FlixOlé v4.4.0版本的 MD5 值为:50e7f767ca3e8715936523e9ef089581

以下内容为反编译后的 g.java 源代码,内容仅作参考

package i.d.d.w;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import i.d.a.d.f.q.q;
import i.d.d.w.i;
import i.d.d.w.r.d;
import i.d.d.w.r.f;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class g implements h {
    public static final Object f8016m = new Object();
    public static final ThreadFactory f8017n = new a();
    public final i.d.d.g a;
    public final i.d.d.w.r.c b;
    public final i.d.d.w.q.c c;
    public final o d;
    public final i.d.d.w.q.b e;
    public final m f8018f;
    public final Object f8019g;
    public final ExecutorService f8020h;
    public final ExecutorService f8021i;
    public String f8022j;
    public Set<i.d.d.w.p.a> f8023k;
    public final List<n> f8024l;

    public class a implements ThreadFactory {
        public final AtomicInteger f8025n = new AtomicInteger(1);

        public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
            return new Thread(runnable, String.format("firebase-installations-executor-%d", Integer.valueOf(this.f8025n.getAndIncrement())));

    public static class b {
        public static final int[] a;
        public static final int[] b;

        static {
            int[] iArr = new int[f.b.values().length];
            b = iArr;
            try {
                iArr[f.b.OK.ordinal()] = 1;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) {
            try {
                b[f.b.BAD_CONFIG.ordinal()] = 2;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) {
            try {
                b[f.b.AUTH_ERROR.ordinal()] = 3;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused3) {
            int[] iArr2 = new int[d.b.values().length];
            a = iArr2;
            try {
                iArr2[d.b.OK.ordinal()] = 1;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused4) {
            try {
                a[d.b.BAD_CONFIG.ordinal()] = 2;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused5) {

    public g(i.d.d.g gVar, i.d.d.v.b<i.d.d.z.i> bVar, i.d.d.v.b<i.d.d.s.f> bVar2) {
        this(new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 1, 30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue(), f8017n), gVar, new i.d.d.w.r.c(gVar.g(), bVar, bVar2), new i.d.d.w.q.c(gVar), o.c(), new i.d.d.w.q.b(gVar), new m());

    public g(ExecutorService executorService, i.d.d.g gVar, i.d.d.w.r.c cVar, i.d.d.w.q.c cVar2, o oVar, i.d.d.w.q.b bVar, m mVar) {
        this.f8019g = new Object();
        this.f8023k = new HashSet();
        this.f8024l = new ArrayList();
        this.a = gVar;
        this.b = cVar;
        this.c = cVar2;
        this.d = oVar;
        this.e = bVar;
        this.f8018f = mVar;
        this.f8020h = executorService;
        this.f8021i = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 1, 30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue(), f8017n);

    public static g l() {
        return m(i.d.d.g.i());

    public static g m(i.d.d.g gVar) {
        q.b(gVar != null, "Null is not a valid value of FirebaseApp.");
        return (g) gVar.f(h.class);

    public void u() {

    public final void A(Exception exc) {
        synchronized (this.f8019g) {
            Iterator<n> it = this.f8024l.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (it.next().a(exc)) {

    public final void B(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar) {
        synchronized (this.f8019g) {
            Iterator<n> it = this.f8024l.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (it.next().b(dVar)) {

    public final synchronized void C(String str) {
        this.f8022j = str;

    public final synchronized void D(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar, i.d.d.w.q.d dVar2) {
        if (this.f8023k.size() != 0 && !dVar.d().equals(dVar2.d())) {
            for (i.d.d.w.p.a aVar : this.f8023k) {

    public i.d.a.d.p.i<String> a() {
        String k2 = k();
        if (k2 != null) {
            return i.d.a.d.p.l.e(k2);
        i.d.a.d.p.i<String> d = d();
        this.f8020h.execute(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        return d;

    public i.d.a.d.p.i<l> b(final boolean z) {
        i.d.a.d.p.i<l> c = c();
        this.f8020h.execute(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {
        return c;

    public final i.d.a.d.p.i<l> c() {
        i.d.a.d.p.j jVar = new i.d.a.d.p.j();
        e(new j(this.d, jVar));
        return jVar.a();

    public final i.d.a.d.p.i<String> d() {
        i.d.a.d.p.j jVar = new i.d.a.d.p.j();
        e(new k(jVar));
        return jVar.a();

    public final void e(n nVar) {
        synchronized (this.f8019g) {

    public final void s(boolean z) {
        i.d.d.w.q.d z2;
        Exception iOException;
        i.d.d.w.q.d n2 = n();
        try {
            if (!n2.i() && !n2.l()) {
                if (!z && !this.d.f(n2)) {
                z2 = h(n2);
                D(n2, z2);
                if (z2.k()) {
                if (!z2.i()) {
                    iOException = new i(i.a.BAD_CONFIG);
                } else if (!z2.j()) {
                } else {
                    iOException = new IOException("Installation ID could not be validated with the Firebase servers (maybe it was deleted). Firebase Installations will need to create a new Installation ID and auth token. Please retry your last request.");
            z2 = z(n2);
            D(n2, z2);
            if (z2.k()) {
            if (!z2.i()) {
        } catch (i e) {

    public final void w(final boolean z) {
        i.d.d.w.q.d o2 = o();
        if (z) {
            o2 = o2.p();
        this.f8021i.execute(new Runnable() {
            public final void run() {

    public final i.d.d.w.q.d h(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar) throws i {
        i.d.d.w.r.f e = this.b.e(i(), dVar.d(), p(), dVar.f());
        int i2 = b.b[e.b().ordinal()];
        if (i2 != 1) {
            if (i2 != 2) {
                if (i2 == 3) {
                    return dVar.r();
                throw new i("Firebase Installations Service is unavailable. Please try again later.", i.a.UNAVAILABLE);
            return dVar.q("BAD CONFIG");
        return dVar.o(e.c(), e.d(), this.d.b());

    public String i() {
        return this.a.k().b();

    public String j() {
        return this.a.k().c();

    public final synchronized String k() {
        return this.f8022j;

    public final i.d.d.w.q.d n() {
        i.d.d.w.q.d c;
        synchronized (f8016m) {
            f a2 = f.a(this.a.g(), "generatefid.lock");
            c = this.c.c();
            if (a2 != null) {
        return c;

    public final i.d.d.w.q.d o() {
        i.d.d.w.q.d c;
        synchronized (f8016m) {
            f a2 = f.a(this.a.g(), "generatefid.lock");
            c = this.c.c();
            if (c.j()) {
                String y = y(c);
                i.d.d.w.q.c cVar = this.c;
                c = c.t(y);
            if (a2 != null) {
        return c;

    public String p() {
        return this.a.k().e();

    public final void q(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar) {
        synchronized (f8016m) {
            f a2 = f.a(this.a.g(), "generatefid.lock");
            if (a2 != null) {

    public final void x() {
        q.h(j(), "Please set your Application ID. A valid Firebase App ID is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It identifies your application with Firebase.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.");
        q.h(p(), "Please set your Project ID. A valid Firebase Project ID is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It identifies your application with Firebase.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.");
        q.h(i(), "Please set a valid API key. A Firebase API key is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It authenticates your project with Google.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.");
        q.b(o.h(j()), "Please set your Application ID. A valid Firebase App ID is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It identifies your application with Firebase.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.");
        q.b(o.g(i()), "Please set a valid API key. A Firebase API key is required to communicate with Firebase server APIs: It authenticates your project with Google.Please refer to https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/init-options.");

    public final String y(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar) {
        if ((this.a.j().equals("CHIME_ANDROID_SDK") || this.a.r()) && dVar.m()) {
            String f2 = this.e.f();
            return TextUtils.isEmpty(f2) ? this.f8018f.a() : f2;
        return this.f8018f.a();

    public final i.d.d.w.q.d z(i.d.d.w.q.d dVar) throws i {
        i.d.d.w.r.d d = this.b.d(i(), dVar.d(), p(), j(), (dVar.d() == null || dVar.d().length() != 11) ? null : this.e.i());
        int i2 = b.a[d.e().ordinal()];
        if (i2 != 1) {
            if (i2 == 2) {
                return dVar.q("BAD CONFIG");
            throw new i("Firebase Installations Service is unavailable. Please try again later.", i.a.UNAVAILABLE);
        return dVar.s(d.c(), d.d(), this.d.b(), d.b().c(), d.b().d());