MD5 校验值:52ffe34fa08a87a6cc4bc36d7eb3dad1 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package g8; import a1.t; import am.p; import bk.a; import bm.m; import; import; import eg.qb; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException; import qo.f0; @ul.e(c = "by.imlab.sosedi.kupilka.domain.repository.product.ProductRepositoryImpl$getProductFilters$2", f = "ProductRepositoryImpl.kt", l = {107, 115}, m = "invokeSuspend") public final class b extends ul.i implements p<f0, sl.d<? super bk.a<? extends List<? extends ProductFilterLocal>, ? extends ol.l>>, Object> { public bk.a f15547e; public int f15548f; public final a f15549g; public b(a aVar, sl.d<? super b> dVar) { super(2, dVar); this.f15549g = aVar; } @Override public final sl.d<ol.l> a(Object obj, sl.d<?> dVar) { return new b(this.f15549g, dVar); } @Override public final Object h0(f0 f0Var, sl.d<? super bk.a<? extends List<? extends ProductFilterLocal>, ? extends ol.l>> dVar) { return ((b) a(f0Var, dVar)).l(ol.l.f28027a); } @Override public final Object l(Object obj) { bk.a aVar; boolean z10; tl.a aVar2 = tl.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED; int i10 = this.f15548f; if (i10 != 0) { if (i10 != 1) { if (i10 == 2) { aVar = this.f15547e; qb.I0(obj); return aVar; } throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"); } qb.I0(obj); } else { qb.I0(obj); q6.b bVar = this.f15549g.f15527b; this.f15548f = 1; obj = bVar.a(this); if (obj == aVar2) { return aVar2; } } bk.a aVar3 = (bk.a) obj; a aVar4 = this.f15549g; if (aVar3 instanceof a.c) { a.c cVar = (a.c) aVar3; int i11 = cVar.f4013a; List list = (List) cVar.f4014b; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); int i12 = 0; for (Object obj2 : list) { int i13 = i12 + 1; String str = null; if (i12 >= 0) { ProductFilterRespRemote productFilterRespRemote = (ProductFilterRespRemote) obj2; aVar4.f15528c.getClass(); m.f(productFilterRespRemote, "remote"); String str2 = productFilterRespRemote.f4699b; if (str2 != null) { int i14 = productFilterRespRemote.f4698a; String str3 = productFilterRespRemote.f4700c; if (str3 != null) { if (str3.length() > 0) { z10 = true; } else { z10 = false; } if (!z10) { str3 = null; } if (str3 != null) { str = bm.l.a("", str3); } } if (str == null) { str = ""; } str = new ProductFilterLocal(i14, str2, i12, str); } if (str != null) { arrayList.add(str); } i12 = i13; } else { t.H(); throw null; } } aVar3 = new a.c(i11, arrayList); } else if (!(aVar3 instanceof a.C0066a) && !(aVar3 instanceof a.b)) { throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException(); } a aVar5 = this.f15549g; if (aVar3 instanceof a.c) { a.c cVar2 = (a.c) aVar3; cVar2.getClass(); List<ProductFilterLocal> list2 = (List) cVar2.f4014b; a7.a aVar6 = aVar5.f15530e; this.f15547e = aVar3; this.f15548f = 2; if (aVar6.c(list2, this) == aVar2) { return aVar2; } aVar = aVar3; return aVar; } return aVar3; } }