arraycopy(kVarArr, 0, kVarArr2, 0, kVarArr.length); } this.f15100a0 = kVarArr2; kVarArr = kVarArr2; } k kVar = kVarArr[i10]; if (kVar == null) { k kVar2 = new k(i10); kVarArr[i10] = kVar2; return kVar2; } return kVar; } public final Window.Callback I() { return this.f15106e.getCallback(); } public final void J() { E(); if (this.f15141z && this.f15112h == null) { Object obj = this.f15102c; if (obj instanceof Activity) { this.f15112h = new t((Activity) this.f15102c, this.A); } else if (obj instanceof Dialog) { this.f15112h = new t((Dialog) this.f15102c); } t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.e(this.f15129q0); } } } public final int K(int i10, Context context) { if (i10 == -100) { return -1; } if (i10 != -1) { if (i10 != 0) { if (i10 != 1 && i10 != 2) { if (i10 == 3) { if (this.f15123m0 == null) { this.f15123m0 = new g(context); } return this.f15123m0.c(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown value set for night mode. Please use one of the MODE_NIGHT values from AppCompatDelegate."); } return i10; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && ((UiModeManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService("uimode")).getNightMode() == 0) { return -1; } return G(context).c(); } return i10; } public final void L(k kVar, KeyEvent keyEvent) { boolean z10; boolean z11; Context context; int i10; ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams; boolean z12; if (!kVar.f15168m && !this.f15109f0) { if (kVar.f15156a == 0) { if ((this.f15104d.getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout & 15) == 4) { z12 = true; } else { z12 = false; } if (z12) { return; } } Window.Callback I = I(); if (I != null && !I.onMenuOpened(kVar.f15156a, kVar.f15163h)) { A(kVar, true); return; } WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) this.f15104d.getSystemService("window"); if (windowManager == null || !N(kVar, keyEvent)) { return; } C0280j c0280j = kVar.f15160e; if (c0280j != null && !kVar.f15169n) { View view = kVar.f15162g; if (view != null && (layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams()) != null && layoutParams.width == -1) { i10 = -1; kVar.f15167l = false; WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams2 = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(i10, -2, 0, 0, CommonCode.BusInterceptor.PRIVACY_CANCEL, 8519680, -3); layoutParams2.gravity = kVar.f15158c; layoutParams2.windowAnimations = kVar.f15159d; windowManager.addView(kVar.f15160e, layoutParams2); kVar.f15168m = true; } } else { if (c0280j == null) { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { context = tVar.c(); } else { context = null; } if (context == null) { context = this.f15104d; } TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme newTheme = context.getResources().newTheme(); newTheme.setTo(context.getTheme()); newTheme.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarPopupTheme, typedValue, true); int i11 = typedValue.resourceId; if (i11 != 0) { newTheme.applyStyle(i11, true); } newTheme.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.panelMenuListTheme, typedValue, true); int i12 = typedValue.resourceId; if (i12 != 0) { newTheme.applyStyle(i12, true); } else { newTheme.applyStyle(, true); } k.c cVar = new k.c(0, context); cVar.getTheme().setTo(newTheme); kVar.f15165j = cVar; TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = cVar.obtainStyledAttributes(a1.t.q); kVar.f15157b = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(86, 0); kVar.f15159d = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(1, 0); obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); kVar.f15160e = new C0280j(kVar.f15165j); kVar.f15158c = 81; } else if (kVar.f15169n && c0280j.getChildCount() > 0) { kVar.f15160e.removeAllViews(); } View view2 = kVar.f15162g; if (view2 != null) { kVar.f15161f = view2; } else { if (kVar.f15163h != null) { if (this.f15122m == null) { this.f15122m = new l(); } l lVar = this.f15122m; if (kVar.f15164i == null) { dVar = new; kVar.f15164i = dVar; dVar.f1081e = lVar; fVar = kVar.f15163h; fVar.b(dVar, fVar.f1092a); } dVar2 = kVar.f15164i; C0280j c0280j2 = kVar.f15160e; if (dVar2.f1080d == null) { dVar2.f1080d = (ExpandedMenuView) dVar2.f1078b.inflate(C0909R.layout.abc_expanded_menu_layout, (ViewGroup) c0280j2, false); if (dVar2.f1082f == null) { dVar2.f1082f = new d.a(); } dVar2.f1080d.setAdapter((ListAdapter) dVar2.f1082f); dVar2.f1080d.setOnItemClickListener(dVar2); } ExpandedMenuView expandedMenuView = dVar2.f1080d; kVar.f15161f = expandedMenuView; } z10 = false; if (z10) { if (kVar.f15161f != null) { if (kVar.f15162g == null) { dVar3 = kVar.f15164i; if (dVar3.f1082f == null) { dVar3.f1082f = new d.a(); } } z11 = true; if (z11) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams3 = kVar.f15161f.getLayoutParams(); if (layoutParams3 == null) { layoutParams3 = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(-2, -2); } kVar.f15160e.setBackgroundResource(kVar.f15157b); ViewParent parent = kVar.f15161f.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(kVar.f15161f); } kVar.f15160e.addView(kVar.f15161f, layoutParams3); if (!kVar.f15161f.hasFocus()) { kVar.f15161f.requestFocus(); } } } z11 = false; if (z11) { } } kVar.f15169n = true; return; } z10 = true; if (z10) { } kVar.f15169n = true; return; } i10 = -2; kVar.f15167l = false; WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams22 = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(i10, -2, 0, 0, CommonCode.BusInterceptor.PRIVACY_CANCEL, 8519680, -3); layoutParams22.gravity = kVar.f15158c; layoutParams22.windowAnimations = kVar.f15159d; windowManager.addView(kVar.f15160e, layoutParams22); kVar.f15168m = true; } } public final boolean M(k kVar, int i10, KeyEvent keyEvent) { fVar; if (keyEvent.isSystem()) { return false; } if ((!kVar.f15166k && !N(kVar, keyEvent)) || (fVar = kVar.f15163h) == null) { return false; } return fVar.performShortcut(i10, keyEvent, 1); } public final boolean N(k kVar, KeyEvent keyEvent) { boolean z10; t0 t0Var; t0 t0Var2; Resources.Theme theme; int i10; boolean z11; t0 t0Var3; t0 t0Var4; if (this.f15109f0) { return false; } if (kVar.f15166k) { return true; } k kVar2 = this.f15101b0; if (kVar2 != null && kVar2 != kVar) { A(kVar2, false); } Window.Callback I = I(); if (I != null) { kVar.f15162g = I.onCreatePanelView(kVar.f15156a); } int i11 = kVar.f15156a; if (i11 != 0 && i11 != 108) { z10 = false; } else { z10 = true; } if (z10 && (t0Var4 = this.f15118k) != null) { t0Var4.b(); } if (kVar.f15162g == null) { fVar = kVar.f15163h; if (fVar == null || kVar.f15170o) { if (fVar == null) { Context context = this.f15104d; int i12 = kVar.f15156a; if ((i12 == 0 || i12 == 108) && this.f15118k != null) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme theme2 = context.getTheme(); theme2.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarTheme, typedValue, true); if (typedValue.resourceId != 0) { theme = context.getResources().newTheme(); theme.setTo(theme2); theme.applyStyle(typedValue.resourceId, true); theme.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarWidgetTheme, typedValue, true); } else { theme2.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarWidgetTheme, typedValue, true); theme = null; } if (typedValue.resourceId != 0) { if (theme == null) { theme = context.getResources().newTheme(); theme.setTo(theme2); } theme.applyStyle(typedValue.resourceId, true); } if (theme != null) { k.c cVar = new k.c(0, context); cVar.getTheme().setTo(theme); context = cVar; } } fVar2 = new; fVar2.f1096e = this; fVar3 = kVar.f15163h; if (fVar2 != fVar3) { if (fVar3 != null) { fVar3.r(kVar.f15164i); } kVar.f15163h = fVar2; dVar = kVar.f15164i; if (dVar != null) { fVar2.b(dVar, fVar2.f1092a); } } if (kVar.f15163h == null) { return false; } } if (z10 && (t0Var2 = this.f15118k) != null) { if (this.f15120l == null) { this.f15120l = new b(); } t0Var2.d(kVar.f15163h, this.f15120l); } kVar.f15163h.w(); if (!I.onCreatePanelMenu(kVar.f15156a, kVar.f15163h)) { fVar4 = kVar.f15163h; if (fVar4 != null) { if (fVar4 != null) { fVar4.r(kVar.f15164i); } kVar.f15163h = null; } if (z10 && (t0Var = this.f15118k) != null) { t0Var.d(null, this.f15120l); } return false; } kVar.f15170o = false; } kVar.f15163h.w(); Bundle bundle = kVar.f15171p; if (bundle != null) { kVar.f15163h.s(bundle); kVar.f15171p = null; } if (!I.onPreparePanel(0, kVar.f15162g, kVar.f15163h)) { if (z10 && (t0Var3 = this.f15118k) != null) { t0Var3.d(null, this.f15120l); } kVar.f15163h.v(); return false; } if (keyEvent != null) { i10 = keyEvent.getDeviceId(); } else { i10 = -1; } if (KeyCharacterMap.load(i10).getKeyboardType() != 1) { z11 = true; } else { z11 = false; } kVar.f15163h.setQwertyMode(z11); kVar.f15163h.v(); } kVar.f15166k = true; kVar.f15167l = false; this.f15101b0 = kVar; return true; } public final void O() { if (!this.f15134t) { } else { throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Window feature must be requested before adding content"); } } @Override public final boolean a( fVar, MenuItem menuItem) { int i10; k kVar; Window.Callback I = I(); if (I != null && !this.f15109f0) { k7 = fVar.k(); k[] kVarArr = this.f15100a0; if (kVarArr != null) { i10 = kVarArr.length; } else { i10 = 0; } int i11 = 0; while (true) { if (i11 < i10) { kVar = kVarArr[i11]; if (kVar != null && kVar.f15163h == k7) { break; } i11++; } else { kVar = null; break; } } if (kVar != null) { return I.onMenuItemSelected(kVar.f15156a, menuItem); } } return false; } @Override public final void b( fVar) { t0 t0Var = this.f15118k; if (t0Var != null && t0Var.c() && (!ViewConfiguration.get(this.f15104d).hasPermanentMenuKey() || this.f15118k.e())) { Window.Callback I = I(); if (this.f15118k.a()) { this.f15118k.f(); if (!this.f15109f0) { I.onPanelClosed(108, H(0).f15163h); return; } return; } if (I != null && !this.f15109f0) { if (this.f15125n0 && (1 & this.f15127o0) != 0) { this.f15106e.getDecorView().removeCallbacks(this.p0);; } k H = H(0); fVar2 = H.f15163h; if (fVar2 != null && !H.f15170o && I.onPreparePanel(0, H.f15162g, fVar2)) { I.onMenuOpened(108, H.f15163h); this.f15118k.g(); return; } return; } return; } k H2 = H(0); H2.f15169n = true; A(H2, false); L(H2, null); } @Override public final void c(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) { E(); ((ViewGroup) this.f15136u.findViewById(, layoutParams); this.f15108f.f21986a.onContentChanged(); } @Override public final Context d(Context context) { Configuration configuration; boolean z10; this.f15105d0 = true; int i10 = this.f15113h0; if (i10 == -100) { i10 = -100; } int K = K(i10, context); if (f15099x0 && (context instanceof ContextThemeWrapper)) { try { ((ContextThemeWrapper) context).applyOverrideConfiguration(B(context, K, null)); return context; } catch (IllegalStateException unused) { } } if (context instanceof k.c) { try { ((k.c) context).a(B(context, K, null)); return context; } catch (IllegalStateException unused2) { } } if (!f15098w0) { return context; } int i11 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; Configuration configuration2 = new Configuration(); configuration2.uiMode = -1; configuration2.fontScale = 0.0f; Configuration configuration3 = context.createConfigurationContext(configuration2).getResources().getConfiguration(); Configuration configuration4 = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); configuration3.uiMode = configuration4.uiMode; if (!configuration3.equals(configuration4)) { configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.fontScale = 0.0f; if (configuration3.diff(configuration4) != 0) { float f10 = configuration3.fontScale; float f11 = configuration4.fontScale; if (f10 != f11) { configuration.fontScale = f11; } int i12 = configuration3.mcc; int i13 = configuration4.mcc; if (i12 != i13) { configuration.mcc = i13; } int i14 = configuration3.mnc; int i15 = configuration4.mnc; if (i14 != i15) { configuration.mnc = i15; } if (i11 >= 24) { d.a(configuration3, configuration4, configuration); } else if (!h4.b.a(configuration3.locale, configuration4.locale)) { configuration.locale = configuration4.locale; } int i16 = configuration3.touchscreen; int i17 = configuration4.touchscreen; if (i16 != i17) { configuration.touchscreen = i17; } int i18 = configuration3.keyboard; int i19 = configuration4.keyboard; if (i18 != i19) { configuration.keyboard = i19; } int i20 = configuration3.keyboardHidden; int i21 = configuration4.keyboardHidden; if (i20 != i21) { configuration.keyboardHidden = i21; } int i22 = configuration3.navigation; int i23 = configuration4.navigation; if (i22 != i23) { configuration.navigation = i23; } int i24 = configuration3.navigationHidden; int i25 = configuration4.navigationHidden; if (i24 != i25) { configuration.navigationHidden = i25; } int i26 = configuration3.orientation; int i27 = configuration4.orientation; if (i26 != i27) { configuration.orientation = i27; } int i28 = configuration3.screenLayout & 15; int i29 = configuration4.screenLayout & 15; if (i28 != i29) { configuration.screenLayout |= i29; } int i30 = configuration3.screenLayout & 192; int i31 = configuration4.screenLayout & 192; if (i30 != i31) { configuration.screenLayout |= i31; } int i32 = configuration3.screenLayout & 48; int i33 = configuration4.screenLayout & 48; if (i32 != i33) { configuration.screenLayout |= i33; } int i34 = configuration3.screenLayout & 768; int i35 = configuration4.screenLayout & 768; if (i34 != i35) { configuration.screenLayout |= i35; } if (i11 >= 26) { e.a(configuration3, configuration4, configuration); } int i36 = configuration3.uiMode & 15; int i37 = configuration4.uiMode & 15; if (i36 != i37) { configuration.uiMode |= i37; } int i38 = configuration3.uiMode & 48; int i39 = configuration4.uiMode & 48; if (i38 != i39) { configuration.uiMode |= i39; } int i40 = configuration3.screenWidthDp; int i41 = configuration4.screenWidthDp; if (i40 != i41) { configuration.screenWidthDp = i41; } int i42 = configuration3.screenHeightDp; int i43 = configuration4.screenHeightDp; if (i42 != i43) { configuration.screenHeightDp = i43; } int i44 = configuration3.smallestScreenWidthDp; int i45 = configuration4.smallestScreenWidthDp; if (i44 != i45) { configuration.smallestScreenWidthDp = i45; } int i46 = configuration3.densityDpi; int i47 = configuration4.densityDpi; if (i46 != i47) { configuration.densityDpi = i47; } } } else { configuration = null; } Configuration B = B(context, K, configuration); k.c cVar = new k.c(, context); cVar.a(B); if (context.getTheme() != null) { z10 = true; if (z10) { Resources.Theme theme = cVar.getTheme(); int i48 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (i48 >= 29) { x3.j.a(theme); } else if (i48 >= 23) { synchronized (x3.h.f36583a) { if (!x3.h.f36585c) { try { Method declaredMethod = Resources.Theme.class.getDeclaredMethod("rebase", new Class[0]); x3.h.f36584b = declaredMethod; declaredMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e10) { Log.i("ResourcesCompat", "Failed to retrieve rebase() method", e10); } x3.h.f36585c = true; } Method method = x3.h.f36584b; if (method != null) { try { method.invoke(theme, new Object[0]); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e11) { Log.i("ResourcesCompat", "Failed to invoke rebase() method via reflection", e11); x3.h.f36584b = null; } } } } } return cVar; } z10 = false; if (z10) { } return cVar; } @Override public final <T extends View> T e(int i10) { E(); return (T) this.f15106e.findViewById(i10); } @Override public final int f() { return this.f15113h0; } @Override public final MenuInflater g() { Context context; if (this.f15114i == null) { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { context = tVar.c(); } else { context = this.f15104d; } this.f15114i = new k.f(context); } return this.f15114i; } @Override public final void h() { LayoutInflater from = LayoutInflater.from(this.f15104d); if (from.getFactory() == null) { from.setFactory2(this); } else if (!(from.getFactory2() instanceof j)) { Log.i("AppCompatDelegate", "The Activity's LayoutInflater already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's"); } } @Override public final void i() { if (this.f15112h != null) { J(); this.f15112h.getClass(); this.f15127o0 |= 1; if (!this.f15125n0) { View decorView = this.f15106e.getDecorView(); a aVar = this.p0; WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; k0.d.m(decorView, aVar); this.f15125n0 = true; } } } @Override public final void j() { if (this.f15141z && this.f15134t) { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.f(tVar.f15212a.getResources().getBoolean(C0909R.bool.abc_action_bar_embed_tabs)); } } m.j a8 = m.j.a(); Context context = this.f15104d; synchronized (a8) { i1 i1Var = a8.f24587a; synchronized (i1Var) { r0.d<WeakReference<Drawable.ConstantState>> dVar = i1Var.f24581d.get(context); if (dVar != null) { int i10 = dVar.f30248d; Object[] objArr = dVar.f30247c; for (int i11 = 0; i11 < i10; i11++) { objArr[i11] = null; } dVar.f30248d = 0; dVar.f30245a = false; } } } this.f15111g0 = new Configuration(this.f15104d.getResources().getConfiguration()); w(false); } @Override public final void k() { this.f15105d0 = true; w(false); F(); Object obj = this.f15102c; if (obj instanceof Activity) { String str = null; try { Activity activity = (Activity) obj; try { str = v3.n.c(activity, activity.getComponentName()); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e10); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { } if (str != null) { t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar == null) { this.f15129q0 = true; } else { tVar.e(true); } } synchronized (g.i.f15095b) { g.i.p(this); g.i.f15094a.add(new WeakReference<>(this)); } } this.f15111g0 = new Configuration(this.f15104d.getResources().getConfiguration()); this.f15107e0 = true; } @Override public final void l() { i iVar; g gVar; if (this.f15102c instanceof Activity) { synchronized (g.i.f15095b) { g.i.p(this); } } if (this.f15125n0) { this.f15106e.getDecorView().removeCallbacks(this.p0); } this.f15109f0 = true; if (this.f15113h0 != -100) { Object obj = this.f15102c; if ((obj instanceof Activity) && ((Activity) obj).isChangingConfigurations()) { f15096u0.put(this.f15102c.getClass().getName(), Integer.valueOf(this.f15113h0)); iVar = this.f15121l0; if (iVar != null) { iVar.a(); } gVar = this.f15123m0; if (gVar == null) { gVar.a(); return; } return; } } f15096u0.remove(this.f15102c.getClass().getName()); iVar = this.f15121l0; if (iVar != null) { } gVar = this.f15123m0; if (gVar == null) { } } @Override public final void m() { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.f15231u = true; } } @Override public final void n() { w(true); } @Override public final void o() { J(); t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.f15231u = false; k.g gVar = tVar.f15230t; if (gVar != null) { gVar.a(); } } } @Override public final View onCreateView(View view, String str, Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { View f0Var; if (this.f15135t0 == null) { String string = this.f15104d.obtainStyledAttributes(a1.t.q).getString(116); if (string == null) { this.f15135t0 = new p(); } else { try { this.f15135t0 = (p) this.f15104d.getClassLoader().loadClass(string).getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[0]).newInstance(new Object[0]); } catch (Throwable th2) { Log.i("AppCompatDelegate", "Failed to instantiate custom view inflater " + string + ". Falling back to default.", th2); this.f15135t0 = new p(); } } } p pVar = this.f15135t0; int i10 = z1.f24760a; pVar.getClass(); char c10 = 4; TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, a1.t.F, 0, 0); int resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(4, 0); if (resourceId != 0) { Log.i("AppCompatViewInflater", "app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead."); } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); Context cVar = (resourceId == 0 || ((context instanceof k.c) && ((k.c) context).f21926a == resourceId)) ? context : new k.c(resourceId, context); str.getClass(); switch (str.hashCode()) { case -1946472170: if (str.equals("RatingBar")) { c10 = 0; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1455429095: if (str.equals("CheckedTextView")) { c10 = 1; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -1346021293: if (str.equals("MultiAutoCompleteTextView")) { c10 = 2; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -938935918: if (str.equals("TextView")) { c10 = 3; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -937446323: break; case -658531749: if (str.equals("SeekBar")) { c10 = 5; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case -339785223: if (str.equals("Spinner")) { c10 = 6; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 776382189: if (str.equals("RadioButton")) { c10 = 7; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 799298502: if (str.equals("ToggleButton")) { c10 = '\b'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1125864064: if (str.equals("ImageView")) { c10 = '\t'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1413872058: if (str.equals("AutoCompleteTextView")) { c10 = '\n'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1601505219: if (str.equals("CheckBox")) { c10 = 11; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 1666676343: if (str.equals("EditText")) { c10 = '\f'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; case 2001146706: if (str.equals("Button")) { c10 = '\r'; break; } c10 = 65535; break; default: c10 = 65535; break; } View view2 = null; switch (c10) { case 0: f0Var = new f0(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 1: f0Var = new m.g(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 2: f0Var = new m.p(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 3: f0Var = new o0(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 4: f0Var = new m.n(cVar, attributeSet, C0909R.attr.imageButtonStyle); break; case 5: f0Var = new i0(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 6: f0Var = new AppCompatSpinner(cVar, attributeSet, C0909R.attr.spinnerStyle); break; case 7: f0Var = new e0(cVar, attributeSet); break; case '\b': f0Var = new s0(cVar, attributeSet); break; case '\t': f0Var = new AppCompatImageView(cVar, attributeSet); break; case '\n': f0Var = new m.c(cVar, attributeSet); break; case 11: f0Var = new m.f(cVar, attributeSet); break; case HwBuildEx.VersionCodes.EMUI_5_1: f0Var = new m.k(cVar, attributeSet); break; case '\r': f0Var = new m.e(cVar, attributeSet); break; default: f0Var = null; break; } if (f0Var == null && context != cVar) { if (str.equals("view")) { str = attributeSet.getAttributeValue(null, "class"); } try { Object[] objArr = pVar.f15188a; objArr[0] = cVar; objArr[1] = attributeSet; if (-1 == str.indexOf(46)) { int i11 = 0; while (true) { String[] strArr = p.f15186g; if (i11 < 3) { View a8 = pVar.a(cVar, str, strArr[i11]); if (a8 != null) { Object[] objArr2 = pVar.f15188a; objArr2[0] = null; objArr2[1] = null; view2 = a8; } else { i11++; } } } } else { View a10 = pVar.a(cVar, str, null); Object[] objArr3 = pVar.f15188a; objArr3[0] = null; objArr3[1] = null; view2 = a10; } } catch (Exception unused) { } finally { Object[] objArr4 = pVar.f15188a; objArr4[0] = null; objArr4[1] = null; } f0Var = view2; } if (f0Var != null) { Context context2 = f0Var.getContext(); if (context2 instanceof ContextWrapper) { WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; if (k0.c.a(f0Var)) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes2 = context2.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, p.f15182c); String string2 = obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(0); if (string2 != null) { f0Var.setOnClickListener(new p.a(f0Var, string2)); } obtainStyledAttributes2.recycle(); } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 28) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes3 = cVar.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, p.f15183d); if (obtainStyledAttributes3.hasValue(0)) { boolean z10 = obtainStyledAttributes3.getBoolean(0, false); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap2 = k0.f17830a; new j0().e(f0Var, Boolean.valueOf(z10)); } obtainStyledAttributes3.recycle(); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes4 = cVar.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, p.f15184e); if (obtainStyledAttributes4.hasValue(0)) { k0.k(f0Var, obtainStyledAttributes4.getString(0)); } obtainStyledAttributes4.recycle(); TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes5 = cVar.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, p.f15185f); if (obtainStyledAttributes5.hasValue(0)) { boolean z11 = obtainStyledAttributes5.getBoolean(0, false); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap3 = k0.f17830a; new h0().e(f0Var, Boolean.valueOf(z11)); } obtainStyledAttributes5.recycle(); } } return f0Var; } @Override public final boolean q(int i10) { if (i10 == 8) { Log.i("AppCompatDelegate", "You should now use the AppCompatDelegate.FEATURE_SUPPORT_ACTION_BAR id when requesting this feature."); i10 = 108; } else if (i10 == 9) { Log.i("AppCompatDelegate", "You should now use the AppCompatDelegate.FEATURE_SUPPORT_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY id when requesting this feature."); i10 = 109; } if (this.Y && i10 == 108) { return false; } if (this.f15141z && i10 == 1) { this.f15141z = false; } if (i10 != 1) { if (i10 != 2) { if (i10 != 5) { if (i10 != 10) { if (i10 != 108) { if (i10 != 109) { return this.f15106e.requestFeature(i10); } O(); this.A = true; return true; } O(); this.f15141z = true; return true; } O(); this.B = true; return true; } O(); this.f15140y = true; return true; } O(); this.f15139x = true; return true; } O(); this.Y = true; return true; } @Override public final void r(int i10) { E(); ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) this.f15136u.findViewById(; viewGroup.removeAllViews(); LayoutInflater.from(this.f15104d).inflate(i10, viewGroup); this.f15108f.f21986a.onContentChanged(); } @Override public final void s(View view) { E(); ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) this.f15136u.findViewById(; viewGroup.removeAllViews(); viewGroup.addView(view); this.f15108f.f21986a.onContentChanged(); } @Override public final void t(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) { E(); ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) this.f15136u.findViewById(; viewGroup.removeAllViews(); viewGroup.addView(view, layoutParams); this.f15108f.f21986a.onContentChanged(); } @Override public final void u(int i10) { this.f15115i0 = i10; } @Override public final void v(CharSequence charSequence) { this.f15116j = charSequence; t0 t0Var = this.f15118k; if (t0Var != null) { t0Var.setWindowTitle(charSequence); return; } t tVar = this.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.f15216e.setWindowTitle(charSequence); return; } TextView textView = this.f15137v; if (textView != null) { textView.setText(charSequence); } } public final boolean w(boolean z10) { boolean z11; Configuration configuration; int i10; int i11; boolean z12; Object obj; Object obj2; int i12; boolean z13; boolean z14 = false; if (this.f15109f0) { return false; } int i13 = this.f15113h0; if (i13 == -100) { i13 = -100; } Map map = null; r4 = null; r4 = null; Object obj3 = null; Object obj4 = null; Configuration B = B(this.f15104d, K(i13, this.f15104d), null); boolean z15 = true; z15 = true; z15 = true; z15 = true; z15 = true; z15 = true; z15 = true; if (!this.f15119k0 && (this.f15102c instanceof Activity)) { PackageManager packageManager = this.f15104d.getPackageManager(); if (packageManager == null) { z11 = false; configuration = this.f15111g0; if (configuration == null) { configuration = this.f15104d.getResources().getConfiguration(); } i10 = configuration.uiMode & 48; i11 = B.uiMode & 48; if (i10 != i11 && z10 && !z11 && this.f15105d0 && (f15098w0 || this.f15107e0)) { obj2 = this.f15102c; if ((obj2 instanceof Activity) && !((Activity) obj2).isChild()) { Activity activity = (Activity) this.f15102c; int i14 = v3.b.f34809c; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 28) { activity.recreate(); } else { new Handler(activity.getMainLooper()).post(new u.u0(z15 ? 1 : 0, activity)); } z12 = true; if (z12 && i10 != i11) { Resources resources = this.f15104d.getResources(); Configuration configuration2 = new Configuration(resources.getConfiguration()); configuration2.uiMode = i11 | (resources.getConfiguration().uiMode & (-49)); resources.updateConfiguration(configuration2, null); int i15 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (i15 < 26 && i15 < 28) { if (i15 >= 24) { if (!q.f15200h) { try { Field declaredField = Resources.class.getDeclaredField("mResourcesImpl"); q.f15199g = declaredField; declaredField.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e10) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve Resources#mResourcesImpl field", e10); } q.f15200h = true; } Field field = q.f15199g; if (field != null) { try { obj = field.get(resources); } catch (IllegalAccessException e11) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve value from Resources#mResourcesImpl", e11); obj = null; } if (obj != null) { if (!q.f15194b) { try { Field declaredField2 = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField("mDrawableCache"); q.f15193a = declaredField2; declaredField2.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e12) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve ResourcesImpl#mDrawableCache field", e12); } q.f15194b = true; } Field field2 = q.f15193a; if (field2 != null) { try { obj3 = field2.get(obj); } catch (IllegalAccessException e13) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve value from ResourcesImpl#mDrawableCache", e13); } } if (obj3 != null) { q.a(obj3); } } } } else if (i15 >= 23) { if (!q.f15194b) { try { Field declaredField3 = Resources.class.getDeclaredField("mDrawableCache"); q.f15193a = declaredField3; declaredField3.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e14) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve Resources#mDrawableCache field", e14); } q.f15194b = true; } Field field3 = q.f15193a; if (field3 != null) { try { obj4 = field3.get(resources); } catch (IllegalAccessException e15) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve value from Resources#mDrawableCache", e15); } } if (obj4 != null) { q.a(obj4); } } else { if (!q.f15194b) { try { Field declaredField4 = Resources.class.getDeclaredField("mDrawableCache"); q.f15193a = declaredField4; declaredField4.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e16) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve Resources#mDrawableCache field", e16); } q.f15194b = true; } Field field4 = q.f15193a; if (field4 != null) { try { map = (Map) field4.get(resources); } catch (IllegalAccessException e17) { Log.e("ResourcesFlusher", "Could not retrieve value from Resources#mDrawableCache", e17); } if (map != null) { map.clear(); } } } } int i16 = this.f15115i0; if (i16 != 0) { this.f15104d.setTheme(i16); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { this.f15104d.getTheme().applyStyle(this.f15115i0, true); } } if (z11) { Object obj5 = this.f15102c; if (obj5 instanceof Activity) { Activity activity2 = (Activity) obj5; if (activity2 instanceof androidx.lifecycle.q) { if (((androidx.lifecycle.q) activity2).a().b().compareTo(l.b.CREATED) >= 0) { z14 = true; } if (z14) { activity2.onConfigurationChanged(configuration2); } } else if (this.f15107e0 && !this.f15109f0) { activity2.onConfigurationChanged(configuration2); } } } } else { z15 = z12; } if (z15) { Object obj6 = this.f15102c; if (obj6 instanceof g.g) { ((g.g) obj6).getClass(); } } if (i13 != 0) { G(this.f15104d).e(); } else { i iVar = this.f15121l0; if (iVar != null) { iVar.a(); } } if (i13 != 3) { Context context = this.f15104d; if (this.f15123m0 == null) { this.f15123m0 = new g(context); } this.f15123m0.e(); } else { g gVar = this.f15123m0; if (gVar != null) { gVar.a(); } } return z15; } } z12 = false; if (z12) { } z15 = z12; if (z15) { } if (i13 != 0) { } if (i13 != 3) { } return z15; } try { int i17 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (i17 >= 29) { i12 = 269221888; } else if (i17 >= 24) { i12 = 786432; } else { i12 = 0; } ActivityInfo activityInfo = packageManager.getActivityInfo(new ComponentName(this.f15104d, this.f15102c.getClass()), i12); if (activityInfo != null && (activityInfo.configChanges & 512) != 0) { z13 = true; } else { z13 = false; } this.f15117j0 = z13; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e18) { Log.d("AppCompatDelegate", "Exception while getting ActivityInfo", e18); this.f15117j0 = false; } } this.f15119k0 = true; z11 = this.f15117j0; configuration = this.f15111g0; if (configuration == null) { } i10 = configuration.uiMode & 48; i11 = B.uiMode & 48; if (i10 != i11) { obj2 = this.f15102c; if (obj2 instanceof Activity) { Activity activity3 = (Activity) this.f15102c; int i142 = v3.b.f34809c; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 28) { } z12 = true; if (z12) { } z15 = z12; if (z15) { } if (i13 != 0) { } if (i13 != 3) { } return z15; } } z12 = false; if (z12) { } z15 = z12; if (z15) { } if (i13 != 0) { } if (i13 != 3) { } return z15; } public final void x(Window window) { int resourceId; Drawable g10; if (this.f15106e == null) { Window.Callback callback = window.getCallback(); if (!(callback instanceof f)) { f fVar = new f(callback); this.f15108f = fVar; window.setCallback(fVar); Context context = this.f15104d; Drawable drawable = null; TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes((AttributeSet) null, f15097v0); if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(0) && (resourceId = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(0, 0)) != 0) { m.j a8 = m.j.a(); synchronized (a8) { g10 = a8.f24587a.g(context, resourceId, true); } drawable = g10; } if (drawable != null) { window.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable); } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); this.f15106e = window; return; } throw new IllegalStateException("AppCompat has already installed itself into the Window"); } throw new IllegalStateException("AppCompat has already installed itself into the Window"); } public final void y(int i10, k kVar, fVar) { if (fVar == null) { if (kVar == null && i10 >= 0) { k[] kVarArr = this.f15100a0; if (i10 < kVarArr.length) { kVar = kVarArr[i10]; } } if (kVar != null) { fVar = kVar.f15163h; } } if ((kVar == null || kVar.f15168m) && !this.f15109f0) { this.f15108f.f21986a.onPanelClosed(i10, fVar); } } public final void z( fVar) { if (this.Z) { return; } this.Z = true; this.f15118k.i(); Window.Callback I = I(); if (I != null && !this.f15109f0) { I.onPanelClosed(108, fVar); } this.Z = false; } public class f extends k.k { public f(Window.Callback callback) { super(callback); } public final k.e a(ActionMode.Callback callback) { g.h hVar; Context context; Context context2; g.h hVar2; e.a aVar = new e.a(j.this.f15104d, callback); j jVar = j.this; k.a aVar2 = jVar.f15124n; if (aVar2 != null) { aVar2.c(); } c cVar = new c(aVar); jVar.J(); t tVar = jVar.f15112h; boolean z10 = true; if (tVar != null) { t.d dVar = tVar.f15220i; if (dVar != null) { dVar.c(); } tVar.f15214c.setHideOnContentScrollEnabled(false); tVar.f15217f.h(); t.d dVar2 = new t.d(tVar.f15217f.getContext(), cVar); dVar2.f15240d.w(); try { if (dVar2.f15241e.c(dVar2, dVar2.f15240d)) { tVar.f15220i = dVar2; dVar2.i(); tVar.f15217f.f(dVar2); tVar.a(true); } else { dVar2 = null; } jVar.f15124n = dVar2; if (dVar2 != null && (hVar2 = jVar.f15110g) != null) { hVar2.w(); } } finally { dVar2.f15240d.v(); } } if (jVar.f15124n == null) { i2 i2Var = jVar.f15130r; if (i2Var != null) { i2Var.b(); } k.a aVar3 = jVar.f15124n; if (aVar3 != null) { aVar3.c(); } g.h hVar3 = jVar.f15110g; if (hVar3 != null && !jVar.f15109f0) { try { hVar3.n(); } catch (AbstractMethodError unused) { } } if (jVar.f15126o == null) { if (jVar.X) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme theme = jVar.f15104d.getTheme(); theme.resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarTheme, typedValue, true); if (typedValue.resourceId != 0) { Resources.Theme newTheme = jVar.f15104d.getResources().newTheme(); newTheme.setTo(theme); newTheme.applyStyle(typedValue.resourceId, true); context2 = new k.c(0, jVar.f15104d); context2.getTheme().setTo(newTheme); } else { context2 = jVar.f15104d; } jVar.f15126o = new ActionBarContextView(context2, null); PopupWindow popupWindow = new PopupWindow(context2, (AttributeSet) null, C0909R.attr.actionModePopupWindowStyle); jVar.f15128p = popupWindow; n4.i.b(popupWindow, 2); jVar.f15128p.setContentView(jVar.f15126o); jVar.f15128p.setWidth(-1); context2.getTheme().resolveAttribute(C0909R.attr.actionBarSize, typedValue, true); jVar.f15126o.setContentHeight(TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(, context2.getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); jVar.f15128p.setHeight(-2); jVar.q = new m(jVar); } else { ViewStubCompat viewStubCompat = (ViewStubCompat) jVar.f15136u.findViewById(; if (viewStubCompat != null) { jVar.J(); t tVar2 = jVar.f15112h; if (tVar2 != null) { context = tVar2.c(); } else { context = null; } if (context == null) { context = jVar.f15104d; } viewStubCompat.setLayoutInflater(LayoutInflater.from(context)); jVar.f15126o = (ActionBarContextView) viewStubCompat.a(); } } } if (jVar.f15126o != null) { i2 i2Var2 = jVar.f15130r; if (i2Var2 != null) { i2Var2.b(); } jVar.f15126o.h(); k.d dVar3 = new k.d(jVar.f15126o.getContext(), jVar.f15126o, cVar); if (cVar.c(dVar3, dVar3.f21936h)) { dVar3.i(); jVar.f15126o.f(dVar3); jVar.f15124n = dVar3; if (jVar.f15134t && (r1 = jVar.f15136u) != null) { WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap = k0.f17830a; } z10 = false; if (z10) { jVar.f15126o.setAlpha(0.0f); i2 a8 = k0.a(jVar.f15126o); a8.a(1.0f); jVar.f15130r = a8; a8.d(new n(jVar)); } else { jVar.f15126o.setAlpha(1.0f); jVar.f15126o.setVisibility(0); if (jVar.f15126o.getParent() instanceof View) { View view = (View) jVar.f15126o.getParent(); WeakHashMap<View, i2> weakHashMap2 = k0.f17830a; k0.g.c(view); } } if (jVar.f15128p != null) { jVar.f15106e.getDecorView().post(jVar.q); } } else { jVar.f15124n = null; } } if (jVar.f15124n != null && (hVar = jVar.f15110g) != null) { hVar.w(); } jVar.f15124n = jVar.f15124n; } k.a aVar4 = jVar.f15124n; if (aVar4 == null) { return null; } return aVar.e(aVar4); } @Override public final boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (!j.this.C(keyEvent) && !super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public final boolean dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { boolean z10; boolean z11; fVar; boolean z12; if (super.dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(keyEvent)) { return true; } j jVar = j.this; int keyCode = keyEvent.getKeyCode(); jVar.J(); t tVar = jVar.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { t.d dVar = tVar.f15220i; if (dVar != null && (fVar = dVar.f15240d) != null) { if (KeyCharacterMap.load(keyEvent.getDeviceId()).getKeyboardType() != 1) { z12 = true; } else { z12 = false; } fVar.setQwertyMode(z12); z11 = fVar.performShortcut(keyCode, keyEvent, 0); } else { z11 = false; } } k kVar = jVar.f15101b0; if (kVar != null && jVar.M(kVar, keyEvent.getKeyCode(), keyEvent)) { k kVar2 = jVar.f15101b0; if (kVar2 != null) { kVar2.f15167l = true; } } else { if (jVar.f15101b0 == null) { k H = jVar.H(0); jVar.N(H, keyEvent); boolean M = jVar.M(H, keyEvent.getKeyCode(), keyEvent); H.f15166k = false; } z10 = false; if (!z10) { return true; } return false; } z10 = true; if (!z10) { } } @Override public final void onContentChanged() { } @Override public final boolean onCreatePanelMenu(int i10, Menu menu) { if (i10 == 0 && !(menu instanceof { return false; } return super.onCreatePanelMenu(i10, menu); } @Override public final View onCreatePanelView(int i10) { return super.onCreatePanelView(i10); } @Override public final boolean onMenuOpened(int i10, Menu menu) { super.onMenuOpened(i10, menu); j jVar = j.this; if (i10 == 108) { jVar.J(); t tVar = jVar.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.b(true); } } else { jVar.getClass(); } return true; } @Override public final void onPanelClosed(int i10, Menu menu) { super.onPanelClosed(i10, menu); j jVar = j.this; if (i10 == 108) { jVar.J(); t tVar = jVar.f15112h; if (tVar != null) { tVar.b(false); return; } return; } if (i10 == 0) { k H = jVar.H(i10); if (H.f15168m) { jVar.A(H, false); return; } return; } jVar.getClass(); } @Override public final boolean onPreparePanel(int i10, View view, Menu menu) { fVar; if (menu instanceof { fVar = ( menu; } else { fVar = null; } if (i10 == 0 && fVar == null) { return false; } if (fVar != null) { fVar.f1114x = true; } boolean onPreparePanel = super.onPreparePanel(i10, view, menu); if (fVar != null) { fVar.f1114x = false; } return onPreparePanel; } @Override public final void onProvideKeyboardShortcuts(List<KeyboardShortcutGroup> list, Menu menu, int i10) { fVar = j.this.H(0).f15163h; if (fVar != null) { super.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts(list, fVar, i10); } else { super.onProvideKeyboardShortcuts(list, menu, i10); } } @Override public final ActionMode onWindowStartingActionMode(ActionMode.Callback callback) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { return null; } if (j.this.f15132s) { return a(callback); } return super.onWindowStartingActionMode(callback); } @Override public final ActionMode onWindowStartingActionMode(ActionMode.Callback callback, int i10) { if (j.this.f15132s && i10 == 0) { return a(callback); } return super.onWindowStartingActionMode(callback, i10); } } @Override public final View onCreateView(String str, Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { return onCreateView(null, str, context, attributeSet); } }