MD5 校验值:63f8e52e07318fa084f03ba71262387f 文件包含反编译后的源代码,请注意,该内容仅供学习和参考使用,不得用于非法用途。
package ha; import ea.b0; import ea.h; import ea.i; import ea.j; import ea.o; import ea.p; import ea.r; import ea.s; import ea.u; import ea.v; import ea.x; import ea.z; import; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import ka.g; import oa.l; import oa.s; import oa.t; public final class c extends g.j implements h { private final i f9833b; private final b0 f9834c; private Socket f9835d; private Socket f9836e; private p f9837f; private v f9838g; private ka.g f9839h; private oa.e f9840i; private oa.d f9841j; public boolean f9842k; public int f9843l; public int f9844m = 1; public final List<Reference<g>> f9845n = new ArrayList(); public long f9846o = Long.MAX_VALUE; public c(i iVar, b0 b0Var) { this.f9833b = iVar; this.f9834c = b0Var; } private void e(int i10, int i11, ea.d dVar, o oVar) { Proxy b10 = this.f9834c.b(); this.f9835d = (b10.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || b10.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP) ? this.f9834c.a().j().createSocket() : new Socket(b10); oVar.f(dVar, this.f9834c.d(), b10); this.f9835d.setSoTimeout(i11); try { la.g.l().h(this.f9835d, this.f9834c.d(), i10); try { this.f9840i = l.b(l.i(this.f9835d)); this.f9841j = l.a(l.f(this.f9835d)); } catch (NullPointerException e10) { if ("throw with null exception".equals(e10.getMessage())) { throw new IOException(e10); } } } catch (ConnectException e11) { ConnectException connectException = new ConnectException("Failed to connect to " + this.f9834c.d()); connectException.initCause(e11); throw connectException; } } private void f(b bVar) { SSLSocket sSLSocket; ea.a a10 = this.f9834c.a(); SSLSocket sSLSocket2 = null; try { try { sSLSocket = (SSLSocket) a10.k().createSocket(this.f9835d, a10.l().l(), a10.l().w(), true); } catch (AssertionError e10) { e = e10; } } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; } try { j a11 = bVar.a(sSLSocket); if (a11.f()) { la.g.l().g(sSLSocket, a10.l().l(), a10.f()); } sSLSocket.startHandshake(); SSLSession session = sSLSocket.getSession(); p b10 = p.b(session); if (a10.e().verify(a10.l().l(), session)) { a10.a().a(a10.l().l(), b10.c()); String n10 = a11.f() ? la.g.l().n(sSLSocket) : null; this.f9836e = sSLSocket; this.f9840i = l.b(l.i(sSLSocket)); this.f9841j = l.a(l.f(this.f9836e)); this.f9837f = b10; this.f9838g = n10 != null ? v.c(n10) : v.HTTP_1_1; la.g.l().a(sSLSocket); return; } List<Certificate> c10 = b10.c(); if (c10.isEmpty()) { throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + a10.l().l() + " not verified (no certificates)"); } X509Certificate x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) c10.get(0); throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Hostname " + a10.l().l() + " not verified:\n certificate: " + ea.f.c(x509Certificate) + "\n DN: " + x509Certificate.getSubjectDN().getName() + "\n subjectAltNames: " + na.d.a(x509Certificate)); } catch (AssertionError e11) { e = e11; if (!fa.c.y(e)) { throw e; } throw new IOException(e); } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; sSLSocket2 = sSLSocket; if (sSLSocket2 != null) { la.g.l().a(sSLSocket2); } fa.c.f(sSLSocket2); throw th; } } private void g(int i10, int i11, int i12, ea.d dVar, o oVar) { x i13 = i(); r h10 = i13.h(); for (int i14 = 0; i14 < 21; i14++) { e(i10, i11, dVar, oVar); i13 = h(i11, i12, i13, h10); if (i13 == null) { return; } fa.c.f(this.f9835d); this.f9835d = null; this.f9841j = null; this.f9840i = null; oVar.d(dVar, this.f9834c.d(), this.f9834c.b(), null); } } private x h(int i10, int i11, x xVar, r rVar) { String str = "CONNECT " + fa.c.q(rVar, true) + " HTTP/1.1"; while (true) { ja.a aVar = new ja.a(null, null, this.f9840i, this.f9841j); TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; this.f9840i.c().g(i10, timeUnit); this.f9841j.c().g(i11, timeUnit); aVar.o(xVar.d(), str); aVar.b(); z c10 = aVar.d(false).p(xVar).c(); long b10 = ia.e.b(c10); if (b10 == -1) { b10 = 0; } s k10 = aVar.k(b10); fa.c.B(k10, Integer.MAX_VALUE, timeUnit); k10.close(); int f10 = c10.f(); if (f10 == 200) { if (this.f9840i.b().o() && this.f9841j.b().o()) { return null; } throw new IOException("TLS tunnel buffered too many bytes!"); } if (f10 != 407) { throw new IOException("Unexpected response code for CONNECT: " + c10.f()); } x a10 = this.f9834c.a().h().a(this.f9834c, c10); if (a10 == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to authenticate with proxy"); } if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(c10.k("Connection"))) { return a10; } xVar = a10; } } private x i() { x a10 = new x.a().f(this.f9834c.a().l()).d("CONNECT", null).b("Host", fa.c.q(this.f9834c.a().l(), true)).b("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive").b("User-Agent", fa.d.a()).a(); x a11 = this.f9834c.a().h().a(this.f9834c, new z.a().p(a10).n(v.HTTP_1_1).g(407).k("Preemptive Authenticate").b(fa.c.f9223c).q(-1L).o(-1L).i("Proxy-Authenticate", "OkHttp-Preemptive").c()); return a11 != null ? a11 : a10; } private void j(b bVar, int i10, ea.d dVar, o oVar) { if (this.f9834c.a().k() != null) { oVar.u(dVar); f(bVar); oVar.t(dVar, this.f9837f); if (this.f9838g == v.HTTP_2) { r(i10); return; } return; } List<v> f10 = this.f9834c.a().f(); v vVar = v.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE; if (!f10.contains(vVar)) { this.f9836e = this.f9835d; this.f9838g = v.HTTP_1_1; } else { this.f9836e = this.f9835d; this.f9838g = vVar; r(i10); } } private void r(int i10) { this.f9836e.setSoTimeout(0); ka.g a10 = new g.h(true).d(this.f9836e, this.f9834c.a().l().l(), this.f9840i, this.f9841j).b(this).c(i10).a(); this.f9839h = a10; a10.i0(); } @Override public void a(ka.g gVar) { synchronized (this.f9833b) { this.f9844m = gVar.L(); } } @Override public void b(ka.i iVar) { iVar.f(ka.b.REFUSED_STREAM); } public void c() { fa.c.f(this.f9835d); } public void d(int i10, int i11, int i12, int i13, boolean z10, ea.d dVar, o oVar) { if (this.f9838g != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("already connected"); } List<j> b10 = this.f9834c.a().b(); b bVar = new b(b10); if (this.f9834c.a().k() == null) { if (!b10.contains(j.f8922j)) { throw new e(new UnknownServiceException("CLEARTEXT communication not enabled for client")); } String l10 = this.f9834c.a().l().l(); if (!la.g.l().q(l10)) { throw new e(new UnknownServiceException("CLEARTEXT communication to " + l10 + " not permitted by network security policy")); } } else if (this.f9834c.a().f().contains(v.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE)) { throw new e(new UnknownServiceException("H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE cannot be used with HTTPS")); } e eVar = null; do { try { } catch (IOException e10) { e = e10; } try { if (this.f9834c.c()) { g(i10, i11, i12, dVar, oVar); if (this.f9835d == null) { if (!this.f9834c.c() && this.f9835d == null) { throw new e(new ProtocolException("Too many tunnel connections attempted: 21")); } if (this.f9839h == null) { synchronized (this.f9833b) { this.f9844m = this.f9839h.L(); } return; } return; } } else { try { e(i10, i11, dVar, oVar); } catch (IOException e11) { e = e11; fa.c.f(this.f9836e); fa.c.f(this.f9835d); this.f9836e = null; this.f9835d = null; this.f9840i = null; this.f9841j = null; this.f9837f = null; this.f9838g = null; this.f9839h = null; oVar.e(dVar, this.f9834c.d(), this.f9834c.b(), null, e); if (eVar != null) { eVar = new e(e); } else { eVar.a(e); } if (z10) { throw eVar; } } } j(bVar, i13, dVar, oVar); oVar.d(dVar, this.f9834c.d(), this.f9834c.b(), this.f9838g); if (!this.f9834c.c()) { } if (this.f9839h == null) { } } catch (IOException e12) { e = e12; fa.c.f(this.f9836e); fa.c.f(this.f9835d); this.f9836e = null; this.f9835d = null; this.f9840i = null; this.f9841j = null; this.f9837f = null; this.f9838g = null; this.f9839h = null; oVar.e(dVar, this.f9834c.d(), this.f9834c.b(), null, e); if (eVar != null) { } if (z10) { } } } while (bVar.b(e)); throw eVar; } public p k() { return this.f9837f; } public boolean l(ea.a aVar, b0 b0Var) { if (this.f9845n.size() >= this.f9844m || this.f9842k || !fa.a.f9219a.g(this.f9834c.a(), aVar)) { return false; } if (aVar.l().l().equals(p().a().l().l())) { return true; } if (this.f9839h == null || b0Var == null || b0Var.b().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT || this.f9834c.b().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT || !this.f9834c.d().equals(b0Var.d()) || b0Var.a().e() != na.d.f12772a || !s(aVar.l())) { return false; } try { aVar.a().a(aVar.l().l(), k().c()); return true; } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException unused) { return false; } } public boolean m(boolean z10) { if (this.f9836e.isClosed() || this.f9836e.isInputShutdown() || this.f9836e.isOutputShutdown()) { return false; } ka.g gVar = this.f9839h; if (gVar != null) { return gVar.J(System.nanoTime()); } if (z10) { try { int soTimeout = this.f9836e.getSoTimeout(); try { this.f9836e.setSoTimeout(1); return !this.f9840i.o(); } finally { this.f9836e.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException unused) { } catch (IOException unused2) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean n() { return this.f9839h != null; } public ia.c o(u uVar, s.a aVar, g gVar) { if (this.f9839h != null) { return new ka.f(uVar, aVar, gVar, this.f9839h); } this.f9836e.setSoTimeout(aVar.a()); t c10 = this.f9840i.c(); long a10 = aVar.a(); TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; c10.g(a10, timeUnit); this.f9841j.c().g(aVar.b(), timeUnit); return new ja.a(uVar, gVar, this.f9840i, this.f9841j); } public b0 p() { return this.f9834c; } public Socket q() { return this.f9836e; } public boolean s(r rVar) { if (rVar.w() != this.f9834c.a().l().w()) { return false; } if (rVar.l().equals(this.f9834c.a().l().l())) { return true; } return this.f9837f != null && na.d.f12772a.c(rVar.l(), (X509Certificate) this.f9837f.c().get(0)); } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Connection{"); sb.append(this.f9834c.a().l().l()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(this.f9834c.a().l().w()); sb.append(", proxy="); sb.append(this.f9834c.b()); sb.append(" hostAddress="); sb.append(this.f9834c.d()); sb.append(" cipherSuite="); p pVar = this.f9837f; sb.append(pVar != null ? pVar.a() : "none"); sb.append(" protocol="); sb.append(this.f9838g); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }