ViMusic v0.5.4版本的 MD5 值为:e5d76df875234aa34db5af7d13eb379b

以下内容为反编译后的 源代码,内容仅作参考

package g7;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.h2;
import it.vfsfitvnm.vimusic.R;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import y.f2;
import y.g2;
import y.o1;
import y.y1;
public abstract class y {
    public static final a3.o f3292a = new a3.o();
    public static final byte[] f3293b = new byte[0];
    public static final k.u f3294c = new k.u();
    public static final r7.d[] f3295d = new r7.d[0];
    public static final v1.c f3296e = new v1.c(1.0f, 1.0f);
    public static final byte[] f3297f = {112, 114, 111, 0};
    public static final byte[] f3298g = {112, 114, 109, 0};
    public static final y.d1 f3299h = new y.d1("provider");
    public static final y.d1 f3300i = new y.d1("provider");
    public static final y.d1 f3301j = new y.d1("compositionLocalMap");
    public static final y.d1 f3302k = new y.d1("providerValues");
    public static final y.d1 f3303l = new y.d1("providers");
    public static final y.d1 f3304m = new y.d1("reference");

    public static int[] A(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, int i10) {
        int[] iArr = new int[i10];
        int i11 = 0;
        for (int i12 = 0; i12 < i10; i12++) {
            i11 += q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
            iArr[i12] = i11;
        return iArr;

    public static u3.b[] B(FileInputStream fileInputStream, byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2, u3.b[] bVarArr) {
        byte[] bArr3 = i8.a0.f4166x;
        if (Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr3)) {
            if (!Arrays.equals(i8.a0.f4161s, bArr2)) {
                if (Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr3)) {
                    int j02 = (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 1);
                    byte[] g02 = q6.c.g0(fileInputStream, (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4), (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4));
                    if ( <= 0) {
                        ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(g02);
                        try {
                            u3.b[] C = C(byteArrayInputStream, j02, bVarArr);
                            return C;
                        } catch (Throwable th) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable th2) {
                            throw th;
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Content found after the end of file");
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported meta version");
            throw new IllegalStateException("Requires new Baseline Profile Metadata. Please rebuild the APK with Android Gradle Plugin 7.2 Canary 7 or higher");
        } else if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4167y)) {
            int k02 = q6.c.k0(fileInputStream);
            byte[] g03 = q6.c.g0(fileInputStream, (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4), (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4));
            if ( <= 0) {
                ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(g03);
                try {
                    u3.b[] D = D(byteArrayInputStream2, bArr2, k02, bVarArr);
                    return D;
                } catch (Throwable th3) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable th4) {
                    throw th3;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Content found after the end of file");
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported meta version");

    public static u3.b[] C(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, int i10, u3.b[] bVarArr) {
        if (byteArrayInputStream.available() == 0) {
            return new u3.b[0];
        if (i10 == bVarArr.length) {
            String[] strArr = new String[i10];
            int[] iArr = new int[i10];
            for (int i11 = 0; i11 < i10; i11++) {
                int k02 = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
                iArr[i11] = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
                strArr[i11] = new String(q6.c.d0(byteArrayInputStream, k02), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            for (int i12 = 0; i12 < i10; i12++) {
                u3.b bVar = bVarArr[i12];
                if (bVar.f11289b.equals(strArr[i12])) {
                    int i13 = iArr[i12];
                    bVar.f11292e = i13;
                    bVar.f11295h = A(byteArrayInputStream, i13);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Order of dexfiles in metadata did not match baseline");
            return bVarArr;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Mismatched number of dex files found in metadata");

    public static u3.b[] D(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, byte[] bArr, int i10, u3.b[] bVarArr) {
        String str;
        if (byteArrayInputStream.available() == 0) {
            return new u3.b[0];
        if (i10 == bVarArr.length) {
            for (int i11 = 0; i11 < i10; i11++) {
                String str2 = new String(q6.c.d0(byteArrayInputStream, q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                long j02 = q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 4);
                int k02 = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
                u3.b bVar = null;
                if (bVarArr.length > 0) {
                    int indexOf = str2.indexOf("!");
                    if (indexOf < 0) {
                        indexOf = str2.indexOf(":");
                    if (indexOf > 0) {
                        str = str2.substring(indexOf + 1);
                    } else {
                        str = str2;
                    int i12 = 0;
                    while (true) {
                        if (i12 >= bVarArr.length) {
                        } else if (bVarArr[i12].f11289b.equals(str)) {
                            bVar = bVarArr[i12];
                        } else {
                if (bVar != null) {
                    bVar.f11291d = j02;
                    int[] A = A(byteArrayInputStream, k02);
                    if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4165w)) {
                        bVar.f11292e = k02;
                        bVar.f11295h = A;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(a.g.p("Missing profile key: ", str2));
            return bVarArr;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Mismatched number of dex files found in metadata");

    public static u3.b[] E(FileInputStream fileInputStream, byte[] bArr, String str) {
        if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4162t)) {
            int j02 = (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 1);
            byte[] g02 = q6.c.g0(fileInputStream, (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4), (int) q6.c.j0(fileInputStream, 4));
            if ( <= 0) {
                ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(g02);
                try {
                    u3.b[] F = F(byteArrayInputStream, str, j02);
                    return F;
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable th2) {
                    throw th;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Content found after the end of file");
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported version");

    public static u3.b[] F(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, String str, int i10) {
        int i11;
        if (byteArrayInputStream.available() == 0) {
            return new u3.b[0];
        u3.b[] bVarArr = new u3.b[i10];
        for (int i12 = 0; i12 < i10; i12++) {
            int k02 = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
            int k03 = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
            bVarArr[i12] = new u3.b(str, new String(q6.c.d0(byteArrayInputStream, k02), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 4), k03, (int) q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 4), (int) q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 4), new int[k03], new TreeMap());
        for (int i13 = 0; i13 < i10; i13++) {
            u3.b bVar = bVarArr[i13];
            int available = byteArrayInputStream.available() - bVar.f11293f;
            int i14 = 0;
            while (byteArrayInputStream.available() > available) {
                i14 += q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream);
                bVar.f11296i.put(Integer.valueOf(i14), 1);
                for (int k04 = q6.c.k0(byteArrayInputStream); k04 > 0; k04--) {
                    int j02 = (int) q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 1);
                    if (j02 != 6 && j02 != 7) {
                        while (j02 > 0) {
                            q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 1);
                            for (int j03 = (int) q6.c.j0(byteArrayInputStream, 1); j03 > 0; j03--) {
            if (byteArrayInputStream.available() == available) {
                bVar.f11295h = A(byteArrayInputStream, bVar.f11292e);
                BitSet valueOf = BitSet.valueOf(q6.c.d0(byteArrayInputStream, ((((bVar.f11294g * 2) + 8) - 1) & (-8)) / 8));
                int i15 = 0;
                while (true) {
                    int i16 = bVar.f11294g;
                    if (i15 < i16) {
                        if (valueOf.get(w(2, i15, i16))) {
                            i11 = 2;
                        } else {
                            i11 = 0;
                        if (valueOf.get(w(4, i15, i16))) {
                            i11 |= 4;
                        if (i11 != 0) {
                            Integer num = (Integer) bVar.f11296i.get(Integer.valueOf(i15));
                            if (num == null) {
                                num = 0;
                            bVar.f11296i.put(Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(num.intValue() | i11));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Read too much data during profile line parse");
        return bVarArr;

    public static final y.b1 G(String str, y.h hVar) {
        y.x xVar = (y.x) hVar;
        Context context = (Context) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.k0.f674b);
        Object F = xVar.F();
        if (F == x8.n.f13491r) {
            F = i8.a0.c1(Integer.valueOf(s(context).getInt(str, 0)), new e7.b(context, str, 14));
        y.b1 b1Var = (y.b1) F;
        return b1Var;

    public static final y.b1 H(String str, boolean z9, y.h hVar) {
        y.x xVar = (y.x) hVar;
        Context context = (Context) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.k0.f674b);
        Object F = xVar.F();
        if (F == x8.n.f13491r) {
            F = i8.a0.c1(Boolean.valueOf(s(context).getBoolean(str, z9)), new e7.b(context, str, 13));
        y.b1 b1Var = (y.b1) F;
        return b1Var;

    public static final void I(g2 g2Var, y.b0 b0Var) {
        o1 o1Var;
        y.c0 c0Var;
        e.z(g2Var, "<this>");
        e.z(b0Var, "rememberManager");
        int g10 = g2Var.g(g2Var.f13645b, g2Var.n(g2Var.f13661r));
        int[] iArr = g2Var.f13645b;
        int i10 = g2Var.f13661r;
        f2 f2Var = new f2(g10, g2Var.g(iArr, g2Var.n(g2Var.o(i10) + i10)), g2Var);
        while (f2Var.hasNext()) {
            Object next =;
            if (next instanceof y1) {
                b0Var.d((y1) next);
            } else if ((next instanceof o1) && (c0Var = (o1Var = (o1) next).f13733b) != null) {
                c0Var.D = true;
                o1Var.f13733b = null;
                o1Var.f13737f = null;
                o1Var.f13738g = null;

    public static final void J(float[] fArr) {
        int i10 = 0;
        while (i10 < 4) {
            int i11 = 0;
            while (i11 < 4) {
                fArr[(i11 * 4) + i10] = i10 == i11 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

    public static final void K(boolean z9) {
        if (z9) {
        j("Check failed".toString());
        throw null;

    public static final void L(r7.d dVar, r7.d dVar2) {
        try {
            x0.c.J(q6.a.B(dVar), n7.n.f8152a, null);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw th;

    public static void M(Object obj, String str) {
        String name;
        if (obj == null) {
            name = "null";
        } else {
            name = obj.getClass().getName();
        ClassCastException classCastException = new ClassCastException(o2.o.x(name, " cannot be cast to ", str));
        e.C0(y.class.getName(), classCastException);
        throw classCastException;

    public static boolean N(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, byte[] bArr, u3.b[] bVarArr) {
        ArrayList arrayList;
        int length;
        byte[] bArr2;
        if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4161s)) {
            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(3);
            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(3);
            ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream2, bVarArr.length);
                int i10 = 2;
                int i11 = 2;
                for (u3.b bVar : bVarArr) {
                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream2, bVar.f11290c, 4);
                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream2, bVar.f11291d, 4);
                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream2, bVar.f11294g, 4);
                    String r9 = r(bVar.f11288a, bVar.f11289b, i8.a0.f4161s);
                    int length2 = r9.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream2, length2);
                    i11 = i11 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + (length2 * 1);
                byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream2.toByteArray();
                if (i11 == byteArray.length) {
                    u3.i iVar = new u3.i(1, byteArray, false);
                    ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream3 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    int i12 = 0;
                    for (int i13 = 0; i13 < bVarArr.length; i13++) {
                        try {
                            u3.b bVar2 = bVarArr[i13];
                            q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream3, i13);
                            q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream3, bVar2.f11292e);
                            i12 = i12 + 2 + 2 + (bVar2.f11292e * 2);
                            R(byteArrayOutputStream3, bVar2);
                        } finally {
                    byte[] byteArray2 = byteArrayOutputStream3.toByteArray();
                    if (i12 == byteArray2.length) {
                        u3.i iVar2 = new u3.i(3, byteArray2, true);
                        byteArrayOutputStream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int i14 = 0;
                        int i15 = 0;
                        while (i14 < bVarArr.length) {
                            try {
                                u3.b bVar3 = bVarArr[i14];
                                int i16 = 0;
                                for (Map.Entry entry : bVar3.f11296i.entrySet()) {
                                    i16 |= ((Integer) entry.getValue()).intValue();
                                ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream4 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                T(byteArrayOutputStream4, bVar3);
                                byte[] byteArray3 = byteArrayOutputStream4.toByteArray();
                                ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream5 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                U(byteArrayOutputStream5, bVar3);
                                byte[] byteArray4 = byteArrayOutputStream5.toByteArray();
                                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream2, i14);
                                int length3 = byteArray3.length + i10 + byteArray4.length;
                                int i17 = i15 + 2 + 4;
                                ArrayList arrayList4 = arrayList3;
                                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream2, length3, 4);
                                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream2, i16);
                                i15 = i17 + length3;
                                arrayList3 = arrayList4;
                                i10 = 2;
                            } finally {
                        ArrayList arrayList5 = arrayList3;
                        byte[] byteArray5 = byteArrayOutputStream2.toByteArray();
                        if (i15 == byteArray5.length) {
                            u3.i iVar3 = new u3.i(4, byteArray5, true);
                            long j10 = 4;
                            long size = j10 + j10 + 4 + (arrayList2.size() * 16);
                            q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, arrayList2.size(), 4);
                            int i18 = 0;
                            while (i18 < arrayList2.size()) {
                                u3.i iVar4 = (u3.i) arrayList2.get(i18);
                                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, o2.o.o(iVar4.f11301a), 4);
                                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, size, 4);
                                if (iVar4.f11303c) {
                                    byte[] I = q6.c.I(iVar4.f11302b);
                                    arrayList = arrayList5;
                                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, I.length, 4);
                                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bArr2.length, 4);
                                    length = I.length;
                                } else {
                                    arrayList = arrayList5;
                                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, iVar4.f11302b.length, 4);
                                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, 0L, 4);
                                    length = iVar4.f11302b.length;
                                size += length;
                                arrayList5 = arrayList;
                            ArrayList arrayList6 = arrayList5;
                            for (int i19 = 0; i19 < arrayList6.size(); i19++) {
                                byteArrayOutputStream.write((byte[]) arrayList6.get(i19));
                            return true;
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected size " + i15 + ", does not match actual size " + byteArray5.length);
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Expected size " + i12 + ", does not match actual size " + byteArray2.length);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Expected size " + i11 + ", does not match actual size " + byteArray.length);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable th) {
        byte[] bArr3 = i8.a0.f4162t;
        if (Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr3)) {
            byte[] n10 = n(bVarArr, bArr3);
            q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVarArr.length, 1);
            q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, n10.length, 4);
            byte[] I2 = q6.c.I(n10);
            q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, I2.length, 4);
            return true;
        } else if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4164v)) {
            q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVarArr.length, 1);
            for (u3.b bVar4 : bVarArr) {
                String r10 = r(bVar4.f11288a, bVar4.f11289b, i8.a0.f4164v);
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, r10.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length);
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4.f11295h.length);
                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4.f11296i.size() * 4, 4);
                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4.f11290c, 4);
                for (Integer num : bVar4.f11296i.keySet()) {
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, num.intValue());
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, 0);
                for (int i20 : bVar4.f11295h) {
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, i20);
            return true;
        } else {
            byte[] bArr4 = i8.a0.f4163u;
            if (Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr4)) {
                byte[] n11 = n(bVarArr, bArr4);
                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVarArr.length, 1);
                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, n11.length, 4);
                byte[] I3 = q6.c.I(n11);
                q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, I3.length, 4);
                return true;
            } else if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4165w)) {
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVarArr.length);
                for (u3.b bVar5 : bVarArr) {
                    String r11 = r(bVar5.f11288a, bVar5.f11289b, i8.a0.f4165w);
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, r11.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length);
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar5.f11296i.size());
                    q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar5.f11295h.length);
                    q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar5.f11290c, 4);
                    for (Integer num2 : bVar5.f11296i.keySet()) {
                        q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, num2.intValue());
                    for (int i21 : bVar5.f11295h) {
                        q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, i21);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    public static void O(float[] fArr, float f10, float f11) {
        float f12 = (fArr[8] * 0.0f) + (fArr[4] * f11) + (fArr[0] * f10) + fArr[12];
        float f13 = (fArr[9] * 0.0f) + (fArr[5] * f11) + (fArr[1] * f10) + fArr[13];
        float f14 = (fArr[10] * 0.0f) + (fArr[6] * f11) + (fArr[2] * f10) + fArr[14];
        float f15 = fArr[3] * f10;
        float f16 = fArr[11] * 0.0f;
        fArr[12] = f12;
        fArr[13] = f13;
        fArr[14] = f14;
        fArr[15] = f16 + (fArr[7] * f11) + f15 + fArr[15];

    public static final int P(long j10, long j11) {
        int i10 = ((j10 ^ Long.MIN_VALUE) > (j11 ^ Long.MIN_VALUE) ? 1 : ((j10 ^ Long.MIN_VALUE) == (j11 ^ Long.MIN_VALUE) ? 0 : -1));
        if (i10 < 0) {
            return -1;
        return i10 == 0 ? 0 : 1;

    public static final double Q(long j10) {
        return ((j10 >>> 11) * 2048) + (j10 & 2047);

    public static void R(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, u3.b bVar) {
        int i10 = 0;
        for (int i11 : bVar.f11295h) {
            Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(i11);
            q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, valueOf.intValue() - i10);
            i10 = valueOf.intValue();

    public static void S(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, u3.b bVar, String str) {
        q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length);
        q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar.f11292e);
        q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar.f11293f, 4);
        q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar.f11290c, 4);
        q6.c.w0(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar.f11294g, 4);

    public static void T(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, u3.b bVar) {
        byte[] bArr = new byte[((((bVar.f11294g * 2) + 8) - 1) & (-8)) / 8];
        for (Map.Entry entry : bVar.f11296i.entrySet()) {
            int intValue = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue();
            int intValue2 = ((Integer) entry.getValue()).intValue();
            if ((intValue2 & 2) != 0) {
                int w9 = w(2, intValue, bVar.f11294g);
                int i10 = w9 / 8;
                bArr[i10] = (byte) ((1 << (w9 % 8)) | bArr[i10]);
            if ((intValue2 & 4) != 0) {
                int w10 = w(4, intValue, bVar.f11294g);
                int i11 = w10 / 8;
                bArr[i11] = (byte) ((1 << (w10 % 8)) | bArr[i11]);

    public static void U(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, u3.b bVar) {
        int i10 = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : bVar.f11296i.entrySet()) {
            int intValue = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue();
            if ((((Integer) entry.getValue()).intValue() & 1) != 0) {
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, intValue - i10);
                q6.c.x0(byteArrayOutputStream, 0);
                i10 = intValue;

    public static final void a(String str, boolean z9, y7.a aVar, float f10, y7.a aVar2, y7.a aVar3, y7.a aVar4, j0.k kVar, y.h hVar, int i10, int i11) {
        int i12;
        int i13;
        int i14;
        int i15;
        j0.k kVar2;
        int i16;
        y.x xVar;
        j0.k kVar3;
        o1 v9;
        e.z(str, "mediaId");
        e.z(aVar, "onDismiss");
        e.z(aVar2, "mediaMetadataProvider");
        e.z(aVar3, "durationProvider");
        e.z(aVar4, "ensureSongInserted");
        y.x xVar2 = (y.x) hVar;
        if ((i11 & 1) != 0) {
            i12 = i10 | 6;
        } else if ((i10 & 14) == 0) {
            i12 = (xVar2.e(str) ? 4 : 2) | i10;
        } else {
            i12 = i10;
        if ((i11 & 2) != 0) {
            i12 |= 48;
        } else if ((i10 & 112) == 0) {
            i12 |= xVar2.f(z9) ? 32 : 16;
        if ((i11 & 4) != 0) {
            i12 |= 384;
        } else if ((i10 & 896) == 0) {
            i12 |= xVar2.e(aVar) ? 256 : 128;
        if ((i11 & 8) != 0) {
            i12 |= 3072;
        } else if ((i10 & 7168) == 0) {
            i12 |= xVar2.b(f10) ? 2048 : 1024;
        if ((i11 & 16) != 0) {
            i12 |= 24576;
        } else if ((57344 & i10) == 0) {
            i12 |= xVar2.e(aVar2) ? 16384 : 8192;
        if ((i11 & 32) != 0) {
            i13 = 196608;
        } else {
            if ((458752 & i10) == 0) {
                i13 = xVar2.e(aVar3) ? 131072 : 65536;
            if ((i11 & 64) == 0) {
                i14 = 1572864;
            } else {
                if ((3670016 & i10) == 0) {
                    i14 = xVar2.e(aVar4) ? 1048576 : 524288;
                i15 = i11 & 128;
                if (i15 != 0) {
                    i12 |= 12582912;
                } else if ((29360128 & i10) == 0) {
                    kVar2 = kVar;
                    i12 |= xVar2.e(kVar2) ? 8388608 : 4194304;
                    i16 = i12;
                    if ((i16 & 23967451) == 4793490 || !xVar2.C()) {
                        j0.h hVar2 = i15 == 0 ? j0.h.f5030q : kVar2;
                        xVar = xVar2;
                        f8.m.c(z9, null, j.m0.c(null, 3), j.m0.d(null, 3), null, x0.c.o(xVar, -1722744060, new w(str, i16, aVar2, aVar3, aVar4, hVar2, aVar, f10)), xVar, ((i16 >> 3) & 14) | 200064, 18);
                        kVar3 = hVar2;
                    } else {
                        xVar = xVar2;
                        kVar3 = kVar2;
                    v9 = xVar.v();
                    if (v9 != null) {
                    v9.f13735d = new x(str, z9, aVar, f10, aVar2, aVar3, aVar4, kVar3, i10, i11);
                kVar2 = kVar;
                i16 = i12;
                if ((i16 & 23967451) == 4793490) {
                if (i15 == 0) {
                xVar = xVar2;
                f8.m.c(z9, null, j.m0.c(null, 3), j.m0.d(null, 3), null, x0.c.o(xVar, -1722744060, new w(str, i16, aVar2, aVar3, aVar4, hVar2, aVar, f10)), xVar, ((i16 >> 3) & 14) | 200064, 18);
                kVar3 = hVar2;
                v9 = xVar.v();
                if (v9 != null) {
            i12 |= i14;
            i15 = i11 & 128;
            if (i15 != 0) {
            kVar2 = kVar;
            i16 = i12;
            if ((i16 & 23967451) == 4793490) {
            if (i15 == 0) {
            xVar = xVar2;
            f8.m.c(z9, null, j.m0.c(null, 3), j.m0.d(null, 3), null, x0.c.o(xVar, -1722744060, new w(str, i16, aVar2, aVar3, aVar4, hVar2, aVar, f10)), xVar, ((i16 >> 3) & 14) | 200064, 18);
            kVar3 = hVar2;
            v9 = xVar.v();
            if (v9 != null) {
        i12 |= i13;
        if ((i11 & 64) == 0) {
        i12 |= i14;
        i15 = i11 & 128;
        if (i15 != 0) {
        kVar2 = kVar;
        i16 = i12;
        if ((i16 & 23967451) == 4793490) {
        if (i15 == 0) {
        xVar = xVar2;
        f8.m.c(z9, null, j.m0.c(null, 3), j.m0.d(null, 3), null, x0.c.o(xVar, -1722744060, new w(str, i16, aVar2, aVar3, aVar4, hVar2, aVar, f10)), xVar, ((i16 >> 3) & 14) | 200064, 18);
        kVar3 = hVar2;
        v9 = xVar.v();
        if (v9 != null) {

    public static final void b(p1.t tVar, y7.c cVar, y7.c cVar2, y7.c cVar3, y7.f fVar, y.h hVar, int i10) {
        int i11;
        boolean z9;
        String str;
        y.x xVar;
        int i12;
        int i13;
        int i14;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        e.z(tVar, "textFieldValue");
        e.z(cVar, "onTextFieldValueChanged");
        e.z(cVar2, "onSearch");
        e.z(cVar3, "onViewPlaylist");
        e.z(fVar, "decorationBox");
        y.x xVar2 = (y.x) hVar;
        if ((i10 & 14) == 0) {
            if (xVar2.e(tVar)) {
                i16 = 4;
            } else {
                i16 = 2;
            i11 = i16 | i10;
        } else {
            i11 = i10;
        if ((i10 & 112) == 0) {
            if (xVar2.e(cVar)) {
                i15 = 32;
            } else {
                i15 = 16;
            i11 |= i15;
        if ((i10 & 896) == 0) {
            if (xVar2.e(cVar2)) {
                i14 = 256;
            } else {
                i14 = 128;
            i11 |= i14;
        if ((i10 & 7168) == 0) {
            if (xVar2.e(cVar3)) {
                i13 = 2048;
            } else {
                i13 = 1024;
            i11 |= i13;
        if ((57344 & i10) == 0) {
            if (xVar2.e(fVar)) {
                i12 = 16384;
            } else {
                i12 = 8192;
            i11 |= i12;
        int i17 = i11;
        if ((46811 & i17) == 9362 && xVar2.C()) {
            xVar = xVar2;
        } else {
            l7.b bVar = (l7.b) xVar2.j(l7.c.f6588a);
            l7.d dVar = bVar.f6585a;
            l7.i iVar = bVar.f6586b;
            y.b1 i02 = b2.l.i0(6, xVar2, "search/online/history");
            m7.d.u(tVar.f9147a.f5061q, new i7.f((Context) xVar2.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.k0.f674b), tVar, i02, null), xVar2);
            y.b1 g02 = b2.l.g0(6, xVar2, "search/online/suggestionsResult");
            String str2 = tVar.f9147a.f5061q;
            boolean e10 = xVar2.e(tVar) | xVar2.e(g02);
            Object F = xVar2.F();
            if (e10 || F == x8.n.f13491r) {
                F = new i7.g(tVar, g02, null);
            m7.d.u(str2, (y7.e) F, xVar2);
            String str3 = tVar.f9147a.f5061q;
            boolean e11 = xVar2.e(str3);
            Object F2 = xVar2.F();
            if (e11 || F2 == x8.n.f13491r) {
                List<String> l02 = f8.m.l0("", "", "");
                String str4 = tVar.f9147a.f5061q;
                if (!l02.isEmpty()) {
                    for (String str5 : l02) {
                        if (h8.i.L0(str4, str5, false)) {
                            z9 = true;
                z9 = false;
                if (z9) {
                    Uri parse = Uri.parse(tVar.f9147a.f5061q);
                    e.y(parse, "parse(this)");
                    str = parse.getQueryParameter("list");
                } else {
                    str = null;
                F2 = str;
            String str6 = (String) F2;
            x.e a10 = x.u.a(false, xVar2);
            r0.c m02 = q6.b.m0(R.drawable.time, xVar2);
            r0.c m03 = q6.b.m0(R.drawable.close, xVar2);
            r0.c m04 = q6.b.m0(R.drawable.arrow_forward, xVar2);
            Object F3 = xVar2.F();
            if (F3 == x8.n.f13491r) {
                F3 = new m0.n();
            m0.n nVar = F3;
            q.q0 G = x0.c.G(0, 0, xVar2, 3);
            j0.h hVar2 = j0.h.f5030q;
            c1.a0 b3 = p.o.b(a3.o.F, false, xVar2);
            v1.b bVar2 = (v1.b) xVar2.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f580e);
            v1.k kVar = (v1.k) xVar2.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f586k);
            h2 h2Var = (h2) xVar2.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f590o);
            a.l lVar = e1.h.f1986b;
            f0.c S = v.y0.S(hVar2);
            if (xVar2.f13848a instanceof y.c) {
                if (xVar2.L) {
                } else {
                xVar2.f13871x = false;
                i8.a0.u1(xVar2, b3, e1.h.f1989e);
                i8.a0.u1(xVar2, bVar2, e1.h.f1988d);
                i8.a0.u1(xVar2, kVar, e1.h.f1990f);
                a.g.A(0, S, a.g.w(xVar2, h2Var, e1.h.f1991g, xVar2), xVar2, 2058660585, -2137368960);
                p.q qVar = p.q.f8986a;
                q6.c.k(p.b1.b(hVar2), G, v.y0.m(v.y0.X((p.h1) xVar2.j(t6.d0.f11037b), v.y0.f11755i | v.y0.f11751e), xVar2), false, null, null, null, false, new i7.q(iVar, tVar, cVar2, i17, dVar, nVar, cVar, fVar, str6, cVar3, i02, m02, a10, m03, m04, g02), xVar2, 6, 248);
                p9.e.g(qVar, G, null, false, null, null, null, xVar2, 6, 62);
                xVar = xVar2;
                a.g.E(xVar, false, false, true, false);
                m7.d.u(n7.n.f8152a, new i7.r(nVar, null), xVar);
            } else {
                throw null;
        o1 v9 = xVar.v();
        if (v9 != null) {
            v9.f13735d = new i7.c(tVar, cVar, cVar2, cVar3, fVar, i10);

    public static final void c(y.h hVar, int i10) {
        boolean z9;
        ?? r13;
        y.x xVar = (y.x) hVar;
        if (i10 == 0 && xVar.C()) {
        } else {
            Context context = (Context) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.k0.f674b);
            l7.d dVar = ((l7.b) xVar.j(l7.c.f6588a)).f6585a;
            w6.m mVar = (w6.m) xVar.j(t6.d0.f11036a);
            y.b1 H = H("persistentQueue", false, xVar);
            y.b1 H2 = H("resumePlaybackWhenDeviceConnected", false, xVar);
            y.b1 H3 = H("skipSilence", false, xVar);
            y.b1 H4 = H("volumeNormalization", false, xVar);
            a.o M0 = m7.d.M0(new c.d(), k7.m.f5895r, xVar, 56);
            j0.k r02 = m7.l.r0(q6.a.b0(p.b1.b(x0.c.g(j0.h.f5030q, dVar.f6589a, m7.d.f7490u)), q6.a.L(xVar)), v.y0.m(v.y0.X((p.h1) xVar.j(t6.d0.f11037b), v.y0.f11755i | v.y0.f11751e), xVar));
            c1.a0 a10 = p.w.a(p.j.f8958c, a3.o.R, xVar);
            v1.b bVar = (v1.b) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f580e);
            v1.k kVar = (v1.k) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f586k);
            h2 h2Var = (h2) xVar.j(androidx.compose.ui.platform.b1.f590o);
            a.l lVar = e1.h.f1986b;
            f0.c S = v.y0.S(r02);
            if (xVar.f13848a instanceof y.c) {
                if (xVar.L) {
                } else {
                xVar.f13871x = false;
                i8.a0.u1(xVar, a10, e1.h.f1989e);
                i8.a0.u1(xVar, bVar, e1.h.f1988d);
                i8.a0.u1(xVar, kVar, e1.h.f1990f);
                a.g.A(0, S, a.g.w(xVar, h2Var, e1.h.f1991g, xVar), xVar, 2058660585, -1163856341);
                m7.d.q("Player & Audio", null, null, xVar, 6, 6);
                i8.a0.A("PLAYER", null, xVar, 6, 2);
                boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) H.getValue()).booleanValue();
                boolean e10 = xVar.e(H);
                Object F = xVar.F();
                if (e10 || F == x8.n.f13491r) {
                    F = a.g.v(H, 18, xVar);
                i8.a0.I("Persistent queue", "Save and restore playing songs", booleanValue, F, null, false, xVar, 54, 48);
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
                    z9 = true;
                } else {
                    z9 = false;
                if (z9) {
                    boolean booleanValue2 = ((Boolean) H2.getValue()).booleanValue();
                    boolean e11 = xVar.e(H2);
                    Object F2 = xVar.F();
                    if (e11 || F2 == x8.n.f13491r) {
                        F2 = a.g.v(H2, 19, xVar);
                    r13 = 1;
                    i8.a0.I("Resume playback", "When a wired or bluetooth device is connected", booleanValue2, F2, null, false, xVar, 54, 48);
                } else {
                    r13 = 1;
                i8.a0.B(null, xVar, 0, r13);
                i8.a0.A("AUDIO", null, xVar, 6, 2);
                boolean booleanValue3 = ((Boolean) H3.getValue()).booleanValue();
                boolean e12 = xVar.e(H3);
                Object F3 = xVar.F();
                if (e12 || F3 == x8.n.f13491r) {
                    F3 = a.g.v(H3, 20, xVar);
                i8.a0.I("Skip silence", "Skip silent parts during playback", booleanValue3, F3, null, false, xVar, 54, 48);
                boolean booleanValue4 = ((Boolean) H4.getValue()).booleanValue();
                boolean e13 = xVar.e(H4);
                Object F4 = xVar.F();
                if (e13 || F4 == x8.n.f13491r) {
                    F4 = a.g.v(H4, 21, xVar);
                i8.a0.I("Loudness normalization", "Adjust the volume to a fixed level", booleanValue4, F4, null, false, xVar, 54, 48);
                i8.a0.z("Equalizer", "Interact with the system equalizer", null, new k0(M0, context, mVar, r13), false, null, xVar, 54, 52);
                a.g.E(xVar, false, false, r13, false);
            } else {
                throw null;
        o1 v9 = xVar.v();
        if (v9 != null) {
            v9.f13735d = new d7.a(i10, 6);

    public static final void d(float[] fArr, float[] fArr2) {
        float o10 = o(fArr2, 0, fArr, 0);
        float o11 = o(fArr2, 0, fArr, 1);
        float o12 = o(fArr2, 0, fArr, 2);
        float o13 = o(fArr2, 0, fArr, 3);
        float o14 = o(fArr2, 1, fArr, 0);
        float o15 = o(fArr2, 1, fArr, 1);
        float o16 = o(fArr2, 1, fArr, 2);
        float o17 = o(fArr2, 1, fArr, 3);
        float o18 = o(fArr2, 2, fArr, 0);
        float o19 = o(fArr2, 2, fArr, 1);
        float o20 = o(fArr2, 2, fArr, 2);
        float o21 = o(fArr2, 2, fArr, 3);
        float o22 = o(fArr2, 3, fArr, 0);
        float o23 = o(fArr2, 3, fArr, 1);
        float o24 = o(fArr2, 3, fArr, 2);
        float o25 = o(fArr2, 3, fArr, 3);
        fArr[0] = o10;
        fArr[1] = o11;
        fArr[2] = o12;
        fArr[3] = o13;
        fArr[4] = o14;
        fArr[5] = o15;
        fArr[6] = o16;
        fArr[7] = o17;
        fArr[8] = o18;
        fArr[9] = o19;
        fArr[10] = o20;
        fArr[11] = o21;
        fArr[12] = o22;
        fArr[13] = o23;
        fArr[14] = o24;
        fArr[15] = o25;

    public static final void e(int i10, int i11, ArrayList arrayList) {
        int p10 = p(i10, arrayList);
        if (p10 < 0) {
            p10 = -(p10 + 1);
        while (p10 < arrayList.size() && ((y.t0) arrayList.get(p10)).f13792b < i11) {

    public static Collection f(LinkedHashSet linkedHashSet) {
        if (!(linkedHashSet instanceof a8.a) || (linkedHashSet instanceof a8.b)) {
            return linkedHashSet;
        M(linkedHashSet, "kotlin.collections.MutableCollection");
        throw null;

    public static Map g(AbstractMap abstractMap) {
        if (!(abstractMap instanceof a8.a) || (abstractMap instanceof a8.e)) {
            return abstractMap;
        M(abstractMap, "kotlin.collections.MutableMap");
        throw null;

    public static void h(int i10, Object obj) {
        if (obj == null || t(i10, obj)) {
        M(obj, "kotlin.jvm.functions.Function" + i10);
        throw null;

    public static final void i(e6.f fVar, f6.c cVar) {
        boolean z9;
        int i10;
        int min;
        e.z(fVar, "<this>");
        if (cVar == fVar) {
        int i11 = cVar.f2255c;
        int i12 = cVar.f2254b;
        if (i11 > i12) {
            z9 = true;
        } else {
            z9 = false;
        if (!z9) {
        } else if (cVar.f2258f - cVar.f2257e < 8) {
            f6.c g10 = cVar.g();
            if (g10 == null || g10.f2256d < (min = Math.min((i10 = cVar.f2255c - cVar.f2254b), 8 - (cVar.f2258f - cVar.f2257e)))) {
            g10.d(g10.f2254b - min);
            if (i10 > min) {
                cVar.f2257e = cVar.f2258f;
                fVar.f2267u = cVar.f2255c;
                fVar.r(fVar.f2268v + min);
            fVar.r(fVar.f2268v - ((g10.f2255c - g10.f2254b) - min));
        } else {
            fVar.f2266t = i12;

    public static final void j(String str) {
        e.z(str, "message");
        throw new y.g(o2.o.x("Compose Runtime internal error. Unexpected or incorrect use of the Compose internal runtime API (", str, "). Please report to Google or use"));

    public static final q8.b k(f8.b bVar, q8.b... bVarArr) {
        Object obj;
        boolean z9;
        Class[] clsArr;
        Object invoke;
        q8.b bVar2;
        q8.b bVar3;
        q8.b bVar4;
        q8.e eVar;
        Object obj2;
        Field field;
        boolean z10;
        boolean z11;
        boolean z12;
        boolean z13;
        e.z(bVar, "<this>");
        e.z(bVarArr, "args");
        Class t9 = q6.a.t(bVar);
        q8.b[] bVarArr2 = (q8.b[]) Arrays.copyOf(bVarArr, bVarArr.length);
        e.z(bVarArr2, "args");
        int i10 = 0;
        if (t9.isEnum()) {
            if (t9.getAnnotation(q8.h.class) == null && t9.getAnnotation(q8.d.class) == null) {
                z13 = true;
            } else {
                z13 = false;
            if (z13) {
                Object[] enumConstants = t9.getEnumConstants();
                String canonicalName = t9.getCanonicalName();
                e.y(canonicalName, "canonicalName");
                if (enumConstants != null) {
                    return new t8.u(canonicalName, (Enum[]) enumConstants);
                throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Array<out kotlin.Enum<*>>");
        if (t9.isInterface()) {
            q8.h hVar = (q8.h) t9.getAnnotation(q8.h.class);
            if (hVar == null || e.n(z7.u.a(hVar.with()), z7.u.a(q8.e.class))) {
                eVar = new q8.e(z7.u.a(t9));
                return eVar;
            return null;
        q8.b[] bVarArr3 = (q8.b[]) Arrays.copyOf(bVarArr2, bVarArr2.length);
        try {
            Field declaredField = t9.getDeclaredField("Companion");
            obj = declaredField.get(null);
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
            obj = null;
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                if (bVarArr3.length == 0) {
                    z9 = true;
                } else {
                    z9 = false;
                if (z9) {
                    clsArr = new Class[0];
                } else {
                    int length = bVarArr3.length;
                    Class[] clsArr2 = new Class[length];
                    for (int i11 = 0; i11 < length; i11++) {
                        clsArr2[i11] = q8.b.class;
                    clsArr = clsArr2;
                invoke = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("serializer", (Class[]) Arrays.copyOf(clsArr, clsArr.length)).invoke(obj, Arrays.copyOf(bVarArr3, bVarArr3.length));
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException unused2) {
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e10) {
                Throwable cause = e10.getCause();
                if (cause != null) {
                    String message = cause.getMessage();
                    if (message == null) {
                        message = e10.getMessage();
                    throw new InvocationTargetException(cause, message);
                throw e10;
            if (invoke instanceof q8.b) {
                bVar2 = (q8.b) invoke;
                if (bVar2 != null) {
                    Field[] declaredFields = t9.getDeclaredFields();
                    e.y(declaredFields, "declaredFields");
                    int length2 = declaredFields.length;
                    Field field2 = null;
                    int i12 = 0;
                    boolean z14 = false;
                    while (true) {
                        if (i12 < length2) {
                            Field field3 = declaredFields[i12];
                            if (e.n(field3.getName(), "INSTANCE") && e.n(field3.getType(), t9) && Modifier.isStatic(field3.getModifiers())) {
                                z12 = true;
                            } else {
                                z12 = false;
                            if (z12) {
                                if (z14) {
                                field2 = field3;
                                z14 = true;
                    field2 = null;
                    if (field2 != null) {
                        Object obj3 = field2.get(null);
                        Method[] methods = t9.getMethods();
                        e.y(methods, "methods");
                        int length3 = methods.length;
                        Method method = null;
                        int i13 = 0;
                        boolean z15 = false;
                        while (true) {
                            if (i13 < length3) {
                                Method method2 = methods[i13];
                                if (e.n(method2.getName(), "serializer")) {
                                    Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method2.getParameterTypes();
                                    e.y(parameterTypes, "it.parameterTypes");
                                    if (parameterTypes.length == 0) {
                                        z11 = true;
                                    } else {
                                        z11 = false;
                                    if (z11 && e.n(method2.getReturnType(), q8.b.class)) {
                                        z10 = true;
                                        if (z10) {
                                            if (z15) {
                                            method = method2;
                                            z15 = true;
                                z10 = false;
                                if (z10) {
                        if (method != null) {
                            Object invoke2 = method.invoke(obj3, new Object[0]);
                            if (invoke2 instanceof q8.b) {
                                bVar3 = (q8.b) invoke2;
                                if (bVar3 != null) {
                                    try {
                                        Class<?>[] declaredClasses = t9.getDeclaredClasses();
                                        e.y(declaredClasses, "declaredClasses");
                                        int length4 = declaredClasses.length;
                                        Class<?> cls = null;
                                        boolean z16 = false;
                                        while (true) {
                                            if (i10 < length4) {
                                                Class<?> cls2 = declaredClasses[i10];
                                                if (e.n(cls2.getSimpleName(), "$serializer")) {
                                                    if (z16) {
                                                    cls = cls2;
                                                    z16 = true;
                                        cls = null;
                                        if (cls != null && (field = cls.getField("INSTANCE")) != null) {
                                            obj2 = field.get(null);
                                        } else {
                                            obj2 = null;
                                    } catch (NoSuchFieldException unused3) {
                                    if (obj2 instanceof q8.b) {
                                        bVar4 = (q8.b) obj2;
                                        if (bVar4 != null) {
                                            if (t9.getAnnotation(q8.d.class) != null) {
                                                eVar = new q8.e(z7.u.a(t9));
                                            } else {
                                                q8.h hVar2 = (q8.h) t9.getAnnotation(q8.h.class);
                                                if (hVar2 != null && e.n(z7.u.a(hVar2.with()), z7.u.a(q8.e.class))) {
                                                    eVar = new q8.e(z7.u.a(t9));
                                                return null;
                                            return eVar;
                                        return bVar4;
                                    bVar4 = null;
                                    if (bVar4 != null) {
                                } else {
                                    return bVar3;
                    bVar3 = null;
                    if (bVar3 != null) {
                } else {
                    return bVar2;
        bVar2 = null;
        if (bVar2 != null) {

    public static float[] l() {
        return new float[]{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};

    public static void m(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream) {
        byte[] bArr = new byte[8192];
        while (true) {
            int read =;
            if (read < 0) {
            outputStream.write(bArr, 0, read);

    public static byte[] n(u3.b[] bVarArr, byte[] bArr) {
        int i10 = 0;
        int i11 = 0;
        for (u3.b bVar : bVarArr) {
            i11 += (((((bVar.f11294g * 2) + 8) - 1) & (-8)) / 8) + (bVar.f11292e * 2) + r(bVar.f11288a, bVar.f11289b, bArr).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length + 16 + bVar.f11293f;
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(i11);
        if (Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4163u)) {
            int length = bVarArr.length;
            while (i10 < length) {
                u3.b bVar2 = bVarArr[i10];
                S(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar2, r(bVar2.f11288a, bVar2.f11289b, bArr));
                U(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar2);
                R(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar2);
                T(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar2);
        } else {
            for (u3.b bVar3 : bVarArr) {
                S(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar3, r(bVar3.f11288a, bVar3.f11289b, bArr));
            int length2 = bVarArr.length;
            while (i10 < length2) {
                u3.b bVar4 = bVarArr[i10];
                U(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4);
                R(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4);
                T(byteArrayOutputStream, bVar4);
        if (byteArrayOutputStream.size() == i11) {
            return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
        StringBuilder s9 = a.g.s("The bytes saved do not match expectation. actual=");
        s9.append(" expected=");
        throw new IllegalStateException(s9.toString());

    public static final float o(float[] fArr, int i10, float[] fArr2, int i11) {
        int i12 = i10 * 4;
        float f10 = (fArr[i12 + 1] * fArr2[4 + i11]) + (fArr[i12 + 0] * fArr2[0 + i11]);
        return (fArr[i12 + 3] * fArr2[12 + i11]) + (fArr[i12 + 2] * fArr2[8 + i11]) + f10;

    public static final int p(int i10, List list) {
        int size = list.size() - 1;
        int i11 = 0;
        while (i11 <= size) {
            int i12 = (i11 + size) >>> 1;
            int E = e.E(((y.t0) list.get(i12)).f13792b, i10);
            if (E < 0) {
                i11 = i12 + 1;
            } else if (E > 0) {
                size = i12 - 1;
            } else {
                return i12;
        return -(i11 + 1);

    public static l8.i q(m8.u uVar, o8.c cVar, int i10, k8.l lVar, int i11) {
        r7.i iVar = cVar;
        if ((i11 & 1) != 0) {
            iVar = r7.i.f10301q;
        if ((i11 & 2) != 0) {
            i10 = -3;
        if ((i11 & 4) != 0) {
            lVar = k8.l.f5939q;
        return uVar.c(iVar, i10, lVar);

    public static String r(String str, String str2, byte[] bArr) {
        Object obj;
        byte[] bArr2 = i8.a0.f4165w;
        String str3 = "!";
        if (!Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr2) && !Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4164v)) {
            obj = "!";
        } else {
            obj = ":";
        if (str.length() <= 0) {
            if ("!".equals(obj)) {
                return str2.replace(":", "!");
            if (":".equals(obj)) {
                str2 = str2.replace("!", ":");
            return str2;
        } else if (str2.equals("classes.dex")) {
            return str;
        } else {
            if (!str2.contains("!") && !str2.contains(":")) {
                if (str2.endsWith(".apk")) {
                    return str2;
                return a.g.r(a.g.s(str), (Arrays.equals(bArr, bArr2) || Arrays.equals(bArr, i8.a0.f4164v)) ? ":" : ":", str2);
            } else if ("!".equals(obj)) {
                return str2.replace(":", "!");
            } else {
                if (":".equals(obj)) {
                    str2 = str2.replace("!", ":");
                return str2;

    public static final SharedPreferences s(Context context) {
        e.z(context, "<this>");
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("preferences", 0);
        e.y(sharedPreferences, "getSharedPreferences(\"pr…s\", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)");
        return sharedPreferences;

    public static boolean t(int i10, Object obj) {
        int i11;
        if (obj instanceof n7.b) {
            if (obj instanceof z7.g) {
                i11 = ((z7.g) obj).k();
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.a) {
                i11 = 0;
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.c) {
                i11 = 1;
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.e) {
                i11 = 2;
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.f) {
                i11 = 3;
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.g) {
                i11 = 4;
            } else if (obj instanceof y7.h) {
                i11 = 5;
            } else {
                boolean z9 = obj instanceof f0.a;
                i11 = z9 ? 6 : z9 ? 7 : z9 ? 8 : z9 ? 9 : z9 ? 10 : z9 ? 11 : z9 ? 13 : z9 ? 14 : z9 ? 15 : z9 ? 16 : z9 ? 17 : z9 ? 18 : z9 ? 19 : z9 ? 20 : z9 ? 21 : -1;
            if (i11 == i10) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static final long u(float[] fArr, long j10) {
        float e10 = n0.c.e(j10);
        float f10 = n0.c.f(j10);
        float f11 = 1 / (((fArr[7] * f10) + (fArr[3] * e10)) + fArr[15]);
        if (!((Float.isInfinite(f11) || Float.isNaN(f11)) ? false : true)) {
            f11 = 0.0f;
        return m7.d.x(((fArr[4] * f10) + (fArr[0] * e10) + fArr[12]) * f11, ((fArr[5] * f10) + (fArr[1] * e10) + fArr[13]) * f11);

    public static final void v(float[] fArr, n0.b bVar) {
        long u9 = u(fArr, m7.d.x(bVar.f7705a, bVar.f7706b));
        long u10 = u(fArr, m7.d.x(bVar.f7705a, bVar.f7708d));
        long u11 = u(fArr, m7.d.x(bVar.f7707c, bVar.f7706b));
        long u12 = u(fArr, m7.d.x(bVar.f7707c, bVar.f7708d));
        bVar.f7705a = Math.min(Math.min(n0.c.e(u9), n0.c.e(u10)), Math.min(n0.c.e(u11), n0.c.e(u12)));
        bVar.f7706b = Math.min(Math.min(n0.c.f(u9), n0.c.f(u10)), Math.min(n0.c.f(u11), n0.c.f(u12)));
        bVar.f7707c = Math.max(Math.max(n0.c.e(u9), n0.c.e(u10)), Math.max(n0.c.e(u11), n0.c.e(u12)));
        bVar.f7708d = Math.max(Math.max(n0.c.f(u9), n0.c.f(u10)), Math.max(n0.c.f(u11), n0.c.f(u12)));

    public static int w(int i10, int i11, int i12) {
        if (i10 != 1) {
            if (i10 != 2) {
                if (i10 == 4) {
                    return i11 + i12;
                throw new IllegalStateException(o2.o.u("Unexpected flag: ", i10));
            return i11;
        throw new IllegalStateException("HOT methods are not stored in the bitmap");

    public static final f6.c x(e6.f fVar, int i10) {
        e.z(fVar, "<this>");
        f6.c cVar = fVar.f2264r;
        int i11 = fVar.f2266t;
        if (i11 >= 0 && i11 <= cVar.f2255c) {
            if (cVar.f2254b != i11) {
                cVar.f2254b = i11;
            return fVar.k(i10, cVar);
        int i12 = cVar.f2254b;
        v.y0.E(i11 - i12, cVar.f2255c - i12);
        throw null;

    public static final f6.c y(e6.f fVar, f6.c cVar) {
        boolean z9;
        e.z(fVar, "<this>");
        if (cVar == fVar) {
            if (fVar.f2266t == fVar.f2267u && fVar.f2268v == 0) {
                z9 = false;
            } else {
                z9 = true;
            if (z9) {
                return (f6.c) fVar;
            return null;
        return fVar.b(cVar);

    public static final f6.c z(e6.g gVar, int i10, f6.c cVar) {
        e.z(gVar, "<this>");
        if (cVar != null) {
        return gVar.e(i10);